The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
v f * r ‘n * X ’ 4 [<* U . v** $ < # i r •* . a ■ « | « t f e f q l d . * » a w * b . - N kNV lM illM . IT , JAMUAEY IS, 19M Grass In Ala apnoo " Amorims* a to » §m i of AgMiUK mm Sflk'til^H .^fifififi hrm rwmmmm, qpn*i^Rnp^Pp^ n ^ nini rbpwri ^ r fiosiih jU r tm war. rjt |Mg| nrk | •'WiMfcl^in nulmh** *ki^ IFlWBwlnWW^I A^C^QN|M^(tttll|ill(MP vm I imm M 0*t by red-eye; now it It , ■WKktut amfialay »nytllnt |N^ aouot itmay be remarked that Con gress reeumed work with ,*t,sort of liters jig IlltltlUBfll*’* ’ ; Mr, Dooley my* that only arm mm figbtiu the open. Nations, be think*, fight froaa behind hedge* «J»d bould ers, Mr* Dooley ha*goodmuse. Porto Rioo he* mflerod enough font its annexatloni^to the Halted titate*. Congreoi should aeve it from farther b*rth a* quickly aapoaaibte. !> '■' ‘ ' * w i •<> v '(1 It is announced that the revenue* o f Greet Britain are inorewdhg, A Very targe increase wilt be necessary to meet the heavy expense* of the War." \ \ ■* ’ Mr*. Eddy ha* been forced to write , to her admirer*begging them not to toad tier more than three jackets aa Mew Year gift*. Christian Scienoe want dead y e i th e question o f Mr; Quay'* ad* miarion to the Senate is purely a eon* •titatteual one, not in the lesst de* '■ poodoaf.■. on whether Mr, Quay f* n good man or not, ,' The big Chicago drainage canal is now open* Thi* fa all right,for Chi eafie, huthow about the town* that get thrir auppty from the rivem coil- tvurinated by it. The country iidedhtely tired of the AMMpMNi*BehIeycontroversy and wilt •unwelcome an efibrt to revive it nor -.lug rolKag combination to pro* amteheth ofitoer*. # TheBoersalso hare yellowjournals, am*o f which declare* that British aridier*attacked an ambulance UHd tore the red eft** firom the bat* and alaeve*of the attendant*. Theyellow uewspapert which fried: m hard to arrange t wholmale killing In oumwetion withtheXuntuoky rise* tfam, are now trying tbeir hand on the Kentucky legislature. Tha pretest toGreat Britain in con nection with the fiour ssisurssihoWs that the eouitry’e honor will not tnfihr aa long a* John Hay is at the bend o f the StateDepartment. An Alabama man i* Suing the Ml** pnpk eompaay bsesum its delay in tm r u ing a messtge loet him hi* bride. Perhaps aosseday in the futar*. the man who got her may aim cue. Nervt andaudacity compel ndmira- •den, even when exhibited by our The Filipino officer who thit* Manila to try to mile Briel •g th#native* hadplenty Of both. I*. waaeinr Haant k getting tooritiv* and my* that the newspapers do not ■ m wfin wim pfopif in|pi#in Wwt* Imps that ht mt but the eenetor innet hair It along with many diwlnguiahed dhfi^KriHhMtfn a ^^fifi 1 whh, or open. Am*ri*i i sympathy Aweither e f the helfigiiwnt* in the vr^u^ aaml^f liettei^ Ihe awry eerrini; they m i haadliag pelit* lm» firnad an >hi the Mew York Sun and iwrklee to the editor *»mpftr**wt~ it ^wwi^ir^bnt^t^i, not a* ae the Amt that the inn la la . . j ,, . IjHKt wMmflhapmo In e^tSrity. AM M r iM i flJK4§n i Snwatt than ean ataed of that now. ■ - - Then*who hare arid thti rimJBoew iMAMa