The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

Cffg THE IftWb&liQ. =*= sttp AKINOamXPKNT WKKKPVMEWSPArJtR. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, ’91. \V. u . BLAIR, Editor andJProp'r IPRICK SI.SB PK* ANNUM. TheGreeneCouuty Christian En­ deavorUnionmetatAlpha.Nov. 24th, and wascalled toorder by the prssi- dent, Re?. 3 . C. Ely, at 10:30 a. m. After devotional txexdm, in ehaenoe of thecounty secretary Mite Hattie Irvin era*fleeted aecretuy pm tew. MinaAbbie Russel, ofClifton, gavean excellentpaperon “How toconductC. E. societies to nuke them most effect­ ual.” . - The committee work was presented under three heads aafollow*: 1, Social committee. 2. Lookout committee. Prayer-meeting committed. ^ The essay oneocial committee was presented by MiasRoseOrr, ofXenia, under the striking title, “ The hand of the society.” Remarks were made on this point by Revs,Steer and Mc­ Cauley* Mr. Steele thoughtweshould lay the handof friendship on people torGod—and Mr. McCauley said he thought it wasa mistake to try to have socials once a month, but that they should be only oneoccasional. It wa thoughtthat the time toholdasocialis when sociability seems to be at a' low obb'in the pra/er-meeting. Miss Amanda Wead,„ofXenia gave agood paperon theLookoutcommitteo in which she made the striking point that this committee is the eye of the society. ' Miss Mary Cray, of Alpha, had. a very thoughtful and devoted paper ou the Prayer-meeting committee. One strong point thatshemadewasthat the - prayer-meetingcommittee itselfshould be one of faithfulness andprayer. Rev, J. H . Steele, ofAlphia, gavea forcible address on “ The Relation of paatorandchurch to theC. E , society.* He regarded the society a* the out growth, ingrowthand upgrowth of the church. Mr. C. M. Spinning, ofXenia, spoke on what was substantially the same subject. In the absenceofRev. B. C, Luther, ofFairfield, hie subject, “ Two Gospel G*s.’- was explainedin part by Rev. 3. € . Ely, who spoke somewhat of the .first G . as gospel grace, and then call ed upon'Mr. Horace Ankcney, who said that the second G. is gospel gold. We are to labor for gold, but not for •elfish reasons and in our benevolence we Should give one-tenth. He urged that the caltivatiou of the grace of giving counteracts the tendency to ‘ selfishness and covetousness. He insisted that we should obey the tenth commandment, “Thou sbalt not covet,”1declaring that the accumula­ tion of mcney or property for one's self, for owtf honor, is covetousness. The gospel rule of giving should not be lees than that of theOld Testament which was one-tenth. Rev, W. J. Buchannan, OfXenia, desiring to return home on an early train, wasallowed to give hisaddreMin advance o f its position ou the pro­ grams, Mr. Buchannan’s address was in reference to the“ Bihle asthe Word o f God,” and it was most excellent in­ deed. He said that wa should be wore concerned about the quickening that comes from the World o f God. We are apt to look to conventions and .meetings o f various kind* as the great mentis to the quickening o f the apiritul life; whereaswe should look to the Word o f God. A t theevening session Miss Nettie McClure gave * most exoeBeat paper on “ Power to Let.” The writer cannot give ah lf adequate idea o f this paper. It must be heard to be appreciated. Let it snffloe to say that she would have the Superabundant energy o f the young utilised in Christian activith .. Excellent remarks were made by' Mr, 0 . If. Spinning and Mr. O. W . Mice, ofXenia. The best of the wine wgs reserved for the last of the fbaet when we lis­ tened to the .wagnficent addiew by Rev. W- F . McCauley, of Dayton, prisident of the State Uuion of the 0 . E. society, Thus closeda meeting withwhich the citisens of Alpha were greatlypleased and