The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

od i d * . 1 - Y and imids 'I boy ! Milt) s ? « « S «o o f SETH im a: ^ S. »CJ CO »K a a ^ W S-i? w *8^ S I s O f* 9 £ J*3j SR v)«5 < ’« a Of-j a 5?3 1U £ r'-1 < J r *jr '£ a s s . a fr® O £;‘| = fed tZo a - Bfl >*+ < l l» it I :s av my i ‘l i1MK 1 { ! " r* l l I i T ) I’NCLS SAJI’S BIG GUNS. i m L u i . i f l o g ’i SATURDAY, MAlUil, L‘ , 1H0L». !l\ //. J1h .17 It, Editor and Pr<\j>'r PlHCE $ 1,29 PER ANNUM, ( II S' K i ; I I l» i It l l t ' l d S tY . Fact3 About Thoir O ISbor, Wolgbt and Bangs, C o v en an ter (M luroh.—Rov T , <\ I’a s to r . itoitiilur s e r v ic e s al ll:iin it. in ; Sitlthntu sch o o l a t 10:00 n in It. I'. C h u r c h .— ItovV J . If. M q r lu i, pastor. .Serv ices a t 11:00 it m ; S ab b ath school nt III;()(> a m . M, K, C h u rch .-. Kov, O . J,. TuftH, pus- ior. Crouching at. ll;03 a in ; Siililnii'h wheel at 0*30 a. in.;, c la ss . 3:0o p. m .j Young Ceople’s meet In'* a t 0 KH> p lit: pruvur m eeting W ednesday ev en ing *i ; no ‘ IT, I*. C h u rc h . —i R ev . .T. C. W urnock, postor. S e r v ic e s a t i I :(I0 a hi and 7 p oi: SiiMmKi sch o o l a t 10:00 a in \ ,V. K. ( ’ luii-oh.—. K ov , A. 0 . S p iv ey ••aslor. Crouching a t 11:00 a in anil 7 :00 11 in; Class o •cry other S a lilia th at 10:00 it. m.; S a lilia lli schoo l at 10:00 a in; llap tlst U hu ro li. — Kt>v. Jotinstoii. rtis.wr. D re n ch in g e v e r y ’ S a h h n lh a t 11 1 in, and 7:00 p n ij S a lilia th S ch o o l hi 3:00 o 'clo ck n in ; P la y e r m e e tin g W ed­ nesday n ig h t. WrtOTH MONEY. A Druiillcnl Custom That. In Still Ob- snrvotl In Warwickshire. ^ Til-story books confidently assort that- the Druids h a v e 'lo n g ronro.l to ex ist in iinglnnd. Doubt is thrown on this oasertion- by a qu ain t civ t an hold in tlu* stormy dawn o f a recen t morning around the. remnants o f a Ilritii.h Ui- i vulus which e x ists at rCm-rMiovv in W/.'.vwiekshire. where the duke of Hue- cL'iv-h.'as lord o f the Hundred, exacted payment o f certain tribu tes which date from the misty tim es o f our Uruiilical ancestors, . The duke did not h!in s« lf anpear in l!t6 ch a ra cter o f-n Druid to collect the dues', but was represen ted by his agent. Payment is made by tw erty -ek th t par­ ishes of the old Hundred of Kuightiow , the tax being called "w ro th silv e r." ' What it was instituted for nobody knows, and nobodv knows exactly why i! i;n s maintained. It only .produces, ah u.t ■vine slid lings, 1 lit if any pa”':' h r< *c-. ts to pay .the d rl.e has the re iit to exa ct from it a white bull, with red no •»and ears. -The reercsentutivo.s' of the d'.ii'erdi.t peri' lies must ms-unble at the tumulus before or on November I I, march th e b e arrtun.i a hull *w stone, saying! "T h e .wroth money.'’ and -de­ posit the tribu te in. the cavity, from which le e (hike's representative gathers it tip. says the London Telegraph. A pliilologor aft-r the school of Dean KwifiV*'Greek and Latin derived from linglish'' might explain the meaning of .the inline bv saying .that tlie parishes iv.