The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21

YrOL. 13 T H E SATURDAY, FFAHVUARY 13. ’92 tV. If. JU j A I ^ lidllor tmd Profit p a t e s S 1 ,3 3 PER AWNUM. FOR HALE—A dwelling house of 1Ontoms loc:ttoil on X en ia Avenue; For particulars call a t this office. CEDAIiVILLE, OHIO, SATURDAY,; FEBRUARY IS, 1892 , J NO./ •) 4+* •!«»!! I< rion. Music,. *‘Il;iFitig Tlo^-for l ’r<fit,” S. H , Todd, DiKvgwiiqg open­ ed by J . I I . Laokev, Ross* E p :m * u .—-Music, “ Public Edu­ cation /’ W. O, Thompson, 1). I)., President ’Miami .UnivoiMiy. Mtudc, ‘il L* maj t-, ujwu “ Wanted—A Man/" Waldo - F. i ro!io,.“liou Brown, * T hursday M orning . —■Music. Prayer by’R e r. Steele, Alpha. Wheal Su lk ,’’ Waldo F , Brown. Dis­ cussion opened by Walker Sou, Xeuia, .Music. "and Taxes/’ S. F . Woodward, Bath, Discussion. “ Howfto.Avoid Many Todd. Discussion 'M image licenses; Outs Harrier Hattie Compton; Camden Shadley - t and Mary Ofinor;-John B B rw c r a n d , ,seailefe/ 5, „ , __ . . Kmm»A Summers James' Ilob c l, 1“P0,110'1V 1 a3Kr tV '0' Xc"m, f . v' and Issit Jusen. ' c | A fternoon . - M usic . “ Weeds,” ....- 'W aldo F . Bnrivni Discussion opened Misses Elsie. .Jones and Blanche Collette, o f the O. S.„and 8.>0.' home, aceompaned Mrs,'- Winns home' Inst Saturday evening and spent the .Sab­ bath guests pf Dr. Oglesheo and wife. An-unmarked grave in Talladega’, ‘ ue tr which an ,.iron furnace has re­ cently been greeted, contains. Hie re­ mains of 1b soldiers who were killed in the battle o f Talladega,* in which Gsn. Andrew. Jackson fought against the Creeks. , . . ■ he/eau,shine with any of the dudes how for he has his ‘work done hythe “ White B tur’Laundry,” MreBaui’l GMbreath .A g t.,' Work sent Wednesday of eaeh week retnftied Saturday. Leave orders at StOrmont & c o . . ‘ . ■■ by J . W. Collett, Spring Valley, P a ­ per, “ The Farmer’s Home,” Mrs. J . Q. Coraos. Music. “.Washing Sheep Before Shearing,” S . H . Todd. Dis­ cussion opened by J . H . Brotherton. All persons attending are requ ited to1register, so that an accurate report o f the mi tuber present may !> j made. a ~ n ~ o RDINX n U i f ‘ A Leapycar mid, snrprise pnrty was' given at the home of Mr. Robert Breado * on last' Friday c About-, Dv^gty-Jjyc couples were present from . Xenia, Springfield: Coes Station and Cedar’ville, ladies preformed their part to pre- feetiou and all enjoyed themselves. The party was .sjgeh, a „-, bucccss , that they will try another, one’stmn; . OjyE Of' THE NUMBER. , Tim J°1’ 1,1 luita Spring Valley, §7t)0.-\ Tlios I I Adams to Cbaa L Lomnek, 125 sq rods, SilveVcreek’, $160. Russtdf Dayf^dm&.to James Elam, 103a, Xenin,'$5,()80: *'<■ * / CaroljneXleiger to ‘Field Cordage Co.'SjxdrticfsTn Doe,Andrew jPausts. add to Xeuia^ $5,000. James -Elam 'Jo‘ .. a- u- 90. tvSprrn’ To Regulate aud Provide tor the Con­ struction and Repair of Side­ walks in tlm Incorporated Vil­ lage o f Cedarville, and to Repeal. Certain Ordinances Therein . /Named. * ■ Section* i ! —15o it iirjiunuj by tho council of tho inttifjMjiUtuJ village of Cuitarvillu that all flRfclvulkrtberifBlfcejrwuHtrilcted or repairs! in this village, alluil bo uouJlructud or r.qmiirud in uecortluuoo willi tlio pruviaiona of min ordt- iuviicu, Section” .