The Cedarville Herald, Volume 22, Numbers 48-52
#1 ►»* ■* I^r^j - t f f :- ’*»*/* O f SMI « n k <tttat art H /•. Hedarvilk Xerald. ’•MM* SNft art ft* CM 4 n liukfhiuknt 1S tm ^ c p />. ratal to Mr luttrmf of Vethm ilte taut yMalty TWENTY-SECOHD YEA*. GEDARVILLE, OHIO, UECEMBER 25 , 1509 . HUHBEt 52 H o l i d a y Neckwear: choice designs in Puffs, Imperials, Pour-in-liands, Band Bows, String Ties, etc. Mufflers in silk nscicl [wool; new patterns. Silk suspenders, and combinations snspender, sleeve and hose supporters, in single boxes. [Fancy and white bosom shirts. Kid Gloves in desirable shades. Handkerchiefs, silk and linen. Hats, Hose, etc. Merchant Tailor. * I R A C . D A V I S , * Hatter and Furnisher. GOItyGIIt ItOGPD This tody Holds TMr Msotinfthy Tallow . Caudle U*ht—0«ht Subject IKS' cus»ed—Prapoakloa hy ft, L. Cowdy-ASufieelhNi. Never before id the 'history of the' town have the town, council ever as sembled in the council chamber to transact tbe usual business by the] , light of tallow candles. Such was the { fcase at the meeting last Monday night. When the meeting was called to order, [■all answered present with the excep- itiou of Shrondes. For the last three I meetings this member has iteeti ah- jsent and was reported sick, and pre- fsumed that he had not recovered, or ;has died, and such was the. Mayor’s ;ruling that lie had not been seen at a. ieouncH meeting for three weeks and- •declared him dead, and that the rna- fjority would be three, Shull's reso- flutiou in regard t» taking$100 out. of [the general fund to finish the present [lighting system till March, was voted land passed. Iliff and Townsley vot- ling against it. Attorney R. G. Gotydy, of Xenia, Fwae then called upon and he in- [traduced himself as representing[E ( (G. LoWry, who was willing to light [the streets with electric lights. He proposed t*t furnish 25 or morejights iat 105 per year for a period of ten years, to he operated 00 the Phila delphia moonlight achrtukv No discussion of conse^uenfe between the members followed, and Lott moved to adjourn. All voted it* favor of this motion except Iliif and Townsley, After the Shull 'resolu tion had been passed tbe electric lights were turned on in the council chamber. I t seems an though some enormous figures are in circulation in regard to the cost o f the present lighting ays*, tcm. A careful investigation Iasi Monday evening showed that only #455 was expended during theyekr 1808. This included the electric lights fur Mayor’s office mid engine room, coal oil and repairs for street lamps, and theservices of James Caldwell for lighting, while the report hat it that it cost nearly |700tlollars. This is a false statement, we care not where it came from, and any citizen has the privilege of examining the book of expenditures which haugs in the Mayor’s office. In the followingwe give a few com parisons with other towns to show the tax rate and valuation and what it will cause the rate to bti beie, if we have ehf trio lights before the valua tion is raised. The valuation for Os* l*»ro 18!)< was $378,881, and that of 1838 was #357,571, showing * de crease of over $23,000 from the pre vious year caused by one heavy tax* p.!y? r leaving the town on account of the heavy taxes Jamestown had a taxation for 1898 of 2.59, ft valuation o f -18^911 dollars and a tax rate of 2,74 Oao of the heaviest tax payers in this town- recently sold his properly and move*! to the country, declaring that ih"*e who wanted those city ini- pf'>vem*ats in « country town could hnvr thorn, but would have to pay for them 'the vuhntmu for tills place for 1898 was #277,931 with a tax rate of 2,4 i Jamestown has $210,880 in valuation tn«re than we have, and a tax rale of 2,7#< They have electric light* about „tte half enough in num bers They have indebtedness and] poor sleets, and sidewalks, and yet] have the highest rate in the countyI by two mills. ■ We have tbe best streets and side- jOf walks in Greene county, not a dollar 1 irt debt, something the town lias no t: had for years, ' and a system that lights the town as good as James sudde # death . tsOM isd Respected Citizen—Heart Disease theCause. Tbe community was shocked Wed- . 