The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

ri I ' v*m a-rtjnjftftfems'*, >■ -* • a - i , iHST rflfl/s CEDAliVIIXK, OHIO, SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 1892. K O . 8 -t»,•^atTs.vjs^ TO THE PUBLIC The Nesbit room formerly occupied by 0. L. 1 ? ain is again occupied by a Har­ ness Mar*. Who now has the room would be glad, to have ycu call and get "cquainted : and get prices' as. he will keep everything that is kept in a first class Harness shop and nothing but first class work done, as satisfaction is guaranteed. r D O R M , T 3 a . e M e w H a r n e s s M l a n . NOTES . From The County Seat K eyo rt o f Court, P roceed ings ■ .Ktc. linn ballot Invvs'exeept Xenia city. REAI* RSTATE TIvANSt'KRs. .• : ’ M, fX Gmvdv to flic trustees’of-the H. P. congregation of Cedarvillo, Mot |in Cedarville, SI,.‘>00. . | M, D. -dowdy to F. T. -Tarbox,-lot Iin'Cedarville, #425. j . F. T. Tarbox and wife to 'd. I). j Howdy, lot in Cedarville, 8 12o, |" A. IV.Osborn and wife to 'l . 1>. < ( imvdy, lot in (Vilarvillc,‘81M0. •' V • -Man* and Win. H'erhert to J . P. , l lie home trustees met on the l(>th , * .. . . . . , . • ' . .. . . , , , ... . rawcctt, bo acres in Xenia tp., seA-lWO. and .atier considerable deliberation r. , . ... , . , , , ' '* , i u m. D»dds, bnerifl, to Mnrv L. removed.the present financial officer TT :. . . „ * • . |Herbert, 04 acres in Xenia to., 82241). sum ‘doctor, a,nd in their place the ^ Iward. appointed Orin C. ■ Baker ns . . . . 1 r <T . • ■ •' , , , ,■ C. k . Dc Nornmndie to J , M. Birch- financial agent, and A. P; Messenger!, . ... .. ' ,..«* n , xv‘ . . , 1lot 111 1 cllow .Springs, &4M)., ot \Ycllstou,.Ohio, as'..Doctor to taker . , ‘ , . . , , r „> ., ,, r T. . . j Israel 'Hollingsworth and wife to M. effect on Mav loth. I)r.- (.lining*< -. . . . ■... . . ..... / - , ,K Davis, lot in Xenia, bin. iniin of, .New Jasper would have been Aw D e ta ile d by O u r Spe c ia l •C 'o rreMpondent. appointed -had it not been for the pres­ ent laiv which prohibits more than 10 pin*cent of the employes in the insti- .tution from any one county. The Dr. was highly recommended. There wuc a good deal .of stir in Cordage circles yestorduy when it was found Unit Mr. C. M. Horton, nil examiner of the Department of Jus­ tice at Washington, an official in the office of Attorney-General Miller, was in the city lor the purpose of looking into the National Cordage affairs, lie ‘ spent most ot the day at the court, ■house looking up the records in the suits brought l»y the Xenia, parties against the National and iii tin; even­ ing sent an oflieer for Mr. John Hug- erty, wlio recently left the Hooveu A Allison people to go to tin* Ameri­ c a n works, and questioned him on the reasons why he left Ida former employers, and etc. Mr. Itortou says he Is trying to find out the trust char­ acter of the National Company and further to see if there has been any interference with the hands or employ­ es of the I looveil «fc Allison Co., as such interference is in violation of Sherman auti-tnist law which pro- Joseph Cromwell, admr., to Ger­ trude .Swadauer, Tr acers in Xenia tp , 81714.42. A. Haniiigan and wife to Wallace UerryhilJ, lot in Bellebrook, 8140. James Crow! to Wiii. II. Morris, lot in Bellebrook, 875. John W. Seward et. ill. to Laura A. Bussell. 