The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

■*^. ■ — TVEHTY-THHD YEA 1 . MO. I. A h Jn<lrp*Hd«nt Ifw tp a p e r Jiem itd to tite J n trm ( • / VsrUtr+ill* 0*4 Vioioity CEDAIVILLE, OHIO. DCCEHBEI 10 . 1899 . Neckwear; choice designs in Puflk, imperials, Four-in-ha|ada, Band Bows, String Ties, eto. Mufflers in ntlk wool; new patterns. Silk suspenders, and combinations fiuapender, sleeve and hose supporters, in single Fancy and white bosom shirts. Kid Gloves in desirable shades. Handkerohiefs, silk mid linen. Hats, Hose, M e rc h a n t TeMor. * I R A O . TJU *JXTT& , 0 H o t te r a n d F u rn ish e r . *# i ONE CAPTURED. <Wgs fi|rere gi i|a tffiAltt*9Tftutt Aft* S ami • **vwr s .w^i wy. non*. w-.^^ >■ * wem-W'.1 sw - sh ^^ w . f*il^lil^i 13^sss^isusftir. At lasf one of the perpetrator* of the thieving that he* been going on in this community ha* been landed in ja il.. hast Wednesday night * Jiorae* w*n stolen ’ from Robert Rider and a wagon and six sheep from Mr, Wildnlaiv who has' been the victim of the ga°g a couple'of times before. As «ou as the theft .was known, they immediately telephoned to the surrounding towns, and the men with the stolen property was captured between Wejt Jefferson aud Columbus. The Marshal of West Jefferson saw him passing through the town, mid soon, afterwards hear- log that n man and wagon answering to this description, was wanted, started after him and upon overtak­ ing, him, asked him ft few questions, iiuthns they were not answered to his satisfaction, arrested hini. ~ Tim prisoner.was brought hack to Charleston, and there pleaded guilty to the charges filed by Robert Elder and William Wild mui. Undoubtedly this is a member of the gang which has been operating in ,this neighborhood, and even if the others are not captured, a good sem lent* will perhaps put a quietus on* the rest, , fUdsTMCeeventlee iftNewYork. The mmtul meeting of the Nat­ ion*! Reform Association was held this year in the BroadwayTabernacle, New York City, on the 5th inet., and a public Conference on the Christian Principle*of Civil Government con­ tinued through the two following days. The Rev. Bylvester F . Bcovel, 1>. I). of Wowter University, Ohio, was re-elected President of the As­ sociation. aud .an Executive Com­ mittee of fifty-four memliers was ap­ pointed foi the coming year. The object of this Association is to maintain and promote the influence of Christianity in the American gov­ ernment, An unusual number of public questions a t the present time involve the principles which it up holds, aud these question* were dis* cuawd a t this Conference by repre­ sentative men. A number of excellent paper* were discussed, hut we will only mention CidawWi I t Uwfwsl.. We take great pleasure in clippiug the following from the Chicago Live Stock Report as an evidence of the standing of some of our load cattle­ men; ’‘Conclusive evidence that Ohio feeder* know how to produce good cattle was furnished by our sale on Monday of 18 head of prime 1,437 Ih grade Angus beeves a t $7,25, top­ ping the market 25c. out of a total supply of nearly J,0Q0 head, except­ ing only one other load, also Angus, for which we obtained 17,30, The first mentioned lot was owned hy Mr Robert Tindall, o f Belmn, O. They were purchased bv Messrs. I*. J , McTotire A Son for R, Weber, of New York.’They were fed hy Messrs. D. Brsdfote A Son. the well known breeders of Aberdeen Augos cattle at Oedarville, O., whonre entitled to a great deal of credit tor their excellent condition.” . This is the highest price that has been paid for a car load of Ohio,cattle for sixteen years, and reflects great credit on the firm that raised and fed them. FARMERS UNITE. TfceRernyardProblem. There is nothing so repulsive as a wet and filthy barnyard, in which the animals are compelled to walk knee deep in filth. Such a condition