The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21
H WWPPI I7« It DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING , a SHOES, QUEEN3WAR GROCERIES. A AND T INW ABE . <dl SIX STORES IN ONE! Il>» Bird’s Mammoth Y Q-eneral Btore Is the place to buy, A single visit and you are Mire to be their customer. . Because there vou will find the goods you want and prices are always the lowest. J Large lines o f Summer Undenvear for Men, Women and Children. Tan and Drab Colored Silk Mitts to match your new*dresses!, Ladies’ Satine Waists, Belts, Fans. Silk Ties, Ruchings, Veilings, Silk Laces, Silk Umbrellas, Lace Curtains, Portion * Curtains, Stand Covers, Etc, v Fine Shoes a •p .'S , Call and see our Elegant Decorated Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Glassware, Etc, | s 14 W . t -1 17. T r F i \ -The following is a part of the pro- I H HI 111 T| A J —X j g r a i n as arranged at Cedarville tor • July fourth, “ „ rT,m . v ' tn v u so , Qao ’ Citizens’ parade at 9:30 a. ni.; read- t*Ai LRDA^ , JI NK 18, 189-,. Oecluration of Independence at the . ^ __— ;— .»■■■ ■ - -- •grove hy a young lady of Cedarvilte .r.V: m .A IK, K,UKmami S ' will take place m PRICE S 1.25 PER ANNUM. Alex. terday. McDill went to Chicago yes- ju These sports different parts of tile picnic grounds am! at a sufficient distances so tlmt those who do not care to witnesseither will not he disturbed. At 3 .o'clock those who care to. will go to Jackson’s half mile track, where there will be Car tl»rce horse .aces, a bicycle nice and a. has arrived. Near opera house Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ar thur, on Wednesday last, a hoy. Dick Alexander lias been spending the week in Cincinnati and Anderson, Indiana. Mrs. Barber is in Patton, 111., vlsit&jf her brother, Reed Beckett, this week. ■■ . Mrs, Sarah McMillan is visiting in Harrison and Belmont counties, her former home*. . Miss Ella Ivyle returned to. Cedar- ville Thursday from a three weeks’ visit in New York. Dan. McElroy and Major J5. L. Smith attended the democratic con-, vontion at ColmnbuB this week. Miss Ada Jamison, of Lebanon, was a guest of <edarville friends this week, returning home Wednesday. Harry Stormont and wife, on last Tuesday evening, entertained a num ber of their young married friends. About one-half of the citizens of Cnlarvilte and vicinity attended the Wilberforce commencement Thurs day. . ' -MissMary, daughter of John Huff man and wife, has gone to North Lnviaburg, Ohio, to visit friends and relatives. Mrs. B. G. Kidgway was in Day- ton this week attending .the wedding of Mr. Will Carroll ami Miss Ada Htatsetter. Mrs. Robert Gray, who was visiting at Covington, Kentucky, returned home Tuesday, accompanied by Mr, Oray’smother. The trustees of a new II. P, church to he built in Columbus wrote John McLean this week that they wanted him to do the work. Farmers are complaining of stock running at large, on the public high way, There is a law regulating that matter and several insist that it will !>eenforced. , 0 ....-----—- Mr. Henry Burlier and sister LnJn entertained fifty of their friends last night. Supper was served at nine o’clock. The evening was a most eu- joyable one. * The Yellow Springs hotel opened Wednesday evening with a supjier followed by a hall. A uumlier of our young* society people were in at tendance and report a pleasant even- in* . Miss Ollie McGarey, of Xenia, who has been attending school at Mon- foot race which will be open to every body. At 8 o’clock in the evening will*commence one of the finest dis plays of fireworks ever seen in the cquntyI Everything will be as free as air. Let everybody come. TheTownsiey lot is again decorated with a photograph car. . MissEdith Satterfield spent a couple of days in Xenia this week the guest of friends. Morton Bromagem,- who has been working at the Herald office, is sick this week. • The Wilberforce Wednes day evening attracted a number of oiir young people. A. T. Gross, Jamestown’s. P. iT. Barnum, lias returned home disgusted with the show business. Toe lecture to have been given last night by Rev. H. A. Thompson was postponed on account of rain. Mrs. St. John, who is suffering from blood poisoning, is »t*ll no bet ter.,* W®. understand'a.surgical- oper ation will lie performed upon her to- dav- _. . .. . During the storm Thursday night a white oak tree standing near the house on Andrew Bros’ farm was struck hy lightning, the shock shat tering tile windows in the building.' '■ Maggie Lee, the eighteen year old daughter of Mr and-Mrs.