The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

"Mvel HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES. —Twelve Cup Cakes.—-One egg, one cup of sugar, one and one half table* spoonfuls melted butter; beat thorough­ ly; then add one and oue half cups of flour with two teaspoonfuls of baking powder; flavor to taste, or add ono half cup of currants, or chopped seedless raisins. —Mow Use For Stale Bread.—-A safe, sure, and certain cure for corns is .said to be found in a poultice formed of stale bread soaked in strong vinegar.- It „ should he applied at night on 'retiring, j, In the morning the soreness will be pone, and the corn can be picked, out. | Obstinate corns may require two or r more applications. —Stewed Clams.—Wash the clams, put them in a •pot and cover, them closely; sot them near the fire, and as soon as they begin to open take them out of the shell; drain them, and to a pint of clams add half a pint of water, one ounce of butter rolled in Hour, aayene peper and salt to the taste; let them stew teri minutes. Just before they are to be dished add one gill of cream. —Before celery is used on the table it is a good plan to keep the,roots, -leaves ' and trimmings and put them in the . oven when the fire is nearly out, to dry thoroughly. Then grate the roots and rub everything together through a sieve and use for seasoning. This bit of. economy is recommended by a Frenchman, who says that in a well regulated kitchen everything may bo put to some good use if the hotisekeep- • er is careful. '—Hickory Nat Cake. “ Beat half a cup of butter and a cup and a half of sugar to a cream, then add the half of the stiffened'whites of four eggs, then a cup of hickory-or English walnut ker­ nels, then stir in two enps of- ilonr sifted with a teaspoonful' of baking powder and the vest of the egg. Blend- all well together, pour into two shallow . pans lined.with buttofed paper, square ones- are the nicest, and hake about for,ty minutes. • , —Onion Soup.—Put half a pound of fresh butter into a- pan and let it boil; chop twelve large onions into small pieces, put them in the butter with a little salt, and stew them a quarter of an hour: dredge in a little flour and stir the .whole verv hard; then pour iix a .quart.of- boiling water and .sorno small pieces of toasted bread. Boil it all for ten minutes longer, . stirring often. After taking from the fire stir in the yolks of two well-beaten eggs. —“I have always been troubled with a nose tlint would turn reddish whenever. I particularly desired to look my best,” said a pretty young girl, “but I think I have found an antidote. At least it has proved very ctlicaeious in my case. It is simply to wash the entire face at night with hot water and afterward rub tho nose well with alcohol; this docs not .irritate the skin- as it might seem. Chronic redness comes from a defective circulation and tho alcohol acts as a tonic to'tho capillary tubes. This is also, I am .told, an excellent remedy for pimples or a rough skin-” FASHIONS IN JEWELRY. Some I’retty Trilleri Been In Jew elers’ tVlAiloWa. Butter picks for bujbter .pats, are " pretty trifles for the tables. For the skewer is the skewer ex­ tractor, which is a pretty weapon ■of silver. ,. Silver tea caddies and caddy spoons are designed for- the‘drawing-room tea table. Waffle knives appear with the awak­ ening taste for waffles. Waffle supper and waffle iunclieous are sometimes given. . From the Chinese we have learned the comfort of hand wanner. The Chinese hbld them in their linked sleeves. The American woman keeps them in her muff. Chased silver boxes are used to sur­ round the sardine box of commerce.- This obviates the rending of small fish in the effort to serve it, and otherwise the silver box is a desirable addition to the table service. Silver dishes for souffles are essen­ tial. A souffle must be brought direct from the oven to tho table. If a hot. silver receptacle is ready in which the dish may be slipped the bother of ad­ justing a napkin is spared. Silver weights for scales an- always procurable. „ Women, with the corre­ spondence entailed by their charities, find scales for mailing letters essential. These scales are made dainty and ornamental for their writing tables. The approach of caster and the pre­ valence of lent is seen in goods dis­ played. Small silver emblems hung from ribbons attached to a silver bar are in immediate request for prayer hooka Alma basins and plates and communion services hate present prominence. In general character these follow prevailing