21) acres, 81,800. T, J , toward to Laura A. Russell, 10 net'es- in .Spring Valley tp., 80.700 A. J . Boots, executor of Jessie Boots, to J . C. Tiffany, lot in Xenia, 81000. Martin Cilery and Mary Robinson, ndin’r of Louisa Cilery, lot in Xenia, 8500 . E . C. Humphrey to V . A. Jacoby and H. - . Barber, 50 acres, SHOO. J . W. Greene, guar,, to Samuel Huwer, 4 acres, 8180. S’ A. and S. O. Stephenson to J . B. Thomas, 1 acre in Xenia tp.# 875. Jacob Craeger to Anna Cracger, 160 nereSj #5,600. John W."Fudge ami wife et* al. to L. E. Fudge, lot in New Jasper, 8466.67. James R, Fudge to John W. Fudge, 50 acres, 81005.80. Allen and Charity Brown to Charles 'Will of Julia M. Allison deed Germany., Even though our Mr. admitted to Probate and-record* ' |Orth may not be the Aicliduke, the A. S. Harris Adm- of Martha story makes him quite an otiject of in*. Smith deeid filed an appraisement. j terest, and-‘‘The girls all sigh as he Common Pleas Court.—: KanstJm|goes by.’ —-Xenia Repubiicaii. Chapman vs. Ida Cluipman divorce., l:'oUI,a, Wednesday iworni-g. . a Neglect.. , J pair of eye glasses - wu Main street. Sarah Slmw vs. David Shaw. Cog- <hVIKr t.,in have tln-m .by calling al n<n’' l‘ j this ollicc and proving properly. M a ,.* ki Af.*Ki.o ‘ i ’. nm -:. tfvenills and Jaeketts a large slock Cecil,J. i,ionc< t(>. Iviitie M- Wood,. a't . J..tA B akbkk V. Mar. Xtiniiie Hill, of Columbus, is Arc von going to.lmv a new ear|iet visiting-Mrs. llooibof this place. this spring? .Storuamt A C o . have Laura Robison, Win lain been ( the fin est liiie ever brought to ( ’■‘dar- spuiiding ilm winter in ( -olumhus, \, and they guarantee priec>. ‘returned home Saturday. • |Their ingrains nio beautu-s. vAdmission to Miss Moores lecture,! Teeth extracted'without pain by 1uesday ovo, the 21)tli, 10 cents. |applicatoii of eooaiuo at Dr. Hornaids \ Miss H. II. Moore, a popular mi- oima*. tionn! W. C. T. I*, speaker; will de-! liver one of her brilliant and convine-j ing lectures in tlic Opera House, the <m le i' Call-Oil 0 . lvcllpl' tllO 21)th‘. Don’t fail-to hear her. ikies a fine not exceeding #5,0()()|A narklcy, lot in Yellow Springs, and imprisonment not exceeding a year for persons so interfering, in the discretion of the Federal courts, Mr. Horton did not say what he liad dis­ covered. But perhaps Ins coming 660. I ’uonATn C ourt R eport , D. E . Paulin was. appointed adminis­ trator of T. J . S. Paulin, deceased. will imltiec the contending elements i John A Evans adma’s, of Lucy Lv to go along quietly leaving each to Ians filed inventory and appraisment. work out their owb destiny, ns they should do. C. L. Liukliart is a candidate, for Abdraw Bisine ad*iu. of Susan Bi* sine filed his final act. Jacob Lauu adm. of Jacob Sensen- nnivor. Ibaugb dec’d., filed an order of Private Thomas McKay is a candidate for j salts • County Surveyor. J John A. Phillips admVof M. Scott J . 