The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
HIM this Articles h a TWENTY-THUD Y£AI* NO. 4 iZedantilk fterald, A n Jn^rgfHdent Jftw'tjiHijHr tk to ted to In ttr n t o f C a tam ite and Vietnity t 1 | | ’h ‘i i i i Buh jHi Mfc CEDAKVILIE, OHIO, JANUARY 20 , 1900 . PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAR. I&erebaflt Tailor, Batter and (Dec’s furnisher. ipewaeiQM?fc9ie*h«e^ Correct Styles. Reliable Qualities. Iseason of the sy owe us it fear has beets [will, no doubt,. than it wet rtiich a great |resorry to say, tow owe two lof one. Well, just as well le then, foran- year, we have in the office, worth of new rhich must he »y«* -that is when aid. CEOARVILLE, 0 . a Hraat Mar*** Ceator a 'famwra-r* gaga** a a ^ i i i A nu fi . . May •raiiwpiTi^r*** - TVwFnfo . .• -•>> ' •ev.•’.f s • • 3 . • 1 * Cedarvilte i» iMMUtlfullyJoanted in the Little Miami divisiou of the Feunaylvanfe Railroad, (The Fan. handleRoute) .eight mile* fromXenia, lif e brobably the beat market for grain in Cfreene Couuty, I t haa four elevators,un<l one dour mill tocompete for purchase of the cereal and ia a gmud market for everything'that !a fariuer has to sell, front live stock to butter, eggs, poultry, hogs, etc, . Cedarvilte ia at all tinies a pleatout place to live in .. It -low nlmut 1800* ^population, aud manufactures in lum ber, lime, cigars, etc. are maintained. This ie an excellent location for near tndtMiries/ ' Among the niany drat clues mer chants doing business here are the following: • vantageous to their patrons. They have on hand, shingles, lath, sash doors, Minds, hard and soft wood lumber, and? general building'mate rial a t the lowest, coneiitent prices. Cal||when In want of anything ini this line. They are well informed and fair minded cUixens who main tain everything satisfactory in this line and are up with the times in the advancements in public interests of this place. They have become widely known and esteemed'm this section, and are recognised as a correct au thority in mutters appertaining to this line. They have made an exemplary record «t 25 years. W. t» Stem tt. W. R, riterrett basa dntclaw grain eMfatorand deals in grain, seed, coal, food, dour, paints and oils, and h i rsUaMe dealer in all transactions. Tkirievator is eqalpped throughout with rim best foeijitiss for handling and shipping grain. He is a mawof sterling qualities as well a i correct in fararncss metoafe He keeps thor oughly posted regarding the latest quotations o f .maricats, therefore payi s UM f 8 a#JHMPMMwowfoMadsMi*- MRPWawfi: ie a favorite dealer. This is a JVUiifastory bweasss gentleman -who always gs*M» to Ms patrons ^ liberal transactions, and renders Ms dialing* in th a t niannervsry gratify- , all concerned.. He is Indeed :building up a reputation for integrity, [known wherever he is acquainted, l i t ie now a good time to visit this Ipopularmtisen, and a t all time he Will welcome you affably and cor- Irectiv. This dealer in groceries has a neat, laira and eligible store to trade at. I t Iis always supplied with the newest land hast to be had in the grocery |Kae; choice canned goods, superior i, tens, spioss, cigars, tohacooes, '•ra t dam merit. Prices are down Its the lowest notch, and the pro* [pristor is a favorite with the public [and deals squarely by all. This enterprising aad capable gen tleman eomnmnds tbe re je c t of all who knew him, aad ha has a great array o f frtends here and elsewhere. He ‘ has proved himself worthy of pablie confidence by the exemplary earesr wllrii his businem program IeaempKCsa, How is a time when iyew,wilt be pleated to visit the store | aad patronise him. u— .n - --• * jm .. PfWPPrf Wrmjv Mr. Gray has a grocery and family [swppty stora whftfc sestains a high ttion for and near a t a rapnla- maidtag paint The annals o f ■hiworaeoed of any buss* it u nea thai pays mote attention ^Jf figroaaana^Jtma^AiaMsfoLjuHr Ww MiWfaHWsIPI lira©sNWOeHWsHwWWM i satoMishaientdoee. f t r a a i who