The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

rA,> . a *?t.'/*i'( > j V h (»,>«'">ot •»» 4 w' t h e t iE ^ a E D S A TU R D A Y , J A N U A R Y , 16’92. IF. //. B L A I R , Editor and Prop 'r f PRICE S 1.29 PER ANNUM, Coming Events. . CED.VKVILLE OPERA. HOUSE, GeoK Morri»,D D, Feb 18. Mn. M iry A. Birr isfBBrioualyjiU el 1 - ' # John A . Barber and wife are lm- l> roving. ___________ James Andrew now ‘ mourns* the loss o f his clerk, J, Grndle. Mr. Dan Marshall is suffering with the grip. W ill Marshall and wife entertained a number o f friends at diuner Friday, Mrs. Fields was called to Kenton, 'on account o f the illness o f his aunt. Mas.' James Andrew entertained the Andrew family to dinner Thurs­ day. . . ' 1 About fifteen from attended the Shubert Quartette at Xenia last night. Mrs. A . W . Gurus, o f €Xenift, visited hersiBtor Mrs; O’ . T . Marshall, this week. - ■ ■ James Pollock and Andrew Bro’s. received this week a fine polled dur- ham bull, as did Mr. Collins. Mrs. Dr. OgIesbee*s married sister who resides in Columbus, is visiting her this week. James Townsley is the happy pos­ sessor o f a brand new “ flyer.” He will be a valuable addition to our races. Mr. Harry Bickett o f Odell Nebras­ ka spent a few days the past week with her cousins, Turnbull sisters. Mrs. A lex Townsley was called to Sparta. ID., on account o f the ill­ ness o f her son in law, Mr. Blair. A crowd o f about fourteen youug people were over from Jamestown to attend the Swedish Ladies concert. - Mrs. Rev. Joseph Kyle, o f Allegh­ eny City, Pa., and Mrs. Barnett,- o f Springfield are the guests o f Mrs. HadassaKyle. John McEtroy has placed us under obligations to bim by acting as news gather this -week while , our pencil abover has been laboring with a cose o f “ grip.” Borland McMillan, while -out sleighing Thursday evening was thrown into the ditch and was badly bruised. t The shafts braking was the c*usero f the accident. L ittle FrankfYoung is dangerously ill with scarlet fever. The case was re ported to the board o f health by Dr J. O. Stewart yesterday, and the bouse is now under quaranteen. Mrs. D r. J .O . Stewart will send the New York Independent to any reader of the Herald a full year for 92. I t is a $3. paper and is the best all around family paper weekly pub­ lished. Orders must be sent in to her promptly. Remember $3 paper for 91 ■ ________ Bert Squires has been arrested for robbing a clothes Hue and was sen­ tenced to the work house for forty days. A more serious charge wili nfeet him at the expiration o f his sentence, as he broke a lock and entered a building belonging to W . M , Steveson and stole an overcoat, robes, horseblanket etc. Checkers has always been indulged in to a greater or leas extent at Andrew Bros, & Co., but now those who play there and loose have to suffer the penalty ns a rule was recently adopted that- the loser must carry in a bucket o f coat. I t is said that if keep* Will Illffd ji'l Charley Marshal busy carrying ioal< B. G, RiJgwny and wife attended the “ Old Homestead” in Dayton last night. ■_____ Miss Lillie Stewart went to Spring field Thursday where she will remain about three weeks with relatives. J. H . McMillan, o f Yellow Springs attended the Swedish ladies concert at this place. U. P. church to-morrow at I I , a. m. Dr, Collins; at 7 p. m. Rev. Crawford o f th$ Seratnrry. Mrs. Hannah Carson has returned from Monmouth Illinois, where she has been visiting since before the holi­ days. Mrs. James Oreswcll and sister, Mies. Blair, received a telegram Mon* day announcing the dangerous illndss o f their brother Alvin, who resides at Sparta, III. They started to Bee him immediately. Miss Lizzie Girard, who has been the"guest ot her cousin, Miss Edith Satterfield the past two weeks, re­ turned to her home in Urbano, Thurs­ day. • . Miss Laura Forbes o f near Yellow Springs entertained about fifty of her young friends Friday evening. A- number o f the Cednrville young people were present. Miss Ella Kyle starts Monday for Arkansas to visit her sister Mrs. Hem- tael. She will go from there to Washington, Iowa where her brother Harvey now resides, returning to Greene county about the latter part o f March. . * - ... 1 ..II II ■*■ w Patties have been bus}' cutting and storing away ice this week. Ice merchants say they are getting the finest supply this year theu they have obtained in years.. It is os clear as crystal and about nine inches thick James Pollock and R. F. Kerr at­ tended the meeting o f the State agri­ cultural society and Breeders associ­ ation at Columbus this week, return­ ing home yesterday. Milton Keys has re­ moved his shoe shop to his new roomnext to the Nes bet property on Main st., where he will bo glad to have all customers call. The village o f Osborn this County is greatly excited over the strange disappearance o f Miss Mamie Baugh­ man, a pretty and attractive seven- teen-year-old young lady, who has been attending High School in