The Cedarville Herald, Volume 22, Numbers 48-52

The laet week of th* Holiday twaemi »\ I"!'!' artMun* l(»«d meat* operation* <a■ , week of memorable price-making, *uch tm W itE t f ONLY ran da, ■ 'Hia Oiilv 8 week t« « i f £ feuigtete a* wise mate IwndMiig *#U ’f tu l e k . "Appreciating the wisdom of confining cacti season to own limits,, and never iienwStftiw 0 " ^ ^ * ; ’ ?' km on holiday itoff to j" which can have only one significance, vi*;- -“ A raving lo the public of thousands of ibllais anil empty shelves nud e'iuntera Me WLKN.w «-> » * *> - fct<n*i ?»tihtlv Hobday G » ili owe «w»t4 lij , even at lt«:> fr-araa the csi ■etui-in •it ■'U,,li met!; , ere«MM$wtm*»mw**. 17 c w l r Wc Ebony Sterling Sil­ ver Mounted Toilet %qufc»te‘*>v*« Tooth Bru»b, Nail Brush, *de, Luti* cle, rihoe Horn, Paper Knife, Hair Curler, Shoe Hook, Ink Eraser and lie fach—iJOe Sterling Silver Xuv* elti«*—<‘oniwting of Files, Cuticle, Hhue Horn*, Shoe Hooke, Hsu; Curt- *r*, Seal*, Paper Cutter*, Blotter* amt Tiwth BruSiea. 44c eaeh—-75c Sterling Silver Enn broidery Scwora, very handsome <ie each—75c Fine Shell Dressing Combe, with an Elaborate Sterling Silver Mountings. . 5 T9o each— 56c Vinaigrette, Ster­ ling Silver Top, 19c each—50c Babies’ and Miaies Curb Linked Silver Bracelets, with |UK> Sterliug Silver Chain Bracelets, with lock and key handsomely chased. ygc each—12 00 MKarat, to ld Filled'Chain Bracelets with lock and i fully warranted,j gfic each—$1*50 Sterling Silver Nethemde Bracelet, v QH I *a4 Jttrtta*Mirer $«t*. i|ft 49 each lor,our $9 00 Ebony Toilet Sets, Comb andBrush mounted with elaborate Sterling Silver Mono­ gram Plate, in n satin lined fancy box- „„ $225 each for onr o OQ Eltony Comb and Brash Sets, with Sterling Silver Monogram Plates, in satin lined leather box. $2 98 each for Our 5 00 Sterling Silver Comb and Brash Sets-, ex- . qnisite designs in fancy satin .lined ho*. , A „ $3 75 each for our $0 00 Sterling Silver Corah aud Brush Sets, in new unique design*, in fancy satin lined box. ■JwWPCw* ■. <•From 25c to $12 50—500 Styles— All the very newest designs in Emer­ ald#, Sapphire#, Turquoise, Amethyst, Opals, Peart*, Carnets, Rhinestone, Coral, Lucky Stone, etc., etc., in individual and Combination settings. 25c each—50c Cyrano Hair Clasps —Jaite* Fad. lilieM M . From 25c to t2 49—Ladies’ 14 Karat Cold Filled and Cold Slide Chain*; warranted not to break. - SallBtaas. ■ Ladiea’, Men’s, Misses,’ Children’s and Babies' plain and faucy mounted, warranted Solid Cold Ring*, a do ehfely beautiful and very extensive . aeltectiou, price* 25c and upwards, Ttuc is less than one half the usual price*. 3 mn M **£««»*, Back, Pompadour and Side Combs tod Jeweled Hair Pius, in amber and ■bell in plain and combination set­ ting*, prices 25c to $2 98. vwii iwiiwn* fn great profusion, viz; Fancy Jew­ eled Hat Pin*. Cuff Buttons* Belt Bookie*, Bag Fancy Carter** Metal Chat* Girdle*. Shopping Bags, Fancy Mirror*. Jetted Beits, Leather Belt*, Jetted Collars, Carter Bnckles, Stick Pin*, Nut Crackers ami Picks, etc,, He ; 25# upward. - 9c each- ~23o Fancy Glass Bake, with gold and hard enameled Celluloid Case*, With Comb, Brush and Hand Mirror; value $2 50, - 12 19 each—;Large lize one-half dand hand- Toilet and Hand Mirror, heavily embowed and hand decorated; value 