The Cedarville Herald, Volume 22, Numbers 48-52
IW 1*0% SV.1 U ytatf I'bjw-sWa 1 1 m rials rsais 4 y f»*r C —d y>« — n te «» h* it, mmwf yo* «QI «*t. It j — vWi a ssstaln p s p t a t t r ? “ ' it MSVWMrif «* wilt Wt »k»not and Wilt tA i m m , tm -Y Locftl Pirsonal A MsrryCbrirtauts. —Gisy k«tfM nothing butfhe h*§t ta Us tbs of good*. - -Grit*’#, ofXenia, are headquart e r for the Ineat Cream and I<m. They ship to *11 putts of tbeeounty. Junta Pollock, who i* attending ■anHaHe la Monmouth, Illinois, rf- - Ranted home toclay. —What in Xenia take dionei sfoh Grices’ in their ’‘New Home , 1 No. t f Green Street. —A targe number of .people have talon the advantage of the many bar- pine in Qneensware at Bull A Spencer's, but we have better ones yet, % • Several lsdiee ftom here went over to Dayton, Thursday, to view the holidaydisplay in the t»«m city. —-Bmokiog jacket* or house Coats Make useful, presents. We have ttaHO from 15 to $10. All 'size*. R. 8. Kingsbury, Xenia, Ohio, The Christina* social for the child- dren of the R. P. church turn been postponed fromFriday till neat Slim* Way, onaccountof the death of Amos Creswell. * , Mr. C. W*. Crouse is having his iee houserepaired, and is moving the same back in’ order that he may forthe* completehw improvements —DeWitt’a Little Riserspurify the Mood, cleau the liver, invigorate the ayatem. Famous little pill* for' con*? tipationand liver troubles, Ridgway A Co., druggists. C. M. CroUse madea business trip o Cdumbm, We (needay -—FineValises, Mackintoshes, Stat i c son hats, etc., ail make usefnl pres* ants R, 8 . Kingsbury, Xenia, Ohio. The Christmas entertainment of 0 * H. JR. ehiirch will be held at the shsircfa next Monday eveningst7;30 sftfoafc. .—Th# work is right, The price it right. Batisfaction guaranteed At AnAwton Bros’, Gallery, Xenia, O, Mr, and Mrs. E O, Bull enter; tainsd* aamberof their friends and relatives at dinner Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. John Wade spent Wednesday, in Springfield, —The lowest prices on holiday jpods is at Bull A BpencerV J . H, Bntberton spent a couple of dag* ta Dayton, this week, visiting Mesen and danghter. —VWjuvanita books go to 0 , M. Ridgway, Mr. Thoms# R. Turner, a gradu- ata *f the college, has an appoint* am t to preach during the hoiWaysat Maviltat Indiana. As Tom isso near hewUl probably come to Cedatvill* next week to seehis old friends Kettierville, 0 ., Sept. 5, ’09. Ta whom it may concern; I feel that tny time and money spa t la learning the work in the dressmakingschool of New Bremen, wfMrepay me many folds, and would sot be willing to pert with ktiowkflge gained for twice what it cost me# It it npositive pleasure to learn how to d.> work well, and that is what they taaob you, Mrs. E uma M mjlwi , : iVnf. Anderson is spending her emtfoa at her home in I^mdonville, j Ohio, Mrs, Mattie Williamson wm in j Xstta, Tuesday. j —Mrs, K. Churchill, Berlin, Vb, nay*. “Onr hshy was covered with M sstsf n»res, IbWlttV Witch HnasiHate*curedhmr"A specificcate for pAsaandriiin diseases Bewareof fsarthlsaa «v<unteffrits, Ridgway A "Cn.. drwggfoif, Wool was received by Miss EDI# fiam w i on last Monday, announm Mja slip daatb of Mm, Mahs) MUchsH flpafoaat bar Mow la Hntabintsw, f lt a iba. Wnads bad mmy friends lattMapbme, Aaata K Lenaiii*. Tfft, i , says, ”1 safforod a l«n* rime sj hwl: isab and hesitai rqg#y ,tN l. Kodot Dyspepsia Car* S jM k ta ta n d •am all fonas of It atver foil lo wMif Igi t prtagfUM, O . July f t , 1«M. TsMy Frisada: 1 f£«l that 1 m s safoly tenterse tha Dtateouri Cuuer Hthool, having taken th« cours* hen? myself, and having two sMtert sad two nicest who at- tended the school iu Dbaua. My leetiUahave been antlrcfy satisfactory and they, altar four months* axpe* vtanee (they are all dressmakers), report