The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

/ VOL. 12 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY AUGUST 8, 1891 NO. 27 The gospel temperance fneetiugs 1 R e p l y t o “ F a i r P in y . ” ^ lire being quite well attended, j Citizens:—rHaving rounded a life Mr. Frank Pagsley o f South Chur- [ o f fifty odd years, twenty-seven o f leston took ten with Oscar and Ralph Georgcv Monday evening. I)r. McDill presented some quite strong arguments in favor o f total ab­ stinence at. the gospel temperance meeting, last Sabbath evening. Georgia has a genuine curiosity in the form o f a dolt, which has two ho'rns. I f a horse with one horn is unicorn, o f course one with two would be a hicorn; ' - 4 The annual meeting o f tlie W . C. T. JJ. will be held Thursday, the 13th at 2 p. in. for the election o f officers, hearing reports and other important business. A full meeting is desired. , --- ;--- ------ The annual meeting o f the Cedar- ville Bible Society will be held in the R. P , chuach (D r. Morton’s.) Aug., 18th at 2 o’clock p. m. Address by- Rev. U . J. Buchanan, o f Xenia. A ll are invited. T . C raw fohp . A gentleman who is acquainted with the subject and knows whereof he speaks has this to say. “ L ift your hat when you pass the teacher o f a primary school. She ie the good'"an­ gel o f the republic. She takes the little bantling, free from the home best, and full o f his pouts and passions, un ungovernable little wretch whose own toother admits she sends him to school to get rid o f him. This young lady who knows her business takes a whole car load o f these anarchists, ha lf o f whom, single handed and alone are ipore than a match for their par­ ents, and puts them in the way o f being useful and upright citizens. A t what expense o f toil and weariness Here is the most responsible position in the Whole school, and i f her salary - -was doubled-she—would—receive- less than she earns,*'— [Rochester Repub­ lican. these in this village, it did not occur to me that there lived in the commu­ nity a being who would w ilfully at­ tempt to misrepresent my. character and life long principles as did “ Fair Play,” But such being the case, per­ haps it is proper for me to explain my rightful position, especially for the stranger. My article o f June 20th I believed left no room for any honest mind to doubt. W hy did not the writer then respond ? If* I -want to open a snloon as he asserts, why. have I so repeatedly refused, year after yehr, the glittering silver rent a Bar would have afforded me ? I. clearly stated it aggregated over $2,500 and challenge any one to duplicate it. (This was not under prohibition law.) L e t me be fu lly understood, once for all. I never received one dollar of liquor rent in my life, nor do I desire it. But I know that first class busi­ ness men — merchants o f the best grade — have been k ,-pt from coming into ray houses' by the attitude of nffuirs here. Strenuous efforts have have been made by agencies to have such locate with us. For a long while> I felt the town needed them, but aye; the revenue more, it being mysolesup- porf. But their answer was, “ No, you don’t treat people right, you are too funaticol, bigoted, and prejudiced^ Y ou r ejemeut is n dangerous one.” Hence they leave us to ourselves, to onr fate. Yes, local prohibition- is myth, a fraud, as we hear it virtually and emphatically declared by all home speakers here on the temperance theme, but so far as depression goes it is a great, b ig , success. H e says, “ The saloons have been closed.’ Have they? Not according to receni. statements made in the Opera House, Sabbaths, regarding the statue o f drinking done here, Tru ly ' the en- “ JLftsi D a y s o f P o m p e i i , Ninth annual celebration o f the or­ der o f Cincinnatus, Pain’s Historical Spectacle. “ The last days o f Pom­ peii” will be the great summer night carnival event in Cincinnati this sea­ son. A fair idea o f the vnstuess o f this enterprise may be obtained when one considers carefully the fact that it , requires nearly five acres o f ground to ^ re-enact this terrific catastrophe; the miniature city o f Pompeii requiring twelve thousand square yards o f scenic effects alone; absolute buildings from wenty to forty feet high, while Ves­ uvius towers above something like seventy-five feet. The picture is wholly different from anything here •tofore represented in the city, the [architectural points o f every building (being as accurate as possible, the %reat work being painted by J oscr J i Marker o f London, from special pho­ tographs and designs made upon the spot, An artificial lake iff required? the ' Magnitude o f which f/nay be imagined when one realizes that it requires over four million gallons o f water. This mammoth stage is four hundred feet long and two hundred feet deep, whereon five hundred people, gorge­ ously hut correctly costum cd, take part in this wonderful and never-to- iH'.forgotten entertainment. The amphitheatre 1ms a seating