The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
I;1 Q .1 f-i k 1-2 Himmet, mm ou». 32 Unit M Mt, Sinn,Ott. 11H----- ffIPW i Y o tifi Purchase perfume#, toilet «M|w *ml such articles ■ w pertain to the toilet, you went the beet nod nt * reasonable price. You will And us able to com* ply with this wish always. RIDOWAY 4k CO.,tka Druggist*, Opp. Opera Ho«#a, Local and Personal. -All kiuds paints a t Mitchell, Reece Barbee has Concluded to learn the tailor trade and consequently be aaq be found a t the establishment of J.*C, Davie. --Teas, Coflfoa and Cigar* at. Gray’* Mr. Cba*. Bideway and wife, of Yellow Springe, epent Sabbath lo this place. Skirt* a t $1.00, at bOcj 75et —Ladies Crash 1.26 and 1.50 each. Ladies Shirt Waists $1,00 and 1,25 each. Ladies Wrapper* at $1,00, 1,25 and 1,50 each, AtBird’sMaramotb Store, Mie* Bernice Wolford spent Sab bath a t the home of her parents, Mr*. Arthur Miller, aged 77, who I lived with her eon, Robert, on the farm west of this place, died Wednes day night. Funeral services from the house Inis afternoon at 1 o’clock. Mike Sweeney, a former Cedarville' boy was in towa thinweek circulating among h|a old friends and acquaint* nuces. -Malt Breakfast Food i* the best, ' at Bird’s. " Mrs. Will Anderson, of South of town, has /or .her guest her sister; Mias Bertha Collins, elocution teacher ' ia Tnrkio College. —3-ply Ky, Hemp io insect proof, Id by Kerr & Hastings Bros. sol ; Carlton McLean who for nearly two years has been employed at the Dayton State Hospital, resigned last week and wilt be here for the present, —Wanted: A situation as book* keeper by a thoroughly competent -—Miss Carrie Cline will sell a few household goods at her residence here the last week inJune, The following invitations has been issued: “Mr.-audMr*, C. ,W, Crouse request your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Etta Lee to Mr. Sidney I). A. Smith, Thursday eve, June 28* 1900, at 8 o’clock, Cedar, ville, Ohio,” —Window and Mitchell's. Door Screens at Compare the Figures! i The following statistic* taken from the assessors reports for the years 1899 and 1900 will be of interest to our readers. The pain of the present year over that of the preceediug one is verygratifying* 0«il»rVill* Towmhlp. . . me. Howes.,..,..................................... 955—1.42859 Cattle................................. .*........ 1945— 4G055 Mules.................... ..................... 14— 535 Sheep......... .............. 5365— 20010 Hogs,........... ............................. ,,.1978 - 13183 ................................. 192— 3679 C a r n a g e s ■■. . - Total value of all taxnbla personal property, except on dogs: 1900—$217,064; 1899-$203,911. * ' CottlOffltlon* • moo. Horses........................................ ............87-$3460 Cattle...................... ..............................33— 695 Mules.............!...................................... 3 - 130 Hogs.......................................... ......... ..15— 73 19. 908—136539 1019— 44979 8 - 310 6189— 17747 3714.— 15968 142— 2815 capita per 189(1. 115—$3760 24— 685 4— 130 4 1 - 107 66— 1493 Carriages.................. , ........ ................. 64— 1165 Total value of all taxable personal except per capita on dogs: 1900—$74,880; 1899-162,137. Total Township andCtnwpiinn, 1900.. Horses...,...:,....................... ..., 1042 - Cattle.......... ..................................1978 Mules.,.....,.,....,,...... 17 - Sheep ........................ ,.................5355 . ITogs, » , . . « • » • , » « .......1993' Carriage, 256- Number of acre* of grain sown for harvest 1900, also for 1899. -$46319 - 48750 - 665 - 20010 - 13256 - 4844 1890, 1023—839290 1643— 44664 12— 440 5189— 17744 3755— 16165 208— 4308 Mr. Will Dean and family who reside below Xenia, took dinner yes*' terday with Mr, ufid Mrs. Will Spen cer. Dr. B. R. Madden, Practice lim- : voung matt, graduate of business col* ited ‘to EYE, EAR,’ NOSE AND “ I®' ^A|ldres^C.^F^ Mmeer, Cedar* THROAT. filaxses Accuratelv Ad- On Thursday evening at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Alex Furgerson of near Goes, Miss Lillian, their young est daughter was united in marriage r.DeloaW; “ toD fylie Hogue. —Starvation never yet cured dys pepsia Persona with indigestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what- you eat so the body can be nourished while the worn out organ* are -being recon structed. I t is the only preparation . known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles.. Try it if you are suffering from indi gestion. -It will certainly do you good, Ridgway & Co, druggists. ; MuaTBelle Winter: entertained a number of her lady friends at ten Monday evening -in honor of Miss Mary Little ofCounerSviHe, Indiana THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad Justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone,—-Office No. v», Residence No. 37 . The promoters of the local tele- phoneX’ompany were in session yes terday a t the Reyes Hotel, where arrangements were ’madefor organi zation. They expect to have a. cap ital of about $15000 held principly by local capitalists. Hon- Stacy B. Rankin and J . C. McMillan, of South Charleston, were present. —Ice Cream furnished in any quanities on short notice a t C. M. JKidgway’s. MissEdna Wolford spent the week tn Springfield visiting her grand parents.' Wheat., Rye..... Oats. Corn: Potatoes, Irish •••t« •a*,■ *»•a*«*'•**■* •■ 2899. .4920 20 258 5546 43 Meadow................,.1742 Tobacco......... ........ 17 i«oa, 5301 37 823 5791 * 30 The products for the year 1899 are ns follows: Wheat..................... 76180 hu. Rye................... 310 hu. Oats..................... 9576 hu, Barley........;....... . -165 hu. Corn... ••271925 bu- 1 Potatoes................. 3118 bn. Hay (tim.). .Clover , Clover Seed...... Tobacco...... Milk, sold.... Butter sold........ Eggs sold,,....... Apples sold...... Mrs, George.Irvine and little son, Vivian, returned Wednesday, after a. two weeks visit with relatives a t New Castle, Indiana. Those present were Misses Anna Orr, .Daisy Gray* and Nellie Ustfck. ■ Mif» Carrie Fendenthrall of Chic* ago arrived here this week to visit —LOST: Some place between my -barn and Geo. Boyd’a barn, a dia mond, stud. Finder will be given a liberal reward on returning same to roe. . . ' B. G. Ridgway, with her parents Mr, and Mrs. S. Walker. • —Gricc’p are sending out better cream than ever. , Give them a call, Xenia, Ohio, * Mr. and Mrs. John MeCorkell are taking advantage of the cheap rate to Philadelphia owing to the Nationa Convention* and are visiting the for mer* father in the Quaker City. D r. JT* Q, S tew a r t, Pbyscian and Surgeon, Specialist inE y e anc B a r . G laaaee A c c u r a te ly Ad- Misses Jessie Aiken ofKansas, Ma bel McDill, of College Corner, Echo and Mamie Sterrett and Le Boy Ster rett attended a party last night at the home ofMr, Al McDorman, of near Selma, it being given in honor of Paul’s eighteenth birthday. 2286 tons. 1145 tons,. • 1571 bn, 9640 lbs. ' ' . ; \ : v 12600 gals. 59105 lbs. * 64316 doz. . { 14710 bu. Number of acres.of land owned in 1899—23327 Number of acres cultivated..........13511 Number of acres pasture,...,....,,. 