styles of silver­ ware; the ornamental designs aro of course emblematic. -—Jeweler's , Cir­ cular. __ WastedTigo#, . It 5a not overwork* except at the table, that causes so many to break down* There is a great deal more softening of the liver than s iftening of the brain; too much exercise of the • jaws and not enough of the muscles People aro dying eyerywhere of physi­ cal excesses, of useless expenditures of vitality. Probably live-sixths of tho constitutional vigor of every man and woman is wasted, and tho last twenty or thirty years of their lives ate eked out mkerabiy in consequent pain and discomfort'-Good Health, PET NAMES. All Peopla Do Wot flavo tha g»mt Ideas Respecting Them. •The terms employed by the people of one nation as the choicest phrases in their vocabulary of endearment are often employed for quite the opposite purpose by other people. One of the most familiar and most coveted phrases Of endearment among tho French, for instance, is *‘my little pig;” and "my littlo puppy dog" is also much appre­ ciated. When a French husband calls his wife *‘a cat,” she docs.not fly into a passion of resentment, as an English-speaking wife might do under the) same circum­ stance, but takes it as a1gentle compli­ ment / On the other hand, if ,he were to call hern "duck,” as the American husband might his wife, she would be’very‘milch offended. ' Not long ago, in Germany, letters written by the late Count von Moltlte to .his betrothed were published. In these the great soldier frequently called the lady “my little kernel of coffee.” • This strikes one as a very queer pet name, and has suggested to a • cynical authority that, in view *of tho writer's character and profession,, “my little grain of powder" or "my little lump of lead” would have been more appro­ priate. ■ In England "moppet” and "tnopsey" are favorite terms-of endearment ,for little girls and .sweethearts. Both of these words . signified, originally, a kind o.f cloth or rag,' The name was first given, to a rag (foil, uiul eventu­ ally came to he applied flatteringly to tho little girl who owned -the "mop­ pet.” A person’s individual likings and oc­ cupation' frequently supply him with terms of endearment A farmer some­ times calls his little girl his"’ "colt,” and a well-known fisherman, to whom the creatures of the brook were as the apple of his eye, used-to begin liis let­ ters to his wife, when lie was ou his fishing expeditions, with the words,: "My dear little speckled trout!”— Youth’s Companion. • Dow’s This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any case of Catarrh that cua not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cura F. J. O u e s c t &/Co,, Props,, Toledo, O. We tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to curry out anyobligations made by their firm. West <fc Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To­ ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sarfuecs of tho system. Price 75c, per bot­ tle. Sold byall druggists. Testimonial? fyop. E l ' sewuuue in this issue is published-the particulars of tvremarkuhle euro that ftvtrly outrivals the celebrated csiso of John Mar­ shall, of-Hamilton..which created such a -sensation throughout tho country. Tho par­ ticulars of tho rase aro vouched for by tho Albany Evening Journal, recognized as tha leading newspaper at tho New York state, capital, and ono of the leading papers of tho United States'. There is, therefore, no .room to doubt, that tho particulars of tho caso aro accurately-and carefully sot forth, In every respect true, and must therefore prove oT tho deepest interest to readers; Thoroforn the article is commended to their careful perusal. T ub wasp is slondor and graceful in his movements, bat his attentions are often too much to the point to. bo agreeable.— Binghamton Republican. 1 .i Tan world never saw a larger crop than tho ono which grow from, tho seed sown by the Pilgrim Fathers, when they planted their foot on American soil. —‘Duusvlllo Bi-coze, 1 . —-.■ a , The True Laxatlye Trinetpto Of the plants used In manufacturing the pleasant remedy, Syrup of Figs, has a per­ manently beneficial effect on tho human Bystem, while t ho cheap vegetable extracts and mineral solutions, usually sold as medl- clnes, arq permanently injurious,. Being' well-informed; you will use tho truq remedy only. Manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co, O.X15 of tho most persistent forces in na­ ture is tho needle, which always carries its point and always 1ms an oyo out for busi­ ness.