The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

m wmmm The Cedarville Herald. W. H. BLAIR, Pnbllthwr. ; * oHra CEDARVILLE. ♦ HUMAN MINISTRY. To all wbo walk the ways of earth. Of noblo or of hurablu birth. Belongs a power of priceless worth Divinely given, Beloved of Heaven. A power, beautiful, lndcod, To help their follow* in their need. The hunger of their pouls to feed. And make lees dreary Uvea Bad and weary; By little things th at cost not much— A Icindty word, a look, a touch— ' Thus sunny gleams to bring to such As lack life’s sweetness ' In its completeness. T e t o’er earth’s pathways high and low i Do mortals, hungry; fainting go, f For what their fellows might bestow . Their hearts to lighten, Their days to brighten. Not pitiless aro all, nor cold, , Y et all unthinkingly withhold Finch they might give more dear than gold, To spirits weary, 'With burdens dreary. No ono his fellow’s heart may read, Or know the measure of his need, Or number those who inly bleed, Yet smiling cover . Their heart-wounds over; • And none there ore of all thut live T hatiive not bettor, to receive The pleasant things that all may givo Of helpful power, In every hour. The kindly word and look and smile, How mighty nro they to beguile. And make earth’s often weary' while .Not wholly cheerless, ThougU-novcr tearless. Alas! the many th at remain , ' In spirit-hunger mid in pain. And wait nnd long and pine in vain ' For such revealing Of fellow-feeling. «?■ O, mortals, freely glve of such— The cheering word, the smile, the touch- That nothing cost, that help so much Sad hearts to lighten, Dark hours to brighten. —Frances A. Percy. In N, Y. Ledger. A R O M A N C E TWO b r o t h e r s . BY EDGAR FAWCETT. A uthor o f "T he C onfessions o r C i . aud ,” •• an ambitious W oman ." "T he E m , T hat M en ' D o ." "A N ew Y obk F amily ,” ,E tc . lCopyrlght, iSO, Iiy Edgar Fawcctt.l CHAPTER 1. “ If I shu t my eyes real tig h t I enn , Bed i t , ” Sylvan would sometimes tie-!, clarc; and th en h is little b rother, Her- i aid, would try to sec i t in th a t way, too, and dismally fail. IIo had not y e t reached th a t imaginative urc of child-v hood when we may summon a t'w ill th e ; genii of mental vision. . ; Then, too, Gerald hud been, "Very ) young when ho nnd his elder b rother 1 had lived in London, Sylvan, however, ! perfectly recollected those transallan- : tie lodgings where both boys had passed V many early days. F o r good cause th e abode b it itself : in to tlio memory of Sylvan. You could easily find it if you strolled along . Marylebone road where th a t faseinat- : Ing old thoroughfare stretches between . P o rtland place and linker street. I t ! Was a sm all house, and it lay beyond , th e somber, ochre-tinted brickwork of th e walls th a t rise to le ft and righ t in th is dreamy nnd drowsy region. The ’ hoys’ father, E gb e rt Maynard, occupied th e lower floor of a big building th a t i 1 ■ O K a f f i r r i •*W1IAT RUBHIHII YOU DO TALK TO THAT CHILD,” g rim ly overbrowed a lo n g , ivy-clad g a r­ den,. Sylvan could recall some exquisite sp rin g days when those wonderful w h ite English clouds, in all th e ir sun­ drenched flocculoncc, floated over the g re en tangles of th a t damp old garden and mode a sm ile touch even th e sod, faded face of his mother, ’ Once, on such a day, while th e y stood In th e flagged p a thw ay th a t led be­ tw e e n th e mounds of freshened and shimmering ivy she wrapped her. arm s • b o u t him and tenderly said! “ Doesn’t th is b eau tifu l day mftko yon Jiappy to b reathe its air, Sylvan, and c a tch th e smell o f its new leaves, its tim id young flowers?” “Yes, mamma,” the boy answered. “And don’t you feel, darling, that ntefrely for being allowed to live in so lovely a world you should grow very grateful to God?” “Oh! yes, mamma.” “ Wb&t ruhhiah yoq 4 o