The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

MS IXJ>*rKKDKXT WKJCKL.Y KKWfrAf’XX. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 29 1891. H K I An aged widow ladj recently died X | H U X |X l i - A ' >iu Vincennes, Prance, Though the comjwuion o f her youth had been dead many years, he still lingered in her memory. In her will *be left $1,200 for ihe exjpenseeof her funeral, bu t w ithtbft express condition that h e r grave wa* to be ac far from her bus- baud’*** possible. ' IV. II. HI?AIK , Editor andProp'r tf.S B PC* ANNUM. The Into hurricane was the most im­ portant event that had happened on the sleepy little island o f Martinique Mince the Empress Josephine was born there. Multitudes are jostling one another in their haste to get the blessing of a touch of the Holy Coat of Treves. There Is some superstition left in the world yet.* The most contemptible man hoe been located in South Bethlehem, Pa. Ha has clearly “ broken the record” in meanness.He stole a cripple's crutches and pawned them. Little Johnnie Joy, of Philadelphia, a precocious litigant. He has not com­ pleted his second year,but he has sued the Pennsylvania Railroad Compa­ ny for damages done to his nervous' system before he was born. An Australian schoolma'am has been suspended by the minister of education at Victory for impropriety. I t must be confessed that what she did fell a trifle short of good taste. She prayed that her husband should die soon. Casar’s three-word letter to -Rome, “ veni, vidi, vtci,” has been paralleled m brevity by a couple of letters which have fell under the scrutiny of the Re- hoboth Herald. They are as follows: “ Dear Clara: ?. .Tom.” “ Dear Tom: I will.! Clara.” ANDREW JACKSON, Nat Goodwin, the comedian, is hav­ ing a row with his wile. . Some hold that the theatrical profession does not tend to cultivate a tender reverence for the marriage relation; but it, may be that Nat is Only trying his Juck in a clever advertising scheme prepara­ tory, to the opening o f the season. The worst enemy of Thomas Smith o f Lanesboro, S. C. cannot acuse him of morbid sentimentality. He has had the following inscription carved upon his wife’s tombstone: “Here lip^Jau wife ol Thomas Smith, marble cutter This monument was erected by her husband as a tribute to h e r . memory and a specimen of his work. Monu­ ments of this same style $250. Annexation to the United States is being agitated in the Sandwichlslnnds. Many of the inhabitants express a de­ sire to become Americans.. Of course the .Hawaiian Kingdom and all the other islands adjacent to the United States will be uudor the stars and stripes after a time. There is a heated controversy be­ tween Havana and San Domingo,each one claims that it has the genuine bones of Columbus, There is no. way < o f settling the controversy unless the matter is left to the arbitation of phre­ nologists, who shall make comparison of thebumps of each skull with .the character of the great discoverer as . duplicated in history.' ’ Naval commanders will have to be on the alert in the coming sea-fights. From the moment that the approach or the enemy is known until the fury o f the*battle is upon them, not five minutes-shall elapse. Eternal vigil­ ance will be the price of victory, and sleepy-headed men would better stay on laud. Ohio comes-to th.e front again. I t is stated that the Emperor William’s fits are due to the. rough treatment which he received years ago from a Buckeye jboy, who was his classmate at the gymnasium at Bonn. The two boys had a quarrel and. in the melee the fu­ ture emperor fell upon his head and lay insensible for several hours. Von Moltke, in, his memoirea just published, expresses the opinion "that Bnzaine, the Frencn Marshall who surrendered Metz, was a traitor. Weight is added to this opinion from the fact that it was for the interest of Von Moltke not to express it. In do­ ing so he detracts.from Iris own glory, ns hb admits that one of the ,greatest o f his victories was due to the trea­ son of the enemy’s commander, rather than to his own military gen­ ius. . SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. New England is probably the most law-abiding section of the Union. The<1 capture of Almy, the New Hampshire fiend, was followed by no exhibition o f fiendishness on the part of his cap- tors. In any other part of the union than New England the wretch would have been strung up to the nearest tree. I t is said that it takes a stronger character to eudure prosperity than adversity. I t sometimes takes strong­ er constitution# A German girl aged 14, was recently promised a delight­ ful Rhine excursion. The prospect filled her with such overpowering joy as to produce a strain upon the heart’s action and she fell to the Door and died, President Polk's will provided that after the death o f Ids wife, his estate should go to “ the most deserving member o f the family bearing the name of Polk,” the decision to be madeby the legislature of Tennessee. The president’s branch o f the Polk family is now extinct, the last and least deserving member o f it dying in Mexico a fugitive from justice, A member of the Reichstag has r gusted that Germany cede the con­ quered provinces of Alsate and Lor­ raine to France • condition tlmt that country join the Triple alliance. If the Emperor William would win im­ mortal fame as a monarch—a fame that lie could not win by a dozen suc­ cessful wars—all there is for him to do