The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

w LlBOt-J J , •?'X9 *i ,f-“ rrm v n r 1 •"TSSSSSLi wssuXTr* sl *"®*'*""> Mr* BflbdrtQr*i Midi'a brnhuss lJP¥ *• the Quae* fjfcy, this week, W * <y8rf^‘ »»* J e to D$*wU# wak k»t * h * C wtw Uttoe will sell* ft* 5^^?* '"* ’•"• b « *88* ^fwwlb■1®I:%ittJMfc* « 0 . 0 , F , will attend Mft M r rooming Samcm of the II, R C%«w* tomorrow, *»d Iktw in* o e m w ^ r tw i#*tor appropriate to BtfVB i t t y f f y g •BMaMBaai TW U H i i m f l U f t I w i - r T n 5$e5S5S81 s * mm of SewTort ,- , , 'Is thesafestIn su ran ce Company , toj’DBuroyour property in, Because it is fbe largest company in f}>o World asking a specialtyof insuring Farm. AAd V illiage properfyagainet Fire, L igh tn ing a n d Torna- ’ does* Iw agents' do not have to apologise to its policy holders when lliefrproperty isdestroyed, because'the -* Company P a y s th e Cash t immediately and without delay. Write to me or call at my office lor . . testimonials from my own customers - throughout Greene, Clark, Madison .. and Fayette counties. Office open’every day in the week, L... CLEMANS, A&BNT , DfclarvUle, ‘i Ohio# w . -"-Marshall can oars for more rial *» any other Livery Ruble In Xenia. - Aw» Bader, ofBayton is v|«- andMw David p i ^ d ^ p ^ t h t ||d * e ^ ? : : : ; . Fradri* Albertu* Achley Jur* kat of Cedarville College, left Tnee- day for Sparta. Illinois where he will vnat for a week, .. ®r - p * J ^ ^ ^ d « n , Pr»ctioolim- rto d ^ JB Y B , EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, Glasses Accurately Ad- justed. Alien Building, Xenia, Ck Telepiofie,—Oflfce Mo. p, Keddcnc* No/ 37 , Mill Zola Downsrd entertained a number of friends at her homo last Friday, ^ ^ # -^JULY PATTER^ SHEETS, free, at Bird’s Mammoth Store, Sunday, Excursion to Columbus June 17thViaPennsylvania Lines $ 1 . round trip from Cedarville ou spe- oial train at 9:00a, M> central time; returning leave Columbus 8:00 p, m< same day. 7 - —Window and Door Screens at Mitchell’s. ' -• „ MissDora Anderson-returned toher, home in LOmlervillo, Saturday, after a pleasant- year’s: work as teacher in the college. -Fo r. a SUIT OF CLOTHES or a pair of PANTS, always go to 'Bird’s Mammoth Store.' 'Mr.'Wallace Bill is in Sty Louis, ibis week attending,the Christian En«. deavor convention, he being a dele* gate fromhis church#' ' - Bruce Collins, son of J» Male Col-, Hns# reoei,vcd a -/diploma. from the State Normal, School, of Greeley, Coj:, at its,commencement May31. A diploma from this ,school licenses the holder for life to teach in the pub­ lic schools of the state. Brufce had the lmnbr of being president of the - I f you Want anything good, go clawwhich consisted of seventy mem- toGrays# ' * , •" l*rt» . . * ’ " F. c: Homer J , Wade, Office Manager. “ F l a n W a n t s . B u t .... .. • /,•■ • -»■». L i t t l e H e re B e lO v y ,” But one of the important thing* he doe*want and need is a h*L Our business is to, give him the correct style m hats and at prices as lowaspoesible. We aresure­ ly doing that this summer. Our straw and light^colors itt stiff and solf hats are models of excellence and perfec­ tion in Style. Our prices range from jwc , 35c, 50c* ?5c, $1.00and $1.50 up to $2. oq . Our exhibit of stiff Andsoft hats in fancy colors excels any ever made in Springfield before. SUkltlVAfi, THE HATTER: ay S. Limestone S t, Springfield, O. gigBBasaw SpecUri Sale of $aapk$, Factory Damaged At Very tow Pricoi.. Come w l y y thate Goods will not hurt long at thes* fUgure* 