The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

AND IMPERSONAL^ Pred Douglass has a h i ^ , i Anacostia, a pretty *aw, ington, aod he say* ]I ■atlier live there than In a t three-months* night m, Mrs. Pefiry does not pr^ all the time. She will tens, read, and also lead jvhieh will bo a famous- ► trip* for eyery inemW party plays a different ment. talie lately sen t severs! a$hs of lau rel and ever, tunches of white flowers, rnicnt of the graves of 1 in the disorders result- enforced expulsion; "but ised permission to deposit resh tombs, \-»v*. n g th e excoptldfnal supe- ain long words in forcibly t idea, H erbert Spencer one came of their afi- b e th a t a long word al, ir’s consciousness to dwell ility predicated a longer an a short word is used tt> me idea. ‘ hat this season the men ■carry dress to even more ion than do the women emseives in tennis suits giddy color, and parade 1 in caps of every shade die the gorgeous ties and they affect are more n any toilets the women a. 2 has great, gaunt hands, very artistic in perform- b delicate than the touch, when they wander over s of the piano. There is amateur pianist in the Iy gifted with the German sssor, who, after a few country, became a mem* lout’s cabinet, unhappy period o£ mar- ng to French divorce sta* he period extending front tenth year. After that >p rapidly. Only twenty* of couples seek divorce tenth and twentieth Ave u' mir it >n. Only ono pa n a ; to cut the knot after the >rtyand under forty years. Island man is having a coping track of his meals, th a t his first meal was and th a t his subsequent ars and breakfasts should er. Thus, when .lie has pr and supper on one day, of the following day was id the noonday meal his reckoning seems a little ghbors, but he is sure ho tLE NONSENSE.” HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES, A nice dessert dish of chooolato is g|i . w creaming together two onneea Shutter with two ounces of sugar, the ^ Vtot three eggs and three ounce* of JJitedchocolate, adding last the well £«*t?n whites of the eggs. Bake in a tatteredmold.—N, Y. World. ^.To test the purity of linen goods, wet your finger and touch it to founder side of the linen. If it is pure oadumrixed with cotton it will show through at once; it mixed it will take longer to become damp, and if it con­ tains ho linen at all it will not show through #t all. . —To take iron rust out of white goods poura teacupful of boiling water,stretch the goods tightly across the top of it, then pour on a little of the solution of oxalic acid dissolved in water and mb it with the eqjA.of a spoon or anything. If It docSjtnot come out a t once dip it down into the hot water ugain.—Old Homestead. —Spiced Cookies.—Two egg% two edps sugar, one cup seeded raisins or •eurrants, three-fourths cup butter, one, teaspoon each of cinnamon, cloves, nut­ meg, mace and allspice, three table-, spoons water, two tablespoons baking powder. Use flour to make a soft dough, Boll it thin apA bake in a quick .oven.— Housekeeper. —Potpourri,—Fry slightly a piece of. veal, then mince it very fine, mix then some egg plant, a few Lima beans, a little corn finely cut, a little onion, \^k£aushroom, tomato, potato and parsely ^^hopped fine. Mince all together with slump of butter, put it in a pan and fry it AU the vegetables .must'be pre­ viously cooked.- If you have cold chicken, lobster, crab, etc., mince and add to the dish.—Detroit Free Press. —Indian Light Cake.—One pint of Li- dian meal, one pint of milk, two eggs* one teaspoonful of butter, salt to taste, one teaspoonfnl of dissolved salerafus, Mix the gutter and salt with the meal; boll half! the milkf add the dissolved saleratus and the eggs, after they have been well beaten, to the remaining half of cold millc. Pour the tyoiling milk over the meal and let it cool. Then add. the cold milk and saleratus. Bake it in a shallow pan.