The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

T Lr* 0 j » A T B A l. HMtott Uh*h» 1 * , n f l N M Y . w i i i i i m pwws tm t ; E■• B Ranke* wfcfc font hew* turned i f In FewJnrasy! Bid thiei* nothing! I n k vfil hu iv ftikee t PliiliMWpiMk owl B«OpWWi t XflMMUtCltjp. I l i i i iw tM My will mAtlkm flfcaWSSemsndfenuannues i f fWMMRI ■pill t i prevent Ifc- pri4)uM$g^A ia ^ iitaf nte^tt^llMlL. SBHBnRu^MIs _______ «riui aA*tad ta tha Jwtf th»i an irroeietabte impulse com- p i U him to steal, noli Millie* tb it BwfcrroriatabU impale* to Mud hint to >11 M«*t b ite om tiken thejurymen. AAit, Dtwey whowpreparing for • trip to Ohio and Michfotn, folly m l fee*that Joeh Btilfoge v<* sight when h« srid tbatftraan% hiodsightwas ww- »'— fc;- ' *—- Ei a darwifiht better tfomhls fore* Survivor# of the the lin t JRepubli- « u national convention have been Invited to attend the Philadelphia convention a* honored guests of the party. So top i f known there ire only fourteen of them. GeneralOtw has been, made com* mender o f the Department of the Lftkea. We hope he will exercise a •trtct cenaorahip over some of those hot wave* tb it *Chicago will attempt to send oat bo i Buffering country this summer. Nothing that wehave done for Crib* If likely to he porduotive ofmore Into lag good than the bringing, a t the ex* pence of the Government, of 1500Cu­ ban achool teacher* to the Coiled States, to attend, free of charge, the sammerschool of Harvard University, I t la rather singular that if the Been are as demoralized aa the British far, they ahoutd have ctp- tnred a whole raim ent away back to Robert's rear. This new* reads Ricethat o f the early day*, aml would seem to show that the fight feu t over y e t.' ’ *• ' has adjourned tatvin ‘S things that it ahoui m If haa not done many have dene, even thing* that it should hot have done, Take i t all in all, it has made about m feed a record a* could be expected ..tojhe acmieti tomtedtoifiy proceeding it FmsUaati*! election, a t which time tha approved doctrine ia to do ea.little ae possible. I f thete ia anything to the world that will penetrate the thick skin ofan JKogllshmen's sense of humor, it should ha tha suggestion that-Ruberta tow earned the right to stand on the led of the world’s greet captains. With unlimited money and supplies — ....................... itetifiS, and 350,000men he hen defea 000 raw peasants after six months fighting. And this is absolutely all tfietbelmedoM. ■ t etogyto fret. Srowa. Tha eommenceeeent exercises of OaBto Academy, wers held at Gilli- pahs,Thursday Jaas 8. The GaRi- ,w ywti*Journal ha* the following to any , «f fr a f Brown, our newly etootod M in tVM IIto ProfBrawit ’ own presented thegraduetee with their cKplomaa, aftera touching arfdrees. WMalMme plain to see that toa speaker's talk wacaxfteafepor* aneena it waijnoni Hrolemfrppreprints, kd|k wngtoa|MtoanAO|m AfifitWAVlIfiM^ feroMstjMp 4fitofeil# tog and tftnefy aouaaei. During kia wjaetka Frof. Brawn, who hat made nuiyhHtoal' ^mlat^mWust^M^tnetoi ^w^eni^tos^sssi^^wa^tea tAcademy, p a il a glowing trib» oftoe cae , aila l i tri » mtotoa ^a v^^toutnn^^nyw « f Assam aaaL^h WtoMPK m to jpiWwI^NI WPWWMs w ilt DMP* afenandwoman. - Mi IHm mwW MvBa Ww WMB>X iw I i Racwn