The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

i it A6i... •",/■ ^5. jk-^rfi .AALaL& *- '.' *Wh«...',vJflK ^ .■ il* .^hfuwL/ ' ' ^ r r •’/ : Today m <# t - *•«’ -(I Our Last Auction Sales in Orr’s . 0 A fte rn o o n at >o’clock - •• s V • • .# Great Bargains Are in Store for You; Don’^ Fail to Attend, as I am Closing Out flany Articles at Great Sacrifice. * TWEHT • ' k ' m __ . a . Tonignt H. A. FERGUSON, Auctioneer. X v l / X J 'JL 'i C O M J » l DW y o u _ ' K n o w ' tto t m ritrry a large' Hue of Ump fixtures—ao lamps—but chimneys, burners, wick* and everything pertaining to lamps, ^ H r to fix them up, make them burn right and give you a good light. ■ I H E * RtiMWAY * CO.,tl»« Prugglsts,' • 1 0pp. Opera House* I I . . " 1 1 l o c a l a a d P e r s o n a l j Uwote Josh, Thursday night. —I f yon want anything good, go to Gray's. Mto Eflle Barber, *of Springfield, Is spending th« the week the guest of frf«wd*and relatives here. . W. L , Ulemans was in Jamestown, on business, Tuesday. The Uncle Josh Picture Play Co. may not he the most instructing num W on the course, hut we dopromto that it will he the mftst entertaining. M i n * Eva and On*e Wade were U m guests of friends in Selma, over , Rafatoto. —Fountain syrup* at all prices. Every am gwursateed. , C, M. Ridgway. ' > jgk, C. M. Cronse now ’ha* hi* to ta l throughoutwith electric jtohm. Many ether* on thatstrtet win likely follow in the footsteps Of Mr. Cronse. I f you haven't attended any o f the liatarse of the lecture coarse, -come ' owt and lee “Uncle Josh” next Thura* * ty night and enjoy yourself one •waninggt a trifling ooet. —Ohsta protactort at a price all em toy . C, M. Rklgway. thrion‘p«qNr n»«etiags>f the XT. P.. K. E , and OevoMoter Chnxnhe*have tow heWin Irvin and Wiiltamsofth toltUitarwek oeii the wnal custom toriog Ih f week of payer. .These MWNlogs have been well attended, on* have been very Interesting throughout- Ifn . J . If. Milbnrn s p a t the first of the week a t Dayton, the guest of t o r daughter. Bessie, who k employed at th* Daytofi State Hospital, O. H . Appleton, Justice of Peace, Clerkebatg, N. J.< says, “Be Witt'* little Early Risen are the best pills Made for constipation. We use no othom* Quickly cure all liver and hovel tronbto, Ridgway A Co„; ' The mmm why much advertising dam not pay are numerous, The ebtaf out it Uoaus* poor copy hi used. The library a t the college has been total op for a reodiog team and all too toriiog mataria** will ha found w to t table lor too net ofIh t student# dwriag wakiog boor*, Tkla room • i« ba under tbe contrail of ibe slu «toMi and they wkl bt tor too eoodwt «f ttomselve*white in too loom. A war dopartnri for the «falhgW1” to t way of aelf govern* k B p . i . O I tew a r t, Pbyariaw f lfm b ih t is ly e ia d m i e e a n l r i j r * * g M t a im f t f ftt?*a** Mr. Ftamh Tmwtolt 1* ont this too iaSsratas of tip Dempsey, to b iwish w> bore «* W t o j ^ toe ektoaa .Vaccine point* and fumigator, the best, go to C. M. Ridgway. , J , M. Bull and Wife, were guests of Thos, Spencer, Tuesday. Mr. Geo, Gordon and MiesEchoWil- liameon, were married Tuesday, last week, at the home of the bride's pa* rents. They will make their home in Cambridge, Mass. Miss Lillian Fields is the guest of M ibs Della ftttenour, o f Gladstone. Wallace and Sadie Iliffe have teen sick with the la grippe, this week. Bill* have been introduced in the State Senate authorising the Town* ship Trustees to use pdH of- the road tax to construct sidewalks and foot* paths, and tlie licensing of dogs. John McLean was in, Selma, Mon* day, on business. Several from here were in attend* aneeat the inauguration of our new governor. A special train passed through here Monday; enroute to Columbus, bear ingthe Blaine Club, ofCincinnati. C M , Ridgway was among the excursioneat* to the State Capitol last Monday. Misses Nolle and Florence Boyles returned home Tuesday, after spend* ing. two weeks in Dayton and Frank* Ho, 0 . Capt. .T. R. Crain and Dr. Walker, of Jamestown, were in, in town Mon* day. Dr. P. It. Madden, Practice 11m* ited to DVB, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glare** AccuratelyAd* fuSted. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—OHc*,Ki>. ?», Xeildcat* W«. 