The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
iralwdy mill believe you. lbiiuraitfceytb#r * m 1 « of t t e iqum*, $ m «> A VKAlt H amper fo H i m , Fropyg. I f f T ~ jl- , i > I A tiiiu who i i»-t us?*! to work ] sever pjdt»fift Mi t o t t e when rie.v«:L ^ I ling show offtb§ walk®. la;. Mgr*1 ° CftinMEj OjfKCU}£t 8 toCiWstlfiJPISSSJ. I , ^ --.j in f.salwap * disappointment when HATUBDAY,, JANUARY 8 ¥* 1900 j W are late not.toiiave the machinery J. ft. Ha«r»Kj HOX, • gQ wrong. A Blue Cr m in, this epace ,u<lk-«tv* that yqiu? subscription inp u t due. t y Y h ’* air off-week. when money for a imw public. library Is not donated by Aw to* CStMOKj^e*;. . A Moutulsviffo, W. Va., man Imught a wito for 823 the other day. lie it probably already willing to sell at * discount. The Baltimore cQprfa, have fined a man *25 for hugging a womanon the atreet. Quito proper. Luxuries must he taxed. i As a wfti>gets older ho ha fio be careful or he will get to talking too much just as ho Mid when lie was a ikftt-- j- ■ England has backed down so far as the Herman seizures are concerned. The Queen can stand being bullied by her grandson, . The squabble over who shall write the authorized biography of,the Into- Dwight L. Moody is an‘ insult to the memory of a good man. I V The, Senate has., at lost got the fi nancial debate, to moving, but; i t is one-sided, as the opponents of the Unnuriftl^iiU are doing all the talking Tlifcuk Heaveos! Cuba is saved! I t Js becoming Americanised I Gen eral Wood has had to detail an orderly to keep th& office seekers away from him. .lust by way of keeping iu the swim the French and the Chinese have been scrapping in Tonkin., and after getting several, drubbings, the French have come out on top. Bt, ’Elizabeth’s insane asylum,- in Washington, is crowded with Phil ippine. soldiers, suffering from more or less permanent loss of reason. This » i n eloquent tribute to the hard ships o f, campaigning in tropical climates. Why should a man's rightsin every kind of property except his writings, deaoend to his heirs in perpetuity, while a hook written by him becomes public property after 4S| year? Copy right protection should be perpetual —not that many hooks would need Whatever views u man may bold on the Philippine question, he lms a right to state them in a deceht man ner. The right of tree speech means toothing, if it is to he stopped when ever paeoion* become heated. Calling men names docs not answer their ar- gumenft. A t few of Coin Paul’s followers are familiar enough with history to know that in war it is the side with the moat men and the heaviest guns, that mttally wins* they were doubtless much Jcheered by his assertion that Providence is on their ride and they are bound to wist. Atiornty General Griggs has ren ds**) an opinion that may arouse as mush harsh criticism as the “ canteen5* •pinion did, 3l t is that Admiral Sampson commanded the Americas fast «u the battle of Santiago. I t was rendered iu connection with a •lain* Mr prize money. The British government Is in far more serious danger than h popularly supposed in this country. I f (sen. Bntisr should ho defeated -again and LwdysmUh fall* it is quite possible that Germany,, Frtnee, And Itossk will threw the mask and become opsnly b<•stile, is coW upon the Afghan frontier, ready to march on r*tdk, Germany k becoming <kily more eufdged over the seizures of her ship*. Franco hates “ pet- Wktia Alblorr with all undying hwtrwb Even the Waited -States $» in* #> friendly, alnco it has toaus* pirsd that L s iJ Salisbury1^ ap- •nwtljr frank answer about the Hour soMureg had r effing cmzMcmhh stisngih tied to st. -----:... f T T No matter how big a fraud a thing k it always lip imitators. f » t f t ■!