The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

i T* rt, jC£, i T l\e Heyqld, fL M i T JU * . KAWLtolMlJL {kOMMeOffWSJ M teti ton!**M*WU SATURDAY, JUNKffi, i m The Boxtr* muri. be knocked ou t Gti* ««y* that Pbilippin* crotdUtatt* wilt improve* I t i# certainly high tlo»e, Doublet*! talk of the outrage* in St* Louis, Haven't wegot the Boxer trouble* to discuss? I t would ho dangerous to nominate Dewey for the Vice Prmiency. He . ^xiight five -itsway, The Philippine postal service is not only «elf*uppjrting, hut turn* inn profit to Uncle Sara. A* A prelude to the campaign Louwana *ml Mississippi have been pulling oflTa few 'taiggej^lynchiuga. Here ia * western husband suing for divawce because bis wifej« in love Withike spookofan Actor*, He ought toilet the poor woman have at leasts ghost of a show* r England consumed 153 , 708 . 1)00 tonsof coal last year and the United . States 193 , 497,000 .tons. That tells the story of thelncrease of American mauuiacturefin plain figures. Virginia was once known as "the mother- of Presidents*' and Ohio - Seems to have claim to be known as ‘‘fcheraother of Senators," as eleven .*members of the present United States Senate are Ohio-born, Not since Grant’s day' has there .been such an accumulation of govern* meat scandals as there is at present. Many of them are, of course, Unjusti­ fied, but the public is likely to assume that where there is so much smoke there must be some fire. I t is hard tosay which is the most despicable, tbe .Republican mayor of 8t. Louis or tbe Democratic governor of Missouri. Neither seems to hive a . ‘ shred oi American manhood ui ut , him, aqd both ought to lie buried iq political snd social oblivim. Oi course it is all over but the 7 -^ ^ ^ e t ' ^ ^ u s l y ^ t h e Boeramm'showinggood sense in hold* ' fog on. Intervention was impossible, but the troubles in China may. have .anexactly similar cflect—if the Boers can wait long enough. It is true that the Republican, re* cord in Congress isscarcely a brilliant ope. But what can be said of the ; Democrat**record? That party had nop4 iay and contented itwdf with *vetythfog that the Repub­ licans proposed, and did this automat­ ically without the least regard to the rights and wrougs of the case. ;. The southern Republican darkey delegate is blue, or at least, blue* Mack. No one wants to buy him this year, McKinley will win.with- •WMmaad the Vice Presidency is not worth buying, even If it is worth fighting for. Hence darkey polities in the South havs gone to the dem* niiton bow-wow*. The rssak I* Oregon shows that tie Dnueerali ham pined $om ground afoce 1898, but not enough to carry a single western state that supported McKinley last thus. I t hi proballa that thisMat wMikwphiw thelupp *f those who*pfos* tree silver#Mhs platform aadwU^iknsa ieMettfAuHb to be | M p i that ^aesdMi* With iiWjffver left out, MaKMay wHt aoH&ys such a walk torerualba RytMicans antiripste. M t^ rrau aN n rn isw u c* by tototUppriHOow*, a* they cannot imwh the dlssasid pertkai o f ti* *«r. ■ ■AHaw WU --- ^ TLW k a U l n i i i milk ik i VNn 4 t. ^Tlc I p i l I* Mggg IP1|^^ k by the Ksgro lto raad, ‘TThs politician is my ohaphard, I shall not want any good thing during tlie campaign. Ha leadeth me into the saloons for my vote’s sake; II* filledmy pocket# with good cigar*; my gtass of liter runetb over. He prepares* my ticket for m* in the presence ol my better jadgs. Yea, though I walk through the mud and rain to vote for him and shout myself