37. Mr*. Charles Shoecraft, of Xenia, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mr*. B. A. Thompson, this week. F . B. Tbirkield, Heelth Inipector of Chicago, says, “Kodol Dynpepi* oabnot be recommended too highly. I t cured me o f severe dyspepsia." I t digests what you eat and cures indi gettion, heartburn and all forms of dyapepeia Ridgway A Co„ druggists, Mr, John Williams spent a few days, this week, a t the home of his parent# near Jeffersonville* All persons having written articles wishing them published will please put them in a sealed envelope and leave a t the office or drop in the item box a t the post office, All items will be carefully considered, and ifdeemed advisable will be published, otherwise no questions will be answered. Miss Leah Johnson has accepted a position a t the O. S. A H, 0 . Home* Harry Owen* become a student of Cedarvilk College, this week. Mrs, Cora Trumbo and daughter, Mildred, were entertained by Dayton friend#, this week* John W« Johnson wss looking after hi* business interest* in C-olum* hit* this week and, iaetdently, took in tbo inauguration. The plat for the “Uncle Josh I'ic tare Ptay Co*” will he open Monday a t 2 p, w. standard time, V, M* Ridgway, druggist, gnafan tern evary bottle of Ohtmterkln*# Gnwgh Remedy and wlU rstond the to anyone who k not a*titled after nslag two think of the contents, This k i t e neat remedy in toe worid for k grippe, coughs, colds, croup amt whooping rough aad a pkasant ami asto to take. It prevents any taattfaer of a mM to wwll in paen , Prof. Uamphaii wm waabla to .taka toarg* at Mb slaaaaa, Tharsday, m - n l i m V ^ t o - ; Roy Hamilton was arrested in Springfield, Monday° night, on a charge of horse atealing. The police in that place have been on the watch for him since last October, when the; were notified by parties here. ton" was taken before the assistant ' \V. H. Hawley and wife, of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs D. H. Marshall en» were in town yesterday, j tertained a few of their friends at din- , Mr. Wheeler Deteug . ..le d ini.:"* • ■ personatcr .will be With the Unde ' Mm Ella Williunison; has for her Josh Picture Play Co. 19 iguests the SliBseS Hutchinson and Mr. Louis Gilliert liad somewhat t Sidney, O. chief, and stated that he had been In-'of a serious accident befall him last dieted by the grand jury at Xenia, Tuesday, in that while engaged in and is now out on $200 bond. He hauling some fodder he slipped from was released immediately, *he w*gGB» foBing to toe ground, ' , 4 bursting the flesh in several places Several from here were his leit ear. The services of the county capital the first of the Dr w w required, i«» which week, owing to the Grand Jnry being he took 6Cveral Btilffhw t0 e]osc up the in session. ct|t A number of new books have been _ Grav keef)8 Mothi||g but thi. lM58t reccvchfor the library, Now would i(| hfe ot gow|s. ben good time to getn membership — Will Dean is carrying a cade from „ - the fact tinu he' has a sprained foot. Mr. McMillai., of Dunne, WQI jumped d * mj-m om d . , t o ^ N. V.. -h»,I college „od speeined the meurlttr ii here last year, is back again to re- . l . . ■ ■ . *HRi nlljl <. aume his. studies. Messrs. Grottendick A Kyle, who, Are you going to see Uncle Josh have been in the jewelry business in [Thursday night? Xenia, have dissolved partnership. The new firm will be known as Kyle A Tate. The trial of Dick Hamilton who were arrested sometime ago on the charge, of home stealing, have had their hearing before the court o fcommon pleas aud their trials set. [Roy Hamilton’s trial will take place on January 16 And Dick's on Janu* ary'lfl. The Trades and Labor union, of Springfield, have started a commend .able enterprise in taking charge of the raising of money to provide shoe* for school children. E. N. Cunisaulas, editor of the London, 0.» Times, has been ap* pointed by Pres, McKinley, consul at Pernambuco, Brawl, The salary is $2,600 and the fee* amount to about $300 annually. ' —500 bottles of White Pine Cough Syrups sold last winter and no com* plaint a t C. M. Ridgway'*. Mr. T. Pueherringer, of Cleveknd, is in town looking after the pianos that