The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21
$ THE HEHS .W > 1«<M SATURDAY, MAY 7, J602, W, / / , U liA I J i, W W un it f r o p ' r PRICE 4 I.2S PKRANNUM. AN £ N G M ? H TALC . ■ -«M*innr '• How tw o Sp*t|i*riiBr» Helped Their E » * -‘ Ui| Friend, I bad been traveling in a. railway car riage in the south in company with two very pleasant men w lo plxanoed to be seated opposite to me a t the end of the crowded, car. and had got out to “buy, a lunch,” aathey say, a t a station, my tyro fellow-poasengora having promised to beep my seat tor me. When ( re, turned to the car l found & tall, gaunt man in a broad slouch hat apparently about to take my seat but not yet actu ally taking it, Buys a writer in,the Con- temporal Review, A glance a t my acquaintances oppo site showed me why he hesitated. Each of them was holding a oup of coffee’ to ills moutli vvith hie left hand, while h is. right grasped a revolver covering the intruder. Time being short they were drinking their coffee while; they “kept the Britisher’s seat.” ,The tall stranger politely retired op my appearing, 'the ’ others put their revolvers in their hip pockets without any remark and we resumed our journey. 1 What amused me most of all. though was a glimpse 1got of a solemn-looking ' old man about half way down the Car, who had drawn out from somewhere an enormous, antiquated, ivory-handled six-shooter.'and was holding It with his huger On the trigger, ready to take a hand in any little festivity that might arise, 'fie looked So disappointed when it all ended in nothing th a t I felt' quite sorry for him. Every lawyer, says Mr Wakefield, keeps a revolver in a pigeon-hole of his desk and any in sult to a woman Is held to justify her friends in the immediate execution of iter instilter. IT W A LE S ' WARRANT . JEvory > jBrltUlt T radesm an Seek* ch« Prince's -Custom, There is no day in the . .. Us* , After Many Tear* Had uiap*«ti, “Ten years ago a young innrriad lady Mm, Robins, from New Orleans, made .quite a visit a t our hou*e,"«ay» a writer in the St. Louis tilobe-Democrat. “She brought with her n parrot named Pe dro, nod it was n sight the way that parro t mode himself at home. Our', children were all a t home then—the youngest eight yours old and the oldest, sixteen. Three of them ore married now and one ;s dead. It was poor little Quito, that the parrot took such a fancy for on that visit, and before the first day was ont he was Calling: ’Qidtai Oh, Quito.!’ till you couldn't, have told him from one of the family, lie .began calling me ’papa’ right away-In the most hff.;etlonute taatipcir, and he had a. fuhny way of going downstairs, hold ing on with his beak a t every step and letting himself down, shouting ht every breath: 'Olj,, Kcriall, Keriah! Don’t you hear1? PedPo wants his dinner!’ Kodak was our servant then, you sed; Well, the other day Mrs. Robins came again, and brought Pedro. He was taken upstairs to the hall, and then, a t Mrs. Robins* request, I uncovered the cage myself. I wasn't expecting any thing of the kind, and 1tcH you I camp mighty near' fainting when that bit*;' stretched his head up, turned it'to on* side, looked at u a critically a minute, and exclaimed: ‘Howdy, papa!* Mrs, Robins has ‘had' no children, under stand. No, that parrot' remCrhbercd me! 1 felt §o curious, to know what he would do’that l turned him Ont andfol- lowed him. " He made straight for the children's old room, arid when 1 opened it he went in and walked all about* evi dently looking for something. 1thought 1 knew what was. coming, and pretty soon H'came, ‘Quito!’ he called, ‘where is Quito?’ Maybe you think tha t didn't break my heart almost! He .is there, yet, and he'calls her every day. Rut the way he tumbles down that stair- ease, calling for Kesrah! That would make yo;u laugh! He doesn't take kindly to onr new servant girl, and evi dently considers her an interloper. I tell you that parrot remembers." life of the British tradesman, excepting, perhaps, liis xybdding day, bo filled with the poetry of beatific joy and exaltation ns that upon which, like a messenger from . above, that coveted: slip of parchment, tlong ago that beats the record, A TALL BEAR STORY.