nnHailtcd enatnee. Dating hie srho a rt loth to have him leave Ne AR MMVMIli AfVit taxg ei^ut am iSMlSli ***** APv RIR^ iAMdS ~ Hit fftrie ItoMtlMMAlnf ^sswu^e Ww*ms smi^sue -MV J\ PS. t & . \ -A . ■ v r \ Tha torn* i n Mm. W to nnedhealto, (hednetog itowns sTtoyef his willi W ••I| ma I MMmm r pt t o « n t . « i t . t o _ m ipm . g j » ffRail^m ^tfum nd short t o n aftorward sitting In ton Hie rawed** vara oenvoyed ■to Sparta, Tneatoy# wham the funeral waatoud toe fewevlagday. Thefcl* knriag namedofour eitbMe ettseded toe funeral end wdi remain to attend MRTIR Q N im it Cl9ARANHn 'f^Oln ' I^OIlAAMf toX to y lf : ' . . , naActo, Xva Blair It had haen tto * ^m d o n , o f u w dcceeeed. to attend toe synod and ratnm w ith , the delegation to finish totniiithww. ' Mr. Stormont was 77 yearn of age and a member ot the Covenanter (old side) church. they a e f t pNATROR’A IRNa AMr# pm■wiwm ^ T u iA ^ n an M n i ^ i ^ m d p e i c ^ to u A M S and M to i to t todam- latonjwt ^ t o h t o h e i S S S ^ P B S S i, ^SZ m a IT t S h ISC aii ^ f t m * * ! * O tt.« lM cdA& ! S to t o l l toft. Wsftt set.«tow«a tods t*r 1 % tows sn fr ia I aspoke hut night wito severe peine to my stomach. 1 never Kelt so badly to all my lift. When I came down to work this mowing I felt so weak I could hardly work; .I went to Milter <fcMcCurdy’s drug atom and they recoraraenilwl Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I t worked like magic and one dose fixed meal! right. I t certainly is the finest thing Xever need for stomach trouble. I atoul not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not caw to en­ dure the sufferings of last Wight again forfifty times its price,—G, H. Wil­ son, liveryman, Burgettston, Wash­ ington Co*, P*- Tbss remedy is for safe by C. M. Rldgway, In Kansas it is proposed to s ta rts magazine wbidi shall be contributed to only by reeideuta of Ranaca.* Alik SMtosUt zton. Mr. W, A Hines, of Manchester, la., escape after, i...................................... trouble; whichended in Conanmption. I had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. AH my doctor*saw I must soon die. Then ! began to UseDr* King’s New Discov­ ery which wholly cured me. Hun­ dreds have used ft*on my advice and all my it never fails to core Throat, Chest and Dung trouW#*.wLRegular size 50c and $1.00. Trial bottisa ftae at Itidgway A Co’s. Drug Store. By an aeeidaut 000 letters were ground to piece* to the Brooklyn bridge pneumatic tube at New York. A tori «t Tfcssk*.- I wish to aay that I feel under last­ ing obligations forwhat Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for onr family. We nave used it in so many cases of cough*, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it baa always given the most perfect satisfaction, Indebted to the maau- we feet greatly facturera of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks.—Respectfully, Mrs. S. Doty, toes, Iowa. Bor mle by C. Dee Moin M, Ridgway. Members ofCongress threw paper balls a t one another during the elo* iag hours. ASswtSsAw Ones fluid **tooet woesen lose their fimiuie* and goodlook* earlier ia life tlttA MAAHA#TllAOAOAt AI Iflitfflltlftn to natures requirement*. Because of their peculiar habits all should make a practice ofwring acme ainpto lax* five." Thera ia no laxative «o stoipl*, to plemaattotolmand yet ao potent as Dr. CWdwtir* Syrup Pepsin. Xet a 10cbottle (10 doses lOcto) of C. M. Ridguey. aauui laatoa m AlHAHIMRAaAA^DARsAARNeapJAdAsAAdRa iaereesed $ 100 , while Yellow Sprtoge deenaeed by that amount. S*R rar A ar of Waterloo. lad . Rev. & P, Kelt* writes: “ ! have beta aHKctodover 9$ ymrawtti. dymepefe df AMf A^feOARACfcle H ava trM wm m t t tm i lm iritbMt mwik 1»AAdlle 10 a IbAttlA Dr. GwHlNmAfljfliipPlfAtt |plVi ARAAPiAt kaMj^U ttaamtie m a a Jlm i^ a u aw A ARVi 1AAAU WfmWtJ AAAJAI^W A x |. x asimueewsiwmn^^ma^mBswr g^^Mts^s^An VWeMc hy C. M. Rk%way. day, May ^*** waarwaan. ■^mvat'vvmsmimoo No. $$>~1$:17 a, m. j * . i t —f o n p. m. H a * jp^ RNe mmwsm B». 1 $.—fi$$ a . « . Urn. t t —4t41 p. aa Jf*V 1 # swd i rua awlybetawi-. . dnmhen.and B d a n l . K* l t l * a dag rtep at Osdervia. Urn ahavw A b b A m b w m e A m ttw n A m M a e A m m i f A a m m A ■Jfo% n s m u ,Agent. Promotoal tCOTXC. ^gfSLSflSt . wmeauj%wwv"*e»^wFwjjssg neaa ( d l O M 0 f $ U S R •gmlinda 8 cH*Nr* of IRK. [ThiIMY«iRm I f u M k l i l f t a a e d s* . jPyHnHTJ^p B e a m t h e S u m a t o r e o f VT: J In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACTCOPVOXWRAPPER. c u m twiswiVrtp»wwwy. mm*****<t*r \ CKfto*Tr#»eCy A distreaeing murder occurred at Clifton Sunday, when John Beck, a young man from Springfield, was ahot and inatantiy killed by Robert Men­ denhall, who residea near Oliftan. Beck with a partyot 2 dfHcad*were spending the day a t tha ClHfe. Same one unknown had upflet a crock of milk at a spring where picnioer* get water, Alt the Mendenhell family, father, mother and Robert came over to the Spriogfieldert and commenced Aiming about the.milk,, but finally want away. JLator, aom« girl, came to the picnic grounds, and about three o'clock the Mendenhall* came back, and soon eommeneed cursing and swearing a t them, and Beck whocame up just at that time, remonstrated with himfor bit language. H » father s then told him to shoot, and obeyed, and the bullet entered JBecks left nostril and came out at tha bate of the brain, canting almost instant death. Coroner Johnson drove, to the ssene of the murder, and held the inquest, and later a post mortem’Was held by Dri. Stewart, of Cedarville, and Har­ ris of Clifton. The Mendenhall* live user the John Bryan farm, and work for him, and by bis advice they went with him to Xenia and gave themselves up. and are now in isil. . The preliminary bearing was held Wednesday and resulted m both be­ ing bound over to the October Grand Jury and aeut to. jail without bond, The testimony showed that the son was ordered to fire by his father and itb the fatal result. obeyed the order w i The hearing was before Mayor Link- hart ofXenia who rendered the decis­ ion, as stated above. A JtMMtor Dstfl XM Destroying its victim, is a type of C o n s t i - **- -----------#"L------ 1 e i, na ion. The power ofthia tsal ady isfolt on organs, nerves, museiee and brain. ButlDr. KinfeNew Life Bills are a safe and oertaht onto. Bent in the worldfor Stomach. Liver, Kid­ neys and Bowels. Only ’ 26 cents, at Ridgway A Co's.Drug Store, Aa autopsy showed that aaother Chinamaa had died of the plague a