The Cedarville Herald, Volume 12, Numbers 27-52

\ \ 1 l^TTjptn|t.'[W[")j.’.,^L?ai<yrL»*^f «•*•■> ■*■* -jp.i4,".'*,"«■■«•■-t« ' ‘ 141 hi l | ] : ; » ' , iU i l - J . i 3 gfff 53 KCT^Bia^ AS iHM il'K SUhW WyJ 5 Kt*V NKVVai-AiUiU, b a t u r d a v , o T w B i a i i u i m . II', 11rMhA JJit JitUtar will Vrop’r ■, . , *■ \,. % P ? lC * o l.ftS P^AWNUM . .Jio oije ; h allowed on tin 1 streets ot Del,and, Fla., lifter ten- o’clock at night. . . . ^ _ - Fn (lei !••?< K. Ives o f Philadelphia t V couHil^Jit that lie Kan invented a pro­ cess for photographing in colors. It is to I>ehoped that he lias. A man arrested sit Oakland, Cal., for masquerading as a colored woman, urged in extenuation o f his oilense thiit he had been hypnotized. * . There is nothing iu the line o f brain food more palatable than a good fresh phrase. It is mental confectionery. An eastern divine calls the dresent age “ the milk and water imllcniuiu.” The Yfiehita Fugle believes thnt the vefy first thing the “ calamity howlers” would do if .they were to get into power would be to abolish Thanksgiv­ ing d.iv. . Ralph Kay Hamilton is dead at last. All i oubt about bis demise is at an end. The body said to lie hi -1 lias been exhumed and its identity umpH-stion- ahlv established. 1 home people learn more quickly j tl.aii <me o f Ruskin s pu|.iisj said to him: . “ Ah, Mr. Ruskii.s, ihu. firstmomentthat I entered the gallery | at Florence I saw at once what you mojint when asserting the supremacy of Botticelli.” “ Did you—im a mo­ ment?” remarked Buskin. “ It took tue 20 years to find out; tlmt.” A Georgia judge has a way o f de­ fending the diguity o f tire bench pe­ culiarly bis own. l ie reprimanded a lawyer for being late in court. The lawyer characterized him as no gen­ tleman, He stepped from the bench, and knocked the lawyer dowfi, and then put the poor man. umW heavy bonds to answer lor disorderly conduct. Very fqw tneii have the grit o f Mrs. Dorn Tischler, o f New Y o rk .. C o d ­ ing home from tour.■■she found two men ransacking her bureau. She pounced upon them both at once and shouted for help. One o f her prisoners managed to escape, but she did not unlose hor. grip upon the other until a policeman had him fast. GRAND I), U. Sloan o f Atlanta 1ms invent­ ed a method by .which hard ground may be pulverized to a depth of.two or three ii el at'j.u excense o f •?-•"> per ie*re. He trituir.te.- the glebe with dynamite. . - John Pitt escaped from jail in Le­ noir, N. Vi, last week, lie went buck the next day "of his own nccord. Twenty-four ltoiiis o f fret dom cm - vlnced him that “ there’s no jiluce like h >me.” _____ ' _ The purchase o f Alaska was one o f the best bargains ever made. This was demonstrated ytprs ago. But the evidence continues to pile up. Re­ cently immense coal dcpd-ils have been ill,covered in that territory. .. Mrs. William Htuart, o f Brenham, Tex., sought a hill hv getting rid o f a Bill. hheemue within fifteen minutes o f being a bigamist; for a quarter ol Ui hour niter she obtained lierdivim e site wedded a second husband. forgotten A near-sighted young man hi o had his eye-glasses walked through a plate glass window worth 8150 in New York the other day. lie will probably he farsighted enough to take his eye glasses with h im ’here­ after* . Working for humanity lias never been a paying vocation; hut the noble spirits gwho follow it care little for financial results. Kossuth, the Hun­ garian. patriot, now blind and old, is living in .wretchedness and poverty in Turin /' Five hundred dollars were received at the treasury department a day or two ago, with the accompanying note: “ This money is interest on moneys de­ frauded from the government years rgo, Principal and interest have now been restored.” There are more :ic- {jve consciences in this world than one in his dyspeptic moments is willing to admit, L , Augustus Hudson o f Cortland, N. Y ., died the other day from exces­ sive bicycle riding. When in the fill] possession o f life he thought o f little else than bicycles. So it was hut na­ tural that in his last moments they should occupy his sole attention. Just before . death lie requested that the Cortland wheel club should escort him- to