7407 Number of acres woodland....... . 2354 Number of acres waste................. . 55 . . Number of sheep killed by dogs..........78, value $263 Number of sheep injured by dogs......76. value $157 .Number of lbs. of wool shorn............38673 Died from disease during 1899: 33 horses valued at..-.*..................,.,$2005 10 cattle valued a t...... ................ 615 138 sheep valued a t..,....... . 551 4749 hogs valued a t........................14457 Number lbs of fertilizer used in 1899—167,800 lbs. cost $1415. Estimated number of pounds to be used in 1900, 60,000 lbB., a crease of 107,800 lbs. de- Sumner Outings. Ju a tod , TWD, •S atisfaction s ’ GIMRAN- -For a nice Hammock or a Cro Miss Laola Sampson who has been visiting MbsBessieBatts has returned to barhome in Hamilton, Ohio. —For Binder Twine, Machine Oi and Hope of all sizes go to Bird’s Mammoth Store, J . M, Williams, of Dayton* O.* formerly of Hutouison & Gibney* Xenia, was in town Monday* adver tising for a Dayton dry goods firm. sections, ■Deering db McCormick mower Ssturda lay's 74tk■ tookadraa lag Mr. James Towns- and his children was of the fact by bring* Baaksts and apsadinc a pj^Muat day together. Mr. and Mr*. Towtuley were completely surpriaed* hwtaoon regained their usual com- jraare and entered heartily into the occasion. All departed feeling it was rail to have been their. Kerr A Hasting* Bros. Master John Maddox is visiting his si*t«vsr Mrs, George Keen, at Newtown, Ohio, and Mrs. Elmer L. Hundley, Dayto*, Ky. For Boy* Clothing, Waists or Brownie Overalls always go to Bird's Mammoth Store, Miss Virginia Boatright, u teacher •‘—The best place in the county to r a t your Binder Twine is Kerr A STa*ti*g«Bros* Robert Watt was ks Peeble county tb* first of the.week on a business trip, * ' —E*ehine, Engine, Cylinder and CantoifOiie. Kerr A Hastings Bros, Mia*Mary LRtle left for her home farConuenville, Ind., Thursday, Mr, Hugh, Stormont the land ap- jwaiMtf, expacts to comjdete hie work weft week*. Mis*EfRe Ilufllekt left Wednesday far Dayton, where she will visit for a short time with friends and rela1 five*, Vegetarian, Baked Beans. Wilk Tomaloe Banco. NoMeat. No Fat. At GrayV, The Hmith African Concert Cam- aaa r wffl appear Tharsdar evening, Jnne $$th. in the Ervln-Williamson Matt, It is composed of native Afrb « b * m . eome of whom *r<* from the Triraevaof.whe m m to thRonnntry to obtain n higher edneathm. Their *n< ntoiiisaK of tW ^ 4 * 0 ^ AAtonw hi Mi mrihrewtoew, haMts: stO . B. A 8. O. Hume, Xenia* was entertained several days of this week by Bet. and Mrs, Maddox. The Chinese ask “how Is your liver?* instead of “ how do you do?’ for when the liver is active,the health R good. IhsWitt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels, Ridgway A Co., druggists. Mrs. Margaret Crawford, of Belle Center, O., who has beeh visiting relatives in this vicinity since the holi days, returned to her home, Friday. Mr, Leigh Colvin, of Booth Char leston, and sisters, Mrs, Charles Ware, of Florence, Alabama, and Mr* John W, Towusley of near Grape Grove, O., Spent Monday With their relatives the blisses Gibson’s. Mr. Colvin has just graduated fromO, W. tl. of Delaware, last week. , Where todo andHow to Get Thors, The Seashore, Mountain and Lake Resorts constitute the most attractive pleasure grounds for the summer idler, They are within easy reach via Penn sylvania Lines, and agents of that railway system will furnish full-infor mation about rates, train service and through car comforts to any of the summer havens, They will assist in arranging details for vacation trips and fpve valuable information free of charge,. Apply to the nearest Penn sylvania Lines Passenger and Ticket Agent and be relieved of all bother in soaping preliminaries for your sum mer outing and vacation trip. E. S. Keyes, Agent, Cedarville, Ohio, Messrs, J . B. and G, Y. Winter With their families attended the fu neral of a relative, Mrs. Moorman, of near Xenia, Thursday. —Marshall can caro for more rigs than any other Livery Stable *rg». .