t B ib Yranciaco. ArsTss WWi tJ»t Do yon feel jnst finer then anybody alt tha time? ffyou take Dr.Oald- wall'eBymp Feptin yon May feel good the year round. I t is guaianteM to ouraeMMtipation, indigestion end all eiomach and bowel frouldee, $l,50e or 10c sim. C. M, Ridgway will tell youaUabeut it. . S a ^RRAIAAA fl^AA (tfA^AAAf(AWA* Jena 17th to filet, indnaive, ao* ecu it Annual Convention Mneie jk^mwsmSmftjnne APaals^^us a t XMWOMVV IIIWMIMMIIt HOKflf HI II* dueed rates wilt be sold to Dee Moines, Iowa, from Feansylvask MitVsKRVi l lAMOBi s VAiNS lAfunluRK M J iasmlaaalafm HPWOT#OT$ IBWBflfii Dsvis-OwMS. On Thursday eveniug a t the home of Mrs,' Elizabeth Owens, Minnie Owens and Ira C. Davis were united iu marriage by Rev, F. O. Rom, The house was beautifully decorated and tastefully-arranged for the ocea sion. There were no attendants, the whole wedding befog simple as possi ble, a fact Which nmde it all the more solemn and impressive. After the 1 ceremony the guests re­ paired to the dining room where an elegant-wedding feast was served. Mr. Davisis one of our best bush Uewmen, having located here several years ago and hsa made many friend*, la this time. The bride is well known here having taught in our public schools for several years. Mr. and Mrs, Davis went to their newly frrnished homeon Main Street. TheHerald extends congratulations to this yoiiug couple, and their many friends'in this vicinity wish them great happiness and success in their new life. *. . ' tew Rate f xesrsisa to CWcaov June 20th and 27th for National Prohibition Convention, low rate non- transferable excursion tickets will tie sold to Chicago via Pennsylvania Lines, valid for return trip, until July 4th. The Williamson property that was offered for sale at the door of the Pro­ bate Court, was bid in by Mr. J . C. Baibtr and Mias Jennie Ervin, Mr. Barbergets the properly at the corner of Xenia Avenue and Main titreet, and hid it in a t $352C, Mim Ervin a r t the homestead at the corner o f Xeak Avenue and Miller Street, it was hid in a t $1415. We understand that Mr. Robert Ervin and family will occupy this property. . ; The following was taken from the Dayton Evening Hearid “Dr*. Pol­ lock _____suing I-------- ------- ___and Baldridge who were arrested ■Mo* timeago on a very serious charge have beton released, The Herald Cen­ tura* the authorities for taking such hasty stops, causing the doctors’ in­ carceration and deteinure much to their discomfort, and greatly to their damage profmrionally. One evening not long ago while atanding near a prominent loafing place, amusingourselves at the actions of others we overheard two of our courting dudes relating their ext-cri ence to each other. One was teiling the other about kisMtig his best girl, and said, that she made so much fuse that he didn't believe she had ever been kissed before except b r her mother. A i this point of the conversa­ tion we concluded it was onr move, One of the large plate glamwindows the Lowry Mock was broken by Boon Either yesterday. in Ed Meetings report! that he et> oared 15 live chkkene Itont 15 eggs. A very good showing. A aiA4aitohASai«s asm lsnnl^ —weeseat a . wiasnoa a# soost' *JY el meeulua4a m f auag 9 ft m ilmslmaa. MRMn iNNMIVOTe fej* J?