is not necessary and can be prevented it the barnyard id kept well supplied with absorbent material. Throwing whole cornstalks into the barnyard is the old method, but cornstalks do. not absorb until' they are trampled. to pieces, ami in the meantime mlich of the liquids areCarried off by rains. I t will pay to shred the cornstalks or cut the ’Straw for bedding, while leaves and dry earth may also lie used in the Iwrnynrd with advantage. AC«amM«W»tM MadebyBar Reece- tentative Farmers to. Protect • FfleieaaaaualamumAmamSmCmRTfatmaereai' ■ 'IHOPNMBVWMi UpPMfMlj'.flffVfRlim*■■ On Tnfedsy evening, December 23, a culled meeting of citizens of Oedarville township was held at the Mayor’s office for the purpose of organizing a protective association, J, S. Brown was chosen chairman and Edward Dean, Sec’y. After much interesting dissuasions it was decided to organize a permanent association '‘under the laws of Ohio. The following persons were ap­ pointed to canvass’ their respective neighborhood mid report at next me et ing January 2, 1900. ' District No. J. John Marbison and Chns. Turnbull. District No. 2. At. Stormont and WiIJian Conley.. District No. 3. John Lawheari and Clifford Bull. ' District No. 4. Charles Cooley and Harve Spencer. District No. 5. „ John L. Spahv and Reid OtfeuS. District No. 0 William. Crawford and H. Drake. District No. 7. Ed, Jobe and John Townslev, ' District No 8. D. 8. Collins and John Kyle: District No, 9. Edward Dean amt J , B. Kylo. ' District No. 10. Ervin Kyle and Tbos. St. John,: Oedarville.District. H. Barber, D. Bradtnte, T. B. An­ drew and R. F. Kerr, The next meeting will be held at the Mayor’s office, Tuesday night, at 7:30 o’clock sharp. 1 'tbMRMkf ’’Three Men on F lu r Wheel*,” is Jerome*K. Jerome’s .rather eccentric title for the series of hamorou* stories which lie hasjust completed tor the Saturday Evening Fast, of Phils- delphia. Every ok * who has road “Three Men in a Boat”—-and who has not?—will wish to follow the mis- adventures of Mr. Jerome mul his two companions'<m thhlr tour through Germany astride a.tandem and a safety. Mr. Jerome’s wit is no less keen, nor his humorless kiudty, than when he scored his great literay suc­ cess ten years ago. , ', The first story o f ' Mr. Jerome’s series will appear iu the Post of Jan uaryfi. Ja& been Superbly illus­ trated in halftone by-Air Harrison Fisher. \ COGITATIONS TYttt rreiMii The will of the late Amos Creswell has been filed - To hk wile he leaves that portion of hie’estate which she would be entitled to by law- The rest is left to his two children, Ads aiid William. Henry Irvin, of Jamestown is executor, The will was made Nov. 8, 18%. vJohn L. Hirst and P. U. Bchnehley bring witnesses. NsBcat Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to mo will plsape come and settle promptly as 1 Refit the money. C, Caorae, .9PHRv* ; Mr.VWMtaeiaAsMwtteJ. . Mr. Williams, who gave his lec­ tures against Romanism, here, week before last, was in Jamestown last week. As lie came out of the Opera House niter Ills lecture on Friday night, he was assaulted by a mob of men, led hy a Catholic saloon keeper, named John Mutcaliey, They would have undoubtedly have given him a severe whipping, and perhaps worse, if friend* who were with him, had not protected him. The episode aroused the protectants inJamestown far more than the lectures ofMr, Williams did. one read hy Prof, David B. Wilson, j D, D.