hoarse when he’s elected, straightway he forgetteth me; !o, when I met him in his own office he knoweth me not; Surely the wool has been pulled over my eyes all the days of my life, and I ought to kick myself foreter.” —Th# Lexington Standard. WwWlet Wfcr ft* Jf*ta F*r Fifty Tint*It* THm I awoke last nightwith severe pains in my stomach. I never felt so badly in all - my life. When I came down to work this inorniug I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller VfcMcCurdy’s drug store and they recommended Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I t worked lik* magi* and ous dose fixed weall right. I t certainly is the finest thing I overused for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to cn* .(tore the suffering# of last night again tor fifty times its price.—G. H . Wil­ son, Liveryman, Burgeltston, Wash* ington Co,, Pa Thsa remedy is for sale by C, M, Ridgway, —Gray keeps nothing hut ihe best in his lino of goods. The 1209 immigrants brought by the Spanish steamer Gran Antilia were landed at New York after 810, 000 had been given to indemnify the United States should tiny of the im­ migrants become public charges... ALife sbc math Fieht. Mr. W. A Hines, of Manchester, la., writing of his almost miraculous escape from death, says: “Exposure after measles induced serious tong trouble, which ended in Consumption I had freguenj: hemorrhages ant coughed • night and day. Ail ray doctors sai.i I must soon die, Tlieu ‘ began to useDr. King’s New Discov­ ery whicli wholly cured me. Hun­ dreds have used it Ou my, am all say it never fails to euro Throat, Chest and Luug troubles,” Regular size 50c and $1.00, Trial bottles free at Ridgwoy «feCoV. Drug .Store, Baron von Culm, the court banker of Emberor Wiliam I., died recently mmksfor $11,500,000, and goe# to his only daughter, who is a childless widow. A Card of Iliuki. I wish to say that I feel under last­ ing obligations for what Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy has done for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles am whooping cough, and it has always given the most perfect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to the manu­ facturers of this remedy and wish then* tp jplfcwe accept our hearty thanks.—Respectfully, Mrs, S, Doty, Ik* Moines, Iowa. For sale by C. M. Ridgway. i ,. Io accordance with the provisions ?f tb* militenraoedewy Appropriation bill, the President issued commissions to Lieut. Genera) Nelson A. Miles, commanding the army, and Mai. Gen. f l, Li Conbin, adjutant general of ] the army. AXNMHr of JWaterloo, Tnd. Rev. S .P , Koltz writes; " I have been afflicted over 20 years with dyspepsia or sour stomach. .Hay! tried dinereut remedies without I -benefit, A 10* bottle of Dr. CaidweU’s 8yrup Pepsin gave roe great ,psnefit. Have takeu nearly one large bottle and heel like a different person’’ f t c tofrbr U M. Ridgway. Two hundred and nintv millions of dollars foe poultry, the proceeds of one year, compared with $186,000.- 000 tor hofk for the samfi time, tell* wttoeiafMMs the enormous matni- ttto*. or* tbe poultry business. W ■r» still importers. TVr#k.r aly ooe awy a* onto deaf- mm, Md Aat k bf uoMtituttotwl towit itii. Ml altieia li eauead by an towseed aaauBtisw of the tnuouous Hatof of tbeMaeisshiaa Tube. Winm thle taha «**■ Muandl you hay* a Minitfaf aasHut or M&*bm It keatweiy etowri deaftw t» Ihe rewik,»*d unkw the !