—Boston Budget. —In dwelling houses lighted by gas a frequent renewing of the air is of great importance. A single gas burner will consume for more oxygen and pro* dues more carbonic acid to deteriorate the atmosphere of a room than six or eight candles. If, therefore, when sev­ eral burners are used, no provision is made for the escape of the corrupted air and for the introduction of pure air from;without, the health of those in hiibiting such an apartment most nec­ essarily suffer. —Boiled -Rice.—Wash half a pound of ricc,thf6witiutoone quart ofboiling wa­ ter containing, two teaspoonfuls of salt sadboil it fast ten minutes; drain it in dander, saviug the water to uso with ith next day; meantime, grease the IlfiT* -Dot' the use? We can’t mai faster.” “ Ifcel as thougbTypb with sweet drippings, p u t th e rice tackin: it, cover it and set it on a brick in it a weijk.” . “What’s I just heard the conductor n he’d been on this car Philadelphia Times. >f V isitors—Hyman.— >rs don’’ seem to call on i, Crawford.” Crawford—* do. ■Six. Jdfc collectors sheriff '6«ypj[beeh hero orning.”—^ td rd a y Even* L'conomy.—“ If you must 1said the doctor, "your ilive twenty-four hours. ” ncioust” ejaculated the woman, “and hero you've scribed medicine enough —Philadelphia Times. Specialist,—Miss Mabel b)—“And what particular profession do you prac* Dr. Shinyseam?" Dr, little sadly)—“At pres* el,1 am making a sped* tion eases.”—- N. Y. Times, elderly lady in the nudi- ttmmencement exercises le of amusement in her nity. Heading the names Ing class, Which, as usual, she exclaimed in a stage r friend; “Why, I didn’t ns all foreigners.”—Lew*j Conjure With.—“Conk volume of poems [y, sir,” answered the. the terms will depend ] our name is well known triy name is one of the I he country.” “And yon ■honor tne with it, sir, I lith.”—Fllcgcndo BlaCtel your revival over at I pan out?” “ 'Veil, j Arizona evangelist, ‘“J l a success, At tho tlnrdl >pcued to say that 1 Gulch Was the wickedf^J :<s on earth. After tlm| . flat. I t was the fir had ever been rated i xy thing, and they did*| distinction. Indiani i of the lubs Dr. H«d n Theological semiO asked a student f or eternity. The slitd citation, replied that the definition, hut !«01i, my, my, »py> odge, bringing bis , upon the table, ‘-what! only man in the. itniv n* wlmt i!tern>y i* orning S ir. s ^ onthetop of the stove, or in a cool oven and le t it stand ten minutes to •swell; be careful not to burn it. The addition of a very little butter, sugar, molasses, nutmeg, lemon juice. Or salt and pepper, will givo it different flavors, and vary thn taste.—Springfield Repub­ lican. jjpV___________ _ COMBINATION g o w n s . Suggestions For Making N eat and Dressy Costumes. ‘ If possessed, of a striped plaid or checked skirt that is in good condition, and tho bodice to it worn out; j ust make it into a fan-plaited back, or one trip e box-plait, with a plain front and sides, and a bias ruffle gathered and doubled at the top to form its own heading, which reaches to the back width on each aide. For the bodice have a coat basque of one of the darker shades in tho skirt, using either light-weight cloth, camelVhair or Henrietta, with an edging round the neck, wrists and lower part of the basques, or hip pieces of gilt and silk gimp. The basque may be tnade very dressy by adding a small sqtara or V-shapcd plastron of crepe in plfcfe, Whichmay be white, or one of th« light shades of the skirt, .A Coat basque of black silk or lace skirts. One light-cream brocade make* a lovely iningdress for a matron, and may e several changes by wearing it with different skirts. e Coats and pointed basques of plain woolen goods are worn with sleeves •nd Skirts of figured materials. Sleeves, basques and a bias skirt border of ben* **tfoe, faille or> silk brocade, will trim up an old-fashioned Henrietta so that its owner will sea.rcelv know i t Cor* respondents asking about remodel* , ,i 0 d £°wns will be safe in adding tho brocade, a trim m h g o f tin* seFantl silk cord and a plastrc/n