The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52
The president find half liia cabinet were fortunate enough to be boro in the great state o f Ohio. . a m - ...—• A little tin box greatly frightened a number of New Yorkers. Blitwhat they thought to be dynamite proved to be chocolate. It is a genial winter in New Eng land. A Chesterfield (N . HO man picked a bouquet o f dandelions and pausies the other day. There is one place in Chicago where health'depends upon caution. It is railroad crossing where 1,256 loco motives pass every 24 horn's. J. B. Holsinger lived through the .Johnstown'flood, to strike a match Hr. Heller o f Vienna has discovered ' that »au*k*aut is a remedy for dy. - pepsia.- He should now prescribe an Arctic voyage for phthisis, The Happy Six, composed o f friends o f the late Frank Hart o f Woodside, N , «J„ recently held a dance to defray his funeral expenses. A schoolteacher in Vernon, Ct., has been informed that she must stop humming ‘ ‘ Comrades” during school hours or seek another field o f labor. CHBISTSASSiFr over a keg o f powder. Serious his injuries, but he will get well. Begging is a lucrative employment to the persons who has mastered its details. In New York some o f the most active beggars make from. $10 to $15 a day. . ^ John Hand Icyd ied in East Hilton, Me., a few days ago. Although .b feet 7-k inches in high fc and a color sergeant, he was not touched by a bullet through four years o f war. ----------- ------- / Farmer Holt o f Epping. N; H .,. is 73 years o f age, and so vain o f his strength that he has staked $100 that lie con throw any man o f his years and weight in New Hampshire. A Swiss socialist, who advocates the equal distribution o f all property, recently had $5,COO left to him. l i e ‘ now holds that only property amount ing to more than $5,000 should bo equally distributed. George Dunuuway o f Lebanon, Tenn., stands n fair chance o f spend ing the remainder o f his career indoors. He was sentenced the other day to two life terras in the penitentiary and also to two terms o f eight •and ten years each. > Sir Edwin Arnold is not Inching in a proper appreciation o f his own talents. He Bays that after he had dictated to Lady Arnold the opening iincs o f ‘ ‘ The light o f Asia,” she said: “ What is this?” He replied: “ It is the beginuiug o f a great poem.” What would Duniel Webster say o f his alma ranter i f he were living now? Last Monday evening 100 Dartmouth students gathered id one o f the col lege halls to witness the attempt o f an upper classman to eat two pounds o f butter in one hour and a half, said upper classman to received the gate money, and forfeit $10 in case o f failure* Animals know more than they are given credit lor. A western horse re cently recognized his old master after au absence o f a year, and manifested emotion. The little town o f Greenfield, Bara toga county, N1 Y ., is famous for the suicidal proclivities o f its citizens Its twenty-fifth self-murder took place Sunday. Mrs. Gastou o f Providence, R. I who was recently .wedded to her seventh husband, is greatly outrival-! ed by the “ Princess Thorn” o f Sitka, Alaska* who has. survived fourteen spouses. u A Wyoming man advertises for wife.. He is easily suited. He says, lie is not particular about her age, looks or fortune, .lie says she needn’ t, oven be si good cook, as be is that himself. • A painter named Tesson. o f Cher bourg, Frauce, 1ms been selling his own pictures as the work o f Millet ami making considerable money. Great were the beauties the critics saw iu them until the imposture was revealed. OLD AND YOUNG ------FOR A FINE SEtECTION OF— Watches Bings* Pins, Neck lace, bracelets, Gold Spectac les, Gold eye Glasses, solid Silver Spoons, Silk um brellas, Gold Pens I Gent Schofield says that iii the event o f a war with ‘Chili 10,000 regulars could be sent to that country. But it would take 10 times that num ber for a successful invasion. Fight ing a distant and warlike nation o f several millions upon their own soil is no holiday task, There are about ns many people in Chili as there were in the colonies at the opening o f the revolution, and Pencils, Fine Silver Plated ,Ware of all style* Knives, Forks and Spoons arid carving sets FRED. J.H. SCHELL. X I I M A , - - - - O H I O and plated call at A New Jersey man is the latest idol-breaker. l i e claims to have evi dence that Washington and his army did not erode the Delaware in boats as is the popular impression,. but oil a raft made o f logs. . The first map o f the whole world will be exhibited at the World’s fair. It is about four centuries old. , The pope has decided to lend it. The New York Recorder says “ it will dampen the enthusiasm o f G lneago to find her name is not on it. A Troy (A la .) man thought he was making a great investment when he bought a trap for 25 cents. But lie thought so only because he could not see into the future. It is true that at the end o f a week lie had caught io rats, but he had also caught n ca lf and a lieu. The owner o f the ca lf hits sued him for damages and bids fair to win the case. The owner o f the hen was to be the trapsettor’s fatherinlaw, but has broken off his daughter’s engagement. W . 