i.for tamtifes, hotels, etc,, wan L gAga m jt | IMNfi HP I TI m <C«Ml«rvWeBeall. . ' . Tl«rt b;mk fis a firatnclsm financial iiwtithfinn, which is highly appre- ciatcd. ■ Tim privileges enjoyed hy-the pub lie. ore unexcelled, to obtain at this bonk, drafts. bills of exchange, loans, colle^ious, crdeiKwit money, or deal in exchange or, any other form of pe cuniary business. This meritorious bu»inem hrm nmke this faenk aid to -the program of this place and sur rounding country., The highly esteemed and praise worthy officers who are -interested in this bank ure as follows: Q. W. H akpsr , President. V.-.M. H akcek , Vice-President. H over G. W ade , Amt? Cashier. 6 , W. Harper contemplates selling oat ns owing to hie age, and having to fook attef^his differaut fafn»s, he Wishes, to make sale of the bank. A better location cannot be found for - ' an*-wa^.. ■ -'Ht a^^Pgn W& take great pleasure in giving the following items, the first front the Bussey, Iowa, Tri-County Pram, aud tiie second, clipped by them from the Dec Moines Leader; as they relate to a former Cedsrville boy and note the program which be is making in the Worldof business: Mr. Fred C. McMillan has been appointed commercial agent for like Wabash railroad with head quarters in He* Moines, He will have supervision of freight traffic having origin in, destined to, and reaching that railroad through Omaha, Neb., or Iowa stations, Ibis is an import ant position and one for which the gentleman is well qualified and in which he wilt have unbounded suc cess, r—irhm n Fred C. McMillan, recently ap pointed commercial agent for the Wabash in thfo city, has entered upon the dutiea of-the place. Before com ing to D m Moines Mr, McMillan was prominently identified with the de vslopment of large coal interests along the line of the Wabash between Albia and Moulton. His energy and businem tact attracted the attention of Mr, Kamesy, genera! manager of the Wabash, and ha soon aftorward became a leading factor in the con struction work o f the eat-offextension between the towns mentioawd. When this work was completed Mr, Ramsey was so pleased iwith Mr. McMillan's work that he was tendered the po sition of commercial agent for the company, with headquarters in this city. COGITATIONS TheMssWhsWant to Sew—AferaWe ef Tetfey- Once upon a time am*u went forth to sow, iu the third watch of the night, and it was so (lurk he wist not where he was. Therefore he weut over sgainstgths forty that was known by all the neighbors to be exceeding stony and wnuW produce nothing, not even ten-fold, but the man with the hoe cast the seed upon stony grouud and it Was so. Now there was a certain either rich man who ‘wentforth to sow and huv ing noticed that his neighbor’s seed grew not,' he thought to. himself I will not do as he hath dohe« so be sowed his seed among the. thorns and it grew much, but when it was ripe, lo and'heboid, he wist not how to gether his crop. Neither did any Of his neighbors. They tried to cut it with a McCor mick -binder, but it failed. And the man was exceeding wroth. But he bud wo one to blame but himself. He knew the weeds were there before Jhe sowed the seed. And so if * man seeks evil com' pinions before he knows where he is at. like as not tie wilt be going Hume to his family having a good healthy , ag, even ao he can’t navigate aud lias :o be hauled home on a truck. And yet another man who was wise iii his own mind sowed upon ground .;hat. wpn to- a disturbance oa it. But he thought tboee whohad farmed before him did «fot form it right, and being wiser thannny of his day or generation, he wentahead. ■ The wheat spraug up quickly and grew for a few weeks. But, aim! bong before ti;ue for the harvest, it nd withered and the hot wind from over against Kansas came and blew it to kingdom come. We once knew a boy whose father, very unfortunately, bad exceeding great wealth. Instead of letting his •on hustle, he sent him away to school >ecauflo he was too smart to be