of white or light-colored crepe, which may be strapped across with the passe- menterie. If the dress is for a young , •Yl “ ,1s a pretty idea to cut tho basque tae ?C(*fcand fill out with a yoke Of China silk, surah or crepe, edging the lew neck and wrists with tinsel galloon This is equally stylish for a dressy woolen gown intended for the house. Entire skirt fronts and alcoves of ngnrcd material are worn with ihhrk,C9 back of plain * Wrongly Cerixitretl. *Aro aw»re sir,”aald theman In t fiere.dy’ “that your umbrella k poRtng me in the eye?” 4 mjr '’^brelia,” replied tb* n ftoyU with equnl ficrcencM^It’s |« bcKrowed one, air.”- J tuy. ■to - HOW HAPPINESS COMES. It Softly Gild** W ithout B idding Into Our Live*, Thoughtful persons of much ex­ perience know that the way to bo happy is to give up all attempts to be so. In other words, the croamof enjoyment in this life is always Impromptu; the chance walk, the unexpected visit, the unpremeditated journey, the unsought conversation or acquaintance. Everybody feels more or less con­ scious in his “Sunday clothes." •Who does not know the blessing of comfort* able, every-day apparel, every fold of which lias made intimate acquaintance with -the motions and postures of the owner, nnd which can be worn without fear of being spoiled or rendering the wearer conspicuous. The hat which aits lightly on the head and defies rain; the boots which do not constantly re­ mind the foot that a chair would be the greatest of all earthly blessings; in abort, that' freedom which will let you forget you yourself, is like laying down a huge bundle which has fettered you weary miles on a dusty, -sunny road and sitting down unencumbered in a shady spot to dream and rest in deli­ cious, care-free coolness. I t is just so with the mind.. The best things written or spoken have not been written or spoken “to order.” They “whistled themselves," as the terror- stricken urchin remarked to his irate schoolma’am. They came unbidden, in easy, flowing raiment; not starched and stately, rustling, prim and con­ scious. They came without thought of “what people would say.” They step­ ped out because the time Lad come when they couldn’t stay in. In a word, they were natural, as little children are, and, consequently,' delicious and fresh. Happiness comes. I t will .not be challenged. I t glides in only when you have closed the door, and turned your back upon it and forgot it.. It lays a soft hand on your face when you thought to be alone, nnd brings a joyful flush of. surprise to your cheek, ^.nd a soft light to your weary eye, and in­ effable peace to your soul.—N. Y. Led- gor. . _________ —The absorptive power of peat is finding for it other uses than its old one as a cheap fuel. French surgeons use peat-powder, treated with antiseptics, as a dressing for wounds, and have ob­ tained excellent results, ' Efforts have been made also to weave it into fabrics, and to use it for stufiing mattresses,' etc. . . Anx unlike nil other plJIs, No purging or pain- Act specially on the !lvar nua bile. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Ouo pill a dose. advice to. sthgo-stmek young ladies- think bol'ore you act__Peck's Suu. BHONcnrns Is cured by fjrcquont small doses o ti’iso's Cure for Consumption. WnEBB the Iron enters Into tho solo—at tho shoemaker's.—Mull andExpress. Tr.nnnuArtt; operators rarely eomo to blows, although they have a groat many words together.—Texas Siftings. N ot palatable—eating your o\vn words. . C axxot work w ithout a “rest”—tho art­ ist. ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ PEnsriuATiox lias tho drop on tho public at largo.—Washington Post. A cook ns w e ll us a ship 1ms to stem c u rre n ts occasionally.—Bingham ton Repub­ lican. _ _ _ _ _ Tim assessors tax ti man and then the collector “nuns" lilm.—'Yonkers Bt/itesman. HnnnAFTrn In homo rulo'nono but the married w ill bo put on guard.—N. O, Pica­ yune. ■ ; PrniiArs it Is bcenuso history repents itself thut-ftom of it gets so very dry.