93 Of). Weareriiowiuga yery select and hi gh grade line of embowed and hau decorated,Toilet Beta, iu plush and celluloid combination with Comb, Brush, Hand Mirror, fihoe Horn ami Mauicure accessories; pricing from $8 40 to 15 00. IBaabutf tm 98e each—Hand Painted Celluloid Cases, with 4-picce Manicure Set; value; $150. , „ . $129 each—Hand. Painted, Satin Lined Celluloid Case, with 6-piece Manicure Set; value, $200. f J 75 each—An elegant embossed, bad decorated, fancy satin lined. Celiutoid Case in all colors, with 6- picee Manicure Set; value 12,50. $2.49 'each—Fine >Cameo Case, satin lined, with 8-piece Manicure; 8e<; value 3.25 $2,98 each—Elaborately Decorated Circular CamOCase, satin lined, with 7-piece Ebony Manicure .Set; value, 400 $3.79 each—A Fine Embused Ebony Case, white satin lined 8-piece EbonyManicure Set; value, 5.00 iron toys 15c—Fire Engine, with three horses 15c—Vale Boat and Brew 15c—Hansom Cab, Driver and horse. a 15c—Hook and Ladder Wagon, With three horses 19c—Four-wheel Horse and Jockey Bell Toy. 23c—Large size three-piece Passen­ ger Train 23c—Large size Racing Team and Wagon 33e—Dog Cart and Horse, with Lady Driver 33c—Large size four-wheel, three- lidrae Rough Rider Bell Toy • 39c—Fancy painted single Victoria Lady Driver, large size 39c—United Statea Mail Wagon?, Horse and Driver, large size, 75c—Largo size Fire Engine, with three horses aud driver, 59c—Large size Oat and Dog Bell Toy ' 75c—Largest size Passenger En­ gine and Coaches 49c—Combination Safes 70e—Largest Ieo Wagons, driver and two horses -;19e—Large size Hook and Ladder, two liorrica and driver UlM0t« Ware Chair* 15c to 2.50 each 35c—Six-piece Washing Set 75c—Six-piece largest size set 44c sot 12’iuch striped Ten Pins 05c—set 14-inch striped Ten Pins 75c—set 16-inch striped Ten Pins 9e earire-Boys' Pop Guns Soys' C )apGuns, with Cap fop- 25c e*dre»$te Ladies’ and IMimi Fancy Meta! Trimmed, Leather Lined Pocket Books; swatted leather*. 50c each- $1 00 Ladies’ and Mi#*#*' Assarted leather Pocket Book# and Cases, in plain leather and sterling silver trimmed; a large *«- From ?5o t& 5 00—-We are show- very large assortment o f high- S Pocket Books, Bill Books, Card ami Purse#; b**otle«I leathers, plain and fancy sterling am! gob! trimmwi CMMCMtl, ^ 7ftc #a#h Fatwy < eUnhm! Toilet O hm , with Bn»#h <V«mHand Hand Mirror, twaalifallv dfc#>r*M; value, •1 25 *#e each -Fancy tviluloid C?«e, plush triiwwail fancy ff'Mrd d^ >ra- tin#*, with CawtK Brw*h and Mirr*?!; vala#,9l 9*. $1 75 aaob ,lfand«oo,# ,W< s *od vabrt top, plwah trimmed. Iiry* •*>#. 19c each Bayonet 44c each—Boys’ large size Guns, with Bayonet 89c each—Boys’ largest Military Gun, with Bayonet aud Shoulder ("Urart 75c each ^BoyafDouble-Barrel Gap Guns .. . 75e #ach—i lie Crescent Air Rifle. 98c each—The Orescent BightFecd Reiwating Air Rifles, value $1.25 10c each—Large sire Drawing Slates „ . . 6c each-Smaller size Drawing fslates , 10c Paint Box, 12 Colors and brushes 23c American Soldier*, si* in set 39c American Soldier*, 32 in set 98c Rough Riders" and Horses, large size. 12 in set 19c and 25cGrocery Scales 9ceach -Urge mm Militlry Toys 49c eachand upwards—MagicLan­ terns and six HIM**, 24 Pictures 15c Excelsior Printing Outfit 23c--The Railroad Builder, the G«kcWalk and the Gircus Rubber Htnmp, very instructive and amusing lltaadsome prises given to the one furnishing the greatest number of designs before February 1,1900 . Tool GhesSs, 44e} 75c, 1,23, 100 and 2.49 Fell and Velvet Gas Balls, 23e, 42c and 49c Building Blotks, Picture Cube* and Kindergarten Block. 