- Tb* Impromiblo Yarn o f an Arkansas ■(tau ter. ■ j .“Speaking about bears,” said Squire Garvin, as he settled himself in a com fortable chair a t the police station and addressed aMemjrtns Appeal-Avalanche reporter, “speaking about bears, 1 think 1 had an adventure with one not known as the “Royal Warrant,” de scends upon him. This warrant'is no ordinary honor, but is in trade mom than a degree to a dqctor or a commis sion to an officer. ’Doth:thc latter come in the ordinary line of promotion,-but a tradesman may be, .financially speak ing, very successful, pud still be ont In the cold os far as royal customers are concerned. All royal personages, says the Clofhier and furnisher, have &right to issue their personal warrants, from her majesty down, and such are gener ally of a very simple character, written on a large lithograph form under the. elaborately worked arms of the donor, and signed by the comptroller of his household. Each warrant is governed by its owner’s own special conditions, that of the prince of Wnles being, be sides the usual clause limiting its use exclusively to the original recipient during his actual business careen effect that it is only given after threo years continued satisfactory servipa. Enjilhti finnjt Bird* far OreR itw The climate of Oregon and Washing ton is so much like that o f England in its mildness nod moisture that the plan of importing song birds of the latter country bids fair to be a success. In a consignment of birds received the other day were skylarks, nightingales, thrushes, finches ami the English robin, They are to bo kept In an aviary until llw spring, when they will be released in the Willamette ami other sheltered valleys near the coilsfc A stony went the rounds recently tha t tho song of a nightingale hud been heard in Oregon, and many persons Who read i t were in credulous, helieving .that the nightin gale was never‘soon or heard out of Eu rope. Tlie only explanation possible was that this nightingale was a new comer that ttas being acclimated. Tbs rutfa of Uton-irab*. Abbas Pasha, the new khedive, has a fsd, like mlSst of the rulers of the old world Tlu* young khedive delights in the companionship of gold-fish* and •once trained a German carp to come to the top of its tank n t hfseaUof “Chirr*, chirra!" The czar collects postage stamps, Tlicr Into Prince Albert Vio* tor, of Wales, had' a room foil of clg- arettc-boses. Tin? young king of Spain collects mischief and the prince of Mo naco strands from the ropes with which gentlemen who do hot beat tho hank adjust themselves to the tiees a t Monte Carlo, -j'it—r r*nt fnr :wm A jqovv d-stiRi* has arisen for h lawsulL Awoman In Ki*ahw.vas notified by tho autijdritic '1 of a hiuatic aSyltUxi of her brother’s death She went to tho funeral and ordered a handsome totnb- itone. Her roothCi was so grieved a t her Arm's death tliiii the plaintiff hod to give up Imr*'situation to take care of (:?r. Then aim learned th a t the direct* w* of the asylum had mode a mistake and that her brother was alive. After fins;ie;mftil efforts for compensation •he has gone t r the courts, claiming keavy datuiigcs for grief and injuty. Bud R)om Suits, Parlor Suits, Bed Lounges, •. ; Center Stands, ; riuhli Rockeis, Oak Rockers, Reed Rockers, -All at loiv prices. Mattresses, Bid Springs, Spring Cots, Cbiid’s Beds,1 Dressers, C h a i r s , - Pictures, at & MORTONS. ‘I was hunting around Shell lake, ovef tn Arkansas one' morning, l iras in a dugont nud had my gun and a little *dog. The bear' l have reference to mthle its appearance on tho shore, and 1 shot him. When l landed"I lie&rd a noise the brash, and, thinking there might be another bear there, I determined to sta rt in to investigate. The beard had shot iay lifeless, to fill appearances,- hut I had my suspicions about him; knowing the treacherous habits •of the varmint, and before I went aWiiy I tied the cljain of the boat around liis neck and left the little dog to watch. “ I hud not gone far in the brash be fore I beard the dog barking, and, hur rying back, what was my surprise to see the bear climbing a tree and pulling the boat np after him, with the dfltf sit ting in the stem thereof and barking for dear life. The sight almost •para lyzed toe for a tooment, bu t I soon re covered and fired, The bear sprang from the tree jerking tlio boat contain ing tlie dog after him, anil lio palled out for the other side, I lind to stop to re load, and by the time I was ready to shoot again tho animal tvaa out of range. 