-re "wroth" at having to pay it: but. this et\molory i> at, t'di-w nullified iiv the fact, that inhabitants of the Hun­ dred wl.'i c a r ' to get out of bed so early are en*. rtaomd in a neighboring I k '-,- ( Try by ids grar > rt a i .,b tvdial l.i'e.i’ ;'re t. ees!k: r twenty times more t’ ‘ >, •; i i "v. 4*i i ■ ", ” It is a ■•e.:,. I,. ; *.i. ..■•';iu.; ? ■ >. .‘eat ; . f v h ,. i< ' • . ,i‘ t . y e l. . a- tioti. nr,: m talc CA'jl-l. Seal.* .' It '»<**< *.Ii-I te l •>*’ T K < . * 1 u f n-"* i * l !t* u"ii. I rn tl r : t : v . !(■ ...t ,i . e .1 h-u* -e i.i " ui- . i >■, ,t > , i ce : ■> rd . ..e :e"i> ter r . ije ..l <>i , iji .l::! is: • I t . . . l ■ ; 't <e«r ' • ■'ui ,i- :» w« M >* s e a I, ra p - p.«- ; ;..i »d: T i . ;t : , t > ut >- {■■-r t. -e t .<‘.!v i i a n .it . y . < b: “ ue* »a: at •: d . •nut: m r * ’..n o .: * ■u •)mat- t " v .;e l l . - w y i i i i ! wideh ie estah- b htn: ..ts in r.t e;t h »>i> Iviid . the Mali', io v.hi *h they itsuadc t their hr:ivi.**t r.uit.m cnts o f cash, and all th a t Mirt of thing. ‘•()i,ly tin s week a y o v n g b .tn k ollleial did till o f th is and More. Not only did he l! »* days th a t the institution with which lie was connected lias the most cash on hat.d :u*d ihuh estts hcavi- ‘ M. lr,H elo ts o f money to the post and expre s (.hires, lint he gave the same in­ formation re.raiding two o r th r e j other institution:, o f n sim ilar character. "Th ere have l«‘en -other cases where the i.mii" thin;,* lias been done by young i.i'Ti It i.< r.evmu-dy wrong, wholly and eutireiy uuln'i'.iiu-s'jliUe. 'J’o do so shn* f>Iv means the giving o f valuable aud olkerv. h.b w l.oliy un atlaiun ble pointers t<>the higlrwaymcu from whom we are 1. ■.!•:■ ;t with .such alarm ing frequency : ad i:i so ferio tis n manner o f late. - ,'■> r-tdeer o r t-irqikyc connected ■'•st’i i tr institu tion t»> do a n y tlii’ff o f t(i.‘ kind he o r f tumid immediately f • u*r (-oiioectlon with th a t in.,tiliitio:i. t :n gulitv of doing Midi a tiling, i Ik.- r ."ir-v iy o ru bw itth .i fly. distant­ ly •’• a i . ' H i-i'dit to cotiikh'ii'S*. .inch a : : , ; . e ith er a fee! or a l.e.av". ;:nd • il\. r -.. «.!ilii I ki M a f >;i rtf tru st. <" .: i lv tlo Hui;:- ■t >;:t 1;«!*>);!!>?♦■ i . n v (-1 b.* ut-'s*’ * «-n t* v .r ;.uai\i sis t ) ' ‘■‘•'i i r.i f ; ‘ i.i'u se. M T !te'l!'.!ffW )W ( • >' • ■ < • ,i * J <»f •tmu!- *r . 1 1 l Vi : j :-v of (Im < i y f k ‘ o , t • * «i ;'.t, iitSSitliVri •' •- . 1 <i .i'«- i it f-w is :(f-Yl. 1 (.-,' i,-(. :', f ' .V ill'r* 111 GlO ! r- o ' • * . N land ) • . i • i: ,t f r retoin* v*- , #* v.- * i f-Ff W Fj.? s o y No* |j- ■ j id 1 1=(,.fc(,>:Li:- .