- John Lee, died at her parents home in Oedar- ville yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The funeral will take place tomorrow at 2 p. mt ________ Mbs Ella Reid, who has been trav eling for the past few years, returned to Cedarvilte Thursday and is now n guest of her grandmother, north-west of town. Miss Reid has lieeu in Cali fornia the past year. this week at Rush- og her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Stormont. With her characteristic enterprise, Cincinnati conics to the front with the unnouncement.tlmt its Tenth Annual Celebration on the Campus, will com mence Thursday Evening, June 30, for which* Occasion at an enormous outlay, Pain’s Great Civic, Military, Historic and Pyrotechnicnl Spectacu lar Production, “ A Night in Pekin” has been secured. All railroads run ning into Cincinnati will run special excursions nmlmake very low round trip rates. It is the aim and inten tion of the management to make this, the Teutli Celebration, outdo all pre vious efforts. With this end in view everything that labor and money can do will be done. • Nut coal for cook stoves, Mitchell’s. Farm.Gates at Mitchell's. ' Rolled oats, cracked 'wheat, hom iny flake and all kinds of cereal food • at George Winter’s. Climax tobacco, the best in the mar ket " at George Winter’s. - i Cut prices in canned fruite at George Winter’s. Oak and black locust posts at Mitchell’s. * Andrew Jackson has screens for doo and windows, made any size to suit. Call on him for prices. Teeth extracted without pain by Whitelnw Reid, the nominee for 1 upplicaton of cocaine at Dr. Homan’s the vice presidency, was principal of the South Charleston schools when he ’was only nineteen years old, and was there two years. This was ip '56 or 57, when there were only four rooms to the building. He was known even at that early day as a brilliant man, with an indomitable will and an am bition that stopped at nothing. He was n strict disciplinarian, and many a resident of the vicinity remembers the scorcliings fie received at the fu ture vice president's hands. Mr. Reid received a thorough education, his mother being in fairly good circum stancesat thut time. Word was received here that the furniture factory ville, Indiana, which recently burned, and of Which Paul Kerr, formerly o f this place, was a large stock holder, will be rebuilt, the city donating them $19,500 and six acres of ground. At a regular meeting of Cedarville Lodge, No, 549, K« o f P, last Mon day evening the following officers to serve the ensuing term were elected: U, O., H. M, Stormont, V. C., C, M. Crouse; Prel., Talma Baldridge; M, at A., E. L. Smith; K. of R. & S., (to fill vaca'uey) Dan. McElroy. . Dorn has some very nice Single and Double Driving Harness on hand and he would lie glad to have vou call and inspect. They are A . No. 1, hand made. J mouth, returned home Satnr lay, com- ’ScluilRn* *»f the 1'wblir 8 chM l i to Cedarville this week to visit Are refjUe8te«i to ca\ ftt ]}arr & j j or. ton’s if they want to purchase frames for the picture o f the school house or room mates recently .purchased hy them. A severe storm o f wind, hail and rain passed over Jamestown Tuesday afternoon at *t o’clock, damaging the house ^ the amhint ^ .» Binder Twine at Bull & dollars, partmlly liftihg the tin root o . , on the brick business room o f H. II, j °PvWvtjr a. Imngand blowing down several chirn-1 Mardnnp ^lla of- R n ll Xr, ueys. For a short time the streets e Ma^li; n e 0118 DUII to .were almost deluged with water. bJ>8nCCl‘ B« The democratic State convention- met m Columbus this week to nomi nate a state ticket hud delegatefwit- large. Brice, Campbell, Neal and Blee constitute the hig four who go to Chicago next week. Win. A. Taylor, of Franklin county, was nom inated for secretary of state. Greene county was not represented on any of the committees. Every citizen of the United States is iiWited to participate III the grand est Fourth of July celebration to he held ill-this part of the country. “ A good fat purse" has been raised and everything will lie free. All excellent program has been arranged and amusement for every visitor will he furnished. The day will open with a magnifi cent street, pageant, followed hy a' picnic at Taylors cliffs, where Nature has excelled herself in making beauti ful all the.surroundings. Then ns the day warms so does the sport. Base hall, trap shooting, racing of all kinds horses, men, bicycles, etc. All to have a grand terminus nt night with the grandest pyrotechnic display ever shown. Remember everything free. Good music, plenty of sport. All come, all welcome in Cedarville. Fancv Lemons at Bull & •< ^Spencer’s. The following item clipped from the Ft* Madison (Iowa,J Democrat, con* mins information well worth remem bering: “ Mr. John Roth, of this city, who met with an accident a few days ago, spraining