The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

TiTE^K^aixi), ANINUMPICNl>JKNTW*Kl/l.YNKWB»»AI*KH, SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 31891, IF. H JJLAW, E t ll^ & iv Q p W j am* v PRICE • l . a o t*«R ANNUM. A spring that gushes fourth soda water has been discover*! iu Oregon. Look out tor colder weather. There wi)l he a fall in mercury as a well nigh inexhaustible mine o f it has been discovered in Brazil. Look out for colder weather. There will be a fall in mercury, as a well* nigh jnexhaustible mine o f it .has been discovered in Brazil, A spring that gushes forth soda water has been discovered in Oregon. -By the way, wlmt has become o f the cheese mine discovered in Iowa last winter? Edward Honeywell o f New York, was in debt. He bal such a high guise o f honor that, rather than to have his creditors fail to receive whaffej was their due, he: stole to pay them. .Emperor William has been mens* Tired fora new golden crown. I f his “ highendeduess” were tikeu into ac­ count in the making o f it, it would have to lie about the size o f one of! tlie rings o f Saturn. It is claimed that a Boston proof­ reader has been sentenced to the work house for 80 days, for failing to n a 'It out a comma where none was wanted. -That is compulsory cduea. tion with a vengeance. It drunkenness, which has always been deemed a 6iu, can lie cured by a itw injections o f bi-chloride of gold, ' why may not all moral obliquities succumb to medical treatments and the devil be doctored out cf this fair world. ’ The other day two lots at Fort. Chandler, Oklahoma, were ottered for sale for a ham sandwich without find­ ing a taker, ^feir <fut|ui\ Okla­ homa, water is sold at 25 cents a glass. It is a queer country where water is more valunble than land. To lie killed by a blow one gives an­ other is an tinusal fatality, • James Haley o f New York, iu defending h's wife, struck a man iu the mouth. His fingers were slightly abraded by the nmn’k teeth. Blood poifouiug set in and Haley is dead. A Chinaman, having made a good­ ly sum o f money in Mexico, wished to return to bis native land as cheaply as posnhle, so he deliberately crossed to the United States that he might be captured and sent home to China at the expense o f the United States. The Chicago News refuses to lie gulled with the fish elory that Marie Jansen is to marry Courtney Boss, an English swell with a fortune of 3.000, 000 pounds. It says that Miss Jan­ sen may be an expert angler, but that to believe she has caught a three- million pound him is exacting too much o! credulity. William Cotter, jr ., democratic reg­ istrar o f voters iu Hartford, has a wonderful memory. Out of the 12,000 names on the list Mr. Carter is able to tell the residence and politics of cvrry mao* and in cases where a person has Iwcn absent tu Europe, or staying in s itne other part o f thecountry, to tell where and when he went away. Uncle Sum isgrowing restive under the restrictions of the treaty made with England iu 181/, By its pro­ visions neither tommy call kttp more than Fourwar vessels nt a time on the great lakes. Consequently,; the t^nited States cannot lmihlv/wds for its navy at ««y o f the hike porta. Little Bopeep didn’t know where to find her sheep. Wisconsin doesn’t know where to find her lost constitu­ tion. The original certified copy is] gone and no one denowii where. There are copies o f what purports to] be the constitution so far as wording is concerned, but there is no official proof that they areabsolutelygenuine j copies. There is a young man in Baltimore I who is a veritable Samson. He lifted 600 pounds with his teeth, and pushed a freight ear weighing 30,000 pounds along a switch-—a good feat for eight ordinary men. Such gifts o f strength are a fatal possession. One o f these days we shall hear that the young man is a dead mao. "wa ■ ia»i — B, F. Adams, o f Columbus, Indi-1 ana, was not a believer in circuses. His wife insisted on attending one last week. He tried to dissuadeher, but to no purpose, so he resolved that | if she went to the circus she would al­ so attend‘a funeral. He straightway went and poisoned, himself Samuel Tillitson ran a