saoMthlajriuuUt A L n Jkw L iK iH m * a m u l WwwImWpM^Wrwem® wPm pfimenlief themeeenandeiinakabf ptnmpwMHng, let* the Brithh camp nt Indymith, kwtweek, ■■ The chief *m*atill o f euooem fbrn vonaw man ie what the vaat maioritv of young men think about the tenet «-*tbnt k , good health 'mid * found, eenetitutfoe, H a t ie the fimtthing! nothing precede* it. In the betde fer*noo*e^ tint ahould be a 'young' niNmkirat thoe^t: not hh nmtHhht perhw work; hutbiabeelth, T&atli the' berim the oornemtene of nit. AMfitiae oantwt bring heeith, but health may, and generally doe*, develop abitity. ~ January Ladlef Pome Journal. f It haebeen demonetratedrepeatedly in. every atate in the Union and in many foreign ootwine* that Chem* bertain’s Cough Bemedy ie a certain preveatitive end cure for .croup. It bu become the univerml remedy for that diaeaae. M. V. Fwber of Lib erty, W. Va., only repeat* what ha* faeen said around the globe when he Write*: “I Lave used Chamberlain** Cough Kewedy in my family for eev* era! year* and alsray* with |perfeet auccew. We believe that it ianotonly the bebtcough remedy, but that it in a eure cure fi>r cronp. It hue eeved the tivee o f our children a number of time?.” Tbi* remedy t* for aefe by C.1M. Ridgway, druggist. Yesterday was the Greek Mew Year and tbe day Wes celebrated in a fitting manner by the race. Their MewYear i* known naShamn Mew Etto. The happy ommwoo commem orated with feaeting and merry-mak ing, ahd all work is suspendedfor that day, EartsgsOwlSmMiOlwelethii'elB*** ‘ .■ leari*.- . Manager Martini, of thn Pierson drug Sore, informs u* tkat he is hav ing n gnmt run on Chambsriain’* Cough Bemedy, He arils five bottles o f that medicine to one of any other kind, and it gives great satisfaction. In tkefe days of la grippe there ie nothing like CbamberlaiVs Cough Bemedy t* atop the cough, heal up the core thrust and lung* and give triltf within a very short time. The Mdee are growing* and all who try it are pleased with Us prompt action.— South ChiOsgo Dally Calumet. For sale by C. M, Ridgway, druggist. tee NemArsUvesva ape, John Adfmewas Fresideat. - The mat o f goverament wae re moved fromPhiladsiphie to Washlag* ton. War with Fmnee win imminent, but wae averted. LoutsieHn extended from Caned* to Mexico, and from the MlwWppi to the Rockies, Florida was under Spanish do* minion, % The Hudson River had yet to «ee that fkmone first acenmhoftt, - Ourgreetkkei was*underBrilein’s ocwtrol, Slaves were imported frow Afries, There wasn't atafirosd in our land, Ditto telegraph. Ditto cable. Ditto eleetri* lighter 'Twas y« tal low dip that fiourished.1 In fimt, t# m*k« a lee* etefy short,' HmayiMwaU he arid that -tweaW to&mmmA loluMr to tM II mi |U bm ammapp m i m w e**w »m w they had not ttMtheeathsy bed. J . I, Bevry, Logaateu, Fa,, writee, I «nt wilUag to tak* my oath that I wae eared of y wsioete eetbri? by the am « f One Mluete U^wgh (hire after dooton leitedt Itateneuradmy ebttdrMo fwhoopingsough,” Qaiehly ndisve* and earns eeagb* arid*, erwip, grippe aad threat ead laag I.... bln flt tifin ell T li If Mothem endnrnR. lldgway A Co., droggkii, ami Tin « If, Y, Tmris, Ageat 8o»Umri.M, M, Mofiae, G*., writes, l ean net m f Mu^m ta* w[^Aw| gjf !PMV MMinHw a | jpVmPw "Ml wJPWfil <PMBfiVlV Cough Case. la my mm Hwashed la lie Haded j—rood, tftef teea* r i f iM S S C w KS' f Caw lei wdh tha '•V f f t It Isn't always the prsdlsst earring kailh that ante the had. t f t Mfli^ni s: gte^l lisisst t:n him, he geaerally lets kis hsard grow* t t t Every men tMeh* that oaly tbess whom he owe*want to ssitle. f t t . It is aot the gsaurieet maeMaist who ietha'bste'Weriaaam- t t t Bornewomen think theway to eoon* omiae Is by making garmenta out of something aet intended for that pur pose. t t t A cigar never tastes: its best till it gate Vealshort. i ' 1 1 1 ^' Hang bed. grate**** it ^hereditary and- runs in families. . t t t . When a girl gets u.regular beau, the dressmaker gets a regular cus tomer, ; ’l’'' / - t t t We notice that it isnot the lawyer Who gets up earliest who has the most business, " t t t . Whenever a popular work is writ ten, somebody find* that it is plagiar ised.. > I f f Every fast walker is not a hustler. t t t We wonder why uo poor book is ever accused o f being plagiarised? • t t t Whenever a boy get* to wearing hie girl** picture on hi* coat lapel, they ought either to get married or be spanked# t t t I f We could only collect the inter est on all the money we have lost by dead lieats, we would get rich. t t t I fa fellow finds a mistake in proof leading, lie feels better than if he finds none, because be is sure there ie always, at leant one. t t t > A boygetting hd fint shave alwaye hunts tip:ati obscure barbershop. t t t A men gstethrough using a hatchet aad chops it into the Mock. A woman throws it on the ground. t t t Ajoker is never satisfied to spring hit joke, but insist* oo repeating it to ell who ootae along# f t t Ahoy never kieses kis sister, Ha always let* herkiss him, Aunt* Mnxxa. OMUaWIr^iiU. Bald heed*, hard work, love, werte ea the now, bWcyie fipee, war erase, swellheed,deiirio a tremens, unhappy marriagsa, ineaaity and pnectnred ilvw have never been cured by Dr# ClitfdwelfrRyrup Pepsin to oar know ledge but for a sure and plsassat remedy for indigestion, eonstlpatmn, sick fceadaehe and all stomach trouble. Dr# CMdwril'e byrap Pepsin fiititeMreri, sefest aadmeat pleasant remedy. It tesoldi* lfio (trial stee) fiOc and #1 bottles by i). M. Ifidg* way, druggist, I t hue. ksea.iitlu d il that a sam upwards o f |Hfi,fifiO,OOQ it aaaaally expended In America 4br ndvmMeg, **I am iadshled to D ie- Ifteuti Cough Cam fter my keaHh aud Hfb, It cured me of lung tepahla fidlewlag grippe/ Thousandsewe their lives to the prompt eeriest o f this never h lk ■AstetetetoteUMVfik MF warp«wmPto|Pe - *wfwfw wMMVRIgr neap , hnuridlhb paeumeida, grippe and threat aad- wag tmnhlsfc Its •ariy use prafiute cenaumption, It hi the only hamtlaslepaedy that given Immediete ftaulte# pdfway A Cb«» druggists, —Teus, CoMte aad Ligate at Gray’* ................ a r n T M i r * ‘Owiot Dr Kiag>( Mew Lite Fills each night ter two sssolte hoe pnt am In my *taaas? egslg* writes D H Tu a n af Dsipasy tiws , Pa. fh e/ m tfte h«l» la * • wgrii My sritehasedaivte*mswdmyMte w te a f f i lm afWMhdd, Tem^ fiw I had sueh a hsdamigh I eeuid toamD rK lagh Mew Dte- u A u A fiMUghB wm-Wi^mum^UM^^pm^^Wwg jr ^mprwsm j # OriM* fka^hatth . Asthem, Hay Fever and all maledim • t ( 3 ^ Throat and Langs are posi livelymirndbv this marrsfiout medi cine, lOe. and 41.00 Every bottle Trial bottles free n t Bidgsmy A Go,, dmggiste# ewmswmeiimwwwiweiw Aeeerdiag to the January report torn the Ohfe department of sgrioal- tare, the wheat appealed to be going steadily beakward until fronea up, Whet willhe the result of springopen- sagnad growth ie impossible to pre dict a t this time. . f ,— -j-ifnr ,.{ um O fiw o t V*K. Blonneger# L ibxkty , Ind„ Jan, 10,1808. Pepsin Byrnp Co#, Monticello, 11). CxrrrunrxK: For about 10 year* f wm affected with Constipation, In digestion and Stomach and Bowel trouble/ I tried Dr. Calwell's.Syrup Pepsin and soon found relief. After using one fifty-cent bottle 1 am now well and can eat anything that comes on the table without suffering pein and distressin my stomach and I can cheerfully recommend it to anyone that lias any bawd or stomach trouble. If you are afilietod try it and you will be convinced. Very .truly yours, C- K. S lonkegkk . free Beamryaed Seeds, A free delivery of the mail goes tar to destroying the isolation of farm life# I t will domuch idea to improve the roads o f the rural districts, and in this way wilt haven, marked effect in lessening the hardshi|>e of life on the farm and in increasing alike its pleas ures ami profits. NOTICE OPAWPOIRTMtNT ■■NuticeJa hereby given that Janies H. Irwin he* been appointed end qualified executor of the last will and testament o fAmos W. CreaweU, deceased. AH person* knowing themselves indebted to the above estate will make immediate payment, those haying' claims against the estate will please present them to the executor tor settlement. / , . J . N, Dean, Probate Judge. January 2,1900, • k o m • t will hold my sale of Thorough Bred Poland China Brood Sows at my residence, two miles east •of town, known ae the Boland Kyle farm, January 18, 1900, 45 head ofhoge will be offered. Bile under eovier, ,T. H, D kake . /) ' a ; S r 1 MTtccer m m n m f f . Motice is hereby given that G. W J . B. and W. C. Rife have been sp- printed aaExecutors of the h i t will and testament ofJohn Rife, deceased J . M. Dean, Probate Judge. January 8,1000. L in rop u m t i i t . List o f tetters remaining uncalled for la the Cedarvilte poetoike for the asouth endingJaa Mo. 2. , Rand, A . E. T. M. T abbox , P. M. We do not sell Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin for every disease; it ie only good for Constipation, Indigestion, Hick Headache and Btomach Troubles and we guarantee if to cure# O. M. Ridgway, druggist# Netfcel Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please come and settle promptly as 1 need the money. G .W*H* kn », r ^ ...