The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

'XS&a«.; TtfK l^M^aitf).! AN 1NI>K1'I1NP15NT WKKKI.Y MKWHPAVEH. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 22 1891. IP, JL PL A l i t , Editor and Prop'r PRICE * 1 , 2 3 PER ANNUM , It is* easy (r> remember Lowell’s birthday. The late poet was born on Washington’s birthday. Somebody says that the golden age of American literature has passed. How can this be said in a time when gold is the chief inspiration of every American pen ? President Balmaceda, of Chilli, is thinkiug.of going to war, with Bolivia before finishing his war with the in­ surgents. Lincoln was of the opinion that one war is enough at a time. Tacking a foreign war onto a civil wards to flirt with destruction. Those active temperance workers’ thophyloxora, are playing havoc with the vineyards of France. The railroads as well as the steam, ships are breaking records. A regu­ lar passenger train has just crossed the continent in four days, 16 hours and 50 minutes. . , - , .Correspondents have given up p u t­ ting Blaine to death with their pens and are now engaged in cutting short the existence of Emperor William. But it looks as if he would prove as tenacious as the secretary. Statisticians say that the whole of JjYauce cannot muster a colored pop­ ulation exceeding 500. One ot that nation’s literary lights had colored blood in bis veins. The elder Dumas was of African descent. Toronto is said to have the most re markable four corners in the world. They are occupied by a •church, the governor-general’s palace, a university and a saloon, “ representing education, legislation, salvation and damnation.” Some close student of his country’s history lias brought to light the very important fact that Washington died the Inst year of the century, the last month of the year, the last day of the week, and within the last hour of the day. Some little lime ago China was in­ vited to take part in the World’s fair. I t has just dawned upon those who in­ vited her that the Chinese are exclu­ ded from thut, country bylaw. The United States is thus pu tin n decided­ ly erabnrassing attitude. That tittle pocket edition of a na­ tion, San Salvador, is telling Uncle Sam what is what. As its navy con­ sists of a condemned American tug boat, with a single, old-fashioned, muzzle loading gun, its threats have occasioned no alarm along the Atlan tic seaboard. Mendicity, like . other professions, offers prizes to those who pursue it ear­ nestly. An Italian woman arrested •in Yew York for begging turns out to have a fat bank account. Her bus. band makes a trip abroad every sum­ mer. A Boston Chinaman by the orator­ ical name of Chin Lung proposes to wed an American girl by the name of Annie Ilmve. His countrymen are much exercised over the disgrace which such a course will bring upon them, but Chin savs he will nrnrrv An- nie Howe, anyhow’-.' I t is declared souii-ofhciully that Germany intends to conclude treaties with all European countries, including France, for a commercial combination against the United State.*. But the The evil of intemperance lias no more uncompromising enemies than the people of Georgia, Gov. Northen having signed the bill prohibiting li­ quor selling.'within three miles of any school house or church except* in the cities. Sober Georgians purpose to sow school houses and ehurqjies so thickly that there will be no place for a saloon in the rural districts. I t makes but little difference wheth­ er Melbourne, the Canton man, dan make it rain or not. Prof. Dvren- furth, who lias been experimenting for the government in Texas, can. He shook a copious shower out of the sky the other day by sending up dy­ namite in balloons and exploding them. Thatmortals can improvise rain whenever they need it is now an assured fact, . Like Morcutio, Tbaddeus humor did not desert him in Steven's bis last United States is amply able to defend moments. In some recent reminisceu itself against Europe- or in the iield. -in the market I t is very neccessary that the cap­ tain of n steamship should keep his wits about him. The captain of the steamer Cachinire, which arrived in New York the other day, discovered when 24 lmurs out that the soft coal the bunkers was burn­ ing, lK<took ten days to pu t the fire out, auoduring that tithe the fate of all on board hung ns by a thread, bu t not one of the hundreds of passen­ gers knew ap^Tbiug about it. A t the Berne geographical congress it was remarked that there is yet one tenth of the world Waiting for gome one to explore it, In this big coun­ try of ours, in states which have been settled for 200 years, there are places eo seldom visited by the outside world that their white inhabitants are prac­ tically savages. Within 30 miles of New York city, in the moutains of Rockland county, there is wilder life than can be found in most states west o f the Mississippi, I t can hardly be offensive egotism for one to affirm of himself what the facts bear out. The Columbus Grove robber was certainly telling the whole t.-uth when he said that he was a sec­ ond Jesse Janies. The Missouri ban­ dit never did a more desperate deed and never escaped under more discour- ageing circumstances. James figured in a wild country where he had hosts of friend* among the people. The Ohio man perpetrated hi# villiany in the heart of a law-abiding section. But the Ohio man is plainly first in whatever domain of human activity he rimy see fit to concentrate his talents. ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. -DEALER IN- PIKE OFOIL A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, F IN ISH ING , FLOOR ING , SASH , DOORS B LINDS 7 SCREEN DOORS - A large stock, All sizes, Beady for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. C A L L AND SHE FOlfi Y O l-K S E I/V E S . nenesnea* A. .T‘ C raw ford , J . I I. L ackey Xenia, O. Jamestown,:0. I Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY -ChinaHop c ‘8 of the distinguished statesman, an oM friend says that he railed upon him shortly before he died, and sough to Cnemirnge him with some apparent remarks about his appearance. “ Ah*1 replied Stevens, with a smile, “ it is not my appearance which is troubling me now; it is my disappearance.” Tho will of George Merritt of Cali' f iriiin provides that a band of music must precede bis funeral cortege am that refreshments must be served nt the close of the ceremonies, I t is question if there is not a certain amount of sense in Merritt’s eccentric ity. Believing that death is only an advantageous change of worlds, it seems to him that the occasion of his obsequies should be anything but lu­ gubrious. There is nothing more false than the statement that “ every man has his price.” I t is true that a great many men are for sale, some at, high figures and more at low, but there is a goodly company whom there is not wealth enough in the universe to buy, The late George Jones, editor of the'1 New York Times, was one of this company. He refused 85,000,000 to withhold from publication whnt he knew about the Tweed crookedness. People who live near where the Col­ orado river flows into tho gulf of California have not only been en­ tertained of late with earthquakes, ti­ dal waves and volcabic eruptions of mud, but with the eheolic spectacle of a river of fire aud brimstone. Sul­ phur mountain was the source o f the blazing current, the vast stores of sul­ phu r therein becoming igniteq by vol­ canic fire. Many inferred th a t the end oi the world was a t hand, and no one can blame them for the inference Wo have for this season’* Inidc Houui largo growth}’ pigs o f both sexes. Prlre.-t to suit the times. Also 3 extra Short-Horn bull calves. -(Jail on, o,f address us above. H o t W e a t t a ? Q-oods. NEW FABRICS Crepe De Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flowers fr > ni nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘-Solitude” (from California) • of the arid plains. Thc-te goo Is are very dressy, warranted sure c don and parspiratiou pvoot Black Organdy lawn, Ghtdly 5 cents a yard all wool filling 20 cents, pim apple tissue, black dotted swiss.- Another case o f . ' , Hemnant Sheeting only 18 3-4 c per yard. 2 l-(i yards wide. Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, o() cents and $L:0 V 1 ME Propsefl Amendment to the Constitu­ tion of Ohio. rF A T I O X S ection 1. lic it rerolvcd by the Oonocnl Assembly of the State of Ohio, 1lint a pruputi* (ion shall tic submitted to the electors of this State on the first Tuctday after the first Mon­ day in November, IbDi, to amend {section 2, of Article X II, of the Constitution of tha State of Ohio, so that it shall read as follows: ARTICLE X II. S eito N 2. Laws may he parsed which shall tax by a uniform rule all moneys, credits, in­ vestments in bonds, stocks, joint-stock compa­ nies, orotherwito; and all real and personal property according to the true value thereof in money, In addition thereto, laws tuny ha pass­ ed taxing rights, privifeges, franchises, and such other subject matters as the legislature may direct: hut btirying-gounds, public school- houses, houses used exclusively for public wor­ ship, institutions of purely public charity, pub- lie property used exclusively for any public purpose, and other property may by general laws, bo exempted from taxation: and tb» val­ ue of all properly so exempted tlivll, from time to time, be ascertained anu published as may bo directed tiy taw, B kctio X 2 . Ataueh election, tlioso electors desiring to vote for such amendment inay have placed upon their ballots the words “ Taxation Amendment—Yes," and those opposed to such amendment may Irnvo placed upon their ballots tho words “ Taxation Amendment—No.” S ection 3, This amendment shall take ef­ fect on the first day of January, 1802, NIAL It., Speaker of the House of Representatives, WM VANCE MARQUIS, * . President of the Senate, Adopted April 21,1891. t;*iTKi> S tate * on A merica , Onto, 1 office o r the S ecretary of S tate , j I . Daniel 3, Ryan, Secretary of State of the State of Ohio, do hereby certify th at the foregoing is a true cepy of a joint resolution adopted by the Qeneral Assembly of the State of Ohio, on the 24th day of April A. D. 1891, taken from tha original rolls filed In this office, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affUed my offi- [sBAt.1 clal seat, at Columbus the 24th 'day' of April, A. D. 1891. DANIEL J . RYAN. Secretary of State, 3SBS1A , OHIO. TOTOEPffliS: OF-TI HERALD A coi'dial invitation i& extended elegant to you to examine the NEW SCOGK being received now. A complete line of fine all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats, Pant ings, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D. M. STEWART * CO- X E N I A , - - - O H I O . FAWCETT. T P l i © 3 K © n l a « F Has in stock a fine lino of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELERY and DIAMONDS! , The finest line of Optical Goods In Greene County. ABpeelalfy maria of Brazilinn Pebble Spectacles in Gold, Sliver and Steel trained. They confer a brilliancy and riiatinctiie'* of vision, with an amount of cave and comfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers.