The Cedarville Herald, Volume 22, Numbers 48-52

% • ft F w ■ 4 'b.f ffhe Oedarville fterald. An lm b itn th n t X?tr*i«tj*r i treated to th* ffibresf o f ffd im -ittf and Vicinity TVIHTY-SeCOOD YIAI. OEDARVILLE, OHIO, NOVEMBER 28, H599. B U H B t tM H C i t e It’s Easy to Know Ira £ . Dak D*afar in - * . W h e r e to p u rc h a s e y o u r Suit, Trouser*, Overcoat, Hat o r a n y th in g a n d e v e ry th in g m e n w e a r (ex cep ting hose.) Come in an d see o u r good s a n d g e t o u r p rices , th e n you ’ll k n ow “A HO T TIME*’ a ll w in te r in a su i t DaaLr iu o f U n d e rw e a r ,' a su it o f C lo ths o r a n O vercoa t, *• - MTKK# W-FEATED FRO* WltllltU. ■ a*t*n**, 0* hat Saturday afforiHwn . the **teg* taam frM bare warn ovfr tu VaHoor i p ringi ft»,maich their <hiU with *» Ajrthwftja*w a t the great wllefe w*. Only for.r of tb* m y b y m t t were in the team tide j*ut and the remain­ ing place* had to he <51«d with boy* moetfof whomwere unfamiliar witli the game. Calvin Morton wa*ia hi* old place at renter, John and Elfcuon Finney made their debut in foot-JwU a» guard*. Finn Grindle and Kd MoOnwn played the tackles. ^Valter Condon and Charley Galbreuth played ' out on the ends, Robb Harper' Was at quarter, Claude Phillips and Ed NW»t a t halve* and Wallace Hide Rawlfo McLm* Writ** an Interesting < LaMar From Onr New Honouicir, Hawaiian T»l*,, Nov, 5.—1 will endeavor to write a few line* from here, describing the coun­ try butwilipiot attempt a complete de~ acriptum .a* it would be impossible. Word* are not sufficient, especially written ouee. I t must lie seep to be fully realised, I have oft times read of these wlands as “The Garden of Edert,” ^‘Paradise of the Paetfie, etc, I can appreciate sarao now, knowing as 1 do that there was no exaggera­ tions, l was much taken with t'wli- Keech, riggers and stevedores,” iu the midst of a big lumber yard. Think I will hunt «p McLean, Horiy I cap' not claim relationship, but will make him Iwlieve 1 am a. lost relative. '* Oocoauuts, banana*, oranges, lem­ ons and fig*, arehere at ordinary a eight a* our common fruits at home f(Voanuts, oranges, etc., grow iu yards or shade, ai our apple*,' pears, etc., but Impanas seem to be more difficult and require cultivation, %w quite a number of groves on our march. They are laid off in rows, with water between each row, looking like ditches. They seem to require a good deal of water. . Oh* yes, I was taken, by opera prices also. They have two opera houses hew. t "went to one called first class I purchased a ticket for » GEDfllfVIIiIiE. The Proposed fleer* fo r Three trie Road*. Klec- ibruia until landing hero. Since! golbuT rtt f>0 cents, I found the when I find this state ranks with i place crowded and people standing to Hawaiian Islands m CVdafville to Cal-1 die doors. I could nut see or'hear, so ifortti*. I f any one in Cedy is think- [thought to try down stairs. I went LOCALTELEPHONE Twenty-Fire Year Fr«*cWae AeiuMl F«r.~ Council MeetingMonday Mgfct. l ffisfing of making n Wedding tour or^Jto ticket office for an exchange. The the] pleasure trip, I advise coming to >.prices were S2,50jind 82,00. I finally played full back and captained team. “ {Honolulu, I send you by same mail1seenred a seat for dl.50. I t was Antioch kicked oft and one of onr j ft Hawaiian paper, and the wrapper a 1pretty expensive tor me, hut as I ssb l*>y»secured the bait and made a good !program of the opera I attended last ^dmn indulge this will do me for gain before he wo* tackled. The!night, We arrived here about 10:301 teams lined up and Iliflb bucked. a, ub yesterday morning mid anchor- through left tackle for ft good gain, fid at wharf. Instead o f tackling him, one o f the | Yesterday at 1 p. m , we (31»t reg. Antioch player* knocked the ball tonly) were ordered into line, with from Iliffe’* band*, picked it up anti gun* and side arms. Alt supposed before the CadnrvUle team knew we were going to have a drill, instead were given a fourttud one' half mile mnraktaa bathing bsach, where we were given permfonon to bathe Quite a sight, indeed tu wo 1000 met» in flic delicious, with tbe cxception o f the rough tmitoin, which wns ratber severe bn bur tender feet. After bath •and what he war doing w m speeding to­ ward the goal tine, and wat successful in securing a touch flown. One of tlie Antioch players trim! for goal hut mimed. CedarvUle now kicked the bait from center and quickly tackled the manwho caught it. The playing the re*t of the half was