1). Keller is a candidate for re-;deed filed mi inventory and appraisc- elcctim) as Infirmary director. ! metit vd‘ said estate. Th.ire was talk of not bolding aj T. C. Patterson and S, I). Stewart, primary but it-lias all subsided and Iex’r of James Patterson, dec’ll filed — ‘ ■** ' ’ * 8:ilc bill of.personality. • W, J* Alotauiler assignee of Ihiniti* Buckefe, assignor filedbis fepoftof&de the primary will be bold on the 4fli day of April. The. new law exempts every voting pjfeinct from the ell', ds of Aastru- ofs.iid ilisolvcn!. From Maine to California, tluw who Jmve heard Alis.s Aloore once al- , wavs.wimt to hear her again. . iUU* l» 0 » ip t ly (loilC. ivtiyiv luts l o- m oved h is s lu tc slio j) t*i ln.> n ew room n e x t to ilie K e s Deb p r o p e r ty m i -M a i n s t .. ivluffo h.) w ill he g lad to Main S t . K o p a i r in g n e a t l y ! ^ avG ,l^ eii^Ddtn*rs e a ll. Cush paid for fur at S. L. Walker' If you want a stylish livery rig tn lIousekoeperH should polish and, p; |{(,vd's. i Hard aml Soft iNdincd .Sugar- at Fnr a tdiuo-int'dc to tier e ll on . l eller th ; praeiifal Slme maker Nort Prints,. Ginghams, Muslins, ami . Shirtings'. Fresh' g<oils. Prices the lowest. J . C . B ai O iku , ;Go to Gluirlie Smith for a sliavi. The finest line of l'resli and sail meals i(i the.eoiinty at G-- \V. Dean’s Whole and Ground Spices,at ' C i I. wy ’. s 'Sju-ing repair work.Jfe Murray's har­ ness shop. Fresh cakes and bread "lit the bu kerv. J von Sinci.Pit; I f von want a good,lunch or a qiune n’icid go to Bovd's and try him once Miliou, ATmr carpet is worn out and you ( need a new one. Stormont & C’o. is dean furniture with our .excellent the only firm that has just what urn Furniture Polish, 21 ) cents a Pint want. A line large stock to select n| l (Ll|1 Ridgwavs. from, and prices within tlie reach -of Hot water .bottles in great variety Ml. ; at Ben Ridgwavs, Splendid assortment of Lada */ nudj •at Ben. Ridawitv. 1 Considerable, stir Inis beon craeteil in Xenia by the story in Saturday's Gents combs G iiav ' s . Hurd am) Soft Refined Sugar, at . . G uay ' s . Now crop Currants, at Gitw's. Buckwheat Flour at G uay ' s . Rolled A voiiu , Wheat, Oatmeal, Commercial Ga/.otleof the the disap- Blank books, pass books and pen- jCracked Wheat, Excelsior, IVarl Bar- pearatice of the Arehduke Austria, cijs ?it Ben Kidgway's/ and present search for him by order. Some New lamps, just in of the Emperor of that country, at at Ben Ridgway’s, vessel being now on the way to San; All the reliable Patent uu(hemes Francisco to prosecute, the search in j 0f t!u, ,oarkcc this country, where lie is supposed to; at Ben RidgViayV. lie living incognito under the name ofiKuntlay Exciirsnons Tin the John Ortln •The reason for his de-( I'eniiKylvnniu l.ilies. Tickets at one. fare’ for the routic parture from Austria, which occured four years ago* was bis infatuation j trip between any two stations on tin for a Italy beneath him in rank.! Cincinnati Division from t<oIui\Vu Thus lie temporarily incurred the |and Springfield to Ciueiunati i.tclu* .Emperor’s displeasure. The reason |sive will be sold by the P. C. C. A for theatit among the people here i s , tS*t. L. Ily, Co, on each rfuu l.iy until the procure of John Ortli in lid? j further notice during Urn sit.u .t > of eo riniunity, a foreigner of that name .185)1 nrriviiig hore Inal Hqaciiilier niid en-[ ~ H a l . ™ , coll,™ „„.l all M.l,h .,( termg the Lnited J'resbyterian tlie- 1 - , . r , „i„„l ^..niiimrv ,‘, a , L l . W.