The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
¥ Tl\e $ 1.00 A YEAR. H u m A Bwu., Prof**, 4 . K. If*»#«•? »**« Bw , ^ XiiKr. >#*>Mgr, HW#*M OwaiJ $i fBi4W*M(§TI*W- h a w b d a y *J a n u a r y ao# 1 »W gfggs ai A Biu* Crow in ihi* space iodicatto that your iuteeriplion it past due. Chicago Itud » strike of pfeno- turnr*, but the piMO playww bar# gtet* the public <u»*ucb relief. A South Dakota wan fainted when granted hii third divorce, the other day. Let him alone, he'll Boon re wire. The Beet had better give up find be done with it, Richard Harding Bavi» ia going to South Africa aa a war cormpondent.. • >t t _ r 1 1 r"Jl m A nioonahiuer haa been caught, tried and fined in Kentucky, all in lies than alt h o u r.W h o jays juitioe ia »low in that state? Two prominent pugilists are the aona of preacher*, which show* how uncertain it ia to gueaa thefuture of a ,hid by itaaurronnding*. Mr, Cleveland tiai Conte to life mriBcfentiy to express hi* opinions in regard < to the party that honored him wore than any other man now Jiving. A aaan tried to walk actual the wrrfaoe of the Chicago river lactnight, as he had done for years, but fell in and was drowned. Another victim o f misplaced confidence. And now Chicago people are de- samneing Mayor Harrison because ha. Won’t run for Governor. In a few years they’ll probably be abusing him because he does. 111 I f Andrew Carnegie continues to give hi« money to found public li- teftrito, the public wilt not care bow often he tefuaea to contribute to po- litica) campaign funds. fa m " Aw uoeommodating magiafnite of Cfey county, Kjr., adjourned court > In order to aHow the crowd to indulge in a fight. Results: two killed, four wounded, and a new feud. Thera ia a pointer in the arrest of a Montreal broker, on the charge of knowingly receiving stolen money, who had taken $125,000 as margins to rn n defaulting bank teller. - Aeoording to prem reports, five hundred cats have bton sent to the Philippines. Senator Pettigrew, of Sooth Dakota, should denounce this efibrt to impose on native-born Filipino rats. I t isjust ss Will to keep in mind, when reading about what this or that Martpaa* government- ia doing or going to do, that playing politics is a game f ia t never cesses with those governments, Asaerksn burglars are ash! to Be operating in Paris, but no American who was there during the last ex position, will be!lev# for aa tenant that they can compete with the hoarding house keepers,. , The B om cannot be Mamed lor resenting the evident IHendritip o fthe trailed States government towards their enemies^ Wo frit much the same Why I 6 tr«d France and Ger many during the war with Spain. Use talk of Governor Roosevelt wanting to be Vice Presidents is in the height of absurdity. The Gov ernor wants to be President in 1901, and the Vice Preeklency would kill his hb au ce e ,It always has had that Hfcet. ^ On* ofth* wlfuames against Sena tor €3«ffc «# Montana has given a •ttrieua dsdaHCon of a lie, <*A Ile,w ha says, Hk m untruth Odd to a per- mm who hat a right to know the truth, Otherwise it in not « lit.” Aaaaias mast feet bewildered «owa- ^1 f Ate ss *►«“>*J n th* sir, IftotftCtotolift; tfiMWJwtWlW*. «=t*a^feilsw, Wa hardly ttp e c t to see real old (Nswle sprit imtueeily when they writ# a!*t«ar-. t i t » A wsasaa #•*’* very often teU a lie mad sileh a* it, t t f Whsw a mam gmw fa to pay a hgt lllms is tsk iw atu who)* let tea mush m m y ta show that ha is ant broka, •flar all. t 1 1 ' If you da not hsbavr that tlnus files, have some note* coming due, t t f - Tim idea never seems to come to some folk* thst they might lie green. . fr -tfr’ . Borne people haven't much to do but worry about taxes. f f t A man whom doesn’t hoard at a hotel, secretly envies every niau^who does. 1 t f t We cannot see much sense in swear- ing when everything is going right, 1 1 t „ Often. giri» who have to work the hardest a t homfe work the "least when 3 they get married. ' t t f • . Swearing seems to be contagious. t t t \ They aay that dishwashing will cure one’s sow hands. We are glad that we never had sore,hands. 