• . * " in Itev. Walter Hooping wilt fill the Church, totomorrow. pulpit At the R.l’ Mr, Isaac Stabler, a clerk in the fjreigct office of the Big Four Bs Ik a t OineitmaM, spent Sablmtli with Squire and Mrs, Bradford. Farm gates at Mitchell’*, Miss Lilian Ha wver of Brooklyn New York arrived here Tuesday to spend the summer with Hon. Robert Hood and wife. A complete and new line of Hair Brushes at C, M. Ridgway’*. The Misses Jackson’s entetained a number of their friends, Wednesday evening. Several couples from Clif ton, Charleston and Jamestown were present, Mr. ami Mrs, Ralph George of Chicago arc spending the week with their parents. About-twenty ladies from tliii town went to Xenia yesterday, taking the electric ear for Dayton where they nt a very pleasant day at the Sol* CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. TNKid Y m HmAlwijsBuglf Bears tha Signature of HOME of New York Is the safest I n s u r a n c e C om pany to insure your property in, B ec au se it is the largest company In the world making a specialty of insuring F a rm a n d V illia g e property against F i r e , L ig h tn in g ' a n d T c r n a d o e s . Its agents do not have to apologize to its policy holders when theirproperty is destroyed, because the C om p an y F a y s th e O a th immediately and without delay, Writo to me or call at my office tor testimonials from my own customers throughout Greene, Clark, Madison and Fayette counties, Office open every day in the week. W . L . C L E M A N S , AGENT, Cedarville, : Ohio, Homer J.<Wade, Office Manager. ape: dieirs Home, OBCHE 3 TEW 8 ENQUtH KM fY iomnus Rev. Will Anderson, of Iowa, is I here, owing to the serious illness of; hi* mother Mrs. Jam Anderson, Mtsdames, 0. M, Crouse, J . II Andrew, L. U. Bull, took dinner with Mrs, Chwi Ervin, Xenia, Thius day, Mrs. W. J . Fleming and Mrs Ralph G«oig« of Chieagosa gttwta of .SSSSii m m Mrs. Davkt MsKfaiity and sou re> Several young ladies met nt the l home of Miss Irene MeClellnn Tues-; day* where they went to picnic on t tha McClellan farm, west of town, ' ***i,tl V am II «.< MUMIIK -,/*■ , tSTl, W __ I________________ ____ _ __ ■ '•mi wo*» t.hwm. »*yjnw« vmimmi . . JlnWtirtft*» 1 I * I t is stated that the sale of the liW* W R E N ’ Barber has t«en declared off owing* to a miiunderstanliug between the parties interested. omens**** cMSMiosr. m , mtmm, r a u a . wa » ItriMliaiMMWSHUk -Dry Rtove Wood At MlteheHV* J ^ ^ ^ w Crop fjilltbrnia Aprioots, dhtwrihg the the Hsndd. ***** *** Interesting* N ew s of «<lWlffl GrOODS The Very P rettiest Patterns are Here. A charming variety in materials and patterns makes choosing satisfactory, cent purchases of manufacturers’ surplus stock place us with tqe largest and me veried assortment ol Summer Wash Fabrics ever brought together under this rc and thes goods are to be Marked Lower Than Like Qualities Have Ever Been Offered Before. First and last, savings average a fourth. Many lots are at half price or less not as “baits,” there isn’t a bait in the sale—simply the best of everything in' Was Fabrics as much cheaper than than usual as we can make them, and W ren’s pric reductions are always liberal. 