« -ifflnPPeli wdOTnf* v#e, Okie, Rut 171. K{H Off JUfci )|A(rOTAVtgMiH Itaem flMlm to# fl,,mmj^JlWm Yaj) M R iJ dUPWWf VC w^OTWCPfmTffiw* AOT*^ m M m s^Mgp ^wnCAl 4MamAP $4MNHRJ%AfMNIf iJfAIRNMNiRRA* * Alawa fotejritea by the Epworth Lroguetofthe M. KChnroh tael n%ht was welt patronieed and* neat enm a ARI im W is toeeuwAxm Ws wtn ssr tSs stows m rsrt t o ssyssss *f My* CwsfMsl. bripewfs, *Mt llss*- *sto>,la*te«»Hsa, ( t o f l j s t o w O n N hsm i with U-rtrlta. Uw IF»>tolisto tMIs M w FlM.wkss 1 m *mHN t sri t o t . Ijr sMsirtMWirt, ttoy *rs |Mtoy Wi*prtilto •s i ttsm*Ml to airs tortstotto. Ms tons* ssstola Hu W!l», If* tea** wsMsIs 4 * Wills, to tots* I* Fill*. H*«niMto ds M iis - rt>Mim4 iMliaUto*. to** tor m *M, staaMM tokaw. NXaVtTA MXblCAl, On , I’.y, ( Matasa»4 ilwlto *U,. iito f i. Ill, r*f taJa I *r M.IMAtwajr, 4ri*M<«t, r«»ar- rtlto, Okto, fttiM ooun wiiMVf . v n m n i Vwtoseiwt,W|M*ya*flew toto Mrtrtte wNI toll mm O mm ton atotoftoaStoMteto (to toavary (AartaMr trtovaVTlO Oipt- Hb to «i» say mm to iln ijif l, BMtnina, m I* »u *ca :« *4 Sensational Hat Offer. The straw hat aea- aoa was m late eom« fog that w* decided to demand your at­ tention by nearing pries* yon can’t af­ ford to overlook. on At ibi* modest figure y< featber-wefoht ean buy a split broid, one of thorn very rough fancy braid*, a genuine Mackinaw or a very weexm fine “ 8 hausi”-—any of ’em m soft braid or stiff brim yacht shapes. Look at ’em—if they’re hot worth the regular price *1.50, don’t buy. act* . (for east window is full of smooth and *eafb braids ia soft brims, yachtwite, sailors, «te„m Suneuoh.. Yen never in your life sewas good braid* nor as stylish well made bate for the money—not one is worth less than 75c and many would be cheap a t $1 00 . When it come* to $2, $2.50 and $3 atrawa our assortment is of course the best in town—we sell ao many more in these grade* than onr other store that we can afford to carry more in stock. Every shape exclusive, too, Dunlap*$3 rough braids and $4 split braid* are without question the perfection of quality and correct style. 4b 4b y f f m m Wholesale Prices to Usars. . Sfr S£§§s 6 k Our General Catalogue quote* them. Send i$c to partly pay postage or expressage and well send you one. I t bas iio o pages, 17,000 illustrations and quote* price* on nearly 70,000 thing* that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. | TtoTte—t ItosaiatoJMWhif la U m W oo *. MOMTOOMKRY WAIO * OO h WUfRRWWWWAWWRR$Rnf 1 s RR$R^RVRERR^Y J.H . WOLFORD - AT - Altlt - PRICES Buggy Repair* of All Kind*. Imperial Plows and pepairs. OPENING Summer Wash Fabric, DIMITIER—First terimw,brotte wear, last to fhde, derigne pretty The %k quality wurth Ififo, «e)l rodMly. The 15e quality you wnald think wotth 35e, quality ami pattern nt Imported Orgsadfom Madraa, Fig. uwd ftwlm, Liams, JaeoMtte (tx«eHent for th« girl gtudtmte.L ftILRft—Figurod, for a Bummer Droea,j«*t right prfo* and very popular. GORHEIB—All the new shape. Excellent Bnmmor Gonwte 50c. KIDB—All the pretty Shade for $ 1.00 nod $1,50. I U /O i * c U ana always ti»«l at , old reliaLL* Mv«t Nlnq, C. W. Crouse’s Choice Bsef, Berk Sausage, Teal, Lard, Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon, Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. G ive us a t r i a l and bo co 1 incod . WheretoLocate! C A « m HOOM -F.ll V ^ M i M r i n a , T ^ M , . A n Bquatet, Rugs, lame L’nrtaiue, Furtieme, Wtodew Made*. OrW iAeoleHm, till Cloth, Rug Gerpute You will he M eaeudw ^ few ptkoaas many have xto'ted other uftiea and wa have seeaiadtb* atiae. 