-r • m m m k o m m m n% Take laxative Rromo Quinine Tablet*, All drngtisfs refitnd the money if it telle to eure, E# W. Grove's signstar* is on each box. 35c. N yermitstttelteylsm meet have indigestion. Tell 'em about Dr. CaldwnlfflHyrup Feprin nt ST* fifi The modern and most sfihetivi eure ter eenstipntion and all liver teouMss- the tenuous littte rills known as DeWkt's julttie Eariy Riser*. Ridgway A Co., drugghte, Most people know that mlvettising is an absolitely nmnttel p v t of neatly every gteat burinem, and tf the vast nudority o f smnH httrineiMe# --When In Tante la p dtaeet adthGrieed* in their ''Mew Heme Me, IfiGtera INiuet, -Mew Greg CW teph Ai H W J lk A H V A N C E W C O T T O N . OM to ia ly tk« M m * * . , B U H h fl.# OUgkM»>, T icV ing ., * f . , c— A b . g n t l j » d ,w « a : a A c t m w o rd #n «n> a t aa ad iraw a o f flow 1# to SO jrnw n tt. H u t c h is o n & Q ib n e y A lwnyn a lert for Bnrgninn and fo r lo ok in g nlientl, n ecum l whnt dry good s men f a l l Plttinn; JNhrinhnst. m i* *»i »* .1 IS» fValkr '" :w t r j •s ilt .... ..arJesoss - IAM)AS U E J a ... a . swit r«l rm tm V 4000 Y a rd s o f th e 8 x- 3 C Apwon G in g h am And o th e r m a k e s a t . . . ................... ... 4000 Y a rd s o f th e i a i - o c q u s lit y S ea n u ck er , sp le n d id g o o d s fwa tewye temrinin, Ike, . MiiJC aooo y a rd s o f Y a rd W id e B le a c h e d M u s lin , b e s t q u a lity A t . ................... ... 5 c Trn«lbM*»iMMM*A mi I WIM: Df <#»JNUrtMf*«* viwMtojtvttar inrtMMl *t vsttiSf ttom •«* jw fc**« awwwf »t oAlfpriet, J a c k e ts A ll c u t in tw o? tw o -th ird o ff o r ig in a l p r ic e . B la n k e ts ; n o b e tter tim e t o b u y ; c h e a p e s t . . . 50 c C om fo r ts, s ilk a lin e a n d c a lic o . . . . . 75 c t o $ 3,05 ln i! nt m ill item JMflfiSa, ' 4 % *E- 4 Jfow; System Dental Office(«««**• w m Room#10A)T«nBaUding, Talaption*No. 3SS, XBNIA, OHIO, j ovR prices : Popular P iste.......................... .|6.001 Grid Filling...................... .41.00 up [ Gold, and Plntimt..............- .50 up | Na charge •ir Paint*## ExtraetloM when teeth are unhnt. Ilfgliwr grwtcmaterial n«*Aonly. n r g l 1 sn AM AM AM scut« t lJU* i« AM nc F I wt AM p e r PM,. r i i [PMlPKi AFTER TEN YEARS. Here was I, after long years, on the lawn at Ascbt, rubbing shoulder* with Nauty and fashion; a prosperous, suc cessful men, hack again in BogUnd, l we* penniless when 1 left my own little village near Doncaster ten years ago to seek my fortune at the Cape. I bad .a ioug$, hard life at first, but It FRANK H. DEAN. 4 1E. Main St. A ttorney at L aw . I c o n , O. Min's Restmrnt Hi Dili**RMM Corner High and Limestone street; Springfield, Ohio. •sasat iter/ssrissassr"’' m a m s m Waahiofton, FhUuMphla MMt JCm* York! f ia |&(nuo<«o:W«.SOir(Wl>()saMS)Mrt. E k JM#ORKK, r . a . word , Swinlihwnr. ' eewtfSwmigWipX U-Mk.-R prrmraeB, M ica . VWrttm«o*rda,rftM*«CSu*> tiaroochtletwte, l i n n # dwriu,«at ftuthf lna#mM>Uo#> ra. ''SwnmmssowmiteMim^nsHienma - I comk in and 1 **MVBYBWASARUBSTEDBYATAC*.