The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

tgular work with* ;m and, If emer- e extra effort and thoufc thinking of £*. There is noth* more inexorable ss time” and' if an' d to do a certain unable to 1111the sy fellow-worker r and supply the ailures during a would stamp one unfitness' fpr tlnv so interested in an forget her own interests and pref­ ly of what she is t best, ;r must not bo too earn.' to bear crit- If you do nine- »u may receive no them, and if you rdtli you may ful- failurC will be no t a a t i s ’oneof the ;es (if work which and upon wlvieh ass judgment,’ I f ( which you fully u'piece, do not be ail to hear It com- . it all. Very possi­ ble after a while :en and that it was Jut even if it was ce, remember the full of ambitious mid rather be cpm- own masterpieces ,ire yours. Do not keep straight on, Avorlc as faithfully 1 possibly can, and 1 Avill come, very last expect it and arter whence you There is one great lgement in nows- ,-ou have once ob- Ld you can always 1 reputation gained st, capable work in g that will always m you- have once ■ou will never need work. Work will is you want i t x that is difficult, nee to begin is the lereis scarcely any erienced person to i blest situation on leAvspapers. Busy lagers can not stop . the blunders of in- not take the risks • Almost everyone n some small office his or her way up* r two promotions • id success depends i may live you Avill ugh to know it all. learning, and there of knowledge but a useful in news- ate attention and le best aids and You will bo sure to f scrap of accurate le information will turn.—Fanny M. id Home. ilim io iiv fllb I ie .^ tlie striking merit Falconer:had the i of new' aspirants ti Publisher after her nihilist- heroine nally reached the on, her dress was ircrtnnch handling. >ry Avas curious. A orhood played the flayed an air which l its its intense and She said it Avas a ir. Thereupon the horess decided to a nihilist heroine, 1 Russian books— her the most—and l published it, Mrs. ind the fortune of '* Avas made. The l as tall, with fair ninent blue eyes. TH E FIELD, Urt.KHfoK, the first tlie bar in France, i tlie highest rank en a t the Kcolc du ,-ill practice in Bu- fathcr is a banker, iris are studying in ■s of the land, and ;s to the falsity of mt the. unloveliness tivate their mental cy tlie girl-students rosy and genuinely ‘ t sense of the word, utter ignorance of i-tangents. Mental 1 health are coinpie* e girl is constantly W e e d H a iin e s , of ise exquisite photo­ in a rt circles, advo- as a profession for t woman’s congress The worlt does not th, hu t for patience, artistic eye.. Miss re is no reason why do well in photo*?- :no branches ot it, lietures, they would d even better than HOUSEHOLD BREVITIES. ■' ^-Orange Calces.—One cupful of I Uigur, one-half cupful of butter, ono- ■ liulf cupful of mlik and water mixed, I one and on,e-lialf cupfuls of flour, two eggs, one-half tcaspoonful of baking powder, the rind of au orange; to 'he frosted.—Good Housekeeping. —An outstretched fan, covered with rich, green moss and a spray of natural flowers laid out, makes a pretty center* -piece. Near the edge you may place a border of roses aud buds. The fan may be fringed with dusty miller or lillies of the valley, should be placed flat on a plate-glass mirror. —Silver Cake—Small Loaf. —1Whites of four eggs, beaten stiff; one heaping cup of sugar, one-half cup of butter, cue-half cup of milk Avitb one«hnlf tea* ■spoonful of noda dissolved in it, two even cups of sifted -.flour.with a scant teaspoonful of cream tartar sifted in. Flavor with vanillin—Detroit Free Press. \ • —To blench gutta-percha,1dissolve it in twenty times its weight of boiling benzole; add one-tenth part plaster, and agitate from, time to time. After two days’ standing decant the perfectly clear solution. Add it, little by little, .to twice-its volume of ninety per cent, alcohol, agitating' continually. The gutta-percha is' precipitated white—De­ troit Free Press. • —Potato Soup.