the .grave, A t his funiral Wed­ nesday the hearse was preceded by 70 wheelmen on their wheels. Behind the hearse waBHudson’s wheel, draped in mourning and propelled by the pre- flidoiit o f the chib. It was, indeed, a umque event in funeral annals, * William Schultz, n New York jiink- iuan, has hanged himself. A fter years o f rigid economy he has saved 81,400. He was afraid to put 't in n hank, so ho intrusted it to his pastor, Rev. Conrad Jung. Jung, in whose hon­ esty he had implicit faith, disappeared with it. Too old to work, too proud to bo an object o f charity, Schultz an­ ticipated the inevitable iu his wood­ shed. ■ _ IViijamin Fricnuui went to sleep in a Philadelphia synagogue, Monday. Bernard Weinlrap thought it would lie a good joke to pour some ammonia into Frirmnn’s mouth. He could hardly restrain h's lauvl.for .when he . r ■■■' > ■ . imagined how suddenly Friemau would awake. But he now has a painful ap j r.-eiqtiou o f the fact that courts do not possess his exquisite sense o f liu mor. • « . . . - CLOAKOPENINGANDSALE ■ A T - Carrie Bo.stwiok, a Cortland, N. Y, g ’ rl, had the diphtheria and a report obtained credence that she was dead, Dr. Cheney o f the -Sate Normal school, where Carrie attended, eulogized 1e memory iu an eloquent address which moved her class to tears, the news­ papers printed her obituary, and class­ mates sent funeral tlowei's, She was not dead, though very sick. She ih mu dv better and does not intend iodic if she can avoid it. - Qucui.'lund has a case qt retributive justice. A gang o f strikers, insisted that a hotel keeper should di-charge his Chinese cook lor no other roma-n than that lie was a Chinese. The strikers was loo much for the. hotel keeper and the cook had to go. He was engaged by the local police. The leuding striker was soon arrested for s ’dition and the first tiling he wain set to work at in the prison Was chopping m od for the Chinese cook. A Carrollton (Mo.) tenant, when lie moved out o f a house, forgot a wood­ en chopping howl worth 1 M cents. 11 c went hack to get it. l ie had some words with the owner o f the Jjouso, who refused to let him have it. From a financial point o f view it would have bceu well for him to have let tlie owner o f the house keep the howl, hut there was a principle involved and money .was no object. He replevied the bowl and the ensuing litigation cost him $ 1 7 . __________________ The ease o f Mrs* John (lately vs, the Mutual'Reserve Fund Life Asso­ ciation, was being heard in Oswego, N, Y ., the other day, .yvlien there was suddenly a great sensation. Home j ycatrt ago Mrs. Gntely’s husband dis­ appeared. Shortly afterward the body 1 o f an unknown man was found in the Erie Canal and was idcndific'd ns the missing Mr, Ontely by four witnesses. Ho was insured for 82,000 and Mrs* (lately sued for the amount* ns the as­ sociation was not sure that she was a widow and refused to pay. "While the case was in progress Mr, (lately walk­ ed into the court room and confronted .his wife. Disappointed in her quest o f the $2,000 Mrs. (lately had her loug lost husband forthwith Arrested for Abandoning his family. A C. T A Y L O R ’S J) 91 . —>°c==siC*ga>^>te= 03 <!:------ TJ3IS WILL BE THE LARGEST DISPLAY OP ^-iGloaks and Wraps Ever exhibited, in Jamestown, representing two manufacturers, one o f Cloaks and one o f Wraps, and 5 011 w ill have over ■. .. The elegant styles alone will pay you to come and see. and you can buy a OLGAS, WKAF :or JACKET From 120 to 50 per cent. CHEAPER at this sale tluurynu can this season, being direct from the manufacturers, and ■ wc extend the LADIES OF CEDARVILLE AND VICINITY A cordial invitation to attend this sale, and assure you that you will not only he satisfied, but .. , Well jPaid for Your Coming. A. C. TAYLOR, Remember, the date*Wednesday,-October 23th, 1891. ANDREW • * * * SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & GO -DEALEIt IN- A X E W S T O C K O i r SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING, SASH, 000RS BUNDS SCREEN DOORS A large stock, A l l size, Ready for hangingj at low prices. Estimates furnished on application, for anything in the line of Lumber. CALL AND SEE fO B .Y O V I tS E tm