- Ho i n . H J t a r n « wudw , . 1 J.m e . M»rr..y, # ** • ^ f |r # i « /i had in ins hitiiH iiyun i?Diut- d < d | - ~~ ................ is a tine scliolur aini lingiiwt, Ins v*er- j 9 ^ 1 UiciormuUof a pimple w^tfuMo umo- >uce white western secu oatu frr mu,, ilhlcct being |«rfocl. During «■!»' «t AulrnwBnw. *Oo . liis odd hours he has been employed ns a teacher in Miss McCracken’s ley, at G kay V. Tens, Collies, Cigars and Tobacco, at G ray ’ s . b'oap, »Sfareh, Lye and Bints, at ( i n n ’s. Wood and Willow ware at G 11 a y ’ s New crop California Prunes, at Gnat's. New crop Cariforiiia Peaches, at (iRAv’a. New crop Horgum, at GitAre, Crackers, Ginger Snaps mid Rece tiou Wafers, at G uay ’ s . academy on East Ghureli street. Yesterday morning he was shown the article, hut laughed at it, said he was not the Archduke, though he would like to he acknowledged that he knew of the man, anti had heard two years ago of flic search being made for him. This >1r. Ortli claims to be. a Piussian and bis conversation shows hint to he a man who has traveled a, great deal, lie -ays he was a student al Hcidel- iicrg and other plans and was ne- u."Ailed with a number of (he nobili* Bow T r y T h i s . It will cost you nothing and will ibi you good, if you I wao a Gough 'flirt at mill l.un^iiflecfiinm h I mi a pn*ilno uml riMtu’nl cure l'«>rNorioua Iieliihtyniel nil N'civ- oiisCmn(ilniiit(iiUer luvviiij- Xi.-ilCil i!s ivninlur* fuIeumtivo|mw(Hinthou .ui<inol'< ;- i* iV It It tilsdiity ti»«»nl(uHlniiiW!i l.» h’ 1.4 i.its ii» j fi-1 . . loiva. ACliaileil I«ytfilt iiiolire ami n ■li'-i'o !•>i ‘ ftllV ,,,{, 1 , mi11Vl«V relieve luiM.mi PHltVnn^, 1 \vt‘! t *11 dm ,, j ^Onl* oi fill) IIOilulC MUM I 11C*flt. ili.ifg.vt<«nil vt()« timin' it tliMr.<o';j.t n O’ur-; ('best or Lungs. Dr. Kings Nmv DU- mini l,‘ri,n“!u*r VaiKlUh wiliinitl (im'i; inf ..... . #«, . , . . . |trepnringnu<t iifling* Sunf l,>insi!l-- «-’•)*•s**' f**l (oilSliluptoil, C'ltlgbs, ntld iTijtwith »iiiiii|ni.'uiiing thispaper. Golds is gunruiifcml to give roloif, or jf .f .i Cft-lif. i money will be given back. Bullercr it ' t 1 i, , , tfi’om La Gripiio found it just tins iliitig Buy your fresh and sail me ds at . . ; ' , , , •, , , , . , ,, -ii* |and tinder its use. had a speedv and the old reliable meat .-tor. of ( . W . ‘ , ,... ............. ,,, . ; . * ■ - - pi'i'leel recovery. Try a saipple holt.e ^ l(>u?‘p, __■ , , ai our expense and learn for yourself car .'load just bow good a thin ( It is. Trial of white Western seed Oafs D ol ties free at I). CL Ridgway’s drug Wo have jusi received a c m Andiew I'tm. A ( ’o. ■? sto*'c. LalgC size f.fie.and 81,CO, ~ tirti'in ininri mjllr ii wfi^ lYiiifc iinSli»'iiiii»ii» il nii(llftlllllffrt(fttiftiri‘-1