—Three medium size potatoes', one pint of milk, one table- spoonful of chopped onion, one stalk of celery, one. tablcspoonful of butter, one even tablcspoonful of flour, oae- half teaspoonful of salt, ono pinch of pepper. Boil the potatoes until tender. Cook the celery and onion with milk in double boiler. When the potatoes are4done druin and niaslv, pour on milk and strain all. Melt butter in sauce­ pan, and when bubbling stir in dry flour and stir in soup. Cook five minutes. Serve hut; thin with hot milk.—'Christ­ ian Inquirer. —Kisses.—Beat ^the whites of four ■eggs to a stiff froth. Then stir iu one and a-half. pounds of powdered' loaf sugar; flavor with vanilla or lemon ex­ tract. Continue to boat it until it will lie in a heap.' Lay the mixture on a letter paper,-in the size and shape of half an egg,'and about au inch apart. Then place the paper on a piece of hard wood and put into a quick oven, with­ out closing the door. Watch them, and when they turn yellowish, take them out and let them cool for three or four minutes.. Then slip n thin-bladed knife under one and transfer it to your hand; then take another off, join tlie two. by the sides th a t lay on the paper aud ■place the kiss thus made on a dish.— Boston Budget. . —Cream Fish.—Pu t inadouhlo boiler a pint of milk, a blade of inacc, a.bav ' loaf, a tablespoonful of chopped pars­ ley, quarter of a medium-sized onion, and 'when all has come to a boil stir iu 'a tablespoonful of butter, Avbie'h has ’ been Avell blended Avith one of’ flour, and cook three minutes, stirring all the time. Add the yolk of two.eggs, which have been well beaten, and two -tea- spoonfuls of cold water added, stir well, put in popper and salt to taste, take from the fire and strain. Put a layer of this sauce in the bottom of a greased baking dish or individual shells, then a layer of fish sprinkled with pepper and salt, then another of fish. Tlie top should be broad crumbs, dotted with butter. Bake to a golden brown and serve in the dish or shells. —N. Y. World. t'akonmklng. One of two things, says the teacher of cooki ig, must take plaro to cause a cake to crack, “ In the# first place pastry flour only should be used for delicatj cukes—in fact for all cakes. If you use ordinary flour, which may coutain spring wheat, the cake, of course, is too thick, and tlie stanch cells in halting or cooking require more moisture Ilian they can got from the given quantity of liquids or cor­ responding materials in tlie cakes Use, then; less flour, although I should sav buv the Avinter wheat flour for cake. Theft again the oven may lie too hot when the cake goes in, or it may be placed too near an upper h ea t Ail takes should be baked at first on the floor r.f the oven. If the crust is form-d too soon, the underheafc will force the heat up. and as the gas escapes it breaks the crust and leaves, of course, the eraelc. so tha t it is either too hot an oven a t first, or the svrung kind of flour that causes the trouble.” Th" same authority prefers water to miile in those takes that are rieli with butter, ns she bstievos it makes a loaf more delicate and with a softer crust. Water, of course, in such cases must he added gradually,—N. Y, Post. New S tyles In Ja c k e ts. Many of the newly made zouave, Russian, Bolero and Eton jackets open over loose blouse vests of point do gene lace, or those of silk delicately em­ broidered in a tiny vine pattern. The hacks of all these jackets fit the form very snugly, and in most cases the col­ lar is a high Medici in velvet, but in exceptional cases there is made a very deep turnover, a l a Byron, and in this instance a Avide net and lace tie is laid beneath the collar and tied in largo loops in front, the tie matching the blouse in texture.