*’ was tree aad wild and healthy; and then l Sad a y luck and becaae rich*. and am now, I enppose, an envied area, tor I am young stilt and as eouad aa a ball. Tea yaars abaenee from henna marks assay ckasgae. How altered my IHtln vUltere! The old dtsrck still Beetles aa* der Aiie Wolds# tke quiet ksmlet still sleeps ss e l yore: but there is a aew town oa the lead one* termed Vjr my deer old tether, aad sobm saodera graves la the churchyard record, it asemsto bm , the death o fa whate gen- aratlea of friend*. The tew hearty haadehakes sad haart-movlBg grarilags, the few iared Yokes, served only to aeeeatuate the sorrow I frit at the changes that had made my old village hoaae daerteto. Aad I ease* away sadder than 1 had been for years, without auws of AH**— •xeept that aha left Brigdoa Mt a ia y weeks after I did and west to I sa - MB# ▲lies! la her name Is contained thi m true love story of aiy 111*, fibs eamo from tho Weet of Bagland to ho govaraeoa at the Rectory a very tew months haters I went to ths Oops. 1 had fatten In love with her IHerMly at first eight. ' Aad then earns (he hreak-up of say ISfe th* Lager of INI# I haekad ths wrong horns ter mush more than 1 vm worth, mad rutasd my tether aad my* ••A aad the levs tkat might havs hesn, dors X left ths eouatry 1 sooghi «, hut she would hats aotlunc to sap to am sxespt to uphtold ms for am father's mrlsf asd my own fatly* But wheat got to the Cups Xwrote tetter after tetter to Aiks, ter thsso .............a kindness svsa in her *•» fttothto t sent them through my Atmt Deborah, whom XthoughtTeouli trust. Ts thewsAHes did notrsply# and It was not until years Afterward that I discovered that my aunt had with- held my tetter* from her. Xsaw Cylleae win the Cup, sad then went aider the chestnuts at the bosk et the eland, where the Indies were promenading to the strains of the Roy al Artillery Bund, Hear tho gates, beneath the greet wRreBy gfiMIMqpm -filPfifMW wttk purple hloom. seeuasf neutrel In' hue through the tndlanee of the tedko wfen elustetod shout the Imse ot the plonte, my uy# woe srraotei hr a fuse ee heaRhy sad as purs as n Illy, won- darfully telr, and perhupa with oeuie thiag o f a lily’s I t iwiov#hut little in terested In the gilety of the Meter* of whtoh tt made a pert# •ha wm salt# near to me, aad of a hiewiy to striking that X wm eompetled to goeo noon her wenty fue* nod to took Into her mild, her gstote eye*. •ilddeoty wnth. A mo , dosed m (alt; nor -Attest my hooet mm* lot* X nt thru* of tr. dm f soot 1 what t OM. far hater* 1 my AlleeT mo the sodden eetooN my t o l i t PATENTS GUARANTEED oin*lirtiWMWfiWfiBw wm ntta BfOfilfiUFFECMHhfM iiMY4 UitMmtfibUkri “ i o nayaoeaaMleg! «WMy tovwtioe wfll:l ^ —- - J a to tilttiM ' m M' ’flRKm^m dim e IpilfifiMWlKyOt HMMh "JBITWl. _ wet" mat eyes wp i n r a n i * iwciuea ttototteeeeJ*eHi#*efocm»*atoer>ea>wir. reteete tManeet thttegn ee Motive ttnmOt ClnWfiMEto JOiwMlIj; t o r r t t o to b e VIOTOKO,CVAKOAOO. i j ^ A ^ A d id an m e w o % «pp greet ie ttetog, wsoHiwaroK. a. c. 1 OHUROH tMBSCTOftY R.R.Chereii—R«V. J . IT. Moitoe, tu to r. I NrriMi at 11.00 a . m. Rahtoth School i t it*.M. CovMiuttr Church—R#v. W. J.fisadmoe, I E ,tor. Bogetur torvieoa ut 11:10■. re. Sub- th Reheol ut 10 a. w. D. F.Chonk-r-lUv.V. 0. R om , poitor. Bor* i vioooet BW o. n . eedfctee. n . fiohtath Sthootet Silt a*M. ttMterd R um # A. K. R. C k ittl-K ir, Mr. Vu««lt. I'oo- ] tor Prteohleg at 11:S0 e. ei<oud 