The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

#j>safc'' »#»fc.Mi> 1m*^mtmtmmmmmmmmi* fit -1 rift. mmm # to walk book n# w^ritax u J L ^ m U | jy y u t e n M A | y u | 2SaraM^ftD | U K |I 4MI DWH 4M&ttiMwflill ^N m I h ^ ip^MN^'^WjHHIkll^ w « ' lUit DMDj£ jp^^||Br|pF40K JptDMMD■jpj^*D6^ ftgfewwlk, I b*d |2 ,$0 (M«xk«n) ipjj^^i^ 99 ^^ jpg) pj^pp^i ^pS)Ml' 1 i n n at camp, but luckily left ft in m j pocket, thus mr expense# wera / daftayad, Iknew where I eoekl bor­ row three dollars when I n « M I fittnp,*o explained the situation to -ft*native. He agreed to return u> to Cyttobato for three dollars (Hex*) hoi could not start until 8 p, m.f as tire fey J)to too rough, A t tire ap* ; .pointed ^inw we wire oa hand.■Hay­ ing a mi ! oa ea r host and the wind la oar ftyor, «a arrived a t Pollock $ffl p /m ., where we stopped for sapper apd a helper, W« went to Co. H’* headquarter*, toil found most of the men ip bed. W* tried to get a ludcb*.but the took said every- {tiring had bMtieatart; bp. ^ •* -J"“1 *- fpitoagain our homeward journey ^ n 1 but our froubles were not over,, K*pardand Tnitt were soon sleeping. 2 pined the time in -reveling in the beauties of a moonlight sight On the Svluaea. Jtreminded me df a huge painting. .The moon rose grandly over tropical covered cliffwall*, while our little bark flitted over waters calm and serene, A scene indescriba­ ble and one dot semi jfoigolfen. !. My reveries, however, wererudely dis­ turbed by the sodden appeareneeof :-<j fleet ofMoro canoes, the occupants - began holloing to us in their gibber­ ish and aa our boatmen (Filipinos) •' mid they were Male (had) I waa on .. the point of arousing the hoys*, but suddenly realised that posses­ sion o f the only weapon, hence the uselessnessthereof. . Soouafter this we were stuck .on •mud-bar, but being released by pel- . tag we Continued, but soon discovered .the natives werelnst. They could not ■fiodtbe mouth of Mindanao river. ' Awakening the boys explained the sit­ uation to them, and you can judge we were all concerned, being lost on land Idbad MK>ugbr but lost, in Sulu teas, fn a native anil-boat is. not tbe least bit encouraging. Further on we came •to * Imre l ^ e t t t a m . , - • ; - ; ,* * •. Our boats-meu had conversation withbln), foreign tous, in consequence our boat waa turned, and we retraced journey quite a distance, again stick­ ing on sand-bar.' After much urging and poling, the natives gave us to un­ derstand we conld go no farther— would have to remain here until morn ingas the tide wa« low* I t we con­ tinued along coast we would have ai- boot three mile further to go ant would make time by awating for tide and cross a narrow part of bay a t high tide. We tried to sleep and he oomfortable. I found ft to cold to sleep, es we wear no coats here only on pa- . rade, and to spend » night on the water even in the tropics is cool, am without blankets or covering is any thing butcomfortable. We remained on bar about twohours and continued journey up river atday- *' l^ h t arming a t CMtabato just a ; breakfast cell. We were fylly repaid, for journey by learning nature of the interior, vegetation, timbers, and4 scenery, Oar boat-men were paid and relieved hut refused to breakfast with ns pre- ferinf to buy their breakfast up town We three are content with toWanot earing for further exploration of the interior unless an unlimited paw ac eompanied with competent guides. Very truly yours, R awmit P , Me L xax . jHNIHtjflf ** ^ yltfill giaw^ Cfaminnati, one o f kb# laadtiw jKrawfn thairflacin tonatata. TI m tonna W t i wotr haaa osaad .