The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

VOL. 12 CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 24. 1891 NO. 38 •i‘ HK H I S M A L D . A S IN IH .rK N iiH N T W K K K L Y N E W S P A P E R . SATURDAY , OCTOBER, 24 1891, IF. IT, B L A ll t , Editor and Prop’r UL tfli-.lll.U"I - i iI 1 , 1 , • ' P7ICC S 1.39 PK3 ANNUM, E l. Smith passed the week at the reservoir. . Mose Tomlinson. is very ill %ith, typhoid fever. » - ■ Will Torrence spent Sunday and Monday in Chicago with his wife. • * -----2---------- %.• Airs. Carpenter, o f Liniri, is the guc 3 t o f her sister, Mrs. Anna Towns- lev, this week. • ■ Mr. and Mrs. Newton Townsleyand Mrs. Anns Creswell visited friends in Indiana this week, • We are authorized to announce the name o f Luther Townsley as a candi­ date for Justice o f the Peace at the falleleetion. . . Hon. J. J. Asheuhurst, candidate for Governor on the prohibition ticket in Ohio this fall, will speak in Ccdar- viile next Wednesday evening,' at the Opera House.- Mrs. Elizabeth Hutfman died at Payton last Sunday and was brought |0 Cedarvillc Wednesday for inter* meht, The funeral services were held in the Methodist church, couductel by Rev. J. L . Tufts. -. M a r r ia g e L icenses . — A . M. Ooti- well and Edith Daugherty; Bcnjamnu Anderson and .Cora Merrit; Edward Stubbs'and A n n ieK a lle y ; Churles Birkman and Viola Rex ; .Gillum Grit* teuden and Lizzie Phillips; Anion E. Kelble and Sarah Rowan. Charley Jones, who has been play* ing ball the past season with the Quin* cy , Illinois, baseball club, returned home Wednesday to spend the winter. The following is a report o f the McIntyre school for the month begin­ n ingSeptember 14th and ending Oc­ tober 11 th: Number o f pupils enrolled, 22 . Average daily attendance, 16. Pupils present every day were Jimmie Alsup, Clarance and Alvin Stormont, Charlie Smith and Bertha Cordell.: Those having the highest grades during the •month were: Arithmetic, A class, Davy Baer; B class, Fannie Raney; B grade, A class, May Raney; B class, Jimmie Alsdp; Physiology,Davy Baer; History, Davy Baer; Grammar, A class, Davy Baer; ,B class, May Raney; Geography, A olifts, Davy Baer; B class, Fannie and May Raney; Spell­ ing, A class, Gusta Randall; B class, Jimmie AIsup; C class, ClarenceJStor* mont. Honor Roll.—Cecil George, Gusta Randall, Davy Bear, Whitmer A lex ­ ander, Alvin Stormont. Carl Whit­ aker, Robbie Randall, Fannie and ’May Raney, Flora Whitaker, Mary Williamson, Iva Calloway and Bertha Cordell. : N a n n i e M c L e a n , Teacher. ANNUAL CONVENTION ;«utg |e s ;li's |o 8 iBUei < K E N I R t P R E S B Y T E R Y ^ -TO MEET IN- CGDARVILIi, OHIO,U. P.€Hl!R€l, October 29th and 30th, ’91. .L adies —Who will do writing for me at home will make good wages. Address, with self-addressed stamped envelope. Miss Flora D . Jones, South Band, Iud., Proprietor Famous “ Blush o f Roses” for the complexion, 75 cents ■per bottle. Beware o f imitators. The following ure the judges and clerks selected for this township at the coming election: " Northern Precinct,—-.Hen, Barber, Wm, Stevenson, W . R . McMilleu, D. S Dixon, Lee Stewart, John Me* Corklc. Southern Precinct.—H . Turnbull, P. J ., T . B . Andrew, John A , Mitch­ ell, R. H . McClellan, E . W . Smith, H . M, Stormont. linnterm, Take Notice. A ll, without regard to age, color or previous condition are forbiden under the penalty o f the law to trespass or hunt with gun or dog on the William­ son or other premises controlled by me. 3t J . H , Brotherton, •Greene Co. Teachers’ Asaocl- AtfiOM* PROGRAMME FOR .THE MEETING TO RE nEI,r> AT XENIA, O., OCT. 31, '91 . A . M.