7:9* e* ei. d e li «r#ty Sihfcotli at 13A0, gubtoth fiohoot at 34* p. w. Frltadi aud vitUori fconiiolty i lavitod. M.B. Ckureh—R«r. A.D. Maddox# Failor.: ProMhia* ut ll:M a#ai, Boto i tk Blbooi at t:te a, ut# Yo«ag Pooyto'i euwliag p . et. fnyo r ewotiug Wodewdoy ovorieg1 o t7to. fioetfit Cbereb-rRov. Mr*Ciiimue , eutor j eftboBerititehureb, Prooehiigelllo'etoto.! ee47:Mp#ei# Bobbotb Sohoolet 3AS*.ei. Prayor mootiag t o u r Wodewdsy eight a t 7:W* Bmyoeo lavHod. flrihwieg of the Frioedi of Zioo, i t Xtrin A WHW uwiwto Hill, ovary fiuedoy aftimooe, at 2:Ma’d itk , ituadaid tlm . Xtwybody li ia- vliod. JahnM.Saywr OMidBetor And we will treat you right. We - wish to call your attention to ^ our new line of Candies, Oigsra and Tobacco. Hot and Cold \% Lunch ut all hour*. Meals 25c, <. boarding f 3,00 per week. Gut V P r ic e * .on peanuts tor School Teachers and .Sabbath School 1 Teachers for holidays. You wilt , do well to see us before buying | .ee we alwavs have a fine line os . hands ana keep freak roasted everyday# Oranges and Applet, 1 ‘ Brazil Mute, Almonds, California Walnutssold a t our place. Yonrato please, ; *f ^ W i l l i f h i U t e J J i- o tM .* Lowry Block, Cedarville, - - Ohio. lid gradual vtairiilni of Otohkhffoftt; toe slow dawn of rocoguitlon. onfi the thrill o f toerfal joy sn* happtuea* whkh nu t—ed every fsature of her htasty wheu rite worn ato aud knew N|N ulUbfi loft* ftiftpft. Did rim tort me? „ Wat tho fire*? Them was no newt ter aa* to nsk. t know—Xunw, X#ovottt«pl tetd sae ril. She, toe, had N ik id the mine. Her fas* wan S f t o S i veto m awn teruvtomora! ExehangeBank CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNTS of Merchants and In- dividual* solicited, Collections promptly made and remitted* D RAFTH on Mew York aad Cia- cinasti arid a t lowest rates# The cbeepest and moet convenient way to •end money by mail# * TOAMH HMd* ob R m I E state, Fri- * aonsl or Crilstofat Seetirity* William W tidmauTPm , Setk W# Smith, Vice Pres#, W. J . WikliMR. Casbrf. JU mi mirrar-maktag iudustry in the fy iltil ffilftlift M ftuvi furia M W— msuwm^ r ^n gsitomsSBHR^fifiRRdPe™ l - dwjgmtoanMiB' —■ —-m ba # -— - ^ - *• 1MfOMSv *•* IM pVMMI 1ft Tftlftftft to ototeitjto tte to i n yewr, Tho first •toy i s tho B iw m itMt m tho «gfwt- NtelUm# Mr mRm^mhd^h ki* JAtoAMMJi thio tori*, whkh mm ho oaatofi to ono mfjf Bt IHHMMFHfi aa M*iBS^fiBiPto 'fidm m ft mm RRfiHn^liwfir flfiftgF ja & i^ aL^fig^ jmtoto.' t e M A m AnudLmL 1 # ^ # !^ , - emsm^< ^ _ wftftfi ftftWMh mfifift wtofilMBmMBr^ m#^B .^ri^MtoAWInft tkm&f NMMl M llto lf ftHMHW Hu b Brs ilto ap to than the New to ho- f t , Mtomuft^oj fifioa *f tho liflM 'oB « :tuashod It to 'has Y OU cab Atomy* find at the old reliitldo Mcsi 8 hop tt 0 , W. Crouse’s vA vU I M l f t maeOMAtoa JrOrK 9IHSftgVf V m l, t e r i , T0UnTwa^mhmMs J9N w ^ M | W f tM W Q l t y ftfiOO&t SbURKBy Sugar Cm 3 0V JUMfi1JlMfiMI a f i p n i n i IftlffR IN B k if il And in* Cl*-; fjwm d . ‘IlftftTft jpftftf* I mnmi «l mm l i d f * t l I ^9^ ft® tholnaMn, out f H T f t p d i i B Afonue, W p m T M. TWw,'
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