The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

'■g'f W wmufc-* M} jft i; •ifiaicS ‘ w r SATURDAY, JANUARY, 30H -rrw? IV, I I . R L A I I i, Editor rindProper . 1* £ w $ ': 9 1,38 P1W ANNUM. The war with Chill is now over. It was nil on paper. Miw Nellie Nielson the Accomplish, o l leading lady is with the Melville mcdy Co. ■ s?rge Carlisle, of Yellow Springs, spent a'OQjrnle of days in Cedarville this week, V Hie Misses Begley, entertained a large number of their young friends Thursday evenings Mrs. James OrcsweJh who Is in DF inoiavisiting her brother who is sick, has been seriously ill with la grippe-, Maud Melville as Tod, the Little . Detective. - This .is-the sensatioual •,* play that created a wide spread repu- ' ration through the eastern states last winter. B. R. McKinney, whq recently moved from this .place to Xenia, and Was employed at the paper mills, met ' with an acrijeut Thursday which re* suited in his death. He was on top of tin emptyfreight earat the paper mill „ switch, letting it down to be loaded with paper, the switch having quite a grade, when he slipped “and fell from "the top of the car outo the track. The car ran over both- his legs below the knees mangling them terribly. The patrol wagon was called and he was taken to his home. l ’hysieiaus were called bnt they could do nothing ‘toy him and he died at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He leaves a wile and sevpral chi'dren* A party of Cedarville checker players came to Xenia yesterday and called at Oarlt Wright's cigar store. Bev. Andrew took the seat and was soonVanquishedbybothIsraelHolling- worth and Benjamin Barber. After * awhile James Andrew make his ap­ pearance, when the fuu began,1 He tqok Israel Hollingsworth iu hand, qs*dat the endof three games it did'nt ,uire a block and tackle th raise Is- :1 out o f his scat. Then came Benjamin Father,who was vanquished in due slmpe. He then gave way to Richard Galloway, who soon got ait elegant auffiency, and retired iu fa vor of lis ter Arnold. That gentle man wasalso defeated, and Mr.. An­ drew left on the four o'clock train taking the honor* o f the day with hfon.—Gazette. ^ Alex, and Frank Turnbull vst re in rrimmi tins week. * The winKonw little xniitreth ftypny Fowler in with the Melville Comedy Vo. Will H^neSr intends moving to OedarviHe thefirst o f next week. He will occupy a house belonging to D. 8 . E r v i n . ___ __ Marriage Upenses;—Geo Ballard and Nora Maxon; George McFeff apt Pearl Owens; John 8 Poorman and Anna M Grant. Some gentleman fromMilledgeville has rented one of the business rooms belonging toMrs. M. A. D. Townsley, and will occupy it us a drug store about the first o f March, |from Jgl i ti t' », M i*syn <?> Jim McMillan is always thinking of some way to please his friends. The other d iy while lounging about hli Imchclor apartments at home, luxuri­ ously indulging in a pipe o f “ Lone Jack," the thought struck him that it would b* alee to have plenty of ice Ibr next summer. The crop was bountiful now andhow to saveit until he wanted it was the question, but Jim’s fertile mind was equal to the emergency. Remembering that at the Imrn thebanked drivewayabutted the stone foundauon, he concluded that with the aid of a few raik he could fence * uorner so securely that the sa l never would find it. Notwithstanding the fact that the thermometer was registering several ilegre** below aero, Jim went bravely to work and 'tefoire night he had six load* of beantiful ice encompassed by a bank, a stone wall and several oak rails, and aroundandabout the frown final he threw a quantity o f elover chaff*. The theory Jim entertains k that the chaff* is what will keep bis hw front malting. The theory maybe nil “ chat* or, the hoys may “ chaff" him next summer about the time old Ho) is getting in hk heat licks on the south aide of that bank barn. Bat it is to lie hoped Jim will not be be die- ap]minted faynhaffand that next sum- *Sr he can indulge in ice creamto fak aowtMrt. We do not want to seem oppressive to those who owe us and without .wishingto hurt the ieelings of any person would like to remark' to those who are iu arrearage for their sub- scriptou for the past two o r ' three years that i f they happen to hare few stray nickles that they do hot know how, to dispose of we might be able to handle them to advantage. .The following letter from Cedarville appears in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette o f last Sunday, and from it it appears that