The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

VOL. 13. CEDARVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY, MAX 1 , 1892. NO. 13 T H E H E H & L t B Mis# Dora Seiner attended a social •i nt SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1892, If', JF7. B L A lit, Editor and JProp’r PRICK f 1.25 PKRANNUM, i -V■'■I'-'-l'F/"ilW*"*1'* >'H'TT"’""Wr*—r’"~1 1 «»-s Dan McEIroy was in Cincinnati this week. IB Tlie wad factory commenced opera tiona again laBt.Tuesday. Commencement of the public schools' 8erious illne* of Mrs, Ellis Xenia Thnrodap We learn tha t Cargill Morton much better and able to be out, , The*friends ofMr. Samuel Walker gavel im a pleasant surpriseThursday in honor of his birthday. Several of the citizens' oh Xenia avenue are adding to its appearance by painting their rpsidcncea. ' Mrs,* David Shroades has been culled to Xenia, on account of the at Clifton will take placeMay 21st. The coal shed at the Burrell school house,, near Card’s Run, was .struck the summer, Misses Nora and Mamie Sweeney went, to Cincinnati Tuesday to spend *^ lightning Monday, during the noon Ihour, and several of the scholars standing near .were thrown to the ground. Capt. Chandler and Lieut. Kelly. J . OKU STEWART, M. D. Surgeon a dPhysician. CEDARVILLE, 0 . Special in diseases of E ve , E ar , Now, T hroat . Classes accurately fitted to the eyes. < 13-Sm. * ‘Jack” Eustfok and.children were in Cedarville this week' guests of Dr. and Mrs. Stewart. Miss Bessie Wright returned to her home a t Springfield; Sunday, after a visit to friendB here. Quite a number from here attended the Sunday’ School Convention at Spring Valley Tuesday. ' 4 The R. P Church synod will be held in Cedarville thi&yeUr, commen­ cing Wednesday, May 13.' The Herald now has in its employ one of the beetjob printers in Greene county and irilObrnish firs t' class work on short nuticennd at reasonable . rates. ' ! " The state encampment o f tbelS A; R. will be held a t Piqiia next Wed­ nesday and Thursday, May H a n d 12. Several from this vicinity will a tt e n d *... . ■„ - 4 * ** - ” ■ The Miami Iuduui Medicine Com­ pany began.a series of entertainments a t Ervin & Williamson’s ball, Thurs­ day evening. The exhibition is free and m being well attended. T h e members o f the B. P. congre­ gation held a church meeting Monday to decide upou plans for their new church, bu t the Architect who prom­ ised to he with them with plans and specifications did not pu t in an ap­ pearance and nothing was done. Two weeks ago stores in .Jamestown were broken into and goods stolen. Circumstantial evidence pointed to of Xenia Camp. S. of V,, were here Wednesday night and inspected J , W. Pollock Camp, of "this place. There was&large attendance and everything was found in good shape. The' May meeting a t Selma is to be held this year on the 28th and 29th instead -of on^|he second Sunday in May as 'heretofore.. The date was only; recently changed and the com­ mittee; send us notice this week. A. T. Gross, the popular hotel man a t Jamestown, has gone into a,, new line of-business. Last week a part­ nership was formed between himself and Mr. Snodgrass, the gentleman Who Recently showed a lot of - trained horses a t the opera house,-and they have purchased a tent and are now giving a show under canvas. They w mode their tiret BUnd , t Plain City, t" l'fo n ... Bv ,!»mtedPe.eheB. 10 * And anything else iu the grocery line inproportionately low prices at A n d r e w B r o s . & C o , thisweek. SomeOf the Grand Army hoysmay he interested iu the following-from Alex. B. Pope, A. D. 0 ., Comman­ der Dep’t Tenn, aud Ga. He says: "We have had an epidemic of whoop­ ing cough here (Stewart, Tenn.,) and Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been the only medicine that has done any good,” There is no danger from whooping-cough, when this remedy is freely given. I t completely controls the disease, 25 and 50 cent bottles tor sale by B, G. Ridgeway. Buy your fresh and salt" meats a t 1<rank.White, sou of John White, *jle {) j ( j reliMble went store of C. W. formerly of th» place, as the ) Crouse, man, and last week he was arrested and a part of Jhe goods found on his person, His case is being tried hy the grand jury this week. Frank Collier, who has been living with his son-in-law, Jos. Teach, north of Cedarville, was gpppoeed to be par­ tially deranged aud was taken before the Probate Judge a t Xenia Monday, hut could not be sent to die asylum mi account of the testimony given hy examining physknans* Tuesday a ticket tor Zanesville was furnished him and he went