The Cedarville Herald, Volume 13, Numbers 1-21
INWOMAN’S BEHALF. MRS. HENRY WADE ROGERS. Tlio U<wil Work »u Intelligent Woman In lining for Chicago. The plan fpr organizing women and children, in the interest of cleanliness ami good order in Chicago against the opening of the World's fair had its in ception with Airs, H en ry Wade Rogers. Mrs. Rogers, wife of President Rogers, of .the North western university is chairman of the the municipal order committee of the woman’s branch, World’s Auxiliary Congress. Her successful' efficiency since her appointment ns chairman of this committee has clearly demonstrate ed her eminent fitness for the position, 1 1 would indeed be difficult to find a woman who by natural selection and education is so admirably equipped to successfully carry forward the difficult . and important work. * Mrs. Rogers is the daughter of Rev. John Ogden Winner and granddaughter of Rev, Isaac Winner, D. D., of the Methodist church. She is a,native of New Jersey and a graduate, of Penning ton seminary. In addition to iler work at this school she lias taken a special course at the University of Michigan, living particularly fond of social science and political. economy, she lias devoted herself to study in this line, and is the author of valuable articles on these sub jects, which have been published in leading paper,s and periodicals,' She is alike conversant with theories and tlicir practical working wherever they have been applied. Her friend Jane llancroft ' Robinson says in speaking of her: “While ('specially endowed with the logical "faculty and with the ability to - judge dispassionately, she is yet ever regardful of the amenities and demands of home and social life and is equally successful in dealing with the philo sophicand economic questions of the day and in society. Indeed. Airs. Rogers is a pronounced type of.-tlic younger col lege woman of the present day, who, having enjoyed the higher education, brings a thoroughly well-disciplined mind, as flexible as it is well stored, to any effort to which she may see fit to give her attention.’’ Although still a young woman, Airs. Rogers has already-rendered successful public service quite outside of her spe cialty. For six years she. was the, effi cient corresponding secretary of the. Woman’s Home Missionary society of the Detroit conference. She is now honorary president of a similar society in the Rock River conference. She is a valued member of the American Eco nomic association and is also a member of the Chicago Fortnightly club. .The organization planned by Mrs. Rogers ’iitoiw Tim fnr its first anctenost appar ent aim the cleaning of the streets and alloys of Chicago, .includes much more than this, and evidences her rare in- tight and her ability to grasp in its en- , tirety the important and knotty prob lemof municipal government. Because her plan involves much more than th e - undertaking of, so to put it, the “house clean” necessary to malcp the city pre sentable to Ufi invited guests, it was de cided by her committee to organize a “Municipal Order league” which should make the cleaning of the streets and al leys its espeeial care while the regular committee devotes itself to the direc tion of other work as well as this. Miss Ada Sweet was invited to bccorau the president of- the new organization, of which all of Airs. Rogers’ committee are members. This committee, by the way, will uot relax its efforts for a clean city because of the formation of the associn- tion-of which Aliss Sweet ir. president, but willlend it all the aid in its power. The plan of work which Airs. Rogers hasarranged for her committee Includes, inaddition’to that already mentioned, discussion and the disseminating of in formation in regard to the need of pub- Kebatlisand laundries; the, formation of home science clubs to promote a knowl edge of sanitation and hygiene; calling attention to the improved methods of housingwage-workers and the organiz ing of children for the promotion of civic, patriotism among them. The or- • Sanitation of boys is known as the. Co- l’lmbian guards. These boys, in addi tion to excellent military drill, will be fully instructed in matters relating to the government and welfare of the. city and the dutieswhich belong to good cit izenship, ft is proposed to also utilize this organization in cleaning the streets and alloys. The girl's are by no means to be neglected, but are to bo similarly organized. Mrs, Rogers is quite as much interest ed in tyr (tusbund’s work as in