«$«». atortoi mat W iaiwui eut and tMtiabe assio q t lo Re uonaal coaditioa, hear- Mg' b M ha deslrayed toraver; nia* m m m * * tm a#* eaueed by catarrh, wMsi tonaAMy h i t an toiamed eon* 4M«n a# t»*iNa# 0 M eurthoee. lW iritt give ewe One H i n M t * m y * f bm fim t (mif f | | «NsrriV tWt emtaetbe rTJIaBBwAGO,, folwifl, 0 , MW HUE TAME. Tbe folloWtng schedule goes into Abet on the Pennsylvania Line, Sun­ day, May 27. urimwAKD, N0,83-lO ;I7a. to. No, 19—3:28 p, m. No. 8 ^9;00p. in. „ KASrwAtm No. 10.-7:09 a, m. No. 32—4:41 p. m, „ NoV. 10 and 8 run only between Cojnmbus and Richmond. No. 10 is a Hag stop a t Cedarville. Tlie almve trams are dally throughout the week* E. H, Kx IWd by Arwgrisis, 75 e, ¥ i* * r n«« am th* bs«t. XaTs Mjmm i H m A m <flMk ^<l** t!L ria Ckviss, Agent, The, first electric ears on the Island d? Ca^ hegaa bjieratmita March 7, whua the Dae from Rcgt* to Guana* waaopeued, aura | that *mie f«op)e who say they never reed patent medkine advartisemente vriil he fiMml lugging homa«veirymew [iad m m a bottla of-inma fcviwit* rvwt» e*r afik tiia, W# don’t bother you [u$w m m bm M m b«* jmn ask ■ you to toy a tfti tetolboifto *f Dr. <5ld- ASkgetabiefyeparafioalBrAn- & m m thelbodariBeguto- it^MeStomxbsandBoweTaof PtpnwtosDifiieslwnGfianfti^ ness andRe^-Containsneither CmkimHojtdune norH ioeral N o f N $ a i ! O T l c . *& & & *’ 'W m Sdr- ' ***** ■; AperfectRemedy forCoMtipa- non , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea* Worms,Convulsions.Feverish­ ness andLOSS OF SUBBP. Facsimile Signature of H EW Y O R K ._____ j ] D u s t s J 5 t i n : s r e r I ttf itB t« im d C h f lc b r « i. Tha Kind You Hava Always Bougjil Bears tbe Signature of | ' EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. ..................... ...... In m For Over Thirty Years cum :.VH*«(if4TAUto.otoMW$MV#-.iw$aMWMMCinnr* , . 4THor J^LVTRIPS. Eicnr*l,n Ticket* V ill Be Sold ti*Pean*yl»*ni* Following the unnuul custom, re­ duced rule ticket* will be sold via Pennsylvania Lirjea -for Fourth of <Tuly trips. They may he obtained July 3d and 4th at any ticket station on tlie Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh to any other station those lines within a radius of 200 miles. Return coupon will he good until July 5th, inclusive. For particulars about rates’and time of trains, apply to Pennsylvania Lines Passenger and Ticket Agents. Tha storing of automobiles is -piitej a problem in New York City now. | Home «f the livery stables have de-i dined to.accept them, on the ground! ¥ O l T e:m alvmy.s find a t tip ' 'o l d re liab le .Moat Shop of C. W, Crouse’s Choice Beef, Pork Sausage, Veal, Lard, Bologna, Wenerwust, Bacon/ Sams, Sugar Cured Shoulders. ness. -J — ‘-4 LOWFAREWEST. 8 p«ci»l B»t« to JtaBias City oi* Ftaiuylvtnt* Lin«* forB*ltaB*l BeaieMtb Ci}BT«ntioa. Excursion tickets to Kansas City for the National Democratic Conven­ tion will be sold July 1, 2 and 3d via Pennsylvania Lines. Tickets will be good returning leaving Kansas City not later than July 9. For informa­ tion about rates, through time and train comforts, apply to nearest Ticket Agent of the Pennsylvania Lines. Charles Cranston, while hurrying to reach New York celebrate his 20th birthday, fell under a freight train at Plainfield, N. J ., and wns ground to pieces. Ata Ton With Urf Do you feel just fiuer than anybody all the time? If you take Dr. Cald­ well’s Syrup Pepsin you may feel good the year round. I t is guaranteed to cure constipation, Indigestion and nil stomach and bowel troubles. $1, 50c or 10c sixe. O. M. Ridgway