profited. It is outjustice to the people of Alpha and community to say that the visitors said that they had been enter­ tained by there hospitality in a royal manner. Also the Christian Endeavor people are hsartily invited to oome again. W x . H . C abby . English fishermen object to being killed by the target practice o f her majeety*s war vessels. Death and .thedivorce courts play such sad havoc in connubial circles that only cue couple in 11,500 live to celebrate their diamond wedding. The youngest soldier has been lo­ cated. Me has been, found in Fair- month, W . Va. He was a rebbel, and his frame was only 1,0 years old whenhe put it up as a target for musket halls. * ' MissHubbertJof Yormoutli, N . 8. is taking her wedding tour previous to marriage. She started Thursday of last week for Hong Kong, where she wilt become the ' wife of Capt. Brown, who is in charge of the docks at that port. Her journey is 7,000 miles long. CHRISTMAS GIFTS O LD AN D YO U N G -----FOB AFIKB SBLECTION 0 V 4— “Watches, Rings, Pips, Woolf’! laoa, bracelets, Gold Spectac­ le^GoldeyeGlasses, solid SilverSpoons, Silkum­ brellas, GoldPens andPencils, Fine Silver Plated Ware of all styles and plated Knives, Forks and Spoons and carving sets call at - FRED. J. H. SCHELL. X E w I a , - ■ O H I O , There are somemistakes which one can never make but ouce. .One of these is drinking carbolic acid for something else. A Connecticut man did not/think it worth while to see just wbat he was putting down bis throat. Hejumped at the conclusion it was whisky. . - ---------' .mm 9' m .. . -------- r— Robert Conningham of Bucks county, Fa., has brought suit against Louis NuBkey for cutting bis hair “ thereby lowering him in the estima­ tion of the public, his best, girl and himself.” It seems that Nuskey shear­ ed offa spot about as big. as a saucer right where Cunningham’s bump of self-esteem is located. Gen. Forrest, the confederate com' mauder, to whose memory a monu meat is toon to be erected, was much more martial than literary. In his account of the capture of Port Pillow occurs, the following choice ortho­ graphy: “ We busted the fort at niuer- clock and shatered the niggers. The men is still a cillanem in the woods.” “ Cillanem” was Forrest’s way oi spell­ ing “ killing them.” A Georgia man named Pattillo murdered the man who courted his divorced wife. Pattillo U now being tried and hiedefence is an ingenious one. He says that the laws of men do not absolved the laws of God; that though seperated from his wife by human law, sheets still bis wife in the light of heaven, and that bis oath at the alter to protect her is as binding as ever. Appearance are sometimea decep­ tive. A *harper on a Michigan Cen tral train wanted an innocent old farmer to change a thirty-dollar bill for him, Die farmer made the change and found that he had been cheated out of $10. He never said word, but hejumped upon the sharper, threw him to the Door, beat him black and blue and took all tho money he had in his pockets. . ........ . ........ I Dogs know morethin they are iven credit for. Little Charlie dimes of BahFrancisco, had strayed away. Hie fistiter explained matters to the family dog. Die deg bounded away in the darkness, ana after a brief search found the boy asleep be­ tween the wall of a building and a big dry goods box. JessieKumeey of Westwood, N . J ,, had a discrimin­ ating mongrel which would aitarfk no one but a preacher or a justice of the peace. lie killed it the other day. H0. F 0 R T H E FW R ! -HSMND HOLIDAY DISPLAY-!