Spring- field, and staying ht her sister’s, Mrs. Elmer Wh itely,' The young lady in question is a beauty ^o f the blonde type, and her many graces, attractions and winning ways have brought her a complement ot suitors. The young lady has been missing for over a Week, but owing to the prominence o f the parties it has been kept a profound secret. She has been making her home with Mrs, Whitely since last summer. The two sisters spent New-Year’s Day with their widowed mother at Osborn. Mrs. Whitely was taken ill rnd they returned homo the following day. The younger sister attended school Monday. Noon came, and she re­ turned to -the Whitely resi­ dence, and, as usul, left after dinner to continue her studies, She failed to return at nignt, and a search was instituted. I t was ascertained that she had not attended school that after­ noon, and an investigation o f her effects was made, when it was found that her best drew had disappeared, The supposition was that • she had eloped with one o f two fellows there The whereabouts o f the girl were dis­ covered yesterday, She is stopping with her cousin, Mrs. Tuttie, at IS Zig-zag street, Dayton, Ohio. The find was made in a letter sent to Roscoo Kockafield, o f Dayton, by the girl, asking him to call. The mother is wild over her daughters disappear­ ance, and knows nothing o f her whereabouts. The girl alleges that Mrs. Whitely, her sister, abused her. She refuses to return home, . Mrs. Mary A . McGampell relict of Joseph McGampell died at her home south o f this place Wednesday evening at 11 o'clock, she had been suffering with la-grippe for the past three weeks and being somewhat ad­ vanced in years was unable to rally from its effects. She survived her husband juBt four years and four days. Mrs. McCampell’s maiden name was Mary Ann Winget; She was born in Maryland in March o f the year 1822. She was a conscientious Christian woman aud a devoted mother. Early in life she became a member o f the United Presbyterian church, and was faithful in attend­ ance as long as her health would permit. Her union with Joseph McCamp- bell was blessed with nine children, six o f whom are living. They are Dr. J. S., o f this city; Rev. Luther, o f Buffalo, Pa.; William and Robert and Mrs. Jane Van Schoyk, o f near Reyuoldsburgh, O., and John who with his family, resided with his mother at the family homestead. Her life’s work is ended. She has raised a family o f God-fearing child­ ren, and she cheerfully relinquished her hold on this life, •knowing that all will be well with her. She re­ tained heir mental faculties uuim paired and she will bo sadly missed by ull o f her childreu. The funeral services, took place from her late residence yesterday afternoon at one o’clock. The following resolutions were pass­ ed by the Cednrville W. C. T. U. at its meeting on Thursday. Having heard that one o f ’ our mem- bora, Mrs. Mary George, has been charged with a very serious and- ag­ gravated crime, and that 911 the cir­ cumstances learned thus, far seem to confirm her guilt, u R esolved — T hat we1 hereby ex ­ press our deep sorrow and mortifica­ tion that the sp irit'o f sdfsial purity has apparently been so 'completely giiore l, aa 1 tint see ningly. there has been such a gross violation o f both hurasin and divine laws bjf a member o f the W . C .T .U . R esolved —Tha wo believe it to be due to ourselves and the cause we represent, to remove Mrs. George’s- namelrom the list o f superinten­ dents, also from our membership roll until we have reason to be­ lieve the charges false, or until she gives evidence'of sincere repentance. R eso lv ed — That we desire to perform this action in a spirit o f meekness, rematnbering the divine injunction “ Considering thyself lest thou also be tempted.” NAPOLEON’S ENEMY, Tfc* WraMU* Whom th* Emperor Moot Boted. The woman whom the Emperor N a ­ poleon 111. hated most on earthhaa just died, says the Boston Herald. Daring the brilliant days that followed the coup d'etat, Napoleon made countless efforts to live on good terms with the old nobility. There was no limit |o tha bribery, cajolery and even threats to which he resorted in order to induce them to frequent his brand-new court The Marquise de Castellane, whoa* death is just announced, took the lead tn bidding him defiance. She not only refused to go to court herself, but she cut any of her acquaintances whoa she knew to meet with favor there, and M h&r salon was the most charming in Paris, the chance of being excluded from it was not to be lightly encoun­ tered. The Marquise was a grand niece of Talleyrand, and it was tlirough fier influence that the great diplomat Signed an act of retraction and Veeame hKxtnclled to the church of Roma, For some years she lived in rcUremsnt, Smt in earlier days she was on* of tha most brilliant and powerful o f the tra&dasdamea of Paris. M * Climate * f Aula. According to the North China Herali thaClimate in Kast and West Asia la becoming oolder. That of