The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21
T H E t l E H E E H SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1892, W. I f. 111.A 111, Editor and Prop'v PRICE S I.3B PER ANNUM. , . DECORATIONDAY. ________ T ' . Cedsrv’lle Pay* a Loving Tribute to the Memory of Our Fallen Heroe*. Monday was Decoration day, undos .such \vttn observed with solemnity and impressiveness throughout onr coun try. A mote beautiful spring day for this touching memorial service would have been hard to find. Heaven sent forth its brightest sunshine and .nature looked her fairest. In the history of Cedarville, never ' was the day more fittingly and fully ‘ observed than last Monday'. Every business house disnlaved tiie national colors and closed during the' services, and many residences were handsomely decorated. This fact speaks well for the people of Cedarville; shows them to he patriotic, loyal, and not unap preciative or forgetful of the debt they owe to those who sleep the last long sleep and whose graves they garlanded with flowers. (Hear and sharp bang out the bugle call “ assembly” at the O: A. R. hall at .9 o’clock a m. The .‘Toys” were out in large numbers, sadness and en thusiasm mingled in their henrts, as they gathered for the services of the day. The command to “ fall in" being given the procession formed and moved slowly out Main street, headed by the Cedarville hand. Then followed the G. A. It,, S. of V. and citizens on foot and. in carriages. Arriving at the cemetery,.' Commander Andrew Jackson read the beautiful and im pressive memorial service of the G. A. It., and after a dirge by the band, the graves of the soldiers who peacefully slumber in Cedarville cemetery were covered wit It flowers. This part of service was in charge of the Women’s Ketmf ( ’<wps, and as the loyal Amer ican women always do, they performed their duty well. The procession tlien returned to town, divided and pro ceeded, to the •Baptist and Tnrhox cemeteries, where the same service was held. 'A t 2 p. m. the band, G, A. It., ' S. of V. and W. It. C. marched it the opi r i house, where the oration of the day was to he heard. Rev. W. It. Dudley, of New Jasper, well known find well liked by our people, was the speaker, ami an unusually large ami appreciative audience' greeted him. Of the 830 seats few if any were va cant, •Services at the opera house were iM’gun by u few well-chosen re marks by I’ost ( ’omnmnder Andrew Jackson, followed by the reading of Dep’t Gen’l Orders by Adj’t E. L. Smith, The band rendered a touch ing dirge, “Rest in Peace," and » male quartette, composed of Messrs. L. <•. Bull, Al. Bar!>er, (ten, (Yes- well aud John-R, McElroy gave a pleasing selection. Rev. Dudley then addressed the audience, his oration Iwiiig a nmstet piece of pathos and pa triotism, He referred touchingly to flic soldier dead, how dear they are to us. Rejoiced in the fact thnt our tribute to them does not end with the strewing of their graves with .Spring’s brightest flowers, but that in our hearts and memories we cherish them. Urged that a grateful country con tinue to provide and eare for the fast* thinning ranks that arti utilI with ns. Pointed, out the necessity ofpreserving the principles for which they fought, -and instilling into the minds of com ing generations a love for them, their country and its flag. He paid a glow ing tribute to Cite women of the war. [ who gave up fathers, husbands, ’sons to the cause, who nobly did theii part when the liberty or the nation was as-, sailed. I n . a powerful maimer be closed with the exhortation that as a loyal people we should be a God-fear- iug people, not forgetting Hi* mighty hand on the side of right Xml His guidance in the great struggle .which gave to ua an undivided country. After a cauple of well rendered selec tions by the quartette, Rev, Warnock pronounced the benedict!^ Agd-Mem* nrial day of 1892, inepiijijgfy, loving ly and fittingly observed,, was at a close. : - N otes . Rev. Dudley always pleases a Ce- darville audience. The Sons of Veterans were out in full force-and presented a nice appear ance. ’ ■ The stage was handsomely decora ted, all the Work of the Women’s Re lief Corps.' , The band did themselves proud both at the morning and afternoon services. No musical organisation Jn the.if-iuuty, having the same practice could/have done so well. Our citizens are becoming probd of the band. . The attendance of the citizens at the cemetery was commented on ire-' fluently during the day. - It was the largest turn out since the organization of Currie Post. Wueh interest encour-j ages the “ boys who wore the blue.” j The original