The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

1 * 1 i F t H K t i & J t t ) . SH lKOKt‘K.'iPKKY W'kKKt.Y NKWWAl'Ktt. SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 17 1891. (F, H. J1LAJMf Jidllor mdJProp'r PRICE f 1.29 P t * ANNUM. ys-rrr.i. ;^y.flMw;fjscaaffa , Fumiue and pestilence ore itiRus- Wfjr Idoil tbrffc is. needed npw to fill an unhappy pea^j^cup ofsorroty to overflowing. , | y ~ It is a question off home rule for Ireland was not buried in Glasnevin graveyard on Sunday. The Columbus Dispatch says that “ Benjamin J. Loseing” died last June. It probably refers to Benson J. Loss- fog- , , _____ This has been- a very ^unhealthy year for brainy people, TEafe death w list o f the eminent for 189flp an un­ usually long one and nearlyJi'quarter of the vear remains. A Maine woman, being afraid to drive her horse across a railroad track, concluded that s h e would drive around it. It took her a couple of hours to realize the futility of her attempt. ' V ■„ ---— Those French pilgrims behaved so badly in the Pantheon where Victor Emrnanual is entombed, a few'days since, that, it hns been found neces­ sary to reconsecrate the entire build­ ing. __ _ _| The Freuchmnn who has been in­ genious enough to invent a solder to stick glass and metal together ought to lie able to devise a compound for cementing his country and Germany in mutual amitv. The Camden (N. . .) Funeral Di­ rectors’Association has taken steps to secure protection from those who do not pay their funeral bills. They will •wake out a black list, and the -man who does not pay for.ltis first coffin will have, trouble ill getting his second. ■•y'Hi« ■ ■ « Norway’ wishes to separate herself from %v eden and fet up a republic. •Sweden, however, will not listen to ^ueh it proposition, and will fight rather iluiu permit national division. So the “Scandinavians are not escaping the universal disquietude which marks the waning century. A Brattlelwno (Vt.) merchant, vex­ ed at the condition of the hi} hway, addressed the following note toi. select­ man, who was at the time out of town: “Two men are stuck in the mud iii trout of the American house. Hindi we attempt to get them out or erect fomhstoncsi” A sensitive selectman wight construe this note into satire. Strong drink is not the only assid­ uous Hcutcnimt of the devil. The Chautauqua county branch of the W. O, T. U., in a jietition to the N. V. legislature for .a law to rcgulaot the Civilization in Omaha seems to be on a pur with civilizasion in Hew Or leans. There is much latent savagery in this land of ours. The “deadly car stove’* does not meet with favor in England, Cars are seldomheated there.- At intervals porters bring tin boxes full o f heat for passengers to put their feet on. The Icelander are such a good folk that they lack one of the essentials o f progressive nations—prisons. The lack -has been taken advantage of by visit­ ing Americans to such an extent that the Danish government may interfere and expel all Americans from the island.______ . _______ Bath, Maine, lias the champion borrower. Her neighbor recently pur­ chased. a new pair of scissors. She sent her daughter to borrow them;' The owner would not lend. "Where­ upon she sent her daughter back .to borrow a quarter to buy a new pair with. . ' Mrs. Jennie Paxton is Mayor of Kiowa, Kns., but a- petition has been presented to her, sigued -by almost the entire business community, requesting her to resign. Ever since she became mayor she has made it ns uncomfort­ able as possible for the saloons, and conservative Kiowans have come to the conclusion that her course is a menace to the public welfare: The probabili­ ties arc that so audacious a woman will not bo frighteued by n petithn, but will complete the teru^for which she was legally elected. Jenning’s undertaking establish­ ment in Norwalk, Ct., 1ms had the reputation of being Imuiited, "but not until one night last week when a strange light was seen glimmering in one of the windows wus it determined to investigate. The proprietor, ac­ companied by the police, knocked on the door. A young man named Wil­ liam Bouton irr his employ opened it. He denied all knowledge of there lie- ing an}' one else in the building, but a thorough search was made and Bou­ ton’s sweetheart, Hattie Lumbmulo, was found bidden in u costly plush- covered casket. It seems that the lovers had been utilizing (lie establish­ ment for a trysting place for some little time. Bouton is looking for n job. The love of Alexander Oratte, of Atlanta, is to bo put to the test. He is u Russian Jew, and bus been in the United States n aumber of years. Soon after he came to this country he married ' Annie .Miller, a Maryland schoolteacher, against the wishes of his parents, who threatened to rlisowu him if he married a Christian. Re­ cently lie absconded with !fl,000 be­ longing to his partner, wn* captured utld is now awaiting trial. He lias applied to his mother, who is rich, for fiunacial aid to save him from the con­ sequences of his crime. She writes to him that if lie will leave his wife and return to Russia she will make him a present of S20,.000j hut unless ANDR EW JACKSON SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO. PINE -DEALER 1ST* A . N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH,DOORSBUNDS SCREEN DOORS A large stock, A ll size, Heady for hanging, at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. CAUL AND SHE FO B YO lJB SELV EA A. J ' CitJuvFoici), J . I I . L a c k ey Xenia, O. Jamestown, O. Crawford & Lackey BREEDS FANC Y Poland-ClinaHofs HAVE BARGAINS T H A T thin We have for some large grow thy season’s trudw pigs of both sexes. Brices to suit the times. Also 3 extra Short,-Horn bull calves. Call on, o“ address us above. I N Hoiiehold and kitchen Furniture. When cleaning house this tail you will find you need a new parlor or cham­ ber t-iiite. It is then we can do you good. We have an elegant line to select from and will guarantee prices. BAER & MORTON. It may be you will need the services of Rile o f opium, cocaine and oblo a , i. < i , m li li m ii . u i n i, m i serin that “ t ie opium, chloral and co*t, , , . . ... , . , * ■\ , j lie docs she will not give btm a cent c.uae habits are enslaving more than a J million people io it condition most de Proposed Amenfimeiit to the Coustitn- tiou of Ohio. . T A . X A T I O N grading, demoralizing and tuiddui.” Prof. Totten said to a class nt Yale college the other day: “Upon gradu­ ation you will have before you about 48 years npleco.” This Totten Is the same Totten who said a few months ago that the world would cone to an *-nd inside of ten years. His two as­ sertions arc hardly consistent. How entt anyone have 48 years o f life lie— f<<rc bim if the mundane final is to arrive in 10. So Alexander hns his choice—his wife and a term in the Georgia peniten­ tiary or a goodly fortune. It is to lie hoped that he will write to his mother that he cannot accept the for­ tune. V e t or practical embalmers. If so we guarantee good service A French woman named Ilridoux has committed suicide liecnusc she could not find n communist for a hus­ band. Nelson Olmm, a rich Missouri 8 weed, has committed suicide bscause Ills wife would not make bread to suit him. A New York man 1ms commit­ ted suicide leaving the following liter­ ary production: “Tired o f life. No friends, No nothing. Plant me any* 'v-i.e, and my Judge will judge me.*' lar size, SOcenls and Pronounced Hopeless, Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hard, of Groton, S. D., we quote: 'Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on mv lungs, cough set in and dually terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave mo lip, saying I could live but n short time. 1 gave myself up to mv Saviour,determined if I could not stay with my friends on eai'tbj I would m ee t my absent ones above. My husband was ad­ vised to gel Dr. King's New Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Golds. 1 guvo St a trial, look in all eight bottles; it bus cured mo ami thank God l a m now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free a t 1$. G. liiduway’s Drugstore, vegli- $ 1.00 4 K kctiun 1,, lie il rcrolved by the (let aril Aanombly of the Stntc of Ohio, i bat n pr*pol- tlon nhttl! bo submitted to the electors of tits State on tho first 'I after the first Mm - daytu November,IH'Jl.toinncud Section \i, of Article X II, of the Constitution of the State of Ohio, so lhat it (halt rend as follows: ARTICLE X II. S rctox 2. . Laws may be passed which shall tax by a uniform rule till moneys, credits, in vestments in bonds, stocks, joint-stuck compa­ nies, or otherwise; nnd all real nnd porsonni property according to the true value thereof in money, in addition thereto, laws may be jut**- cd taxing rights, privileges, franchises, nnd such other subject matters as the legislature may direct: but burying-goumls, public school- houses, houses used exclusively for public wor­ ship, institutions of purely public charity, pub­ lic property used exclusively fur any public purpose, anil other property may by general laws, bo exempted from taxation; nnd tlie val­ ue of all property an i xe nptod shall, from time to time, be asecrtglneu ami published as may be directed by law. S kctiux 2. At such election, those electors desiring to vote for such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the words "T axation Amendment—Vcse' and those opposed to such amendment may have placed upon their ballots the words “ I akntion Amendment—No.” Eecftox 3.. This amendment shall inks ef­ fect on the first day of January, 1822, N IA I. It. JIYSELL, Speaker of the llonse of Hepresontatlves. \VM VANCE MARQUIS, President of the Senate, Adopted April 24, 1881, TNttitn S tates ok Annatcx. O hio , 1 o r R ick or the S ecretary or S tate . j I. Daniel J . Ityan, Secretary of State of tbeStatoof Ohio, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy or a joint resolution adopted by the Ueneral Assembly of the State of Oblo, on the 24tli day of April A. D. 1821, taken from the original rolls filer) In this office. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto sub. scribed my nameand affixed my offi- fsKAli,! elal seal, at Columbus the 25th day of April, A, D. 1821. D a n ie l J . r y a n . Secretary of State. A cordial invitation is extended to you to examine the elegant NEW SCOGK being received now* •A complete line of fine a t l i3 latest styles together withe ery grade of fine Business Suits, Overcoats, Bant ings, dents Furnishing Goods. Our prices, ike quaity in fine goods can not be 3 ^i i ed. D. M. STEWART * CO. X E N I A , - - - O H IO . FAWCETT. Has Itt stock a flu* line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELFRY and DIAMONDS! The finest line of Optical Good* lit Greene County. ASpeclulty made of Britzihati Felthii* Spectacle.* in Gold, Silver mid Steel *frames. They confer a brilliancy and illHiindiien of vision, with an amount of east com (ort, wlili m enjoyal by spectacle wearers. and