need tuning. Leave your order a t this office, a* thin is headquarters. Mr. T. Pueherringer, comet here highly recommended, having mad* Xenia hi* stopping place for th* last twentydive or thirty yean. He hat tuned the piano* at the College and Opera House, where a sample of hi* work cm bo seen. | Charley Cronse, J r ., who is en­ gaged. iu the butcher business in Ba- tuna, spent Wednesday aud Thursday of this week here, Charley says that he has succeeded iu his venture" far H, M, Stormont has accepted a petition as clerk in the Stewart dry goods store. W. A. Smith, familiarly known as “ Bunco," takes this means of inform* ing the citizens that he will not enlist in the army at present, He has been questioned io often in regard to this, that he thinks that this announcement will be sufficient, and wilt release him of haviug to answer so many ques* tiona. ' ’ The charter for tbe protective association has arrived and the regu­ lar organization will take place next Tuesday night. The reason'the charter for the pro­ tective association did not arrive itr time for tho meeting last Tuesday night, was that the clerk of court for­ got to put a ’revenue stamp ou the Aoeument and it was held for that I Gal. OwRis, who baa been absent Rom this place about two years, re­ turned k s t Saturday# Mr. Owens has bean in and about Reno. Nevada, and report* everything in the^west in flourishing condition. Cal. will re­ main here for some time, owing to the serious illneei of hie father. Mrs. Chat. Crouse, Jr., left for her houlc in Sabina, Wednesday, after a week's tin t with Mr. Crouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs, U. W. Crouse. W. 0 . T. U. will meet at the home of Miss Murdock, Thursday, Jan. IS, at2i3(f o'clock. Three cattle men from Bowling InRemembrance. . In loving remembrance of our mother, Mrs. .Margaret Fold, who died January 11. 18Q9. Lonely is our home, and ead are the ■ : ■hours ■ Since our darling mother is gone: But i *1 i , a fbrighter home than ours In heaven is now her own. Dearest mother, wo have laid thee In ttm peaceful grave’s Embrace, But thy memory will be cherished Till we see thy heavenly face. Had He asked, us, well we kuow, We should O! spare the. blow, Yes, with streaming tears should pray, Lord, we love her, let her sta/. In love she lived, ' In peace she died; •He* life was asked— But God 'denied. i i m H Duty Ule Owe Our Patrons Stockmen InCotamtMts. Several front here attended the va­ rious agricultural meetings which were held in Columbus, this week. The State Farmers’ Institute was in session on Tuesday and Wednesday- On Thursday the State Board of Agriculture met and Thomas Calvert, of Selma, was elected as n member of the board. The Presidents and Secretaries of tho different county RUire met Wed­ nesday in convention. Mr, Robert' Coriy* president of tho Greene Co. Fair board, represented that board. Robert Williamson read a paper before a sheep breeders' convention. lkff Commie attended the meeting of the breeders of the Chester white hogs Oscar Bradfute attended the Farmers' Institute. na! r r GreenKy.t were hereThursday, look- IttjoiKl k» «!««.<», ...a tk« tK d*o«r tho herd ot Poltat Augo, cattle of D. Bradiute A Son Mr. Bradfute had nothing in the line they wanted and they left for Clifton; NOTICE. AH persons knowing themselves indebted to us for the year 1890 will please call and settle. . Coffey A Carson. W ANTED—Several Bright and Honest per­ sons to representns at M«n»gera in tbit tradclosebycounties, SalaryfBOoa yearand expiates. Straight,, no»ore,nahu salary. Positionpermanent. Our reference, any bank is any town. It is mainly ofS» work conducted at home. Hefeteaee. E«. dose eeir-addressedstampedenvelope. T ub DoMtiuox Coxranr, He;t. 3, Chicago, To remind them At -this season of the year tha t the money they owe ns is badly needed. The past year has been, a prosperous one and it will, no doubt, be easier to “pay up” now than it Was a t this time last season, which a great many did, although we are sorry to say, many others did not and now owe two year's subscription instead of one. W ell, we can use tha t amount just as well now as we could have done then, for an­ ticipating a big trade th is year, we have had a new press erected in the office, and placed many dollars worth of new type and other fixtures, which must be paid for in the next ten days. r CHMftVgU. MARKETRCPMTS. where they Were to insjKxt Another herd!. A pAper is out for the purpose of raising money to pnrchsM « wagon for WUIXorthup, whose wagon was destroyed by fire near Pleasant View one day last week. Mrs, Nells Gowdy visited with Mr. and Mrs, J* II, Gowdy, of near Xenia, the firs#of the week* Wheat... C j OJ fh 27 Oats...... 25 Butter,. 