one o f our citizens has been badly used by thechiefexecutive o f our country. Harvey Jeffrie* Cedarsvill OhiO January the 21 ,18 ,92 Dear Sir I right you a fe\V liens to tel you a bout my twins boys they ar too years old fobary the 8 day we named them Harrison and nforton and we have rote to them three or for times and he he lias not aneerd us, all the good re { mblitors thanks He has not got the etters and we want to find oi}t what is the reason he dottt rite to us e«n you find out wathcr he got our letters or not if you can we would be ever so mutch olige to you dont you thauk lie ot to give them something the dimecrats makes fuu of us, they say he will not give them eney tiling but we dont care lor them i f you Charge eney thong tel us it I thauk eney bodey ot notowit dont you. must Close for this time hopin that you will help us to trust in (he lord to help us to rase the little boys remetu- there names Harrison and inorton, that is all queer this this letter from Harvey Jeffries CedarsvHl OhiO to the Commercial gazette offlCeCincin­ nati may the lord blew you is my. prear * ’l l is seldomwe try to explain the reason for not publishing what some readers demand, especially after we come to a conclusion after mature thought, but somany have come to us within the past week and accused the Herald o f showing partialty because we did not see fit to speak of a certain disturbance on our streets ami the arrest or couple o f women on thecharge of disorderly ‘conduct and of a gentleman for chastising a young man because he felt confident he was aiding in sending anonymous letters o f a highly immoral character to him. It k a well known fact that the parties who committed the greater wrong could not expect leniency at our hands as they refused our friendship more than a year ago when friends were needed. We said nothing o f the offense, because in the first place it would not have been to the credit of our town. Second, wc have never given police court proceedings a place in the Heraldexcept where the crime com­ mitted was sufficient to have the offender bound over to court, or of an old offender who was sent to the work house. Ami again, while arrestswere caused the affair was of a private nature and as the party was who was wronged did not see proper to make theaffklr public by punishing the offenders w« did not feel warranted In veatilktiag the aflfair. The first reason, however, was the most important, and white savsral citi*M havecensured ns, moraeqawily prorainent have eommeadsd u* for our routs* and say they do not sea bow we oouJd hsv# well dona other­ wise. g .party of four rotypk* ftvu spent a short time alarrillc Sunday evening. Sir. and Mre. C. J>, Dobbins have been confined to the house, tor qj out three weeks with the la-gripe. The Melville Comedy company at theOpera House, Cedarville, Moqday night, February 1, V * Rev. Tufts aud wife are rejoicing over the presence of a girl baby at- there home whichmade Reappearance Wednesday, r„ . .Invitations are out announcing the wedding of Miss. Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Court- land, o f Circleville, to Eagleston F. Dent, which will take place Tuesday, February 2nd. Misses Lula aud Effie Barber will bo present. * Rev. Sayrs, of Athens county ha* been Spending the week -in Cedarville the guest o f his eon, Prof, ‘ Sayrs of this place.-,'Last Sabbath‘mornhig he filled the pulpit at the Methodist church, preaching an interesting sermon. ■ < To-morrow morning tit the Metho­ dist church,‘the pastor will commence a series of sermons upon the Epistles of Paul in chrouological order. The first discourse will lie upon Thessalo- nians. A t 7 o’clock p. m., Rev. H. C, Weakley, of Cincinnati, will delivei an address upon the deaconess movement. All cordially invited. The McCorkle sister* assisted by Carl Cameron, trombone and mando­ line soloist, andTitos. Walden, cornet eoloWf, gave a pleasant entertainment in the opera bouse Thursday evening. Miss Laura McCorkle whistled several selectionsand was encored repeatedly. The entertainment was clearly up to the standard of the one given by them last September, They gave an enter­ tainment in South Charleston last night and. Will appear in Yellow Springs this evening, FURNITURE- 2 NOW W E HAVE GOT YON r V * Next week will be bargain week To tho^bifying Furnituresuch as Bed room suits, Parlor suits, folding Lounges, tables, Book case, Safes, i * . Kockers, Chairs in fact anything in the furniture line, Also Monarch