„ of the Reformed Presbyterian I CHURN NRIES, Theological Hemiusrv, Allegheny, Rev. ami Mrs, Brownlee are spend* Pa., on “Our New Possessions- -What p g this week in Cincinnati, shall we make them!” I t was shown Mr. Alfred 8waby has returned that we are the trustee* of these land# for their welfare, not for own aggrandisement or for commercial gain. We am responsible for the maintenance of liberty and order ami g<>od government among them, for the character of the school* we shall give them, and of the law* relating to tha family w* •ball establish over them, and for the moral effect* of the trade we shall create and foster. It > stated that since American occu­ pation nearly two hundred saloons have been opened tip in Manilla where saloon* were almost unknown before, The proceeding* of the Gonferer- aee will he leaned shortly in pam­ phlet form, «nJsingle copie* will be sat to any address for the nominal nt of ten cents, on application fo National Reform Aaaoriatfon, 211 *k Way, Allegheny, Pa, I t wilt tain a rwrtfnl statement from tfte nf Bhhop Doane of the facte In fined* above referred Geek Bess', grand revival of “ Tee M f i * IRR Mar Boom,” mark* on* of a M i o i * a .dr Rfafa* HP n H P I VPPRlra IIVBP Of IBM MMMfi fiketefaafc. A p lay aieths dtaflin^L ^nMMman ^ a m o I m m o aMmmm JPIBB BMMIp Bvw ppBBBvBve i fW R BM home, after an extended visit with his brother near Chicago. A number of young people were entertained at Mi** Myrtle Stewart’*, Tuesday evening, MissT4d* Elder, a graduate of the musical department of Cedsrville college, will attend Obeilin college the coming terns, for further study of nitisiiv The masquerade party, Monday evening, hy Dr. and Mrs. J . IL Harris was a brilliant affair, The guests !<jok*-{ quite comic d in their varfou* costumes, At supper the party were allowed to unmask and they revealed some queeriy matched couples, Tha evening wss a most enjoyable one. Mr. John Rife, one of the wealth­ iest and m<«t prominent farmers of this section, died Tusaday morning at hia hose*, of heart trouble He had been falling rapidly for the lari month and his death though expected, was qnfte a shock to the eommnnhy, Hk death h mourned hy a wifaaad large family of ehiidren, amoag whom am Rtaphan and Fred, of Rense*. (foorga, Brungh and WHRam. Mm. Oardow CaRtoa, atsa Laa and Mar­ garet Ufa. a t ham*. ot tha O. B PlB I m H vHlMliiiHi fti m * la Mamoriam. '.f. Anna 0 , Young, wife of the lat^ Rev William Young, and eldest daughter ot J . P . and Martha A. Williamson was bOru near Oedarville, December 23, 1352, and died in Oedarville, December 25, 1890, aged 47 years aud two days, She spent her whole life, with the exception of about two year*, in tier father’s home in this immediate neighborhood. March 30,1876, slm was united iu marriage with Rev. William Young, pastor of the First Reformed Presby­ terian Church, Pittsburgh. After spending two years in that city, Rev. Young passed la the great beyond, leaving Mrs. Young to straggle amid the cares and responsibilities of life without the aid and support of her husband, Since that, Mrs. Young has resided in the hospitable home of her father. On October 10, 1869, she made a profession of religion iu the Cedar Title congregation of the Reformed Ffcsbyterian Church, and through her whole life she remained a loyal and devoted member of the church of her choice, fc-lie took an active interest in the church, in the prayer meetings,in the missionary association, in Christian Endeavor work, aud in ntt the enterprises and work ot the church, 8he was a warm friend of the college, dm) did what she could to help ami encourage it* interest*, 8he was the mother of one eon, Clarence, n worthy, promising Voting man, and nowa good student in the senior class of Cedarville Col- leg*, •« She leave* a father and mother, two brothers, John C. and Robert, and three eiriens, Nettie Anderson, of flpringflrid; KU a Bryson, of Xenia; and India Dean, of Cedarville, to monro her absent*. He* lari ddkaea* wa* protracted, and a t time*, painful, hot aim Imre It alt with mnariig pathtno* ami forti­ tude. Through it all lh* mnaifoated aver? patfont. forgiving Chririian dkporitInn, and at an early fontr Maw- day momtng aha paassd panoaftrily mwmj* A TIB CVBBBBriB OT |PNfB fagMal