—The Teacher and the Child, by I)r„ J. K . Sayre. f Discussion opened by Miss Adelaide Hardy, Work among the Little Ones, by Anna Torrence, . Discussion opened by Miss Anna Morrow, ' Report o f Tswnship Commissioners on course o f Study. Recitation, by Miss Josie Whitting­ ton, P. M.—University Extension,, by M, J, Flannery. Discussion opened by G . A . Hubble. Lecture—Tba Money Value o f Ed­ ucation, by Chaney, A . M ., o f Wnshingtjn V>. J f., O. Good mania. C om , 9:00 A . M.- 9:30 A . M .- 10:00 A . M .- 10:20 A . M - 10:45 A . M. TRANSFERS. Allen A . Jettison to James W . W in­ gate, undivided one-tenth o f lots 9 and 10, Bellbrook, $15. . . Walter J. Marshall to J . T. Horna- day, lot.' 68 , Yellow Springs, 8430. Mary Garrett to Larena Tracy, one acre, Caesarcreek, $1. II. H . McMillan, Adni'r, to Anna L . Smiley, 35 acres in Ccdnrville tp., 61,400, * • Adam Shaner to U . O. Bandera, one acre, Silverereek, $10. Ann P. Ridenenour to Catherine E. Trader, 237 square feet, Xenia, 61. II. C. Dean to Xenia Butter aiul Cliecse Manufacturing Company, land ou Vulley road; Xenia, 6325. Janies M. Liukhart to Joseph W . and Orlando W . Liukhart, 243 acres, Xenia tp., $1,000 and other consider­ ations. ■ ,_______ Boots, Shoes and Rubbers; the larg­ est stock, the lowest prices, at Bird's. Underwear, Hosiery and Gloves, at Bird's. Children’s Overcoats from $2.50 to 65.00, at Bird’s. Hanging Lamps, Stand Lamps— beautiful goods and exceedingly low prices, at .Bird’s, Cranberries, Oysters and Celery always on hand at Bird’s. New Sorghum Molasses at . Bird’s. THURSDAY. ■ 7:30 P. M .—Devotional, Mary Rife, | . C lifton .. . 8:00 P . M .—Address, Rev. W . J. Buchanan, Xenia. I FRIDAY. . -Devotional, W ; H . Lackey, Jamestown. Business. “ The Master’s Claim Upon the Young,” Member from Sugar Creek. ’ . ■Advan tagee o f Eilvly Consecration, Jennie Wead, 3d Xenia. ‘Special Fields Open to the Young,” Mem* her from Keynoids- burg, 11:00 A . M.—Reports from Societies. 11:15 A l M .— “ Bible Study,” Dr. ' Moorehead. 12:00 M .—Dinner. 2:00 P . M .—Business, 2:30 P. M .—Devotional, Ralph Col. line, 2 Xenia. 245 P . M.— “ Committee and Commit­ tee Work ,” Mary Me* ■■= CuUoeh, Springfield. 3:15 P. M .—Liberality to be Culti­ vated and Practiced, . Lelia McDill, 1 Xenia. 3:25 P. M.—Address, Two Essentials, What ? II. H. Craw­ ford, Seminary. 3:45 P. M .— “ Bible Study, Dr, Moore- head. 4:20 F . M .— “ Consecration Meeting,” Paul Stewart, ■Seiui- ' nary. A vcua, Oatmeal Cracked wheat . Granulated Hominy • Failuo, Parched Farinose t * , G r a y ’ s . Peaches, Apricots and Prunes a • G ray ’ s Wood and W illow ware at G ray ’* Fresh Bulk Oysters, at McCorkle’s, Celery, at McCorkleV. Cranberries, at McCorkleV* Yellow Danver Oniaiis, at McCorkle’s. Boneless Cod Fish, at McCorkleV, Fresh Sorgum.Molasses, at . McCorkle’s. Potted Tongue and Ham, at ■ MeCorkle’s, Evaporated Horse Radish, at McCorkle’s. French Mustard, at McCorkleV. Flower Pots, Fancy, at ' McCorkie’s. Hunters’ Supplies, at McCorkle’s, Shells loaded to order at . McCorkleV* Buckwheat Flour, at McCorkleV, Window glass and glaring at ‘ Andrew Bros, and Co. GOOD LOOKS . Good looks are more than skin beep, depending upon a healthy condition o f all the vital organs. I f the liver be inactive you have a Billious Look, if thcBtomach be disordered you have a dyspeptic look aud i f your kidneys be affecteb you have a Pinched Look. Secure good health and you will have good looks, Electric Bitters is the great alterative and tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Clares pimples blotches, boils aud gives r good com­ plexion. Sold at B , G* Ridgway’g Drugstore, 50c per bottle. 