15 3^ffj[i£Si*e»ea4*»6*# ##a***•««*««**asa«vo» 18 Chickens 05 Hogs $4,Bt l A t t l e . . . . . . 4.50 Sheep&ass»*as4»ea«e*A«*#«■«***»»* 3.50' likes the town very much. Mr. Henry Owens shows some signs of improvement, the only trou­ ble is thut he is unable to get his rest i t night* Frank LsBsr a printer who was formerly located in Middletown, but who went to the Klondike a t the out­ break ot th* gold fever, has returned to rivillMtlon with something like $75,000.“ He is now in Indians And will buy » newspaper,- -Lebanon Republican, I Mr Juki! Wade hss bought property in Bpringfiekt and will move then* the following Xenia friends a t dinner j J S ' •ome-tline » e it month. ........ . - Pally Gordon, who was arrested for breaking in the Gsdarville Bank, Jkm't forget to bring vour children \ " ^ to see Unde Josh* BehenI ehiMren4*! ft Wire! Claes Apfite j tickets are only 20 eta* 5 Whew trait gvwwerai Mt th ■ „jt« emps to men win shm U c the atvies A tterwlerri Fruit, • v: a Dpoie has come to tss a atanu »«] product, Doth for cmraiAiptlon *«d tottlft! tnatliota* ana th-* apple Abater* commence i» the eeason smt eanvaas the apple see* tIs>nB from month to m<:Hth, tnahus careful catlmstea until apple plsho-g B r i t i d i n V o u r when they are perfectly posteU on the or. m i « m m | S ,r.,'S S 4 S ^ A £ ' X J i e foll i i fri i t i er j be ana might fee as thoroughly tinker- yesterdays II. W. Owens, wife and T Ja 'rw h V * w f S IS two children, Dr. h W. Baldwin and t L X ^ J iS S to o " th? ..?! wife and W* N. Neeld and wile* jcharMst can t a t s price i»i* I fruit, as Well« » to wait for th.- 1 ■ -r has Imea indicted by the gntadjur, and will have hi* trial sometime nest ssmtto. Betofo toll has gwclh confiftence in , . ». #». • ..... - H ah . Otfs that to Is slrwsdy mgolisfc-i ***** *?}* ^ O w t o t that he iN aw im . . . t« now iramg a.,** n would make hw nnsle. * Mrto Ibffo lag for tosafpwrases of AgntasMo with tto WlM Wsst sggregatfoe We firilefl ta mestom tto sseMsnt lata wsok to il tofofl tto j a s a p t so* of Mr Dwell IMtorti*. Tto tad talk log to foH *C tataflwg Ms the westtm steps, tbsre is likely to tat * . . . . . , „ . * ___ . _ * ai«ogra»ii*ewt se l# «M oweailos, A sunt and rode « w to .Tsmestawa t wKet Is * Ant otssa ssow. Tfce Ssysr g l«*t WednewLy with one of the *«•**» *•**<*• throw ««t marii fruit -" -■ * ,>»»•■ ‘ « i»» * » « » , M.. absent hi* perenta togsn a sseeeh sod tracts for fsser frait the sailor stumia Ms flWtof, Ed Bmito went to Jams*. ***»!»„ * * ? * •* & * • »**« tawaand ttosd him at his asda*. m * ooseitw^Th*I sm *f * «rmt sSns r . tt,.«. ha .,«#,ss^sgv.'SARgTJSS ■w ^^BtaW W 1 ^ta^B ^L w ithin the next ten rinys—thut is when we most need it# Yours very truly The Cedarville Herald ’■ Jk- JlMMffii 'MiHI&J rm mmngys^g tatyafsse C'edsrville j ktto- Little 1 ppennsylvauis idleRoute) [jft is brobshij uu in Gree eVsntrs.HDd to purchase *i)d inarke farluer Jiss ti liter, eggs# l Cedarville j Jsee to live , i opulation, inj »r, lime, cigt iis an e*c aditatries.^ Among the -doing allowing: w • W .R . 8ter itorand d I, flour, p tide Aeate dtoatar i the best shipping iriing quslit itoti ly pom itionsof ■k m fitv IteVy h tys grniife il trsnas _ intlu I lg J o aH non ling ups >wn where now m | iLr citizei weteonie tiv- \ ' 4L [,This dealer i and sligil lwajrs sop bsst to 1 stoioe v« tees, *j icltis A tto lowee tor is a 1 [deals sqm icuterpi iHin comm Who know hi sy of fries r toe pro; lie confide which ipliles, .will be pi pAtrouire .Gray k ty store v station far tratding i contain i kottee th; |4 to inter i.eetabllihti for f teligibl vsgsteh ' It m lie tot, rand 1taw 1«H If I l i m i t will »Ht it la a ■ .to*. „ 'A .M wtawta