—Thill nil fliijuwalks in this villago shallwWonrt. tu.lho giitnbJlabctl grjijiu, of luo s im t UF& tvliich tliuaftiiio'. eoaamict- til, mid^ltajl biivo » uniiornily dfuilient of not more tliun oiio U»li nor less tlnm bAu fourth of uu iMt'ii pcr io.t train tho Cuibing to tho line aim. n.i lot- or jinrccta o*' laml, Sonml, lu'rio.i hriu’c n.all bj u»ol in i ,cir ennui u.’iion or repair, itml no ,other .niafiiriulD efintl bo u«cd iii tiio o instruction or repair of' mud sh!eivi>lk«, in jiarticular inelaniiPH, the eouutil, by I'e.nilotion, titticrivi^o direct,' ■ t ho payiug brick liereiu described I tiol.-U opou a bi'l of i Sen,, i-o.iij ,< “,i;ia, not Uie timn firu iuolioa deep, anil shall bo 'completely covered irith si{nii so as to lilt nil erovue's und joints; unit shall bo trjrlnd kritb all flairs less than deep ami . , , „ ....... ill bo uni- fonoeiy lour ipebos thick at the tup,and tho same tiiickmijis forpio dojitii of lour Iiictiud lioru tne top, and slmlryho slruiplitliiiiltiauiiuer dressed ou'tho upper gitooiiml lo jointed lor th« uls- tanco of ai leiiyV tpn iuched lroui the top-down. I lio brick sh stljbo laid din-onally pi a good anil vfcrkMimffiSb'iuanner on a smooth, even bed uf fluid. *■ ' Section ;i;—-tlie curbing constitutes » part of .(ho sillswalk. Ail.sidew’aiks constructed on streals shall bo of tbu width of 0, H, and 10 feet a^.iliesojuncil may direct. . * ^Secljifli d«—1Wbcisofer the conacil declares by '^bl*w»lhor sidc- or repairedj the and delfvOT Acma Kiuy. . * **/ > h' Hheritio B Xesbitt»-lt»tT3 3rd all SX cn ia /S l-tiV ', - *<u , ----- ---- -’•"’[y.t^rbs The’folltrwlng w theBrograinmo of, the Greene.county Fuftnera In'^itute; to be heW in tho^operA’ house. ***XeUia WetlneetlRy and* Thursday, ^Feb Lf and 18lh. Froip./fWill be seen '.'that/ indorsed tlici’ei;!! signed by tat; officer »cr- “in fiaino, forthwith to the viiisgf okfa who file and preserve the aiui record such sUtrh ujiou the ordhianco records of this o ia m . unU,cr.t,lc hc*d of "Uc::“ra of Soiic**/' s l,w i«hii irn h lv ItdSiMRi ijcreju provided for that the proper psraA/o. tho lots Or pareels’ot land deaerioed in iauWcwllitloil*, is a non-resident and cannot jHSrioffipatiy served, or that either such owner _ .Uf>r hiSAgent can bn found, cause the eamo to tbAv 'JsfpubQwed for one week, in some newspaper n Cedarville t^wn*JdpJ« *tb Tie .ttefc'rcf twwn on botU^nden^of the tariff ques­ tion: ”• •* \ Wtfdnetiday tnofning, a t 10 o’clock, !>r*yer by Bev. Dudley; “ The When and tlieHow in Farming,” Waldo F, Brown, Oxford; Discusmon opened by E. J* Williarafton, Beavercreek; Music. “Hindrances to Bheep Raising in Ohio and bow to avokl item ,” 8. H. Toad, of Wftkematr, Olio.; Discussion opened by Dr; J . W. Pollock, Oodar- ville, AKTEKifooy—Music; Inmdan- tal Profits of the Farm,” Waldo f . Brown, Oxford; Discussion opened by J . B. Camming*, Gsieereteek. * Mu­ sic. Paper, “How Farmers *nd La­ boring Men are Benefitted by the Tariff/1K. F. Kerr. No dlecussioB.'j Paper, “Would Farmers end Labor­ ing Men be Beaefftted by Free Tredef' Fsoar Bredftii. Ha dkeus- il;< <f ow» iiii'Ii to ii ty iV‘ t und bu .