1 rah around to the other side of the lake, expecting to catch him when he landed* but ho was too sharp for me, lie only stopped long enough to lot tho dog out of the boat, when her palled out again before I go t In range, and when he got in t!ie middle o f the )alto he climbed into the boat himself and s a t on his hahnehes looking a t me. I never recovered bear nor boat; but there are stories afloat among the In habitants of the country In the neigh borhood of Shell lake of a bear being seen frequently gliding gracefully up and down the take In a dugout,” ......... •-«-.......... THE PENCIL CP THE ARTIST. Modern tVrtmleut* Aw nett** Than Cttinaida for Wall plrtwa* Illustrations may be divided Into two groups; First, those which depict man ners and customs and the life of men and beasts; second, those hi which men’s thoughts and creations already given to the world in another form, as in literature and traditions, are taken and used as subjects- by the artist, While it may be true tha t a good deal of the current illustration is inferior, it serves it useful purpose In the propaga tion of a love of a rt among iJcciplo who would cot Without it see rny whatever worthy of the name. VVfxxkmti and photogravures from the design* of com petent artists, in the Illustrated papers and magazines, are far better food for the people in homes distant from tlie i r t centers thah the cheap chromos and cheaper steel engravings that used to be about all there was In such house* in the way of picture* of any descrip tion, , In onr own Country a t least, add* Scribner's, it is indisputable th a t more hasbeendoh* through the medium of Illustrated llterwtor* to make the mas* «t of the people realise that thera te mch a thing as art, and th a t it I* worth caring about, than m any other wav* , DOYOUWMNCCO BUY« FAR Do you want to sell a farm? DOYOUWANT A TOWN PROPERTY? I f so call on W , H . B la ir &Co, B e a l Estate A gen ts , Gedqi^ille. "O, C’o iis u u ip tlo ii figured. A do ! i !jiliyalrinti retired fromjimctfco, having Jirttl placed In fils lutmla by an East India iii I h tdunnr.- tlie formulaof a aitu|de Vegetable lome- dyforthsupeedy and nonnaticnt euro or (,'on- namUon, llronchllit, Catarrh,Aslhma and nil: Thrust anil LanjiiUTecUyiis nho h puitivo mid radical cure fur Nervctu Ilebility nnd all Nerv- -o«ii Coiiiiilaint^ nflcr having tctcil lie wonder* fulenrntive jiowere In thaui-amU or ea-cs hen fell it hliiduty tomake ItknoWn to bin eufiering fel* low*. Jtctnnled by tin* motivv and a tlesirn In j raliaVe hutusD suBuring* Twit! vend fren of eharga tonil who bevlrelt this receipt hi Oer- uian French or tngtiah with full direction., for nrcjiaringnnd using. Sent by mail by address ingwith itnnii>earning this naner. IV. N otks ,S2D Powar’* Block Uoebentcr , N.lf* • Hu-lyr. alanfliiMWin DOCTOR ACKER’S k , row, witii iia ui,i biu^tiUr* llic rc ia a species of. crow in India which usu;-!.ibk '3 in docks of about twenty or t’.iisiily in tho recesses of £dw csts, mul v.houu note so exactly re- sembicii the human voice in lotul laugh, tag th a t a person Ignorant of the real cause would fancy that a very merry party was close a t hand. - I f . I f . B q b b Attomey at Law 15 E. MAIN Ht,; - XENIA OHIO, CNCLI8H REMEDY ITWILLBUREieOLB IN TWELVE IOURS; f A SB o aa tB o tttamM rsa srayou : $ 1 0 0 id Doatoris MUa-auqysayo jrouV llfla* Ask J 'map liter i t . “■" “ “ ITTASTSaGOOD . I . meruit m i l * S*»Mitl,iie«i^«rt*ara*»rtwi----- ------- - vTautooKERa oo, m .ttm Bw«dw»y, n. t. n nMMiHiH)M<i>m»>Wiiiiniiiiiiimirf W&vm oaNloML ^ ' »wHath«teAte«. . Npoon, . transition flrpm long, Itngfiring and painful sieknctu ta robust licmth marks an epoch in the life o f tlu In dividual. Such a veinarkablo irsnt iK treuMired in tho memory *v>l tho figeney wliurehyi|iie good health ha* "on attuliH'd iWgiv&tfulty Wessetl Hence it Is tha t so much is heard in praise of Electric Hitters, feo raauy fed they owe their restoration ta health, to t o use of the Great Alter ative ami Touic. -If you are frcubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver pr Stomach, o f long or sho rt standing you will safely find relief by U«o o |- Hieetriu Hitlers^ gold a t 50c, qn.4 #1 U“»- but Hu a t ItrimWAY’* Drug S t.n1* GERMAN INSURANCE CO . FOECPOBT, ILUi. . STATEOFbUiq. 