The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

I T H E F [E H & M > a A | * SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, ’92. W. H . B L A IR , Editor and Prop'r IPRIOf tl .a O P1H ANNUM. C om ing e t ,c n ( i . CEDARVILLE OPERA HOUSE. SwadUb Ladiet, Conwrt, J»n 12. - ti«oK M rrlt, P P, F*b 18. ■, ' Are yon going to hear the Schu­ bert Quartette? The Foraker .men died hard but were game until the last. Schubert Hale Quartette, Xenia opera house, January 15. Mrs. Eugene Shrodes sr., is con­ fined to her bed with la grippe. A t the United Presbyterian church tomorrow night the heal evening service. : -■ ' Mrs Chas. McCampbell, who Uvea south of Cedarville,is reported as being veryill. . . J . E. Long will name price! until March 1st never heard of before in ■this county. Miss Clara Townsleyhas been anger­ ing with a severe attack of la grippe, She is now better. Rev. A. C. Spivey, pastor of the A, M. E. church, is on bis way to] Jacksonville, Florida. The Schubert Quartette which near­ ly everybody has heard or heard o f appear a t Xenia Jauuary 15. 1Edwin Arnold says he never writes poetry except when the mood over­ takes him, Yet he has contracted to write a poem for the World’s fair. . ( i nnnii»— Mrs. Mary Barber entertained a number of friends yesterday iu honor of Miss Ella Kyle. An elegant diu- ner was served. . C. L. Maxwell,of Xenia, has been appointed consul to .Santa Domingo. The compensation attached to this po­ sition is $1,500 and consul fees, The republican joint caucus of the house and senate met Wednesday eve­ ning and nominated John Sherman to succeed himself iu the United States senate, by a Vote o f 50 to 38. A. C. Taylor’s millinery store ,at Jamestown, was burned Monday night. A lamp, which he kept burn­ ing all night, exploded. Loss is esti­ mated i t $6,000with $2,800insurance. A large crowd from here expect to attend the inauguration Monday, A special train will leave Columbus .Monday night at 11 o'clock to accom­ odate all who wish to -remain. - The cold wave is making business! Hon. Andrew Jaclqwn, of this brighten up wonderfully, j place, wa-j elected Sergeant-at-Arms is threatened with John Barber paralysis and is considered in a danger­ ous condition. Mrs. Laura" Northup and Mrs. ill Wright have been visiting their rents a t this pjacs, ; John Ervin and Ralph George have gone to Ada to attend commercial college. Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Van Horn spent a few days visiting friends in Dalyton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shrodeahave returned home after week pleasantly spent with their daughter Mrs. Rader in Spring- field. Mr, and Mrs. Dan Smith entertain­ ed about sixty of their, young friends to an elegant, supper/one night this week. of the House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority on first bell ot. Two candidates opposed him but be .received 62 votes. Ogle received 6 land Moor 2 each. Andy was one of. the most popular members of the last1 1House and his majority was, no sur- Iprise to his friends. LIST OF LETTERS. Remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville P. O. for the month end­ ing December 3rd, 1891. List No. 12. Diffendal, Miss Carrie Sherman, Mr. Amos Waid, Miss Mrfthia Ann Persons calling for the above wil please say ’‘advertised.” Jno W. McLean P. M. Weatherreport forDecember, 1891, as compared with. 1889 and 1891 W e Im v e a The finest entertainment that will appear in Cedarville this season will be the Sweedish Ladies’ next Tuesday] eveuing. Their singing is elegant. Young Prince Albert Victory is very fond -offried calves liver, and the irrevevent intimate that this is. a case of homoepathic appetite. Emperor William is about to have a new royal Prussian throne built. He is likely to have one made with­ out any power behind it. The coucer.trby the Schubert Quar­ tette a t Xenia .on the 15th. will be well worthtito'trouble -and expense to hear it. J . E. Lowry’s for reserved seats. . Prof. Neal Ferguson, of Morning Sun,. Ohio, was the guest of his sister Mrs. Chas: Turnbull, this week. He i returned to homeand work Thursday. The W .O . T. U. will meet at Mr*. IJ. H, Bmtherton’s next Thursday, Jan., 14th., led by Miss Mattie McMillen subject Zech., 12, Chapter 8 verse. A full attendence is desired. Tramps entered the Kyle schcol house one night last week and sue- ceetjfcd iu doing enough meanness to sustain the reputation tramps as rule have. Amongother things, they stole several pictures with which the scholars had adorned the walls, for no other reason than to impress the ’fact they were vandals. Compiled by Sam’l Creswell. 1889. 1890. 1891. Temp. . 48° 34° 41° Clear days, 15 19 16 Cloudy days, 7 3 7 Rainey days, 0 4 1 Mr, Roland Kyle, of near Cedar ville, brought his hogs to market a t Xenia this morning and the weights of six ot them is something quite oat ol the ordinary; they weighed 8280, an average ot 544 lbs.