there, where he has a brother living. The physicians claim he is becoming childish. Garrison Pratt, the colored man who was arrested for burglarizing ‘the Imuse of Ellsworth Lowry a fewweeks ago-, hag been claiming all along that he had an accomplice and if he had to go to the penitentiary his partner must go with him. That may lie true but Irma reliable authority we are in­ formed that already he has implicated at hast three men, two of whom are above suspicion, and it je not unlikely that when he makes the trip "up the load” be will go alon#, as he has told too many conflicting stories to have have any of them believed. In almost every neighborhood thro’ out the west there is someone or more persons whose lives have been saved by Chamberlain’*Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or who have been cured of chronic diarrhoea hy it. Such persons take especial pleasure in recommending the remedy to others., The praise that follows it* introduc­ tion and use makes it very - popular* 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by B , G. Ridgeway's. By special invitation we this week made a visit to the county infirmary, imcompany with Mrssrs. H. M. Stor- monytod J . H . Andrew. The hoard of dweetore were in session a t the time and it was to meet them the two above named gentleman went as they waitted to sell provisions and clothing to the institution during the coming month, and which, we are glad to state, they were permitted to do. A t tor the Herald scribe’s will be well to say, it was not prompted by a thought that we could offer suggestions that would he of value to the board oi a desire to pick a flaw in the man* ageinejut of the institution, hut sim* ply to get a dinner prepared a t the ® expense of the county. We got it. " Housekeepers ishould polish aud clean furniture with our excellent Furniture Polish, 20 cents a Pint St'Ben Bidgways. • .Cheese and Crackers ■ at Gray’s, A full line of G arden .Toots at CROUSE & BULL’e. wt -J, . ,^ ' All Grades o f Gasoline stovek. for Sale by Crouse A Bull, ' r House to rent by S. K. Mitchell. ,For pocket and table cutlery go Crouse & Bull's. <: ^ Go to Crouse’s tor Fish. r Buy yotir fresh and salt meats at Ghas. Peau’s meat; store. W r e s p h ere , 21 lb fine granulated Sugar , fl.W) 1 lb Package Coffee . . . ,20 ,7 lb Beans . , . , ,25 Can Corn . , . , ,08 Star Tobacco lb 1 \ ’ . , . ,40 Coal Oil. ; . .. .' ,07f Gasoline. . . . ,07-J •Tea . . . *, . . . ,30 1000 Matches I t ,07 1 lb Soda . . . . ,07 Flour 2-iilb 8k 60 Cents .>,60 A F O O T , I R , A light* hay Harablctonin and Eclipse horse, will etaud at Boyd’s livery stable Monday and Tuesday of each week during the season. 810 to insure a colt to stand and such. Jxo. W. E lus . - Selma Huy Meeting. Friends Quarterly Meeting will be beheld Saturday and Sabbath, the 28th and 29th inst. All are most cordiallyjnvited. By order of Committee, 8 etii W. S mith . ' . NOTICll H. II, Crouse has opened a fish Market and keeps all kinds of Fresh Fish in season. Call and see him. Intends to keep a first-class stand. gwndny Hxcnraisss win the Fennaylysuil* tlaes. Tickets a t one fare tor the rounc trip between any two stations on the Cincinnati Division from Gohunbui and Springfield to Cincinnati inclu­ sive will be sold by the P. C, U. A 8 t, L, Ry< Co, on each Sunday until further notice during the summa of 1892 , ' Will Millhurn came down from Findlay Wednesday, ineaffgood. He reports bus* RleotrloBitter*. 1htonaaedyttbse<witaf*iWall known and sopcpulMMto need im ties* JUTwhohsvs andiddaajs, wilt remove nlmptse,hotlh, Saltrbeom mito^srt^wxionsosttssd by imottr*Wood. Will drive mslaria from tbesvstem and prevent ae wetleeonre ISl S S m fcvenr^oureotheedaoge, eonetipatio* end todlgeetton try etedrin per bottle. . ■ ».«, ■***#***»+ NTew C arpe ts. The new styles in carpet-, ings this year are the hand sornest ever shown. I t need to he to get a handsome carpet oiie would have to; buy in the h>gli grades to get suited, but this year you fail get beautiful colQiingeR^”* '|th P e n n s y lv a n ia L ines. and patterns in the lower and hiediurn grades. In the best grade cf Ingrains we have an endless variety of styles, and in patterns that are copied from fine Bruss- ells All grades of Tapestry Brnsseils from a good at 49 cts. a yd. up to the very best goods maue in this country. Mattings are more popular than ever, the patterns are prettier, they “are cheaper, and the qualities are better, than ever, before. *The new thing in this line this year Straw •'mattings made on Twine warp and they arc bound; to wear.