• I f a fellow doson’t toko out accident insurance after he has had an oppor tunity; he is almost sure to think ho will’get hurt, ' f 1 1 ' ' •' f We are alwaysglad whensame men are busy because then we are sure sure they won’t bother coming to loaf, t T t There, is one advantage iu being wholly irresponsible; one can say what he pleases to anybody. t - f t Lots of people, have some social standing at home who would never have any in a strange town. f 1 1 The older a man gets the older he thinks all men must be before they know anything. T T Y Shiftlessness runs in families. f I f There are some men against whom one would rather not have any bills because they always kick when you go to collect, . • . t t t The only'good thing about having everything about your office in a tangle, is the ', plensure you get out of seeing things straighten out again. , ' f t f • Everybody knows it if a man has ever gambled on the board of trade. ' %!. A ►*. * TT f Every old maid thinks that a young giri likes only stories.about wooing. t r r Every time a woman gets hold of a good cake she wants to know the receipt. , • A i , ex . M iller . It has keen demonstrated repeatedly la every state la the tffiisn and in many foreign countries that Cham* bcrlaia’a Cough Remedy 'i 3 a certain proventitivo and euro for croup. I t has bccomo tho universal remedy for that disease. M. V* Fisher of Lib erty, W. Ya.* only repeats what has been said around the globe when he Writesr “I have used Chamberlain's Cough Ifemcdy iu ray family for sov* oral years and always with (petfeet eaeeees. We believe that It Is not only the best cough remedy, hat that It is s sure cure for croup* I t has saved tho lives of our children a number of time?/* This remedy is for sain by U M. Hidgway, druggist. W IW | •%«»♦.%«!> I#fh* Wf> why (!•*• p iit at Ik, A*»w^r nt *nv« put *}«•»? Wt MSI U>((" fc-***'1*' 0 " + '\- L I . Bevry, Loganton,Pa., writes, “I am willing to take ray oath that 1 was epred of pneumonia entirely by tho «*o of One Bfinuto Gough (Jure after doctors failed. I t also cared ray childron ofwhooping cough.0 Quickly tdfoves m i cures coughs, colds, croup, gilppo raid throat and lung troeibhs (Jbildron all like it. Blethers cad©;st>It3 fiidgway AC,*.*druggist*. ,A4.- » V «aaON<T,' When a decent man has a falling out with another, ho wonders after awhile if it may not have been 1 i|a -fault. Dick Ni*t*t in B«ltinwar« Anier»ci«, i A. rag-tiiua «otil<»quy by a Boer, The diiitect in within ten ihomamd Juilrft of tho mil tbrag,. Dcy saidt I vas A numpafcuif, Ifoy made fun of rncin hat. Tah iti - Yosjscaret of vater, -Uhtit pleifed ddp verid Voa ilat, Dey eaidt dot I vould run 'Some,' ■ , For fear deir ehella Vould hit; Uudt I vouldt soon .. 0 Surrenter. Veil,-1 D i t - A1x?r-nifcl Doy saidt; “ Vc’ll take Pretoria, Undt den ve’ll Nab OomPaul, Und put him in ■ - Dor look-up, Tiedt to a chain omit palb’’ . Dcy saidt 1 Dcy’d make Ua Sorry Dot ve (lit vot Vedit— DoyJd make us loan Sorno gelt-mincs. Undt dey • B i t - ‘ Aher-iiit!. Dey say ■» Dey make some charohcs, .Undt v-r-run us Off der vorldt, Undt make us sorry dot ve Dot Lion’s « Tail uncurledt. But den, ■. • In efery ciddy- Dose Priddish chenruls Sit, ' . . . . ' Undt say Dey’ll soon SiHTrtimd us, und Dey vil— . , . Abei-iiit! HfcWMblbv^lfte.. My wife’s good advice aav«<t lu f life writes F M Kum ,f Winfield, iVtm, for I bod Miiil II bed cough I could hardly breathe, I