The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52
t h e AK JNDKI'KNDKNT WtSRKI.Y NKWBPiPBR. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 26 IV. IT. B L A IR , Editor and Prop’r PRICE S 1.29 PER ANNUM. A Georgn court house was bought one day last week for $55. Neither judge nor jury was included in the sale Mrs. Emma Stanley, of Meruleu, Gt.j enjoys the novel experience of being her own aunt. She married her uncle. \ Zola is thinking of dropping bis pen aud turning lus. attention to the regen eration of the stage. As si r^gentra- tor of literature Zola has hardly been a success. Tlie physical and moral are closely related. The peasants of Silesia com plain that owing to the hardships ot getting bread their children are learn ing to lie and steal. ---- ,*m • ' — — .Ridgway lias a full supply ofschool books such as are used in this vicinity ' and school supplies of all kinds, and is ottering special inducements to the country as well ns town trade. They Do Affiliate. A great many artificial eggs are be ing made in England. They are as good as the natural eggs for culinary purposes, but all efforts to hatch them have so far proved futile. • As, Ohio is plainly first in every thing, it follows that it should have the meanest man. A wealthy farmer near Jucobsburgh has been' caught stealing grain from a widow . in mod erate circumstances. . -------- ' ^ • m ----- - A Kansas man has been compelled to pay a fine of $50 for kissing the hand of a - good-looking girl. Home may hold that the man who forsakes labial for manual osculation dcs* rves to be severely mulcted. South C'tiroliuii is at the present time, of all the other states the great est stickler for domestic loyalty. The marriage contract in that utat is in- . dissoluble by any human means. Only death can sever the tie. Bridget Hennessey, of New York id an ohedient wife. When her husband told her that the best thing she could do would be to drink some carbolic acid, she never questioned bis judg ment but proceeded at once to pour a bottle of the fiery stuff down her throat. A recent traveler in the great Orient tells of a strange mode of detecting crime which is in vogue there. The suspected persons are made to take n big mouthful of wheat. The one who , is unable to masticate and swallow his mouthful is considered the guilty party as it is claimed that fear seals the ■alivary glands, , Birds are not the only animals that warble, There is inusie in fish. The ' singing shad, which frequent various localities, have been heard in lower Delaware bay this season. They como in schools from tlm south. The sounds they make arc soft aud'Iittleiike those of an tcolinn harp. Imitated on paper they run something like this: “ Wee ho, lie ha do d*; wee 1m, die de tlitm,” During'the performance of Wag ner’s “Lohengrin” in the grand opera house, Paris, the other night a lot of nsifbetida was turned loose. The N. Y. Herald is ot the opinion that this public use of the malodorous drug was an “ ingenious device” of French pat riots “ for making Wagner literally stink in French nostrils.” I t is more charitable to believe that some lover of peace and good-will, fully'aware of French Excitability and the strain be ing put upon it by the rendition of the German masterpiece, quietly took the responsibility of applying one of the best of unthspnsmodics. E d itor H e r a l d : —Will the Xenia Republican also copy the following ex planation o f the attitude of the W. C. T, U. towards political parties for the benefit of its readers. At the begiuuing of the. woman’s temperance movement the women ex pected to remove the saloon by prayer, but the answer they recieved to their prayers was, “ the people of this coun try have the power themselves to de stroy the saloon,” To their surprise they learned that the trafic was actual ly under the control of the Govern ment, and that the government was run by political parties, consequently it was through a political party that the overthrow was to be accomplished, but tlic women remembered their political rights had not yet been gran ted, so all they could do was to re solve to lend their influence to any political party which would espouse their cause. Accordingly a .committee .was appointed with Miss Willard at its bead to start out in search of such a party, they called first upon the re publican convention at Chicago where Blaine was uonfiuatod; the committee on. resolutions gave gave them fifteen minutes to plead for home protection, while the liquor men were allowed an hour and a half to present their cause in behalf of home destruction. The Raster resolution was reaffirmed in du'erence to their wishes,. while the last heard.of the women’s petition it was serving as a receptacle for the tobacco juice of _the committeemen. They stopped next with the demo cratic convention a t St Louis where Cleveland was nominated, hut with no better success, while the liquor men, as usual, secured the passage of the. anti-sumptionary pltink. Finally they wended their way to Pittsburgh where they found the prohibition convention in session which nominated S t' John, Here their petition was cordially re cieved' and the committee assured . • I them that the party had been organ ized for the very purpose of protecting the homeumd ridding, this country of tiic oppression of the liquor traffic. C >uld the. W. C T. IT. he faithful to its nledgo and do otherwi.