- No 13 East Main St; opp.. Court house 3 2 2 . S3, KAKK YOUR MONEY <30 A S F A R AS POSSIBLE. Oar Goods are Now. Our Goods our not shelve worn. Our goods our cheap. You ..are buying Retail at ’WHOLESALE PRICES, HEADQUARTERS for Albums, Books, Stationary, Dolls, Toys, Wagons, Buggies, Queensware. Tinware, Woodwore, Glassware, Notions, Handkerchiefs. Towels. Shirts, Hosiery for Ladies, Girls and Children, Meft and Boys. LAMPS, Pictures and Picture frames, >Corsets, Fascinators. ‘ Jewelry, Goal vaces. Buckets. LADIES DRESS PRIMINGS Brooms Brushes or anything else that is ornamantal or useful. You will positively lose MONEY, by not call- at the Fair. No 13 E.,Main S t Xenia 0 . N. B.(Don*t postpone your Holiday purchase until Chrifltnjas week.’ Now is the time. You can have the pick* HAVE BARGAINS H A T M e r c h a n t T a i lo r , NO 10 N, DETROIT STREET O n , Before you buy your suit, Overcoat or Pants for Fall, see KANY THE TAILOR he has a full line o f Foreign and Domestic goods always no hand. to select from. Perfect fitting garments and first class work guaranteed at a reasonable price, »■ rui A POPULAR FAMILY. f a n o u t “ How l#it. Kato, that you always ■eemto’ cntchon’ tothalastnowthlngr DA what 1 m»y, you atways went to got ahead ot me." K atk : “ I don’t know: X certainlydo not makeany exertion in that direction." • J knvik : u Well, durlnirtbe lusttowmonths, tor examplo, you have taken up painting. withoutany tsaohor j you oeme to the resruo when MiceLarargn dosertedherDelaarteclure so soddsnly, and eertalnly we ere ell Imerov- your Instruction ; t kmuv ‘ r Karnes last evening hoe toe in mme under I N Houehold and kitchen Farniture, When cleaning house this fall yea will find you need a new parlor or cham­ ber suite. I t is then we can do you good. We have an elegant line to select from and wil guarantee prices. BARR ft MORTON. -I* # ■* # * * It may be you wi need the services of A i or practical embalmer**. If so we guarantee good service B A R E & M O R T O N . ______ _ ______. __________ e e ing how club mad* mistakes In ptayln* baaehSil: youeoemto bsup on *11tbs latest ’ f«ls,'ird knowjuetwhatto doumhtraUelrcunuuocvM you smart*In bsautirullr; and In the hut monthyouhave fasprovedsotohealth,owlnr, youtelfme,to your physkwlcultureexsretow. when dn you pec an o f your inforataih n from to this little OuLOf-tasway placet— for you never irpto the city." K atk : "w h y , Jennie, yon will make me rain. 1 have only one sourceof taformstH/u, but UlaaurprMHff howitmcetaall wants. < very seldomhear of anythin* newhut wh it the next few days brlnv ms full teformstlr.H on the subject, Mariet X o l Msfazbn I And a rrsat treasure it Is to ua all, for >t easily furniehee tho resdinr for the whole ItoueehoM: father has riven uphlemarmrir.n that he has taken for years, as bo says this one rives more and- better informsftmn on the subjects o t the day: sod aaothtr tajs that it la that thatmakes her such a famous bmieekeeper/ In fact, we all arrea that It Is the ouly really rA tu tr majrstme.pnbliehed, aa we havahant for samples of all of.them, and And that one is all for men, another ail for woman, and another few OMMrha onl.n while thisone suite ovary ana of ua: so wo only need to tako one Instead o f aevmi.smi that Iswhen tho eeonomy comes to, for it la only tU t w yaar< - • - — — too lavish in nay ours, or, better ..n iiH w . . . i bsher, w . Jenniase Demoreet,15 Bast Straet, Naw York, for a aamwe oopv, a shall always consider th a tl have rone you arrettfavor* andmayhayouwmhecutttrir v* out, as*ou say we hava the reputatkHi or beinr ihesrwt Informed famttyln town, i t ' lePsamrwa’elMaUy Sisraxiu »r. Pethapeyoa tWok I am rpraiset but I will letyou we soil,send » tothe juiw nsmMn ARE YOUAWOMAN WHO HADROY MUClf A COPY OF I B M I I f HOMEXAQ^IME. o f Philadelphia? “ The best andcheap­ est illustrated monthly ever pun- lulledin theEnglish language, 1,500 pages $1,50, Si torttottMtotM by best writottOn all sobjeotsor inter­ est to women. Three Months Free if yon take it now. Sample copy 10 cis.