steadily grew wojtm * | i under UoctorV tr«atraei>r, hut my wife a d v a n c e in c o t t o n . O l n o l n n a t l CMvi«fcna W'-^rtawnjl J urged rue tn« 8 p l i r Kiog^fi New Djfc i iiovay for <^msninption, which com- jpletely cured mo, Goughs, (’olds, “Bronchitis. La Grippe, Pneumonia, Asthma, Huy Fever and all maladies . Matte ToaiujtAgain. “One of Dr King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my ‘teens’ agaiu” writes D H Turner of Dempseytown, Pa; They’re the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Pure vege table. Never gripe. Only 2fic at Ridgway JjjgCo-’e drug store. A sensation was caused in Lima, Saturday* by the discovery that two boxes of gold, supposed to contain $50,000 had heed rifled while in tran sit to » local hank. The Bank of Peru. Mid London received the boxes from Europe. Each should have contained 85.000, but one wheu it was opened was found to be filled with bags of simt. Both the .captain and the purser of the vessel, that brought the consignment declared that the boxes Were identical with those they received on board. - CAiMaitflx’w.All, Bald heads, hard work, love, warts on the nose, bicicyle face, war craze, swell head, delirium tremens, unhappy marriages, insanity and punctured tires have never been cured by Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin to our know ledge, bat for a sure and pleasant remedy for indigestion, constipation, sick headache and all stomach trouble, Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is the surest, safest and most pleasant remedy. I t is sold In 10c (trial size) SGc snd $1 bottles by C, M. Bidg- way, druggist, “I 'am indebted to One Minute Cough Cure for -ray health and life. I t cured mo of lung trouble following grippe.1’ ThousandsOwe their lives to the prompt action of this never fail-, lag remedy. I t euros coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumosiia, grippe and throat and lung troubles, Its early uss prevents consumption, I t is tho only tiarrala remedy that, gives immediate results, Itidgway 4 Co., druggists. n k i yo« for money, k. •fo not *41 film tlmt yon n t ha Ta/l'mvh A gjtm & M hm M, l*9fioliea, Ga.0writes, I cits ira$ my i.n muds sft pjfAito (>f lino Mimita f -ugh h v it, In my esm it worked a tori’ The m * 1 ? harmless r« that RM,f» rMiil)*^ 4,"nr** *-*>«(}», r-.hK, ?»r<>n cfcitfo, amt all throat and tong tnnthfoa RWfway A Co,, drngfirta *0 m m A CKMstl I* 0*K P4 fs Take Laxative Ihoina (^liulno Tablets, All druggi»is it fund the mdiiey if it fails to t nre, E W. Grovessig'iatiirais*>ur:^h Ja«x, oMJhcfit, Threat and Lungs are pea lively cured liv this marvellous modi cine, Q(lc. .and $1,00 Every bottle guaranteed, Trial bottles free at Bidgway & (.•«., druggists. According to the report of the Board of Naval Construction, the Olympia- needs repairs to the amount of |500,000, The work will be done at tho Boston uavy yard, and it will require about a year to make the necessary repafih. 4 V itu in lv flip 8 kuTi«g-“!} iimgkmu** T i t 'k i i ! ^ v b ‘.?t‘uiinot In itb p g re a tly m lva»cc tl;i» fac t n ew o rd e rs a re p lac t d at an mlvan<*‘ « f from IS to iVi p e iro n t, H u t c h iso n & Q lBNEY 4'nlata-Hts, - -■ Wr-*.Ji-ih iyy.l roiii'i.rj f f 3r.,» s’-ilawHIo X*mf* ... ,Hnrin*Vaiwy.. UWayiwsvfiie n*n-nwwwvma"MUgfo “ n iro a ,jir ij« r |g | aw I iah 'I smi m fm IP 2 ;‘ - r gC--,!?G:) #wifK ' ;WOi....I 5 uosaU .,| 'i»aB |cr<;a^840ioaj|j Ofwonin Roirt tiv,l*10t*aai03Ti *»*•!♦» '-410IW-- .«»! . 1 - 'Iti'M!. H3?QJ9Jlta . 1 s* A lw ay s a le r t, fo r B a rg a in s a n d fo r lo o k in g ah ead , secured w ha ta tyy goods men ca ll B lum s: E aw I m M‘,rrmr. K",uSU LovrlanA AIllftiM....... lluelaMU UMS i* tt o.t 5 «« itv“*»*■]-- *nt31H~ '*"* "J**i3<sj 93»»^4 m 2 ® 1 f XMtWftrd. O M l a M i t j liatavmJv... * MMlorct Yew -' During tho last six years the aver* age price of wheat in Ohio markets ,was Ole a bushel* which would give the farmer a clear profit of7c a bushel, to say nothing of the by-profits of the crop. It costs, on the average, 5-lc a bushel to raise wheat,' A b another sign of the improve ment of affairs i i Peru, two. land mid building societies, similar to those existing iu the United States and England arc heio^lornied. Office of C. K. Slonucger. ’ LtBEUTY, Ind,, Jan. 10,1808. Pepsin Syrup Co., Montfcello, 111. G entlemen : For tiiout 10 years I was affected with Constipation, In digestion and Stomach and Bowel trouble. I tried Dr. Calwcll’s Syrup Pepsin and soon found relief. After using oneTifly-ccnt bottle I am now well nnd can eat anything that comes on the table without suffering pain and distress in my stomach and I can cheerfully recommend it to anyone 'that has nay bowel or stomach trouble. I f you aro afflicted try it and you will be convinced. Very truly yours, •O. K . S lonnesee . President McKinley denied the ap plication for pardon of Joseph Wil kins and Howard Butler, convicted and sentenced la the United States District court of Philadelphia, March If , 1838, tho former to Imprisonment for’aix months and to pay ft fine^ of $1,599 Hud costs, and the latter to imprisonment for four months and to pay s fine of 1599 and costs for vio lation of the oleomargarine laws. Notke! All persons knowing themselves indebted to rao will please eomo' and settle promptly as I need the money. C. W. C eouse , 04parcenitftls#Jeoptsyea teeet have iadigestiaa. Tell ‘era about Dr, Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, a t 0 . M. Biilgway, druggist. The Water from Lake Aliehigauaral the Chicago river began to arrive at Pekin, III., Sunday night through the drainage canal. The water in the ISlIiMiia river a t Pekin, IS!., had risen five ladies «m the gauge since then and is *tiS! rising. There is m ap parent change in the -reler of the wales’ from what It has Sseeta. f«r a week—a tmidfly eider. F. B. Thirkield, Health Inspector of Chicago, eayo, “ ICmlitl Dyspepla cannot bo rocoraraended too highly. I t enrol rao of severe dyspepsia .0 I t digests what yon cat and cures Indi gestion, heratbura and all forms of dyspepsia Ilidgway c% l\h , druggisls, Hot %»l#r to.ll»HI«>f «U kituf* at ( M. RMgwar w m t m ~%bi(s&i m&u ^ Mcmti-*?* W fM f es Mwi*^Mte ebiln 4000 Yards of the 81-30 Apron Gingham and] other makes at . . . . . - .................... 4000 Yards of the ia 1-2C quality SeAsucker, splendid goods for boys waists, &c. , , . aooo yards of Yard W ide Bleached Muslin, - best quality at .............. True thesoh*locoawin from l to I I to2 yards^but |ilacc cquill ipcotho......................... . * ’ .......... J jo WC-I iiiii I -oriXrc-I 5C 8 1-3C H .Tj baDon “ Morrow ... ‘‘ Ft. Ancient “ Ore^onltv .... “ Waytic-avljlo** itox«n " Hpr’xVallay “ Xenia.., ’•VUfccrfarco “ 61? . 6 'ab rJl CM .... •m 9S f7M V2<J ..... 7C3»..- Ccilarylle... KoUnu0,...... " 5C liiceos togel halfpn«o, her Imittud ofcutting them entl you hnv;e garment at louthChirlMt*; 1 London..... ° W. Jeffereou Alton........** Colanirai nr, 741751 812821 (833 AM | AM 1 VUf TM | VH AUiI’M1I’M{I’M I- • 100 ? 7581012 IB IE *... 