good, Oedarville gaining all the time until when time was called the ball was within five yard* of the goal. At the end of the first half the score •food 5 to 0 in favor of Antioch. In the second h*lfOedarville kicked off, Antioch secured the ball bat lost it on down*. Oedarville, now by a number ot end run* and line bucks secured a touch down, lliile carrying the ball across the line, Walter Comlou kicked goal making 6 point* forOedarville, Again, Antioch kicked the lull from center, and. Oedarville made a a rest, we felt into linn nud marched back to the vessel, arriving about G p, in., quite tired and' hungry. We went to the oath at the rate of six miles an hour, but took it easy com­ ing back. The gate wan pretty hard on the boys, having bad no exercise for *o long, I feel quite Stiff and old, today. Quite a change in climate, too. Thermometer registers our duly aud August weather. We were given shore leave until 11 p. m . and as supper wasnot ready, thought I would lunch up town nud take in the Opera, I stopped at good gain before the halt wasdowned. >a re*tnurant, as did quite n number U m Antioch a i m tint* rotrt*H)f the* I kiv & Mid Tiftlero1 The ti r rtforee now c m nteueed to help the Antioch boy* out by again and again inflicting a pen- altv of tew yard* oa tha Oedarville boy*1 for «rif lid* play, although he « m about the «aly out that mw it. making aaothar tnweh down, In this hair Kd NMwt arwnad rightend. Tim game cfoaed with a wore awhile. I found the play nn up-ro: date American uue—•“Moscotte,” by the Boston Lyric Co. The Opera, house is nicely, finished, and the! patrons up-to-date people, mostly American.. The wmneu . wore no hatsj but flowers iu hair instead and low-neck dresses. I t would bo utterly impossible to describe the beauty of the vegetation here. Magnificent palms, growing thick—all spee&ff. Instead of our thorny hedge for fences, tlmy have a soi t of plnnt’growing similar to our hedge. Thick and green and covered with lovely, large, red blossoms. Later—dust returned from church. Must hasten through, as we are to take lunch for n dinner tomorrow, hence will ba gone all day on n march. And as we are to leave at 4 p. m tomorrow will not have much time. Hid not have much new ex­ perience today, only new sight see­ ing , I learn'•they raise pine-apples here too, but have not seen any grow­ ing yet, hope to to-morrow, us our march will he through plantation districts Was much mure impressed with the high type of civilization here since at­ tending services* I enclose you a i o e boys, an ord ed ham and egg* and » glamof milk. I received programme with picture of church two nicely c«K)ked egg*, n email slice] n fine building-—finished similar to ofham, bread and batter and nglae^lthc IT. i \ a t home. I like the in* of milk. When I went to settle ijterio r of this one much better as it is ewane near fainting a t the pi ice--33 j ceiled over, ami givc3 a more finished Tin* w*Aall that k*ptG*d*rviHe from|cents. I inquired why tbe charges;;leak. high, and was informed they*Mach. I enjoyed the services very I attended the Christian I£n* HMdr> a long r»n Jhive to get things u« they wereldcavoi’ fisailar to am Epworth Ibmught into the Islaudi, and feme* I League, then preaching. They sing « f .61 time* rati riiort; that eggs eost Se.feur hymns and have a fine choir, a to 5 U favor of <J*d*rvlllt, The t e danrHt? taam oatplavM Antioch every reaped e*ch, I mw lota ofducks mid thick* i fine pi|»e organ, piano, vi:d!as and in ;eae while oil our march, but learne-I igood singer; Everytiling closed here on Sunday After Antioch secured \ tint the consumption is much greater their t**cfc down hj * fumble in the}Han the supply. I don’t sift why [except restaurants cud ondy elorts. firMM f they lieviriuade a gain o f| poultry rawing wouMnot lie a lut ra* No opus salc-ona any import****. fir# business unless it would be be j U ni Ledarvili* loam were well csum the feed would fust oft nuu-h as! .lUwt'MeLc&N, treated by every *»*• except the An- lthepr-jflf*. tlo*h rafoeee; and iahe it all in ill itj I am going in gain all the inform:!- wm a good game of football, jtion I. can, and if favoriWe, may Waul' feiB VaMm. llUCat* IlEfP. , _ , 1; Sugar raising is what makes the TJSfr t T .X . i ' a . i J i i : ’?S” : :***«-* «- - - Laxative tablets 1carets. Gs»dozen. O, same ns cas* M, lUJgway, HI*quiafc eera leai’a Arwiaa M e t aaMbar wnrkfa wawdar leprriee, lefiemiMMiMij File* Bnck« —(dnruses, quartetts, duetts, sides and reritathns next Tuesday evening Nov. 2a, a t theOpera Ilutife, Every- !