— Washington Post, Awvr.jisiTV is said to be a great teacher, but she brings yen down Instead of bring­ in g you up. —Brooklyn Emile. is a photographer In Denver by tho nanicof Horse; liis negatives arcknown us ‘‘neighs,"—Boston Courier. A m , the watering places—soda watering p la e e s-in tho city ure w ell patronized.- N. O. Picayune. A max is never go sure that his rights are being infringed upuu as when Iiisf w ife gets sick.—A tchison Globe. T he vain belle with a check like the red side of a luscious peach is devoted to haughty culture.—-Dallas Nows. "T iiet tell me the large game (n the Adrl* undocks iu pretty w ell killed off.” “Yep. Tlio* lost to sight, to memory, deer.”—PUefc M istake :?:.—“Do they Mls3 mft nthojie?” N o; they call me Jane—plain Jane.— Brook* lynE agio. ’* ? Sniffs Specific !i 3 | | Blood and Skin. § s Diseases js S A reliable cars for Conta(lo«4 8 Blood Poison, Inherited fiero-i s s s s 8 § fula end Skin Cancer. A m a tonic for delicateWorn# and Children It has no equal Beingpurelyvegetable, Isharm] Icaaiit its effects. A treatise on Bloodand Mclrl _ eases mailedrsre onappilcaUoau JOruptrUt* A ftl lt> LW1FT SPECIFIC CO, 0raii«rOtMiMta,0«. •" 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 $ What Scale Shall I Buy? This question la asked by many. Certain It fa that of all articles a scale should., be honestly made and accurate. A low price, or what seeum to be low, if it means an in* ferlor implement, isa badbargaiu. There is a scalo-makor who lias had a long and honorable cureer Jn thobusiness, “lie pays the. freight,” You probably have heard of hlui. Be says of his scale: “We offer it on trial, guaranteeing it, to bo better than any cheap Beale, and that no Beale, high-priced or low-priced, Is bitter than it With no travelingmen, no high rents or no bribing of public weighers to throw out some other Scale, our expenses are so low' tlmt wo can afford to. sell a first-class Beale at a fair price. ” This is the way Jones of Binghamton (N. Y.) talks, and it sounds square. If you are interested, better write for full information on the subject, which, will bo scat free. --......... * — -i u ■--- “I q ucss,1 said the streetcar driver, who reads the market reports, as ho reached for his whip, “that I will have to do something to overcome this stagnation in stock.”— Washington Star, The Only One Ever Printed. Can Yon Find the Word? Each week, a different 3Inch display Is published in this paper. There aro no two words aliko In cither ad., except One word.- This word will bo fduna In the ad. for Dr. Harter’s Iron Tonlo, Little Liver Pills'and WildCherry Bitters. Look for “ Crescent” trade mark. Head'the ad. carefully and when you find the word, send It to them and they will return you a book, beautiful litho­ graphs and sample free. “TirenE arc some unpleasant features in this business," muttered tho photographer as hosurveyed a row of his patrous.—Baltimore American. * Send 9Ioncy nnd Buy Direct From factory. Avoid middlemen’s profits. fcOtop buggy only $h3: $!00 four-passeuger top carriage only $i7.r>0; 810buggy harness only 81.75, Sena for No. 3 fuse catalogue as advertised in this paper by thoU. S. BuggvAS Cart Co, Cincinnati, O., leaders or low prices, and who bolbng to no pool or com­ bination which charges double prices. ANaquatic champion at this season of the year is bound to be in the swltn.—N O. 'Picayune. ■_____ _ Commendable. • All claims not consistent with the high cbiirneierof Byrup of Figs arc purposely avoided by the Cai. Fig Syrup Company. It act* goiitiy on. the kidneys, liver and bow­ els, cleansing the. system effectually, but it is not a cure-nil and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. “D eub ’ s millions in it,” said tho old darky, as ho gazed, over the i'cuco at tho water­ melon patch.