that they could not get along without tbs Garment Cutter, that it is even batter than represented* I have found the teaclier* ami mana gers courteous, and perfect ladies and gentlemen, and strictly attentive to business, They are evidently sin cerely interested I d the pregrew o! every pupil, end I have found the verdict of ell to ho that the School is grand success. I can cordially en dow* the work to all. *: Very truly, M ks , L urieatha hum College closed for the holidays, ’ Wednesday, Among the students who returned to their homes for the holidays were W. A, Bollock, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Anua Smiley, of Sparta, Illinois; Roht, Wallace, of .Belle Center, Ohio; Homer Henderson, of Iberia, Ohio; and John McCall, of Idnville, Ind. ■—A choice line' of ail kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s, , ■—Mr. J.- Sheer, Sedalia, Mo,, Saved bis child’s life by One Minute Cough Cure. . Doctors had given her up to, die with croup. It’s an infallible core for cohghs, colds, grippe/ pneu monia, bronchitis and throat and lung troubles. -Relieves at once. 'Ridg way A; Co . druggists* Mies Jennie Morton, who holds a position in an academy in Minne apolis, is expected home today, —Dou’t forget about the closing' out sale of Queensware, Lamps and Jatdmeire, a t finlt & Spencer’s. —A gentleman’s' present—box of elegant cigars at C. M, Ridgway. The annual meeting of the Im proved Delaine Merino Sheep Breed ers Association will lie held in Spring- field Arcade Hotel, on the first Thurs day of January 1900, at 10 a. tn. All members of the association are requested to be present, as much business of importance will he trans acted. D r . J . O. S t e w a r t , Pbyecian and Surgeon. Specialist iu B y e a n d B a r . G law e* A c c u r a t e ly A d ju s t e d , SATJSFaCTIOjr GtMItAX- XEEP, David Bear, who used, to live here, will be married.the 28th of Ibis; mouth to Mis* Stoplcton, of Spring- field. 4 Dr, P. R, Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR* NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses AccuratelyAd justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Telephone.—<Offioe No. it. Residence No. 37 . —Almost ft carload of handker chiefs, Special holiday lino, new de signs—oc. to 13; better for tho money and larger stock than ever. Alexander A Spnlir, Xenia. Nebraska’s cornfield in 1899 cover ed over 11,000 square miles, which is s larger are* than is covered by many states. The western country is filling up rapidly and The Omaha Bee fur- nisbes much information in regard to the fertility of the soil and growth of industries, The Semi-Weekly Jlco, illustrated, $1.50 a year. The Weekly alone, 65 cents a year. -^•Ifyoii want anything good, go, to Gray's, Mr. J. B. Driscoll and sou of Sa bina, visited Mr. and Mrs. Alva Ifagier, Tuesday and Wednesday, of this week. —Christinas perfumes at C. M. Ridgway. Selma seems to he the unlucky locationjust at present, in the matter of horse thrives. Mr. Robert Rider had ahorse and wagon stolen last Wednesday night. “ Builders and General Hardware, at O#M. Crouse’s. -—Teas, Coffee- and Cigars at Gray’s W atir 'for Cows, ,, suow many dairymen appreciate the amount of water their cows need, both to digest their food and to furnish that needed for their milk supply? A cow rennet work over her food nor sttfidjr milk without water and plenty «C H, It takes four pounds or half a gallon of water for every pound of dry MMtey in the food; this Means •warty is# pounds of water for a cow -resstring dry food stone. If the food to ita tas water, a t in silage or roots, of oonrwi tka asaouat required it less, Th* Oooava foe! km found that cows in fait a ltk require four and three- •Alia panada of water for every twen ty pooada of Milk Now* it a cow