is to return to France the territory taken from it in the war 1870. The substitution of magnanimity fo r. force and deceit would be something go bril­ liant and original in statesmanship that it would mark an epoch. Engineer Hughes, of Vimceburg, Ky., is a disgusted man. ‘The chances are-that henceforth he will not prize human life so highly. He saw Will Stevenson lying across the track ahead of his train. With great effort he stopped his engine within a few feet of the prostrate man, who appeared to be intoxicated. He pulled him off the track and incideutally gave him kick. Stevenson was not intoxicated, hut iu the throes of a fit. He lmd recovered enough consciousness to appreciate the full force of Hughes’boot, and he had Hughes arrested for assault and bat­ tery. The result is tlint Hughes has had to pay $0 for saving Stephenson’s life. SEW THROUGH HLEEPFJl -DEALER IN- PME OFi l l A N E W S T O C K O F v h ic a g o to S i o u x F a lla , Houtli D a k o t a . Travelers en route to the North­ west are informed that the £> reat R ock I sland R oute began running, June 11, a Thorough Buffet Pullman Sleeper, Qhicago to Sioux Falls, south Dakota. Tuis car leaves Qhicago daily, ex­ cept Saturday, on the O., R. I. & P. No. 1, a t 1.30, noon; returning, ar­ rives at ohicAgo daily, except Mon­ day, a t 8.05 a, m. Map, Folders, and further infor­ mation sent on application, E . S t . J ohn , Geu’l Manager, J no , S ebastian , Genl Tkt. & Pass A g t G eneral O ffice , CHICAGO, ILL . RIDING, FINISHING , FLOORING , SASH, DOORS BUNDS SCR EEN DOORS A large'stock, All sizes, Beady for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumberl J * - CAUL AND SEE FOR TOEHSEI.VES. A. J* C kawvokd , J . II. L ackey Xenia, O. Jam estow n , O.- Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Poland-Cliina Hogs AVe have for th is season's trade some largo grow thy pigs o f both sexes. Prices to su it th e times. Also 3 ex tra Short-H o rn (mil calves. Cali On, or address as above. Proposed Amendment totlieConstitu­ tionorObio. T A X A T I O N S kcuos 1, Bo St Tenolvul by the General Assembly of tlic State of Ohio, I'liat a propoii- tlun shall he eabmitlcd to the electors of this State on the first Tuesday after the first Mon­ day in November. lbSU, to tiincnd Section 2, of Article XII, of the Constitution of the State of Ohio, so that It shall read as follows: ARTICLE XII. S kctox 2. Laws may be passed which shall tax by a uniform rule all moneys, credits, in­ vestments in bonds, slocks, Joint-stock compa­ nies, orotherwisa; and all real and personal property according to the fro* voluo thereof- in money. In addition thereto, laws may bepass­ ed taxing rights, privileges, frnncbififc*, and such other subject matters ns the legislature may direct: but burying-gounds, public school- houses, houses used exclusively J it public wor­ ship, institutions of purely public charily, pub­ lic property used exclusively for any public purpose, and other property may by general taws, bo exempted from taxation; and tho val­ ue of all property so exempted shall, from time to time, w ascertained and published as may he directed by law. * B ectiox 2. At such election, those electors desiring to vote for such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the words "Taxation Amendment—Yes," and those opposed to such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the words "Taxation Amendment—No.” B rction 8. This amendment shntl take ef­ fect on tho first day of January, ISjfld. NIALR. HYSEI.L, 5 Speaker of the House of Representatives, WM VANCR MARQtfIS, President of the Senate. Adopted April 21,1891. U s T itko S tatics 6r A urkicac Onto, I o m e n op tu x S ecretary op S tate , j I. Daniel J. Ryan, Secretary of Stato of theState of Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true cony of a joint resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the State of Ohio, on the 24th day of April A. D* 1891, taken from the original rolls filed in this office, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto sob- scribed my nameand affixed my effi- [ skat ..] ctal seal, al Columbus the 2&th day or April; A. D. 1891. DANIEL J. RYAN, Secretary of State, H o t "W e a th e r 0 -oocLs. NEW FABRICS Crepe Be Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flowers from nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘ Solitude” (from California) >- of the arid plains. Tlie3c go>.id are.very dressy, w.trr.intol3ure colors an<l perspitutieu proof Black Organdy lawa, Ultally 5 ce.itsa yard nil wr>I filling 20 cents, pin® apple tissue, black (lotted swiss. Another case of Remnant Sheeting only 133-4 c per yard. 2 l-(>yards wide. Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, 50 cents and §1,00. 1SI 5 XENIA, OHIO. A cordial invitation is extended elegant to you to examine the NEW SCOGK being received now. A complete line of fine all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats. Pant ings, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not bo excelled. D, M. STEWART * CO. a C B IV IA * O H I O . FAWCETT. H us ' til stock a flue line of WATOHEH, CLOCKS, JEWELE ItV siul DIAMONDS! ** *’ - . ■ ^ s '> . . • • The finest line of Optical Goods in Greene County. A Specialty made of Brnclltan Pebble Spectacles In Gold, Silver mid Steel frames. They confer a brilliancy and distinctness of vision, with an amount of ease and comfort, seldom-enjoyed by spectacle wearers. ,