20c to 89c set Plan*!# in white, walnut aud cherry etaift* 40c to $2.19 each Bagatelle Jk^rd#, 69c aud ujnsard Fairy Leather Whip?, 5c eatb Trlink#, 59c am! uparnds Musical 7c slid upwards Military f futfif#, 1.23 and upwards • add Tin Ranges, tS5v an I up­ wards Drums 23c and upwards Alcohol Engines, 79c mid upwaids,, ^Guaranteed,” Metal ami Ghimi Dinlies, 10c to 3,25 per ret Fur Doga, 5e to 98c each Rabbits, 15c to 50c each Sheep, 59c to 1,00 each« Elepnant*, (mechanical), 98c caeh Cows, (mechanical), 75c to 1.49 each Rooftters and Birds, 10c each Jack In Box, 10c and 10c Games of every description, 5c and upwards Skin Horses anc Loaded Trucks, 59c to 2,98 Rugby Football, 98c Wood Wagon from 9c to 4.98 each Steel Wagons ftmn 19c to 3.25 •acb Sleds, solid steel and wood runners 23c to 7.50 each I I OS Hundreds of Go-Carts, 23c to 83 25 \ v; each. Baby Buggies, 19« to 7 50 each. Beds and ( ’rallies, 15c to 75c each, Blackboards, 23c, 49c, 98c, f t 49, 1 73 and 1 98 each. Tables, 55c and upwards. Felt-Covered Sewing Tables 1 49 each. Desks, 98c for Patent Folding Oak Desk aud Blackboard, worth 1 50. $1 09 for larger size, double top Folding Desk and Blackboard, value 2 75, . $3 49 for large size fancy carved, oak fiuish, Folding Desks, value 5 00. $4 98 for hard oak, varnished Desks, five drawers and book rack, value 7 00. $7 50 for very elaborate' quartered oak, br«S3 trimmed Combination Desk and Book Case, with beveled mirror, value. 10 00 • * r n alue at today5? price 19e <»vh 390 Meu’s-initial heaistitehcd Han i- kerehiefs 50c per box of f<; real value 72 -boxes Children1*hemstitch fam-y border, embroidere colored initial haudkerchiefs.- very ueat, price 23c per box of three; value 5oc 72 boxes Childrens hemstitched handkerchiefs 25 k for box of 6; value 50 cents .■ 159 boxes Ladies fine ad linen hem­ stitched initial haudkerchiefs, £ inch hem, very heat initial, special prito 90c per box of 6. 360 Ladies’ very fine and very sheer all linen hemstitched, empire initial Handkerchiefs; special for to­ day 25c 300 Men’s very fine all linen, neat initial, hemstitched Handkerchiefs; today’s price 23e each, 300 Men’s ■ all pure linen, soft ■Vi TELEGRAM FROM SANTA CLAUS. Wonderland Telegraph Co. M y D ea r M r , W ren: A y e a r h a s n e a r ly p a s s e d s in c e / ta s i v i s i lc d y o u r b e a u t ifu l c ity . I h a d a / / r a n d tim e a n d n e r e r m e t a p r e t t i e r , h e a lth ie r *«dt *w. JS • o r h a p p ie r to t o f c h ild r e n , f o u r to y s , h o lid a y p o o d s a n d boohs e r id e n ily h a r e a / / r e a t d e a l to do w ith k e e p in g th em th u s h e a lth y a n c h a p p y . I c a r e fu l ly e x a m in e d y o u r h o lid a y stoeA\s'f u n d w a s d e ti//h led . ‘/ ‘h e y a r e b y f a r t h e b e h I h a r e e r e r seen . M op a r e n t s h o u ld t h i n k o f b u y in // e lse ­ w h e re . I w i l t s t a r t im m e d ia te ly y a s th e p r e s ­ e n ts to b e d is t r ib u te d o n th e w a y a r e h ea v y a n d J w i l l h a r e to v e s t n ow a n d th e n . J)ly b e s t com p lim e n ts to y o u a n d to a l l y o u r c h ild r e n f r i e n d s , . 