Furniture Polish best in the world all at + •; t■ v . . •, • 1 • . exceedingly low prices. Gall and see us as we mean b u s in e s s , r* * y y BAJ5B & MORTON. r NiMpqE o gS g '’ s,w3B The Shakespeare club is no more. Not but what its Members still continue to meet and read, but they became tired of the name and concluded to cltgngo it. After several meetings, where nothing was d^cusftd but the new name they concluded to adopt one «mi only gave the,public .the initial letter*and keep the real name invionte within there own breast*. “ N. S. K .” w** the letter* given, ,^mt the jenl name they would never, nonever di­ vulge—-eo they raid. But there was eleven members o f the organization and who ever heard of eleven women keeping a secret two weeks. They i,ried hard but at. soon leakc-l out that it was the “ Nun Such Klul*.*’ !Slone such? Well we elioubl *ay there peverwas! No eleven ladies can lie :bund who are more to lie envied than member* of this “Klub.” They live to enjoy life and to *ee that others are happy. ^)ptimi*ts they all are and their sunny nature is infused in all with whom they come in contact. “ None Such.’' I t is wall named, - 1 a Es ^ i*l8J»S|" B‘ f t " Y-tfSs- wi n s « g. BAg1 a si l ° ii* a. crSoi a|3§s£| i!f|& i^olsTaSSaaSg R o s J « < i .3 cb " F f r f l l a j a g g - ^ £ " s a f sssa^5 Rag.?2*. §5-2-2.^ »<»§•»“ C«g"« j * p 30 oa > S 3 * ? g o K g 3 si. in fiB : y :: j : ■ f k £ ,'*> ■; 's.r ;^V*- ; Vwli ;{ t # _ a» l i l f l III ! k £>; iS-o--!e.» t. . ■ f! 0 9 CO \ i " r - f t If,; • V l-1.1 X iiM a fS e tt luu e s t . ’ No^ae la hereby given that Jas. R. Orr is authriRxcd to settle the estate of Mary A. Little deceased. All persons having .claim* against.said deceasedwill-present same.dulyproven to the undersigned for adjustment. 52-6 J as . R. Oim. TRANSFERS. S Lemarf ex of C Borton to Chas Mclntirc. 99 sq pole#, N Burlington, 8500. Auditor to Wm I-Awrence, lot 9, tfeD’s add to Xenia, $4.78. Auditor to same, 1-2 acre, Xenia, 91.93. R A Rowermaster v« J and M Wil­ son, 1-4acre, Jefferson, $250, W Dodd*, Sheriff, to C. F. Conner Fudge lot, BelJbrook, $36.72. Robert Nidev to Wm Steven*, 2 a in Ross, quit claim deed. Emma C Eleook to 8 O Hale, 1 25-100 acre* in Bug*rereek, $11.18. Marcus Shoup, trustee of Israel Mer­ rick, to Jno E Stutsman, 80 acres iu Beavercree, $4916. Wm Dodds, aheaiff, to Jeremiah Krepps, lots iu Xenia, $14,600. Silas Lucas vs James H Butler; fooAjsgat claimed $88. Win N Fields to J M.Bonner, 6 87- 100 a l l . Mary Devoe and I ) J Devoo to T M Babb, 2 86-100 a in (/aesarcreek, $190.66. XOTIOK. Just received,-Jf2,000 worth of clothiug and Imots atnl shoes that we bought for $1,000 spot cash in Balti­ more last week which wo will give our customers the benefit of. Call early to get^good selections. Every tiling the very latest style. * Our 15 men’s suits cannot lie dapticatcd any­ where for less than $l5, J. E. L owry . Manfii Blasting Cheap. Now is the time to have your work done. (Satisfactionguaranteed.) Call and see us or leave your orders at Ervin’s office. R ob ’ t T hackeu , Attorney atLaw 15 E. MA IN St., - XEN IA OHIO. Raatk iy Kepwrt Hckssls. H 11 0aop*raapa-»o<&aB»*-iw re t*?•1<0. ‘gjX« OOOt» IOo *0 1*0 r ran « *Q IJL rerere^o b b ^ h •** 13 J?W,CS*0 0 0 0 ” ^ rt l » P9CO ftOBBaTwra'B*J fO B fl 13 ^ B* e-a 13 t flw h ftooe MB P) OD For a goodshoe made to order call on 0. Keller the practical Shoemaker North Main St. Repairing neatly and promptly done. Teeth extracted without pain by upplicaton of cocaine at Dr. Homan’* office. Buy your fresh and salt meats at the old reliable meat store ot 0. W. Crouse, fftttklea’s .xi'ijsieti.salve. The best salve iu the worW for mv : iraine*. sore*, nhvni, sdt rlielm, <oras, tettfr,chapjinl b mis, etii'hfoln? urnsandallakmcittrrti(*as,aadjwwitjvc t cures pUt«,or nopay nqairaii. Ii H cn«niniM*d Mgivs perf«st saltsfssUo... w , i m«r rata uleil. Pries S3 roat* a k#*, y * r s a k k y a o . » M i r * y^ Mi ^ c } <1 ' i i . " j ' Ba *, o * S • S 3 A S3 * ' Sa © • (w s + 2* w i f i ” & i s - ■gj&jsk'o 5 s - ■ I t The new curriculum* will be dis­ tributed next week and parents will please read them and be governed ac­ cordingly. Many pupils arc on the tardy list because only two minute*late. This should not be. Mbs Estelle Barber was in Hatnil ton this week attending the wedding o f her eowsia, Miss IJtxie yiefaol, which occurred Thursday evening at 6 o’clock. Mb* Stella returns home to-day. A number from here attended stock' aaMat Loadoit hurt Tuesday,