1 . » , . Jnesdav morning to hear of the death - 4 , ^ - V w t w - Amw wll„ midMi. I t h « W I H »v Ik. mo, „ „ „ M#t of town. • , lr. Crea. sei'yatiYe financier, o) the town th .t tt; ^ bmJ been 11>r tll6, „ t lhreG *B ran the m t. over three pe rten t. I , , lmt wa8 Btin , M, i„ bc „ta „, The oorporat.on already ,lr .w « I 5 0 0 l> w « ta « h i, ...orairw ho from the county by a levy of 8.91 mills. Twenty-five lights at 65 00 per lamp per year would be #1625 or 1.200 dollars more than the preseut lighting costs. To produce the extra 1.200 dollars, which is about one half of the whole levy for the towu, it would add oue half of the present levy (891) and 4.5, equal to about 13 mills, which added to the state and county tax would be over three per cent. . Does high taxes and low valuation of property encourage capitalists aud manufacturers to locate here? Wo say no. I t will only have a tendency to kill the boom into which the .town hasjust entered. Our suggestion is that we wait -till the valuation is raised, which will lie without a doubt next year, ’and that l»y the electric road that enters here, make them light the two principle streets for the franchise, and in ‘this the town will be relieved of a heavy burden. Tlift following' nre some of tho prices of electric lighting of difforabt towns. town. , C*mtte jww«r. Schedule Price lump p’ry'r: Akron 2CQ0 Moonlight ♦ t $ 00VI Canton 2000 0200 M!*m!aVrs 2000 *. H 59 07 Vouagat’n 2000 ’ t 1 64 00 Dayton 2000 All nlj-lit 100 00 Jameatown 1200 <•« 09 00 Knl*y '2H0J t > C» 60 natoiltoa 2000 * t 75 Of Steubenville 3000 *r 75 00 Cbillicotbe 1200 ** 69 00 Xenia 2000 !>»rkhours 60 00 Oxford 2000 Midnight 97 00 morning got tip aud Was dressing himself when he suddenly became very sick. He called his wife who was in the next room and when she got to him he was past speaking, dying almost Imme diately, heart failure being the cause. Mr. CresweH. was I mu ' u March 13. 1827, thus being 72 years id age when he died. . / Mr. (Yesw’pli spent his entire life near Cedurville having b.rn raised on part of the. large farm owned by him. In 1864 the deceased was married to Miss Rebecca Ward. Two child ren are still living, as a result of this union, William and Ad 1 . Both are still living at the home place. Mr. Creswell’s second wife, was Mrs. Mar garet Runny, a daughter of Mr. New ton Townsley. The funeral will take place from the residence this afternoon (.Friday) at 1 o’clock sun time. Oa th* Death M ~Miftfi HmfiiH *M«H hv Whereas, God, in His all wise Providence him visited another con gregation and circle of friends, and has taken from us Miss Margaret Miller an esteemed friend and sister; and whereas she was taken from us under- circumstances such that brought her under the care of those to whom •he was not before known but from whomshe received the Kindest atten tion; and whereas others during the last weeks of her illness and in con nection with the funeral gave so lib erally their sympathy and help in many ways, he it resolved that we ns a congregation and ns friends of Miss Miller most heartily support the fol lowing. ’ 1. That we testify to the Christian character which she possessed, We never knew Iter apart from the exhi bition of some traits of Godly life. In life and in death she gave evidence that she had built for eternity; that Christ the hope of glory was formed within. 2. That we express our deep sense of loss which*we ore caneiT'tipd'n to sustain Iweause of her removal from our midst. We will miss herfrom theplaee wfucb she filledin the house of God;., we will miss her in the Sabbath School and in- the Mission Band, In h«r Christian service filmregarded her Master’s will through obedience and was not unfaithful in all that was committed to her, 8. That we extend our eiueerot thanks to the Superintendent, to The nurses and to all those of Deaconess Hospital, Dayton, who showed such And neatly 250,000,009 bushels of [great kindness and gave each faithful corn? The Omaha Bee is filled with | attention to Miss Miller during her information about the west in general fsickness, atul Nebraska in particular. The* ,4 Tlmt we «!*;> express grateful Weekly Bee is 83 cent# a year* or appreciation, not only in behalf «f Semi Weekly (illustrated) #1.50. Miss Miller but also in behalf,of our- j selves, for all that was dune oh the -4-Joik*, caps, tlolhtfeUs, pocket Jpart of tho Superintendent, teachers books, blankets and 1000 thing*.land tnemltcrs t»f the Hisutli Chaikston Belter come and see for.your self, 1school, who manifested m liberally Alexander k %*hr, Xenia. ; their help and kindness at tho e.uwi* Tapte fer Friewk MZiaii. Decernl)Cr 24,1899. TimApostasy of tlicGhurches. Why? AH lover* of the truth are requested to lie pres ent, Ervlu A Williamson’s Hall at 2:30 p. m. . J . II, 8ayrs, Goud. A* a cure for rheumatism, Chain* bsrlain’s Pain Balm is gaming a wide reputation.. D* B. Johnitou of Rirh* niond, Ind., has been troublctl with that ailment since 18G2. In shaking of it he says! “ I never found any thing that would relieve me