'fe ll th em to w a tc h f o r m es a s J w i l l h a r e a p r e s e n t f o r ea ch o f th em . p-: M v e r y o u r f r i e n d , SAM TA C lfAU tt. ftfeA’Aferafel***- E. &, W. Ctsfis, 23o per pair. Fifty dozen Men’s Silk ffeitft. light Sospendera-“ Tho good kinds, good M and dark effect*. Wren’s holiday webbingJmd h£st|irimt»ig, 10c, 13c, ‘te price 19c each, 19c, 23c and 50o per pair. Twenty-five cents each —-Very Other furnishings, flueh ns Men’s ’ elaborate hand painted, embossed Work Boxes, satin lined and 8-pice© s t, conker€4?!*rande*ff§**& choice Linen Techs, Faffs, Strings nod Boys’ Sweaters, Men’s Cardigan | 49e cai,h“-Mcn,g Leatherette CoS- and Band Rowe. Jackets, Men’s and Boys’ White and* lar and Gaff Boxes with oxidized ttKDolU’ $t*rt. Hundreds and hundreds and then hundreds of Dolls, every conceivable kind and etvle. Rug Doll*, Soldier Dolls, Sailor Dolls, Rough Rider Dolls, Clown Dolls, Negro Doll*, T’r.e'o 8am Doll*, Police Iktll*, Dutch Dolls, Johnny Bull Doll*, Irwh Dolls, Rnbbcr Dolls, BiwjUe, Dolls and Kid Doll*and Brownie*. Price from 4e to 12 50 each. , Don’t fail to see this collection. Shoo-Flvs and Hobby Horses, from the cheapest to the best. Also a full line of Doll Furniture, Sideboards, Dressers. Doll Houses, Desks, etc., Oval Wm for HolftUyGift*. Opal Toilet Sets of six pieces, fancy band painted, sold usually at 2 00; onr price a set, 98c.. . Opal Toilet Sets ofsix pieces, faucy hand painted and gilled, very elabor­ ate, value §3 00; our price, l 50 per set Toilet Sets, six pieces, very elaborately hand painted and gilded in turquoise effects, -f1 98, value 4 00, Opal Toilet Sets, six pieces, very, elaborately hand painted and., guilded in turquoise effects. 83 00, value 5 00. Opal Toilet Sets—Six piece, ‘*ex- eeptiimully handsome,” hand painted and goldcd m Turquoise effects, $3;. value, 5 00. „ 25 large stzej Opal Toilet Bottles, etched in the best manner, real hand printed, b* beautiful floral effects, 39c- each, value 75e. the Book Sicrc flH Tittcrcstittfl and edu­ cational treat. ('Iridrco’s Books at Wrco’s mutch Ite-i prices: 1c, 3c, 3e, 10c, 12c, 15c. 19c and 25c each. Boys’, and GiriV Barits, 19c, 25c, 30c and 4(lc cadi. Mrs. Meade’s Books, Hcnty’s Books, tisf Books, American Boys’ Books, Kipling Ju veniles, Dewey Books, Books on Cuba and the Philippines, Semi- Historical Works, good literature, in­ teresting and profitable reading for tile-youngsters. (ic each—The Arlington Edition, J2 mo., library size, Cloth Bound Books, 200 titles; publisher's price, 25c. (Sale opens 8:30 a. m.) . Gift Bock?. 350 Beautifully Bound Gift Books iu boxes, very choice literature, piose mil poetry, 23c, today, publisher's price 50c. Standard Books by famous authors illustrated, sill; Bound, a magnificent library edition, 45o|t«day, value f l , 65c each--Embossed Full Leather Bound, Gold -Edge Poetical Works, published to sell at 1 50. Bible* 7oe cach—The International Teach­ er*’ Bible, full seal bond, gold edges, value 2.00 The same full indexed 95c each ’•Very Fine” Editions, 1 49, 1,69, 1.98, 2.25, 2,73 and 2.98 each DkfloMriti-Ultbtier’* 50c each—Cloth Bound 1,282 pages, value 1,00 73c each—One-halfMorocco bound value, 1.50 98c each—i^ieep hound, value 2.30 1.98each—Tan Sheep hound, value 3.00 Linen Picture* Books for children, 3a to 23c Calendars and ( liristmas t ’alendars, 3c to 83c fa«’li. Chatterbox, not manv* left, while they last. 80c and 90c Urey fKftrtNt Gtie hundred Back?, the Gassel At t IMitbn, b'.Autifully bound jo cloth, stamped in goldandgold edges. The rnastei pieces o f Gustav© Dor© and Bible s tm fe These magnificent wntkBpublished t> sell at 8.30 on #*!