any that 6hfeherself undertakes and "renders him valuable assistance, particularly in a social way. Indeed, in no way is Mrs, Rogers more admirable and successful than as a wife. Withal she is a 'gTace- ful, gracious woman, as pleasing to look Mponas to listen to, and as an Illustra tion of what equal opportunity will do for womanhood, she certainly dispels tac fears which some«have insisted Simula be entertained for humanity when women should l>c permitted an hkkpendent individuality. —Chicago A SUCCESSFUL WRITER. TU® Name ttttM Mary McClelland H as Made fur H e rse lf.; Aliss M. G. AlcClellund, the' novelist, is of middle age, tall and slender, and with iron gray hair parted over her forehead, ^She is a genuine southerlP woman, kindly and cprffial of manner,, hearty and pleasajp$ qtj incite**. “J con sider myself partly a Baltimore wom an,” She said, “for my mother was born here, -and her brother, Frederick B, Graf, was for many years consul in Bal timore for Norway and Sweden. Yes, I am a distant cousin,,**!, Geo, McClel-, lan,?| ■ family,;although thfc fflljuis beet* dropped fra g tlicir n am ^ II hhve been; writing eventeince I cark^iiaetuber, bu t my literary life began on® yeafls ago, when a ; little poera^qfj|iine wa$. printed in a western paper. . How well I remember my wild delight aft seeing myself in print, oven in Bomodest a lit tle effort, ‘ 1 ” •' “Where is my home? Well,, I think perhaps a description of my old home has been read oftentiiffW without its being IcnqWn. Im the. rfim place, i t is one of the ‘deadest’ parts of the country imaginable, bu t a very beautiful region notwithstanding. I t is in Buckingham county, Virginia, antjMhe land-Ras biSen in the family,sinae the- origihhl grant, from the cro 'filIII,.' JWylifllFf o f ‘Rim P n f . f n K i ’itvui 'ie >!o; n>!> w of ‘El Cottajte^my’hoine, is "a. gigan tic elm tree, which is said to be the fin est elm in the country, and was second only to the big one’ th a t was blowii.’, down on Boston common. Three groivb persons with their arms stretched out can just span its huge timhk.’ The old cottage is sixty feet, wide, yet the branches of the elm can he seen jutting out on both sides of the house from the view at the back. The eottage is one of those low, ramhling'huildings, only one story and attic, with nearly every room on a different level, so that one has to be continually stepping lip and down in going from room to room—-h house that has grown gradually in the course of years .with the people living in it. Many an artist has made a little pil grimage to the place just to get a sketch of the old house, and the older elus tree, both grown to be landmarks in the neighborhood. , “There I passed my days, never going to school an hour in my life, but learn ing from mv mothcivtand later from a few literary friends, who helped me in my work by cutting, and pruning my first •efforts a t writing. -Mv literary work now consists in writ ng novels that are published in.’book form, and novelettes and short stories for maga zine publication.” ’ -Aliss Aicl'lelland is a very rapid and prolific writer, and since last uutumn has written two novels lin'd five short Stories. Her styly-is terse, direct, and with a straigtforivard tone that has often—Ja-eii aniataktiu fee Uiasculrqu work,- and deceived many of her readers who knetv of the author only as M. G, AlcClellund, and did not guess that the “AI” stood for Alary.—Baltimore Sun. A. Vog Tretn-fctarter, There died recently a t Lowestoft, England, one who is spoken of by the local press as “a very popular member of the stuff of the Great Eastern rail way.” He was a black and tan collie dog, and he was nht appointed to the "position” which he held by the officebe of tlic company, but by himself. Al though self-appointed, time and habit brought about his recognition as as sistant train-starter a t the Lowestoft .’station. Through residence at'"the station he had acquired an instinct which told him the exact time athvbichi tack train should sta rt from the ^er» ininus on its journey. As th e moment drew near, the collie became reatlesi -jondexciMjd. As thobfijl uttered its first Warning *oiind,lie would scamper down, the platform, and,', planting himself close to the engine, blark-furiously until he saw tlic wheels begin to move.Having accomplished the starting of the train,as he supposed,he would rush to the guard’s or conductors van, and hurry the conductor to his post. As the train passed out of th e station he retired aud was seen no more until the time wad near for another train to start.