^vwsaias^^w . •mmsw^w^ ■ m » mmmm*', tha areUtsats nidna* tits n sn a lfse^ tiv sp c reen t, on coat o f The ciosniiission do not agma to this far the reason that they believe ft would be on inducement to to make tlw cost of the building atari) grsater. A number of plans have been sub­ mitted, but none have proved entirely satisfactory. Haaaftrd Ariona have been arehi- tects tor some very fine baildijsgs ia diSbrent'perts of the stole, one being the greit city hall In dnebmati, '• / 'Hence, A* . t , f , All members are requested to meet a t the hall next Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock, preparatory to attend- ing memoriri aermon a t the M, E. church. K. ofR , J. 0 . A. M. and other societies cordially invited to attend. C. W. Crouse, Secy. < —Last f t l l l spnrined my left hip while handling aome heavy boxes. The doctor I called; oh. arid at flintft was a alight strain and would soon be well, but itgrew worse and the doctor then Said,I Had rheumatism. I t con­ tinued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug atom and the druggist recoromemied me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured me entirely.. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A, Babcock, Brie, Pa. I t is for sale by C. M. Ridgway. Dr. J . J . Snyder in a letter to the Jamestown Press announces bis can­ didacy for Representative, subject to the spring primary. Mr. Snyder says he bas been a candidate for another term ever since be was defeated by by Mr. Ankeney.' Another aenator to elect soon, is probably the cause for the above announcement, Jane 19th a t Philadelphia, Pa Will mscnilde (lelegatM from all aee- tome of flw tfnltod States to homhwto UMiriMKfelbvI^eijdtht* Bxcarsion tfskshi vtill fa* srid flaito 14 to IfWr, hsetarift, via Peatoylvaaia lines to PhHadriphia; valid rataraing Tots- ' ' ' m^kwsicfla 99 IC » flf VPBVyifllips • OL j T y | | y y ^ ^ L g | iu J| ' II fMMYflDVBpi l l ^IFH' WMVv IW*Wlinilp toot wifttetorri and cate the a»ere ss- WralMM i l l |l r o » l tWw^m91 MfSGdl jyj|fkLf4A / kJlf IwtoA' ml^iC. toAMM I N JP^N n NNII^Nm , vllNw I N I jyTN flat flfotoairariser and mers mg mmA T« r . If pcmibtii ff not l ^Nywrii. iflmonly remedy that lmshern ia- 8 ININI f in 1888 fvNmnli N9US in IVTVfli fVHlN* .IWKI I m . eg jiiwwNiwNim nyinwiw |uuyL| AtoJj, ftotmaaaljjgAwjAfliya se^wea^y ^a^^wa awtvreiwiwjnwi^Bnwes^tqp I IN iNINNIy INN Jp^nNa InMNpNy eaitotaaiatMLduiw juflguoW) jm INNINUNNy XITIN * ||9NN lll||8|iN gwtol JNNMiayh NHtlAikdf ^fVlAJtoA iwM^ ^ pwhm* * l a e flfcpgrNNI> Mb NINNNINflWtNINllNy WW9i&9wSf' f »N mm mmm* M* m 9tm M k ««Mtft It tua, (iwaC^mAm N U N N I N HTN9IB I N imjk wmt *&t * m ■ NNI 3NRN wNflI ^—Starvation never yet cured dys­ pepsia Persons with indigestion are already , half starved. They need plenty' of wholesome food,. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn out organs are being recon­ structed. I t is the only ptepamtlou known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indi­ gestion, I t will certainly do you good. KidgwayA Oo, druggists. i M p t r t i g g , A Very Important Sale Commencing Thursday, June 14. # • • • • Special preparation# have been made for this sale and Special Prices will prevail during its.continuance- We might do some sensational advertising about this sale, hut sensational advertising is not always convincing advertising. So we prefer just to make a statement ot the plain facts in a plain manner, and trust to your good judgment and knowledge of values for the rest. No im­ perfect waists or seconds in the lot. Every waist fresh. New and seasonable. We advise early selection. Fancy Colored Percale and Lawn Waists at $x.oo, 1.19 and 1.25, SalePrice 79 c each* Fancy Colored Percale and Madras Waists at $i- 39 » 1.50,1.69. v SalePrice 98 c each. Fine French Madras and Qingham Waists, latest color­ ings at 179 and 189 ^ SalePrice $ 1.23 each. High Class Madras/Tephyer and Belfast Dimity Waists very;seiect at 2 00,235 and 250 SalePrice$ 1.49 each. Finest colored Tephyer, Madras and novelty ginghams Waists made of exquisately fine material andwe are the only store in Springfield that handles such elegant goods at 2 69, 2 79 and 2 98 SalePrice $ 1 .93 each. Clk murphy $ Bro. Co. B . 