talk to that child,” said E g b e rt Maynard, who had b een watching and listening from th e n e a r porch, He spoke coldly, bu t not w ith harshness, and cam e in a lo ite r­ ing, ab sen t way down th e step s into th e garden. He was a man w ith large, gray, worried eyes, a fa c e unhealthily pale and a consumptive stoop of th e shoulders. A t his words Mrs. Maynard pu t her hands over th e child’s c au , and while she still preserved h e r stooping •a tti­ tude, cried, in ’plaintive protest: “Oh! Egbert! Before the child! You’ve alw ays till now been a t le a st a little circumspect iu your blas­ phemies!” “ Blasphemy is. an affair of. geogra­ phy ," said Maynard, w ith lazy satire in h is American voice. ’“Among the Turks you could m ake a bonfire ou t of .Bibles and not Vauso th e fa in te st popular shock. Here in London you could do tlio/ same w ith Kornns and hardly a person would stop to look tw ice.” His wife shuddered, and drew Sylvan closer to h e r breast. She was a woman, th is Georgina Maynard, who had lost h e r looks early in life. A sweet, tall eglantine of an English girl when May­ nard had married her so brief a time ago, she was now prem aturely aged, w ith threads of gray in-lie.r golden hair and a p a th e tic droop a t th e corners of her. mo.uth, bu t yesterday, as it were; th e rosiest of little fleshly Cupid-bows. She had been the daughter of a coun­ try parson, dwelling not fur from' Cam­ bridge, whither E gbert.M aynard had come full of j ’outhful ardor to pursue a course of chem istry and physics. May­ nard was a Massachusetts man, wl..> had been graduated high a t Harvard. Soon a fte r th is collegiate success in his na­ tive land he had fallen h<;ir to a moder­ ate inheritance le ft him by an unde, al­ most th e la st of bis living relatives. Until chance brought him face to face, ohe day, w ith Georgina Selwyn,, he luvd never dreamed th a t lov,c could slip its,glamours between himself tiucl tho stou t resolve to pack his m ind with sci­ entific lore a t one of th e greatest uni­ versities on earth. Some men wade into love, getting deeper and deeper, as indifference grows, desire. Some men plunge into it like a diver from a wlihrf. E gb ert Maynard took the la tte r course, and almost, be­ fore he knew it had told a talc of pas­ sion to tho la st woman whom he should ever have dreamed of m aking his wife. The dom inant influence of Georgina’s being was religion. She hud no flam­ boyant piety such as cynicism often sneered/at lu-r father for possessing, .but since childhood she had se t lier spirit. in tunc w ith a strong faith, and her adorer sw iftly found th a t he m ust either woo h e r cloaked w ith deceit or: not a t all. Maynard was a man who had long ago recoiled from orthodoxy, lie believed hi-nothing bu t science and stood amazed a t the very idea of his qwn capacity to caro for a girl whoso prayers and church-goings Were the regnan t forces of h e r existence. Hypocrisy, however, soon came futally easy to him. Georg­ in a ’s beliefs clothed themselves .with th a t same shining tissue of sorcery which invested the turn, of her white w rist or the curves of her still pearlier th ro a t. He wanted her ju st as she was, and in amorous hatred of displeasing h e r ho recklessly forgot the gravity, of h is own falsehoods. But her-father, hedged in liy what lie loathed ns the most autocratic e unerva- tisms, became such a keen bore to him during the term of courtship th a t one day lie hailed w ith secret relief the calamity’ of the old parson's abrupt death. M aynard's labt y e a r a t the. uni­ versity had then ju st ended. Georgina lind suddenly .boon made an orphan and one dowerless to the degree of penury. T h is fact expedited the m arriage which, in any ease would nmv shortly’ have oc­ curred. And a m iserable m arriage it had proved. Ttye bride's aw akening