will tell you all about it. I t i v iT iL ^ \ raced . - Exchange Bank , CEDARVILLE, OHIO, A CCOUNIS.of Merchants and In- dividtiala solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. ThRAFTH on New York and Cin ** cinnati sold at lowest rates. The, cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. T OAN8 made ou Real Estate, Per- ** sonnl or Collateral Security, William Wildman, Pres.; Seth W. Smith, Vice Pres., W, -I. Wildman, Cashier, The, City of Stockton Cal., will re­ ceive on the Fourth of July the fam­ ous old guns used by Commodore Stockton in the conquest ofCalifornia. Tlio guns are now a t Mare Island, and Secretary Long last week signed ah order for their transfer to the city named after the Commodore. A k n itu BerS Fiih Destroying its victim, is a type of Constipation. The power of this mal­ ady is felt on organs, nerves, muscles and brain. But Dr. Kiug’sNew Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Beat in the world for Stomach, Liver, Kid­ neys and Bowels. Only 25 cents, At Ridgway A Co’s. Drug Store, ■-A4choice lino of all kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s. A house on the Dan McMillan fariii, occupied by Dane Hoglan, fell in last Saturday. Some damage was done to the household goods and many dishes were broken, I t is, reported that his daughter Maggiejust escaped. FOX — TH J> -f Arcade Photographer -f * v I s tlit* m o s t re liab le and {Strictly U p -to - d a te A r tis t in tb e c ity— Sp ring fie ld , O . A VoU4 H c K w Once said "most women lose their freshness and good looks earlier in life than necessary because of inattention to natures requirements, Because of their peculiar habits all should make a practice of using some staple laxa* There is no laxative so simple, so pleasant to take and yet so potent aa Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pejieiu. Get# 10c bottle (10 doses lOcts.) of C, M. Ridgway, IfiOORBWA&to W’s will tb# sbors »*w*r 4 ft# *»* «* m Of lay er UoMflalat, ^irk ll«*d. sebo, IiuUscotlon, Cr.B«tqv*tio* nr OotUiveuMi w»«*»«»( en;« with tbrwHm |U t > t o D*ti bo lts Biver l!ilf,wb*n (be SimlloK* i»«s »niet* ly|) 1 itil «Hh. ’i liey are parely V«cei*bt« »«a Rfever fail 0 , **li*rsetioii. fie bo*t* ecntaiw 100 Vi'.ls, iflo traces <<mt»!n4S Fill*, So (.-iiit:;Sn tii Fills. of sntislitu* JS?ri)t tjf mail. 'ilSttiiM tefcOH. MUIVITA MBIU i .AI j C o ., injf. PliiOoB ati.l Jn.'kr:m <iiiMxo, lit, 3 by C, 5 t«li 5 dxv 5 »y, (Ifuftgist, IVitsr* rillo, vhi.;. ^ ............- A TlfcM CfikfiD WITHOUT THR XflFEI d*#xa«ti 50 * bo:;* to tw reji»bt« will (ell V(;>i I' H« is *MtbM(S"it tf<rifitni lb* SUSL 1'4 t m 9 liii^biiur u h « e M tfl u ik T - MEXT frits f.i fu th sa y r f ITC itntU . BMNI#, lll.KKDlVO, <* FKOTkl t»l 8 ll r l f . x s , M s t t r r «•<bow Jv«x»i#ii4t»a >1 • m * 7 W ( | , «<t #«r», dm se •ii'-*u*a f itMMM **4 n«( e« 4 Hnr«nr ftHbl«i(lMf(Mtlr, b l f h f t jM w S l ^ s r v a a S t i i ^ M * *«*- K s n » j * s i& 5 r- ^ «< C O M P A R I S O N p* Read this before you buy, astd whe» y 4 * niakc comparison of goods, you will find at difference of about 25 cents n pair with other dealers. House Slippers and Strap Tie# for Ladies...............—......... —...............*25c»45c«75c Oxfords and Strap Sandal#, Black or Tan for Ladies,.-..,..-.......... ....75c 95c, $1.25 and $1.50 Button and Lace, Tan or Black Shoe# for Ladies..............................95c, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95. Button and Lacc Hand S e w e d , * $ 2 « o 0 , $3,00 and $3 50 Oxford and Strap Tiws for Mime#/ I I to 2 size 50c, $1.00 and $1.25 Oxford and Strap Tie# for Children *-»«*-i*•■#*:«**#f**•**•».