1 1 t When a man makes up his mind, to begin saving, he usually begins by cutting down his church allowance. f .v. JL r i On* bald- beaded man may tease anotherwith impunity, but, any other man would betfernot try it* ■ 1 ' ‘ f i t . Many literary men look ■ like chumps, but -all' who look like chumps are hOfliWrary, . ' t t f -One of the first signs that a boy and girl are in love is when they both become interested in the same book. ■ f f t A Woman judges a man a good deal by the neckties he wears. f f t As atntu grows older he pays less attention to, keeping his feet clean when becomes into the house. AMEX. MllLER. . It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in the Union and in many foreign countries that Cham- beriain’s Cough Remedy is a certain preventitive and cure for croup. I t has become the>universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Fisher of Lib erty, W. Va., only repeats what has been said around the globe when he Writes: “ I have used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy iu my family for sev eral years and always with Iperfect success. We believe that it is not only the beat cough remedy, l u t that it is a sure cure for croup. I t has saved the live* of our children a number of times.” This remedy Si for wile by C. M. IUdgway, druggist. The Farmer^ Insurance Company, of Madison County, now has 1200 patrons and written risks aggregating $1,398,450. The losses last year were $4168.23. The average Cost of insur ance was 24o per $ 100 . / J . I. Bevry, Loganten, Fa.f wriRw, “I am willing to take my oath that* I was cared of pneumonia entirely by the use of One Minute Cough Cure after doctors failed. I t also cured‘toy children ofwhoopingcough.” Qufckly relieves and cures coughs^, colds, croup, grippe and throat ,anu lung troubles. Children all like it. Mothers endorse it. Kidgway A Go., druggists. New York has its first searchlight fire engine, I t is the first machine of its kind ever constructed, and its great advantage is that it wilt enable the tkamaa to overcome the difficulty of fighting fires iu dark interiors. The Mask mm risaia the pasture UH^Pwg The whet* fioek i« Ms keeping, And in bis train they gather fast Aerese Hie low hers ieepiag. Death plinges to the vast that lie* Beyond or tears or laughter, And one by one, a silent nerd, Blieepdike, men follow after. Bell-wether* lwth, through all the days, The waking and the sleeping, They lead^with Mindly following shapes . Across the low bars leaping. —Ernest MoGafiey in The Bookman, Hsviag s Onstlsa «sOkuatnlsls’sOoixk ■ Mmuiy, Manager Martin, of the Pierson drug store, informs us that he is hav ing a great run ' on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He sella five bottles of that medicine to ope of any other kind, and it’gives great satisfaction. In these days of la grippe there is nothiug like Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to stop the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short, time. The sales are growing, and all who try it are pleased with it* prompt action.— South Chicago Daily Calumet. For sale by C. M. Kidgway, druggist. Mclmnd Harding Davis’-New Story. . ti■■ La Lettre d’Amour is one of the best love stories Richard Raiding Davis lias written. The scene is laid in Loudon and the characters are a beautiful American girl, her mother, a wealthy young Harvard man, and a violinist ofthe Hungarian Orchestra The illustrations are by Howard Chandlor Christy.. La Lettre d’Amour is :the leading story in the Midwin ter Fiction Number of The Saturday JSventttgJ&oet...