« Americ HI Ship; o f . War Aririn4 with llu tf, I'M'iuon W tdctiFlro n ProjectHo VVoiglilua Ono’rtiouKSiid l’oiuuls Ten Mltoi, Th e follow ing facts concerning th e lm:iv»vr anil capab ilities o f .some of the m ain juul secondary -battery guns c a r­ ried aboard war ships o f the United -States readers may Jind o f interest: Th e m i n battery guns have for tf max­ imum calib er a t present thirteen inches. These guns are sixty-seven-ton breech-* loading riilos. The minimum' calib er now allowed in the maiu b a tteries of high-powered ordnance guns is the four-inch rapid-fire piece. Th e various ca lib ers include the thirteen-inch, twelvc-ineh, ten-inch, eight-inch, six- inch, five-inch and four-finch. The sec- - onclary b a tteries include th e ,s ix - . pounder, three-prtunder and otto- pounder rapid-fire 'gun s, the foijtv- ■ seven-m illim eter and thirty-seven-m illi- m cler revolving cannon, and .the (.Tai­ ling gun. R ecently, however, 'th»- navy department has confined the guns isf. the secondary battery to the sin - pounder and long one-pounder rapid- fire pieces, the. thirty-Roveu-millimotcr revolving cannon and the Gatling gnu. The m ajorily o f m ain-battery guns in -serv ice to-day are of the six-inch caliber. Th e building up of the ord­ nance of the United States navy may be said to have begun with the six -in ch ' guns. Ju s t now, how ev ere ap­ pears t;o be a tendency ■to .make the four-inch guns preponderate in num ­ bers, the Dashiel rapid-fire breech mechr,nk->i.i la a '; tins c.iiih -r g in au Meal weapon 'fo r the .smaller i - o . i unarmored ships. No puns of the th irteen ,.inch c:iliber !i..ivc as yet been s.l. ‘i i\ pc- o f piin will not be denuunlcd until the new b attle,tiip s Indiana, Mnssaebm -etts and Oregon, now building, arc- ready for s e rv ic e ., Lneli of biit-.M* •bat­ tle ships .will have four thirtei n-iueh guns. In lim iting' the imiin-bt.Uory -runs-to the UiirSeen-inch i-aliher, the navv departm ent has ad"-.toil the [dun n r. in vo rue in the lirilish navy. Un­ til •recently -tlie IhT tsli adm iralty was orderim.' :-'\leen-ineh 'Is, toil guns. The niaxitu’iiii e ilio. r pun now Imiiduig for ie-e in tl.e L.-lth.’i navy is the I !..Vi,:<-h :i7*ton gun. A few 11(1 * in . guns are. nllic'.t •lo-day. .iibo.iml t . h ' v.':.r-'.,:; s. hut when the 11f •of tle ’ -e |,ieees is ox hat’.sted they will jn all proba.hility be replaced, by (57-tim guns. Th e heaviest ca lib er guns s i fa r ee;n- [ile te d 'fo r tile United^Strtes navy are.1 Lhe twelve-inch weapons, o f whteh two arc finished. They are both designed fo r service aboard the eou'-t-def iisc battle 'ship Monterey. The t v. elve-ineh gnus weigh about fifty-one tons, fire a p ro jectile weighing one .thousand pounds tilla distance o f about ten utiles, lhe pov.der chaf,-. w- igluog five hun- i dred pounds. The twelve-inch [tr,.jec- ; tile should he ab le to pierce eighteen inches of t-el. armor at point-blank i range. Vhe't'v.elv-e-ineli r.-un is v.-orkt d eith er bv ltyilr .ube or pu.*i:t'i,bts-.* [low­ er. a d f • e’l • ’. •••. :• a- " ...1 !- ; d- td"- lu jo g mid r ta ' <•to’. t i i hwi ; T . ■• t nit ! ' • ; * , g .; . . . : foor t - i iii.-h ; ae., ,i'i ! m ■a- i *.dp. '• i. .- i -av. i *» > I ' ' . ' t ,n I, t- d : c.i.i .- - . ' -, , a t ■ -* ten-ineh : uns !..«*:• * i i m <■;' a. r tur­ ret-,. TI i , g.: t io. - i v. i t (>• a ' out t ’ '-.-ty ! : . T . - ; ' * J ' ' f. ' ' w • ' - .a b o u t live 1m.nli*d p .;.:.d is ;-.: m polled by a i.o.