—-Xenia Gazette. I. N. Wolford and Will Marshal were in Columbus this week. They claim that they did not take any part iu the Sherman-Forakcr fight, but Will IlifT thinks the result shows that they had something to do with it. The famoos Schubert Male Quartette supported by MissEugrina M. Bald win, a leading soprano of Chicago, and Miss Ida M. Clemens, a fine elo cutiouist, form a very strong com­ pany and they give a rare treat. They appear in the Y. M. C. A. course at the Xenia opera house. Gall a t J . E. Lowry’s for reserved seats. The famous Schubert Quartette, whose splendid concert work lias won for them a most enviable reputation, appear in the Xenia Y< M, C. A. Star course a t opera house January 15. I f fifteen go down from here train No. 2 will stop and let them off returning, anil the admission fee will bo reduced to 50 cents for Cedarville jieople and good seats reserved for them. Call nt J , E . Lowry’s for re­ served seats, Preaching at the Methodist church tomorrow at 11,00 a; ra. and 7.00 p. m. The subject a t night will be “Stepping stones into''heaven.” Re rival services will continue through­ out the week: both day and night. “Como with us and we will do thee good.” At seven 'oclock Monday evening Mr. Thomas Watt passed peacefully away at the home of his brother, Dr. Watt, on West Market street, Xenia. For the past three months he had been gradually nearing the end, be­ ing afflicted with jaundice, but only during the past four weeks had he been confined to his lied. In his sick ness and extreme suffering his patience was remarkable and he anxioualy awaited the call of the Father. Thomas Watt was born in western Pennsylvania, November 2nd, 1810, and came to this county with his par. enta in 1817. In 1852 he waa united iu marriage to Miss Mary Stevens, whose death occurred about four years ago. An only son also proceeded his parent into the great unknown. For many years Mr. Watt resided near Cedarville, on what is known as the Samuel Smith farm, bu t upon the death of his wife beremoved to Xenia and has since resided with his brother, Dr. Watt, who is the only remaining member of the family ofnine children, The deceased was one ofthe earliest rasmbejn of the Covenanter church, Cedarville, and had always lived s quiet, unpretentious Christian life. The funeral services were held in our church a t this place, conducted by Rev, Sproul, on Wednesday after­ noon at 2 o’clock, after which the body was interred in the Tarbox cemetery. Hoteet days, 63° 29th, 48° 15th, 59° Coldest I, 30° 9th. 23° 18th, 28° CONJUGAL COMMANDMENTS. FOB THE HUSBAND. First -—I am the source ofmany an unhappy marriage, says the Mighty Dollar, therefore shalt thou make mu­ tually satisfactory arrangements with thy wife^concerning her pecuniary al­ lowance immediately uponentering the matrimonial ranks. Second.—Thou shalt not make thy wife’s duties burdensome by compar­ ing her cooking and household man­ agement to thy mother’s, for every true wife doeth the best she possibly can. Third;—Thou shalt not hike thy rife to account for shortcomings, but overlook slight failings and bear -pa­ tiently with faults, as thou wouldst that the Lord thy God did unto thine own weakness. Fourth.1—Remember that thy wifo is assisting thee very materially (fi­ nancially) by being maid of nil work, housekeeper, seamstress, nurse nod cook. a Six days ghalt thou overlook unavoidable delays and mishaps (which annoy thy good wifo aa much as they do thee,) and every seventh day thou shalt allow her to rest front ardcrous household duties and enjoy thy cheerful companionship. Fifth.—Honor thy wifo with thy implicit confidence in all things, that she may counsel and advise thee, and lend her nssi stance over bard places in time o f trouble. Sixth.—Thou shalt not _kill fhy wife's respect for thee by doing those things which would grieve thee if done by her. Seventh.—Thou shalt not commit the great error of being ashamed to apologize to thy wife and thou shalt always do unto her as thou wouldst that she should do trato thee. Eighth.—Thou shnlt not stenl hap py moraenta’from thy wife by parting from her in anger, “but forgive gna forget,” and avoid the quarrels which aw the greatest destroyers of matri­ monial bli°s. Ninth,—Thou shalt not bear ill will against thy wife without just cause, but shall a t all times permit her to defend herself. Tenth.