The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

T l- f iE t I K F i 3 .L t ID SATURDAY, MARCH, 12 1892. IK. II. J iLA IIl, Ed itor and Erop’r PRICE * 1.25 PER ANNUM. Bring ybtirlaundry to Bull & Spencer’s. Dick Sfesbit, of Anderson, Indiana, spent Monday in Oederville, ■ . ■ Mrs. C. M. Dean, of Jamestown, #is the guest of Cedarville relatives this week. ' ~ Miss Mabel Owens is still quite sicF with typhoid fever. The house is now -quarantined. R. F. Kerr and wife entertained a number of inarried friends to tea Thursday evening. Mrs. W. A. Collins is visiting her mother, Mrs. Bello McMillian, at Yellow Spriugs. Mrs. Anna Lloyd, of Farrnersvilje, is the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jamison, Mrs. Grace Wilson, of Cainden Ohio, was here this week, called by the death of her nephew, Archie Small. The store room of Barber & Me Millan has been repapered and other­ wise beautified preparatory for sprin trade, - A m o n g the new arrivals in this vicinity within the post week,is a boy at Robert Bird's and a girl at Will Crawford’s, _______ Sirs. C. B. McFarland was taken before the probate Judge at Xenia yesterday and adjudged insane. She will be sent,to Dayton. Thirteen converts in the United Brethern church were baptized in the Scioto river at Cireleville Thursduy during the heavy "blizzard that pre­ vailed throughout Ohio. 1 T h e gun wad factory is now run­ ning at full capacity, averaging about 60.000 wads per day. The firm in­ tends putting two salesmen on the rpad about the first of April. . Bert Brotherton, who has been liv­ ing in Chicago, was in Cednrville this week visiting his father. He went from here to Detroit where he is em­ ployed in D. M. Ferry’s seed store. Prof. W. W. White, of Xenia, who Inst year assisted Rev. Warnock in n series of meetings, has recieved a call from the Westminister Prcsbyterinu church a t Detroit, salary 83,300 and six weeks vacation each year., Little Harry, the three year old son of A1 Ramby, of Dayton, died at the residence of Mrs. Hnnnnh Robinson, in north Cedarvillc yesterday morn­ ing* of tabes mesenteries. The body will betaken to Dayton to-day for in? ferment. The latest craze! This is the latest craze—The photo-autograph placque and bids fair to oat rival its predecessor, the friendship ring. We furnish dia­ grams free of charge,—Gatch the photographer, 46, E . Main St. Xenia. Mrs. Vince Iraan, daughter of Richard Jeffries, died at her home on the Bishop farm three miles north of Cedarville, last Saturday morning. The funeral occured a t the residence Monday afternoon a t three o’clock and was conducted by Rev. Morton. The burial was a t the cemetery north of t o w n . _______ The worst excuse of a road in Greene county is the one leading from this place to Jamestown. For three Months In a year it is almost unpass- able, and yet there is no road in - the oounty that is traveled more than it is, It k to ibe interest of the town and of every land owner along the road that it be re-graveled, and the Only way to have the work done is to petition Representative Allen to have Aspecial bill passed authorizing the eommissionsrs to build it. There i* tine to hate this done before the tegifttatere adjourns. Who will take ghe Matter l a hand* fmmW x Now ready for 1802—Gntch the photographer, with his corps of assis­ tants is ready to fill all orders and show you ull courtesy. Robert Wilson, formerly a clerk at Bird's, went to Knoxville, Illi nois to spend a few months with an uncle who lives there; Miss Henrietta G. Moore who is to lecture hero On the 29th, comes highly recommended. The Harlem Record 'says: "As a platform speaker she has few equals.” - Miss Edith BuLtCrfield returned home last Tuesday from a three weeks visit with relatives in Champaigne county.