wBdMBn ^R^B W F a* •’afcmk. H a Mrs. M. R. Badger -was ih Cin- cinnsti, Saturday. Mfss Nelle Winslow is spending the holidays here with friends. Mrs. Mary Hnfijjkcraft, of .North Middletown, Ky., is spending the holidays here, the guest of her daugh­ ter, Airs. F. L. Alexander. '‘Dan Smith, of Dayton, spent Sun­ day here. ' Mrs. Geo. Cumberland spent part of the week a t Springfield. Mr. Joseph Harris, of Xenia, vis­ ited his sister. Mrs. Steele, here, Tuesday. * Mr. Fred Rife, of Kan*is, was called here by the death of his father, John Rife. V*i4DMrFtrXis L*f. B. D. Blanton, of Thackeryille, Tex., in two years paid over 1300.00 to doctors to cure a Running Sore on Ins leg. Then they wanted to cut it off, hut he cured it with one box of Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve. Guaranteed cure for Files. 25 cte. a box. S..!o by Ridgeway A Cd., driqr&L’. John W.‘O lin*,former citizen of this place, di^d at -the heme of hk sister, Airs, Shields, at Marion, Iud,, lost Saturday. Air. Cline was one of the first wlm enlisted from this place in Company D, 12th O. V. 1., was wouuded .twice, and was one of the best soldiers in the company. Air* Cline died in his 73d year* Mr, B, G. Ljwry ha* placed an incondescent elcctrio arc light in the hardware store of 0 . M. Crouse, Thk is the first light of thk kind that is in use in town. Itg?*e* perfect satis­ faction and is far superior to tha small light* that are in use. The Superior Drill company di«- tributed|to their employee* presents to the amount of $3000, given on a bask of #15 to each man in it* employ tea years, $10 for Rva years, 95 for three years, #8 for l«vt than three yean, In addition, each traveling aaleaman was presented MO. Frank Coe, an tHiio Bonthera ear- panter, shot hia wife killing her al­ most instantly Thursday morning, Hs lima f rad t third M i Iniohk awn breast, tbs haRStrunk a rib and teak mama. It la tbsa I ^wOl mo* I vffaWl^wter BF Frarn Craahad Creafo-^flia Frite Baby.--' Tha terh and Iter Yeast- Once upon &time a lark made her neat in a field of young wheat out in Kansas. In due time her young one#grew up and went through the successive stages of the whooping cough and measles and chicken pox. They had got big enough to quit Sun­ day school and the girls were begin­ ning to invent artistic ways in which to spell their names. ' , Mary spelled her name “Marie,” and May spelled Iter’s “Mae,” all of them were,sorry that their mother bad read so-few' uovels and had given them such plain and commonplace names. . The boys had patronized the barber shop once or twice and walked in un­ concerned and always went on Satur­ day night at the busiest hour. One of the hoys was sowing ' bis wild oats, huviag read that every boy mast do that. _ So one day wheu the rgfekh one of the beys had been out sowing wild oats, lie beard the farmer say to his hired hand who had jori got back from the county fair; “Day after tomorrow, if it doewi’t rain, we must get some ot the neigh­ bors to come in and help u* cut the wheat.” - ’ - " . Xh* KananJuk toid “Jbk rid h a s 1 about it. Housed to call him “ his old man” when he wasetpeckllywiid. The old lark replied.’ “ te ll that old hay seed to go chase himsrifi I am not sfiraid of him as long as he eounts on his wife’s relations to help him,” And then the farmer and hk wife’s folks had a falling out about a Hue fence and he told them all to go to grass, he guessed he could gather his own wheat crop. He declared he would get a self binder and cut that wheat before the end of tbe.Week or break a tug. The old lark having this conversation reported to him again* said to hk wife: “ I t k time, my dear* that we get ready to move; the rent is due and it is cheaper to move. Don’t forget to bring along the motto, ’What is Home Without a Father,’ which bangs over the par­ lor door, The farmer means