The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

T 1 T K AMJSDKPKNDKNT WMKKI.Y JfJtWSrAfKK. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21,'91. W. H . BLAIR , Editor andProp’r I PRICE 11.20 PER ANHUM. The Behring sea question is, to be settlecljby arbitration. There is lit­ tle likelihood' thatEngland and Araer- iga will ever shoot at one another Egain,. ,Gov. Russell of Massachusetts isbe­ ing boomed for the presidency by the Boston Globe. If. as Harper’^Week­ ly says, Russell was not born until 1$57, he'will not be constitutionally eligible to the presidency next year. ■-—------ i 9 mm Fritz Tado o f Wheeling, W. Va., i« worthy of a proud place among the glutton« of history, _ Within “ three hours he ate 18 ordinary dishes of stewed ojsters, Ayith “ trimmings,'’ and 24 large ham sandwiches, washing each one down with a glass of beer. About a year ngojnt net was passed by the California 'egislature giving a bounty on rabbit scalps. It is >as­ serted that the country near Tulare, In that state, is now overrun with tmldhend bunnies, who have,, been scalped and turned lpose, so .that the scalp, supplymay not fail. Shakespeare says that there never was any oue who could endure the toothache patiently.’ Anyway Arinin Friedman of New York could not, al­ though he had had the courage to be a brave officerin the Auetrajn army. After a week of odontalgia he bl^w W t his brains with a pistol. . . ' I 1 i■ ii - . sustapha Raba is a citizen of sywho wasattained the mature •2' years. As a sort o f em ment'to longevity the Turk- ernment has pensioned him. There is little doubt that he is some­ where near as old as he claims, as he has a grandson who is a nonagenar­ ian. | A Brooklyn man tried; to act ns ]peacemaker between a warring huB- bond and wife. They resented the interference by attacking him, and he pulled out a pistol and fired. He hit no one, but he was arrested, nev­ ertheless, and must stand trial. It is not a bad plan to mind one’s busi­ ness exclusively, however much the business of others may seem to need attention. ' U. F. Sclimitzpau’s eyes are a puz­ zle to the Orange(N. Y,)doctors. A year ago he was made stone bline by humping his head, against a beam. The other night he had an excruciat­ ing pain in his head, and the next morning found the sight of the left eye entirely restored. He is now patiently waiting for another head­ ache to relume the other optic. A Phillipsburg(N. J.)woman, who is not given to morbid sentimentali­ ty, has been raising tomatoes on the graves of her trieuds. She was gath­ ering the crop not long since when the superintendent of the cemetery (discovered what she had been doing. *The only excuse the woman made was that she had found the soil splendidly adapted for agricultural purposes. Even the matter-of-fact teiipertendent was shocked. ANDREW JACKSON, " / ' ?4v '>■ V ■■ * . -;r:> , ; - • V •• . ifff -••••■* SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. -DEALER IK- PIKELUMBER OF UL A . N E W : S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS BLINDS SCREEN A large stock, AH size, Ready f6r hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. C A L L A N D S E E FO R .Y O U R S E L V E S . 1861 II - 11- . n 1891 / OFPROGRE m t l ^ y m i z s ortKcoATS K o i n a S W , # t S S/zes, $ j » - 4 e x tr* -------- 9 1 2 o to $ 3 5 . _ Boys aoi OIWs Clolii L SUH$ In tbla line we show a very band- some assortment, Bo;a’ Long Pant* Sait*, and Overcoats inm S4 to SIS A new line ot the natty thn*e-pitce. Derby Suita (short pants) 10 to 16 yean, 17 to 116. Stylish Jersey Suita for four-year-olds and upwards •2 60 to t 6 8 tiort Pants Suits as low as II 25 Knee Pants as low as 2 V cents. Hats, Underwear and PorniBblngs -In an endless variety. floltls, Hottble »*• VrorUm » » * nare A FaU vut aiierlul or* p re8« on *\* VrUe9 dv r o l‘^5 ' ru) $ 5 .0 0 t o $ 3 0 .0 « O U H . O I i O T H I N G t : Is a matterpurely between you and us. We pay tribute to'nothing for our success, save your appreefa tlon and our own perseverance. The immense stock of Suits and Overcoats that fills our large store, was. made for you—personally, and worth fills every cent you pay ua. Who ought to be able to clothe you' best ? We who have been serving you for 30 years, or some ooe who does hot know you, and whose only interest lies in how much profit they can make. Our line of Suita and Overcoats this season is one-third larger, and much finer than we have ever before shown. From the people comes one praise—the home folks here, who are now aod will be again, arrayed in onrs, the finest clothing made on earth. The lowest grade we advertise Is 16. We have cheaperones. We put the moat money 15 can buy into It, That is Why it Is better than any one else sella, At 17,110, t!5, *20 and upward, you wilt find with every increase in pridh—worth takes a long stride. See every grade. We are from *3 to 15 under any one. Why, do you- ask ? ABecause we pay no tent, buy for cash and every time a pinched manufacturer has to unload a bar­ gain, we set i» sllae of it. A.R.CRANDALL&CO 60 AND 62 EAST M A INS TXEN IA , OHIO.