8 . Wilson o f Fiiut, Mich.,, lias advertised for gossips to visit, him at his office, so that he can impnrt some authentic information to them con cerning his affuire. Since they will talk anyway, lie wants them to tell things as they. are. Five years a go Peter Burkhart o f Lancaster Pa., deserted his wife. A few days ngo lie thought whut a nice thing it would I ks to return on Chris- mas day and effect n leconciliation. He started hrme, but was killed on the railroad withiu a few miles o f his destination. 'Mrs. Burkhart refuses to bury the remains. I t Is usually the mission o f the rope to take life rather than save it. Dur in g * Wind Hoboken, N.- J ., the othi r day, a boy 7 years old was blown from the top o f a four story building. In his dts ent he struck a clothes line which broke his fall and he only received a few bruises. A few days ago n California house was moved eight miles by wAter, . It was loaded on two barges and carried iwu Ban Diego bay. The house o f Andrew Oleson o f Marshalltown, la., was moved by air. It was thrown 100 feef and come to a full stop with out the displacement o f so much as a shingle. H 0 .F 0 RTHEFAIR! -:-GRAND HOLIDAYDISPLAY-: No 13 East Main St; cpp.. Court house M K K YOlIPfi MOX11Y <A<> A S F A l l A S I’ O S S I ItL F . Our Goods are New. Our Goods our not shelve worn. Our goods our cheap. You are buying Retail at WHOLESALE PRICES, HEADQUARTERS for Albums, Books, Stationary, Dolls, Toys. Wagons, Buggies, Queensware. Tinware, Woodware, Glassware, Notions, Handkerchiefs. Towels, Shirts, Hosiery for Ladies, Girls and Children, Men and Boys. LAMPS, Pictures and Picture #frames, Corsets, Fascinators. Jewelry, Coal vaces.- Buckets. LADIES DRESS TRIMINGS Brooms Brushes or anything else that is ornamantal oruseful. You will positively lose MONEY, by not call- at the Fair. No 13 E.,Main St. Xenia O. N. B.(Don’ t postpone your Holiday purchase until Christmas week. Now is the time. You can have the P i c n .FAWCETT. Has iu stock a fine line o f WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW ELER !" and DIAMONDS! The finest line of Optical Goods In Greene County, a Specialty made of Brazilian Pebble Spectacles in Gold, Silver and Steel: trumen. They confer a brilliancy and distinctne*-) of Vision, with au amount of ease and comfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. % Kate Taylor, a wealthy maiden lady o f Greeneburg, I*a., is the mate rial out o f .vhich martyrs are made. The other night three masked men entered her house and, pointing a revolver at her head, ordered her to give u^ her money, , or they would burn her feet to the hone, They prepared to carry their threat into execution, when Mies Taylor asked to be permitted to take off her Btockings as she did not want them burned. Her ci o ’ lie^sso discoucertcd her captors that they concluded not to torture her, AREYOUAW0MAN- T- WHO IIAS NOT gliliN A C'OI’Y OF AROHDR’S MEW HOMEMAGAZINE, o f Philadelphia? “ The best and cheap est illitsthateu monthly ever pub lished in the English language. 1,500 pages for 61.50. Sii Sliorl StoriesandSfleudiEArticles by best writers on all subjects o f inter est to women. Three Month Free if you take it now. Sample copy lOets. Just received, fresh’goods iu every, lino. J« C. Barber. Attorney At Law. ■ NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP POSITE COURT HOUSE, 0HAS. E. SMITHS Is tlio place for you to get a smooth • shave or a stylish hair cut, Cedarville,0. I f yon want a good lunch or a square meat go to Boyd’s and try liini once, 3 f c r c l i a n t T a i l o r , NO 10 N, DETROIT STREET X W A I , O , , Before you buy your suit, Overcoat or Pants for Fall, see KANY THE TAILOR he has a full line of Foreign and Domestic goods always no hand to select from. Perfect fitting garment** and first class work guaranteed at a reasonable price, KNEYII TUB. A. 8. CRANDALL & CO. Great-;-Bargains F o r 3 0 D a y s O n l y . Last month our sales were 25 ;ier cent o rer tlio corresponding- moptb in 1800.— .thai LtU. the story, doesn't it? W e A r e M a k i i t c ’ N e w R e c o r d s ) K v e r y S l a y ! How do you account for tha growth?—Tho-u is nomystery. It is this: We giva tha great: t possible vuliia for tha least money, and wu n<Jl tha truth about everything we sell. Tha why wa are nbta to make the foiling offer; lor $ 14,50 we hnve placed on special tables* marked in plain red figures, 200 Fiue Men’s andYouths Suits • Ranging from sites 3.1 to 40.- -Texture, f assimeres, Cheviots, Worsteds etc:, Reduced From , $ 18 , $ 20 , $ 22 ! Styles,'Frock, one and three Button; Hark., Straight and Round Corners. Mingle end.Double Breasted. New Nut Browns. Wales, Plain*, Hair Lines Ac . This is earlier in the season than we h; v • before brought such bargains before the inibl’-!, but wa ara anxious io do a third larger businc** this year than over. None cborged or sol i less than marked. A. R. Crandall & Co., LOW EST -PR ICE ; ; CLOTHIERS 150 and 52 East Mam St.* X e n i a , O li io. "J. F.SMITH, —DEALER. IN— P i im o H As <>i*«*{insi + Musical Memilise* -a - U s '3Vjqtcd.'iql( PICTURE FRAMES. X E X tA , - . OHIO
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