---------------------------------------- John B. Townsley died qt IdavilJe Indiana Feb., 23ud, last, aged about 75 years. He was born and raised 3 miles isouth east of Cedarville, and was well known to the older settlers here. He moved to Idaville in 1845. He was married three times and has .five children living. John was- the oldest son of. Thomas and Margaret (Barber) Townsley and had many friends and relatives in and about Cedarville. • Archie Small, son of Eli and Mattie Small,-of Springfield, died last Sat­ urday morning. He had been sic)c hut'll short time. The deceased was aq/raudson of Daniel McMillan of 4lvisyplace and was born in Cedarville in March 1872, where ho lived • with his parents Until about .three years ago when they moved to Springfield. He, was a member of the R. P. Church of this place and the funeral services were held there Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, conducted by Rev. Morton. After the friends had taken leave of the remains, the body was carried to the Turbox Cemetery for iuterment. Syk es—S e iler s. Married on Wednsdny evening March 9th, at the residence of Mr. William Stewart of near Selma, Mr. Charles M, Sykes of Springfield O., and Miss Jennie Sellers sister of Mrs. W. M. Stewart. The marriage was solemnized by Rev. W. Q. Shannon of Xenia in the presence of quite a number of relatives and friends.; The Slipper was first class. The presents rich and numerous, nnd the occasion most enjoyable. Mr., and Mrs. Sykes will make their future homo in Spring- fied, where they will be pleased to see their many friends. 1 Don't forget about the barbed wire and builders hardware fair prices ut Mitchells. Picket, Wire and Plank fencing at Mitchells. Everything inn first class store can be found .at Bull & Spencer’s. Ano ther D ir ec t Connection for S t . L s n isT ia P en n sy lv a n ia Linen. Commencing Mondav March 14th, Train No 5 on the Pennsylvania Lines, leaving Cedarville at 4.16 a. in. will make direct connection a t Indianapolis daily except Sunday for St.Louis and and intermediate stations, arriving at 5.15 p, m. MAYOR 'S PROCLAMATION OF ELECTION. In compliance with tho requirement* ol the laws- of the State of Ohio, I, author Townsley, Mayor of the incorporated village of Cedarville, Ohio, hereby notify the qualified electors of said village that on Monday, the 4th Day of April. A. D, , 1892. Between the hours of A o’clock a. m. and I o,clock p. m., at the Mayor's office, within said village, an election will be held for the purpose of choosing the following officers of said village, to-wlt: One Mayor. One Clerk, OneTreasurer, OneMarshal, Three members of the villageConnell for the termof twoyeare each andoaamember of the village Council foroneyear. Given under my hand and official m l, [SEAL.] at my office in said village, thia Iffth day of March, 1392. LUTHERTOWNSLEV, Mayor. NOTICE. The -pualified electors of Cedarville School District are hereby notified that on The 4th Day of April* A. D. 1892, Between the hoars ef 0 e'eteck a. m. and fi o’cloekp.m,an election will he held at the Major's office to elect two members ef the School Board to serve three(3) years. By orderof tho Board. A. JACKSON. Clerk. When tnnu and wife have eliured each others -joys and sorrows for twenty years what is more fitting than that such an-anniversary should be celebrated? The twentieth anniversary of the marriage of . Mr. and Mrs, J . H. Wolford that was solemnized in Spriugfield Ohio, occurred last Mon­ day, and at high noon their friends called to extend congratulations that the uncertain matrimonial voyage on which they had embarked two decades ago had. proven a prosperous and happy one, nnd bringing with them tokens of friendship commemorative of so important an occasion. The following -guests from a distanco-were-preseuL_ Mrs. J . C. Bonter, Belleville, Ont; Mr. and Mrs. J , N. Mills, Springfield; Mrs. II. C. •Remsberg, Springfield; Mr. and. Mrs. John Sutz. Xenia; Mrs. S. C. Ehvell, - Xenia; Mrs. J . N. Shigley, Xenia; Miss Sallie Wolford, Xenia; Mrs. A. V. Wolford, Selma; .Frank Mills, Springfield. A banquet wns served shortly after the arrival of the guests, . the menu comprising the delicacies of the season. After diuner all were entertained with crokinole, etc. The ,Herald ex* tends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wolffrd that they have lived to : en- jov together a*life so Useful as their’s ,have been and*, trust they may he gefmitte'd to ‘celebrate .together their ./{‘diamond” wedding. Following is a pat tint list of presents: Decorated Tea Set, Mri and Mrs. ' W . M. Barber and and M rs. C. M. Crouse. ’ One half-dozen decorated Pie plates, croain jug and