48, Ml, 52, 54, 56 Limestone St,, Springfield, Ohio. All the above are regular waists fromour stock. ,Rev. J . W. Buchanan former paa* tor ot the Third U .P . cbundi, Xenia, ha*been choaeu burineas manager o ' Monmouth college, a poritioU be mo«t capable of filling, he being •plendid financier. —JKeport* ahow -that over fifteen idred live*have beenmved through Re; hum the uee of One Minute Cough Care. Meet of there were creel of grippe, croup, refhma, wboopiug oough. bronchitia and pneumonia. It* early use prevent* coreumpiion. Ridgway A Co., druggiato • Mr. R. 8. King*bury, wife and wm o f Xenia expect to aturefl ther Fin* tail 1 E x[poritioa h e auniuer, They wil Ifrom New York July 7, and be abeeat about two month*, —YOUNGMEMWANTED, with fair eduoetiou and good character to LEARN TELEGRAPHY, Railroad accounting, and typewriting. Thieie eodoreed by all leacling railway com o u ia d n reutee re the only perfect and reliable Mtitutiott of it* kind. Alt our grad uateaare awiated to poaition*. Ladle* alre admitted. Write for free cato I mu C. (Fall term optma An loth.) Globe Telegraph Lexington, Kentucky. AreYeuCeretifMtMf? Do youbave that tired’feeling? Do you feel riuggwh, billiou* and^ out o aorta geuerauv? Do you have rick headache? Do you have pimplee, eruption*, blotchre, ulcere, aore* or other reaulta of conaripation? ^ The newer of the body mutt be kept in an active, healthy condition and nothing doee it *o well re Bailer’s Laxative Tablet*. Their use brings on a dear, rosy, beautiful complexion. A tab­ let or two taken at nigbt make* you feel fine in the morning. 10c packaj contain 20 tablets, and 60 in ft packages. Tablet* chocolate coated. The written signature of W. J . Bailey on each package. Sample free. They promptly relieve and then cure con atipation. Sold by C. M. Ridgway. > Uwltato &K*ratea to Chkags June 26th and 27th for National Profaibitiou CoaVaatiow, low rate dob - inuisfereM* excunioa tiekets witt be retd to CUrego via Flenreplvaaie Dare, valid ibr retovn trip until July 4th, •JBreall fa rise and avikat flat- naalta are DeWltt’s TJttle Early Rbere, tha NuNfMNil' lliilfl aaSHn jljUrefl a L.^ re»«wure- flflWN Hvar and bowek They do notgripe. Ridgway A Co., draggitts. The lecture ou the Jewish Taber* aerie a t the U. P* chureh last Mot- day avaufug, watfireu hefera a -good iudleaea aod wrevvry iutotoatittg and toetruetlve, The lecturer used a model tabernacle 10 x 18 feet and an* dresred in the vestment* o f tha K S ttand Hhrit Priest whhto eenfrib* utad to thoaffcativenres of the feature* Vegetarian. Bifcwi B inii .^ ^no^MM^eima sn^reaMimMp w With Tomato* Sattee. ■ HeMeat, N* 1 H AtGray’*. AW n W i if IhMtf ■seeYoreSteaHM*BMrereYea? Do yon have pains in the side, nausee, sometime* vomiting, distress after eating, belching, constipation, lots of appetite, dizziness, flatulence, molb patches, sluggish looks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles are promptly re­ lieved and then cured*by Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They will bring quick relief to the worst cases. Written signature of W. J . Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents. Sample free. Druggists who don’t have them will get them for you, Two kinds of tablets in each package." The latest discovery. Sold by C. M. Ridgway. TICKETSVUWASHINGTON Xs fUlshlyU* «**r Fssufylml*U mb Ur Is- ynUlMa-tfstlMtl Obaratha, Tiro form* of excursion tickets to Philadelphia will he sold via Pennsyl­ vania Lines for the Republican Na­ tional Convention. One form will be good over direct route, the other via Washington. Fare will lie the same either Way, and tickets via Washington wilt be good to stop-over at the Na tional Capital, June 14th to 18th, inclusive,* ore dates on .which ‘tickets will be sold Ask Pennsylvania Lines Ticket Agent about them. —Subscribe for the Herald. Memory Talks on Spiritual Power, Owing to the tack ofsupply o f the new book of Rev. A. Hutchison- “Memory Talks on Spiritual Power/ to meet the demands during the see atom of the Reformed Synod, we will place oh sale a number of copies at tkkr efltae,*t 11.00 par copy, The feltowiag dipping was taken from personal tatter ofDr. W. G. Moore beadton friend; “I irieh to aay with all frankness that the treatment of the subject ta