^ dauuary the 25tb. Conldnot <x'«ii All. Bald heads, hard work, love, warts on the nose, bicicyle face, war craze, swell head, delirium trenieus. unhappy marriages, insanity and punctured tires have never been eur-,.« l y Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin to our know ledge, but for a sure and pleasant remedy for indigestion, constipation, sick headache aigf) all stomach trouble. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is the surest, safest and most pleasant remedy. I t is sold in 10 c (trial size) 50c mid 81 bottles by C, M. Uidg- way, druggist, NOTICE. I will hold my sale of Thorough Bred Poland China Brood Bows at my residence, two miles east of town, known ns the Roland Kyle farm, January 18, 1900. 45 head of hogs will be offered. Sale tinder cover. J . I I , D rake . th T» Travis, Agent Southern R. K„ Selina, Ga., writes, I can not say too much in praise of One Minute Gough Cure. Itt my esse it worked liked a charm.” The only harmless remedy that gives immediate results, 0«res boughs, colds, croup, bron chitis, and all throat and lung troubles Bidgway A Co., druggists' “ I am indebted to One Minute tfough Cure for my health ami life, I t cured me of lung trouble following grippe.” Thousand*owe their lives to the prompt action of this never fail ing remedy, I t cures Hough*, colds, cwjwp, hroachilie, pneumonia, gripjie and throat and lung tvnnbh", Its early nee prevents -eoiiiMmptfei, I t is the oily harmlea remedy that gives immediate results, Kidgway A .Go,* druggy*, tf.- •- _____.o f 9, Tak* lauiativ* Bromo Quinine f i b l r t i . AH draggfsto fv ftiri the ss—sy if it fettr l» t i n , 1 W. O n w r i stf—tara is m n A h**». f fc . . WsWAIwisiato, My wife’* good *dvie*n v r i my lift writs* F M Horn j f Wiairid, T his , for l had wuclt a b*d cough I fioiild hairily breathe, I stMdily grew worst nndei dacters treatment, but my wife urged m# to use Dr Kin^s New Dis covery for Consumption, which com pletely cured me. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Pneumonia, Asthma, Hay Fever and all maladies ot Chest, Threat and Lungs arc posi tively cured by this marvellous medi cine, 50c. and $1.00 Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Kidgway A Go., druggists. During the hist six year* the aver age price of wheat in Ohio markets was (lie a bushel, which would give the farmer a clear profit of7c a bushel, to say nothiug of the by-profits of the crop. It costs, ou tlie average, 54c a bushel to raise wheat, . , Office of C. K. Slonueger. L iberty , Ind.. Jan. 10,1898. Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticelio, III. G ektlemek : For about 10 year* I was affected with Constipation, In digestion and Stomach and Bowel trouble. I tried Dr. Calwell’s Syrup Pepsin and soon found relief. After Using one fifty-tent bottle I am now wellahd cameat anything that comes on tho table without suffering*pain and distress in ray stomach and I can cheerfully recommend it to anyone that has any bowel or stomach trouble. I f you are afflicted try it and you will bo convinced. Very truly yours, C. K . S lonjjeokb . NOTICE OX APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that James II. Irwin has been appointed and qualified executor of the last will r(nd testament of Amos W. Creawcll, deceased. All persons kuowing themselves indebted to the above estate will make immediate payment, those having claims against the estate will please present them t o the executor for settlement. J . N» Dean, Probate Judge. January 2,1999. NsdsTessBlgia. ‘'One of Dr King’s Nosy Life Pills each night for two weeks has put mo in my ‘teens’ again” writes I) H Turner of Deinpseytown, Pa. They’re tho best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels, Pure vege table. Never gripe. Only 