a armer. He had a high forehead and pale complrxiou, so his folks thought'that waa a sign that he was thoughtfnl and brainy. They sent him to school a good deal and when he got through he graduated and they got him a large either bound Bible,even one that cost 14.75 a t the town book store. Tkey started him out in business over wist not wbat it was. *But when they got borne and the fothcr who was a strongman who bad Iran thrown on his own resource wBni real young took him to the thretmug floor in the barn and wore out a new baiter strap on him. Then he recognised him and he made him go nut Into the potato patch ami dig potatoea*for forty days and nights. And thereafter every man believed fully that as ye soar so shall he alto, reap. And it waa so. - The UacmtoehHctarafleyCtmaaay. The entertainment given at the Opera House, Thursday evening was all that could have t«cil expected by the Uedurville people. The acting in the dramatic sketch, by Mr. De Long aud Miss^Miller, riiowed the excellent dramatic ability of these two members aud was a fitting iutro duction to vthe evening’s entertain' ment. The illustrated play, “ Uncle Josh” was then given, Mr, De Long mid Mines Miller doing the reading, imi tating perfectly the different char acters as the pictures ware thrown on the canvass. The illustrated stags by Miss Evelyn Roth and Mbs Miller, was one of tbs most pleasiug parts of the entertainment, and each time they went heartily encored.^ Undoubtedly the mqtt entertaining cattireof the whole twaing, was the Berpentenia, wfchfc a^jgpad the enter tainment. A .grasl-jM « t iHUnaram-pf the entertainment was due to the man ager,.A. C, Coit, who had control of the lantern and arranged the color effect*andnovelties. This was a new form of entertain ment for the Cedarville people and to say the least was a complete success. BLOODY DUEL Between .two Prawla—t CWissra at Kea- tacky.. Three imim hided aad . - ThreeMereCriiMdsd. The Nappy reneer. The former does not have to solicit the patronage of any one, says an exchange, lie does not have to enter nto competition and strife with his neighbor like the merchant; lie does not have to wrangle and warp the truth for a living like some people, n fact he can be one of the most in dependent men on God's green earth if he manages his affairs in a businem manner. H e has more time .aud equal opportunities for improving his mind; he has less allurements for corrupting his morals, and his occu- Mtiou is conducive of the highest de> of his physic*! frX^, €#» « €«0 IS*. Kentucky has again disgraced it selfthis week by a pistol fight be-* tween some, of its most prominent citizens. As a result tbree men are dead, one fatally wounded add two more slightly wounded. The fight occurred in one of thehotefs in Frank fort, between ex-congressman David G. Colson^ of Middlesboro, and Lieu tenant Etbelbert Scott, of Somerset., Scott was instantly killed, no less than six bullets eutering Ins body, Colson was shot twice in the arm. The ‘most terrible .part of the tragedy was the fact tliat two hy. slanders were killed aud and a couple crippled. Colsen has been arrested and wilt be tried for murder. He claims seif-defense and the. weight of the evidence will hang pn the foe; foot i s to whether he or Scott fired 'first, Colsen seems to have been prepared for war, as he had two revolvers, one' a 38 calibre and the other a 44 calibre. I t is ssid that no leas than twenty shots were fired by tlie two participants. Kentucky seems to be doing all she can to live up to her name, “The dark and bloody ground.” B y feed ing P O U L T R Y B A N - A C E A y o u r hens Will Jay M O R E EGG S . T h is w e g u a r an te e o r m oney re funded . W. R. STERRETT. GREAT CREDITORS T»tin Ctetosas at CaBarriNs m l VteMtyl Having this week purchased tha groeery stock of tka Jfraam. CM% A Carabn, I temfc to announce that 1 shall continue the businesc at die same place, where I hope to receive a liberal share o f ,the patronage