— Binghamton Republican. A Model Ballway. j Tho Burlington Route, C., B. & Q. I t B. operates 7,000'miles of road, with termini in Chicago, Bt. Louis, St, Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Denver. For speed, safoty,'com­ fort, equipment, track, and efficient service it has no equal. Tho Burlington gains new patrons, but loses uone. . Tnn minister who prepares the poorest sermon is generally' tlio best composer.— —Binghamton Louder. A pwats avoid harshpurgative pills. They first make you sick and then leave you con­ stipated. Carter's Little Liver Pills regulate the bowels aud makeyouwell. Dose,onopill. I n casting about font national flower, the wall-flower, ns usual, is quite forgotten,— Boston Transcript.. Ren, angry eruptions yield to the action of'Uleun’s Btilphur Boap. Hill s Hair and.Whisker Dye, 50cents. Tuofoti not catciiy, tho song of tho back fence warbler is undoubtedly eut-chiu.— In- Uiumipolis Journal “August Flower” Mrs. Sarah M. Black of Seneca, Mo,, during the past two years has been affected w ith Neuralgia o f the Head, Stomach and .Womb, and writes: “ My food did no t seem to strengthen me a t all aud my appe­ tite was very variable. My face was yellow, my head dull, aud I had such pains in my left side. Iu the morning when I got up I would have a flow of mucus in the mouth, and a bad, bitter taste. Sometimes my breath became short, and I had such queer, tumbling, palpitating sensations around the heart. I ached all day under the shoulder blades, in the left side, and down the back o f my limbs. I t seemed to be worse in the wet, cold weather o f Winter and Spring; and whenever the spells came on, my feet and hands would turn cold, and I could get no sleep a t all. I tried everywhere, and got no relief before using August Flower Then the change came. I t has done me a wonderful deal of good during the time I have taken i t and is work­ ing a complete cure. ’* ® G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,NJ. Jf* ~NO cilAXGU OF CLlitATX ASTHM A 1W E W ILL SE N D YOU TEST IMONY t FROM PEO PLE WHO < L iv ja N e a r y o u . ' CURED stay CURED. P. HAR0.9 HAYES, M. D., SUJfTALO, H. Y. ( HAY-FEVER • t r WXIT 3 TOtJUFOSpxoorts. XI l . vPXAO.’tiiisw>..n,t«rmrhtvvi Patents! Pensions , (lendfof Inventor**UnltifenrMowtmOMnlnnPstmt. *»tni for Diffftt or FKNSIOft «n4 KM 'X T t' LAHA PATRICK 0‘YAMXUL - WAUUNOTOM, S, C. MTJUJUTill tlTLMtmt •A “ » |JW ** —^ ^mm 'comuctnitN Saved — the life that is fighting against Consumption. Only— act promptly. P u t it off, and nothing can save you. But, if taken in time, Dr. Pierce’s- Golden Medical Discovery will certainly cure. I t must be done through tho blood •—and the “ Discovery ” is the most potent blood - cleanser, strength - restorer, and .flesh - builder that’s known to medical science. The scrofulous affection of the lungs that’s called Consumption, and every form of Scrofula and blood-taints, all. yield to it. For Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs, it’s an uneqUaled remedy. I t’s tho only one tha t’s guaranteed ;• I f it doesn’t benefit or care, in every case, you have your money back. “ We promise, to cure your Ca­ tarrh, perfectly and permanently, no matter how bad your case or of how long standing-—or ^we’ll pay rou $500.” That’s what tho proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy say to every sufferer from Catarrh. And they mean'it. T H E r£jb» ONLY TR U E IRON TONIC •p p e tlta . r e ito re bo& th and laic abiolutel r eradicated. B ind b rlglitcned, brain * pow er i n c r e a s e d , • bones, n erv es, mus­ cles, receive now force. : , Buffering from com plaints p a . | culler to th e ir se x , using It. find _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * safe, speedy euro. iteturnB roso bloom on checks, beautifies C o m p le x io n * Bold everyw here, AH ren u lu c snorts b ear “ C rescent.” Scud u*l! cant stam p (or3S -pace p siu p h lo t.. OR. HARTER MEDICIHt CO.. St, Louis. Ha. Test ib»sean>ff <<***«. O f you r W a t e r P r o o f COAT T > 0 UR soma water In the sleevo holding tliel JL curt tight ns here shown or anywhere cku 1 where there .inn nemn, ami seolfltis water tight. 