was inevitable; it was nlso cruelly speedy. The very word “ inlidel" had long b urn a horror to her. Sho was now called upon to meet th a t horror, palpable and persistent, a t almost every step she took. Some women m ight have loved a husband all the more dearly because disillusion had thu s roughly handled him; th ere a rc feminine affections hoarding th a t self-creative energy of rep a ir which js like the tvny its recur­ re n t grass heals the raw pash in a meadow. But Georgina was not w rough t of th a t clay. She bore May­ nard two boys, and by th is time her love had grown as autum nal ns her look. To save these halies from the w ithering b ligh t of her husband's im­ piety’ Was alike her purpose and her prayer. There were moments when her strained mind came near breaking its bonds of sanity "and reelH g Into th a t so rt of mcdea-like blond -bed which now and then la s-patterSjtht* columns of our newspapers. Her Mih’erii'g., iner. ;:. m <1 os those four little childish ears grew inatiirer and more receptive. Maynard would he sure to try and impregnate tho h e a rts of eith e r son w ith his devil­ ish theories. T here began to glimmer a hope concerning Sylvan, however. T he lad showed signs of having inher­ ited h is m other's religions temperament. Georgina fe lt th a t th e devotions which she imposed upon him were fa r from unwelcome. Gerald, on th e other hand, would often yaw n nnd pout w ith an ir- reverenee th a t seemed full of d a rk fore­ bodings to flic vigilant m aternal eye. Meanwhile Maynard, who h ad keen blam eworthy fo r no t having told his sw e e th e a rt th a t lie was qu ite w ithout a ll conventional creed u n til th e law had m ade them one, now acquitted him self am iably Mid g en tly In tho extreme, Ferbap# tho b itte re st th in g th a t bo Mid to h is wife for a long period a fte r their marriage, was th e follow ing chain of sentences, delivered more in depression th a n reproach: “ Well, Georgina, I suppose th ere’s n o use of my usldng you to sponge off th e slate and begin all over again. You probably th ink some th ing s are there which no sponge could wipe out. And upon my word, if you were to say so, 1 should quite agree w ith you. Only, they ’re no t all marks of my making, Heaven knows.’’ “Heaven!” she repeated. “W hat a strange wbrd from your lips, Egbert! Do you believe in one?” “Who is so devout," ho answered, “no t sometimes to find such a fa ith very’ hard?" “Oh, I won’t listen to abom inable thoughts like those!” cried Georgina, h u rry ing tow ard the door. Sho paused before q u ittin g the room, aUd hurled forth, ang rily a t h e r husband: “As if any b e tte r proof of Heaven’s goodness were wanted, E gbert Maynard,, than th a t you’re perm itted to stand i there and in su lt it w ithout being struck dead." “W hat conceivable satisfaction would th ere be fo r it in strik ing me dead," be­ gan M aynard, “ if, as you sta te—" But she had fled from his profane presence, and so ho le ft th e sentence unfinished. lie did not usually wound her like this; he . indeed sedulously avoided do­ ing so. She wus always ready with some attack; peevish or irate'. One sum­ mer day, a few months later, some com­ pulsory visit of courtesy took them past, the immense pillared pile of Maryle­ bone Church. Gushing in rich umbrage till IitV. i",i ^ v. “WHAT*,” SHK QUERIED,. “YOU ADMIRE A chuucii ?” from behind th e ir solemn brick walls, rose tlie maple-trees, plenteous and’ vocal;'-through, th e ' iron bars of old gateways tlte passer could glimpse occa­ sional gardens radiant with geranium and rose. Bathed in the moist, silvery a ir of an .English .1uno. over this entire qu a rte r brooded a w itchery not woven by beauty alone. You felt th a t behind those dingy walls a prodigious amount of life must have lived—-perhaps some of it poetic or dram atic—and th a t the