- der e* i " e Weiglil’i ; aimut two ht.iulr. d u n d ih iity [m in -. " l i e e.,T:ia;.’n d ran. e i> about ..t nines. T'iiu eig l.t it.eii gtin is in pervlr-e a ' n.,rd live war.,', ip:-, of li e n ow and will lie placed aboard a number of the new warship:, a', the vessel-unut In their appearance. T h is |ru:i fires a shot weighing -about two hundred and ten pounds, with a powder charge o f about ninety pounds. T h e range is a lxiu t i seven miles. T h e t.ix-inch gun weighs very close, to five lo:i3. Th e p ro jectile weighs one hundred pounds and the powder charge alsont f irty-fivo pounds. T h e range is eioi^ to five miles. The five-inch gun weighs aliout forty hundred weight, and the four-inch gun about twenty six hundred-weight. The projeetile of the latter weighs thirty- three pounds, and the range Is over three union, WorMhipilift I-iittle* In Murtniili. A go(«l story is told by the Modern Church. An em inent lady missionary in Unrniah Recently gave Dr. A. .1. Gordon an instructive but somewhat sta rtlin g ch ap ter from her experience. In one. o f her tou rs she sal 1 she came upon a vil­ lage' where cholera was raging. Having with her a quantity of a famous pan, k iller she went from house to lionw ad* linn slcriiig the remedy t >the invalids and le lt n number o f bottles to- be u ,ed a fte r she had cw ie. li, turotug to the v illa 's ' Mime months la ter the m.solon- arv wa:. met by the head s.rin o f the »oi.ii.iiiliit*,. wl.o t-'ieiCi-d cud d di'ditcd i.< i by th : •Sat I'ig.-nec; " li-.-eb v.o have cot e n c r io ,Vour rdde: the uodv l-h;C li: t C-s '.o f.> ' b f:'1 (I : t W(’ have nce *[ ted ,v»,ur Ui -i.’' (Herjoyed at this a tv*, th e v ,m cou.-iiiet-. d 1 1 the hova.e of lew inform ant, who. ip eu k ig a room, showed h<-r She paiti-hilhT h.vith's. wd* i mult’ arranged in a t ou i n the *.heiM and before them the whole company is uaeiUiitety iir,.:,t!(itud tie fives ill Werndnn J. F.SMITH, .. —IJKALlJlt IN — P i a n o s j&c O r g a n s . + Hnsltal Hmianfe 2 i i r|is ;(s , y . . M f U L t ' i t t V PICTURE FRAMES. “ YUMA, - . . on t o J i f . B c|b b Attorney at Law 15 E. MAIN St., - XENIA OHIO. S lA SCU S § E 0 TJP, A T TO RN E Y ANil C O U N S E L O R - a t - L a w ACOBKANY 3 r e r o l u i , « < ; T t i i l o r , NO 10 N, DETROIT STREET m v M , o „ 1 vi'i IMACqlMINTCPVl'iTlI I.S (.ViliRAitiVL-Hlii2 W'JM» ttlUCBTi!» lasii VMtno.E i:iFor,Mf.i't.N rnon a stugy or I . . kwof t ■£ Before you buy your suit, Overcoat or Pants for Fall, see KANY THE TAILOR lie lias a liill liue of Foreign and Domestic goods always no hand to select from. Perfect fitting garments and Hist class work guaranteed at a reasonable price. i) n i L i l t S l'K C lW . A t TKNTION' ( i IVI.N TO t ’n.M Mikti i \i, L aw , A nd A ilstkai t i m : U f T it u is .. (’iH-'l'espouilerit fur -Lr.idsireet’s Coin- - - nierci.'il Ageuev. ■ l - . L oom -—. vi . 