5c per yard 42-inch French Lnwns in fancy stripes and figures. (Strictly perfect goods.) Worth 10c ,8c per ynrd beautiful Dimities nnd: Lace Stripe Lawns. More than a 100 patterns to select from. Worth' 124c TOc per yard “Lyons Bntiste,” a very stylish fabric. Light and dark effects. Worth 104 nnd lSc. 124c per yard the fabrics moat sought after this season are Jncquard Swieees, dotted Swiss Nfulls nnd Al hambra Lorded Zephyrs. .You should hnve'no difficulty in selecting n beau tiful waist yr dress from the lfiO styles weare how showing in the handsome goods worth 15c. . 10c per yard real Irish Dimities (a superb collection), neat, pretty pat terns and solid colors. Worth 25c. 15c per yard Lnce Stripe and Em broidered-Chambray Madras rich fab- rice.shown this season for the first time. Suitable for shirt waists'or full gowns. We cannot emphasize too strongly the beauty of these weaves, and ask your particular attention to their styles and worthiness, worth 25c. 19p per yard fancy printed English Madias in corded P. K. weaves, the richest fabrics of tiio season for shirk waists, Worth 25c. French Organdie Special. 10c per yard—last cliance—all our finest Grog-Roman real French printed Orgnndies that formerly sold a t 35, 39, 45 and 49c. This is positively the last chauce to secure a beautiful waist or gown at a trifling cost. ities unsurpassed, 35 and 50c the reg ular prices. Silk Dimities. regular price, \Ve will also include a t specs J prices a new -importation of Whilf Embroidered Swisses, Hemstitclx . Lawns, Lace Stripe Lawns and Silt 39c per yard-the new French Dim-;Mercerdized Mousseliue De Sole ity, handsome Foulard styles, nearly i^aytiful waists and gowns, nil silk—this season’s richest creation j iit fight and dark effbete,' suitable for. GingliamS BnU PeiCalC Btreftfc »r eteniofir wear. JlJna isaitth* V s et o vening This fab- ric so much out of the ordinary that wo invite special attention to its elo- gance and desiartbiljly for rich gowns. White Goods. 8c per yard 42-inch White Victoria Lawn Worth 12^c, 10c per yard for the treat loc White India Linen. 15c per yard for the best 25c White India Linen. . 19c per yard for the best 30c White India Linen. 10c per yard for 15c White Skirting Duck. Checked Nainsooks. 10c per yard E xtra . S pecial , IdMyottkJSnfc-White. Nainsooks Jn small and medium checks and pin stripes, in lengths-of 1$ to 5 yards. Worth 15 and 20c per yd. 7c per yard choice new dress Gin ghams. Worth 10c . 10c per yard very fine Bates, Toffl Du-Nord and Renfrew corded dr Ginghams,’ Worth 15c. 12|e per yard beautiful Gatst Clothe inetripes and figures on piqk^j light blue nnd navy grounds, mon than’ 50 handsome conbinatum! Worth 15c. 10c per yard 50 pieces No. 2 Man-: Chester Chnmbrays all colors. Worth] 124c. 8c per yard 500 yards 36-inch Seal Island Percales ’ in 2 to 10yard| length*, worth 10c. 15c per yard 300 yards extra fittsfl !French Madras short lengths fori Men’s Shirts and Ladies’ Waidsj Worth 25c. i French and English Piques. 15c Dress Linens the best Silk Ginghams. 25c per yard 75 styles very fine Silk Ginghams in stripes, checks and plaids, the largest, handsomest and most exclusive collection ever owned in this city. This fabric possesses more actual merit than any wash fab ric. Colors guaranteed, wearing qua!* WhitePersianUwn l Organdies Persian Lawns, 25* 30, 35 and 50c • . *fc r « V«<« for 30 inch Dr« White brench Organdies-Specials Linens in reds, pinks and bias. —50,60 and 75e per yard, $ less than] Worth 35c. NERVITA P U S KsiliftVMaMty,last vicsr«a$Msabssi u a iMuantioti. sink tkm to ik « aM.ra PILLS 60 CTSi arbsiUMUHoa .......... xstxffOi, NfiivitaTaMits MScopyofone l h attow law it) jssaussasiu. *<* «*!