The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

mmm <4 f V" t THE 'HEIiaifD. HATHitDAY, DECEMBER 20, *91. (V. / / . S I A i n , s a ilo r and P rop'r (PR ICK > 1 .3 9 PKR ANNUM. A Georgia tree, which bad stood more than 1000 years, timed its fail so ns to crush George Holt when he was passing by. John Allen, whp died in F t Hodge, Jn., on Thur>day> was noted^ for the solidity of hiq understanding. He wore No. 17 shoes. . k ... .. n«fe. m it m; -1. —*.■ . Lincoln’s Gettysburg address is to b*.engraved upon a bronze tablet 10 feet square. The inscription will out­ la s t the monument. A Rockland (Me.) man offers to quit swearing upon conditions that his daughter will practice two hours day upon the violin.' Money will not buy everything. I f it could, a Chicago hanker would not have hanged himself because he was in poor health^ — o mm .........■- A .Frenchman has perfected a noye device. I t is an autotragic applauder by whith theatri al managers cun ascertain ott first nights the feelings of the public. * T.,H . Gloskin, a Chicago traveling man, was struck by lightning the other day by accidentally hitting his umbrella against an electric light wire. He was not killed, but he did not think any for an hour. The thousands, o f rebellious Ten .uessce miners may well tremble. Gov. Buchanan is in earnest. He has en listed an array o f 16 men to return . . he convicts to the Briceville mines! ,rr : » ww1' ./ . It is asserted that the Keeley bi- chloride-of-gold core tor drunkenness, attracting so much attention just now, is nothing,new. Dr. Burger o Booneville, Mo., says the formula was published in a medical journal 15 years ago. Much has been said about altruism in these latter days. There never was a Bublimer example of it than that furnistied by William Grualj, a Phila­ delphia brakeman. The other after- noon he deliberately imperilled and lost his life to save that o f * woman who Wasa stranger to him. .A Fermont editor has an original but effective way o f stiring up de­ linquent*, He publish** obituaries .e f them. He essumse that they must be dead, else they would not be delinquent, o f The punishment of innocence is the: leight of tragedy. A'dying- man at ' llakcsburg, la ,, has confessed that it was he who committed the murder for which a man named Anderson was ynched by a mob some time ago. An English writer recently dis­ cussed the bloody tendencies of Ameri­ cans. He says the brand of Cain is Upon us. I t is a fact that in crimes of violence America outnumbers the most civilized European. nations 25 percent. ,A Georgia man is dead as a resuli; of stealing, and he was not lynched, either. On his way home with some body else’s slaughtered pig he a t temped to jump a ditch. His foo; slipped and he fell in such a way that the load broke his neck. I t .would take some very cogeut ar­ guments to convince Mrs. Joseph Kornberger of Glen Gardner, N. J . that the wearing of corsets is folly The other day when her enraged husband struck at her with a knife a corset steel turned the blade. A man in St. Paul has sued the Western Union for failing to deliver a telegram announcing the death of CHBISTBASGIFT OLD AND YOUNG ------FOR A FI.VE SELECT! ON OF----- - St. Paul w a s preacher stature: hut he was considerably larger than a Florida man named Sawyer tribe ie studying fdt the miaieury. Sawyer is 41 inches tall, and waighe only 50 pounds. The molt remarkable muetacbe of ancient or modem times flauats from the upper lip o f Junes Brown of Braxton county, W. Va. Whan his arms are outstretched, it extend* be­ yond tiie ends o f his longest fingers. There are parties in Canada, Naw foundland, the British and Spanish West Indies, the Hawaiin islands and Itfwer California now clamoring for annexation to the United States I t is not unlikely that the time will come when alt South America will plead to have Washington for its capitol. WMnNT ..ill Ink hia done much for the further­ ance o fjustios, hu t it was never been applied in quite the manner it was a t YM lfelt, Oi*, two or three nights age, TWconduot o f Hr. Strange hud been obnoxious for some time; so a pome o f eitisehs essorted him to u sequestered hook wad hovered him Vitkximiriiig o f Writ.’ - The finest hue of fresh and salt meats in the county at C, W. Dean’* his Chicago brother. “ The petition avers that the plaintiff was deprivet of the satisfaction and pleasure. of seeing his said brother and being present nt the funeral." There Was a southern play running in a New York theater recently Some of the southerners in the city said; “I t was not courteous to bill the play with a United States flag.” Po­ liteness is getting more than its share when patrioti«m must stand aside for i t ■ : A Brooklyn wife would not mend her husdaud’s trousers because he would not give her eome' spending money. In revenge he hung his trousers out ot the window w ith this legend attached: “ Laziness. A wo­ men who won't sew her husband’s pants, but goes gossiping among the neighbors.” Mrs. Henrietta Dudley of New Haven, C t., known to feme as "the ossified woman,” has just died, aged 67. She was a genuine pachyderm Her skin was an inch thick and1 as bard as a stone. In 1647 six doctors examined her and told her that she did not have a year to live. She wai alive long after the gram was grow­ ing on all their grave*. Albert Hurd was released from the Connecticut state prison last week. Hu wm just walking out the gates when requisition papers from Mass­ achusetts weremrved uponhim. Hurd has lived 49 years, 90 of which he has pasmd.ln durance vile. Bertie White, u Texas girl, had habit of taking things which did not belong to her. Btceutiy she forged an order tor a bridal trousseau sad was sent so the A ld u s fee kkptom*- at*. I t k d ife c ritto see bow forgery can be constructed into Irlsptema am, but perhaps it ie one e f the ad vanoed stiff** o f the disease. W riter Pavia and Themes Hughes qf Wilkesbarre, Pja., botir laved the girl. The couldn't choose he- Watcltes Rings, Pins, Neck­ lace, bracelets, Gold Spectac­ les, Gold eye Glasses; solid Silver Spoons, Silk um­ brellas. Geld Pens and Pencils, •: Fine Silver P lated Ware of all styles and plated Knives, Forks and Spoons and carving sets call a t . FRED. J.H. SCHELL. X E N I A , - - - O H I O . M e r e l i a n t 4T « i l o r , NO 10 N/DETROIT STREEr O . , Before you buy your suit. Overcoat or Pants for FaU, see KANY THE TAILO ft be has a*full line of Foreign and Domestic goods always no hand to select from. Perfect fitting garments and first class work guaranteed a t a reasonable price, w T i l h l l > tween them; so tb*y nfcolved to sub­ mit their okusuwi to their arbitrament of their fists. They fought a buttle which lasted a half hdur. Hughes must have had the more deep-seated affection, for, though a much smaller man than Davis, he won the battle. Davis manfully acknowledged that he was no longer a competitor, There was a number or rather re­ markable things about Hodges Dray­ ton, whowas arrested in New York the other day for a serious offence. When he was born his father was 15 yean old and his mother not quite 11, He first saw the light in an riaashoum. He has been in moirojails and houses of correction than be 1 mm Uved years. Recently he had a violent attack o f typhoid fever, and daring a two weeks’ sickness positively rtftmed to go to bed, H 0 .F 0 RTHE FAIR! -:-GRAND HOLIDAY DISPLAY- No. 13 F as t Main St; opp.. Court house X K B YOU IKX O IE V C O M ) F A R A S PO S S IB L E . Our Goods are New. Our Goods our no t shelve worn. Our goods our cheap. You are buying Retail a t WHOLESALE PRICES, HEADQUARTERS for Albums, Books, Stationary, Dolls, Toys, Wagons, Buggies, Quecnsware. Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Notions, Handkerchiefs. Towels, Shirts, Hosiery for Ladies, G irls and Children, Men and Boys, LAMPS, Pictures and Picture frames, Corsets, Fascinators. . Jewelry, Coal Faces. Buckets. LADIES DRESS PRIMINGS Brooms Brushes or anything else that is ornamental or useful. You will positively lose at the Fair. No 13 E.,M&in S t Xenia O. MONEY, by not call* N. B.