—Thou shalt not covet the pleasures of the club or any other en­ tertainment where the wife must be excluded Choice candies a t Ben Ridaway’s. Blank hooks and and account books a t Ben Ridgway’s, oil Lamp chimneys and coal a t Ben Ridgway’s. The Swedish Ladies concert ootn- uy appear a t Cedarville opera muse next Tuesday night. Reserved seats a t Stormont « Co/ Daivid L. Croy formerly of the fellow Springs Review was in Cedar- rille yesterday and made the Herald office a pleasant call. Dave is serious­ ly- contemplating starting a job printing office in Columbus aand ex­ pects to be located there within the next month. He is .energetic' and will make business hum, Will Bear is making a great many visits to Xenia to pay his taxes. But the great trouble with Will is that he can get no father then the telephone exchange and there be hovers about unfit fite treasurer hks stopped .busi­ ness forth* day. His friends hope lie will get his takes paid sometime be­ tween this time and June next. HEAVY CHRISTMAS , '* ■ , STOCK~FURNITURE On hands for HOLIDAY SELECTION. We ask all to come early. I>6 NOT G IVE THIS A PASSING GLANCE, for this means Money Sawed to Ever* Buyer. BARR, a MORTON. VOL. 12 Best cigars in town a t Beu ways* New styles in box writing paper a t Ben Ridgway’s. , ( NOTICE. I have started a coal oil and gaso­ line wagon, and will make the circuit of the town every day. All persons wishing oil or gasoline will please bang out a card and I will deliver the goods right at their door. , J . Mac. Bull. Men’s Arctic over shoes for 68cento a t Long’s. Peloubet’s Notes on the Internatian al 6, S. Lesson for 1892. Leave ypur Orders by Jan 4th., at J , M. Bull’s New Crusher at Ervin’s elevator crush all kinds of feed on Tuesdays and Fridays. Five bushels and un­ der 25 cento. Oyer 5 bushels 5 cento er bushels. Ervin & Co. Smoke Wright’s Cigars, for sale a t Bull’s. ONE U O L U R . Round trip to McKinley’s augurafion. t Buy your winter boots of Stormont and Co. . ■ „ t • Gloves, Overalls, Socks, etc., a t A‘»L mw tiro*. & Oo . The finest line of fresh and salt meats iu the county a t C. W. Dean'* Should you N e e d q q y t h i q g In Millinery we have TUiHlMlfS From 75 cite, to $1.50. ' Bring your lard cans to my store At once and have them filled with pure resh Jard. C, W, Crouse N s ilc e . All kowning themselves in debted to Barr & Morton will please call and settle by cash or note by January 1st, 892. A C s n l l a l litv lte itla n . Extended to every parson to come and trade at Graham Flour a t Bull’s Window Glass and Putty a t Bull’s K r i l c e *1 He itieM en t. Ail person's knowing themselves in debted to the undersigned, will please coll aud settle on or before January ,st.. 1892 ax interest will be charged on and after January 10th,, Respectfully, C rouse A B ull . From 25cto to SOcto. RIBBONS pne third off Happy Hooaiara. ' tVrn. Timmons, Postmaster of Ida- vtlle, lud,, writes: “Electric lMitcii has done more for tue than any ottici medicines comoliied, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liv­ er trouble.” John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of aatue place, says i “Find Electric Bitters (o be the best Kidney mid Liver medicine, made me feel like a new1man.” J . W» Gardener, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters la just the tbiug for a man who is nil run down aud don’t care whether'lie lives or dies; ha found new strength, good apimilte and felt just like-be bad a new lease on life. Only fiOe, a bottle, at ltum- W at ’ s Drug Store. (2) FRAMES We desire to close outfit r entire stock of Winttr Millinery before Feb., 18tli. B arber & M c M illan . ftotnaraaotA ttascue. Mrs, Michael Curtain, Plainfield, til., makes the statement (list she taught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He lohliier she was a hope­ less victim of consumption aud flint po medicine could Cure her. , Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discoveay for Consumption; site bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from flv«t dose. She continued Its use and af­ ter taking ten bottles, found her.^i/ sound and well, now dims her u housework anil 1s as Well as abb ever was.—Free trial l»Ollie# of this Great Discovery a t ltum way ' s Drug Store, large bottles 50c. and $1*06. (21 I T Vi 1 -) SATURDAY,.! tV. 11. B L A i n , f P R I C E » l .3| Mrs. John Cn tl is week. Rilea Stormoi1 ; ie.■suffering wiij Rev. Cudley, jn Cedarville Mi Mr. Roland j Milieu, llarbiut "hogs that weigl, A number f)J pmnaed before| C la rk>county | '-.week. . j Revivalservicl tomorrow at 11| You are .cordial * I School was c ■District this vv< teacher having We endeavo! htttisfitetorv—C 4(J E. Main Stj Italwayspuj tographs .and j made at Gate) Xenia Ohio, i n The crowd < the inaugarq • simply iiEinen ofHatiafuCtimi he compared ing been PS 46, E. Mailt Itev.Wiih; - for a recent, i , he is now m( .fill his . and has 'ladies \vho.h| course here > ville on the deliver his Do you vl ■one for sale Miss Pe suoply tea nltsencc of I suffering ttl ' Lulu Mort| in the in The Hw with a larj a t the opt^ Mts« Host! der a gre: letter U]t« ing the d was out d did not s Tl.c-. ito: faetionas otiferfain lecture o Mami .futeand ami FI, Vnnnnk BenjF 8<»ddera I ii/ric / Maggie tie Dei tie B I - Ag< ofMrs \