manuscript of John Buuyau’s “ Pilgrim’s Progress” is said to be in the possession of a family named Bates, living in Lawrence county, 111. A set of false- teeth made . of ivory by a New -York dentist tor George Washington and used by him is on exhibition at the patent office in Washington. * Ex-Speaker Reed appears to be de voting all his energies to having some fun in this session of congress. I t is <hie to him to say that he is not labor ing in vuiir in this direction. A N D R EW JACKSON » .SUCCESSOR TO DUNLAP & CO . ■ . - ............. . ....... ------ -DEALER IN’—---- , A . N E W S T O C K O F SIDING, FINISHING, FLOORING- SASH, DOORS BUNDS. HARD AND SOFT PINE A specialty. We handle only firs t quality goods and w ill guarantee satisfaction. Parties intend ing building th is season ■will save money by call ing on us and getting our prices. CALI, AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. f iU81NE8 c o m «HkECHOOLjsSTSHORTHANO. i FAWCETT. -Skilled teacher*. Thorough work. Modernmeth f ■d*. Ixrw expenses.. SOper cent, of graduate* in -ood position*. Commercial, Shorthand, Tvpe- YritinRand practical Knclish Conrecs. For (fats- « u «>addreaaK.L.MercJilh.Pnu., Saridusky,0. Judge Bhidge tt of Chi cago, who is about to leave the Un ited States dis trict court beitch to serve as counsel in the Behring arbitration, attained tin* age of 70 a year or'two ugo, and if therefore entitled to retire.on full sal ary. His mental faculties are uii- dimmed, and he has long been admired for his ability. • A country doctor who rides about Louden county, Vu<, is I)r. Francis L. Ganvlt; surgeon <*f the Alabama, and the only officer who was captured in the menuTable sea fight otf Cher bourg, The doctor is still .ereet, and shows no signs at. the-approach ot age. He steadily refuses to talk or write of the war. The city of New York isjust at pres ent embarrassed by the offer of two -tatties ofCoinminis, both to be placed, of course in Central park. I f a third one is Avauted. there is a fine bronze statute of the discoverer lying unhonored in Colon, waiting for a' pedestal. We might possibly get that :or the asking. The latcdustorian Freeman had a .treat liking fomrchitectural sketches, and at his death lmd aceuinitialed a large collection of'drawings made by himself of notable buildings in Eng land and on the eomineiit. But he eared limbing for paintings. amlneVer on his journeys through Europe went into a picture gallery. •The ex-queeu of Hervia is supposed to he on the point of emulating the poetic triumphs of the queen of Ron* mania and the dramatic successes ot the prince ot Montenegro. She 1ms written a play entitled “The Mot'iei descriptive to some, extent of her myn grievances, ami this has been accepted ami paid for by, a Parisian manager in search of a new sensation, Emile Zola may secure a seat among the Immortals of France after all. At the last session of the French Acad emy Gainllle. Doiicett -read a letter from the popular •novelist, announc ing his candidacy for the seat made the death of Admiral de la Graviere. ‘Pierre I^rti liebig out of the way, Zola,- it is said believes that Ills election will be certain. ' THE MUCH-DESIRED 10 KCWAISTand PERFECTHiP EFFECT c*n onlT A* produced lucceesMly “UPLEX TH E Has In stock a fine, line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELSHY and D I A M O N D S ! The finest line of Optical Gouda In Greene County ." a Specialty made of Brazilian Pehlde Spectacle* in Gold, Silver- and Steel tra fries. They confer n hrillh(m.y and dfstiu.etiifi*.s of vision, with an amount of ease and comfort, seldom enjoyed by spectacle wearers. . AD JU STAB LE OVER T H E H IP AST w ax FIT ANY FORM Instantly, s-iviug P e r f e c t E e s c e n d ________ C o n to u r.. They- Hava Oonhlc Krunu, which will not rip | Double Kiel. tinil Buiui, . which will nut brrob. MaUC in three lenctha. .Tran nnU Katlnn, Any (try ro *1 k <Hfiler in the IT. S enr supply you. C an raH rm W attled. Srr»l fur f'titrilhfnte. BORTREE MFD. CO., Jackson. Mfcfr. CHAS. E. SM ITH Is the place for you to get a smooth shave or a'stylish hair out. * Cedarville,0 . W . I T , T R A D 1 3 R Attor^y At Law. NO. 9 EAST MAIN STREET, OP POSITE COURT HOUSE. ARE YOUAWOMAN WHOHASNOT SEEN* ACOPY OK ARDHUR'S HEW HOME MAGAZINE, of Philadelphia? “The l>est and cheap est H.t.USTHATEH monthly ever pub lished in the English language, 1,500 pages for $1.30. Sii Short Storiesasi SplendidArticles by best writers on all subjects of inter est to women.