The Cedarville Herald, Volume 22, Numbers 48-52

> ■ > - * **'<? ;v>* * - *• , *v <r t '£/! ■ <":«J»?*< • * <*■ 1 s . * K-- *«’... '■ .' , pwir j i^p?■> v*r JIT H lk r t iL l^ H IB tl#HTV IjrpMMf •# * IPyMiam A Mo* WHI • l»hW > TH* Qmmmmr «C>«U . I im o. VtmMiir> AHldHt fw li^ mt or T r S i r *■ »H* at u m m Z m t MMto tw* VMM m tfc* IaiMMta. tiU) MM mm ew»- tlpitMf*«r nearly tiitt* y tM A M tte mhumt of MW. Hr tmvaM tint teat Ilia* t a i w o f a pari* •* ***** **•*] waa l»r. J. 9. **«**, 1* W» **cood trip lila MnuMtUtMt waa Ur. Frank fi. XkMtim Tkeiv object waa **wtofH*l ipMlatMM and ethiwtofileat luawrlal, and tbajr ttoitea, b**W#a I.n*u», tbr Jxfeiwto of IMnay. Ualmaraa. Nett**, BHluljar, OaJiv.HHtmlow, m*mu. Hula, Tawl Twat, FUawaa, Cotton, »iwuan- fa, Hamar. Bcmbloa, Tabku, Htbtifan and Maaitat*. Laid Mimaoer Frofepaw Wowerter tool;©*) mi » HI* aok** ami pHotographa that, ha had wail* In M* sojourn in the awhlprlviro and wrote a Itook If *flW« 3no imjnw . It include* hobm * history, iMdith-al and jrognwbtial. aad data, aa<l atatratlw that will hr uorful to tlKMwdoalro to know the#* thin**. but quite 4W pane* am taken up with (Filipino Types,i etomuing drseriptloips, Interest...,. .ui- proHSions and Instructive observation!* and conclusions. The Tolunie has been emitted "The Philippine Islands and Their People.'’ I t >vns published a few weeks ago by the Macniillaw, company.. •Ahistorical Introduction of one chap­ ter, a perusal of which cannot fall to liwlmtfe r c a M for it move tliovongn comprehension of the pages Unit fol­ low, opens the book. At the omt of this chapter the causes of the last re- volttof the Filipinos against the Span­ ish rule iw-e strikingly summarized, but, as. some of the lines suggest, there Is' futility to IbeorMuff on current events and Injecting the ideas into what is intended to "be permanent literature. Says Prof. Worcester: "The history of the revolt of IttiWhas oat'yet been written, and at this time and distance reliable facts are not ob­ tainable, I for one wan not snrpflwd Whcn-the news came that several prov­ inces were to reblllon, for. during the years IS&O-SKl, while traveling in the -archipelago, l everywhere heard the muttering# that go before a storm. It was the old story—compulsory mliltniy service, tojees too heavy, to .be borne, and imprisonment or deportation with confiscation of property tor those who could not pay them; noJustice except off ■ thowrtvbw coitlil afford to i)iiy lu cruel extortion by* the films in the more secluded districts, wives and daughters ruined, the marriage m«* mbny too costly a luxury for the poor, the dead refused burial without pay­ ment of -a substantial sum to advance, no opportunity for education, little tn- couragcment fpr industry and econ­ omy, since to acquire wealtli meant to become a target for official* and friars alike; these and a hundred .other wrong had goaded natives and half- castea until they were stnng to desper­ ation, * It Is probably true, as Prof, Worces­ ter Implies, that the average tourist thinks he has seen the Philippines when he visits- Manila and makes a tow trips ten or twelve miles into the Interior of l.tiron. lie is sure to have seen them. If he takes a run down to lllolo and Calm, In tile absence of records proving the contrary, Prof. Worcester’s Insinuation Is probably correct “BUt,” continues the author, “tin* population of the Philippines Is rotigie ly estimated at 8 , 000 , 000 , Of the natives, who form the bulk of it. there nr« more than eighty distinct tribes, each with its own peculiarities. They are sonteml over hundreds of Isl antis, and one who would really loans to know something of the country mtHi travel widely. * * * In the study of these primitive peoples and in the won- dors of the.troplcal forests he will find enough that is strange to satisfy hl 3 longing for novelty, enough that Is grand and beautiful to repay lum for the risks he may bo called upon to face and the hardships h? will certainly be forced to undergo.” “It is hardly possible,’ says Prof Worcester some pages further on, “to make a gennal statement nS to At;*? best season for a trip through the trtov- £ tiros, for this vailN with the totality to be visited, th e Spaniards epigram rnsth illy dest t-ltoa the Reasons an ran- Fisting of Vein lueses do pulvo. w-is mrses de lodo. seis «:t ses de todo/ f«l-s months of dust, sis months of mud, six months of everything}, hat when it Is dusty In one place it tony ho muddy in another.” In speaking of diseases to the fslanils the writer asset to that t£th.o tt a- ih-ir soon learns b» mt*gntoe s-jVcrM typcs of fever; one rrcuts every third day. nnMhn- every setond d»y and a third limit. If promptly anil, energeticaHv ♦sVra tn hand saw of them may Ins shaken off, but th* mm-h dreaded w?