23c at Kidgway & Co.'s drug store. - -M. K. Badger, agent for the American Bosk and Bible House, Philadelphia, Pa., can supply you wit!) anything from a Spellin'* Book to a Bible, which is Urn Book of teaks, 1 SseUM's 8 il«, Has world-wide fame for marvel lous cure*. It surpasses any other salve, lotion, ointment or balm for Guts, Game,- Burns, Boils, tferes. Felons, 1'icer*, Tetter, Halt Rheum, Fever Home, Chapped IJamte HkSti Eruption*; fnf*H»Me for 1’ih ■- *'ure guarantofA Hnly at Rfdgwsy f t . (AV draughts. -Teas, <’rtfebe and I *ijrsr»el. Gray'* 'Til Sot Tn« We do not sell Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for every disease; it is only good for Constipation, Indigestion. Sick Headache and Stomach Troubles and we guarantee it to cure. C. M. Kidgway, druggist, Notice! All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please come and settle promptly as I need the money. C , W. C rouse . W ANTED—Several llrlgbt and Unnen per sons to teprewnt u» ai Mhmgers in thi* and (doseby cunnties. Salary $1)00 a vear and exjtcnjes. Straight,' boni-fido, no uioro, noles« salary. Position permanent. Our reference*, any bank in anv town, f,t- ie inninly offic, work conducted at homo. Reference. K. close self-addressed stampedenvelope. T he R ouihiox C'oHrmv, Dept. 3, Chicago. HORDES IN WINTER. How to Keep Them Whsr* ths Clk tnaU I* Not Too Dover* To keep Idle horses or young grow ing colts over* year In the stable dur ing the winter season is not only very expensive in teed and labor, but ia fre quently or positive injury to the horses themselves. The hone requires a great deal ot exercise, and when this exercise,* is not given in the way of work, they should he allowed to tako It in the op*w’ fields, The cheapest and best w ar of caring for horses, whether idto or young, through the winter s e am , is to turn them out on • blue gras* pasture which has not been pastured down closely In the fall. This, with a shed to run under during severe storms, a hay or straw stack, and access to sa lt and water, is all that this class of horses need, and they thi to much better under it than if kept up in the stable. Much of the vigor and stamina of the rang* horses is duo to their free life and abundant exercise. We do not believe in under-feeding. Growing horses, especially, should be well fed. If not, there cannot be suffi cient growth, but blue gras* pasture, such as we have mentioned, gives them about as good feed In winter as they have on grass In the summer, and if there is six inches of snow on th e ground, all the better, for the rea son that the. blue grass keep* green under the snow and hones will have no difficulty In discovering it. They will grow a long coat of hair and look ■baggy and rough, but we will tak* our chance* for a good summer’s work with, horses kept in thi* way rather than with horses that have been kept in the stable and fed, aa they are al most certain to be, on corn. Almost equal to that method is that of allowing them the run ot a field of com stalks and adjoining it a field of second crop clover. .W e have tried both ways and find* leas difference than might be expected. Whether on blue grass or on clover, horses run ning a t large should have a little grain In March and April for the reason th st tho spring rains render the pas- taro less nutritious^ W e‘have tried those methods for about fifteen years and know whereof wo speak. Wo do not recommend this method for weanling coits. They should bs fed a good ration of corn and oats and allowed freo'aeecSs during tho day time to open yards or fields. A coll stunted the first year, as many ato by insufficient feed and shelter, Is stunted for life, and will ioso a t .least 1GG pounds in mature weight, which is worth anywhere from ten to fifty cents a pound. There is no more short sighted economy than that of stinting the grain teed of colts the first winter. When you aro laying the foundation, get it' as largo as yon tan, provided It is- made of good material.