-e that: he loyal to the prohibition party? If the republican or democratic party had espot ed their cause, would not they have been under obligations to do the same for either of them? A W, (J .T , IV Otto Kramer, of Philadelphia, has sued a railroad company for $2,000 damages. He alleges that in sitting down upon a car seat lie sat down on a tack. Brief ns wits the time of con tact, he thinks 82,000 is no more than a just remuneration ^fur his trouble. A N D R E W J A C K S O N , . ■ \ SU C C ESSO R TO DUN LAP & C O . -DEALER IN- PIN! L A N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, DOORS BLINDS DOORS A large stock, All sizes, Ready for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. • % G rO O C L ( 3 k 8 ?OiCi€ 3 £B., H j O^ST^T I r ^ r i o G . CAI.L A h » K i: i ll 'O R Y O l« » :L V % A. J ’ CitAWFOKD, J . II. L ackey X enia, O. .Tamo-town, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY Poland-Chiiia Hogs That Have A Fmi JSraaafin!' I I V mime/sar I t is to he a hard winter for the European poor. In every country there will he widespread suffering. Thmmnds are starving this early. In oueRu.-wian province mothers purpose ly expose thoir children to diphtheria, perferring them to die hv disease than by the lingering tortures of hunger. But America is blessed wtth a supera bundance of everything. The rail roads are embarrassed to find suffici ent transportation for the garnered harvests. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring yon satieinctory results, or in -case of failure a return of purchase price, On this snio plan you can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a boftte of Dr, King’s New Discovery for Consumption. I t is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation, etc, I t is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottle free at Ridgeway’s Drug Store. (1) ... 1.... » » . .... . a M erit Wins- We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been sellingDr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr, King's New Lire Fills, Bucklen'e Arnica Salveand ElectricBitters, and have never handled remedies tlmt sell as well, or that have -given such universal satisfaction, We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, And we stana ready to refund the purchase prloe, if satisfactory, results do not follow thslr use, These remedies have won thelrgreat popnlnrity purely oar their merits. Ridgeway's,druggist. (1) 'AVe have for thin. scumui V trade some la rg e grow th y p ig s o f both sexes. 'Brices to su it the tim es. Also 3 e x tra •S liori-lioru hull cajvcs. Cal) on, o ” address as above. Proposed Amendment tot’aeCoii&titn* tiouofOliio, rJ7 X 'X J±.rV P wtios t. B eit resolved by tho Uenernl Assembly of the State <>l Ohio, I lint n pr<|Kii<i- lion -lmlI liu submitted to the electors of this 8tnte on the first i ueaitny niter the first .Moil* Jay in November, lsltl, to amen I Section ", *f Article X II, of the (. (institution of thu Stale *f Ohio, so tliuL it shall rrnJ ns I'olluWs: • ARTICLE X II. ? kotos 2. Laws may be passed which shall lax Iiy a uniform rule nil moneys, credits, in- vestment* in bonds, stork*, joint-stock compa nies, or otlmrwiso; ami nil real und personal properly according to the trnu value thereof in money. In aJilitiun thereto, law'smay lie pass ed taxing Tights, privileges, franchises, anil such either subject mutters ns the legit Inture may direct! hut lniryitig-g*"mnd«, public school- houses, houses nsod exclusively f >r puldie wor ship, institutions of purely public charity, pub lic property used exclusively lor any public purpose, and other propcity may by general laws, ho exempted from taxation; and the Titl- ite of nil property *o exempted shall, from lime to tiara, ho nsccrlfiiucd and publislicd. ns may bo directed by law, E m 'T iox 2, At such election, those doctors desiring to vote for such innendinciit may hat* placed upon their ballots the words "Taxa'ion Aincodmcnt—Yes," and those opposed tn such nmemiuicnt may have placed uptm their ballots the words “ Taxation Anicnd-nent -No." tfKCTtn.v X, This amendment shall take ef fect on the first day of January, 1892. XIA L H. liYSELL, Speaker of the House of Representatives. \VM VANCE M a UQUIS, 1'residcnt of the Sonato. Adapted April 21,1891, 1'ltiTBir S tatkb ok A mkiiica . O hio , ) OFFICEOKTIIBSKCHKTAtlV6KS ta JI!, { * I. Daniel J , Ryan, fiocretary of 8 title of tho State of Ohio,-do-hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy or a joint resolution adopted by tho (Icncrnl Assoinhly of tho State of Ohio,'on the 2‘Uh’ilny of Anril A, )>, 1891, taken from the original rolls filed in this office, In tesilmSay whereof. I have hereunto sub scribed my natfie and affixed my offi- fsEAt..] d a l seal, at Columinis the 26th dav « of April, A. 1). 1891. DANIEL 3. RYAN. Secretaryof Stat*. Houebohl and kitchen Furniture. \Vhon cleaning house iliis .la.ll yon will line! von need.a new parlor or cham ber m i itc. I t t h e n we can do you good. We have an elegant lino select from and will guarantee prices. BARR & MORTON. .4^ . * 3 3 tf-.-x- * 3 \ - * t I)1<Abe you will need the services of . or practical enibalnicrs. If so we guarantee good service, B ^3 A cordial invitation is extended, to you to examine the elegant w being received now. A complete line of lino ' ? e s s all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Bxisinsss Suits, . Cvercoats. Paaxt ings, G-ents PurnisMng Qoods. Onr prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled. D, Rffl. STEWART & CO- X X S O T A ., - - - O H I O . -FAWCETT . H hs In Hfuck a fine lln« of VVATOHES, CIX)CK 8 , JEWELEUY uittl DIAMONDS! ** f l^r"^ 'i i* *eG**11* r« ' c V h (^l< • 11 t»Vt1 fcliVvie h I*^Si ^*rwiir?**^ Tl"Jy coiifrr h hriliiMiicy hik ! tllHtl.ictn^H t»f vlshm, wllhttn Hinount of cant? hih J coiuiui't, HtltloiD etijoytftl i>yHjiL>ctHcl^ wearera.
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