8501057 90S ..... " 51..... okuao AM | AM fi AM , i I*”'* ill if iittiifg 1*171112051211 lWmtAMjjTM —M. It, Badger, agent for the American Book and Bible House, Philadelphia, Pa., can supply you with anything from a Spelling' Book to a Bible, which is the Book of hooks. Jackets all cut in two; two-third-off original^ price. Blankets; no better time to buy; 'Cheapest . s . 50c Comforts, silkaline and calico’ . . . . . 75c to $2.25 ' Balwun WESTWARD. ■y^vrifiFifraflss land. Sprlngl( Xenta. n«yl«R Braekyllle m o n t h « »4O0430 Having aOrsatRun onChatuborlain'aCough ■RemEdyi Miiutiger Martin, of the Pierson tlrug store, informs Us that he is hav ing n great run <ou Clinniberluin’s 'Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one of unv other kind, nnd it gives great satisfaction, tn these, .lays of la grippe there is uothitig jike Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to stop the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give “relief within a wry short time. The sales are growing, and all who try it are pleased with its prompt notion;- South Chicago DailyOulumet. For sale by 0. M. Ridgway, druggist. New' System Dental Office eastward \0 i t 'fefqjilionoNo. 2!!0, lionrimIf)Al'eu Building, ’ XENIA, OHIO. WciiwniJT. Eldorado ftrook,rlll»..V 0 »yton{fv o n t erices : Xenia WJtwSpfr.'1 Sorlng&sldLW 1» ’310 AM(AMIAM n n ' 7511 BM*86dt#t« ... 855!917.1130 430 855)917jAH 949?....) . 5301010102! AM 1*550 reis642715716 m 755*816!' 8352 EMAM 10*10 w I’M IPM « f 11101110U35|AM 304Ii7 { PM] PM PM *8nn3iystay. 6H m to drnktrg*jumgm tcainO mi ) •cf Eoy»l«iii. * BiSj. | Hwlt^;f Ixoipt InifUy. Popular Plato .......... ...........86.00; G»M Effliog ......... ; .......$1.00 up Cold and Platliiu.............. .80 up .N» olifirsn I’uinloca Extraction trlicn tcctli tire ordered. lliglieot gradematerial usedonly. Come in and See il$ I'nllman Mleeplor CaraonWM.a.S.a, 7,14,aoand at olUmr runthroughvtaQolum- bus una Pittsburchor connect tlirongh Pitta* burgh-UnionStation to Jtnd Dora Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia and New York. Nos. 5,301mid:31 connectatRichmondfor Indianapolisand St.'Louls: Maa.SAmad ft forChicago: No. 301 for Loganaport. L. P. LOBEE, E.A. FORD, • GtntnlIbnigor, CenlPiWigtrIpil, 12-10-99.-I* Pirrsniman, P*» m ’ a , INSURANCE CO. « » ! ’ X . - w Y o r k . Eor tlmocnrds,ratesof&re, through tlcketa, bnggngo checks, and Ihrther Information regarding the running of trains apply to any agentof thoFennaylyanlaXilnes. And we will treat van right. We - y.isu to can your uttentiw to 92 d SeinhAniuial Statement, our new line of Candies. Cignrs i ' and Tobacco. Hot and Cold’ Lunch at all hours. Meals 25c, j LIST OP .LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedurville postoffice for .the month ending Jnn- 27, 1000. List No. 4. CARDS Rivers, Beth Sclmwer, E, H. T. N. T areox , P. Af, boarding s'rO.00 per week. O u t P r i c e s on peanuts for School Teachers and Sabbath School Teachers for holidays. You will do well to see us before buying as we always have a fine line on bands ami keep fresh roasted every day. Oranges aud Apples, Brazil Nuts, Almonds, California Walnuts sold-sit our place. Yours to please, J u ly , 1899. S um m ary o f A s s e ts : Kodol 'TilRot True Wo do not sell Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin for every disease; it is only good for Constipation, Indigestion, Sick Headache and StomachTroubles And wo guarantee it to cure. U. Af. Ridgway, druggist, • .•-W illm m t* BrOM .