—Wallace’s Farmer. Drawn Swiss, Developed as a dairy breed primar ily, Drown Bwlss cows yield a genet- .mis flow of milk and hold out well, Good specimens may bo expected to give an average of ten quarts for every day in the year. Six thousand pounds a year is an ordinary record, and single Instances are knowir*of eight to ten thousand pounds, Brie* (Swiss Cow Dries*!,F* »l 16* wa» Imported from awHserlsn# Into Connecticut and became the most noted cowof her breed In ihl* r-nuntrjr. Mori than this she produced the ltrg> e*t qiisnfUv of butter f*t In ft dsy ever recorded In America a t a public test, At the f'MrurO Show I'lftfU hef *ttM>- age dally record tor three days was I l f pound* of Milk, oofltalalng f i t pound* ot fat This « m *qutv*|*<it to morn tha* pounds of bnttor pwr day Eh* w*« th*s It yrars oil end w*f*b*d t ft!• pound* ADVANCE« 1 N COTTON. CVrtelnly tlie Hlieetlngh, S h ir tin g * , G inglmme, T i u k t e g ^ & v w B W t b u t ? * g re a tly w t a i i im l ; iii fa c t new o n lew w<? Jtliwetl » t hu atlvanee. *>? f i r m 15 to 20 jiereen t, J-JUTCHISON & (J lBNEY Always alert for Bargains and for looking ahead, secured wimfcdry goods men call Plums: 4000Yards of the 81-30Apron Gingham and other makes at 5 ^ 4000 Yards of the 121-3C quality Seasucker, splendid goods for boys waists, &c. . V . 81-3C 2000 yards of Yard Wide Bleached Muslin, best quality at . . . - . , . . , . * ♦ . . . . - 5 C Trae these niece* ran from I to V ,i\ 1 H th 2 yard*; but. place *q**l ■ piece* toxetW instead <•('cutting litem and'yoii hsve ferment at half price, . , : Jackets all cut in two; two-third off original price. Blankets; no better time to buy; cheapest . - - 50c Comforts, silkaline and calico . . . . . 75c to $2.25 !IIM a in in . "i*i " '"’l "I" jg-’"1 —• m.-.. * Waaftwato. «wi*ti*iim«- ...ftv;rii»ff«Hss5fl| i __ -.... 14 i■■ -..'i <■ isjj “ Wettifiateraou , “ . ■• ■ .Ida* ... ImHOit - ....... . <"> .1 fftif 9 FMWW I , Ko. t'ftarljHstoft,-. “ i .~, i » b »|9S k ,„ Seiran. i I'tHlarvilte.... -'•*} -•| - - iBil... ; Wiltorfcmn ^ - - J m -- !-*««•*•...{ie| *ioj» i i 8 ^ ^ " 5 r : S r a r r l B ! : !WtoruesvUI*., . , " :«4aT.f*»il« . t t oHHWU<* ( f * * | . M - KiirtAndwa,,...«? ■Mornnir..... . •*I (5OS;Sfituxl 4 SHU) SwMwaib. ■“ (Efcait- - q i | r^vekMid..........*« Millurd, aptil the Ufetf'F n g»".5 s D*t*vi»jr* j* .....«r.idmt04SjlM dXwftkwnfth Batavia,to.,. ** NlUbrd J«veian4 .... “ Bo, i nfcnnnn «» Morrow........ “ r t, ancient *' Oregonia.... “ Wayneevllle “ Boxanna... “ Mpfg Vnlley “ X ea la., Wilberforce OdarvlXei^ •* Helma.-.......“ tMth OkarMra." London...... *• y u tfta io o * Alton------ “ CelawbM *r. IK 9 J AMtm .« madt” fo r l it ^ e* sic CM --- ves aao) F71472C 7211 7*1 _ 7511001 ,75(1012 0 12 821 (033 _ CEO1057 905 9XU30| AM |AW WUTWARD. f*MVWRa(j» Xeala. Itoytow, ■raekrWe. KKeradt... 94 per otit ofthePeople yoa meet have iodigestion. Tell ’em about Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsiu a t C! M. RidgWay, druggist. --Grice’s, ofXenia, are headquart ers for the finest Cream and Ices, They ship to'~al!~ipaTts^ 3 f-tbejionntv ITew System Dental Office v WBIMBI Boom* 10 Al’rn Building, N. jEvSrii! ifrt tojwa ftMUMMir. *S SMora(e,‘ ;iill*..- Telephone No, 23(>, XENIA, OHIO. ORR trices : Popular Plate........................$ 6.00 Gold Filling............. -i........ .$1.00 up Gold and Platimi.. ............. .50 up N» charge I’ninlosg Extraction ........,whm...Arlst.h.„|iro_ ordered. Highest • grade material used oniy/” ' ............... Is *—» { ” TtlUvSKi.** (WiWMiftai ,W | 1 * 1 I VM x o r c TML'e y *$ « * » u |g iMti'Snii rat | am rii X • i s 859917 J * . ^ 530101^10X trp n a i*t« 917 U30 AM Mi W*i gm mntfni •sa.