is la a ooMkora with sold food u"4 tee- la drtak. is eke goto* to chill wMk a hnadt*d pounds of cold ■seals la hasp np Mar ntltk t Psetf ta Mgh tkla year aad twt. ( e n , ate., are M*k prtoSd ta beat water, rows aad ataktae Tel Kora era gatac to k* away wtetsr far Jnat tkat par ▼HI OINIMO BOOM. A,. cpaHMa’. sad adaramaat at foia Hatlfkt at Wamankiod. Woiaeu who ui« tliv daiighlsd PW aaasora of iars«. iun cMIiucad dtttiiig ruuate. old oak furultai# and precious Cktaa ar# the navy of their lean for* lunate ulsters. A psuor a»»er ap peal* to a T.V.4UU as a Ulatag room does, Bite is always concocting aoaie sekems hy which her dining room esa b* mado more homelike As the dlntug room is frequently the living room s)*o, it should receive all posalble care, If It is fairly large, ha* hardwood door and a deep win dow or two, it may he made a thing of beauty, The doore should toe pol ished or waxed, preferably dark, and strewn with n bright rug or two, al though a lounge and chairs uphol stered in blue and white cretonne are desirable for comfort and cheer. The lounge must be broad and low, with severs! durable pillows, This will be appreciated by the bead of the,bouse, nays tba New Orleans Picayune. Wall paper In delft blue is most ef fective, although tho color scheme may call for a different style. In the windows have a few growing plants. Let them be vivid greens and rede. They add' much to the cheerfulness of a room. One or two carefully chosen pictures may hang on the walls. Their choice is apt to be a nerve- racking operation, unless the house wife has conddence in her good taste, copies of fruit pictures, game and dsh are permitted, and an old family por trait in oil*. If one is In doubt about pictures the walls may be covered with delft and spode ware, or even less- pretentious china, strung on wires and arranged in rows oh hang ing shelves. The sideboard, id spread with fringed damask dollies, and eet with the treasured silverware and cut glass. In the china ,closet—one with swinging doors and dark velvet lin- ings—is displayed the choice china. The contents must be. arranged with care. Do not place together the heav ier and dantter ware,' but grade them gently, bo hs to give the beBt effects* Between mealB the table should be spread with a blue and white denim cover, set with the fern diBh. This adds a homelike touch to the room and destroys,the formality which a sol table gives, ' Ladies’ Fancy Shirt Waist. The title of “shirt waist" as applied to this design seems almost inappro priate, for so carefully 1 b it fitted and' [3? \ m m m t ggjEg]n m fes? iAK Our train In f of Holiday Goods and Furniture has arrived. « ^ *■ -• -.' t Nothing makes such a satisfactory holiday gift as a piece of furniture—a serviceable and lasting remembrance. I t is a use ful and ornamental present that gives pleasure to anyone. Gifts are here at every price within your means. Here are a few of the hundreds of articles we show, which make very v ** , . •' • . ir ' * ' ‘ . * acceptable presents. Come in and see the grand display. S?fV a: 1hr*-"*”’”1 E 3 S S H 8PHt IA L ’PRIOR A nice line to select from. Call nml examine our stock before purchasing. prettily trimmed that it is almost • fancy cloth waist. Fashioned In dark- green twill, embroidered with black silk polka dots, trimmed by narrow band of Alaska sable and three medal lions of burnished gold, this waist may be worn appropriately with cither a black or green tailor-made gown, The hack is fitted smooth across tho shoul ders with tiny plaits in tho centre at tho waist line, A perfect fit is ob tained by using an undcrarmed gore. The fullness In front is adjusted In two clusters of three tucks on each shoulder gathered at the waist In k slight blouse* The right front crosses over to the left