The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52
T U B U B l j l i l l i l ) . AH IMDXNU'DHl'T WJMUSMr HMWSPAWM. SATURDAY, BKI*TKMBER, 12 O', / / . B L A IR , Editor and l ’rop’r MIlOK * 1 . 3 5 P 1R ANNUM . There always va« and ■ always will 1 ms talk aliout wlmrd times.” There <*ould ta no measure of prosperity which would close the mouths of the murmurere. The discontent of labor seems to have penetrated to the far east. The dancing guTs'm n tenrole at Sprini- gur, in Bengal, have struck because the priests curtailed some of their privileges. ’ ■ At the Ia£t session.of the Texas leg islature two women in Pallas county were appointed notaries publio. In the enlighted state of Ohio, however, i t is unconstitutional for a woman to tw# notary public. Mrs. Lloyd, of Greensbiirg, Pa., disciplined her young son with a shingle the other day. The young son had eight'buuche3 of pistol caps in his trousers pocket. The rest of the story is left to the imagination. I f reading and writing were the making of men and women Bavaria would I ks in the vftn of human pro gress. According to the late military statistics there are scarcely any il literate persons in that German state. Many, in the possession of all their senses, are a burden to society, hut Richard Clinton, of the New York Instution for the Deaf and Dumb, can neither hear, speak nor see, and yet has acquired a good education and a Selfaupporting trade. Charles A. Dana is a modest man. No one would know that he was a major unless a search was made in the records for the information. But he is just the same. He was appointed June 1, 1863, assistant adjutant gen eral, with.the rank of mayor. An Austrian, church has recently received a legacy of 300 florins. I t was beqeathed by a merchant of Vien na to atone for his having broken a window during a Jessup in catechism when a hoy 11 years old. This mer chant had n conscience something like Samuel Johnson’s. Johnson attoned, when an ohl man, for disobeying his father when a boy, by standing bare headed all day a t the very spot where the disobedience took place, ]|f--ft-——1----------- Little things are sometimes fraught with important i. results. A sneeze caused a blockade of cars in the Wash ington street tunnel in Chicago the other day. By sneezing a man lost his false teeth. The car stopped and his fellow-passengersgot off and helped hint hunt for the teeth, While the hunt proceeded, other ears crowded in and some little time elapsed before matters were as they had been. A fly onee exerted a great influence on the history of the world. I t ehoked one of the popes to death, A Hew York man’s ashes have been seized for the debts of another man. When Peter Van d*>r Willigen died, April 141890, his wife had him crem ated, and earned his ashes about among her personal effects, She after wards went to Germany and married * man named Bertucb, He was a poor financier, and he soon had to make an assignment for his creditors. According to the laws o f Germany a wife** property can be held for her hothead’* * debts. Consequently, everything Mti. Bertuch had was seis ed, including Von der Willigen** m I m , Hha is very anxious to recover the a*h«a, and Unci* Bam will douht- )«uiget them for her. An American** hady eonttauesto I n American after lAiWaath he* left ft, and Genuany •auuM with as much naasa arias a w * America* at propsrty aa a f e d A colored man a t Inwood, Ala,, carelessly ran hi* head against a cut off saw the other day, He only r*« ofived a afelp wound, hu t the teeth o f the saw had to ba filed before they couled he used again, Miss Besant says that she has re ceived letters from Mme. Blavawky in her own bandwriting. One thing is certain-—there is either a postal route across the dark river, or Miss Besant is not telling the truth. —f ..... —»» !■" ----‘ ' Hinty thousand tons of meteoric dust settle down upon the earth every year. Of course the bigger thfe earth gets the more surface it has. Some day there will bo two acres where there there is one now. But it is a little too early to buy real estate with a view to profiting by thef increase, ■ , , . i ** m <—-—.' ■ There is good in everything." Even the “grip” is not 100 per cent evil, Lord Salisbury calls it “ a beneficent disease,” because it keeps the talking members of the house of commons away from their seats and allows the working members to transact business in pence. * I t iBbelieved that “Chinese” Gor don is not dead, but is still ' held prisoner at Khartoum. Au American is going to settle the question ouoe for all by disguising himself and going direct' to Khartoum, I f Gordon is still alive and can be rescued, he will have the novel experience of reading his. own death as a settled historical fact, ANDREW JACKSON, SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. ‘ Sudden and strange was the death of Charles Smith, a Louisiana wood- chopper. I t may be that no one ever died jnst as he did. He was a t work in iPswamp. He cut down- a large hollow tree. In falling it slippet back and caught him in its hollow, and then slid down into the mud mu water of the swamp, thus sealing him up hermetically. A piece of music has been compose by a man in Berlin. He calls it the “Boiled Egg Polka.” This direction is on the title page: “To boil eggs place them in boiling water, and play the polka in ‘allegro moderato’ time, taking them out at the last bar. They will then be found fo be boiled to nicety,” * -DEALER IN'- m m A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING , FLOORING , SASH, DOORS BLINDS SCREEN DOORS A large stock, All sizes, Ready forhanging, at loyr prices. Estimates furnished onapplication, for anything in the line of Lumber. G r o o d . G r r a d e s , I j O w F r i o © . CA LL AX1) S E E FO E YOURSELV E S . A. .T* C uawfoud , J . I I . L ackey | Xenia, O. Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY * ■. Poland-ChinaHogs Twice has Constantino Aehnrgnn young Greek, inherited a million un< twice has he squandered it. Of late he has been clerking in New York city a t a salary of 810 par week. The other day he- received word from Creese that an unde had died an< left him another million. With the experience he has had, he should be able to dispose of this third million in short order. T h e y C a n 't A fford to T rifle . When a man or woman Is all LrO' ken dowu with a hacking cough, am their rest is disturbed at might, am finally their bones get sore, their heads heavy, c>es watery, then is jnst the time they can’t afford to trifle with themselves. The great medici nal propertie sofWild Cherry as a stimulant to the weak Utngs and Ir- iftaird air cells lias longbcen known. To tliis lias been added iu Jackson’s Wild Cherry and Tar Syrup, a few of the essential ingredients to stimulate nutrition to the weak parts, and they positively guarantee one dose to re lieve the most obstinate cough, and one iuittle will generally cure a cold. Price 25 amt 50 cents. For sale by B.G. Ridgway. K lee tr i e R itte r s . This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitten sing the same song of praise.-- A purer medicine does not exist apd it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitten wiil cum all disease* of the Liver and Kid neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Balt Rheum and other affections caused by impfcm blood. —Will drive Malaria ftom the system and present a* well wi mm all Malarial fevm .—For cure o f headache, constipation and tad(Ma rion try ElectricMtSers—Eorir* saris- fimtlonjpraraateed, or money reftaa- ded.—Knee fiOels. and II.OCTper bot tle at B. a Ridgway** drapioie. * ’ LOTTIC KtCl tu ■ Wo have for tills season’s trade hoiiio largo growthy pigs of both sexes, Trices to stilt the times. Also 3 extra Short-llom bull calves. Call on, o r address as above. H o t W e a th e r CloocLs. t e w FABRICS Crepe De Tela, Light Tissue Cloth with flowers from nature, notably “Bear Grass” from Florida, the ‘’Solitude” (from California) ' , of the arid plains. These go.>.L are very dressy, wirrantol sure coin's and perspiration projt Black Organdy lawn, Chilly 5 cents a yard all wool filling* 20 cents, pine apple tissue, black dotted Swiss. Another case of Kosiuaut Shsetiag only 188-4 c per yard, 2 l-f»yards wide. Sun umbrellas, beautiful handles, 50 cents and $1.00. T i n Prapset' M n t titleCMstita- T A X A T X O TV. S uction 1. Ba it resolved by the General Assembly uf the Staton? Ohio, t hat a prcponi- tion shall bo submitted to the electors of Ibis State on tho first Tuesday after the, Ural .Mon day in November, 1891, to amend Section 2. of Article Jell, of the Constitution of tho Stata or Ohio, so that it shall read as follows: ARTICLE X II, SscioH 2, Laws may be passed which shall tax by a uniform rulo nil moneys, credits, in vestments in bonds,stocks, joint-stock compa nies, orothcrwlso} and all real and personal properly according to tho tras value thereof in money, la addition thereto, laws may bs part ed foxing rights, privileges, franchises, and such other subject matters as the legislature f may direct: but Lurying-gjnnds, public school-1 houses, houses used exclusively for puhlie wor ship, institutions of purely public charity, pub lic property used exclusively for any public purpose, and other property may by general laws, be exempted frem taxation; and the Val ue of all property a* exempted shall, from time to time, be ascertained and published as may be directed by law. S ectios 3. At such election, those electors desiring to vote for such amendment may hare placed upon their ballots the words "Taxation Amendment—Yes,” and those opposed to such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the wards "Taxation Amendment -N o.” BrXTion A, This amendment shall take. *i - jftet on the Srst day of January, 1692, NIAL It. HY8ELL, Speakerof the House of Representatives, WM VANCK MARQUIS, - ■ President «r tht Artftta, Adopted April 24,1*91. b u n s S tates er A merica . Onto, t t im e s o* Tss S screta R v er A tatk . f I . Daniel J . Ryan, Aearetaiy af Itata’ ef theStats Of Mite, de hereby eertify that the e f the Atote . . . . A. ». MSI, takmfrmi th««rigtMl ntts lb * fat tbit «*ee, In tsstiiisey wWraef. I hare h sem le anh- N^NWNWNAWMIHNiMSynMK* • f April, A. D. ISM. DAJHIIt i , %1AW, XENIA, OHIO. I A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SC0GK being received now. , A complete line of line all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats, Paut iugs, OeutsFuruisMugGoods. Ourprices, like rpiality in finegoods can not lie excelled. Di M. STEWART fe CO- X I B N I A , - - - O H I O . FAWCETT, H*s lib ftm k • f e s fe if « t WATOHEN, CtlOOKi, JEW EL IRY air I DIAMONDS! 2 ! & | MHtancir omi J l f lMtwyn srf vHm , with mi *nsti«i.t of mm mh I
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