*:- Lowry Block, Cedurville, - * Ohio. Cush in Itnnk . Iloal JiMnte > Unltcil Stiitoa llnnii,- Statu lionda City Honda IlnilroadHondo Water Bornifl UaoStockeandBondi* Railroad Storks BankStocks Trust Oo. Stocks Bonds nndMortgages, being- 1st ■ lienon Real Emato ' -.212,300.00 Lontiti on Stocks, payable onde mand 128,125.00 Prcmintnnuucollcctcda nd in.lmnda of Agents 577,189.80 Interest duo and accrued on lot July, 1890 47,914.21 ’ §13,457,029.02 !? 041,087.03 3,774,924.04 1.910.750.00 26.500.00 785,Jill.83 1.093.850.00 88.200.00 152.082.00 4, 647,535,00 814.700.00 105.500.00 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartificlally digests the food and aids Nature In strengthening and xecon- ' etructing th e exhausted digestive ow gans. I t is the latest discoverecfdlgegt- a n t and tonic.' No other preparation can approach i t in efficiency. I t i n stan tly relieves amlpermanently cqrcs Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, bfokHeadache.GastralgiaiCrampo.ana allo therresu ltsof iuiperfectdigestlon Prrinortdby E. C. DcWlttACo,.Cblcaoo For sale by Ridgway & Co. ExchangeBank Liability*! BO YEARS' -EXPERIENCE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that K, L« UoWdy has been appointed and quali fied as receiver for Lowry Bros., Joseph Lowry, deceased. Joseph Dean, Probate Judge. January 14,1900, CEDARVILLE, OHIO, Cash Capital $3,000,000.00 Reserve Premium Fund 4,103,223.00 Reserve for unpaid Lease? onil Claimn 519.911.81 Not Burpllin 4,804,703.71 $12,457,928.52 fiarplna at regards policy beldam $ 7 , 840 , 793 . 7 * P atents ACCOUNTS of Alercbahto andIn- -**• dividuals solicited. Collections [IMDCMMIM _ OK3KIN3 COFVftMHTftAC. w . promptly made and remitted, ,BAFTS on New York and Cin cinnati sold a t lowest rates, The cheapest and most convenient way to seat! money by snail. L. CLBMANS; Agent, CEDARVILLE, - - OHIO. itiflMt agency,lorMcnrfuirnntent*. taken tbronch Maun * to. recelre ,_____ fe»,witkoat eiHirtre, lath* SCkRfifiC JlHRIiCdR. Patent*__ iftfioimti t m fOANB made on Rea! Estate, Per sonal or Collateral Security. FRANK H. DEAN. , 'A ttorney at L aw . 41 E, Slain St,, Xenia, O. AkHUtoamelyflMetratedtreekl*. Teretet elr- ---- ——-----------------®t. Term*.*** klinewidioew. iHW m*. ' .... F^W»kl**Te«'fol William Wildman, Pres., Seth W. Smith, Vico Pres., , W. J . Wildmam, Cashier. -•Grico’s, ofXenia, are headquart ers for the finest Cream ami Ices. They ship to all parts of tho county Y OU can a lw ay s fitul a t file o ld ffoliaMe M ea t Shop o f Co W o C r o u s e ’ s SM os Best Fork Sausage, Voal’ B a r d , B o lo g n a , W e n o r m t s t , f i a e o n , H a m s , Sugar C u r e d S h o u ld e r s * trial fiatMsa’s A:s!cs fisfee. Has worM-wido fame fop marvel lous eurcB, .It surpasses any other salvo, lotion, ointment or balm for Cute, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores. Felons, tfkera, Tetter, Salt Rheunv Fever Sates, Chapped Hands. Skin Eruption®; lufelllble for Piles, Cure ■ guaronfeed. Only S5e a t Ridgway & Co/s, droggiaJs, 0 . H, Appleton, Justice of Peace, Clarkeburg, N, J .. Eisya, 4,D q Witt’s Little Eafly Risero aro tho best pills made for eoustfpatioa. We «so no othera,” Quickly euro all liver and: bowel troubles. Ridgway & Co., druggists. Urn's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Crown Corner, High anil Limestone street* BAK ING P O W D E R Springfield. Ohio. - * MVi’r"t 1 BANK OF CEDARVILLE, I I akmiu & Co., B ankers . AHO .W .m v ftOftftftT ANP WiftT «»AP». KejfsasSUKfy 6:iO,530.C3, Ci, W, ITsipst, piss.; VisesM. ttsfpE?, vieaprss. EOLR.RT.AtL.WMT* HM tiijftg .p tfts.,.,4 GHURGH DIRSDTORV R .P .C to c ti« -lle v . 8. V. P«stcy. £c?vicc3 on SI;58 a . a . C attstb ScbvJ 10 o. ta. 8 Covenantor ebarcB-Eov. W»JI.