passenger elevator in a lithographing establish­ ment iu New York. He is at present in n hospital where he will remain until the bones of his broken legs knit. Iu attempting'’to kiss one of his girl passengers he left the folding gate Open and got caught between the ele­ vator end the wall. He says that all Ilia future kissing will tiedone outside o f business hours. A little boy in Jaffrey, N. H. .would uot have thrown sn apple core at a horse bad h ) known that bo would shoot his playmates by so doing. But who soami tieas to foresee the ultimate rssult of bis uctions? A team was left standing near a school house. In the wagon was a loaded shotgun- On being hit by the apple core tua horse kicked tlie wagon and the movement of the wagon fired the gun, and the gun punctured the epidermis/-of five youngsters. There is an old saying tliat'^lOVS laughB at locks." Love cried at them in Lincoln, Neb , the other day Miss Nichols o f Buffalo, was visiting the penitentiary in that city, in com puny with a relative, who is one of the executive officers o f the state when she uttered it scream ut thesight of a convict. It was Frank Carroll to whom __ ried He had gone west to seek his fortune, and hud sought it by forgery . Fercival Chubb uud -Louise Wal ston o f Decatur, 111., weie married' on Thursday. There was never a more uniqueceremony on ' American soil. The bride and groom are agnostics, and would not consent to have minister many them. A judge of the court o f common pleas tied the knot, and in place o f prayers selections were rea l from Thomas a Kempis Emerson, Buskin and Shakespeare bearing on love and the married Btate. The following articles were recently found in the stomach o f a Georgia cow, which had not been in robust health for some time: "Thirty-five cents in money, nn old Indian arrow head, a large variety ofcrockery ware sortsandsizes, the claspand other parts of a pocket book, several silver and brass pieces o f metal, a number of rocks o f nil colors and sizes, nudstones o f many curious and complex shapes'" Tile cow Wasn paragon o f deglutition, but it would have choked to do th in the attempt to swallow thisstory. ANDREW JACKSON , SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. THE H SATURDAY , O PIKE •DEALER IN- U ' .H . J l t M I l l , ElOFill A N E W S T O p K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING. SASH, 000RS BUNDS SCREEN DOORS A large stock, dill sizes, Ready for haaging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in tha line of Lumber. C A V Is A K h S U E V O B Y O U f i S E i V K S , A. J ' C kaw for i >, Xenia, O. J. If. L ackey Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANCY WE HAVE BARGAINS T H A T i . Happy tioftsior*. Win. Timmons, Fontmaster o f Ida* vibe, 1ml., writes: "Electric Bltieis has untie more for iue than any othei medicines contained, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney andlJv* i-r trouble.” John Leslie* farmer aud 'tot'kinan, of same place, says: "Find Electric Hitters to lie the liest Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel Ike a new man/’ J. W. Gardener, hardware merchant, same town, *»>**: Electric Hitters is just the thing for a man who all run down and don’t care whether he lives or dies; he fi.miid new etreugih. good appetite. , and fell just like be imd a new lease j *■* "** on life, Only a tantie, at liiixi WAVs Drug Store, (2) We have for tlila seaHon's trade oo largo grwwtliy pigs o f both *ex«s. Price* to null (lie times. Also 3 extra bliort-llorii bull calves. Call on, or address aa above. ‘ Proiuei AneHlienttot&eMtn tioiofObio. T A X A T I O N . Sscriow 1. Ball molvad by tbs (ImmJ AiMiiibly of tbs Slat*of Ohio, That • piwpoai- ttoa (halt bo aubmlttad to tbs sloeton of this Stateoath* Irat Taewlsy stiff the But Moa Say in goveaber, 18Sl,to aioead Section it, of Artiet* XII, of the toartitutlon of the Stats sf Ohio, «o that It ebatl read as follows: ARTICLE XII. S rctok 2. Laws way be passed which shall tax by a uniformcals h 11 Moneys, credits, In- vettmests In botida, alucka, joint-stock compa­ nies, orotbcrwlssj and all real and personal property according to ths In f raise thereof