sausjir, Mr. and. Mrs. O. T . Wolford* Pccoratod cream judge, Mr. and Mrs. John Townsley. Ono dozon cut glass Shorbet cups Mrs. J , C* .Bonter, BeilvillC Ont. Cracker ja r, Mr, and Mrs. Kobt, Gray. Ono.dozen decorated soup plates, soup touren, china rruit dish nnd bread plate Mi". and . Mrs. J . N . Mills nnd Frank Mills. Mirror Tray, Mrs, R, C. Rcmsborg. Ono dozen decornted tea plates Mr. and Mrs, 0. B. Fox, Columbus, Ohio. Salad dish Mr, and Mrs, John Lutz, China card receiver Mrs. S. 0- lilwell. Salad Dish. M r, and Mrs. D, Bradfute, Docornted.jdekla dish M r. and Airs. J . II. Andrew. One half dozen Decorated Pie Plates Henry Barber and W, II. Blair, Table cloth M r. and Mrs, J . N. Shigley, Jamestown. We have on baud undoubtedly the finest line of Toilet Soaps ever shown in this , town, the compounds of which nre unexcelled for toilet use. Call and see them at Beu Ridgwhy’s. For pocket and table cutlery go Crouse & Bull’s. Young Hyson tea lit 30 cents per pound a t George Winter. Haying bought a large stock of harness we are prepared to supply the trade at,lower prices tlmn ever before Andrew Bros. & Co. FURNITURE ‘ . ‘i NOW W E HAVE GOT YOU Next week will be bargain week' /— - To those buying Furniture such as Bed room suits, Parlor suits, folding Lounges, tables, Book case, Safes, Rockers, Chairs in fact anything in the furniture line, Also Monarch Furniture Polish best in the world all at exeedingly low prices. Call and see us as we mean business. ‘ B A R R & M O R T O N D o Y o u W a n t t o NOTICE. Ttopnblicnna o f C edarv ille Townalilp .’-Nortficrn and Southern P rec in c ts. The Republicans of the Northern and'Southern precincts will meet in the Mayor’s officeTuesdayMarch 22d, at 6,30 p. m., for the purpose of nominating township and corporation, officers and two central committee­ men to be voted for at the April1 election, T. B. Andrew* Oom. Southern Fricinct. D. S. Dixon, Com, Northern Precinct, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE For Sale or Rent.—One two story frame house of six rooms together with four acres of ground. Good im­ provements, small fruits, etc,, just outride corporation limits. Will sell cheap. For Sale.—Frame house on Church street Cedarville, seven rooms. Lot 80 x 160 feet. Price 8750. Two story frame dwelling pn Xenia avenue. Ten rooms. Size of lot 95 x 135. Best location in Cedarville. This is very desirable property. Will sell for 91*800. Property onMainstreet,lot 90 x 180, House one story,3 rooms, wood house, etc. Good well. Price 8800. . W. H. B lair A Co. , H erald O ffice , . S A T E M O N E Y ? : JIMLOK IT THE PRICES ON CLOTHING—- SHOES T H U S IF H M K m Ladies patent leather tips shoes at SI.10. Wehav a ladies shoe at $2.00 w® guarantee to equal to any $3.00 shoe in town, J . Smoke Wright’s K. of P.,Habanna and Crowned cigars, for sale at Bull & Spencer’s, Xenia cheese at Bull & Spencer’s. Pore maple syrup fresh at Bull & Spencer’s, . Pure maple syrup nt Georgei Winter’s. Garden tools and general hardware at Crouse &. Bull's. •*. A full stock of all kinds of. Coal at Mitchells. Smith’s the place for a seafoam. ANNOUNCEMENT'S ; Wo arc authorized to announce tho namo of IV. It, Baker who is a candidate for rc-clcclion to theoffico of Auditor of Urceno county,subject to Republican primary. Tile kiln with machinery in full equiptment and good running order. Good pay*, ing business. Two . acres of land. Good. four room house. To sell for cash, or trade for small farm, good reasons for making a change. . Call on W . H. B lair . H erald Orric®, H* M - B q b b Attorney at Law 15 E, MAIN St, - xI:NIA OHIO. MARCUS SHOUP, a t t o r n e y AND COUNSELOR-at-Law, S pecial A ttention G iven to C om ­ mercial L aw , A nd A bstracting O f T itles . • Correspondent for Bradstreet’s Com­ mercial Agency, x R ooms —No. 1 and 2 Central Bank Building, Xenia, Ohio. Telephone at Office and Residence. No. 96; Notary P u b lic In Ol ice If you want the latest styles in.Dress Buttons* Or Nail Heads Or School Jackets - Or Rubber Rosemars Or Rubber Inverness Or Itigraiii Carpets, Or Brussels Carpet * Orjup Matting,. Or Lace Curtains OrChenille (povers,. Or Stylish shoes Or Corsets * . iTou will find them very cheap at T.. H. Adams &’ Sou’s. i