ca­ pacity o f twelve thousand people and will I k ?arranged with every possible eomfort. The first performance will be given on tho everting o f Monday, Aug. 24th, and continuing every week day night thereafter, . “ weather permitting," dorsers o f prohibition are a medley o f contradictions. Be not deceived, loyal Republicans and ‘Democrats, by the apostles o f the foriorn hope in their frantic efforts to secure voters to the Prohibilion pnrty. Remember that is the ultimatum. Have we not seen that neither character, nge nor sex is spared in the desperate race for supremacy ? Temperance is Christ- given love, charity, kindness, not co­ ercion., Prohibition is man’s device, coercion, and ns many can attest in cites to incendiary and murder. W e are forever opposed to hanging the wrong man, i, e. forcing the innocent to bear the sins o f the wilfully guilty. H is maniac ravings about abolishment o f churches, schools, preachers and women indicates his proper place, the insane asylum, else then how bereft our sister cities certainly are. A t the rate the husbands, sons* and brothers are 1caring for the whisky towns for work, there will not he many to search after. When any remonstrance is raised against the damaging results o f local option, ns seen and experienced here, can only be construed into in­ sults by pulpit and press,demands the most peremptory measures to, bo en­ acted at once. M aro are t A . D . T ownsi , e y . TRANSFERS OF REAL. ESTATE. John Casad to Kendig, part o f lots 159 and 1(50, Fairfield, $352. B F Kendig to M L Rockafield. same, $375. Mary E Long and H I I Long to Lucy W . Greenly, } a, Silvercreek, 6150. Sheriff to G .W Randall, 34.67 a, Cednrville, $828. Rowland (J Antony attorney, to Louisa I L Smith, land Oakwood add, to Y ellow Springs, $60. L e v i E Spahr to L,e\vis ,'ones, 81,24 a, New Jasper., ,$4,750. McKay, the Alliance judge, who reversed a decision o f the Kansas su­ preme court, has escaped with a reprimand. The-next time it will go hard with him, Mercy will not tem­ per justice because o f ignorance. Dr. W illiam Hanmioud’s idea of rest is a change o f employment rntlur than inaction, and his idea is a good one. Idleness is as great a foe of health as it is o f morals. An Indiana man was recently scut to an asylum because he waited “ to go out and exercise a general over­ sight o f the United States.” , I f that is evidence o f insanity, how many crazy people there are. Persons wanting picture frames will find it to their interest to call and see list o f prices, and new lot o f samples. Latest patterns in iG ilt, Silver, Oak &c. E ben AncnEK. LOCALS. Andrew Bros, and Co. have just re­ ceived a car load o f harness Which they will sell cheap. Sweet and sour pickles at Bull’s Magnetic soap a t . Bull’s - Jelly Glasses at Bull’s Breakfast bacon at -Bu ll’s Dried B ee f at Bull’s Go to Charlie Smith for a shave. Teeth extracted without pain by application o f cocaine at Dr. Homan’s office. A vena, Oatmeal Cracked wheat (Iramilalcd Hominy - Fa lino, Parched Farinose at G uay ’ s . Pure Pine tar at Ridgway’s; Paint and. Varnish Brushes at **■ Ridgway’s, *• Window glass and Pu tty at Ridgwnv’s Pharmacy. New Perfumes at Ridgwav-s. Hard and Sot! relined Sugars nt G u a y ’ s . Picture Frames made to order at Ridgway’s Pharmacy. Wood, and Willow ware at G u a y ’ s Halters, collars and all kinds o f harness sundries a t James Murray’s Peaches, Apricots and Prunes a G u a y ’ s . Screen doors, all sizes and kinds at Crouse & Bui l’s. Smith’s the place for n senfoam. IC C at Ridgeway’s, x o T i f i i : W ill the parties having sacks. be­ longing,to Ervin & Sterrett, please return them at once as wc need them. . E r v in & S teubett . Rolled Avenn and Wheat, Oatmeal and Cracked Wheat, Farino and Parched Farinose, Pearl Barley, Grau- ulatcd Hominy at C r a y ’ s . r o i t S A L E . The I liff homestead .near M. E . church, Cedarrille. For particulars call on Wm. n iff adminstrator o f cs tate. DR. IRELAND The best laundry o f the town is the Troy, o f Dayton. Geo Winter, Agent. Office at Mac Bu ll’s • Robt. Calbreath is still agent o f the Xenia steam laundry with, headquar­ ters at Btbrmont aud Co’s Gassoline stoves, all patterns, qua! ities and prices at Crouse & Bu ll’s. The finest line o f fresh and salt meats in the county nt C. W . Denu’s The best place in town to buy meat o f all kinds is at C. W . Crouse’s. T ry him. An eminent alienist is o f the opin­ ion that the story o f “ Dr. Jckyll and Mr. H yde " is responsible for the crimes o f Jack the Ripper. Ofcourse it would I ks a very unpleasant thing for Robert Louis Stevenson to think that it was his pen which committed all those dreadful crimes at Wh ite­ chapel, Writers are as much under obligation to create sane literature as £they are to create clean literature... Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cents. Syrup amt Molasses nt O k a y ’ s . - Our Stock o f Patent Medicines is complete nt Ridgwny’s Pharmacy. -Sweet, spiced mid sour pickles at G r a y ’ s , * Harvesting Oils at Ridgvvay’s Cheese, Crackers and Ginger snaps at G uay ’ s ,’ - Mower Oils at Ridgway’s. . Elegant To ilet Soaps at Ridgway’s Pharmacy, Buy your fresh mid salt meats at the old reliable meat store o f C. W . Crouse. Butter, Jersey* M ilk Crackers at ? G ra y ’ s , Spring repair work at Murray’s har­ ness shop. Sorghum, Syrup and N ew Orleans Molasses at - G r a y ’ s . A fine line o f pocket and table cut­ lery at Grouse A Bull’s, Smoke the Jim town Dandy at Bull’s I f yon want a good lunch or a square meal go to Boyd's and tiry him once. •Machine Oils,at Ridgway’s. " riliglrost market price paid for wheat at A x i > uk \ v & Bm>. Palm lea f mattress, tho best made, at Barr & Morton’s. I f you want a stylish livery rig' go to Boyd’s. Fish at , G uay ’S. . Paints in all size packages aud col ors at Ridgway’s. Corn, Tomatoes, Beans, &c., at G uay ’ s , Tobncos and Cigars at G r a y ’ Do you want a “parlor suite? . OF MANSFIELD, OHIO. SPECIALISTEYE,EARandCATARH tins devilled (o spend a few (lays nt Coda,villa Hint will offico vriih Dr. Ogiesbce where ho may lie consulted from Tuesday Aug. i i until Aug. 16 Qfflco hours from 0 to 12 a.' m. and from 1 to 5 p.m. 'I ho doctor gives special attention to the treatment of all medical and surgical diseases of the EYE,including the scientific adjustment of glasses tocorrectimperfect vision,- Cataract re­ moved and sight restored where total blindness' has existed for years'. Cross Eyes straightened in ono minute. Sore Eyes cured withoat tho use of caustics <Sr other harmful agents, A R T IE R IA E RYES supplied and carefully f.tted. ' >oafnesa and other forma ofear trouble* promptly cured. If tfcUMlAt wn>( h h u r »,-*! at IdiaJse*. th*r* U a ttfirrt 1 bs <fco*UWBmdni vitapint*, tm jmgw wk*tthei(i I f the lines In this diamond figure do lot appear equally black in all the dif- Vrent meridians, it Indicates a defect of right that causes nervous head-ache and' Mould be corrected at once. Eyes tested 'ree. blasses—The adjustment of glasses for the correction of irregular reflection requires h thorough knowludge of tha-nnatomicai construo- tion ol the eye. Otherwise there is great da/i- j?cr of producing jicrmahentand irrepairnblc in­ jury to the eye. Ulnsses properlyadjusted accomplish wonders in relief and cure of nervous diseases. Fully sixty per cent, of Nervous Kecdache, Insomnia Cholera, Epilepsy, and Nervous Prostration '* |pass Sway like magic when glasses are properly y j adjusted;----------- ------ N o j Msyn persons tabor under (he impression diftprptiCfl what tmirlp vm i .W ir o vrni 1111,1 tbc ?‘* ut must be very bad indeed before um treiicu w n a i grou c y ou tiesire )OU [ glasses should ha worn; thtAowover is a great mistake as the slightest defect sometimes causes great trouble. When the eyes lire from can get it o f Barr & Morton. ■ i t The bedroom suites at Barr <fcMor. ton’s are elegant. Call and see them. Chairs in all sizes, styles, shapes and prices, to suit children or grown persons. Also easy chairs for for the old at Barr & Morton’s. K o r M a le . A cottage house nnd two lots situa­ ted in Millers edition. An excellent well o f water and fruit trees o f differ­ ent kinds. Wesley Hutson. L e t the people rejoice. The dates o f the Greene County Fa ir are A ll* g t* t 11.12, 13 and 14, 1891. A first-class'exhibition is assured. En­ tries are coming in fast. The 1>est o f racing o f famous fast horses every af­ ternoon. Splendid music will be pro­ vided to enliven and add pleasure to the occasion. The Directors o f the Greene County Fa ir have spared uo pains or expense to furnish amuse­ ments and make the coming fair a grand success. The aim is to have a vast exhibition and a big crowd, ScreenDoors at A. Jackson’s. reading« sewing or when nervoustroubles seem to ho aggravated by close application of tho eye*, the vision should ho tested to see whether an error of reflection may not provo to tie flic cause. In the adjustment of glasses Dr, Ireland use* nothing bumho Athermitnous Tourmaline Leu?, which shitfs the heat out of the light,rendering tho oyea perfectly cool. A 11glasses ground by actual measurment to suit each individual case. Catarrh—Ih the treatment of Diseases of tho Nose and Throat, Dr. Ireland uses the HI ’Ciro Therapeutic Method, which is the only phi a of treatment that will positively cure catarrh -un­ der ail circumstances. Enlargement of the Tonsiles, obsini drd breathing, Clergyman’s add Singer’s sire throat promptly cured, H ivY FEVER cured without change of elt. mate, , In connection with his treatment or sp. d.U and chronic disease* Dr,Ireland has addol n itcw novelty, tho painless extraction of teeth, wi.hmtchloroform or gas. Corusullalion SVte,' BANK OF CEDARVILLE General Banking ' Busincs Transacted* G e o . W , H a r p e r , P r e s . W . Xi. C le m s n s , C n s h le r , dividual assets principally invested in 1 ca! • Estate $2X1,000, The beat fair in the state is at .Tamee- town, it