good indeed, and timely. The a t literstire method ft helpful to the memory, and something oat o f the ordinary way. With the doctrine unfolded I cordially agree, The trail: ou (he great tuple treated ft fairly and riroegly presented. Am mirk the jpuhlftatioa will do much geed.” The writer of this hook ft wall keow* here, and every home In the KfLtm0 ILjfM Lja >£- tt iflKlkOiS- & JP N N M N l I f VnONKI M T f 8 w p / Of NiAMMatoP' floodXrerere. e^w^reue^^^^m uueuure^^^^^Pa W htrs to Oo and IIow to < lti TK m . The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts constitute the most attractive summer idler. pleasure ground*for the They are within easy reach via Penn­ sylvania Lines. and agent* of that railway *yttetn will inrnish full infor­ mation a do ut rates, train service and through car comfort* to any of the ■ummer havens. They will a*»i*t in arranging details for vacation trips and give valuable information free of Charge. Apply to the nearest Penn­ sylvania Lines Passenger and Ticket A | ......................... ...................... gent and be relieved of all bother in soaping preliminaries for your sum m .. Ant!.. , J . V Q mer outing and vacation trip. E. Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Onto, ExcarSSeae te Tslads, June 26th and 27th for Convention Ohio Christian Endeavor Union Jow rate non-transferable excursion tickets will be sold to Toledo via Penney) vanta Lines; good returning until Fri day, June 29th. June 18th and 19th low rate non transferable tickets will be sold to To­ ledo for Convention o f Wholesale and Retailed Coal Dealers’ Association of Ohio, good returning Monday, June 25th. rvWWvflRTmMa* Yea, August Flower still has the largest sale of any medieine la the civilized world. Y< b our mothers* and grandmothers* never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bil- iousnem. Doctor* were scarce, and they seldom heard of Appendicitis, Nsrvou* Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermen­ tation o f undigested food, regulate ac­ tion of the liver, stimulate the ner< vone and organic action of the system, . . . . . . . ,fa ami that ft all they to6k when feeling dull and bad with headaches and oilier aches. You only need a few doere of Green’s August Ftawer, in liquid form to make you satisfied there ft nothing eerious tarn matter with you. For asle hy C M. Ridgway. ■i. Pine a n d O ak Fenci jasetssc A fell lint* of Dimensions, aiding, Flooring, Ceiling, Finished in White and Yellow Pine, Poplar and Hemlock. Farm Gates, Richmond Fences, “Locust and Chestnut P o s ts /"■ j^hingle-s; . White Pine, Red Cwlnr and Hemlock. Doors, . Hash, Blimis and Mouldine?, ■. G lass 8x10 to 40x49. Largest stock in town , American Window 'teieens F ly Proof Try them j “A little hit crowded” for Kooio and Opportunity to Figure • i «$s£uftg ' W e ’W a n t Y o u r T r a d e , p M. TARBOX ft SON T"-’ i J,"”l11 [1 IM ii1 Correct Prices. Up-to-date S ty les. IF you’re thinking: of purchasing a carpet you make! " a mistake by not seeing: our designs and getting] our prices before looking elsewhere. BED BOOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, BOOKCASES, COUCHES, &c. C A S T O R IA Hfe iftol “ « N N l N f l N R N N p J . IT . M eA T 11 j L ij X-IST, Furniture Dealer. FuneralDirector&Embaimer.j 1 > O o d w w iU o ^ O b , i o . - .... NEW YORK RACKET STORE We kindly o*k you again t o read the following line* and if you have not inspected our Clothing Department ask any of your fricmls who have, Men’*Piad crash Men’s brown twilled Men’s blaack union cheviot Men’s drab heavy linen ^ Men’* medium gray ctmimcro Men’* light gray hairline, all-wool Men’s unioMlay wootted Men’* Cambridge trico lawn, all-wool, Men’* Herringbone stripe Men’s Kll-wool gray mixed, Kersey ptynch faced, double stitched, double breasted, >per suit »per suit ) per suit 1per suit i per suit i per suit i per suit I per suit I Jier suit Men’s pent*, jeans working Men’s pants, black cheviot Men’s pants, Oakland cassimcro 6 00 per suit 53c per pair 77c per