until I used €hamber!aiu’s Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but <tft« good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by Vc M. Itidgway, druggist, Are you interested in the west? Do you know that Nebraska raised over 29,000,000 bushels of wheat this year fice of both time and expense, j John Alexander Dowie expressed 5. That a copy of these resolutions himself most forcibly against other be sent tp tho Buperintendent of the [churches in one of lus recent sermons. Deaconess Hospital, a copy to Mise He is absolutely opposed to all secret Miller’snuut, Mrs. Xdtitiu Dunn, in Phenix, Rhode Island, and nho that they be published in the Gedarville H erald , in the Echo of H<outh Char leston, and in the Christian Nation. Committee: W. J. Sanderson, Miss Mary Fowler, Miss Jennie Ervin, Miss Maggie McNeil), Mrs. Mattie Ervin. Narrow Escape Mr. Samuel Boyle, a . detective on this railroad, met with a very serious accident, at the depot in,Columbus, Monday morning. Mr. Boyle. had stepped from the depot to the track when the yard engine came along, and struck liim hurling him some dis tance in the nir awl alighting between the rail and the ienee. It was found upon examination that Mv. Boyle’s skull had been fractured and that his leg was also fractured at the knee, the most severe injury of the* two. It was reported that Mr. Boyle had died as the result of his injuries, hut it was afterwards-found to be false. It is probable (hat his leg will have to he amputated. » * Beaten After AWi It is not often that ftU event is over" recorded where a sTot-inacinne is lwaten. huMhisou^irafluaattpn wax touched for a neat sum one night not long ago. George Dean, who oper ates a saloon in the Townsley Arcade, Imd two of these machines in his house, which were broken into and robbed. The amount is uot exactly known, but while the machine was broken into and robbed it will not have a chance to rob same pbnr innocent creature who is thoughtlessly dropping his money where lie likely will never get anything in return, ToWhom it May Concern. AU those interested in a Vigilance Committee should be at the Mayor’s office, Tuesday evening, December 26 at 1 o’clock. Another attemp was made InM Wednesday night to rob Crouse’s slaughter house. However, no en trance was cHeated and nothing was taken. It is eunpjsed that these same parties toir.'c Robert Elder’s rig nod wanted it to haul awayjtheir plunder, but could not make it at Crouses, nn»l went to Wfifiam WildmatiV sheep and look four. 1* : about high lime fSiat the f r .tor’s organize to protect thee* ves against these accursed th5 wd. Como out; Tuesday evening -lo the meeting nfc/thoMayor’s office. -—“ I wao nearly dead with dys pepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grow worse. Deed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, That cured ms.” I t digests what you cat. Cures in digestion, Hour ctomaeh, heartburn and all forms of dyepepta. Ridgway A Co., druggists. societies and labor organizations, and most bitterly denounces public schools and druggists. He utters harsh words against the Roman Catholic church and Pope, but shows bis approval of Polygamy. He fairly abominates Christian Endeavor Societies and calls them “ tho society.” In regard to the Baptists, lie says that the sons and daughters are going to hell and the other churches come in for the same criticism. W. J . Smith, the local agent for the United States Life Insuranc^ Co., is attending a banquet at The Chit tenden Hotel, today, given by this insurance company to its represeutu- tiv(s. Horace Ankcney’s horse which was stolen last Tuesday night,, was found tied to a rack here on Wednes day. After standing there all .day, it-was taken in charge by Marshal Griudle. Upon investigation the owner was found and thq, horse re: turned. —Special bargains in men’s high grade nil wool* suits. #8.25 worth #12; #11.25 woith #16- But 50suit* to sell. «R, S, Ringsburv, Xenia, Ohio. . Oliu and Alma Dobbins and J N Wolford, who have been attending school at Ada, O., returned home,' 'last night, to spend the holidays. Fanners! Attend the meeting at the Mayor’s office, Tuesday even ing to organize a vigilance committee for the protection of your stock, Miss Emma Templeton, who holds the position o f head matron at the Dayton Insane Asylum, came home for a short visit today. The school board meets to-night, (Friday) lmt it is not probable that the vacation will be over one week. & Mrs E. S. Hundley and daughter, Nelle, of Dayton, Ky„ are being en tertained at the M, E. Parsonage, —Hohool Teachers, we can give you low prices on Candies, Nuts