|, eatwra pernictoM. to » very nmlignant disease, running U* ;«uwf in a few hours, and frwi«e«tly tormfnatlnf with black vomit ami death, Fortunately <1* r«-rn!off«ft’ to very local in Ito oe<nr e»ce, and the ptoreu whew It to known to exist are shunned hy natives and whites alike, “It has liw-n shown to a umulter of iuMaaeee that taalarkt was due to eansea that ewnid tw temedled, Befove tli# tint# of <toa, Arutos. Putn was a f#t*r cuutre By improving the dtoia- of the town and by filling in tow ,4«re* with coral aaad, he encreeded to fitoms* eotufdefety stamping out tl ? ---*‘1 was nearly tlwuf tvitli Jiepsis. tried doefor*, vi«ite*S UMiiffsl apriugs, sod grew worm*. 1tsed Kirtlol j kyy p s i* C sm Timt * oi *5." It digests shst voa egt rtigpAir sog stomach, and all forms of dyspepi* ft IV , dr naglata. OttI S 0 lMt 8 fi 8 Wt Mart oar paopia will maaifest tbafa* paUift afiiHt aa wall aa (hair am UtSoa to he "up with the timaa,” % it (M mmnmm and gauaral patronage of • u aaw talephoa* ayetem. Wa are latormed that 4fty-fly« boxe« have alraady been ordaml ami we trmt the number will s'g>u lw doubled, <)f talapbouea the Xania Oiwetta aaysi ’’Tit* talephone I wm hettOMe a uecemity of mmlarit life, and whatever tends to eht-aptu the telephone aervii’e and en­ large it* sphere of operation deserves support and encouragement. I t is stated tlwt the cloae of the year will 3,600 independent exchanges in operatkm, having over 750,000 in­ struments, In 1890 there were under rental me in the country 00,878 tele­ phone*. One year later the number was increased to 182,092- In 1898 the number of telephones in use waa over 1,000,000, In 1885 there were in ubo in the various systems and modes of building 127,223 miles of telephone wire. JAt the beginning of this year the mileage had increased to 1«158- 005 miles.—Waynesville Gazette. • “The qunil this Reasonare all found aiiohg the streams," said u hunter. “I t has been so dry that they ore obliged to stay close to them to get water."—Xenia Republican, Hogs are very partial to cow peas, and such food is excellent for them. They first eat the pods, and where there are no pods to be hud they cut the leaves, following with the stems, When the vines are,gone they will, if the ground permits, eat the roots by rooting for them. In this manner the -hogs will' feed themselves and manure the grouud at the same time. Where jb e te is a field that can be used in that manner a crop of cow peas should pay well.—Globe Demo­ crat. ' • .Two -cows belonging |« S. Lemon a. farmer near Jamestown died last week. They were in a pasture with a large boar who gored their sides in n frightful manner with his tosks cans ing their death.—Xenia Herald, . ’ 0 I t is’said that Rev- J . G. Carson, D. D.» of this city, is thinking seri onsly of taking a trip to Europe ant the Holy Land, leaving some time in February and remaining abroad quite awhile. The Doctor has long desire; to make just such a journey, and his friends in this city are in hopes that he will not I ks disappointed in flunking his arrangements and that he inny haven delightful trip.—Republican t ’urr* in, HeartHam Rblgwar than any «th*V Xenia. ear* for aow rkp L i n t j Btfihfc h THAUKSGIVIHG The editor* of the Ohio Peniten­ tiary New* have iwned a special Thanksgiving nnud^r, which would »e a rre<lit to »nv newspaper office. ' I ha* a colored cover, the first page of the cover being a picture of two thanksgiving dinners, entitled “The Vacant Chair.” The first is ft family deture of an aged father und mother and young'sister gathered about a table, loaded with a Thanksgiving dinner. One vacant chair is seen op­ posite the mother, «nd the sadness of the Family is evident in the picture. The other dinner scene is in the dining room of the penitentiary and i» presided over hy a guard. The paper