—N. Y. Post A V ital D ifference. Wickaru—I don’t believe there is much difference between gcniifs and insanity. Vickars—Oh, yes there is a lioap. Tbs lunatic is sure &&lusboard and clothe* Indianapolis Jouril Wide Ayak* for April la * veritable Easter number. In its, pictures, in its stories, in its poems,.the Easter spirit predominates. This April number is quite as acceptable a remem­ brance a t the Easter season as the con­ ventional card or booklet. Mcynclle's frontispiece, “Easter Day," Burgess’ full-page “Easter Lily," Garrett’s stir­ ring crusading picture, are fitting ac­ companiments to Miss Poulsson's charming verses, “The Flowers’ Easter Message," to Miss Burstow’s delightful “Story of an Easter Hat," and to El- bridge S, JJrooks’ spirited Easter Day ballad of crusadicg days, “Prince Ai- inerie’s Amulet." Mrs. Lewis’ descrip­ tion of the “Easter-Tree,” and the day’s festivities in 'Germany, Miss- Amanda B. Harris' .delightful story of “How Easter came to the -little Nuremberg Maids,” and another sketch in the "Fair Harvard Scries, “The Holy Coat of Treves’’ by Kenneth McKenzie are timely. Miss Cocke contributes a capi­ tal war-time story- of Southern life, “Tlie Romance of a Calico Gown;” Tu­ dor .Tenks, a characteristic : wonder story, “Christopher’s-‘At Homo,’ " and Lieut.-Col. Thorndike, a stirring ac­ count of a flight “Out of Paris by Bal­ loon." ' D. Lothrop Co., •Boston, Pubs. £0 cents a number, 62.40 a your. l’urlflr.-itlon o f /W ater by Metalllo .Iro n . MetftUic'iron,' in the form of either cast iron borings or steel punchings, is placed in a cylinder so arranged that by a slow rotation tho iron may be con­ tinuously showered'through the Avater. which is being passed at a moderate speed through the same cylinder. The chemical action consists in great part in tho conversion of tho. iron into fer­ rous carbonate, -through the agency of the carbonic acid, which partly dis-r solves in tlve water and' partly remains, suspended in' the form of dark green turbidity. On exposure'to air the iron is converted into ferric hydroxide, settling rapidly, carries down Avith it and oxidizes the organic matter. Tho fln'cculciit sediment permits of rapid aud perfect filtration through a simple sand'fil ter. ' For evidence of its success and efficiency it is only necessary to point to the continued successful use of tlie process at Antwerp. Dordrecht, Paris, Nancy and other places.—Scien­ tific, American. ' A re Von In te re ste d In the progress of the World’s Fair? If so, and you desire to form an idea of the work being performed and tho grandeur and .magnificence of its conception tvhon com­ pleted, send n two cent stamp to Mr. F. H. Lord', General Passenger and Ticket Agent of tlie Chicago, St. Paul & Kansas City Railway, Chicago, 1)1.. and a valuable and handsome souvenir will-bo sent lo yon by return mail, giving you u full View of thu buildings under construction^, the di­ mensions of each and. iota’ cost niul area of same, besides otiier usetul information; - Yot. will never offend anyone by ridieul- . ing the average man, for the reason thnt everyone who hears you thinks ho is above 'tho-average. Firo! Tirol T h a t llro.ulful Cry • Is fraught with Import doubly dlro to tho unhappy man who beholds his dwelling: or his warehouse feeding t.hc flavourin')? ele­ ment tnijnstircd. Happily most uoople who can, Jttsuro •.everything but. health. Nine- tent hs of us neglect thepiosetV-aUon of this when It is in palpable jeopardy. Incipient Indigestion, liver complaint:, Ja grippe, in­ action of the kidue.tH ami bladder and malaria are nil counteracted by JUostettcr'ff Stomach U1tiers. ■ -**•*•- AWAi.uiwi-it vt is most convenient. It is noCmve-sarv'tn run after it when thu wind tills it oil.—Picayune. Tho s'liacttin Indian K n r t vat'ioil In South Daiiota will bvopened to settle­ ment cm or abo,.t April loili, lMW This reservation c impi i-i s someut the choicest lands in Baliot-i for fanning and sheep- raising t'lirposes. For detailed information udd e-s W. Iv Powell.