mur­ murs- of the big boughs overhanging those . secluded doorways m ight meaiv some sort of airy saga concerning-it. The dusky and stately church, with all the huge columnar sobriety of its-architect­ ure, nnd with the beggars, nnd o th e r loungers along its steps, gave to the sun’s bright search many u steel-gray or smoky tint which gloomier weather would hr,ve left hid. Maynard, though of late his days had become more than ever dedicated to science, loved the pictorial element in things w ith a hearty fondness. “ How gloriously sunshine and good weather improve this town of ours!" he said to Ids wife as they strolled onward. “ 1 don't believe tie re is a more fascinat­ ing p a rt of London than just, this strip of road: and as for the effect of th a t sedate old church yonder, it is simply enchanting in the absence of cloud, fog or rain." (leorgina gave a pained start. "What!" sl>e queried, w ith grim irony. "Y>m adm ire a rltiirrh under <m;/ liivutn* stances, Egbert! I'm greatly astonished to h ear you say th e least good word for one." Mnynanl sighed in a wearied way, and touched her arm iu tran sien t re­ monstrance. ••Georgina,’’ he appealed, "w ill you always k e ep -h a rp in g on our different views? Lots of hush'inds live happily with th e ir wives though as opposite from one ano ther in creed as pole from pole," “Creed?" she returned, w ith :i sullen hardness, “ I did not know th a t you had i‘tiy creed whatever!" He laughed propitiatingly. “Well, 1 haven't, in your sense. Hut. come now. you've the best of one; you've go t • Hi" children to bring up in your own f.'iith! I let ,vtra do it. I d o n 't try to m ake th e little chaps agnostics. T h a t’s a concession surely. Why, look a t our neighbors, the Mosquerns, He’s a Spanish Catholic; she's an English Episcopalian. Yet he forces h e r to b ring up th e ir two girls and three boys w ith a tremendous respect for mass, confession, and all tho Itoraan canons. Am I n o t righ t? ” “Oh, quite righ t,” "And are they not a couple who get On charmingly together? You must g rant th a t they do.” ‘‘I g ra n t it,” nceodcd Georgina, though ta rtly , nnd w ith th e tip s of h e r lips; “ But you fo rg et one points Lydia Mos- quCra m arried h e r husband, English­ woman and Church-of-Englnnd woman, though she was, w ith a full understand­ in g of h is tru e tenets. Senor Mosqucr* ^eirar dcccivcdher beforemarrittutr Georgina pronounced tho se la st tw o words w ith a most te llin g emphasis. Maynard drooped his head a little, and they walked along in silence fo r several seconds, till a t la st he said, soft­ ly and alm ost despairingly, while th e sweet breeze rustled .the maples and those monstrous argosies of white cloud which T u rn e r and Constable painted in such perfection rolled over­ head through the lucid azure: “ I understand you. Yon raeatWWevcr to forgive." Those words were a t once a challenge and a resignation. From th a t day May­ nard finally understood th e inflexible posture of h is wife. He attem pted no fu rth e r expostulation. He devoted him­ self still more zealously to h is scientific studies in th e chamber which lie had al­ ready filled w ith phials of chemicals, w ith electric batteries, w ith anatom i­ cal charts, w ith a hundred aids for his eager daily pursuits. These his wife had soon go t to loathe. They represented w hat she held to be the horrid materialism of his mind. For a good while she affected to ignore them wholly; b u t a t length (.being spurred, perhap srby liis evident pleased absorp­ tion) sho volunteered certain querulous comments. “ I t really seems too bail,” she said one day, “ th a t we .should be living in this cramped fashion. Our income is so small, yon know, Egbert. And if you only-would' do something we m ight all four of ns bo much more comfortable." If lie would only do something! lie