and bruising his leg and arm quite. severely, "was cured by one 50 cent bottle of Cham* berlain’s Pain Balm.” This remedy is without on equal for sprains and should have a place in every household. For sale by B. G, Ridg- way. N o t ic e o f S e tt lem e n t . All jiersons owing their last year’s account will call at once and settle. Those contracting accounts within the pastsix mouths will also confer n fa vor by callingand paying up, office. i 4 ' ' - y *Gray lias some of that No. 2 Star tobacco at 30 cents per pound. •Picket and wire; plank; and barbed wire at Mitchell’s. Picketed pork atGeorge Winter’s. Have you seen theHammock ’chairs at Barr & Morton’s. They area nov elty and no house is complete without one. ,Call and see them. For the best Family Flour in the world ask your grocer for McDill & Ervin’s Golden Rule. ■' Persons wanting ice cream for par ties can get .Washingtons cream nt Jacob Seigler’s.' Call on him for -prices. Cabinet' Photographs 82.00 per doz. al the car. . Seventeen gems for 25 cents at the car. • 4Four large, tintypes for twenty-five cents the car. 1 , Canned Pumpkin, Peaches, Corn a id Tomatoes at Gray’s. ------------------------------- :--- Just assure as hot weather comes there will he more or less bowel com plaint in this vicinity. Every person, and especially families ought to have some reliable medicine nt hand for in. stant use in case it is needed. A 25 or 50 cent bottle, of Chnmherlnin’H Colic,-Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is just what you ought to have and all that you need, even for the most severe and dangerous cases. It is the best, the most reliuhle and most suc cessful treatment known and is pleas ant to take. For sate hy B. G. Ridg- way. A Stove that has outlived 39 years’ competition and increases each year in number of sales is The Charter Oak. It lias a gauze oven dror. It roasts meats and turkeys without hasting. It cooks custard and onions in tlicl ^ - ~ ~ oven nt the same time without trading J^ iOCLUCCCL ih X 1 C 6 S • flavor one to the other. * It cooks with less fuel than any stove made. It sells like lint cakes And is sold by Paullin Bros. Jamestown, O. I4-2m New Carpets. The new styles in earpet- ings this year are, the hand somest ever shown. It used to be to get a handsome carpet one would have to buy in the Irgh grades to get suited, but this year you can get beautiful colorings and patterns in the lower and medium grades. In th * best grade of Ingrains we have an endless variety o> styles and in patterns that are copied from filie Bruss e ls . All grades o f Tapestry Brussels from a good at 4i) cts. a yd. up to the very best goods made in this country. Mattings are more popular than ever tbe patterns are prettier, they are cheaper and the qualities are better, than ever before; The new thing in this line this year Straw mattings made on Twine warp and they are bound to wear. Curtains of every kind, Lace curtains from o0 cts. a pair to S20 0Q Shades from 25 cts a window on spring rollers to the very best fringed good*. Poi tiers from $5 00 a pair up to the beat, Some new thingsin Poles, Brackets, and Fret Work for Doors and Windows. Dm* stock < of House furnishing goods s the most complete ever shown in Xenia. .Estimates given andw'ork dono in ve?y best manner. Jobe Brothers & Co. Milton Keys has re moved his shoe shop to his new room next to the Nes- j bit projierty on Main st, where he will be glad to have all customers ca ll, Everything in the line of Millinery at a reduction. B aiibeii & M c M illan . Xatlce, AH persons knowing themselves in* cry for Consumption CuarantHd Our*. We authorize our advertised drug gist to sell Dr. King’s New Di*i ov- , Coughs anil ilebted to me will please call and make Colds, upon Mils condition. If \ou settlement at once. a r e afflicted with a Cough, Cold or T. It. Baldridge, M. D. or (; UM ' ' 0,‘ blV n 7 a n d w ill item Iliin rM itn iiv nnv>/«lo/l_ Bneklen's Arnica Salve. The beet salve in the world ter cute bruises, lores, ulcers, iwlt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chH'latna. cornsandallskin emotions, andpwime lv cures piles, or no pay required. It is J*'ir*nle«d togive perfect SitiswctiOa * , , , . . or .abney refunded. Price 25 cents » Jacob Ate^amter.’W'frbq*, Forsaleby B. G. Ridgeways flft . 6. w and will use Ibis remedy as directed, giving it a fair trial, anil ex|tericncc no benefit, you may return the lsitile and have vour money refunded. We could not make (his offer did we not know that Dr. King’s New Discovery could lie relied ou. Trial bottle* free at B,. G. llidgway's Drugstore. ‘ Sparge bottles 50 c, nnd>$l. ' b | •6 l \ / K
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