*i«ly going. farming land to raise sugar cane, I am told any skilled laborers enn hire it ** employment here, t'arpen* _____ _____ e . j k ts are in demand at id to t6 pee ily ■cuptieoe, «ka»y ISeM Bidgway A 0« . *;• I am looking a t a *»g« ->J<<sf-iib ■Me., healed * e ire tunning for seven­ teen years and euro........... standing by using I Haas) H«ke, I t cures all skin diwases. «MeI<sen A (Kidgwey A Tlriiggiste, Hbrkford, Ilodgdun, r - ed hia piles of long HeWiti’s Witch BBST HATS! HAT f t SHIRT STORE lim iitO B t, BMLTS ig h S i . SpringflilA, 0 . Sh irts , Undewear, N eckwear, Hats, Gloves, E tc . A Saving in Prlc*. AH Indication* eecm .to point to ward* this place a* a central point for electric road*. Tim county, state and i« fact every «t«te will in time become netted with throe roads, and we might n* well have onr* now. The Rapid Transit Co, who are operating a road from X«*m to Dayton have been the moat 8if4^saful so far, hav­ ing been granted a ' franchise by tha County Commissirecro out along the Columbus pike by-VVilberforce. I t is expected to begin work on the proposed route in the next four or five weeks, Tho oificers of this com­ pany are as follows;* Pres. Frederick IL Treat, Phil.; - Vice-Pres. ,T. W. Neft’, Xenia; /Sed’y/and Treas., Mar cusBhoup, Xenin«gid.Bupt. IVm. A. Heller, Philadelphia, The other roads iii question are the Dayton, Springfield and ITrbaaft line and the Dayton nud Xenia Traction Compuny. Tha former road operates through Springfield and Osborn to Dayton This company proposes to constriut a loop connect­ ing Jamestown, CilurviHe, Clifton and Yellow Spring;;, and to intersect, the D. S and . lb line at Pairfitdd. -Tlie promoters hav»>jbeen in consulta­ tion witli the. Commissioners hut nothing has been done. The Dayton nni Xenia Traction Co, pmpoao tu cuitstinot a line out to the Federal pike which intersect* with the GedurviHo and Jamestown pike, and a crossline to connect these two places. In tfiese we would have three roads all terminating in Dayton,, but It would give us an outlet north and south that we do not now have. Theso roads in time will dq away with the local passenger and freight service on the steam roads, and we will only find through trains stopping nt central points, Rev. F. 0. R**»' Testimonial. Fred Emerson Brooks, the Cali­ fornia Poet, wito gives one of his in­ imitable entertainments in Crdarville Opera House on Dee. 2, is in my mindone of thegreatest Hvingpoets of America. Having enjoyed hearing him twice, I tan must heat-lily rec­ ommend him to the people ns being able to entcitain witli recitations o? his own poetry In which humor, pathos, sentiment nod subJmity are happily combined. Sacred Music Concert. Prof. A, C. McClelland, of Now Wilmington, Pa vrit» ii,!3 been can- .ducting a iwusb'ii" institute in Cedar- ville, for the hist two weeks, will close bis engagement here with a cmnal of sacred tuusia in the Opera House, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 2S, Tbe Profesfei* has conducted a very suc­ cessful institute and has brought out m m talent of our town hitherto un­ known. The concert deserves the patronage of tho people. The ad inisssoii will be 1G and 15 cents. Plat 0 JICI 13 on Monday at 2 p, in. at Groaso%hardware store. ■ .j.vt SOMf.WH.4TOELAYtO, Train No, 53. due here at 10:13 a, in. Hit Wednesday had somewhat of an accident about a tnifo oulfef town, causing some little excitement among tbe passengers lor gome time, The eccentric on the Engine bn.-kejquaintances, About fifty partook of causing several other pieces to break, the hospitality of the tlm fs fowdinner and effecting the air system. The !**>*! *b*iut sixty were present iti the whole eyetetu was t-uiued nud made r -Tfw day was damn and fughtene*! the pH«m:g<; i .‘decorated b , ^ 3 An extra engine that was on a{ t ^_ jthrough freight towed the csss to* f T . t r t . v . , I wj .nancy Jobe, of Xe*!*, <w<t wm - X‘m* engine was^M ay morning a t foar noWk «tUr Uk«*n by the down local to Xcnm to ione week s iHw***, Knmral M •wail farther ovlers ft.-ot th-' o*>*o- aflernm**!, jwoy. The tiwin wss sKtolonehour . * — — and a half in gnuing Into X*nin and | 1* ***l* t * r t JWW nennrdlngly waalate on its return in ** m*m**»H• Ii»*vy OIIU l . the *venin|r. a f „ - - - - ^ t m i a t* --!