© today a t Wren’s; price #5e each 8,000 Ladies’ and Ghildreffs fancy harder Handkerchiefs, tho 5c kind; today's price 2o 'fads CoOLadies’hemffitchcd plain whit© Jww*cmlrikkrKBMMikrecMtr* 1,123 Lmiiee’ Swis3 embroidered, anti luce trimmed Handkerchiefs, ex­ tra special at today's price, 10c each . ,1,145 Ladies’ ©Iwirs embroidered, lace trimmed and Swiss embroidered hemstitched JLimlkerchief, neat and beautiful effects, mostly all 20c and 25c goods; today’s price 15c each 318 Ladies’ very handsome Swiss awi Irish, embroidered all-linen and very fine Cambric Handkerchief, ex- ceptional value at today’s price 25c each 250 Ladies’ very fine all linen Irifli and Swiss embroidered Handkerchiefs importers' sample, not more than two of a kind, regular values 50c, 75c, 1 00, 1.50; today’s prices 39c, 50c, 75c and 1.00 each » C tm u BawtlrrecMrt, Glare a«t neck­ tie Boxes 1,39 each--Very Handsome Fancy Celluloid Necktie Boxes; * haait painted, satin lined”; 198 each—Beautiful Celluloid Necktie Boxes, satin lined and hand painted, ribbon and brass trimmed; value, 3.00 2.69 theSet—VeryBeautiful Hand­ kerchief aud Glove Boxes, fiincy celluloid, Jiand decorated and fancy brass trimmed, satin lined. TaneyTMrernd gmm ttlart. A magnificent collection of English, Austrian, , French, German, Bohe­ mian, Venetian aud Japanese Nov­ elties, also Keystone and|Gameo Ware iu Vases, Plaques, Fancy Figures, Bou Bons, Plates, Sets, Pin Trays. Smotciug Sets, Cracker Jars, Sugars and Creams, Chocolates, Individual Sets, Perfume Bottles, Candie Sticks, Syrups, Jewel Cases, Pin Boxes, Hair Receivers, Comb and Brush Trays, Cake Plates Handkerchief Cases, Glove-Boxes, Rose Jars, Car- barets, Pickle’-Dishes, tiles, paper Holders, Olives, Salads, Match boxes, Individual Cups and Saucers, making iu all the most elaborate aud exteuslve collection shown outside the largest metropolitan stores. Prices as Wren always prices goods—right tiolktay timbrdb*. • Fifty cent* ©nth -Th© largest cbl«. Fancy Percale Shir{§, Men’s Night ]safety button-w©11, value 3 00. ’ ’ | anc! fancy border Handkerchiefs, tfio Icctiftn in Bpringfidd by many J-izcns Shirts, Men’s tlnderwcar, Men’s Hos»| 98© caeh^Meti’a LeatherCollar J kiail; tmlaySe caeh of Men’a rich stylish Neckwear, in jery, cotton or wool, all makes sens!* land Guff boxes, satin lined.I 750 Ladfcsr and Gentlemen’s heta- pnfig, ftckg, fiafe, bows and imperials. WeandaceeptehleGhrhtmfts gifts. | 75© eaeh^Mcn’a Leatherette Gel* | slifeliul plain white, fancy hurJcra, “ * -«• . Jar andCuffboxes, ©xidi*«l grin. laee trimmed and embroidered Hand- Men’s Mufflers, in fancy and black; t l „ , also reversible, veiy swell; fifty rents' t o i l SOeadi. ■ 08©each—ElaborateCelluloidwork Gollarfr at Wren’s lOe each; all tb©iboxes, with attaelsmcnta. proper *lyli*h shapes, 20a elaowhere;1 $2 23 each—Much larger and men* $2 23 eaelo p. -Men’s Beal Collar and kerchiefs, tho 10a kifid;chide© of all [sap© P , B .