—Youth’s Companion. _____ ■ ■'"« How’s This!. We Offer Oue Hundred Dollars R ew ard caUiHd£ ba, curc(rt>y HttU's'Catarrli (JureT ' ’ F J. C uknby & Co., Props., Toledo, O. : Wo the undersigned, have known F. 3. .Clioney for tho fast ir> years, .'and believe iblrn perfectly honorable in ull business transnottons and financially able to carry ou t any obligations made by their Arm. W est & Trim*. Wholesaio Druggists, To ledo, O., Warning, Kliman & Marvtn, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. .■ Hall’s C atarrh Cure is taken1internally, aofiug directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. P rice 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonial? free. I t doesn’t follow th a t a man is a chirop odist because he cuts tho corn from tiio foot of a bill.—Binghamton Leader. T he Boutta-Wett Land&InvestmentJour nal, a carefully edited and thoroughly ra- Uabla monthly Journal, published la the in terests of the South-west and especially of Texas, will be m ailedfor six months free of charge upon application to E. B. Parker, No, 509 Chestnut S t , St. Louis, Mo, The paper contains much valimblelnformatlon to those ooiilemplutinpvisiting or settling In tho South-west. W rite and obtain a copy. I t is the person who is only half baked th a t generally gets "roasted.”—Yonkers Statesman. H r . A. B. L aforhb , Boston, Mass,, says: 1 ordered and distributed one dozen large bottletUBradyorotlne among my friends At- JlteeffiWltti headache, and in every case it p a l afforded almost instantaneous relief, - TuB tlmo when, a woman has no mercy is when aha gets a mouse In a trap.—U n a 's Horn. < , B -F . A u . tsn Co., 365Canal St., New York, aro;aoie ag e n ts'in tho United States for Beeobam's Pills. ' 25 cents a box. “ I wish George could bo cured of fatuation for Emma.” her.”—Epoch. “Let his In- bim marry A Discharge o f Cannon Close to tho car could hardly startlo a per son of sensitive nerves more tbnn tho slumming o f a door, tho outcry of a child, the rattle of a heavy vehicle over a cobble stono pavement, the wailing of an asthmatic hand organ. Quiet and strengthen super- sensitive nerves w ith Hostctter’s Stomach Bitters, and you can brave any hubbub with tranquillity. Indigestion, a fecund cause of nervousness, is banished by tho Bitters. So arc malarious, bilious and kidney complaints, dobility and rheuma tism. ■ ____ • Mxxv.a poor fellow never gets to see the silver lining until he gets above the cloud. Columbus Post. . When Nature Needs assistance it may bo best to render It promptly, b u t one should remembor to uso I even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most Ritnplo and gentlo remedy Is the Syrup of Figs, manu " ' ' t t h o ....................... ’■ Heads o ff disease —Dr. Fierce’s Golden Med ical Discovery. In a way, th a t yon can understand, too, by purifying the blood. When you’re weak, dull and languid, or when blotches, and eruptions appear— tha t’s the time to take It, no matter what the season. I t ’s easier to prevent than to have to cure. F o r all diseases caused by a tor pid liver o r impure blood, Dyspep sia, Biliousness, Scrofulous, Skin, or Scalp Diseases— even Consumption ( o r Lung iscro fu la ), in its earlier stages, the “ Discovery” is the'on ly remedy th a t’s guaranteed. If. it does’n t benefit o r cure, you have your money hack.. You pay only for the good you get. _____ _ factored by e California Fig Syrup Ca M eh will worship the ground n g irl vvulks on if sho ho* good corner lots,—N. O Picayune. of Dr. Sage’s Ca- .1, J t m F oster A very , the two-week- old (laughter of Airs, Rachel Foster " v,'ry>of i’hlindcTpiiia, is the youngest *nemlx>rof theNational-American Wom- *-x Suffrage, association. The proud grahthiinthcr, Mrs. Rosa Miller Avery, w Chicago, no sooner heard of the ad- Jtot of tlic new baby than she sent a uollsr to the treasurer to make the llt- KeWoman a member of the society. A-ltmvo Womiiii. Airs. Nellie Alaincs, who keeps a lodg ing house in the factory village of Glen Falls, Ct., lately showed herself u brave and ready-witted woman. One night recently, one of her lodgers, who is a somnambulist, climbed in his sleep out of a dormer window’, and sliding down to the eaves, sat. with his feet overhang ing the sidewalk, three stories below. Air; AIallies declined to crawl down the roof to rescue tlic man, bu t his wife said to her sister: "Yon hold me, and I will go.” She got out of the win dow and carefully