is full of bright stories and funny themes from the pens of the prisoners. The articles show that the inside of the penitentiary is not all gloom, and '‘that smie men are ready to joke about their condition no matter how deplorable it may bo. We clip the following items. The first three are from the pen of “Peter Pickup." .... fjome men are never contented! they would kick even playing foot­ ball. . ‘“ Why don’t you write more, Pete? You used to fill two or three pages; now you give, less than two columns," suvs one of these ami­ able kieksters. When your Uncle Pete has toyed with 76.943i pounds of bolts during the day, lie is not fit to write anything, even if his tired faculties vonid grasp any idea .except the one that a piilow is the best thing in the wide'-world—nr mirmw cell I do try t.» write nod my /n iieillings are pnnetuaUd witiiVnimv#, ■ > .'© I see the papers are m vertiMng some swell overcoats at Fittem & Robbem’s big store, but I don’t be­ lieve I'll buy one this winter, ItV going to be a inild one anyway. Be­ sides, I shall be housed from (lie Arc­ tic air most of the time, bug.iged strictly in indoor work, and will be too busy, or tired, to go uptown of nu evening Owing to my delicate constitution, too, the doctor forbids exposure to the nipping, eager air of the harsh, white season. Then, > i i ; Sunday, I shall divide my time be­ tween chapel services and my family —of books and newspapers. So vvhnt’s the use.of an overcoat to me? Aud a ten saved is n ten gained. I; | Local and Personal. -—Teas, fjoflee and Cigars at Gray’s. —25 leading brands of fie. cigars at G. M. Ridgway's. The Ohio WesJey University nt Deleware, O., has been closed on account of small-pox, —When in Xenia take dinnei with Grices' in their “New Home,' No, 19 Green Street. Mr. Arthur Morrow, wife and two children, of Cincinnati, spent Thanks­ giving with J . C. Stormont and family. For something good to eat go to Bull & Spencer’s. Yon can get oysters, celery, cranberries, Concord and Malaga grapes, oranges, ban­ anas, rnaplc syrup, sweet potatoes and sauer kraut. —J . B. Clark, Peoria, 111., eaye, “Surgeons wanted to operate on me for piles, hut I cured them *with DeWitt’ Witch Hazel Salve." It is infallible for piles aud skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Ridgway & €o.f druggists. - H r . J . Sheer, Sedalia, Mo,, saved his child’s life by One Minute Gough Cure, Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It’s an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneu­ monia, bronchitis and throat and lung (roubles- Believes nt once. Ridg­ way dr, Go, dfuggisis. George White, who was arrested some time back for diserdly conduct and found guilty, had another hear­ ing taken upon error, licfore Judge Hcn»ggy, Wednesday, The Judge s Maine*! the Mayors emirt in the action it had taken, Mr, White «hch rill to » , . i r i W r i f c L ^ r „ „ „ .,„ im iM,iih fm' circuitentirbMonday, I i ,, . . . , J tipatinu and liver Irouhli'*, Ridgway The Ifsgcr Hfrawhoard and Pfi|MT {<&Go., druggists. ( Vmpeov made n neat gift to nwh j fine of their employees fi*r their I fHinre some «f the i-jwiiici! hnv “ Who is this here ‘Peter Pickup,1 nuyhow, and where was he edu- ated?” writes . a correspondent, I can only say, with n modest blush that turns the ink red as I write, that I am a poor prisoner without (he price of a peach pie, a graduate of Trouble College, in the University of Misfortune, and I am a private in one of the royal zebra battalions of her majesty Queen Grief, # “ I feel sorry for those poor men who have to stay in their cells so long on Sundays,” said a lady visitor. Let us be philosophers, and look upon the situation as if taking a Sabbath day’s journey on a sleeping ear, with a whole jection to ourselves, the journey being from Noontown to Momingville, with Steve Bussell, coming round with “ pies, cakes, doughnuts, "apples, candy," as the “ butcher." Then see how much bet­ ter the stone Pullman is than the one ou wheels,—no dust,, no crowding, no crying babies, no collisions, and not a cent to pay! * m Gv. • Bronze turkey on the 80th. Sorry, Mistah Turkey, hut IV©got to put you down. i We’ve had plenty of “ roasfology," now give o.groast turkey. What is that about the partition of Turkey aud the upsetting of Greece? Don’t