- €omeinand . And we will treat you right. We wish to call your attention to our new line of Cmidies. Cigars uiul Tobacco. Hot and Cold Lunch wt sill hours. Meals 25c, boarding >13.00 per week. C u t P r i c e s ou peanuts for School Teachers and Subbatli School Teachers for holidays. You will do well to see us before buying ns we always have a fine line on hands ami keep fresh roasted every day. Oranges and Apples, Brazil Ruts, Almonds, California Walnuts sold at our place. Yours to please, •:-W ill In in s B r o s . * Lowry Block, Cedarville, - - ° Ohm. INSURANCE CO. <»C N e w Y o i - l i . h, r. liOBEK, B. A. FORD, •wmllbi*|*, torn)hnaq*toft U-1049.-X* PrrraBP*oit, P kvk ’ a . ° i For ttmeenrda, ratMOfibre, thronchtlekto ■ bo*^c« ebnek*, and fujrtbvr infonnoUoa Hi tho rnnnln* of train* apply to u r - tbaFemMyTranlnUnra, 92d Semi-Annual Statement, July, 1899 . Summary of A*octs: C**h in B u li Real Estate United Sutes Rnnds State Rond* City Rond* Railroad Bond* Water Bonds Gas Sloth* and Bonds Railroad Stocks Bank Stock* Trust Co. Slock* Bond* and Mortgages, being 1st lien on Resl Eitatc Loans on Stocks, payshte on do- usnd Premimn* nncoliecteda nd in band* of Agents Intereat due and accrued on 1st July, 1809 $ 011,087.04 1,774,924.54 1,910,720.00 •28,500.W» 705,311.83 1,093^50.09 83,200.05 154,984.00 4.047^35.00 314,<00.00 105,500.09 212.350.00 128.145.00 577,198.80 47,914.41 $12,437,928,52 Liabilities: Dyspepsia Cure Digests whatyou eat. ItartiflcIaUydlgeota the foodandalft Nature in strengthening and reoos- •tructlng the exhausted digestive w gano, Itristhelatest.diBoovMWddlgeft ant and tonic. No other pret«raUM can approach I t in effictoocy.Tt bh \! M3 IM I iU IC U V V | M U U S k JU U lll(||U 11 | A -V N U ife lt SIckHeadache,Gastralgia,€frftmps,aM all otherresultsof iiiiperfectdigesUoa Praparad by E.C. DcNltt I C a ,iW H 9 ; For sale by Kidgway & Co, BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE CEDARVILLE, OHIO. A CCOUNTS of Merchants anti In dividuals solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. "jlRAFTH on Now York and Cin- ^ einnati sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail. TOANS madeonRealEstate, Per- •*J sons] or Collateral Security, William WiMman, Pres., SstU W, Smith, Vice Pres., W. J . Wildman, Cashier, Y O tT e a tt a l t v a v s f in d a t t h e o ld Teliahle M ea t Shop o f C , W . C r o u s e ' s C ho ic e B ee f, f o r k S a u s a g e , V e a l , . L a r d , B o logna* W e n e rw u s t * Bacon* ........- Ea rns * S u g a r C u r e d S h o u l d e r s . Cash Capital *3,000,000,00 Reictva Premium Bund 4,103,423.00 Reserve for unpaid Leases and Claims 1 549.9It.81 Net Surplus 4,804,79X71 *12,457,928.52 B itflu as t q u i t paticy k»14*r* *7,*40>793-7i W . L CLEMANS; Agent, CEDARVILLE, - - OHIO. FRANK H . DEAN. A ttorney A t L aw . 41E. Main S l , Xenia, O. ■i M id i ' s R e s t i u r n t m f Diaiag D ooms Cornel1High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, mm TO iamc M ams DWUHM* Cor r»w*<m i Ac. A**M *ra to A k M u l ttona,— *^CM«uS.tolHK.—_. fttsrifelafelkfi.VtudEfc • p g riM nvvsfffig AftaMeeaitir«le*trala« waaMy. imttmk efr-, caiatkat «f aayawaMHMM*raa(. T«naa,jBa : tiM tiNRUw tH icMhya ^^Vs$ffil^ 9 fe 9 BR mfm 9WvENiwffiyg] rHUWaabtaataml L , a - ' G ive ns a tr i a l and % na-'ed. 1 .nv>.-f-'-vi.iCuiara BANK OF CEDARVILLE, 0 H arper A Co., B asklrs . R«pon»ifetlity *, O. W. Harper, ptei .5 VianaM. Harper, vies pres. CHURCH DIRECTORY R. P. Cissreh- -Rev. J. P. Mestsa, Taster, aerrices at 11:00 a . m. Sabbath School at 10*■ta« CovenanterChorth—lev. W. J . Sani?»*»bn, pastor. Regain atrvieaa at 11:90a. to. Sab. bath 8eb»l at 10a, m. T. P. Church--Rev. F«O, Ross, pastor. Ser vices at 111:39 %, ftj. and 7:19p. ta, Sabbath ...—4-9-h!*.