lowered herself un til she had the imperiled 'man within reach. She clutched him firmly and cl ug to him with desperation until both were drawn safely batik inside the wdndow. „ , A Shrewd Woman. An interesting story Is told of All’s. Mary V. Taylor, of Pittsburgh, said to l»c tire only woman in the oil business. Two years ago she was a book-keeper for a large oil firm, and being a keen observer, she noticed th a t oil-pipe was growing scarce in tlic market. Hhe qui etly bought up all the pipe- she could get, and in the pipe famine which fol lowed she had twenty carloads to dis pose of a t an advanced price. With flic proceeds of this Hale Airs. Taylor invest cd largely in oil-well supplies, and now i is doing a business which pays her tens of thousands a yenr. ^____ WOMAN’S GOSSIP.' R ate K as I iorn , teacher and lecturer, is a grandniece of Daniel Webster. She is prond of tile thought that slie has earned her living ever since she was seventeen. C atharine I’ opp was the oldest member of the Belgian press and the only wom an journalist In her country. She had received from the king knighthood in tho Order of Leopold. T here are now two colored women lawyers, twenty-four doctors, six; civil engineers, nineteen photographers and twenty-two artists. There are also 112 colored women pursuing studied abroad, M me . he N ovikoff , who lias attract ed much attention by her labors in London in behalf of the oppressed Slavs of Turkey, is a Russian woman of high hirth, the widow of Gen. Novikoff, who was one of the bravest suldiotsin. the Servlan-Turklsh war. A novel exhibition la in bo held In Paris to illustrate tho progress of femi nine arts. A Special feature will be a series of seventeen wax-work scenes showing tho historic position of women In freffeli society a t various periods, from the fifteenth century to the pres ent day, JLne jpropnetors ta rrh Remedy lose $500 if you're not cured of Catarrh. They prom- iso to pay you that if. thpy can’t __ _____ ____ , euro you. W liat do you lose by ExrLosiQxsof Coufiliinff are stopped by i try ing "there*" anything to Hale’s Houoy of Horuliouiid.und Tar, ! rink oven nt wnnr fl-onri-h? Pike’s Toothache Drops Cure lu onomtouto. ; ria *> e xce p t y o u r Q a ta ri n r I yet his A man may bo lantcrii-jaxvcd and •light up.—Easton Free Press. face never J IBS, I .................. fellow's head lovcL—Hazleton Sentinel. Tax lazy man alms a t nothing, and gener'- olly hits i t —Hickory Loaves. , B adi .'I rattled—'The omnibus passenger. A man may possess a cen t and a .scent and yet not havo seuaa. R k M ains to bo scan—the girl beforo tho m irror.—S t Paul Globe. - T uk gossip believes half she hears tells tho other iiulf,—Elm ira Gazette. and A WEPteriTTBu shoe last.—Picayune. is faithful to tho O ut on » lark—F eath ers—Union Stand- ard. I r life were twice ns long we probably would not be tw ice os good. A " safe burglar” Is in the penitentiary.— Texas Sittings. T ub question of tbo hour - “What time la It?”—Galveston News, T he lean-year pid might try hlin delieato ly with a little pop corn.—Louisville (Jour- ior-JournaL T it E disappointed pugilist cannot accuse himself of 1 icing penny wiso, imt bo hwa every reason to fe d pound foolish.—Was A iugton Star. Tun Jnlly dog of la stn ig h t Is apt to bo tho nog with a sore head of this morning.—N, Y. Herald. Amen man may havo all tho pleasures in *ifo and still there is just ns much for the next one. TiiEhR was a flro In a lawyer’s office hero the o th er day th a t tvns caused by a soot In tho chiiunoy.—Lowell- Courier, I n England they stand for office, la th is country they run , and In both countries they lie more or less.—Oil City Blizzard, A woman may n o t be a good laundress, b u t Bhe generally knows how to take the wrinkles out o f * man's choice w ith a flab Iron,—Binghamton Republican. Consumption carries off many of its victims need lessly. It can be stopped sometimes ; sometimes it. cannot.. ' It is as cruel to raise false hopes as it is weak to yield to false fears. There is a way to help within the reach of most who are threatened— c a r e fu l l iv in g and Scott’s Emulsion o f cod-liver oil. Let us send you a book bn the subject; free. S cott ABowx«,ChemiiU, 13 aSouth jthAvtsu*. K*» York. Yourdruggist keeps Scott’s Emulsioncf cod-liver oil—ell druggists everywhere do. $x« a« 99 “German Syrup I must say a word as to the ef ficacy o f German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result o f Colds, with most e x cellent success. I