tried not to let tho least h in t of self-be­ trayal creep into his face. “ I suppose, then, yon th ink .me the most idle sort of. fellow ,” lie said. “ You certainly don't appear to do any real work." she retorted, bristling a little as though she scented covert rude­ ness. “ You potter th ere among your leydeo ja rs kind- your bad-smelling drugs, but nothing comes of it." “Nothing, eh’.”' he muttered, ns though lie spoke more than half to him­ self. "b arely -no money comes. And we may not need money though we want, it.” “ I see. 1 see." he said, with his eyes downcast, and his beard caught rumina- tively in one hand. ' If. he' had still eared for her ns he did in the old days, or if he lmd .not felt certain of the disgust and sorrow his irrcligion had roused in her, he m ight at.once have addressed her itt a way both confessional and exultant, but us it was. his lips remained sealed. This project of liis, which had now grown a lominunt passion with him. she would hear of w ithout a sign of grnciourincss or sympathy. Ob, yes. beyond a doubt And yet. pondering the m atter for several days, he finally resolved th a t he would tell her all. To do so might put a spoke, as it were, in their m atri­ monial w h e e ls, which now seemed slipping down some so rt of risky slant, he hardly knew -whuL On the other hand, he dreaded her almost scotllng ridicule, mixed with th a t accusative melancholy to which he had now grown drearily used. But, all in all. he de­ rided it was best to tell her. The faded' colors of his pristine !<**c m ight revive, b,v this means, -below the tender stress •jf some new congenial warm th. He made his determ ination, nnd chose a certain hour.for their fateful talk. It was now the end of June, and th a t per­ fect weather which soun times visits Loudon a t this season, had-tempted him to qu it his laboratory by about four o'clock iu the afternoon and take a long walk through Hyde Park, He entered this noble stretch of city-girt landscape a t the Marble Arch, and gained one of the bridges th a t span the Serpentine. Here he paused, and tried to lot tho green" glory of his environ­ m ent calm and soothe his ra th e r tremu­ lous nerves. A few swans were float­ ing in all the dim pallor of th e ir lovely Curves along th e silken gloss of th e sin­ uous river, • Hit of emerald tu rf PERSONAL AND IMPERSONAL. --T h e jewels and brie-a-fora. „f «}.ia actress Leonide Leblanc have bum m ,;' j in Paris w ith unusual results, a necklace o t JZVi big p earts brought ■>j. 000 francs. —A fir.eman a t Myerstown, Pa., wor« • celluloid collar to a fire, when it be. came ignited from th e g reat exposure to the h e a t and burned his n<*ek and discolored la-, face. —A Russian physician hr night a lib V unit ag a in st a widower wlm had pasti»y on th e tombstone of his lately d'-ceased wife the la st prescription be had given her, the day'before h e r d e a th .. • —'Col. Polk, th e head of the farmers’ alliance, is . rising fiverand-thirtyr—hr~ appearance he is a-profoundly intelli­ gent-looking man of middling height, w ith iron-gray h a ir and a long white beard of Vandyke cut, —A physician in New Haven washes all the greenbacks he receives. He first uses soap, then rinsing the notes off in cold .water, and he reports that th e tre a tm e n t gives a clean, crisp look to even-the most dilapidated bill.. - -A fifteen-year-old negro bovin Tal­ bo t county, Ga., whose favorite sport ' was bu tting beads with other boys, lias been sen t to the lunatic asylum. It is though t his insanity was caused hv the concussion of the brain received in liis contests. —The president and moving spirit of the American Kocietv of Psychical search, which has for its object the scientific investigation of ghosts, is Mr. li. O .