business,’ Morsl: Don’t pay any attention to a man who depends on his wife’s rein-, tsons. AFrits feaby* Mrs, Johnson is a lady of some pre­ tentions, notwithstanding she is a lady of some color, also* being no less in depth of blackness than say* the •ce ofipades, One day she informed the woman for whom she was doing some work; “My brother took a premium one time.” “Did he?” asked the woman with | evident interest. | “ Yes’m.” And she said it with ft j| deal of pardonable pride,* f The woman of the house wsl much interested and was glad that the spirit of emulation was saffiokstly develop- ing among the Negroes to impel them to effort* along right lines, Bhe thought, perhaps her brother was a farmer and had raked the biggest ear of corn, for theatster of the priee baby had said he took the premium a t the county fair. Or perhaps he was a skilled work­ man and had won a premium for hk handiwork. Bhe believed in industrial education tor the colored people, The lady nf color grew prouder and prouder until the woman asked? “How did your brother win a prise?” “For bring the biggest baby, for hkage* a t the fair.” , (Mb«t!State*** Cured and corrected by the u*eof Dr. CsldWeU’a Syrup Pepsin. This ; remedy restore* the natural action o f the stomach and bowel*, and is better than a remedy that checks but doe* not correct the condition*. Sold and recommended by C, M, Ridgway. \ , MWW k ,' . I will hold my sale' o f Thorough ' Bred Poland China Brood Sows a t, my residence, two mike east Of town*; on the Roland Kyle farm, January j 18* 1890. 45 head .of hogswill be offered. Sale under cover, J . H, D bake . i . NRIKC. ' - ' ’t_ All those knowing themselves "in­ debted to us please call and settle on or before January L 1900., Barr A Boyd. - t -THK- Arcade PhotograBlier'f Je the raoflt reliable and Strictly Up-to- date Artist in the city—Springfield, O. , OfBwfrw during the rnentii Just elariRg . bss gwtlydapktadOftr stedt; but we still have remsfahsg to make glad the heart of the' ones you forgot a t Chsistmaai, There’s no better way to ha- gin the last year of the «a*t» ury than hy gladdening ti* one who may have bean ex­ pecting something more that, disappointment, Tide Is year opportunity. We will gjkw y w y l o i f p i iM i o r «B n o r e l t i e s during the. swat month.. We do not want to carry them through the year. Wishing alt * happy and .prosperousNew yea?* we are still the Cedarvilk Jefrier, S a m M c C o l lu m . amid* —Bpadri hargriua k as mi grade sill Wool suits.' $8.25 $12; 911.25 worth $16, But 9# te'mll. 8L-. KMrimaw. JSMk Ohio. 5 Subscribe for the Herald, $1 p r.^ r. Begins on Tuesday Homing Jau. t, 1900 . I n v e n t o r y i s a t H a n d . I t is the policy of this store to take ita inventory of stock wh«n the Mock is at its lowest ebb. To reduce the stock to thk limit is the objeet of thk sale. We consider the time for profits on thk seasons merchandise as passed. Even cost will not stand in the way where the lots are laige and it k deaaml advisable tbmove thelp quickly. Thk big Clearance Bale serves a two-fold purpose. “I t clears the decks” for spring supplies, and g in s the trading public thk one great chance of the year to stock up on many needed thing* at price* in many cases less than the base cost of production. Having given you a reasonable reason for thk sacrifice o f profits, we in­ vite you to consult your own best buying interest—your truest eeoeemr* by embracing the opportunity. NICEREBOCTIOIABESOFEOIUEW TUT SELLIX&TILLU LUT. a n d At Reduced Prices tftlQ iK # f 9WV## | i i t | 9 W n » • ■ At Reduced Prices - At ReducedPrice* At Reduced Price* And hnndrede of other item* that spare will n<* pom h us to Msmtioii, You. are tntitad to co**#every day. OR msrpbV tf Bw . €*n ■ 48, 50, f it, 5 4 ,5 0 Lim tatoue S t„ HpriftlfHehl, 0 . m a m m B A T ft S H B T STOBB •awaWMi M •