***• A i p , V M. HMgway, A t tha meeting of Council hut Mouday night the queation of a- fran chiee for a local aystem waa brought up At the meeting the week before: Frank Turnbull and associate* .asked for a 25 year franchise to erect pole* and wires on said streets and alleys of the village for the purpose of oper­ ating a local telephone system. A i recess was taken till last Monday evening when it wm brought for its second: reading. William Iliffe open­ ed the discussion, and was not will­ ing to grant the franchise for more thnu five years at least, and the company to puy the gum of fifty dollars jmto the corporation treasury annually. He thought if the fran­ chise was worth something to the com­ pany that it was to the village. The company offer the use of the system free to the village during the life of the franchise, the hoxes to be placed at the disposal *f the couuci'. Mr, Iliffe and W. P. Townsley were appointed to draw up an ameud- • ment Which Mr. Iliffe hqd proposed, which will be offered nt the meeting next Monday evening. Mr. . Iliffe seemed to think that it probably was not the will of the people to have a telephone system, and as tbe Council were servants of the people they glmliid wait ami hear from them. The H erald ha* taken a hasty canvass of 'the business mcmiud in regard to the granting a franchise for 25 years, and the following biiBinc& men feel that the caouncii would be justified iu doing so: ' • • Coffey & Carson. C. W Crouse. Smith A Silvey. Samuel McCollum. ‘ I. C, Davis. J . H, Milburn. 0. M. 'Crouse. Robert Gray. Geo. Boyd. L, F. Dorn. J . II. McMillan, • XV. II, Hiem-ft. E, S. Keyes. T. B. Andrews. * Dr. E. C. Ogteshee. ('. 3b Ridaway Dr. j . 0 . Stewart. Robert Biid, W, J . Wildman. In H jh following Vuiall are fji favor if ar.iuting a frauebiro, bat for in> specified time, and under eerfcjiii con­ ditions whieli the ordinance? dee* not contain: B. G. Rielgway. W. J. Tarbox. II. A. Barr. Andrew Jackson, J.JC. Barber. As am ho seen cot Hear *1! of the firms are represented m either list but wogive these simply for the pur­ pose of ebowinS tho sebtimeat of the businccs firms, According to the canvess twenty ot the iwentydivo firms am in favor of it, and with thisevideuee them should: not be one opposed to such tt public improvement, On Thursday of this week Mr, and Mm Robert Gray entertained n large number of their friends and ac People are Ctediig About it Already. That is nofc.strnnge, however, for it is only Four Weeks till * v; * CHRISTMAS, w* « Borne of the wise one* are selecting their Presents now, preferring to* do it quietly before the rush of the last Weeks o f the year. We Jove now put jway stone of the moet valuable pieces in the store for some of the fortunate ones. In anticipation ot a better holiday business than Wehave find in many year*, we bought larger and mere varied stocks than has ever been seen ' in our line* in Cednrville. •While prices have been advanced in many lines of Washes, Jewelry and Silverware we will, where it is pos­ sible without loss to ourselves, sell ■these goods, a t old. price*. We will jmve the beet as well as the inexpen-- give thing*, Something for everyone whether you want to spend much or little, Come-and see, whether you ■ ‘wish to buy or not. T * * SAM McCOLLUM , The Jeweler, CEDARVILLE, - - OHIO* l i f t a . o r e g V ' f i Furs I Good furs well bought are as satisfactory investments »s gov® eminent bonds, In all tho years we’ve been in the fur busms** here In BpringGeW wo can truthfully eny we never knew a cus­ tomer to regret buying a really good fur garment. Our-con­ stant endeavor, therefore, is to sell the durable kinds, Even more than iu the past we want the name Bancroft to stand for all that is reliable in the fur realm Thi3 is the season to put your money in a’ seal coat^they’ll never lie cheaper, that’s sure, We re still able to sell you a thoroughly satisfaetory jacket, 21 inches long, for $!&>, nr the best the world offords for $2i0. Our Electric Seal coat* are as well made as our Alaska Seals and come in just style?, 115 buys one from stock or made to your measure that will wear right $M>buys one of out*new short nap Electric Heal coals - have you noticed then!? The exclusive novelties w»V show­ ing in Marton, Persian Tamil* and Heal Collarettes*t 9251>9-55, cannot .fail to interest lovers of fine fur*. The long Hahle Fox scarfs are the noielty of the year in neckwear and are deservedly ynpirinr. We have a great variety, ho*aver. including genMtne Marten scarf* a* low as 95, I t will panic you t<**ak For.*, .me. thing in for yo« cann.-t bur »>f' Bancroft.