-;* i iftiiw tiio v.nil ii, gmiliiust,a’rui ehnrae- (cr o! tno p«ipu;>cu iwprovemcnjv . ; Section 0,—1’I k * eciiistruniioif. hhd rojtaU'vhf all Bid»vriilks Um-nftw countfuclfsid or y-qialred m this vain;,;.' njusll 'ii ■ luiiler.ihoifkpi'rvMnfl of tao strict .omuaUeo or tliestr«ft''e,iiH0Jis»i<hl'' er os tin? vil!,'i,.v fiiunril iiiiiy «i|\Sct,'W^bSeiiuty the.latopifiui: of* Huy in tldw ordihiiintso, sot tho iiw ' c .- j , ii , dud propor cts|$^s,,s«|SdOi. sn-; tterviao and oversee stieii conslttrijtioiiit}'repftie, • Provided the street eoimmtteoWor street euiu-J missiorur sbull enuso any dangerous defect in! t «< \ any siduiva'lk to bo repaired in wcctH'daiiob With t •■ i w‘l*Ui>u2»R« of <lmrelist<1stiitUtCaiot- tdiio, the ■ > ' total cost of trUiob iv oe. .ohuvgcd-Uf any oao ....... ,j parcelot land (and.the nb'nttiag land ntiwnatlo I IV llimm- j ;iu-y , uv(i deteels is lartiby mil! “ E q u a liz a tio n mUvostj.hnn u«jI wwed' BV a - such other sum ns may bo fixed by statute in that behalf,' ■ - Meetu.mi'.-^tiiimediiUcly aftesthe ejcjiiKitton of tho time limited in euoli reso)il,t5»n, for the making of any such iiiiprov»ui(?i(t sai;d street committee, or street •'uimnissiouer «hult report in writing to the coutieil w|iat ;lf *lij'< of tliO owners ol'hounding or fthulting property have failed'to make the improvemeril required, and' Bliulint tfiesama timo return nd Isstimutd core?-, lolly made, ot' the number vf eahit; jards of ex- Ruvution. tint number of sijmh I' o ytii'tls of piivoinont. tho number o n ia e a r icot ol tmi'hiiiK required in reHtlCrit *>fCstcli lot o r parcel of laud whose owner nr iiwuefs luisor have so, faiioil to im­ p a ir lira or tiicii' portion ol any aueli siuoivalk. Whereupon th e ccduk'U siiall in ak j an estim ate ot the cost und expoiise of furiiiahiug-- the' m iuisiio- inatorinl for, and periViriniug the work of kuo I i tequirctl liuptiiVcioont na to eaeli le t drptireol of lam l whoso oivuer 6f owtierejM* or havo attfiiildd to make. .iUcli iinproveynont.s, and slinll. oy or- dunutee. usaeits under tinIfiuHniteWR of* dlid uehordfug to law, alien eBUinatod cdatjin.d exjienso iipmi uto. i.uui*; either ucumdiug to foot—Iroqt or valuation ami u.x tuts time (n o t uvnfvr Uiiriv davn limn ilia publication ol sii.i-b ordlnnuce) for tiio pilyinent tlit-ro olf. 'Within tint umo no itxod, tn« proper owner aim II p ay the amm int so . into tup viuiigo tre a su ry . * If ndp ir asse-t-nittHi be tifnde ttiHnirilhigtiCvatuaffoir.ttoconnc for th e purposes of tne iuimo, siiafi fix the vmue o ftim lots notnasiewaed fdp tax alien and of th e lands liotstdH lI videJ in­ to lots involved, If any aoo riling to law the.Village clerk ahull thereupon mall; or caused to bo delivered, td such rlolin- qtieur.ow nerorow nors <u‘each such lot or purcet of land, if tltolr residence i)o known, a htatciueutsbow in^tlieam ow iit o fsu eh estim ated cost and expciiM) so dfsiossod iigliii st t he same arid the timo wUUiif which X is iUreotert to b'O paid In to thfeAfOitsnvy o f tnitv vi;id>(#tand shall H im head ot nutioen in th -jirnpor place, the time and munner of giving such *notice. In i asoany sdcivddUnqnorit osyn- «r or uwuors Mhiill fail t-t pay' into the village HMOdiry the amoiud of such assessment witldn tho timoproa-ribobysuch assessment ordinance, too village cierk shall certiiy Ui« same, witblti the limi- tatioasof iasy, to the auditor of orecne emins v,Ulna; mgi ihiJt with the vnlnui* ionjjxcd aniiforinaiji, if any, by sain couiieil, to ne piaC'-d. with the lawfol penalty, ttpoa the tax list to be collected und credited, »*■provided bylaw,. section 8.