- Curtains of every kind, Lace curtains from60 cts. a pair to $20.00, Shades from26 cts a window onspring rollers to the very best fringed goods. Poi­ tiers from $5.00 a pair up to the best. Some new things in Poles, Brackets, and Fret Work for Boots and Windows. Our stock of House furnishing goods is the most complete ever shown in Xenia. Estimates given and work done in very- best manner. Jobe Brothers & Co. For a good shoe made to order call on C, Keller .the practical Shoemaker North Main St. Kepairing neatly and promptly done. Milton Keys has re­ moved his shoe shop to his new room next to the Nes bet property on Main st., where he will bo glad to have all customers call. ’Casli paid tor tor at S. L, Walker Halters, collars aud all kinds of harness sundries at Janies Murray’s Blank hooks, pass books and pen­ cils at Ben Ridgway’s, Some New lamps, just in a t Ben Ridgway’s. Spring repair work at Murray’shar­ ness shop. .Fresh cakes and bread a t the ha kery. J acob S eioleh Canned Pumpkin, Peaches, Corn aidTonultoes ift Gray’s. Teeth extracted without pain hy upplScaton of cocaine a t Dr. Homan's office. R e d u o tio n ln R ate» -via. A tn e ric a ’s S ta n d a r d H a llw a y . Excursion tickets will be sold from principal ticket stations on the Penn­ sylvania Lines west of Pittsburg as - .ws: ' :■ ■ :■.■■ ^Minneapolis, Minn., June 2d to ,-#C couhc of the Republican Na- itftiibal Convention, one tare tor round '*7. good returning nutil June 25th, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 29th . necouut German Bap- , ,«reuce,' one fare for round trijKboqd to return until June 30th. To ilelena, Mont., June 7th to 11th one toro-tor the round trip, good to return,until July 7th, account meet­ ing of Supreme Lodge, A. O .U . W, To Chicago, June 16th to 20th, one fare for round trip, account of Demo-, craticNational Convention. Return’ limit July 8t h . , " ’To! Detroit, Mich., June 6tli and 7th,; account meeting of American Medical -Association. Good to return until Juue 13th. , To'New' York <Citv, in July, ac­ count International Convention of Christian Endeavor, one fare for round trip, good returning thirty days. „ To Washington D. C. in Septem­ ber, account National Encampment, G. A. R., a t low late of one cent per mile. Detailed .infermation can he ob- _ tnined npon application to any ticket' ngent of the Pennsylvania Lines,, or by oddressing F. Van Dusen, Chief Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pittsburg, Pa, . 12-5 OH IO « .*A . I t . O n e C e n t r e r 9 H i e t o l*lq<in w in l*enmaylqnnla Linen fo r M tate R a c a n p u ie n t . For the State Encampment of the Ohio.G. A. R. at Piqua, excursion tickets to 'Piqiia and ’return -will he ' sold on May 9th and 10th from prin­ ciple ticket stations on the Pennsyl­ vania Lines in Ohio a t the rate of one cent per -mile, distance traveled. Tickets will be good returning until May 14th. Any ticket'agent of these Hues will furnish toll particulars upon application. The Short Route, Chicago to Oma­ ha, is T he C hicago , R ock 1 st . ano £ P acific . Methodist ministers aud laymen going to the Conference nt Omaha should bear in miud that the fast train, Westbound, leaves Chicago a t 10 p m daily, and arrives a t Omaiut at noon next day. Superb train se­ cured over the G reat R ock I sland . J oiim S ebastian . G. T. & P. A., C., R. I .& P . % Chicago, . — — ...... A n o th e r H i r e d C o n n e c tio n fo r h t . lA a l s V I f t P e n n s y lv a n i a L lnea . Commencing Monday March 14th, Train No 5 on the Pennsylvania Lines, leaving^Cedarville a t 4 ,i6 a. m. will maka direct connection a t Indianapolis daily except Sunday for St.Louis and and intermediate stations, arriving at 5.15 p, m* ■i ' I' - 'lit' - H a l t P u r e to O m a h a V ia P e h n - •Y lv a n fa L in e s . h at the Quadrennial Conferance of tlie M. E. Cnurch a t Omaha, Neb, excursion tickets a t halffor the round trip will be sold via Pennsylvansa Liu«* April 27th, 28th and 2t)th, and will pe good returning until June lit, liny ticket agent of the Pennsylvania Lines will furnish particulars Upon ap plication. REALCNTATE FOR lA L B For Sale or Rent,—One two story framehouse of six rooms together with tour acres of ground. Good im­ provements, small fruits, etc., just outside corporation limits. Will sell cheap. For Sale.—Frame house on Church street Cedarville, seven rooms. Lot 80x160 feet. Price 8750, Two story frame dwelling on Xenia avenue. Ten rooms. Size of lot 95 x 135. Beet location in Cedarville, This is very desirable property. Wilt sell for 81,800. W, II. B la ir * Co. H erald O ffice ,