^ lh e high rlandmd of i epuhuity and tf-lctm this hens© enjoys with ©11(!?. 5 <»S' \«i in the <io«d il re i.^ing lit lig Iret ^fitniiky end Falusday night mdil *A!r;fc„ © sm I Standing the prestflieicf- LSI raita jmpk1, U wtajq.t itun.d •!<1*.!it<sy es«( i.r, the properly rened. Had <1•> font td’rlcifcs hau twh-o, the « uiu ! m r and the t>i» ? iw could nut kit© ban so am dated pledge*pr. *•♦>at by tlnsateno, ■-j a iJ J " 'IM W «"|l l ||» r ' — IM M - . I attested Wittvifk o Wf’iili! i f «!-.© pci'.jdo tvc'to lii-.t f"»r© tivien Si*-\ tk> pf-qdr; Thus tli, i fruSla of upright, straightforward na th f1 1 and tk *«ol!j|!o!- :d. >4 all o««l Goitlemcn’s hem* white and fancy tmrdnr llandkcf-hicf-, very fine quality; to day’s prire^’c eacli. Ladte*’ uii-1 »8 ntlemenV auft l*leA<h •! all pure linen Handkerchief!* | utid \ isi' h h^ne, extra nduuny Mea<h^-1, 1■ h-'d Hand; rchfefe, 1 sod 5- m< h , , . Ib-nt valm- itt'dty'ajia- %I‘mrartj •40c cadi—Ladies’ XJmbieUa*, inch paragon frame, steel rod. very good value, 75s each—Ladies’ and Men’s Um­ brellas steel rod paragon frame, crook nod hoop handles; sold usually a t 100 _ 98c each—Lndies’and Men’s Eng­ lish Gloria Umbrellas, steel roil, para­ gon frame, Congo and Dresden han­ dles. $1 49 each—Ladies’ Gloria Bilk Umbrellas, Congo, clyiok handles. Sterling silver trimmed and. silver swedge; 175 the regular price; silk cover. 81 98 each—Ladies aud Men’s Um­ brellas, Congo and horn handles, gold and silver mounted and silverswedge; a very handsome assortment ami special value a t 2 50; silk covers. $2 23 each—Ladies’ and Men’s Um­ brellas, natural wood aud horn han­ dles, gold and silver trimmed and silver swedge; the 3 00 kind; silk covers. 82 98 each—Ladies' Silk Umbrel­ las, ivory, fancy wood mid horn han­ dles, sterling silver and jeweled trim­ med; silk covers; these make a most acceptable Christmas gift. 88 80—Ladies' a::d Men’s Silk- Gloria Umbrellas, magnificent Christ­ mas gifts, Jatiey wood, ivory handles, sterling silver, gold and gun metal trimmed, $3 98 each—Ladies’ and Men’s Silk Umbrellas, imported handle*, no two alike; these goods arc thuusnalGOO grade, but wc sell as wo buy* befl,? your choice today at about half price. ' $4 00 each—Ladies* aud Men’* Silk Umbrellas, fauey horn, imported fir, boxwood, gun metal, ivory and coral handles, sterling silver and ' go!i mounted, fine silk covers aud The exclusiveness and general excel­ lence-in design place the;* goerb fa? almv© any ever offered the people o1 this t Sty even at $6. $498 each, Sadies’ and men’s silk Umbrellas, a veryextensive cellcetwo of the finest imported handles a d perfect in each and ©very detail; rails .regularly at 7 00. ISOScaeSi, ladies’ and men’s rilk Umbrellas, a magnificent cullectiea and tho ehsfest foreign novelties in handles fully represented; sleep hots handles, imported handto, Uaxw.vd handles, ivory ami ew*l handles, beautifully in. unfed in sterling, eilrcs and gold, also rilxer awedge, silk aud te»wl». Real value V39. sPyWaRlw Spei is! atteotiou is railed to sis Lt* very fin©and very * 4 « t hand c» brmderrd TrWh lin»-a Ifandketehieb- tiwputera*sample*. RfV*, L23, 1.0* 26- '#• ]*/- 1 &• W A R D W R E N . t »