The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

' P l I R 1 ] F i l l 1 1 L c ! ) I I t w nw tlmt*the- greatest living , * . * » » . t. , , a _’•» *' \ >: m ' actor is nn American, I t lwa just been revealed .that Sara Bernhardt was bora in this country. ■ANINDIUMCNIMiNT WJCJJKLY NliWfetMl'Klt. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 15 1891. IF. II. B L A IR , Editor and I ’rop’r PRICE S 1.23 PER ANNUM. The New York Herald has been in­ dicted tor publishing n detailed ac­ count of the recent electrocutions. Pew newspapers are so fortunate as to have their state boom them. Dillo i an 1 O'brien are now out of mil, and the outlook is more dubious than over for Parnell. A new journal- has been started-*in Texas called “ The Iconocjnst,” But will it. confine all its “ breaks” to idols? In 1841 Ireland’s population was 8,175,154. Iu 1891 it is r-duced to 4,808,162 Should this reduction ■continue, the Irish..-question, will be settled us early as 1941 anyway. As a small brain may have more convolutions than a Ivig brain, so a lit­ tle country may have more Coast line than a big country. The coast line of Alaska pxceedes in length by 8,020 miles that of-all the rcstof the United Ktutes.- Of all the rebukes which the prince of Wales lias received of late, the most cutting is from the British Wes leyan conference That body devoted a full hour in praying that Albert may be led to see the error of his wavs. Washing.old silk in beer is said to give it.a luster almost equal to that possessed when new; but the man who washes his mind with this popular bev­ erage in the hopes of brightening it up will find that silk and brains are entirely different things. ' i •....#> •<- ■ . This is a world of mysteries. A' phorographer in Salem (111.) took a woman’s picture the other day. The proof represented her with a child in her lap. The woman says, that the child is an exact image of tier child who died 13 years ago; that even the cloth­ ing is the same pattern the child was buried jn. * A movement is on foot to bring about the deportation of the colored people of the south to Liberia. I t is needless to say that, it is an impracti­ cable movement. The colored people are as much attached to their country as the white people, and certainly have full ns much right to stay there. A horse thief down in New York p’ended that he did not run nwny with the horse, hut that the horse rnu nwny with him. The judge admired the originality of the point, but did not stem particularly impressed with its soundness, if a sentence to the peni­ tentiary isiuty criterion. • Annie Trovais is the name of n French girl who has arrived in New ork, 8he has red hair, pearly white teeth and a blue skin. Her skin’s I lueness is the result of insufficient aeration of the blood and is known in doctor hooks ns cyanosis. An emi­ grant who carries the national colors with her in tlmt bold and permanent fashion should receive a cordial re­ ception from every patriot. An electrician in Paris has succeed­ ed in forcing violets by the nid o f his bntfery, and recently sent a bunch of fiiein only four hours old to the ex- Em press Eugenie. I f the maturity o f flowers Can be hastened with light* lfng ns a fertilizer, why no^ the ma­ turity o f potatoes and corn, tn 1 in fact anything that grows—animal or vegetable ? The wonders of the sub­ tle fluid are by no means exhausted. Frenchmen in St. Louis who have changed their residence without noti­ fying the nenrest consul are ordered to do so forthwith on pain o f being treat­ ed as deserters in case o f a mobiliza­ tion of the army# ’Tins would seem to indicate that things are drawing to a crisis in the old world so far ns France is concerned. In the great war that s coming sootier o r later may our sis­ ter republic be overwhelmingly, victo­ rious. The ruling passion is strong in death. Thomas Gonyer of Oldtowo, Me., died this week from smoking cigarettes. Ju t betorc the final strug­ gle was upon him he begged for anoth­ er cigarette,. I t seems that the report of infelicity iu the Stanley household is a false one. The New York "World is charged with being responsible for it. Enterprise is a great thing but. relia­ bility is a greater.,1 --- ----------- ./ The coffin in which the reinaius o f Charles Ivittelhcrger of San Francisco were buried last week, was a birthday present to him four years ago. The donor must have been of a very prac­ tical turn of mind. Capt. Thomas Reilly of New York city 1ms nn umbrella which, thieves would better leave alone if they prize, their sanitary welfare. The stick is; a breech-loading gun-barrel and the handle is a trigger. .Leander was a good swimmer, but he would stand no show iu a contest, with John L. Henderson, of Bay St. Louis, Louisiana. Henderson lias swam 16 miles in rough water without rest or change of stroke. Who "says tlmt dogs are not useful? There is a place in 8an Francisco where their skins are made into gloves, then- hair is used iu plaster, their hones are ground tor clarifying sugar, and their fat is manufactured into oil. Solomon would be more thsii ever of the opinion that “ the grasshopp<r •is a burden” if lie were in some parts of the west. There was a storm o f them in Denver the other day. They came to town iu a west wind, so filling the air that the electric lights were dimmed. The form of Samuel 8ands, the old-' est printer ou the continent, is now rauly for Nature's distribution. He was a twelvemonth older than the century, and it was his youthful fin­ gers that put the “ Star Spangled Bui - uer” iu type