In mosey. In addilit^i thereto, lawssnay bepast­ ed taxing rights, privileges, franchises, and snob other subject matters aa tba legislator# may direct: bat burying-gounda, public school- houses, hoasea nsed exclusively for {Mbits wor­ ship, institutions of purely public charity, pub­ lic properly nsed exclusively for any public purpose, and other property may by general laws, be exempted from taxation; and the vat He of all property so exempted shall, from tlute to time, be seceripioed and pntdlshcd as may be directed by law, Baction 2. At such election, those electors desiring to vote for such amendment may have placed apen their ballots the Words "Taxation Amendment—Yes,” and thoseop;»osed to such amendment may hare placed upon their ballots theworda "Taxation Amendment—No,” bV.CTION X. Thie ameiidmeiit shall take ef­ fect on the first day of January, |8W. NlAl. H. UYBKLL, Speakerof the House of Representatives, wm V ance M arquis , Vrestdent of theSenate, AdoptedApril St, 18 * 1 . llhiritnSt atm or A mfuica . Onto, 1 orricit or tux greater, xt or S tatk . ( I. Daniel J. Ryan, Secretary of Stats of theStateof Ohio, do hereby dortity that ths ;u. A. , - ..... - *♦ -• * * •- • ' • " SMimoiagls » true copy o f * joint" resolution Adopted by the Oeneml Assefiihly of the State of Ohloi, on the 24»b day of April A. I). 18«1, taken frndt theoriginal rolls tied tn this Office. In testlnse ty whereof. I have hereunto sub* iwribedmy nnmeahd affixedmy offi­ cii*! sent, nt C»Iumhh« the 2Sth day ,i Vu ttflaaH’ • of A p r i l , J 8«l . ANIBLJ.RVASr. SeerttaryofState, Houeliold and kitchen Furniture, When cleaning house this fall you will find you need a new parlor or cham­ ber t*uite. It. is then we can do you good. We have anelcgunt line to select, from and will guarantee prices. BARR & MORTON. It may be you will need tlio sciwices-of— — __r..*_ ft or practical embalitiers. If so we guarantee good service. MORTON. A cordial invitation is extended to you' to examine the elegant NEW SCOGK being received now. A complete line of fine all the latest styles together with every grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats., Bant iags, Gents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, like quality in fine goods can not be excelled* D. WI. STEWART It C O X X 3JV IA -, - - - O H IO . # FAWCETT. Haft III BtlHik ri fine line o f WATOllKH, (UA)0K8, JEWELEHY ahd DIAMONDS! Tlta flnwf Hl*o nf Optical Omal* ill Grcciic County. A Specialty titatt# Iri xliiiiii FctiMc Hpccicfti i in Gold, Silver Hid Stfcl trHiucrf. ’iiiay fcVa tiHlli oicy «»ul itlKliitcfiHSA of v I mioii , with Hii auiouiit o f can* atiti cuiulort, M>|U«ttii ciijoynt liy apcctucle wcgvovw, 8nmtalivdffi*:wv rrj* pm C E 5 1.2 | / c i m i i c i i OovonarMor Ol .*pr<»ul, P'tHUir. I II j CHI h in; -*ul»h«| 11, I*. O'litirc/i.- ih»»Wi'. Servient* i_ aelin.d At IO;(Hl a j)l M. 10. Ctiureli.-I Inr. CrfiAi!<tin ■£n f Itnnl hi iKid i«, * Ycwn^ Ceoidn’ M priiyar meati.nK ‘ 7:(W IT. F. ClMtrHi.- pastor. Sm-vieeHj id ; Salibafli selnJ A j V . 10. t^hiiriF I'AStor. ‘ ft'nrvieol 7 :00 pm eacii S hi a in. . J RnpUst -Clnirul { raWtm*. Preneliil la in. rtutl 7:oii (>1 2:tl!i o'uh.el* n in jI liosday iiiKlit. i INTELLK In s tan ce s o f Jl E| m f b e Co- cfttl Man] CtA-dren In A Pccullal •'Every one! 1can. r-e tr*«uncd.j rays 'rhoinas titled "llovset Other Animals ta-tion ahor.t rl On Cm? jatateini eurronces *vhic 6oning p w e t ij " I t is cnEtonf water the caf Imc.kets filled t v U. This jl drfnli the watt) • 'iu stagnant tiairily ‘the pi xaorning by o| work takingf homed to the ' tjo ordered, a| liofoyc sunns the preciGionl **I was stay e t the houseJ chant, who leagues outs rising, and i cned me for the yard 1 si working at eyes sadly, to turn h is' labor. He i joyful flapl the two ttQ given him cease from| ihsished. “ I was b ! passing, w| two plunk on cither I • happened] held on oj tents. wit| filled. "The * •werkw« bnckat theimr other In a fow l to run*. %Au and tl| * . cod to 1 dropped j toot retail thnai cv. l a*4 Beene■ race »•> dleat» 1 “ He that he 1 thfrjj baek It ' of the! e.boirt, ready ;-thcr i /he li­ fer a i while I ueccntq r:>I;d* fill.: J.I r.-asel