£*»{!» e ctor. Hcguift?GC?s,{cis tl; 0 da, m. ih Gcbcol at 10a. tJ. tj. P. Cburab—fcov, V. O, fesa, t-astr,?. £ts* sat lOiOOn. o.,eadSi*i)p. a, i’-aLta?!i vl iHvti wn a 8 m m l . 5*OS|o i :5at 0:C0n.a.crpn-2as,2 tissa. A.A!. £5. Cbarth^IJov, 8I». Msswdl. Pas ta? i’fcacMfig at llioa a, fa. sail 2t30». Wtiao every at 12:®, EftlfcsUi gtkaei el 0:80 is, u. tVJorJa aej visitcra cesEsliv IsviicJ. M,I1 Cbafeti»Eeo« A.D. MftdaoX, P*»ttr. ■ at Itifio a.ta. Sahtsih fetissal m 0:43 a. in. knyijg Eaoplo’a ir.estaH* at6:15 |). ta. Wayt? ceding WeJtossJsy r e s is t TS ;fswtt*j tsSTisAr.'M'ttkseSssteei m i ,i«tfcassSMsessdaeteaiw :te3-Koeifts^,ws» la l-ssrasstluteittea1 iHMSstB Wa-fceistfie. ; r.S*s3irtea*J,amslHt« 4»§ft;jp*L tStftK. O a f i i A *’**•*•*«'’ f «*et itmtn U>«tf.ft,sw»4*«*!gsewttUiss wmm*> jimm , O . M R O W A O O . •mM.'WstHMtWNM, ft,«. Also Front Stable. Leave your Imtec.o there and your rig=t be kept o» tho 5taEjdeB rail n t tbs falls offld et«m. tio N. I'rimiteln Avt'0neo Springfield, H, . ClMEMB I i T02?», Prop fhjalot Lbufcb—Hev.Slft,Co!EM*s, oTtho EspthJ char. S. V re t'H sg wsSI oMstlt end 7:30 p. ia. 1-istUtb J as 2M # . » . tasking ovej^ We3sfs3sy s ta in s 7:38. Everycas iuviiei, PATENTS GUARANTEED mettoXU AftvofteteadaCi «*«'■*! aa.l ft'script’eHfft^aey JitrffiUss v,:Q cUhn c.fgies, si L«ia * i Wfi!L%t“'»',naHail, e-„ci.vt'nr: isv ai ct:a;3arJ tin f, Erej^te-Jy In Sa- Vitm. (foba if, e..?.4!!r!'':S re—' /-ns n fa -.i'.nm «r> .. lj t t t*'> a ctfak-n ttm <ae^roJcg lie Vi snMfj 4atslliJa e ep«ft r,***s?!* eieatcJ yai-ais t»v*a «j«s m t r y ^ fta U<«*»rs*e4 J cetHasHflCvaSa*tafif j*t« ^BC. •oreab flho ra«ilfut asi*l iiic*t effeetsfo euro fur fjiE-tSpatiS.u raid all liver trouldt =i--thw tkui'jLH Httlft pills ktt'jftu cs Ih ’Wiftrt ! ittfo KsfJ end:! -st 4t b'?>s»/9i'to ftjrajeaJ ,?• 1;‘t ¥ > Pi ■?*■,»;*It -S **'*«4, ve luv trtne*, • U tN sH s *n*r *>,¥». Si is vfosk p'>n4rtm4 mi b s j »|. m » ...If - Te» f>naiain« T>^>« j Hi*#?*, A *Ullggief*)|Jfj|b,)t8ry R, 1q*e* WMICE m AfWHsfliltiL N'JilSeo fo heir?)?; given tlmt ti, W«9 t!« I'iam l W« C. Bifo Ijuves isec-ti up-* pirated ftnE^eeatstifl of the !s*t will and te'3ta«1iK''Hf eLTelra llifo, deeesne.j. J» N, PfeHsfo Judge, ■z v, . j y 1 -> w--wv.'r?* ” -™ro «£aaro?sa«p!*u*3ffiltf, a M jss *, ViCffli 4s ttVAftf 4 !?ltilr*i!Aifs«(HryirJ *****iWMfoft «?a»MiiMifefti d. c. mmmm W&\ ITaMTOTMHlN W tlf WW4N mr oil, jkMmtm. I S Tho scl v>w<i so M «• atlUbt>riri« Pi fh4vei4 m ite CliCd ftiid, a cwo or k-biHil and lag w*e tfe ihediaeas nufft-n-l • Ifltftlwaj come und| kind but and 4-‘Bo mgy foe «i» There il everytbinj it beems aeveral fol A e»br4 over from! arriVGifoitl him, ae a , eix i’ases / that he while in tilthough tendedJo stopped b] left the to| only six was sure fested reg'j One eitl of the Ut% with the - only tliiuji it wonldn*] have to alone pari iitnhotittq right to ill aeeused ol before bul be made Jl asked hin| .gave the He tlidu’ split up needless Hot gratiti ‘Etigen^ of the re and one ii| guards ar which will leaving t | and hunj When. “ Offon al His furlo| log has ix Ail soil made uho] was const! Served it over and1 What great dcgl for, Thj for work] fessional I and aeksl him if yc| epect for story, thing to I fitidin irilM»l This the wca warmest The wca more li uray. street ca they did Bummcro growler this fii carats a; right os5' you eg : H ue taetnfe jaintJ ralslog Tho rawibe Sfaudiu, *£sd ela5 racr Ha Poland er«d ti' Itt this tb» m of ha t «ob» have l oral ih boy bj I fo 'ir Untb'ti IM d* th k (I Clin Sprim »nd l€»f
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