2 * !? Baft*.J fa te le . Jeeketo, tfeperato Bkwte. Madia Underwear Underwear 25c to 50r. Knit HjJCHWW & fllOWSF I-*i % m Wfcy, Is ito Tarriiory Inrtrw t by lit*.. L o u i s v i l le N a s h v i l l e B a i lr o a i -Turn—* \lmt CeuiralSoutbcnTruuklii ■----•!W----- KENTUCKY. TENNESSEE, ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI. FLORIDA. w ««w * ‘, Farmert, Fru it Growers, Stock Matters, Manufacturer Inventors, Speculator* and Money Lender will *n* tb s grtotort «ba«M« In (he ITaih 8 tote* to tobto**bfo wonoyi' by fewon of •bamUneaaBL oheapne.* of LAID A ID FJ l &KS. TIMBER AMD &T0IE, IR0M AMD COAL, lABOy-EVERTTBIin] p re s eito*i flnanei»l **si«t»ne*. end fn from U xtlion . for (he manefaetarer. Lend end farms »t*L*0 »er *«r»nnd, wenle, endftflO.OOOscree In West Florid* t ctnfce token grati* wnder Iloincsh law#.'.' StoeVralilng in the Oulf C o u t Dislricti nakceaorm aur prafit*. HeUnureeamatsienitoZIrHud f t M Taeedeye to M«h numth.. Eton* know what yon want, and we 1 tell yon where and how lo get It—bat d delay, a* the country it filling up rapidly, Touted matter, man* and all infcrmM free. . Addreir, R . j . i r a a 8 s, general Immigration and Induetrial Afl Loelrrille, Xentactj. Exehange Bafil CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNIB of Merchants and3 dividuals solicited. Cojleclii promptly made and remitted....... YlRAFTH on New York and (1 cinnati sold a t lowest rates. It cheapett and moat convenient wsy acad money by mail. TOAN 8 made on Real Estate, ** eomd or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Free,, Seth W« Smith, Vice Pres.. W. J . Wildman, Ct FOX —r a g— -fAraadi Photogra^er^ Is ihe moat reliable *nd Strictly tip-to- dnte* Artist in tin* c ity—Sp ring fie ld , 0 . f r a r k h . d e a n . A ttouxby a t L aw . 41 E, Mate S l Xro Mr ^MRsyRHlMnL ito iiini; Oronar High and Limeetofte H m I m Kttahte W9wm WVOT wOTIVM* Lanvw yemr hoross there and r i £ Whupsun tha inride, « l j K. Fuemteiu Avenue O, K T om ’ »r- — t 11 •aadae l*ae ag —“ r*!n< »d Dll —te/a r| t^*«SSk Iidar*< limdf "^qRStsssss ofMew Y: 'll thesafestInnuranci tefonuro your property : itu the largest company makingn specialty of for anti V iilinge proj. F ire , U g l i tn in g a done. Its agents do apologize, to its policy theirproperly is desiioye Company P ay s 1 immediately and withou Write to me or call at testimonials from my o throughout Greene, C! and Fayette counties. • Office open every day W. L.. CLE . AGENT Cedarville, Homer J . Wade, Office —If yon want nuyt to Gray's. f e w Of “ f l a n W a i L i t t l e H e re But one of th things he does w is a hat- Our bi give him the m hats and a lowas possible. ly doing that i Oi )ur straw and 1 stiff and solf h a tion in style. C $1.00and $1,501 hats in fancy co before. s o w v j S. Special u A*Very Qooda % Soo^dr Ladic Styles f t . s o . M»opair Ladle reitieedfro 75 pair Ladies 5 ®pair Ladies •to d s* w