side, fastening under three sharp points, which are outlined by a narrow band of fur and decorated with medallion of burnished gold. Tho collar Is fashionably shaped with two points in the back, tho novel feature being the olopo in the centre front, giving more depth to the collar at that point than heretofore. The two-piece sleeve is decorated with a band of fur in pointed epaulette effect, The scallops at the wrist are fur trimmed. Cashmere, Henrietta, French flan nel, or Venetian wo-old bo appropriate for this design. Velvet of contrasting color may be used for tho collar and eap on the shoulder, with narrow rib bon velvet applied flat In plari? of the fur. To make this shirt waist in the me dium size wilt require one and one- half yards of material forty-four -»!}wide* MAYMANTON. Should Learn to Cook# The ability to itsako a loaf of good bread is an accomplishment which ev ery woman should possess before she gets married. It is of no use for a woman to think that she can hold a man’s affections very securely when she feeds him on death slug biscuits, soggy plo crust and burned or half cooked meats. Men do not live to eat, but they have to cat in order to live, and what they have to cat has much to do with their temper, their piety and their health. A woman should take a pride in being expert and accomplished in her cooking and tho care of her home, just as a man docs in being expert in his business or profession. atilt Wondering, “Yes/' sold the bachelor reflective- !y, I offended her in some way, hut 1 don't really know how. You see, her baby was fretful, and she explained that he had been cutting his teeth; whereupon t asked her why she let him play with a knife,” Alnalng tha Hair. Many women who shampoo their own hair spoil it by insufficient rins ing, Gallons of water should be used, as It is important to fid the hair oj every particle of aaap. Whit Whiskey Costs, An Indiana grocer prints the fell »w- Ink In his circular, nddiess'-d to pat* tensi ^Notice is hereby given that if Stem eom« to my store three times « day daring the west year, and p«r<hes» A drink of whisk*? e«<H fim* paying ten aw n a drink, at tha- wd of ffi» jrsnr t will donnt* five harmts of mr bdwt. flour, 10* po«nd« of flno gramiist*11 Mgnr, 1SS fMMido of IS pound* of oottrr, J# gnltomi of tr r a y |o yard* of ontk-o, thro* pnlr* of •go*-*, on# tiSM «*Mk for poor wlfr; nod than r artti t a r s ta* test to pap ter «*• Ihioor pop I P II: vme. Iter '■r ’V-i-MV H r wm iiw : (Ukr mi t) These Stands, size 16x16 incites, will bo «>n s:tlo only during tjie lioJid.'tye Full Sized Bed $3*25, Woven Wires Double Weave, Like Gut, Highly Polished Golden Oak. The latest styles and design*. • .9 Commodes, Medicine Chests Screens, oak and mahogany, 3, 4 and 5 leaves. PICTURE FRAITES. We can’t be excelled any place in the county. Over 100 styles to j select from. We carry all the above in stock TW£N ONE Has One ol Iteiog The ’ Atlasr c thieving title com >!, Last »s .stole) a wa v Wildt stiiw of tl A ' )wn, the the sur sn with iptuml b* olumbu*. efferaou t lie town, a lg that a i this <1 trted aft- him, a) '«* ihej fisfaction iThe pris barleston, ih c|mr Williu f- Dhdoubi . gang tv neigh', are ice will he rest. -the. tiers Oia Style, Furniture Dealer. South Mailt S t W h i c h D o Y o n I Ak i > Reform The any i*t Itefc iyear ic rar York public 0. iciple* )ued ih f«. Tin D. of ’ re-elci lotion. Ittee of inted fo ■ [The uhji tintain . t'hristia intent. qu • fwlve tl. Ids, am d at itstive i A msinl Iseussad, sc read l> D. 1)., of TlitelGgicr P«., en •'( lit we it we ids for gfaodizi Iu. W sintenar ri gov- I dbaro :them famil so, mid ta we istated D« lie iteen. 9BSWt ta in wall -fam It? a of t l«tm; Wo sin a ifBi; J. E IfolUH
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