have taken it my self for Throat Troubles, and have derived good results therefrom, I therefore recommend it to my neigh bors as an excellent remedy in such cases. James T . Durette, Earlys- ville, Va. Beware o f dealers who offer you "something just as good.” Always insist on having Boschee’s German Syrup. ® V A i i m t r p / N W T ’r n n V W JC A J j LE j v/JnLJLJlil -My little girl ttflered (or threa yean from a large Absent on her hip, the result of a . Ml and dislocation* The’(Abscess was large, with six openings, all of which discharged nuts, 1 was induced by friends to give her S« S , S ,, and by the time the fifth bottle was finished the Abscess Was entirely healed, and the child was well and happy,—Mrs, J. A. W ixgn M , Siatinj<tm, Pa, % had three little girls who were attacked with obstinate 33012HISZC-A. or Blood Trouble, which at first res mbled heat, but soon grew to yellow l)lUters, some of them quite btge, One of the childrendied from the Affectsof it, but we got Swift’s Specific and gfcrr to the other two, and they Soon got well, 8. S, S, forced out the poison promptly. Thi curewas wonderful.— J. J). _RAt ti»LMarihtnrilU, La, ;ave 8 , S t 8* 1» m no'equal for Children, It relicves the system promptly^and assists nsture in developing the child's health, Our Treatise mailed free, SWIFT SPECIFICCOMPANY ATLANTA, C a . R ii'hc s u f i ^ . P o l i s h 5S ,h "M ..IK a . aeff Faintswhite 1 thebands,Injurethe Iron,andbumoff. ■ _ , TtoRising8un.BtoroFollsfa I less. Durable, and tho consumai . . . . or (Uoapackagawith ever? purebaas. ■aitf BUNTING When you buy Flags you want the best. Government Standard is the. best; the largest flag dealers in. the U. S. are G, W. SIMMONS & CO., Oak Hall, Boston,1 Mass. Dealers in Militaiy Uniforms. Write for a Flag Catalogue, FLAGS, Kennedy’s MedicalDiscover Takes hold in this order : . Bowels, Stiver, Kidneys, Inside Skin, Outside Skin, Driviug everything before it that ought to beaut; . You know whether you heed it or nob. . Sold by every druggist, uml manufactured by D O N A L D K E N N E D Y , IIOYBCUY , MASS, „ „ rEiL. : ’si , . . C a t a r r h CREAMBALM I IS WORTH $ 5 0 0 TO ANY DUN Woman or Child •ttffertns rVom . CATARRH NoInLiquidorSnuff.g^^Y’- i i 'E V 'E R t Aparticle I. applied luuiciiclitiustrilnmli.agreu- ■bla. J'rlie5>cint»nt l»rU«Kl«l»orby dih II. _ ELY IlllOTHKUS.C p OWarrenSt., NuwYo k. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1078. TV. BAKER. Si CO.’S Breakfast Cocoa fromwlilcli iho cxccm of oil ling been removed, I t abtoltiMtf pure alid it is solubtc . No 'Chemicals are uied III It* pre|mrntloti, It ba* more than three timet the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar,. and in therefore far more cco- l nomlcul, toeting less than on* I centacup. It ladcl'clous.rour- _ ' Lhlng, rlrcngthcnlng, KAail.T DtaaaTKD, and admirably mtapted for invalids oa woll aa for peraona In health. Sold by Oroccra m qithwt. W. BAKER&CO.,Dorchester,M am , E “ I Threshers and Horse Powers. Write for IllustratedCatalogno, mailed Free. M. RUMELY CO., LAPORTE, IND- ■raiHXTinar*rtn>,n, m ,n .iw. RUMELY ' TRACTION AND PORTABLE NGINES. $50.00 A WEEK Abright, energeticmenov womanwanted In take Iho aole naency fornnartlcl* that la needed In every home and IndUpraia* ble In e v e ry oMce. SELLS AT HltiHL Ia town orconbtry. S74ffm Wilayaandaatrady Income nfterranb A “Bonanoa” fnr the right peranh. Caal Jabi nrn senree aaa Manntaken, neiitol emtt. •V, \V. .(ON S. Mannaer. SprincNVId, Okie. / v - u»iDii,ne | \ / lromedle*. Koau»,iii,,i L l j t j 1 'and no bad eflocte, BtHi . rau ititby iiAm lm . osUrvinr^n o inoon tbd U lt\n «D>KAM& fHlSPAPERei^ry ynte. Patents! Pensions Send forlnvcuior'.Ouldenr (lowtoObtain a Patent. **• mu’STr. law *. FATK10KOFARRELL, - WABHIHOTOff, D. 0. M-axua ran farm«m, «■» tmm > ' QW 10 ER a ho TVMona cnitxsi, ■« knlf-i Bnox Faax, Bra. aa*TioHT a HoaBML ___ 1MElm 8t., Clnetoa»U,0. m ,aniM«iai, im C IA H C b—AIISa'ManKdlaabted. MOmforlm r h l l i lW n v mMM.Mfear*«xpcrlme*.Law*free. ----------------- :AWN,noMattae. B.C,| OxtenU.A rAnkawffO m manoa. A. W, mart PlSO/S, ClfR f FOP Coaanmptlvea and peopla who have weak lnngaor Aetb- ma,*hOnld«M Flao'aCore for Conanmptlon. It haa «aeed thwwataaida. it haa notlnJUV- •don*, ltiatioi bad intake. It latlie beatoouthayrup. Bold evarrwhera. BSe, C0 N5, UMHT | 0 N. ; ^A.-N.’K.—R~ 1881. m o w 'w n irm f i to advertmkrs plewu I teat*that yaw ttm tha AdvaytUemaat to Uk - s m n i
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