(Don’t postpone your Holiday purchase until Christmas week Now is the time. You can have the pkk .FAWCETT. D K o x e I c * ^J ’e w e l i i r Haa In stock * fins line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JfiWELERY and DIAMONDS! The finest line of Optical Goods In Greene County, a Specialty mad* of Brasilian Pebble Spectacle* in Gold, Silver and Steel frame*; They confer a brilliancy and dfefinctne* of vision, with an amount o f ease and comfort, seldom eqjoyed by spectacle wearers. AREYOUAWOMAN WHOHASHOT SEEM A COPY OF ABDBOR’SSEWHOKEMA 8 A 2 INE, o f Philadelphia? "The beat and cheap­ est itunmtATBO monthly ever pub- lUhed in the English language. 1,500 pages for 11.50. H i t o f t t t r U m s U n U i i d e iK by heat writer*on all labjects o f Inter eet to m a n . Throe Mouth Froa H you taka It naw. fiim pli copy 10ot*. J to t rearivad, fresh good* in ever* Raw. <1.C«Barker. w . . P , T H A D K H Attorney At Law. NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP POSITE COURTHOUSE. CHAS. E. SMITHS 1* the place foryou to get a amooth ahava or a atyliah hair cat. Cedarvilk.0. #ldihMafiwi>4MlBMm «■**•> *m*MNka*mfiNatot' I f yon want a good luach or a •quara meal go to Boyd's and try him trace. * A. R. CRANDALL & CO. Great-:-Bargains F o r 3 0 R a y aO n ly . L**t month oar (ties were 25 per cent ove- tbs corresponding month in 1890,—J that tell) the »tory, doesn't U? W e A re M a k in g N ew R e c a n ts E v e r y D a y s ■ How do yon account for th , growth?—Ther* is ttomystery. Itls this: W. give the giuato.t poislbl.valua for th* |ea*ttaou«y, and we tell thu truth ubont cvcrythlag w . soil. Th*t’- why wo o n ablo to m»k« th . foiling ofer; For $1450 , ws km fhw t w tpidil toElei. lurked in pUlu-nd flguns, 200 Fine Men's andYouths Suite muuiag lima aim I t to U . T u tan ,,- f'uMMM t OknlsUt Wu stods oto., Reduced From H e , $ 18 , $ 90 , $ 32 ! ...„ u4Xo««40omon,SiMloMHlDMbr) Xrsostsi. MowMat Bm nu, Woloo, H i U> i Styt**. Vrooh, om oed thtoo Buttse; Books. ---------- “ * "• a-- MINmWeR* m u m Uo. TMotooetUorlath*oMoo* thaa Wo I sm femiMwItfi ro*h haMala* fead^uhifife**'euaWllio mtpuWwfirogn*wm mma^^mirowvm n urv mivuvi bet woo n oarimo to 4m othhd tMgtr laotaoss this yoor thou otor. M om ohagod or ooid OMwaorkod. A . R. Crandall & Co., LOWE8T-PRICE: : CLOTHIERS, 60 and 52 East Main St., X e | lia , O h i o . T in A iiR fm r l l n * o S M I J m H i ) —DJtAl.BE IX— PhuiiMi tic O r g a n s --f HamUranea '-f a r t i s t s hfqte^qb PICtUIE FKANES. x m i tA , a w * f e m e i f l T E giTOBDA- H* Bh*. rpxicc Cotrenai’t^' \ apr«H>, j l :00 ft tut !* B- P. C«»u' psstor, S«r ' JI.J3. Oil**: tor. Preaclu wliool ut f ’!' Young JPenp ? rnyor ineel :0« » U. P* Cli tu I uaator. S o r * 5i;'Sabt)BUi AW.B. t pustor. Vrt 7:00}»uij.Clii », in.} SubJjii : Baptist Cl f asto r .. Pr< to in, and: 7 2:00 o'clock i riesday ni«K THE N/ " 'Historic I to the , iTspers of Succesr 1.. I t 1* said 'beforejong least a part T ^overnmeD L, -. i -away in the 'the Washin^-i ' have been > tion for th;.. -never respoR.i.. to re is too n< -present, kvepii vtoe future, to fi asm conci-ruii these enormous .jwrmitted to . for the boukwc -torteal eea’ great rept from whit - Hildreth a- , informatit - A few ;• "V>tate pure dollars the themsclve! historical membered .president tha t was •ter to.Fra ■ the revolt referred t , vate cort -period c< Viously • the eorre together eluding t tational Madison -and rem Jinary r most et the wor1' qulsitioi ipartuei lags of *omes, c< t e n , et< had acc of Was loved V and he -sages, strangr volume own ha his sec . -a seert qulsite . te r the day. < collect' letters tion ol The .. th isd i times jhavini ’"the in', a t pro t h a t t -the fit •all tl tearly ‘were ’the dr whicl - 'rente' state his d porta has l ■hotv i mhfit alom l'b matt mem aw a •tab •pec ril c *mcl ‘1