—-Lowell Courier. • Mu. M. A. Mintin', Wilmington, Del., writes: “I had one of my severeheadaches and was persuaded to try your valuabto (Bfadycrotine) -medicine.' I never had any­ thing to domo se much good. I t is well to be. kind to dumb animals, but n man is rarely justified in borrowing money to buy a dog.—Oil City Blizzard. A slight cor.ii, if neglected, often attacks the lungs B uowx ' s 'B kon <" i ! u l T kocubs give sure and immediate relief. Sold 'only in boxen. Price ‘J5 cents. . [ T ub moon is above all human follies and ! always looks down ou lovers,--Iiltnira Ga­ zette, » B keciiam ’ s P iu ,s aro not a new remedy. They have been used in lvuropo for 50 years, all well tested and excellent MATcni.rss—“Th.-if Miss Wollpngic is a matchless g ir l” “ Yes, sho seems to bo. i Sho is 37.”- - Boston Post i A ctors , Vocalists,.Public Speakers praise j -HaUi's Honey of Ilorehouml and Tar. i Pike’s Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. I A jo in t debate—Haggling over tlw prico of a sirloin roust.—The Worcester Uazctto. A cRF.niT to the family—The scion who is . trusted by everybody.—N. Y . Journal. H alf a loaf is better than a railroad sand­ wich.—Kate Field's Washington. A lways calling—Tramps. T ackluu for food--Fish. P ost haste -a special delivery stamp, StnAiXtxo sweetness—Kissing through a veil. T he good cook should bo given nWide mngo. . ______ I t I s not tho coming matt, but the g dng who gets thero. Aooon talker is one who nevor says too much. M en *of positive convictions—State prison Inmates,—Lowell Courier. A jo c k k y in polities will try to curry fa­ vor with a dark horse.—Picayune. A span fullof spirits is not naturally given to sober rcllcoUan.—Life. T he parcel i-lorlr gives the business wrapped attrnti -it - Texas Siftings. T ub ties that bind a business house to tile public—Advertise I p you have n bone of Contention with Buyone throw it to the dogs. —Boston Transcript. A bio enterprise on foot—a man started to walk around the world.—Boston Jour- AJUfOflTany man can bomade to talk If a eorkscrew bo used to draw himout.—Buf falo Express. _________ “I t ' s nil tipwith tho landlubber when he takes-his first soa voyage,"—Binghamton Republican. ________ T ub man who goes to sleep in church night bo called a napped subject for con­ versation-,—Washington Star, T he professional thief issometimes called I bird of prey, anti yet he'« only a-robbin.’ —Binghamton Leader. There is ease for those far gone in consumption—not. recovery—ease. There is cure for those not far gone. There is prevention—bet­ ter than cure—for those who sure threatened. Let us a book on CAREFUL LIVING a n d Scott’s Emulsion of cod-liver oil, even if you are only a. little thin. - Free., Scorr&nowNs.Chcmiin, ijj South5thAvcnuv. Hew York., Your druggistkeep, Scott's Emniilonofeod-Urer W—Mkdruggiiu everywhere do. ft . jo BUNTING When you buy Flags you want the best. Government Standard is the best; the largest flag dealers in the U„ S, are G. W. SIMMONS & CO,, Oak Hall, Boston, ■ Mass, Dealers in Military Uniforms. Write for a Flag Catalogue, FLAGS. Patents! Pensions Bend forInvestor'* Ooliteor ITowtoObtAin » Patent, Bend rftrPIcmor PENSION and KIK'NTY LAWS, PATRICKO’PARKEti, - WASSZHOTOK, D, 0. rxitxaTinarAr«tw fe*mv*** MTM 4 JU THIS MKfttnryUMfwvtlt* B o lls! P imples! Blotches, AND ERUPTIONS ONTHE BODY, are indications of Poiion in the Blood, and show that nature Ismakingefforts to throw it out. S . 8 . S. assist in this goodwork.f It changes the character ofthe blood, so that the poison bearinggerms speedily leave through thepores of theskin* and the poison Is alsa forced out. C. W. IIoDKtNS, Postmaster at East Lamoine, Me., writes that Mrs. Kelly’s son, who hadbeen confinedto bed fourteenmonthswith an Abscess, has been cured soundand well by $wift’s Specific,' The boy ft fourteenyears old, lives heat door to me, and I know the statement to be true, . . . . . , S S S* h*» a effcct on Chi,(lren**n<*should be given to everyweak and debilitatedchild. Sendfor our Book on the Blood and Skin. SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, A tlanta , G a . I L B.