The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52
\ \ 1 l^TTjptn|t.'[W[")j.’.,^L?ai<yrL»*^f «•*•■> ■*■* -jp.i4,".'*,"«■■«•■-t« ' ‘ 141 hi l | ] : ; » ' , iU i l - J . i 3 gfff 53 KCT^Bia^ AS iHM il'K SUhW WyJ 5 Kt*V NKVVai-AiUiU, b a t u r d a v , o T w B i a i i u i m . II', 11rMhA JJit JitUtar will Vrop’r ■, . , *■ \,. % P ? lC * o l.ftS P^AWNUM . .Jio oije ; h allowed on tin 1 streets ot Del,and, Fla., lifter ten- o’clock at night. . . . ^ _ - Fn (lei !••?< K. Ives o f Philadelphia t V couHil^Jit that lie Kan invented a pro cess for photographing in colors. It is to I>ehoped that he lias. A man arrested sit Oakland, Cal., for masquerading as a colored woman, urged in extenuation o f his oilense thiit he had been hypnotized. * . There is nothing iu the line o f brain food more palatable than a good fresh phrase. It is mental confectionery. An eastern divine calls the dresent age “ the milk and water imllcniuiu.” The Yfiehita Fugle believes thnt the vefy first thing the “ calamity howlers” would do if .they were to get into power would be to abolish Thanksgiv ing d.iv. . Ralph Kay Hamilton is dead at last. All i oubt about bis demise is at an end. The body said to lie hi -1 lias been exhumed and its identity umpH-stion- ahlv established. 1 home people learn more quickly j tl.aii <me o f Ruskin s pu|.iisj said to him: . “ Ah, Mr. Ruskii.s, ihu. firstmomentthat I entered the gallery | at Florence I saw at once what you mojint when asserting the supremacy of Botticelli.” “ Did you—im a mo ment?” remarked Buskin. “ It took tue 20 years to find out; tlmt.” A Georgia judge has a way o f de fending the diguity o f tire bench pe culiarly bis own. l ie reprimanded a lawyer for being late in court. The lawyer characterized him as no gen tleman, He stepped from the bench, and knocked the lawyer dowfi, and then put the poor man. umW heavy bonds to answer lor disorderly conduct. Very fqw tneii have the grit o f Mrs. Dorn Tischler, o f New Y o rk .. C o d ing home from tour.■■she found two men ransacking her bureau. She pounced upon them both at once and shouted for help. One o f her prisoners managed to escape, but she did not unlose hor. grip upon the other until a policeman had him fast. GRAND I), U. Sloan o f Atlanta 1ms invent ed a method by .which hard ground may be pulverized to a depth of.two or three ii el at'j.u excense o f •?-•"> per ie*re. He trituir.te.- the glebe with dynamite. . - John Pitt escaped from jail in Le noir, N. Vi, last week, lie went buck the next day "of his own nccord. Twenty-four ltoiiis o f fret dom cm - vlnced him that “ there’s no jiluce like h >me.” _____ ' _ The purchase o f Alaska was one o f the best bargains ever made. This was demonstrated ytprs ago. But the evidence continues to pile up. Re cently immense coal dcpd-ils have been ill,covered in that territory. .. Mrs. William Htuart, o f Brenham, Tex., sought a hill hv getting rid o f a Bill. hheemue within fifteen minutes o f being a bigamist; for a quarter ol Ui hour niter she obtained lierdivim e site wedded a second husband. forgotten A near-sighted young man hi o had his eye-glasses walked through a plate glass window worth 8150 in New York the other day. lie will probably he farsighted enough to take his eye glasses with h im ’here after* . Working for humanity lias never been a paying vocation; hut the noble spirits gwho follow it care little for financial results. Kossuth, the Hun garian. patriot, now blind and old, is living in .wretchedness and poverty in Turin /' Five hundred dollars were received at the treasury department a day or two ago, with the accompanying note: “ This money is interest on moneys de frauded from the government years rgo, Principal and interest have now been restored.” There are more :ic- {jve consciences in this world than one in his dyspeptic moments is willing to admit, L , Augustus Hudson o f Cortland, N. Y ., died the other day from exces sive bicycle riding. When in the fill] possession o f life he thought o f little else than bicycles. So it was hut na tural that in his last moments they should occupy his sole attention. Just before . death lie requested that the Cortland wheel club should escort him- to the .grave, A t his funiral Wed nesday the hearse was preceded by 70 wheelmen on their wheels. Behind the hearse waBHudson’s wheel, draped in mourning and propelled by the pre- flidoiit o f the chib. It was, indeed, a umque event in funeral annals, * William Schultz, n New York jiink- iuan, has hanged himself. A fter years o f rigid economy he has saved 81,400. He was afraid to put 't in n hank, so ho intrusted it to his pastor, Rev. Conrad Jung. Jung, in whose hon esty he had implicit faith, disappeared with it. Too old to work, too proud to bo an object o f charity, Schultz an ticipated the inevitable iu his wood shed. ■ _ IViijamin Fricnuui went to sleep in a Philadelphia synagogue, Monday. Bernard Weinlrap thought it would lie a good joke to pour some ammonia into Frirmnn’s mouth. He could hardly restrain h's lauvl.for .when he . r ■■■' > ■ . imagined how suddenly Friemau would awake. But he now has a painful ap j r.-eiqtiou o f the fact that courts do not possess his exquisite sense o f liu mor. • « . . . - CLOAKOPENINGANDSALE ■ A T - Carrie Bo.stwiok, a Cortland, N. Y, g ’ rl, had the diphtheria and a report obtained credence that she was dead, Dr. Cheney o f the -Sate Normal school, where Carrie attended, eulogized 1e memory iu an eloquent address which moved her class to tears, the news papers printed her obituary, and class mates sent funeral tlowei's, She was not dead, though very sick. She ih mu dv better and does not intend iodic if she can avoid it. - Qucui.'lund has a case qt retributive justice. A gang o f strikers, insisted that a hotel keeper should di-charge his Chinese cook lor no other roma-n than that lie was a Chinese. The strikers was loo much for the. hotel keeper and the cook had to go. He was engaged by the local police. The leuding striker was soon arrested for s ’dition and the first tiling he wain set to work at in the prison Was chopping m od for the Chinese cook. A Carrollton (Mo.) tenant, when lie moved out o f a house, forgot a wood en chopping howl worth 1 M cents. 11 c went hack to get it. l ie had some words with the owner o f the Jjouso, who refused to let him have it. From a financial point o f view it would have bceu well for him to have let tlie owner o f the house keep the howl, hut there was a principle involved and money .was no object. He replevied the bowl and the ensuing litigation cost him $ 1 7 . __________________ The ease o f Mrs* John (lately vs, the Mutual'Reserve Fund Life Asso ciation, was being heard in Oswego, N, Y ., the other day, .yvlien there was suddenly a great sensation. Home j ycatrt ago Mrs. Gntely’s husband dis appeared. Shortly afterward the body 1 o f an unknown man was found in the Erie Canal and was idcndific'd ns the missing Mr, Ontely by four witnesses. Ho was insured for 82,000 and Mrs* (lately sued for the amount* ns the as sociation was not sure that she was a widow and refused to pay. "While the case was in progress Mr, (lately walk ed into the court room and confronted .his wife. Disappointed in her quest o f the $2,000 Mrs. (lately had her loug lost husband forthwith Arrested for Abandoning his family. A C. T A Y L O R ’S J) 91 . —>°c==siC*ga>^>te= 03 <!:------ TJ3IS WILL BE THE LARGEST DISPLAY OP ^-iGloaks and Wraps Ever exhibited, in Jamestown, representing two manufacturers, one o f Cloaks and one o f Wraps, and 5 011 w ill have over ■. .. The elegant styles alone will pay you to come and see. and you can buy a OLGAS, WKAF :or JACKET From 120 to 50 per cent. CHEAPER at this sale tluurynu can this season, being direct from the manufacturers, and ■ wc extend the LADIES OF CEDARVILLE AND VICINITY A cordial invitation to attend this sale, and assure you that you will not only he satisfied, but .. , Well jPaid for Your Coming. A. C. TAYLOR, Remember, the date*Wednesday,-October 23th, 1891. ANDREW • * * * SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & GO -DEALEIt IN- A X E W S T O C K O i r SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, 000RS BUNDS SCREEN DOORS A large stock, A l l size, Ready for hangingj at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. CALL AND SEE fO B .Y O V I tS E tm
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