China inpar­ ticular Is growing not only colder, but frier. Animals and plants used to hot, moist regions are gradually retreating southward. Two thousand years age the bamboo flourished in the forests of North China, but it does not now, and at Pekin it is only cultivated under shelter and in favorable localities as a hind o f garden plant. W e l m v e a HEAVY CHRISTMAS STOCK - FURNITURE On hands for H O L ID A Y SELECT ION . W e ask all to come early. DO NO T G IV E TH IS A PASS ING G LANCE , for this means ' Money Saved to Ever? Buyer. B A B B f t M O E T O N . Choice candies at Ben Ridaway’s. Blank books and and account books at Ben Ridgway’s. Lamp chimneys and coal oil at Ben Ridgway’s. Graham Flour at Bull’s Window Glass and Putty at Bull’s The finest line o f fresh and salt meats in the couuty nt „ C. W. Dean's —jBuyyour winter boots o f Stormont and Co. Smoke Wright’BCigars, for sale at Bull's. New Crusher "at Ervin’s elevator crush all kinds of feed on Tuesdays and Fridays. Five bushels and un­ der 25 cents. Over 5 bushels 5 cents er bushels. . Ervin & Co. Best cigars in town, at Ben Ridg- ways* ' ‘v. New styles in box writing paper at Ben Ridgway’B. , SLUM COCKTAILS. f l * b i N r iMlilftd la hy th* f n a t , with • Nlchcl. ’ Peregrinating Perkin*, having risen somewhat in advance of the legendary lark, felt a strong yearning for an ah • ooholio rcsuscitatoi;, anya the New York Commercial -Advertiser. Dls night's rest had been rudely broken. A pair of roistering Jblodcs passing through Washington square at the witching hour hwjLespied himasleep on his favor­ ite bench and tipped bim over. The shaft sprinting match that followed be­ tween himself and the -sparrow police- .nan bod eflfectuatly driven sleep from bis ensanguined eyes and he was aweary. De set his fatM eouthwar d and jour- asyed toward that r m where whisky, the most superio iports and sherries, and Incomparaolo Jaii.ael* rum—all out of the same baiT -are re­ tailed at the farcical price or live cents a half-pint glass. A sign above one of fusel-oil factories near Pell street read: “Try a Hummer.” Perkins ao- ccptcd tlie Invitation. As a helping hand on the short road to delirium tremens nothingcan surpass a hummer. Where the name came from aud who originated the drink arc twin mysteries. To professional wan­ derers like Perkins it serves the same end os the delicate blend of vermouth, bitters, and lemon peel which -young Dives sips at Del’s before breakfast—it braces themjpp, If called upon itcould probably do the same for a brown-stone front. Perkins, in exchange for the five pen- nies whiclvhe excavated from his vest, received an ordinary goblet half filled with ostensible whisky alleged rum And a strong dash of something yellow, masquerading under the aliasof'bitters. As it gurgled down his throat his ex­ pression was that of a manjn the em­ brace of a live wire. Then ho heaved a. *tgh and went forth to pound the p»?c- -ae»t for th* eighteen hours. I #« Perhaps j ou u.c him down, isn ’t eat, can’t sleep, can’t think, can’t do anything to youT satisfaction, and you wondor what gift yon. You should heed the warning, vou are faking the first Step Into Nervous Prostration. You need aNerve Ton­ ic aud In Electric Bitters you will And the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Its normal healthy condition. Surprising rcatuts follow the use of ‘.his greatNerve Ton­ ic and Alterative; Your appetite re­ turns. good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy teflon. Try a bottle, Trios Me, at Udgway’s Drug Stors. (A) Should you Js te ed q q y t h i i l S In Millinery we have TRIMED-:-H ATS From 75 cts. to'91.50. l!ittrimmet! Hats From 25cts to 50cts. • Master jniilbnntr v Mont, »| Towuricy, Mrs, J-j nician’s cu Will I t i / .'One third’ off FRAMES•15c. We desire to closeOutour entire stock of Winttr Millinery before Feb., 18th. B a r b e r & M c M i l l a n . Th « Pulpit and tha Stag*. - Rev, i<*. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Church, Blue Mound, Kau., lays i *'I fccl'it my duty to tell whst wonders Dr, King’s New Discovery nas done for me. My lungs were badly diseased, and niy parishioners thought that I could live only a few weeks, I took five bottles o f Dr. Kiag’s New Discovery aud am sound \ and Well, gaining 26 lbs, in weight, ( Arthur Love, Manager Loves Fun­ ny FoiksCombinatioii, writes t “ A f­ ter a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. K ing’s New Discovery for Consumption, beats ’em all, and cures when every­ thing falls. The greatest kindness ! can do my many thousand friends is to urge them lo try it.* Free trial M ile s at lit now a y ’ s Drug Store, Regular sizes SOa. and 9100. on busiiK’i Mrs- ^ a severe i /| . " - . I John j evening \ a three \j Tills t; first vlti^i . them, -li ■Batisl • the nntij togrntd Xenia.' The ahead | tognip Gatchi regret, ■ I \ • Qh churc ■ -»F . iu prcml i seve^ last. | AU; one. T lion Mol c * whi Cri ltd O . on at at ni li