• ky It. MMgv#*y, DregglM* CedUrvillf, OMs, l*'ll |l|||llT|l|W*WIH*UllW.waMMMMMMMlLmUlL —Ifywt wait toGrar*. **7+ m $rad,f* WholesalePrices loDeers. Gut General Catalogue quotes them. Bend *§« to partly pay postage or expressage and we'll send yon one. I t has n m page** 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 thing* that yon eat and use and wear. W* eonatantiy carry in stock all AitkdM quoted. spjfcwMmwA*, Nto«i‘m w « r v WARD a « a * . w*» , -All who m tk t from jnilre will he glad to learn that DaWht’s Witch Hast! Halve will gtv» ib** r m t . i t will a l a ra tem Instant and psnMMtoat reJ mmum aa $ aR eldn «i |Ati riim HOgtijr i T o i ' — *A-- iy^ML I 6 W 9 WB llpfiWPPi v*ki tV E S T Y -T H lS ] b u y p. r * W B A BRIDE’S R< ^ **r**t$aaw #($• ;$**fia* Bwiwley *vi SkirtingCovert^ 10c |>cr yard 50 pieces best skirtiaf] covert in grey, brown, blue* tau andj green. Worth 15c. i2y| per yard E xtra S pecial , f 1600 yards French and English P, K. I 10c per yard for in stripes, checks and figures* in ’Drees Linens, lengths of2 to 6 yards. Full piece j 124c per yard for the best 15c Drew] price 35c per yard. Linens. i 20c per yard 1 lot extra quality j 15c per yard for the best ehruifc | iWhite Piques,wide and narrow wells- 20c Dress Linens. The 25c and 30c quality, 19c per yard for the best plain as! fancy 25e Drc« Linens. 20c per ynrd for fine Sheer Grasl! Lineu for shirt waists or full gows, Worth 30c, —Hireem n tt only a trifle lup^ in pries* than they were several y£*: Ago; m do not net frithtateo* J * «swm I* my store, and f r t yotttRX*, »(m sto^A nature* at PeAap*tf* p rettiest, •ireltest wedding th a t ha Cedarville for many y< | i which E tta Lee, the Mr*' and Mrs, ■C« W. .united, jia marriage n A. Smith, Thursday m The house was A tow orated beatify, the oolo and green represented ' nations and smilnx. The r f palms and ferns, ami ^R,of whilh Roods of lig pleasing brilliancy. The wide green 1*W b tosted by *°ft pal Japanese lanterns. Hei guest From this place lawns gathered to wish tl p)e about to be united toud, God-Speed iu their At the appointed bo (he bride and groom mat ; luce on the trout veranda Xhe bride was pretty a shite organdie, trireme \ jfebon and carried a boq eWH. The groom was Pnadsonw in the Usual bl Urs. Frantz played m I i and while the ibel pressive piece of mn* rand floated out : .... air, Rev. A, D> aping with the harmc msof attending thin^r, in and wife. r After the cereraony( wereserved with a three o The bride’s table seated R wasdeaorated with wlii while from the ehandelu Erectly over the tablr, smilax foil in graceful Able waa brilliantly ttudelabrnmi, a large 01 ter and a small one at ei ssuyenirtWere white cat After sappcr tho hai ssived oongratUbitiona. i»4ho-bay -window, whito and green and hank of palnui and fen tried quotation “ happy I m U” wm here fuily e* every body seemed as wailingyoung bride ani were receiviag their gto Tbeptoseato were alt •Me and if the esteem did not satisfy the most ) they would he hard in The presents filled os tanging Drum dainty 1 shins to’bOstly pieces 0 painting*. Few ymin pte start life under mo isspices. . At!he departure o f pie for their newly 1 re Xenia Ave., the ei mg a hoquetby the 1 w guests was observed j i foe foot o f the stsirw fosgler eaptured the p The foliewing were .guests: . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mrs- GaHoway, Mr* .Braver, Mr. and Mtt . M*-,shall Gourer, i Mr. Mid Mrs.; t *«“♦ Wre, Vannres, ^ »nd Mrs. Rob “ Allen, fRM Mrs fiyrlte
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