forget to season your turkey with theoomplimontsof tire eeasou. “ AH 1 Want h Mu’ Chicken," is the title of a popular negro song. With u slight variation, wo would make if,* “All I Wont isAlts’Turkey.’4 A turkey after seeing an udver- ticement, “P a t is Fatal," went and took “ anlidht," hut ijefbre it got in its work, Mr. Turkey got it “ where Hannah wcnia her" beads" -in the neck. L amah SUStid. Thanksgiving dinner, am! that wa« a ifrmwHI larknr. TH# gilt an* v#ry Mach apprarialnd by th# #»Hp|nv##*. raganttoaa of th» Airt that (Wj Had to work an that Holiday TH* snaagNay^ art an n a M wRH urdm tHat tHay •aaM aat aflbfii (a «kn» dawa «Ha pftHN • • «m day. w w w w W W w w W W w w W W W W S w * a l l r o a d s l e a d t o W R P M W W I M E b I b I <■**■*■ Grand Holiday Opening MONDAY, December 4th, 1899. YDe Holiday Store and -Santa Claus Headquarters* MONDAY, December 4 th* i$ 9 » N ANNOUNCING our Grand Opening S.ile of Holiday Goods for 189c) we do so with a consciousness that, outside the largest cities of the country, our display of Holiday Go ds this season, in point of extent, variety, styes, good taste and exclusiveness, has no tftju it. Then our many years of skilled training and well-established commercial standing in :>,* arious markets of Europe, as well as Anierica, puts us side by side wjtii the first houses of the United States in the matter of purchasing power, thus placing us far in advance of any house of ordi­ nary opportunities in this country, With these especial advantages you have WREN'S toUsv signally in the lead and in a position to sell goods at much lower prices than’ the ordinary uv:.~ chant buys them. With this conviction we announce our Opening Sale of Holiday Gnu<|> ?o» Monday next, December 4 th, reiterating that a finer, more select and extensi - c- ‘Hec 1*<> of HOLIDAY GOODS has never before been seen mSpnngheld and at prices Sr-e nad«* this store one of the greatest shopping resorts of Ohio. . Then, witfi these facts consider'd, yo.», ■ can appreciate what three’weeks* buying in NewYork and also immense importation,-orders^means to the people of Springfield and vicinity who want to spend their money judiciously, when buy­ ing Holiday presents. We recommend the following as most acceptable gifts: it Standard Books, singly or in sets'; Juvenile Books, thousands of them to select from; Dolls, Toys, Games .Wooden Ware, Iron Toys, Sterling Silver Manicure and Toilet Sets, Bon Bon Boxes, Jewel Cases, Hair Receivers, Water Bottles, Cracker Jars, Water Pitchers, Albums, Celluloid Sets, Leather Goods, Pofck- etbooks, gelts, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Shop­ ping Bags, Rings, Scarf and Stick Pins, Brooches. Fancy Buckles, Chains, Bracelets, Thimbles. Fine. G’ass Ware, Individual Salts and Peppers, Dinner Sets, Coffee ,.hd Choco- ' late Sets,' Piacques, Vases, Cups and’Saucers, Japanese Ware, Gloves, Handkerchiefs Mufflers, Fine furs, Cloaks and. Wraps, Fine Umbrellas, Flannel and. Silk Waists, Dress Skirts, Dressing Sacques. Fine- Table Un ns and Table Sets, Fancy Spachtei or O t Wufc, Dress Goods and Silks, Rugs, Men’s Farms 1- ing Goods, Corsets, Aprons, Blankets, IU 1 Comfortables, Lace Curtains, etc,, etc. cl The above is but a brief outline of the enormous aggregation of Holiday Goods now i i ou»* house and, in connection with the thousands o f other equally desirable.items, will be oh saL Monday, December 4 , at prices that will be a revelation to even the closest buyers. N. B.—Special rates for quantities will be given all Sunday Schools T d Churches upon ap­ plication at our office. EDWARD W REN , m . >■ . m ■ # ^ $ 1.00 t e OPERA - HOUSE TO JANUARY 1 c‘* In order to increase onr subscription list, the HEBALD will be sent from now nntil Jan. 1,1901 for $ 1 . 00 . Thus giving until Jan ­ uary 1,1900 D ecem ber 8 AL REID^ B T F “ 0 X P m r ^ l |*» p TieNiltBelareCbristm” ADMISSION; JloWlltV LiKlo purify the To all new subscribers Tak aadvantage of this libera1 offer. '0gt»H6 Uf Htewsirt, lliwnsflx i ala! R’-toiit *ir*\ (<»»is?#!, oil f»r »!•.• Ia)i<p» *•» troi*i <>( itn'ii1 plui*#* **r l»ii*iwr<*. It Iw*ain« t<» )<«<k VtlwuiH tl* HliMia woiilil hav,< t<> lak* ap a anHaariptioit 5>r tH* |>ur- •HaatiOfaH. I« order tlmt tH# town mmy Hold up k» prrvtow* mmrd. 25 , 35 die £ e <M t RtriKL £