-Fowler,.editor of the Arena. Al­ though a practical and b a r i-headed young editor, he possesses a g reat lik­ ing for th e uncanny. —It is said th a t in a district-in Meade county. Kan., th ere is only • ne family. The. husband and wife constitute the school board, and they employ their only child, a daughter, as teacher, who of course has no pupils. Recently they raised her salary from thirty-five to fo rty dollars a month. —A hump on his back was the most conspicuous p a rt of a,beggar who for years had'collected alms on the steps of .St. Sulpice church. Paris. Of late years the hump seemed to grow. The other dav, in delirium , ho jumped from a window' and was killed. This hump contained FAl.OOO in bonds ami coin. .—The duke of Cambridge, since the age of nineteen, has been :n the queen’s employment. The follow ing are the rough estim ates of the amount of money lie’has- received: G rant of £13,00(1 for thirtv-nino years, AMOS,00'!: army emol­ uments from 18.17 to 1801. £10,000; colo­ nel of G renadier guards. 1s ji to 1509, £45,000: commander-in-chief, 18;30 to 1SS9. £135.001): rangership- of parks, £17,000; L tal. .£071.000. I • “ A LITTLE NONSENSE. • HE SMILED AMI OUT HIS HAND ON tlEH SHOULDER. Stretched from cith e r verge, dying away under tho shade of monstrous trees. Tho bustle and flare of Oxford street seemed m iles aloof, He fe lt how ripe* ly and candidly pastoral it all was, how Arcadian in its bounty of stream -cleft verdure, how averse from tho secret fever of h is la te longings and dreams. And when he explained these moods of u n re st to h is wife, w ith w h a t m anner o f response would she m eet them ? lie w anted to be qu ite collected when th e tim e fo r disclosure came. If she only caugh t some of h is own consuming-fire perhaps n joyful semblance of th e ir perished p a st would bless th em both. [ f d Bte CONTINUED,j —■“Wlmt was that noise 1 heard in the parlor last night, Marla?” “Itwas William breaking kia engagement,” —Depositor—“ Is the toller in?” Man­ ager.—“No, he has gone away." Depos­ itor—"All! gone for a r e s t,.I presume?" Manager (sadly >—“ No; I fancy it’s toy, avoid a rre st."—-Australian Joke. v —"You see,”'said the salesman, “this coat contains j^ is ra rrite pocket ” “But I don’t sinoke cigarettes.” “Ob, well, then, the pocket can hold the money you- save by not smoking thorn.*’—Men's Outfitter.- —“ Your daughter refuses to 'b e my wife, .Mrs. dories." "She's foolish, then. Have yon. pressed her a t nil'.* “No. To tell the tru th she is ahyayt so distan t th a t I have been afraid to. try .’’—N, Y. Press. —Fond 'P aren t—'“ I ie a r, young man, th a t you seek tny d au g h te r’s h an d for her w ealth.” Young Man—“Well, look a t h e r candidly and kindly mention w hat oth e r qualifications she possesses, will you?”—^Truth. . —“And w hat have you been' guilty of now? This is abou t the tw en tieth time th a t 1 as a m ag istrate have had you be­ fore me.” “And is i t my fault, your honor, th a t you haven’t been promoteJ twD inc b e tte r ofllce?" —Mr's. F lg g (w riting )—“ .Shall I send Uncle George your love?" Laura-—“Of courie; and you had b e tte r make it iny undying,.love. Perishable goods can ­ no t bo s e n t th rough the mail, you know ,”—Indianapolis Journal. —Lucy—‘‘Such an exquisite sk irt as your d ear little daughter wore a t the children’s fancy-dress party! Was it your design?" E lla—“N o t’ exactly. You see, th e time was very brief, and l ju s t le t h e r w ear the shade of the par­ lo r extension lam p.”—P ittsbu rgh Bul­ letin. —“ I h ear th a t yo u r rival has been successful in becom ing engaged to Miss Cumro.v," said a young m an to lib friend. “ Yes. I did my best; 1/: tv:.s more clever than I." "Indeed? How was th a t? " “ He knew enough to let her fa th e r b e a t him a t billiards and ! d idn't,”—Washington S tar, —He « a s a farm erV i& jy and little. Ilis fa th e r was stockings p re p a ra to ry ' When his m other asked: " Freddy, w h a t is fa th e r doing?” Freddy had w itnessed tho process of treating ripened corn and replied: “ He’s husk­ in ’ h is fe e t."