1 There ore truoilsin tlie market thntlnok very meo I but will leak at every scum. Wo Warrant Tower's IMPROVED Msb Brand S l i c k e r to be water tight at every «cam and creryir/ier* «/*«,• al»o not to peel or sticii and authorize our dculrri to make good any Slicker tlmt fulls In cither point. W a tc h O u t tor the Soft Woolen Collar. and JFtsh Ilramt Trade Mark. f\. J* TOWRRf A \fr., D ostooe GPUC IAHC Uu»4USoMlmMdlsnblrc!. ISted fort*. ■ K flvlW nO ereuciO, 20yeuro oxpurlenee. Lawo freis iu M. ReCOKSICft A 803B, Woohlngtoui IK ClaelAORUy Ob , Hr.YAMAXlilfl FAl’fil everyflawycuwrit*. . UliUTCn AOENT8, either ye*, goods sell a t «lgh% 1If All I UP haiiefcty only capital reamred/ AUureeA BKUG^kCO.. 1800 Chnm-of Cotmnorco/CUicAi,"j,Ul» r-VAMB11U3FAf£R«v*«7Ua* ion Wlite. I have T r ie d the new Jive cent package o f Pyle's Pearline and like it— decidedly—-econom ical for u se r—econom ical to hand to serv­ ants— no waste by upsetting . T I^T I rxxxr Pcttrline\snzve.r 1 I v U U W p edd led— g iv e s ‘ no prizes —i s a prize in it s e l f ; .j,— and further I know, when a gro ­ cer te lls me “ th is is just as g o o d ,a s ” or “ same a s ” Pearhmt he. do e s not know th e truth, or e lse is no t te lling it. Manufactured only by 8® JAMES PYLE, New York, ^ I r e ^ t e s l b u r d e n s ^ ^ y o u e f n l e s s e n ^ f e S B u r d e n R b yu s in g # ? 3 A P O LI O - * ^ I H s f t a s o ! i d c o i k e o f ' - s c o u r i n g s p o . p i u s e d f o r c l e o j i i n * ^ p u r p o s e s **v What would you give for a Friend who would take half your hard work off your shoulders and do i t without a murmur ? What would you give to find an assistant in your housework that would keep your floors and walls clean , and your kitchen bright, and y e t never grow ugly over the matter o f hard work ? Sapolio is ju s t such a fr ien d and can be bought a t a ll grocers, Beat Cough Medicine. Recommended by Physician*. Cures where all else fails, Pleasant and agreeable to th* taste. Children take it without objection. By druggists. DONALDKENEDY Of Roxbury, Mass., says Kennedy's Medical D iscovery cures Horrid O ld Sores, D eep Sea ted U lcers o f 4 0 years standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease o f the skin, e x ­ cep t Thunder Humor, . and Cancer that has taken root. Price, $ 1 . 50 . So ld by every D rugg ist in the U . S . and Canada. . BUGGIES ° H » t i PRICE W«Cat tliaPrleea anil t«U N s i* Uian all bur CoBincttiura, and ara Mill nhrsd ar.rtkrir.wn as GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878 W . B A K E R & CO.’S Breakfast Cocoa fromwhich the exseia of dll has been iedrovot. I b ahtolutely pura anA it it eotubtC) N o C h e m i c a l s areused la lit prefaratba. It baa merethan three timet tht strength of Cocoa mixed.With Glarch, Arrowroct of Sugar, and is therefore faxmore eoe* l taomlcal, catting ten than tmi IcentacnT?. Itlsiicltdau*,nour- _ > t*h!ng, irtrcngthcnlug, ztaaT L ighted , and admirably adoplsd for invalid* a*well a* lot persons In health, Sold by Creem oreiyrrhcrs. W. BASER f t 6 6 .,Dorchester, M a n . Bsy.ef t jittery and ta re Mid* lemas’e front. Pcbd Postal for Ho. t VRKC a m a l-su e . U. it. BUdO V A 0 ART OO., CINCINNATI. O* ^*orxaM»txi»wraetwfWwrwtta> STtSf. Jtook-lie*plAf,r«n(naft,hjp,AfIlh! , _metic, Shorthand,ate., thoroughly taught by M*i?tYtil (Si. tm r t * MntMk. SatM^ I, V. wrJuii nMyamsvagiiMgHMiUk 98 « LYE IEWIS’ POWDEREDAHOPia71JBRB ■■ (PATENTXW Tho etrongtst anil fmrixt Ly# mafia W ill mako tho br*i ;>ep. f timed Hard B obu in 20 m inutes xvIlhmdbnlHni) I t is the bes* for cleansing w aste riiiai. dis­ infecting sinks, closets, w ash­ ing bottles, tmiius, treJS, eto. PEHffA. SAM 3t'FG 00., Hen. A g t/ PUlla.. Pa, «-* v-todS’ r.‘lSW0 WltRH WRtTJXe T» AkVKRTISiCMS f tgASff. elate that yes aaw «Ae Adtwtlewedl 1* ibte ***en P L , i 1