that has bran enjoyed by the retiring firm, and also that of many new customers. I have come among you a stranger, but by fair dealing and courteous treatment, I hope t o prove myself worthy of your confidence and sup port. Yours truly, •T. L. H ouser . velopmeuts powers. I lie esn be on intimste terms with bis Whole family, at peace with the whole world and he can worship God tinder His younger brother who was not 'Sfli A m L iAubi I y . ___ The Protective Asueriatinn- met In p i,n - iiTtifeiliae, I t la **•* H*w»eH (jhanbsr last Taradav eradaetad anew Hera •** »»** _____ _ __ afcartra, T1»a following nflfeefs wtra Mtiototra Ife'iteck H, Bradfoitt, P i n ,; R- G, from the most v riraM e 'J* 1*’ Vfee-Pr**.; I t F. Horr, Pec 3 j ^ g fa m p *»d when ■ k sam Is tfc* jofcMag aad laij Helea worthydealer. WiHmaa TfN* jjfoom the fOMuaiUet wu 'ijauauS' WraJ^nama iima --- •M 1 felana BMUiraiai4 >!'mNRNI wr^w JpmP®rara® ■ . , htid aai tim tefefck fimf i t a r t actiea, fm to iitam | The aept mrattog will b« held hi This firm have afhet ffem MWItad''the wwnril fchsmhar and pertmw -ds- jahalBf mflt and hiaihar yasd, tm i’s itta ito hsian wimhirariroaldhaad h sqa^ppad tkw s p o s t la thrir samp a t earn, A M l at Tamday fthfoLaa for dalaf aMtara hraMamef l p | g | p N ta to he traa- la a maaBar that ar*w ad-' m te d. supposed to know enough to come in when it rained did not go to school. When he should have been in school he was against the week looking for some of the scrubby steers, And al the hankering he had for literature was for Kendall’s complete horao book and h» father wist not why it was so. Bo when tha son came of age he staid on the form and slier nineteen yean he owned a quarter section and the educated young man was a clerk in a second handstore a t 140 a month. The man had sown on thin soil, The pale complexion which he mis» took for an indication of intellect was caused by cigarette smoking and the high forehead seemed to he so because he wore his hair cut pompadour. And likewise the sower who went forth to sow atottorad his seed on thorny ground and it came up quickly. He expected a bigcrap and it WNC4W* Bat ye Alsowist net that as ye sow grain his own fig tree, no ono daring to molest him or make !ii;:> afraid. The report iWiH| tip* h* found that he could not o o u ith a tfe ifp ii^ |t Dad, Moreover, that h i was better o f without I*. Par It was foil* fag aawtug avU i^wpaeioua and they learned th# gamra all tin lards in the deck aad talked more about A hobtailed iuaii amt ahunt four area heating two,pair* sad he wist not where he w*a a i On ia the thiol wateh ot tha atgfct he look that sot bv the nape of the aerlr and the son Rula Chsw|sA> Tho Pennsylvania folks have pre pared and issued for their patrons a fine new time table, iu good style, that can be procured free of Mr. John A, Dodds, agent a t this place. They are not for distribution among school children or people who take a fifteen mile ride once a year, but are for patrons of the road who need them, Heretofore Pensy has been very shy and modest about having pictures taken, and adorned very little of the road advertising with illustmthns of its fast trains, But this latest time card has a fine half tone on the title page representing a Pennsylvania fast express in motion, giving an excellent head and side view. As Bob Burdett once said “ when you want to go anywhere, from Cedarville to Ca$saresa, take the Pennsylvania,”^ Republican, Itoiest I# the itote, W. I?, flewan*, otir hustling in surance agent, is ever branching out in hia buslnswi, This week ha pur chased the H, t \ Dean agency of the New Y«»rk Home lasuwara Lo,,; hvwte<l at JeMratown, which will ha *W>fhed by the <',ed*rvilfe agaeey. Mr, iJlemua’a hutinme * w ootara a territory fifty mile* *q«are. firing Ifce IdryNl form agency ta the Wale HEWS IN filKF. The drainage canal a t Chicago ha* been completed and the watort of Lake Michigan are now flowing to ward the gulf, Gen* Balter, with • force of about 1,000 men has crossed the Tugela river and a terrific battle between the British and Boera is expected to take place aoon, perhaps going on now. Mrs. Defend Btsndford hsa now disposed of all the great fortune be queathed to her by her fete husband, having recently signed deeds trans ferring all of her real estata to the trustees of Defend Stanford Uni versity. She had already given to the university all the personal property of the Senator’s rotate, the value of it being abont 115,000,000. Tinder a contract with the trustees she re ceives an annuity o f125,000. The fund raised for the late Gan, Dawson will aaouni to over $90,000, Ths committee on the Robert's case will bring in a report favoring his ex clusion. Clark, senator-elect from Montana, i 3 being tried this week on the charge of securing his election by bribery. From the evidence both by his friend# and enemies, It is evieent that not only is he guilty, but the only reason his enemies did not elect their man was that they lacked money. On The entire stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at 17 West Main Street, formerly Famous Shoe, Store, must be dlosed oat at once regardless of value. About$8,500Worthof Fifst-Classfoohsear tobeSaerifieed. Ladies Comfort House Slippers - - 49c Boys $1.35,1.50and 2.00goodsolid shoes, - 75,98c$1.23 800pairs Men’s $3 shoes in Vici, Box Calf, Wil low Calf, ext. soles, B. D. or New England toe $1.98 2.98 * * 3 98c, 1.23,1.49 - , - 19c All Men’s $4.00and 5.00 Shoes, - , All Men's 2.25 and 2.50Shoes, Men's 1.25, x.50and 2.00Shoes, . - Ladies’ 50c Overgaitors, .*■ Child's 25c Rubbers, - - - - - 10c Ladies 50c Rubbers, - - - » 25c Men's NarrowToe, first quality Rubbers, - 45c Men’s Rubber Boots, the best, - - $2.40 Men’s Felts and Overs, good ones, - - $1.98 Men’s Buckle Arctics, - • - 98c Gray Bros* $4)00,5.00Ladies Shoes, 14 styles, - 2.98 Gerstle & Co. $2.50 and 3,00Ladies Shoes, all m - r * * 1-98 Elegant $1.75 and 2.00Shoes, - - - 1.49 Ladies $1.25 and 1.50Shoes, - - 98c and 1.19 20bpairs of Ladies fine $2.50 and 3,00shoes, small sixes, - * - * - 75c G* M, Ridgway, druggist, guiran* toro every bottle uf Chamberlain4# Cough Remedy and wilt refund the ]money to tmyona who t# not Mtirifed Iafter using two third# of the content#. 'This is the best itMcdy in the world for la grippe, cough#, odd#, raonp and whooping congh and fe pleasant and, safe to take. I t pa ten ts any tendency of a cold to ra#«U In pneu monia. Infants andChild’s Shoes Greatlyfyedneed. No other concern can or our Prices. will sell perfect footwear at REMEMBER THE PLACE 17 W. Main St., - Springfield, O. SEYBOLD’S OLD STAND. AraVanCrarifeatadf Do you have that tired feeling? Do j you feel staggi#h, billious and out ofii aorta genenuly? Do you have rick hendariie? Do you have pimple#, eruption#, blotches, ulcers, sores or other results of constipation? The sewer of the body must be kept in an active, healthy condition and nothing does it so well a# Bailey’s Laxative Tablet#, Their use brings on « dear, rosy, beautiftil complexion, A tab let or two taken at night makes you, f o r i finein the morning, 10 c packages contain $0 tablets, and BO ia jjtfe gaelagM* Tablets chocolate coated. The written signature of W. J . Bailey on enrit package, Bample free. They FOX, -Tilt:' • f Arcade F l io to g r « l ie r + Is tlit' must n liald?' aisd S(rii tlv ITp-io- rinL* A rtm i in flit' r ity- Spriftiftiobl* f K fumseptlyiriiave and then cure «on-j '—Gray keeps nothing hot stipatim# Boldhy all dfngfM*, Iin his line o! gi-od*. ffeekeri Mr. and Mrs, 1, H and Mrs, G M. Cr a e d t i s t i r n M a ferga num- Berara and *t«MKt sfca ora ti* 'W en flhe lrtHw fo bun PridayavM^ <MMitoroiu tha Phllwpfctehalt nm t feK(ratfca l a w a f «W foesrar oa Tharsday eveafeg. ! the laawatowa pRra. | —Vaccine points and fnwigttor, Jtk# brat, go to i \ M. fWgaray, si; I • O' | —Ifynn wot to Gray «. aar thing fond.
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