—Dcmorest’S Magazine. —T rue to 'H is Motto.—She had yawned six times, looked a t th e clock fou r times, and p retended to be ball asleep th re e times, h u t the young ed­ ito r who w as c a llin g upon h e r was so much In love t h a t h e did not observe these m an ifestation s o f weariness. At len g th she said! “Most newspapers have mottoes, haven’t they?" “,Some 'have,” “ H im ! you rs one?” “Yea" “Wtant is it? " "W e are lie te to stay." “ I could have sworn i t was something of th a t k ind,” sh e said with a sigh, and the alienee was resum ed.—N. Y. Press 1 'iJb uml very ( pu lling off hir to going to bed, TEMPERAS! A„ AlOOHOt-l ■ . ter AlC'Uiol; » , V ;t:nnerf whotakl riorW®PRnl"u "rJ?r!ifJ theDcm°” llf 2 endeavor nematicl ■b tor Friends v/lil ?,Ynt the thut 4 I j s l i i w n t i o a t o drirIt j K tiiids for tin* Liquor L \slQT convivial Me-Uhgl g land s h'rNutiia’ h e | nfor tin* <,JV" - ’-hiittUl pounds for Fruit: that I O lor tl»« Qucrrclv. that I - t stundS tor K.Un. lira*] Hstands for Siphts tkatJ 5 tianils for TrwuMtnffl Ufor his rsofulnos bu J vfctands.ror Vwrai.tlnl -.. for Waning or life thl v for bis oXH rcf-rattcdl Youthof W1* H Zealously Uirn from th d —W- Cyrus Edson, »| THE SCOURGl! T errib le P ictu re Ml • The follow ing is article which ii\ journal, which i s ; culutcd of Parish: its sales averaging ■hundred thousand j article in so widely! certainly m u s t te ll" j> bus been said the dauftors menacing lion at the ppewnt d a l nHHt (lift!cult to h[slit| jjootio can have been ■district without hems ■opinent of this st'ourB1! years, the deplorable el itvbere visible. . I 'X’ho habit of savlngl strength ami the gif* soil, i» Bradmilly dls| box of the liquor sella sous, the wa«<-’» that 1 silver pieces, were liid| of tho 'eluVnes ji.ry.rts, enough was arc moult! ■of ground. ‘ l The pence and hart rtously impaired, In are reduced, like the ’ towns . to haunt the in order to rescue the I . from the alcoholic gil lets the drunkard, vff caption, has multiplied Onco the peasant m l except on a Sunday tu | of tvlno and play a bowls for the scot, -when going to work, vl not, the rural laborer! without inviting him I or brandy, be H uiulerj One Blass means twl civility to call for til happens, frtunils d r| ■-in his turn: until tli take a nip boos away I ■or a pint or spirits,! ‘ ated. This gur.vlingj • -spirits 1 for the cc not hesitate to tul mixtures ior _ Repeated daily, it h i last extreme. J . bWUen a young mat] 1 lilce tho rosit, hatl aity. and rapidly he I agricultural laborer I the sake of procurinl consuls, Deprived f brutal: when drunl savage beast. Tied! her with blows and food, the unhappy times takes to drink worse for the ehildil example of their pal . No more te rrif drawn from aettl I t seems th a t a il F rance—a revol stray ing the mil who have, been | foundation st ir bu ilt th e ijiugij m ighty nation. I The ag riettltl above, are th e o | se c re t hoards, th e nation the which w ere ret the expenses of until the cap! then to pay til demnity whichT the price of pel rap id ity w ith recuperated a l paitl off th e IaiT men-o w a r dell in comparison I after the F ra | •other c o u n try 1 lion who eoull ■mows dem and^ turn's p u rse til If the a rtie lj 1’e tit Jo u rim f un fo rtun ate at •correct—the >1 ils’s industrial a nation o f t i l working meftl en and deban| tain monte Uieir poiattl ing their in order tJ .the peasantl in some snr.ta lation- of silf piece, when land and her holder, she »l the door of t| dor to waylfJ money for fl before he gel drink. No I French pea! example of f in drinking,] freely a$ tvi out liceotoii their well * try and frill they have ' and that of ] '■I miirti>iiiwi I i|wamadwr