—And whoa snub assess- meuta shall heoolIoeU'U.a heti.oi through tlieeou.nty uuthoiiiies ?ir otherwise, tin- »Mine shall be paid into the inno-ury of the village to the erediLof the sidewalk fund, which is here i»y created,* and *to be applied to tiio payment ter the, bn* provenioiitodo Tailingto no made, aiid for no other pyi'pivailT 'provided, t(iAhe csist' ofyny witch i.mprov meat as to anv l o t or parcel of-himl exceed the limit assessable ngpliist the naiiiwby law, the exm-ssshalf beimlil out ot the linul crest- td fergeijeral inipiovemi-nts, * se-lion Si,—*1liu marshal ujuilt serve any notice herein required upon the requestor tiio cftsrk tir major of tills village, * ' Stuti ,o 10.—'Pho oraiaiu ‘0 esUltled on nidinauoo t >regulates aiial provide for tiro const ucilou of side Walks In thi.» rlllage pasrtcd on the eight day of (let., 18S?tie- and the same U hereby reiiealed. diction. ll,--.T h ism illcnee »liall take otfeetteii days after Its fli<»t legal pub* lieuilon. ’ - ■ . , I'tisued on-thefith.davof l<eb„ 1892. 'Lirrimn I’ou Nar,i:v. ■Mayor of the Incorporated Village of Cerlnrvllie, Ohio, , -Attear, Ur, It, tORttBSOK, Clerkof saltl V illage, ffl n(A tqtt 111 W ilcox & S o ^ s . DEPARTMENT S f 0 f E : A ls o one- o f the L A R G E S I 5 A®,- and most O O M P L S T S - stores in this section, whe re Y O U w i l l F I N D - DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ♦ C L O T H IN G ,^ Boots . Carp© and O il C lo th H X-. dp ,?< V niq qriqqelqifce, q{ IB IC E S flqqt BEFY eOMFETIONi. In all our WINTER GOODS, we aic uialving DEEP CUT PRICES. Wo must make room lor the Mammth spring Stock, which will soon be on hand. C ( > M E > V . 1 X X > 'S E I B : T J & ■ . ■ c: W ILCOX & S 0 N% r - : ' sh i ir p s block , J A 'M E S T O W R , O . .puoiishSjl sad of general circulation la tliU yihage, Hlioald there be no newspaper pub;be* ed- iu eaid village (ben said not!?* shall b ) pablished in some nt*s{>aper published in Oreon*County*nd ifr^enerce/ircualtion in this Village. 8«di rcBoturioa shall ejiecify the width of the eldewxlk tube constructed or repaired, the gradient thereof aad the material to bo used therefore, the portion eitch owner Se (o make ami tlmtime (which shall not be tees then that 1limitedby law) within which (he same shall be t-ompleied, The delivery of a certified espy of each resolution, nttdef the hand and seal of the Mayor, to the person Ofpereons to be noti­ fied, shall l>eettflicleiit notice by him, provided, if thecourted dvem it necessary to construct or repair a sidewalk on one side only of atiy street or alley, with proper crossing* from one side to the other* the resolution shall so specify an* t designate the ptoses and character *f Sueh crossings, in which ease notice as aforesaid efialf be given the ownvr or owners of the lots and lauds bounding or abulling on both tides «f sMehstreet es alley, <8*«tt«n h*»*Tbe etnet eommlselener er the Streeteommltfoe, shall forthwith, en the ndep. lion ef any su«h reflation, ptepat e and ttans- eribe in the Record beek of (MevillageAtt aocn. rate plat (if the eameshall net haveUen pml- owsjybeen deneief the Wfo and hutde beawd- lag