and Bull & Spencers. Oranges EAT & SHIRT STORE b L k . ^ t o n # , m a r H i g h S i , S p r i n g f o l l 0 , ipraMMBrtrapraraHrartwwrtiiirawiwrap,<Nirara>«p^ HONEST RTS! Shirts, Undewear, Neckwear, Hats, QlOVet, E tc . A S«vlitf In Prlct. .A Hmi. Andrew Jackson is n candi date for Sergeant-at* Arms in the House of Representatives, Andy** friends will be glad to see him re turn to bis old position. —If you want ■the elude© of the many bargains please call tho first of the week nt Bull 4 Spencer’s. Several from hero attended *'Ollier The Ladies Aid Society of the M, ETchureb,“will-i io h t'a *weifti'a t the parsonage tonight - Air. Clias. Itidgway and wife, took in the sights In the Queen City tho first of the week. P-j| i.'i jiwi»i.\y 3 .>rtww —*Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, tho great stomach remedy, is now sold by O. 51. Ridgwny, —New Crap California Aptteots, Peaches, Prumts, Grapes fttul Raisins, atGroy’e. DON’T wait till the last flay# to Imy vom* * * ' * Christmas Presents. . Come ip the' first opportunity audmake ^election# - from our Stock of the beautiful, useful.and orna mental.. Silverware or Fine China for the table. One of our Lamps would be an ornament to the Best Boom, A piece of Art lottery is always appro- .priate and appreciated. We have a good assortment of gold filled watches from $7.50 up, aiul other watches includ ing Nickle front $2.50 up. Our $2.50 watch we guarantee to be good time keepers. Our elegant stock of rings includes all the stones fiwm Diamonds down. Our line of Opal rings we think especially beautiful. They are set with the finest Hungarian Opals and are always popular/ Of chains, Charms, Bracelets, Pins, Buttons and Jeweled combs we have qualities and at prices to suit all jpeople and all purses. A pair of Spectacles will please some of the older folks, - Of Silver Novelties we have an abundance. Come and see if we haven’t wliat you want. « •• •’ . . •-*1*■ • „-V,.'■ ^ SAM flcCOLLUM, The Cedarville Jeweler. CHR ISTM AS - G IFTS *.. .... ' * f* ... r— And where to purchase them is a perplexingquestion to many peo ple. That question has been solved at - ► . * - . . B irrs mammoth store. Wkere j?ou h ill find ererj’ thing j ou need f o r this occasion a t prices to suit every one : : / / .* .* .* Mayor Wolford was somewhat no Jet* tho weather tho first uf the week. —When in Xenia, feed yottf Irnrsa nt Maisball’a Livery Stable, For Gentlemen we have Neck Tics, Mufflers Handkerchiefs, Suspen der*, Collar And CuffBoxes, etc, For Ladles we have Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Faeitiatora, Picture Frames, Books, Chinaware, Toilet Cases, Work Boxes, Umbrellas, etc. OYSTERS TOES and SWEET POTA- ORANGES, good sweet ones at 2**, m , SO,#and- m tier, MALAGA GRAPES, the finest that grow, per lb 20c, Dolls, Wood, Tin and Iron Toys, lb* « lb- for i-.#. Picture Books, Blocks, Games, etc FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT WB LEAD. We have the finest, .. i>!«ne*?r9?iti£ra B. D. Blanton, of Tbackerville, Tex,, in two years paid over #300,00 to doctors to care a Running Soto on bis leg. Thai they wanted to cut it off, but he cured it with m t box o f , , t „ . v i iBueklen’sArnicftSalvc. Guaranteed at V « ! ., 2 5 r t ,,» t » * , M il evening, - :by Ridgeway A Co., druggist*, GANDY, fancy mix cream a t 15 and 20c per lb, Almond, Filberts, Chestnuts, Wat CRANBERRIES grown per qt 12Jo I nuts, Peanuts Dote-, Fig*, etc, P , S , - O u r F irnm itim L in # W i l l b« C o n t i n u a l f o r A u o llto r 1 f t i r . A§U f o r Tlektfc, * , / - -BcniKwisi CKaw for rough, t happed skin, I M . Ridgwtiy. ■ Blaiklwrries.Gofwob^rries Hasp- fterries, Beana a t Gray’*. , FOX, Th«p*.|»v ** m the »e»r the «t|,>vreet d«v ?a -15 m t'eildte* at 0 . M R l d f v t f 41ftf 4 ftfVEftft li s t of l<tter* remaining unealled,. (or in tb e«Vdarville p<>*t<i«ce fortha.W . nmnth ending IVe. 2a, H . Lwrt No. M Bryant, M. B Dans. Br* Bhoop, Harry Hmlth, Tin* T H T/inwn*. P. M. —I t takes buta minute to overcome tkkling in the throat and to stop a eough by the use of One Minute Cure. This ren.edv qukkly cures all of throat ami lung froulde*, Harndexa and pleasant t„ take, It consumption, A f*m<*u* aperift* for grippe *n4 It*alter etftrta i f A i c t d i f b o t o m p l i « r f RMtwav A CH rogg r^* ■ titt:. AJ. .'h 2 —TWta k HiU tko* to have y tm t k riaa n Photao. aart* at Aaftn** k ra i. Ueftery, Xarta, O.. m t* 4»w t* WwMilrawwft Gthney’a. ■W'% U U h - moot te lis lile and H trw tly 1 'p -to d a te A r t h t in the elty-~14prln«fte4d, «». I \
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