500 pelt toStee* Tmn «od Block Cut Shorn NewftQrtosOnly. R*rtiic*ifrom$0,99 w * $i.oofo Tan and Black High Cut Laos Shots, reduaad wnontar erlm I t so »gg a s : a g r s a x ta a s r s ? w Thasa m m are ail solid, mm |g§ M g ace worrit aioifa money qmui wa ;>• S r " 1 i : H a l a 'v ! riK a Pwrcbwtt pwfuiMa, toikrt «osp«aii 4 mm Amiotic m pertala to the t<dkt, you WMM> Ike beet ami at a lewKwabk price. You wilt Bad ua able to com* 13 ply with this wiah alway* R 1 DOWAY * CO#, the DfUStfat*, OjPp,Opera Home, Sfi Slif liocal m i Personal. we —Farm gate* at Mitchell’s. —Dry Stove Wood at Mitchell’*. Mr, dim Little ia visiting among old friudi and acquaintances. The annual C’orry picnic was held yesterday at the home of W. B, Bry* bon, of near Goes Statiou. —Grice’* are now the best place in Xenia for. a first class /25c# meal.' Mias Stella Olemnns, of Springfield haa been the guest of MimMaty Tem­ pleton for,several days. —Hammooka at |1.00, 1.59, 2#00 and 3,50 each. Croquet Sets at 75c, $1,00,1.60 and 2.00 each, at Bird’s. Miss Auglebauer of Greenville who. has been with the millinery firm of Barr A Boyd for,several months past,' a* trimmer, returned to her home Tuesday. -McCormick Mowers. Kerr & Hastings- Bros., Agts. An effort is beiog make by i num-. ber of busioess raeu to get No, 20 , due here’at 6:30 p; m., to take on and throw, off mail^ it doing so for Charleston^ - A-petition bas been got­ ten up and forwarded to the superin­ tendent'of mails at Cincinnati. , —Tbobest Twine bn earth is Ken: tacky 3-ply Hemp, Kerr & Hast-. ingsBros. R. F. Kerr made a business trip to Columbus, Monday. , * Lee Crawford came over from Day- ton to attend the Davis-Owens nup­ tials, Thursday evening. * # - . • .‘Vk ■' —All who suffer from piles will he glad to learn tha t‘Dewitt^ -Witch Hazel Salve will give- them instant and permanent relief. •' It will cure eczema and all skin diseases, Beware of counterfeits.' Ridgway & Co., druggists. , - > Mrs, R, O. Bradford and chilhdreU of Dayfou, are visiting among friends and relative* in this vicinity. , Mr. Calvin Wright and with left yesterday morning for Idaville, lad., where they will apend -tlie summer mouths. Rev. Homer McMillan and Miss Maty Kitchen, of Selmai .were mar­ ried Tuesday at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs, Dr. Hunt, at Columbus. For the best Binder Twine at' the RightPrice try the PLYMOUTH At Bird’s Mammoth Store. Misa Clara McMillan attended the Kitciieu-McMillan wedding at Colum­ bus, Tuesday. * Severat from here were entertained at the home of 'Mias Mary Pugsley, o f near Charleston, last Monday even­ ing. -Ideal Ice Cream Freezer,* will .frme youc .crean. in A MINUTES^ for sal* a t Bird’s. J# P. Chew was in town last Satur­ day, looking after his property. He will a t onoe bejpn to fit up the vacant A Spenoer’s grocery W. L# Cleraans ay, w roomover Bu for office purposes, will use it as an insurance office. A few day* ago Mrs. Z. T . Phillips received a fine reclining Morrierocker, a Wrib-day present from her brother Rev# W. w» Kilpatrick of Belville, Kansas. Kirby Isrsat has moved his family from the Stewart property to the McLean property on North Main St. J . H . Andrew was in Dayton the first of the week looking after the in fir Carr A Co. terest o f the wholesale m OfGreen, Found: The place to save money In buying Harness it at Kerr A Hast- ings Bros. Mrs, Samuel McCollum has for her gasef* her sister, Mrs. Moore and daughter, of Columbus, Kan. They will visit here