1 INSUUANOEOKPAUTitENT.[- . OoliunLm,, 0., J»n. 2$, M2. ) I, W. n. K ikueu . SuMrlntendeut of Insurance of tlieSlato of Uliio, du hereby ccrUfy that the GKUUAN IKSUHAXUE COMl'ANY. locntvd at freoiiurt, in tho State of illlnolv, baa coiii- pllcil tu till rci*|Hicta.with the larva of this State, rclatlua to. Ifiyiiranoe OomnatUei, other than . . . iJuitea of tlie United iroprlate . . ...........................,, _. j accord* aocowith law, duriuit the current rear., Theton- - ultlou ami bu«lne«aof euhl Companyon thothirty-: : Hrat day of uecemhor, of tho roannext preeedinX the duto lioreof, ia shown bythe afatcutatit. under . oath, rejulrt-l by Suction XtH, ilu>h>cdSiatURd of U Ohio, to bu ii , follows: Aggregateamount of available ahseta..x;l6;i,32l,T( ■ Aggregateamount of (liabilities(except - capital), lucluiliug re.lusurelice..,.,. l.eCT/AV.St . not Assets....... ................ -tM.MI.eo Amuiliit of actual pald-upcapil«l aui .MOM Surplus................. ........... ........ . • giChsai.KO Amount of liicmniifor tlieyear Incusb., l,tM,i'(iu,37 Atuouur of expenditures for tho year, incash................................ 1,331,736.14 ........ I k WiTKKanWilCRCor, I have hereunto ' t • t siihecribed tuy name, and cauaei. my tacit,.: . otheis!seal InbesUixed, the linyHUU ■ . f. .* yenf iliwtahorewritten. ........ W. II.KlXl'Ell, Snpt. oflinuirauco. TH03. H. SMITH, State Aflcnt, Dayton, 0. S. W. Baltin Yellmv Springs, O. Mc Gervey & Lesouvd Yenia, O Jj. E, Crcuuier ’ ■Osborne, O. F., W, Alden Janiestowiv, 0 . „ i .MMnwwaM napMaat,. AMERICAN'FIRE INSBRAfici CD. MUV YORK, X. TT. STATEOF OHIO. ) IXSOKAXUii IUJI’AitTMEST. \ r Colninbui, 0., Fob. nth, lov3. ) I, W. n, KiNDtB.‘Superintendent of IiMiintnco 'of the Slate of Ohio, do hereby certify that the AMKKIOAN FIBE IXSUBAXCIi COMCAXY, located at NewYork, in tho Stutu of NewYolk, liascomplied in all respects with thu taws of this Slate. reiutiuKto InsuranceCompanies, uOicrthan Idle, incorporated t>yother Suites of the bolted Muuw.andisauthorized to irnnsnotitsupriopriHto btisiucssofKirnInmiratico In thisState, in accord. aicewith taw, during the cnntuit year. Thecon- iofoaldCompanyonthe thirty- hex,-of the preceding thodau*hereof. Is shown by the statement, under ttijltiu andbusinessi i da hist y of lmeaiber, t oulh, required by Section Siit Utyiscd statutes of Ohio, to hoas follows: Acyrctmtenmolini of Aggregawamount opUabllitlca(oxccpt .. capital), including to-liisutance...... Anpnillt of actual paid-upcapital......,., .4»«i,(sMt.W t-lirpllis...... ................................ £42,lfl7.ti Amount ofliicoinofor the yearIncash- 1,310,304.01 Aiitoiinr of expenditures for tin, K-ur, Inc a s h , m * , . 1,131,131^.3 ........ I k W itness Wnr,ar.or, I have hereunto SuUorihed my naiiio. iind ciUHui my olHchil s.-iil tu boahlxed, the dayand yourfirst abovewritten, W, II, KIKUEU,Supt,ofItipurancu. Xenia, (> : SEM,.: i ■ t Robert Lj'tle, T s i U o r , NO 10 N. DETROIT STREET l*"’™ '■™,I'T‘T-I7ry Before you buy your suit* Overcoat or Pants for Fall, see KANY THE 'TAILOR he has a full line of Foreign nd DuiiiGRtio goods always ;,n hand to- select Iron,. Perfect litting garuienfcs and tii\st class work guaranteed at a reasonable prices hi TUI * MARCUS $H 0 UP ATTORNEY ASM COUNSELOR-at-Law, S mictai . A ttention GfVEK to C W | MRiiOur* L aw , A nm A bsthaotino J O f TiTbiai, ■Coirespoiidont for BiitiktreolV Ootu- iiimcifll Agwicy, Eooiis—No. 1 a«tl 2 Ocutral Batik lluildiug, Xenia, Ohio, Tek-jilioub, *t Office rw I llesMoitce* No. Ofi. A r ttu r y l a b i l e f a D :ttc« J. F , SM ITH , -rMli.VLKIt IN— P i a n o s Ac O r g a n s + MteicalHercteMise, 4 ; A i ' t i s t s J v f q t e i ' i c i l , PICTURE FRAMES. U% :
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