- Three Month Free if you take it now. Sample copy lOcts, Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cents. BANK OF CEDAR VILE General Banking BilSines Transacted. Ck*.W. Harper, Pres. W. I s Clem***, Cashier. (dividual aftaetft principally invested in Rea Estate# 200 , 000 . “L o o k a t the Map ." Pennsy lvan ia b lue s, AroNtbey the Shortest Rente between Chicago and Now York? Are they the Shortest Route between St. Louis, and New York? Arc they the Shortest Route between C’lnelnnnti nml New York?. Are they the Shortest Route be tween Cincinnati and Chicago? N«C«;NUE VV.frfT.:EGECbBETHYOf THISCO’JN^YV.IUGETEM VICHVEUEBiE INfGftMATICN FROMESTuGYOf THIS UEFOFTHE “ L o o k a t th e M a p .' Pennsy lvan ia Lines. Do they make connection for the far- reaching plains of the West and North* west by way of Chicago? Up they make connection for all parts of ilio west add developing Southwest by wny of 8t. Louis? iro they by wny of Ctuclnnatl and L'inIsvJlJ.* make connection for tha business centers and pleasure and health resorts of the South? “ L o o k a t th e M a p / ’ Pennsylvania Lines. Do they reach (lie Lake resorts orMich* igan? Do they reach the Mountain re tort* of the East? Do they extend to the Famous Ocean resort* of the New Jersey OoRstf Do they raake connection through Kew York; for all points in New EuglM tt ‘Look at the Map/ PennsylrantA Lines. Art they the only sysforu of railway* that connect, the Capitals or Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania with the Capital of Hi# United Hiate*? By reason of their ooniral sltaatton do they form the links th a t bind together ell sections of the United mates? Do (hey, constitute tha g n a t highways between the Hast, West, Northwest, Southwest and South? - “Look at the MapJ *» Pennsylvania Lines* DO th e y trav e rse populous portion* o t tow ns o f those m a te s? Do th e y o m r desirable facilities In th e w a y o f Dlroct R outes to th e resid en ts o f th o s* S ta te s to t •octal a n d coiptneroial in tM o o sn e ? “ L o o k a t th e M a p / ,rahHief faraasd dshdlad sc trsla **rrke, o r k R* Ctiiki,BockIsland& Pacitofly, Tlic Dloct limitr ta mid from' CI i I cubo ,.Toilet, Ollnva, lV<irI;i, I,a Siillo, M(ill(it>, Itork Island, In ILLINOIS; IruHip.i.l, Mu-cattr.o, Uttumwn.- OsfcatnoiA, I )tt JM ikb , TVintcrsi.t, Audulion, liarlnn ami Conrcil Uiiiir., tn In(VA ; Mtlirur.I'nlI" nml St. Pnlil, In M2N- XKHOTA! Whlirtown nml Sioux Falls, In DAKOTA ; Cniiicton! SL .Tnrepli nml Kimsns City, In MISSOURI; (ilmili.r, Lillinln Fntiliury uii -I NrKnn In NMHIiAHKA; AfiMsnn, LrntiMiiv.irtli, Iti.rtnn, T-d-Vkn, Iluti litiif'n, WlrMl.i, liclli-vll’c, tldloiio, Is.lge City, Cxldwtll, in KANSAS; Kitipfi-Iii'r, lit l;«miatul Minin,in INliIAN THCIUTOJIY; lliiivir, Colornilo SprinKs mid FiirMp, In CCil.OhADD, I'nivi-r-if now arm , of xll.1i TnnnuiQ nii'I jnr./iiii! Inniis, nlYunll 'Xtlie ljrtf fmlMtir* of inter- tornin iiiiinil'iii io nil towns and cities rust and wist, nuitlinisl and «outlini'-i oF Ctiicago and to l’aciAc ami liMit oi<uiilcevi<)i<irls, MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE E X P RE S S TRA INS L-adlne nil I 'lrn riitors In splendor of equIp.ienT, Lelwren rilK ACJO nml DtJ) MOINES. tOVSClh L f.l'K ’M kih ) mi.AITA. ami twlween CHICAUO r.r.d DENVKll, COIJUiAltO SPIUNfi- and PrEPLO. xl* KANSAS CITY Mill TOPEKA mid rt« ST. JfiSEI’II. FlrU.tTns* It.ivfm.-uli s, FREE DECLINING ('HAITI (’Alls..Slid Palme sleeper*, with ITlrdns Car Service. (Tore i omin linns al i» nver and Colorado Springs wilh divertlns rnilway lines, now forming the ti:d pitlun»|tie STANDARD GAUGE TRANS-ROCKY MOUNTAIN ROUTS Over ’ wTilrh sritwrt.i.v*njulpped trslr.s run dally TIlIlOt'GH WITIIGI’T CHANGE »o and frtm Salt Lake ('itv,- ORden Mid San Framlsen, THE ROCK ISLAND Is «!»« Hie Ttirnt and favf.riie Line to and from Manitnu Pike’s Peak and all other sanitary hid aeenlc resorlsatidiities and iiiininydlfirlctsin (ckrac'a D A IL Y PA S '1" EXPRE SS TRAINS C* From St .loeeph snd ~ -as ('lie to and From all )m- portsui t.i-.rns.fillfS arm wition* In Southern NeTraeka, Kansas amt the Indian Territory, Alan via ALBERT LEA R or vEFinm Knn«.i« CTtv and ('hiiaaa trrWHer- (nwo “i-ii* Vail*, 'HN'VT Al’Ot.m and ST. PAI’L, ronnnttenp For all imlnts north and norlhwelt l.lwirw [ the lakes aud the Peaifle Const. ' | For Tlrkefs. Mans, Kelders, or desired Infetirsitm i apply to tmv (Mhpon Ticket (Idle* In Ih* L'nlled states ’ «r Canada, or address r ' E. «T. JOHN, JOHN «B|iAETI/I.N. Gen t Manager, Gen'l Tkt. A Te*a A st. a CHICAGO. 1LL. W. R. Torrence, Agent Cctlarville, O, Hatch of Xenia make* photograph ami burns them in china lnfck-a-hrM of all style* ami designs, Call and. -examine,
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