pair 1 15 per pair Men's pants, corduroy Men’s pants, cassimere all-word Men’s pants corduroy, belter grade Men’s pants, checked casssiinerc Youth’s cheeked wash suits Youth’s cheeked wash suits Youth’s black cheviot Youth’s dark browe all-wool Oakland Childrens percale Childrens .linen crash blue and white shield collar and cuffs 1 41 per patrj 1 78 per pairj 2 12 per pair] 2 12 per pair1 86c perrah j 1 <0 permit] 2 45pertain 3 37 per suit 3 39c per suit] Childrens Corduroy nicely trimmer! Childrens nnvv blue all-wool Childrens slicphard plaid trimmtrl in white braid 50c per suit 2 13 per suH 2 15 per suit i 1 SOpersritl This is not a special or a marked down sale, you can get them any time a t this price while they last. T h e N e w Y o r k R a c k e t S to r JOEL. ORANSKY^Proprktor. X e t t i t i , "» - O h i o , NEBVITA PILLS feutareVimtUy.toatYftreaaillaaliti iliMAlllNid 6 0 u Beaatifal Hair! DoYou W T o n O rnua m m * m . IhrttttTifclflli —i— Otouw gamut mmumma u u m ^ B s tiiu n b e r , M auxiir C o n tm Coc offer#< R tu tftre d B o l i n s XtuWaYd frwanycascefl- Hair iisr Perfection Hair Restorer fails to mtwfri any com of Dandruff it fails to ewe, when diseet# i ^ 'Tiijum '*" are properly followed. A iF f to F lO t t I sestd, Meorelysealed, ta your nearest eapress dice * aightouac* $1.50 bohie, for Qua lUHtr, d you lasahas p* 0 Wr< On* boUl* in many t im hmtng * 1 )naeded. A 44 r*n, Nifiswre CwrMa Cm t*y MtcUftaa St., Toledo, j,.. ^ COUftgJf;—! »tt |w»M*Ujr*e|*ktkl*i Witt ftaSame ^ wm O m A i !»flhef«»ri«e lhttnnm U ais UmrousB, iti« vmtetM ,tojaai !*♦.***.^ fi».!**■»*2 2 L W W * t t o t * k « « w a e r mm f ***%j*., Okto; *Sdre*>, Jte-s, N f t w r M H t a M o i u u Vw um. to (’• M I*A. N«MW,N i l»« Mr. w. m . Avm m * * , t*. %*. towurs t * t . a. in. t» ,* rtowKfctftt & t«* N a ftaiutaiwl tat flfiut Wat- —ttreyhaafa uothiaa httt Ihe I W 1 --A ” ■ ^i,, .. "•* i yuU m m# tow *h* »» ” 7 HOI , — to I t s . 1 iimij r —rt **toeri»t: t t S m m * * * * TWUHTY-THIR] Who buy u r m w HA] COGITATIi AMaawtoMto’t Taka tim] IsrKeJakiag. CAUSE FOR BEK I t all depends upon] view* The other dayl beard it thunder more| cares to admit, got ii with some elderly In] Tong been married anf not care who knows thj discuuud the siege o| were talking about it meeting for inttructij always have a habit of All remembered it] rept the giddy, yonf when asked why she tj the conversation, rent eoiihl remember notliil it H*« wnly been all 8un»e Wks are tha] favor*. •“ -ftmall in size iinif are DeWitt’s Little femotMi little pill* liver and bowel*. Tj Ridgway A Co,, drujj .....................iimiii Once upon a time, in country a man Ment info | office to pay for hi* suited the editor, for good deal like other folks] But when the man wal the paper, the editor was] pleased* And so he ask| why he wanted to stop He asked if the paper ha thing to hurt hi* feelinJ didn’t like the editorials ■ not approve of the paf with reference to expnnsi] Porto Rican tariff. But eaclf time, the mil in the negative. The edi struck the right chord yeti about to give up in despa| I f he had been anybody paper man. he would hat A journalist would imvl befejrm Journalists can’t] vFfnally. to bring (he pdint'without evasion, tl| editor said, .“ When was written that you take issj want you to understood ttf for sale. My convictions a| They <?amiot,Tbe;purchti cine.” He said this in a the burning deck voice tl k , learned when going to sell was glad to utilize hft Jc| elocution. He continued,“ I will s| my principles, sir, and Jbuy them.” And he dij Up about nine feet. The newspaper man iog eloquent because “ pri| his favorite theme. He about ft as well as m« whose principles are onl| feet deep. * Now, last week I lia<| editorial on the state ot tion and tiie palladium j ties. Did you object to I ” 0 , h—-1 no,” replied] ber,... “ I never read a{ youra in my life.” Than the editor went back room and hung hii| office towel. The foreman killed the paper and now it is| boiler plate and the ‘i t ft because it has no opk yvv/ir*>;