for several weeks. The trial of Charles and Joe Weekly for the theft of some eim, washeld before flquire Jackson, Tues­ day and Wednesday of tb» week# Ttie ease was quite a long one aea l a m Member of witaaiMe were ex* •iMiMd. Both wete hound'over to tin grand j ury In the mm of $100 }# O . ithw ix fc . . T Surgeon. fipsofalimiaMym r. b i d i S a tr a r A o n o w G oa Pbysdsn y A d - c xam - J . M. Stnheehmy ha t brought suit i t the Common n e a t Court agahtst’ DmM t t t M A f $ 1,000 iamege*# The Hatoriff cWms dm A m w*e an Mremamt that hi' was to have the mm this year, ami that he wee* rimud and sewed wjmat. Some Ifme Imrtt mrft wna hroutht by Mr. Manfc* uMIn %utm I m m r f i eourttostHm p a tM n ta riv u n y thajdaes. The ad* m A h { t l i f t f m m mmmmLmm Sem i-A nnua l U n load ing 1 S a le hiSMiMnif O I F ' nm LIGHTANDMEDIUMWEIGHTCLOTHING As it is our rale to not carry any goods from one season into another and we have bad an anueuslly good trade tide spring, we were tempted into buying an extra lot of those very popular styles o f silver gray and stripes at eonaiderahly below their market vajpe f it m a firm who wanted money and now you can have them a t about 50c on the dollar. We will not carry them over this season if prioes will be any inducement to yon. Seeing is believing. joa i%ar t *! Men’s All-wool Serviceable Oassimere Suits $4.78. Three and Four Button Cutaway Single Breasted Sack Suits in Stripes and Fin Cheoks . . . $&60 In Men’s Light and Dark Color Single and Double Breasted Suits in Plaids, Checks and Stripes . . . . . - $8.60 Fancy Stripe and Cheek Worsted, Oxford Mixed Chev­ iot Suits, lubluding Navy Blue and Black Serges, Single and Double Breasted Coats go at . . . . . . $10.00 Boys’Knee Pant Soils, Vestee and double breasted, properly made, 35c, $1.00,1,25,1.50, 2 . 00 , 2.50 and 3.00. Hot weather specialties in famishing goods. Men’s high grade fancy percale shirts with cuffe or two collars.. Come and see ua'and we will <fo you good.-^' , . . . . it Bast flairi St. Springfield, Ohio. John Patton,'of Jamestown, who •hot and killed Eliza Bryan some years ago, has had his Case finally dis* oaedofby the Court of Common leas ordering him’ removed from the. county jail,to state hospital for insane, from which place he- was discharged as Improved, Patton declares that he will not stay in the asylum, and on two occasions be lias stated that be would, kill himself before he would go back, consequently a very close watch is kept over him. - F o r FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS always go to Bird’s. . Hon. Andrew Jackson expects to attend the National Convention o f the ropubliooii party at Philadelphia. County Treasurer John Nilbet wa* in town, Tuesday and took away the usual amount of money in taxes. —For Cream of Wheat, Grape Nuts, Quaker Oats,.RalstonHealth Breakfast Food# Go to Bird’s Mam- moth Store. MrS,F. O, Rosa, and brother, Jamea Rambowho has been attending college here,leftiWodneeday for Kansas. Mrs. Row will visit among friends and tel- atives. t ........... ...........; ..... ..... : Mrs. Thofnss MeChling and child- have gone to Pennsylvania where they Will Gaither parents for A month’or more, —For LADIES WRAPPERS, SHIRT WAISTS and MUSLIN UN­ DERWEAR always go to Bird’s Mammoth Store# # Mr- and Mrs. It. B. Barber and Miss Jennie Bratton entertained a number of invited friends in a very pleating manner at the home of the former, last evening. "Gene Andrew wss given a fine of $15.00 for disorderly conduct and wss sent to the works, this week. Mrs# Jane Anderson, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. J , W. Pollock, was stricken with paral­ ysis a few day Ago, shows but little Improvement at this time. —The Chinese ask “how to your liver?" instead o f .