1 a d 2 ( ! Huili!tier, X c r;i; Ohio. Teli jj I io ic M ()thce lit-si ! met*. Nn. Tlfi, rtot .s-y. 1 ’ n i.ii- in O iic,> t h e m u c h - d e s ; r e d LOil" WAISTandPERFECT!:IP E F FC Q T Cuu ouly bo produced uuu • by Clitald,HotIsland& FacileRj„ The Direct Route to amLfrom Chicugo,.,Toilet, Ottawa, lV’Oila, T.n Balk, Moline/ Rock Iulntid, tn ILLINOIS; Davenport, Muscatine, Ottuinwn, Oslcaloosa, Drs Moines, Winloniet, Audulion, Harlan and Council Blairs. In IOWA ; Minneapolis nnd Ht, Paul, Ip MIN* NICSOTA: Waienowu and Sioux FnlK In DAKOTA; Cameron, St. Joeeph aml Kansas City, In M1BS0UIU ; Omalia. Iducoln Fiurbiiry and Kd.sou, in NEBRASKA; Atchison, Lcavefuviut)}, iJorfon, Topeka, IluichJnaoiJ, Wichita, lWlleville, Abilene, Dodge City., Caldwell, in KANSAS; KbigiKh**!!, El Reno and Minro, in INDIAN TKRRITOlhV;. Denver, ('olormlo Springs and Pueblo, in COLORADO. *1nivei»**H nwi ttn'AH of rich farming and gra/iTik' lands, artdidf g the best fliWlilies of info- comumnobitiiiu to all towns uml cities wist nnd west, uorthwe:d and southwest of Chicago umi to Pacitic and truiis-oeeunlc waports. - M A G N IF IC E N T ■ V E S T IB U L E E X P R E S S T R A IN S Lending, all mmpcfltors in fijdendor of equipment, bMivefo t JID'AI j O amt J>LS MO j NLS, t’Ol'Nt'IL RLII'K S .aud OMAHA, and. between CHICAGO and DlCNVKR, COLORADO SPRINGS and PUEBLO, via KANSAS CITY *ud TOPKICA mid via ST JOSEPH. EirM-Closs Dav■Co.tehVa, ERI E RKt'UNlNG CTIAIR ('AitS, ord Paipca tsleepeiM, with Dioiog Car Semcc. (HmecounectiMUS at LenuM' and Colorado ^prinyd with dheru*o-r' *-idwu> liueb. now fortulni: the imw aud plriure^oue •/ 1 S T A N D A R D G A U G E ' L T R A N S -K t) '< / M O U N T A IN R O U T E THE BAI'sK OF CEOAnVILLE ( A ’ l i n a l l l a n i x i n g I J i i s i n i 's ‘I n i i i s a c . i - i l . W . Ila r iie r . ! W . I,.* C ! 4 ‘ 5 isasi«. C u s liir i' ! nil'lilll.ll Uf.-.l'l jl-.ill: :|ll ... 11 V . -1 l-l I!l I!l. ! INl.ilc j.iui.i'Oii. A D J U S T A B L E O V E R T i 4 E H I P a *.- v,ni !F st m i F t o irstai.’.v.. c-intf ' ~ ' L , J -ipl ' P e r f i i o t l i h I L ’ L • C o n to u r . i a\ k ' meaiiiw, cvi'.'li v j:. D o ith lc Kiel 1 m unit RinUhi v\l»b !i v.:M n o t l»t< u k , Mi l * l?l h-'ivjtbs iTotu (M>d An» dry nisib iilcr in tiu* l . s um «, x*»*\ t’n o v u e u ’rii W tu in-il. ,» . i . DOSTREt filfG. C3., hrh<' f 5. .^A ch & P IJ«»• too ' ne'.Tt'** I f v .intifi i, nur. mi! loir ti l .tjnil •<; i I , I t.'l v ur<i .uo v i r; ul ly lipped tr P it rm>' dally r** itT <HAN*#!* to aL) fruh Salt ' >• « <:.•! ii oUMiv. inr iDCK ?Le & ****•'. aiii l avi vlt’* Line tonnd trom 'lay ’ » P >. i ' :»M or “Jiii'iin' ami *ei;»iTtTi-nr-t-** u • « .• i m r ; . m Colorado. Over >,• , it dt IMR''.- " S I/rl.e > - 1 tr- ISLAND i- i1' I) ITm. jviri 'in( K » - * . 11:\i . riavu ■* ti e lr« k F»r , v ’d. « 11 . . RE.w TR j IN S E. ■ d l fv m nil liri- • w■ '*.eifhorirN(draaka,. • *» m \ik ALRHIT * ; * .1l.JO l(* \l -l!l l‘*‘ * ' ; .i s-T. P\T^| , 1 (»»* liweo between it >.■ > ' ill rmntbm f . »i S - . , j.n d (.«' . * I kv , Pass. AgL* o u t1MOO. ILL. n - ^ 7U I '/ * ’ V' ./ / / • . i t: : ' J.;-. *. -I . !•' •• A' . » " L i s - ' T , - . >v Y ' ‘ y v -. •;* f. _ ; “Look a t the Map.” Pennsylvania LIlien. .* ’ o t r i iO * J. i t . jt . o .It »ltt %*' r J !. " .