4 FOR SALE . A good No, 8 Coal Cook Stove, wit reservoir and kitchen, cheap. Apply at this office. . . The only absolutely complete line o f Drugs in the county o f certain purity, at RidgwayV Pharmacy, Butter, Jersey. Milk .Crackers at G r a y ’ s . Buy-your fresh aiul salt meats at tins old reliable meat store o f C. W. Crouse. • The finest line o f fresh and salt meats in the county at C. W . Dean’s Fresh cakes and bread at the ba k cry . ________ . J acob S e igler F ru it Can*. W e are'selling our own make of fruit cans at fifty cents per dozen. ' Crouse and Bull, Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cent . Smith’s the place for a seafoam. F ish at ' G r a y ’ s . Syrup and Molasses at G uay ’ s . Tobaeos ami Cigars at G ray ’ s . I f yon want a good lunch or a square meal go to Boyd's and try him once. . Smoke the “ Woodsdnle,” at ' RidgwayV- New Lamps o f every kiud and Lamp Trimmings, at Ridgeway’s. Window Glass aud Putty, at . Ridgway’s. . Spices o f ail kinds for pickles, at RidgwayV Every kiud o f Patent Medicines in stock, at ' Ridgway’s. School Books and supplies at . • Ridgway’s; Elegant assortment o f Stationery, . . RidgwayV. . FOR ALE. Three Delaine rams, and one milch cow. Call on C. E, C ooley . 2t Cliecse, Crackers and Ginger snaps iit . G ray ’ s . Barbed wire for fences at ;. Andrew Bro A Co. Spring repair work at Murray’s har­ ness shop. A fine line o f pocket and table cut­ lery at Grouse & Bull’s, Rolled Avena and Wheat, Oatmeal and Cracked Wheat, Farino and Parched Farinose, Pearl Barley , Gran­ ulated Hominy at C r a y ’ s . Corn, Tomatoes, Beans, <fcc., at , G ray ’ s , VNACQUAIKTEDWITHTHEOtOiiRAPHIuHHUOOUHIHWIUMTiUI muchvauiuu inforsationfromastudy or thii V arorthr LOVERS OF FLOWERS W IL L F IND BULBS A T GRAY 'S 1 have Isid in a largft stock ofbulbsof all descrip­ tions for winter blooming, inclading Hyacinths, Cro­ cus, Due vanThol Tulips alt colors, Litlium Harrissi, Single and double mixed Tulips, etc., etc. Call and make your selections at once. Primaanred llMpeless, Y e t Waved. From a let ter written by Mrs. Ada E; Hurd, o'f Groton, ri. II., we quote: ‘ Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and, finally terminated in consumption. Four doctors gave ino up, saying 1 could live but a short time, I gave myself up to niv Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my friends oil eartlij X would meet my absent ones above. My husband was id- vised to get Dr. K ing’s New Discov­ ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I gave it a trial, took in ail eight bottles; it has cured me and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman.” Trial bottles free at B. G. RidgwayV Drugstore, regu* lar size, 50 cents and $1.00 4 ROBERT GRAY, fm t a s i a y I x c t H i s a s v i a t h e W iM i y l v a a l a L in e s . Tickets at one fare for the round trip between any two etations on the Cincinnati Division from Golumbua and Springfield to Cincinnati inclu­ sive will be sold by tbe P . C. C. A St. L . By, Co, on each Sunday until further notief, during the summer o f dcaio,M Islani& .PacificBy. Tba Direct Route to end from, Joliet, Ottewa,' . Peoria, X* 8 *llo, Jloltne, Bock ItUnd, In IMANOIS; Davenport, Muscatine, Ottumwa, OikatoaM, DM Maine., WlntenKt, Audubon, Harlan and Connell Bluff., In IOWA ; Miimeapoll. and St. Paul,' In MIH- ' NESOTA; Waterfown and Sion* Fallii, In DAKOTA ;1 Cameron, St. Jowpb and Kanu. City, In MISSOURI; . OinntiR, Uncoln. Falrlmrj' and Nelson: InNBBBA 8 KA ; . Atchison, I.eiivuiworth, llorton. T-peka, IlutehlMon,' : Wichltii, Belleville, Abilene, Dmlg. City, CMdwtll.' In KANSAS; KIugtt.hcr. EI Reno and AHnco(ln INDIAN TERIUTORY; Denver, Colorado Sprlnit and Pueblo, In COMIRADO. Travcree. new .real of rich flnrnlng and Krar.lng lands, affordli'Sth. beet ikellltiea of Inter* comniunicatlon to all town, and eltire eaet knd weet, northwe .1 and aouthweet of Ctilcago and to Paclflo and trane-oceaulcwaperte. I ' * MAGNIFICENT " VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAMS I/adln* all competitor* In eplendor of equipment,' between CH IC#0 and DBS MOINES. COUNCIL BLUPFS and OMAHA, and between CHICAGO eod DENVER. CCIdJRAlKi 8PKINOS anti PUBBDO. Via KANSAS CITY and TOPEKA and via ST. JOSEPH. Flnt-Clnm Day Coichr), FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS, and Pahtcc Steepen, with Dining Ckr Servte*. Closeconnedloo. at Denver and Colorado Sprint* with dlventlny railway line*, now forming -the: new and picturesque • , . STANDARD GAUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUTE Over which euperUly-cquIpned train, run dally THROUGH WITHOUT CHANCE to and flam Sail Lake City. Ogden and San Francleco. THE ROCK ISLAND la aleo the Direct and Favorite lia e to ahd from Manltnu. Pike1. PeaV. and all other .Onltary and/ ecenio raurteandcltie* and miningdlitrlcl*InColOMdA DAILY PAST EXPRESS TRAINS •' - t ^ ' - • " From 8L Joaeph nnd l~n»a. CUv to and from all Im­ portant towns,cities end section. InSontlirmNebroako, Knnwia and the Indian Territory, Also via ALBERT LEA IlOUTK from Ksnsa. City and Chico** to Water­ town. Slodx Fhlla, MINNEAPOLIS end ST, PAUL, connection* (hralt points north and northwset betwsen the lakesand the Pacific CoarL . FOr Tickets, Maps, Folders, or desired InlbjnnatlM apply to any CqupoiLTIcket Office In the Uutted Btote* or Cana>lo, or address . ■ C. ST . JOHN, JOHN SEBASTIAN. O-nOManager, Cen'l Tkt A roes. Agd* • CBIOAOO. ILL. , ■ i ■......... ' I f you wttut a Btylish livery rig' g* toUoydV. Sweet, spiced and sour pickles at ■ G ray V. . Go to Charlie Smith for a shave. . Teeth extracted without pain by application o f cocaine at Dr. Homan’s office, Sal Soda, Borax, Alum, Sulplor, Saltpetre and Blue Vitrol at Bull’s. Wanted some one source of children to care for my horses aiid do other chores. House rent free. D . * 8 ; Ervin. MILLINERY. You wil find alt the new shapes in felt h.its, new col­ ors in velvets and ribbons and all in latest novelt;es at * BARBERand McMILLAN. / O f f ic e o f D it t o s &, G a l m n , Dealers in tine horses, Columbus, O* G e n t l e m e n —Early last spring on* o f our liorses was seriously injttrod by being kicked, Arabian Oil was recommended to us and we gave it a trial. The result was Hot only satis­ factory, but surprisiug. The wound, healed rapidly, and tho animal was ready for use in a few days. Sines that time we have by its use cured a number o f cases o f scratches and re­ moved some bad eases o f curb, Ara­ bian Oil is undoubtedly tbeliestgen- eral Stock Liniment that we ever used, arid we advise Farmers and Horsemen to keep a supply o f U in their stables at all times. Yours Re­ spectfully, D itto * k G auun . W e offer $100 for a case o f Scratches Arabian Oil w ill not cure* For salt by B. G. RWgway. * , *•*•».*•« (,eviaefM“#kyMmS. (lto4w!fi,T»y,N.Y.l*l«rMk W»«,K yft* iH*ynot tn.k. ** n«th,l,«l w. » ■ iHMhyintqnltkly k«w towm turn M to •1**«l*y attk. Med, .»4 nme *•!**«* Mf. Mothtom, .11 *t». Je eav perte# toeaMu h*a*11ytorilmAW<t*toE:ntotol«toirto Ik*work. All H e.*’, umttAfWmmttt e»«ywrnkto, We to*rt ye*, tortoitoiig toetytMiiv, KABII.r, ai'kkdll.T H hm C f f i s i r a r t t a t a n u r