“how do you dot" for when the liver is active tho health is good, DeWitt’e Little Early Riser* are famous little pillt for the liver and bowels. Ridgway A Co., druggists. pair of SLIPPERS or LOW CUT SHOES _ for Ladle* add Children go to Bird’s Mammoth Store Oapt. Crain of Jamestown was In town yesterday. Mis* Ada Creswell spent the past ■Weekfa Delaware* attending the dot­ ing exereisee of the eoikge. —New Crop California Apricots, Peaches, Frame#, Grape# and Rahine, a t Gray’s. MlssEva and Mill Man .. ^ Ferrv,wh« spent acusassm i iitt week a tm heme efZ. T.PkiiMpa and fam­ ily, returnod home the first of the week. —(iriee’e are ***dt«f * * * better «m » ttam *v*r. GtvellMn M a ,O h k t# I l M 1 $ and i * * « |i * j ^ w h n lefMr ns m hi J .ThonMeoM, r f XSaaeivtile HaAMm Ardrey, efMf* « A Every man,woman and child, needing a pair o f shoes to YOUNG & NISLEY’S, « ■■• m - *. . ■ ■. 7 East Haiti S t., Springfield, Ohio, And examine their stock before buying elsewhere. You will find just what you want and at prices which cannot be equaled In the city# With a constantly increasing badness our purchasing -powers are strengthened, and by keeping a cloee wstch on the market and taking advantage of every spot cash discount, we cart—and do—qttotd you price* that, quality considered, cannot be dupliceted * ' Ladies* Oxford Ties, tan orblack kid or vesting tops ............. ......................... .............. ‘..... $ i . o o , $ i . a s , $ M 5 » Ladies* Dress Shoes, tan or black kid or vesting topa...... .... $1,25, $145, $L90, $245 Misses xnd Children’s Shoes, Oxford Ties andStap Slippers 50c, 75c, $i.oo, $1.25, $x* 5 <> Men’s Fine Dress Shoes, in tan or black $1.50, $1.90, $2.50, $3.00 Men’s Oxford Ties, in tan or black $1.25, $t* 5 o, $i#90, $2.50 This steady increase in our burines#, which tsaalfimfs itselfwith the first opening of our doors, we fed is due to 1 confidence in the merits of our goods. We KNOW that onrhhoes are the best value produced aim do ac t hemtate in representing them to the public a* such, Beat Quality and Fair Dealing is our motto. YO UNG N iS L E Y Gome* from Dr. D. I Washita,!. T. He Writ Bitter* hss eured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for year*. Terrible sores would break out on her bead and fime,and the beat doctors eeetd give no help; hut aow her health is ex­ cellent,” Electric Bitten la the beet Mood purifier known. If« the su­ preme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, aketa, hoHeandrunning sene. I t atimnlatea liver, kidneys aadbowehi cpsls poisons,help* dtgmtion, bailde p1the strength. Only $0 ots. Sold hy Ridgway A Co# Drugget. Guar­ anteed. —NegieeibtbeehertWepm maey ■taka ftnot wwsugh er ewd t o CMI- iumptlen. The, early net of One M m i ChuM$i Owns jNsvenls mm* ASfV •a -vJttHnYmfttpHQistlMOM CiicttFinInn Ci. * Xaewiwaiwt I**#. f HIB company inauroa Fawn property fen* O mi Bar CmAj *iid under. Townand Mercantile property for 4 e «M $ nnd upward# Remember, theta i» ho jpolky fa* tfcfo| Dropme card or call. Will be in town every Botwrdiyr. W . £ SXAV, Agiat, (Manilla OUa em ’JRMRnWffiwmR^PtoWy St w^mHS aH^pWMT fa prime thaw they wereseveral yearn ^fiis gist im^t “ a At —Ivy j att «tim 1 Lr< . * jk ■ **'