\\ . v * r? - • ’ . *■ t‘ :*# 4 . * :* (dill; *tlii *11. » 1 ................. .A k \ M-S-* *'« I*-A — » . 7 » i,0 * it, L , a. f. V I; t*. m u : k iiKi.uii.iK. DENTISTS !! ‘ « 1 Xenia Xut'onul IhuiK ImiliHiig, c-nrncr Main anil Detroit Sts., Xenia, O, Vitalized Afr a id Nitrous OxIdeCas used for t ‘ie PA(NLES3Extrac* tlan of T e e t h . W . T l i A l > K I { | At(.or *'*7 At !,n\v. I NO. I) EAST MAIN STREET, OI’ I’OSITE e o r u T HOUSE. I ■ . . ...................... ?.* ♦ o .(* *» 1 f1P-15.* *. l “ : re. o , ri ha -i.O# i*rt|»u A k ^ ua . Arc tiiry tlm Sliorlcst Ron to liflwron ' CliIcnRit umi New York? Ali-tlav tko !»■ Bhortiwt ' limito hi-twi-c-n si. l.ouui Mirl Ni-.v York? Aro thoy Ihi-SUi.rii-1 Itouto botwooa Cliu-innnli ami Nov/ York? An* limy the Himrlost. itouta be­ tween (’inVimmtl and t'hiia,: >? “Look at the Map.” Pennsy lvan ia t i n e s . Do Ihoy mako connootloii lor iho roaotilni; iilmns of the Wo-l amt Nnrth* ■we-»tby way nl'Chlonun? ( u t ‘n-y uiuka coniici-llim air ah |iai .'s uf die b o.l t nnd devoloping Southwest by "a y of St. Louis? im thov hv way i f t inehimitl anil l.iniMviUa uniko cm iih -U uii foi- Ilia hushio-iHoi-utors aim ihoasun: aud health resorts oft ho South? U1 Tile kiln with lnaehincn AREYOUAWOMAN in full equ ptment and i Avno has Nor si i ; n a cofy of j . . /i • i r running order. Good p:s\- “Look at the Map.” IJMtY.y.INFi, jn,r, Two (IC. >/- <>t I iii!a(lclpliiii.; “ 1he lust niuH'lini|> & ■ <-t ii.i.t5- jkvii . i ) im»n(lil y »ur j*i.!»* ot land. Good lour r.Mju .... TosaiMw <-; six'sift SteSaiiSjleilMWjh tnuiolbr small Cans, n-’^ ' i:y lu.-S ttii;i'i-«mi : I! -h , ih* 'd i::t. r j'oa;v)n"i 16r 1 Jlk’llg U 1 -f.t to ttoim--ii. ‘i'ldi’i’•Mu.itli I’ m <• if', . VHt talif it now. Sanific m|»y lUcls,. (MlUllge. i ’ Call on W. II. Bum. Pennsylvania Lines. Do thoy ronoh tho T.ako rosorlxof Mich­ igan? [h t thoy retioh tho Jlouutaln re- norts of tho Hast? Do thoy oxionrl to tho mmoiui ocoati rosoi ( h o f tho N>w Jersey Const? IK) thoy nmkn con uortIon thronfh New York for all points in Ncw-Englaad? “Look at the I t i p Pennsylvania Lines. Are they tho only system o f railways th a t connect tho rapitnis o f Indiana, Ohio and Pennsylvania with -the Capital of the United States? Ily reason of liiolr central situation do they form (ho links th at bind together all sootmas of the United Slates? I)o they con-uiuto t< o kPont hlxliwnys hoiwoon the l-,(i ;t, West, SOrtliwcst, Southwest and South? “Look at the Map;* Pennsylvania Lines. Do they traverse populous poi Uoite of Western Feuns.vtvaniti.ohloaud Indiana, penctmUnK tee principal clues and towns of those States? Do lln v ode/ desirable faelllll. s In tho wav of F'heo, Itontcs to the residents of tnns>- stales foe social nnd com im rclal Intel i nurse? “Look at the Map.’ . rortlmaCf triiiti*, infftsef fsm. nnd detnllsJ Information rwuchng tram .crvicc, ajpiy to •nr'lleksti Agaa,. , (Io lo liuytiV rteliiunuit lor a ;{,«utl ima!, only iin1- uf«. J 1KiiALD ( L i t k . W. v , ' iv « i mi«>c, At-/sn (*. rf. r o . i,Ai.,ll.staaii i