|'sri;S9 atasdarA time. A.M* E..0harcb-i.Rev, Mr. Maxwell,’ Ta#» ter Preaching at 11:60 a. m, and 7:39a. at. Class every Sabbath at 12:30, Sabbath Sebeel at 3.06 p. tst. FtleaJs and visitors cerAiallf invited. M. E. Chsfcb—Rev, A.B. MaAftox, Taller, Pfea-.hsng at 11:99 a. tn. Sabbath ficboc! at C©H» 9i*s *ani. Yoasg Teepls’a meetisg AIMS p .« . Prayer meeting Wednesday aveniag 1at 7:39. Crown «$»T W I b £ 2 y m s a s t s a & ftfiULlLAkLE -W t iB l l f iS l P A T E l l n frost itohls, Ijetve yor.r jhnrees there mid {one rijj* be kept on the ineitle, out of the r»i«i »nd storm. 20 N, Fmuititn Avenue, HpringflkM, (h i/ttAttfJM E, Tcfijr, Prop The m«!em mwl most Hftnlf* elite far <wtfiati|wUnB **it *1) Hv*r Irrmhlto th* famosi* HttW pill* know* *a ItoW itt'a i.iu to Rariy fUasra f Baptist Cbatcb-Rev„ Mr. €e1es**n, pstor ofthe Baptist thatch. I’eeachlngAt Itncicek *adfj!i0p,». Sabbath School *t fedBktt, Trayertneeting mm T/*4ne#i*y night at 7:3i, Mmfm* iwoltei, rla«beti»*«j| the f rlsnls of Sian, at ir r ls A w»ll!asi»n«'’*Mali, mm? fitmtoy *fien»«w,*t t-Mp'e Inch, standlarft Mm#. Btatybrnl* is l#s vMwL Jehft R. Sayrs, ton#«ef«f HM ewav A <‘o„ ftn in totol jMBArr fa Bum # BtoNaffel^AWT^ MW Nolke Is hereby *iten i t e t O. W«, J®B, •tid W„ 44, Rife ltov« been ip IkduM ** Extotrtof* of the )**twill •nd t#*t*w»#nt ofJoku Rife, iferaowral J - N. Draw. P n f e h J a ^ * . f t atoms at] it deal mare tl tide. A s ia old) formothing sj hisewoexpresj , ths devil has to it cu t In ml his girls had rj to. I . snppa uld have told vc ‘‘Spared tlj ms to be s kns 1 as anything know just w I m the worst youn a whipping ri il the parents I lb the old man, iu for them' an< their voungstci ■SS No, I am nt ^pufallible rule fol 'Ehiidren, if I did low it and /I V trouble for nothi Just tectttise o won’t fatten is n that corn won’t teenuse one boy comes home a r eon for saying tlj I giye the boys «tr cause there is on rflock is no rei [whole flock is one minister disl Iho reason for class are hypoci [tecause one girl ffor saying ther |girls. Just te (once and a wh |Aon for making nen are liars, en to believe i eligion is no k st of Christian tuse you si jT^rorners and tal ’* only one instai| « ion for believit vincing the wo! *1 ‘ j Some time a| J of Washington pervative nev Unitaff States ,-ui the city oificin <^r' :With “our | their “Pitchfo ' rial mascots, _ Washington t ^ gant special j -J$ .were done I iv. stich aa seizinj thst did not 1 ) State—done, visitors how s of the state i taring of n that Were m But probably of the entcrti tec. which | very realist! cupy high j supposed to 1 a will wine! forget their plaud alyce sham, we m ignorant mej be Controlled feeling*, eng are realistic. An each* pompous ms attended ft Dublin. H hittwelf and panic-i him was well kn ®SM fti^rafePlfa^^pffi^WW §IB9 • fiwtbwiaeM«A*s«*e0forfttotwaat*Wft f atovraaanaamaa«i##rinmat-aatbaal Tm^feXtoto4Aaa .... ■'totopitoArtWi'js *J*tovtft mitm'Mtoast* viaObfitofto L*,8.AtoiiWtig: { O . A . S N O W A ™TlnTDIWwsWM*lratoWWSBreieMWt mama #- -»»*** 'mmmmmmamm - wyftlPfgfeja 3 mmm V tornVS> tni' ft tipped ft b ehoulde? an “ Slake waj “ Gam, j tho uceapfl “Do yots •ftel the it represent*.! “ Yah,” : •toed un!: btoomin 4 p P A T ^ T , . i P A N T ; ' ton*fra maam4H #»•**, fttotft j>** 4mrtff*kmm twf, w. fit#imf#toaHityto a*S#« »*ew .. Y**#*!'1»•*»*•** rraatol, ffttssu Iftwatb*aafoi toMCBraai##frw?v*t IMtoMtoft#*rawIfttwaaRto wsw,*>iit o iftw pA ?*»Km * r AS IftRNM N llM fe IwalftlM.V- tmmim byic**ttoMtoMr|ator m g * Itetofis-wtopi*.awryHftii A9dsto> f i f i l i <tl d wmmmmm f a||^ya^^^| .a IT lJTU T l Sotneae were disco of thcGsb by W. Psriisps t Arilhme! ytof ISO! Bmee dayj KHiftlel oat b» «nal!l pen. ta d is fie hag teiife f to d ia it t h e di!¥ preOf m **#!»e*, h-
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