direct from the author's manuscript. Everybody honors Columbus tbeeo days. The town cf Calvi, on the is­ land of Corsica, claims that the great discoverer was born there, and will erect a monument to his memory. What a pity that the old man could not have licen treated with ordinary decency while alive I Mamie Driscoll, a 2-year-old girl of Haverhill, Mass., was missing the other day, 8ho was found alter a number of hours* senrch in a large trunk. Like Uincvra a spring lock “ that lay in ambush there” fastened her down, but fortunately not long enough to extinguish life. Considerable is said these days about Gresham’s law. I t docs not get its name from Walter Q. Gresham blit from Thomas Gresham, who was a cotemporary of Shakespeare. Gresh­ am's law is ns follows: “ When two kinds of money are in use on equal terms, the poorer will drive the better out ot circulation.” This would seem to lie a sort of exception to “ the sur­ vival of the fittest,” > Tragic was the fate of little ' Anna Goldsberry of Frankfort, Pa. She Was murdered hut no one will ever lie indicted for the crime. Some little articles were missing in the family where the girl was employed as a do mestic. She was charged with theft and put in prison. The next morn* ing the article* were found. A mem­ ber of the fun ly had mislaid them. Anna was released, but injustice had done its sad work. She died iu two or three days from braid fever. SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. \ ' * t . . - — — D E A L E R I N --------— ' P i LUMBE 1 I OF AIL KINDS. * A . n e w S T O C K 0 1 5 ? SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS BLINDS SCREEN DOORS A large stock, A ll sizes, Ready for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. G o o d G r a d e s , L o w CALL AXD SEE FOB YOURSELVES. A. J- C u a w k o k d , .T. II. L a c k e y . Xenia, O. Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Poland-ChinaHogs ■We bave for Uds season’s trade some largo growthy pigs of boili sexes. Prices to suit the times. Also 3 extra Stiovt-llom bull calves. Call on, 0 “ address as above. ProposedAmoudmeut lotheCoustitu- tlonofOhio. Hot Weather (foods. NEW FABRICS Crepe De Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flowers fro in nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘ Solitude” (from California) of the arid plains. 1 These goods are very dressy, warranted sure colors and perspiration ' pro of Black Orgaudy lawn, Ohally 5 cenfifa yard all wool filling 20 cents,, pine apple tissue, black dotted Swiss. Another case of . Remnant Sheeting only 18 3 -4 o ^ per yard. 2 1-fl yards wide. Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, 50 cents and $LQ). I XEN IA , OHIO. T A X A T X O N . S ection 1. He it resolved by tlio General Assembly of the Stale of Ohio, '1 hat a proposi tlon shell be submitted to the elector! of this Sinto on tho first Tuesday after the first Men day in November, 1*91, to amend Section g, "of Article X II, of the Constitution of lb* State o f Ohio, so that it shall lead a* follow*: ARTICLE X II. S ector 2. Law* may be pasted which shall tax by a uniform rule all moneys, credits, in- vestment* in bonds, stocks, joint-stock eompu nies, orotherwiss; and nil real and personal projHsrty according to the true value thereof in money. In addition thereto, laws may he pass­ ed taxing rights, privileges, franchises, and sueh other suljctt matters as tho legislature may direct: but burying-gounds, public school houses, houses used exclusively for public wor ship, institution* of purely public charity, pub­ lic properly used exclusively for any.public purpose, and other property may by general laws, be exempted from taxation; and the val­ ue of ail property so exempted shall, from time to time, be ascertained and. published as may be directed by law. S ection 2. At such election, those electors desiring to vote for such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the word* “ Taxation Amendment—Yes," and those opposed to such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the words “ Taxation Amendment—No." S e c t io n , ft, This amendment shall take ef­ fect on the first day of January, 1892. NIAL It. 11Y8KLL, ■Speaker of the House of Representatives. ivm vanck m a r q u is , President of thel^enate, Adopted April 21,1891. U xited S tates ov A merica . Onto, \ OEFicie ov the S ecretary of S tair , j I. Daniel J. Ryan, Secretary of State of the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a joint resolution adoptedhy the (lenetal Assembly ef the State of Ohio, on.the 24th day of April A. D. 1891, taken from the original roils filed in this office, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto Sub­ scribedmy Muueand affixed my offi- IsXAti.l dal seel, at Columbus the 21th day of April, A, D, 1891. _ . DANIEL <1. RYAN. Secretary of State, A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SCOGK fng received now. A complete line of fine . all tllp latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats. Pant in*s, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our priefes, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled* D, IM. STEW ART * CO . X K N I A , - - - O H I O . FAWCETT. d m In ito lf c * fin . line o f WATOHEH, CLOCKS, JKW E L E R Y .in i D IA M O N D S l T he fine st Hn* of Optical Goods In Greene County. A Specialty m ade of Brazilian Ifebb leHpectaclei ln Gold, Silver and Steel frames. They confer a b rilll«n cy and dlstlnctne-w of vision, w ith an Amount o f caw And u comfort, aeldfim enjoyed by spectacle wparers*