er nbttWng nprnethe latprevement eentoai- g ated therein' and apon task let or pMee) of ad he shall deetgaate la peiesll the valkadow thereof nadthe nameeftheowner, Baeh)M( •f ■i amnigrniiasiKesuBtiaaaiiaiai I f you want it good lunch or -n qrinro mon! go to BnydV ».m! fry him once i. i 3*c«fs2isaisaci W lilc lt M tafiP \ Which State borJcrs on ■eight States?1Look it up on the ma]> and Answer—quick. Fifty Prizes for first fifty correct answers, also, to 60th, 70th, <fcc,, Up to two hundred. (Jon- test closes March.5th, nt noon. With answer send 30 cents for a ytar’s Sub* seription to tho new 6 page m'oithly juvenile paper, The Youths* Cabinet, and premium book, “Black- Benuty,* This plan is taken to introduce the Cabinet, which will go Along when once started. You want the paper anyway, if you don’t come iu for a prize. Sample copied free.’ Y ouths ’ C abinet , D oyi . estown , O, Spring repair work At Murray’s har- ness shop. » Go to Boyd’s restaurant for a good meal, only 25 cento. Frcrii cakes and bread, a t the ba Icary.- J aoor B r n t r a • Buy ypur fresh and suit meats . at the old reliable moat store ot C. W. Crouse. Best cignra'iu town' ut Ben Mtidg- ways* , . * New styles in box writing pn]>cr at Ben Ridgiioy’s. Choice candies at Ben Ridaway's. Blank liooks and and account hooks at Ben Ridgway’s. Graham Flour at Bull’s Window Glass and Putty atBulPs? The finest line of fresh and salt ' meats hi the county at C. W. Beau’s Buy yotlr winter boots of Stormont nud Co. Smoke Wright’s Cigars, for sale at Bull’s. .vvV. .I'iew crop Currants, at Git vy ’ h , Buckwheat Flour at G uay ’ s . Rolled Avena, Wheat, Oatmeal, (Cracked,Wheat, ExceMotyPearl 1W- Iley» G ray ' s . Teas, Collies, Cigars and Tobacco, !,1> ,, • •’ G Soup, Starch, Lye and Bines, nt G ray ’ s . Wood and Willow ware at G uay ’ s /New crop California Prunes, nt G hvy ’ s . New crop California Peaches, nt » G uay ’ s , New prop Holguin, at G uay ' s , Crackers, Ginger Snaps and Recep­ tion Wafers', nt * G rvy jftta n d tty Uxeanu fiM fi v i a 1‘e n n s y lV A a ia b i a e f o tii* Lamp chimneys and. coal Ben Ridgwny’s, oil »Tickets nt one fare for the found trip between any two stations on tii* Cincinnati Division from O o I uk V ji nt i»ad Springfield to Cincinnati i l l u ­ sive will be sold by the .P. 0 . C, ot Jst. L. Ry. Co, on each Sunday until Mil to il K e y s lm s r e - j further notice during the aumtu of moved his shoe shop t*< hi« 1891 —-----— Ibovr T ry T h in . Itwl II cost you nothing a i t w:‘ ; surely do yop good, if y,«i imve g any trouble wills uiigs. D.*, iting’4 Now Discovery tor Cons t n,»ite» Cotighs anti Colds is gaara.t e<d i s give reliefi Or money #111 .?• r idd back, Sufibrers from La *rit>i>o found It just tho thing and u uler i t » usa lmd a speedy aud perfect r • ’f ry a sample bottla a t our. , • and leartt for yourself just h i a thing It Is. Trial bottle ii. G, lUdgeway Drug Store, sire 50c, and $1,60. • nowroom next to iho Nos bet property oh Main st. where he will b e g l a d to | °1' “ have all customers call. Cash paid for fur at B. L. Walker. ’ I f yod Want a stylish livery rig &s to Boyd’s, Go to Charlie Smith for a shave. Hard, and Soft refined Sugars at G ray ’ s , Hard aud Soft Refined Sugar, a G ray ’ s , >vei'j > ,n*i« t . V' Ufo