-.TTI l ff* Atlfl Conti Simp w q X 38 K j labelled 1.2 lb . tins only * BOILING WATER OR MILK. EPPS ’S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA Ought tQ be smaller — the groat, griping, old-fashioned pill. There’s too much unpleasant­ ness for the money. Ought better, too. They’re big enough, arid make trouble enough, to do more good. That’s just what Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets do, — more good. Instead of weakening the system, they renovate -it; instead of up­ setting, they cleanse and regulate i t— mildly, gently, and naturally. They’re the original Little Liver Pills --i the smallest but most effective, purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, and easiest to' take. Only one little Pellet for d gentle laxative— three for a cathartic.' Sick Head­ ache, Bilious Headache, Constipa­ tion, Indigestion, Bilious iAttaeks, and 'all derangements of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cured. - They’re the cheapest pills you can buy, for they’re guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is re­ turned. Yon pay only for the good you get. It’s, a plan peculiar to Dr. "f’icrco’s medicines. w ltlPiLtcS, and Pstnti which Main tiio hands. inliiro tlio Iron, anil turn on. TheRisingSun stove Polish Is RrllUant,Odorless, Durable,andUioconsumerpays tor notill orglasspaekastowitheverypurchase. Decide that after trying the IV E R S & POND, You can try them ’ we’ll tell you what dealer can show them to you, or we’ll send on approval at our own expense. Write for in­ formation. Ivery & Popd P i a n o C o n f )p a o y » Boston. E L Y ’S f t A T A D f l U UfttANIBALMMK^LY’SV- * wlitin uppUcA Into the B f t ; nosiriiH, wm i»e «i»- wB y/i/vi^ClinccC^VVl so rb o tl etlectunlly clcnnslng tho Lend of I 1 cntnrrlml virus, causa W u n / f F y r b w jt a 1 inghonltliy secretUm*. *• S?M ] It allays vmUanmia* > tlon. protects tlic* 1 memhniuc from mLli* ' ttcmrilcoUlfi, complete­ ly healsttie sores and 1 restores souse of tnsto , und ttfneil. ' ___________________ TRY THE CURE. M A Y - F E V E R A particle applied iiuoouoh nostril nnd-is agree- *' k» J'nco;>Ucentsm IH-neKists or uy mall. SLY iUtOTJlICUS j G SS’arif ii street New York. I have Tried the new five cent package of Pyle’s 'Pearline and like it— , decidedly—economical for use —economical to ^land to serv­ ants—no waste by upsetting. I l r n m i r jPmr/zWisnever K 1 1 U W peddled—gives no prizes — is a prize in'itself ; and further I know, when a gro­ cer tells me “ this is just as good as” or “ same as" Pearline, he does not know the truth, or else is not telling it. Manufactured only by . ■ JAMES FYLE, New York. ATTENTION, WORKINGMEN r v / N I 1A I A IVI T to BKTrEIt YOt'Il CONDITION? IF SO, OATH Git D O I O U W A I M . I UP YOCB FAMILY AND OUTFIT AND COMB TO Wbcro vou can find abundnneo of ralim. tb'“beat efimato In tho t'nltol Statot for the worker, (No Nlnlarlui, pood nrhooln. goutl cbi.n h- s- -ut.d tu-l’.-r th.m utl. tlio d.ant ‘11 of get­ ting aA «;ooi> IIO t'tiK ANI) LOT in tho heart of tho city. onMiih l ’.ASV TMlMSas you rim HKAIUI.Y MKGT. mid which will in a low yours iio very vnliiulit'-. THE LAND AND RIVER IMPROVEMENT C O . (tho jiroprtotc.rx >t tt... 1- iyi*.ti, »"ii vt;u smh ik honso and intu-t you rnuv noou and permit you to p.iv for it r. Iri-'-i l i t ) to lot) lnontnly in-tun- inents—and eneh initallinent no larger than h rental of m” ’i u prop, rtv would tie. Tfi.* otftriaa report of tho t’ltv Stalistlelun shown upwards.of 3.HO0 hamtt emolovod In the various industrial and shipping eoni-erns, and a largo number of addltmri'.ii he located this season— .many of them employing a largo number of fem ale Lunds. You Will FINDthisthe BESTOWN in AmotiontoGROWUPWITH! HAMfiTtUBPIPSA«mrO d « K p n n p f lv ’ Q A R O B B E R OR TH IE F l l U l l l l v l l V U la better than the lying gcalo agentwho tell* yea w ; as gospel truth that tho , M o H ipq I DiOfinuOni Jones*$ 60 * 5 TonWagonSeals i n c u i u a i u i o b U f c i j ttado* Takes hold in this order : Jones Of Binghamton, BingbamtOD, H.Y. B o w e l s , Z i i v e r , K i d & o y s ^ I n s i d e S k i n , bo out. You know whether need, it or not Sold by every druggist, and manufactured by D O N A L D K E N N E D Y , ttOXBURY,j!nA8S._ MADE RY THE DUTCH PROCESS on "TraatMiwithCirtwMtaOfSoda, Mignotli, Polishor Btoorbomteof Sods.” The uae of chemicala can be readily detected by the peculiarodor fromnewly opened packages, and also from a glass of water in which a small quantity of chemically treated cocoa has been placed and allowed to remain for several days. For more than One Hundred Fears the bowse o f traitor Faker A Co. have made their Cocoa Preparations ABSO LU TELY P U B S , ueinff XO patent 1‘rocen, Alkalies, er JJytt, W. tUKER 4 CO., Oirctoilir, Mm . DtUSIfiliC lio.Allti.izlm!<ilii'ftli.'cd. (J feoforIn ri.fiiSIUnu ttcn.r>.nr*nvpcHrnrr.l.swsfrre a, w, HeroHMita asots,**. u. c.t (UMisa.ti,a •r umm rawwar *tw»aw m *»*.