(!i tv,r.HImmigration Agent. Chicago. MiiWimneo to St, Paul, Chicago, lli. IlrMASiTr appears lo be voty unequally' dn idl'd between those who cant stand prosperity aud luo'.cw’ho eau t get imyto stiaitl—liiujlunitv ii Leader. Tim man who registers at a hotel at night can be said to be on the retired list.—Texas .Siftings. Tnr. bald man is generally admitted to be very clear-hi a le.l. W pev dries a man shave with a silver rare .' - When lie c its e.Cr Ills heirs with a shtilin;;. - Once n Week. C lose quarters —The misers. AL arge Snowdrop.—An avalanche. Ir is an aggravation for a hungry tramp to find only a fork in the road.-—Texas Sift­ ings. * __ ^ I.ovr. without uiun; y tins been cynically compaictl toa pair of sltinv leather bouts without soIc3.- Texas KiRings. V* hacks Hjjurc-s-’llie rural pedagogue. F ee S imple .— a fee to a quack,- N ome but tho bravo deserve the fair and none but the brave can Hvo Avith some of them.—Hazleton Sentinel, I t is the provinro of a Aviso man to boar poverty with equanimity. Yot: don’t hear anyone threatening to Irnock tho spqts off mo sun.—Pittsburgh -Chronicle. _____ A man on tho footpath of tho Brooklyn bridge can beat the ferryboat It is a walk­ over for him.—Picayune. W e mipposo it is not, inappropriate to re­ fer to a banquet in which avo are about to S artfcipato as gorgeous. —Binghamton icndor. I p you would know tho value of money, go and try to borrow some, for bo iliauroes a borrowing goos a sorrowing.— I ranklin. S omehow lt”coinos"#nniurnl to the hum­ blest man to say “ thov" when speaking of wicked people, und “wo’’AVhen lio talks of tho faithful and good.—AtchisonGlobe. W e often boast that wo are novel’ bored, h u t yot we aro so conceited that wo do not perceive how oftenwe boro others.-—Roche­ foucauld. brATE mi O hio , Cirr op T oledo , l , L i ' cas C ountv . (** F iux ic J. C henev makes oath thnt he is the senior partner or tlie Him of F, J. C iienev &Co.; doing business in tho City of Toledo; County uiid Binto aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tho sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo eared by the uao of H all ' s C ataiiiih Cuitn. _ , , F rank J. C henkt . Sworn to before me mid subscribed in my presence, tills iith day of December. A. D. 1880'. ' iH i AW'olE# r Hall's Catarrh Cnro is taken lnternafiy and (WltLI lllMAAtlll AM.tll/l LI a /,/1AM<1 __ igg^Sold by Druggists, 73c. O ne of tlie m ost p e rsiste n t forces in na­ tu re is the needle, Avhich alw ays carries ..a point and alw ays has an oyo o u t fu r busi­ ness.—Lowell Courier. T h e Now R o u te to Colorado. First-Class Sloop!ng Cars —Eleotrio Lighted—run daily between Chicago, Oma- ha. Lincolr. and Denver, via the Short Line of tho Chicago, Milwaukeo & St Paul R’y —Chicago to Omaha—and tho Burlington Route—Omaha to Lincoln mid Deuver. Loavo Chicago 0:00 i\ m ., arrive Omaha next morning, Denver secondmorning for breakfast, face and hands washed, ready for business or pleasure. Time und money saved. ,A1LCoupon Ticket Agonts in the United States ami Canada sell tickets via the Chicago, Milwaukoe & St Paul H'y, or address Geo. H. HeatTord, General Pass, and Ticket A g t. , Rand-McNally Building, Chicago, 111. ■ Yo0 can never know liow high a value a man puts upon lumsclf until he sues a rail- road, company.for $3,000 damages for the loss of one finger.—Baltimore American. T he Only One E ver P rin te d—Can You F ind th e Word? There is a 3 inch display advertisement in this paper, this Avcck, Aviiich has no two words alike except one word. The same Is true of each new- one niupcaring each ivcek, from The Dr. Harter Medicine Co. .This house places a “Crescent" on everything they make and publish. Look for it, send them tlie name of tho Avord and they will return you hook, beautiful lithographs or Bumplca free. T he only way to win in an argument with a woman is to Avalic oft when vou have stated your side of i t —Atchison Globe. T h e Skill and K now ledge Essential to the production of tlie per. feetnnd popular laxative remedy known, havo enabled tho California Fig Syrup Co. to achieve a great success iu tho reputation of its remedy, Syrup of Figs, as it is con­ ceded to ba.tlia universal laxative. For sale by all druggists. N otwo vegetables aro exactly alike, but one oMlon bears a strong resemblance to another.