**•*.*.*#a m **,#*#***25c, 35c, 50c and 75c Fin*Dress Shoes for Gentiemmiji Tan or B l a c k , .............$1 .00 , $l<2o, $l.o0, $1.9u aud $2.o0 Oxford# for Men, Black or Tan, any size 85c. 95c; $1,25, $1.50 and $1.95 Extra Fine, Tan or Black, Hand Sewed Oxfords for Men-......... *......i......... ........$2 50 and $3,00. Moccorina, four colors, tor Infants,.....,......—— ..—— . .......-...........10e. 40c and «>0c SoffSoles for Infante in color and Patent Leather................................................ -20c, 40c and 50c Shoe# and Oxford# for Children, Tan or Black,.,......... ................................. —....... '— —25c to 75c When we say that we-are making large gains over any season during the past five years, it means something. We solicit your busi­ ness and ask comparison, because we have confidence in our price and goods, and in our ability to fit you, and save you money. Opportun­ ity, ability, quality and cash tell the story. house, Springfield,JOhio. J.H . WOLFORD Where to Local Why, ih the Territory • Trmverted by tlie.. Louisville N a s h v i l l e l E a i l r o a i -'rue—. BUGYS- AT - ftlili - PRICES B u g g y R e p a i r s o f A ll K i n d s . » . Imperial Ploms and Repairs. OPENING Summer Wash Fabric. D3MITIE8 First to show, best to wear, last to fade, designs pretty. The 8Jc quality worth 12|e, sell redidly. The 15o quality you would think worth 25c, qtiality and pattern ot imported Organdies, Madras, Fig* ured Bwfcs, Linens, Jsconetts (excellent for the girl graduate.) F1LK8 -Figtired, for a Bummer Dress, just right price and very popular, LX)R9ET8* ,AU the new shape. Exeallent Summer Corsets 50c. KIDS—All the pretty shade for $1.00 and $1.50, CARPET ROOM-Full Velvet Binly Brussels, Ingrain, Tapestry, Aft Squares, lings, Lace Curtains, Porttarree, Window Shades* Grill, ‘ Linoleum, Oil Cloth, Rag Carpets, You wilt be pleased with the pi ices *#many have visited other citiea and to* have secured the sales. SUIT ROOM Finely stocked. Tailor Made Suits, Waists, Petticoats, Jackets, Hejtsrate Skirts, Muslin Underwear meeting large sales. Knit Untlerwonr 25c to Qfc. H utchison & Q ibney Clrrit Central Sohifami TmnklN —- I N —^ ■ KENTUCKY, 1ENNESSEE.I ALABAMA. MISSISSIPPI, HLOKIDAl W H E B S Farmer*, F ru it Groicer*, Stark Raiterg, Manujaetur Inventor*, Speculation and Money Le* will SaAtb* gMatm ebaiiMi ia th*r*. BtaWa to**ko-W* aioMy’*by re*Msa«T •baaSoae#aai «b*a)MiM»bf u n in i iu t . H a m i n n u n , HW AID OSAL. UMft-.XVS»TTH>»| frto «It#»r iaa»«Ml aMtitaaeti. »n41 trom tuaiioa, for tbs aui»afbetai«r. XioaAAai ftrm *1*1,0# ptr *et»**i I wardr, abifiSO.SOS*«m ia Wctt florid*# e**b« tekm f»H » u S o rV .S . He ‘ kbwit SItoeknUofag 1* tb«G«lf Cout DiitrUti seakbtMHMMtfMn, Iftltf1 filMtoMto^aHialailf ayfwal aitoJ Writ Tmsliyi *t m la a tb , Jiet** k*ow wb*t ye* wont, * b A*»l M l yow wbor* a** bow to set it—b»tf ttotoy, m tb*«m*try (g(IHag*prB^tUf. FrtoteAMatter, wepe a*# all iafen* tr«*. ASSreeg, B .LasarM>t Qeawal ItaMlgtatto* aa* ladnotHoli Utterm*,!***!- ffRXhK IL DEAN, A ttorskv at L aw * 41E. Mak St. Xea»,l Uni'* itestimit g a i Bigigf Comer High and Limestone Spriagfirid, Ohio, I I m F m t t u l l e . Lsava ywar horsei there and r i p he hspl sat theinaide, ou t « l*Mg MmJti SON* Fmiataht Ave»u*» f} CwAwin# E. T ops * tor $ 5 it sS .4 f<l‘