—Washington Star, / Is it sensible? Is It reasonable? Is it economy, to Huger yourself uml worry o th e rs with a hoadncho Avlieu Brodycrotine Avill relieve you in fifteen m inutes. It-costs' only fifty cen ts a bottlo. 30 cents. T he smart men nf tho-world are those who put tlie shoulders of others to tho Avhecl —Macon. • Fort TnnoAT D iseases , Cormis, Coins, etc , effectual relief is found in the use ot ‘'(tniwii’aMioiicJilal Troc/if*," Price 23 ets. Sold only in bates. Sn.nxcE'is golden. Tho gas-meter never says a word.—Binghamton Leader. Six D ollars to C hisago. The Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton R. R, announce a reduction of the fare between Cincinnati and Chicago to six dollars. This rate vnow in effect, and in purchasing tic' AU to the World'a Fair City seo that *ney read via the G, 11, & I)., the Pullman Safety Vestlbuled Line, Avith Dining Cars. I t Is well for the small man to practise until ho knows how to apologize gracefully. —Somerville Journal. A dose in Time Snven Nine of Hale’s Honey of llorcliound und Tnr for Coughs. Pike’s ToothacheDropsCure in onominute. T ime in inpnoy, but certificates .of deposit in tho penitentiary are not in demand.—N. Y. Herald.. _ ' T he progress of science in medicine uus produced nothing better for human ills than tho celebrated Beeeham's Pills. T he minister’s study—how to make both ends meet—Life, ^ 's r a y E p o u s t l ......................................................... -lUlant.Odor-1 less. Durable, and the consumer pays for no tin I or glass package-with every purchase. Patents!Pensions Bendfor Inventor’*GuideorHowtoObtalu*.Patent. SendforDigest of I’KftrtlON bh .IMOUNTV’ LAWftw PATRICKOTARRELL, - WA8HXHQT0H, 2>< 0. •V.NAKSTHIS,PAPtA««Hy«%•ymvrita 0 _. ■ and nobodaffooU.Strictlyconfidential* «rlUH«TU1SFATXAawryItaMjMmi*. O b s t in a te B lo o d. H um o r . IHADTERRIBLEECZEMA in bed six months at a time—body and limbs swollen and scaly like a dead fish. The itching was terrible, and finally LOST MY SIGHT. Aftertreatment by five physicians; and other remedies without relief, 1 took S. S. S . and it cured , me . My skin is soft and smooth, and tlie terrible trouble is all gone.—R. N. M itchell , Macon, Ga. ‘ I know the above statement to be true.—S. S. II armon , Macon, Ga. I was for some time troubled with an obstinate RASH OR HUMOR, that spread over my faceand breast. I consulted physicians, and used,many remedies without a cure. At the suggestion of a friend I used.Swift’s Specific, which completely'cured me. . This was two years ago, and I have had no return of the trouble.—E.H. W ells , Chesterfield, Va. S , 3 . S . ^ the safest and best remedy for all troubles of the Blood and Skin. It curesdiy removing the cause, and at the same time builds up the general health. Send for our Treatise, mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga, Every Woman is an Unbeliever. She can’t believe, can do so much. She hears that everybody is using it; finally she tries it. It does all she’s heard of; it saves all that she’s been told. She takes comfort in using it. But She can’t believe that 80 much safely. She consults those who have used it for years. She finds - that P^arline has been tested and proved in a hundred ways; that it's harm­ less to hands or fabric ; that it’s as safe as good soap. Then /\^ She can’t believe |*£ % Ci*. out it. She has less to do, she gets more done—and it’s all done better. Her clothes last longer—they're -not rubbed to pieces. Her housework is easy; her time is her own. She be lieves in P ear line , and tells her friends about it— (that’s the most effective kind o f advertising). Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers Avill tell you, “ tills is as good as" or “ the same as Pcarlinc,” IT'S FALSE- imitation, be honcst- _ Pearlme is never peddled, il your grocer semis you. an ■send it hath, 310 JAMES PYLE, New York, William" McKoeknn, Hruggist at Bloomiflgdale, Mich. ” 'I luu*e had the Asthma badly over since I came out o f the army find though I have been in the drug business for fifteen years, und have tried nearly every­ thing on the mnrket, nothing has given me the slightest relief until a few months ago, when X used Bo- schce’s German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev­ ed during the day and at night go to e I ccd without the least trouble.” ® Xleala th e Sores, B w to re i T aato an d B ind], am i Cure* C a t a r r h Gives Itclluf a t once for Cold m Jlunu. I Atmhtinto the A'otlrilt .— — It it Quietly Abiwrltd. _______________|& 0 c. l)rugyliiUor by mall. ELY IlUCB., 66 Warren fit., N.Y. ATTENTION,WORXINGMEN! n A I «r»» a IV 1 - f to BETTER Y H’ K CONT'lttON’ IF SO, OVTUKB - D O Y U U W A I M I UP YOI'R FAMILY AND OUTFIT AND COME TO 1 & & THE > ONLY TRUE IRON TONIC Will piiriry BLOOD, rojnifitfi K IDNEYS, remove I.IVKB Uisor k r. liullil Mrc-nstn, renew appetite, restore luaiiSi imil vliriirurymitlt. D j ApPixl.l, lG<iiKcsti«tt,tiiattireiu< u* lna an.eluielycfailleatcili Mind l>rI k I<i c n 1. Lhiltt ____ c.iwer ln c rc o sc -d , lion<«, tiervet. nuis- clesl, receive new f<rce. unfferlnR I t mil complaints pe­ culiar tu their sex, uslupll. find _ _ _ _ _ _ a safe, speedy cure, ■Ketnrns rose bloom on chocks, beautifies Com plexion, Sold everywhere. All ycmilno poods boar “ Orewent.” Send u*a cent stamp forS 2 -pago pamphlet. DR, HARTERMEDICINECO.. St. Lolilt. Mo. RUMELY"«« 1 TRACTION AND PORTABLE |>r W m T h r e s h e n s a n d Horse Powers. i^ H B w r ttp for Illustrated CatAlocue, mailed Free. M. RUMELY CO., LAPORTE, IND- WrXAUKTHISrAfEIU.M.tin, *tM. NGINES R IV ER IM P R O V E M E N T C O . (the frepriMi.;;! ( f i l e T- ■*, U t wijlI m.l you eia-b v» h n r . d |. i :i« -.,,u may nt e<! atnl perr.n; v a to Juv l . n l :h 'ruir! 12(1 to 1 .»0 monthly install- m i . s u l th i1. jn»ta Iment r.o birytr than a rer.l'U ot wieli a prom-tty vouM hi*. The official r(m ,rto i t.m City Stat stu-iar. shows tqiwardM t-f .".MX) baud'! ( nijdio.eil In tiiu various industrial nr-.i Hi !*[vr;- coni err s. » l.trye nnmfier i f niMilu ;.il en:.:( rns will bo located tills season-- li.jpy of tu a i en.p'.iiyiL^a *.ar,-o tiuniber of lo iim ic hands YouWillFINDthisthe BESTOWNinAmericaloGROWUPWITHI J . !. BASE THRESHING MACHINE CO. 9 Ironsides “Agitator” Threshers.. TRACTION lEL -A -OX ISnE I, W I S . , MANUFACTUKEKS OF ( d in g e e ) WoodUurj Powers, TreadPowersand SawFramss, SwingingStraw Slackers Selffenders and . BandCutters, Portable-SawMILS, AND SKID ENGINES. PORTABLE C A T A L O G U E S E N T F B 1 3 B arHAXEnils raraa mv T O A N Y ^AJDUXLKSH. $50.00 A hrlRht, enerMtle msn or f woman wanteil to take tho I .a le n .r n r y fornftnrllelo that le n e e je d ln ev ery home and imll*pcn«p,- hln^lti e v e n omM'* AT SIMMT, In town or country. 8 7 0 0 in t*odays and aaie»dy.liieomn afterward. A "Itonutw*, fo: Hoi rlnlilrerdm. GAOd inb'i wro nrnreo _und noon tn h e n . Wtiieal i'n/t. 1, \V. .IlnniiKor, H oi-in.neld, Ohio, AND TliMOKS CPHEOl. no knife: floo* Ftt*s, ; l>r*. .Ja»Ttd:iv & Noiiatf, . _______ _______tea Elm at., citjoicriati,©. |*Af Urwafreuwrit*. RCUC intlC fincAtlMo’dlpps 63T<<?for In* f*Cn«Hwl1v f n*r\-5FX[.i‘rW tHr> St tttWIHfKKdrMWS, *jr\\A'2£';mj vaxuuuii tw>t i WEEK! GANGER 38300333 <!on*ninptlvea and people | who have weak lunaaor Aath* nni.ahonlduao I’isO'aCurafor I Consurnptlon. It ha* enred thonannda. ft has not Iniur | ed oho. It I* not had to take,. It is the hes*. ccuiRli eyrup. Sold everywhere. **c. CONSUMP , TfON , _A .N .K .-E . ■........... "wHEN IvVlITlNH TO ADVEftTisEKS PLEAAR state that yaa mw ik e AdT*rU§em«xt h i IU« ■•SWA"