The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
' $9* < MIIIIVRI UN mmahi ; S^S*% A M iA X ? <21**7 3 CV ir., 3 f* 8-WtO v.uuxar- »l ..j . iii »‘ 14£71310,11 « 1449: 'll 1‘ *• f -■ atir *•: s<£ 93on **-a... !• . -4 **‘ SS519P1;' * • • 1....... w ,|«30lO«litM I E amiath IvM>m 54 C *$3 ‘504 31? B 39 SS4 705 !£ a [»#Tw AM|J'M j'VM f- 1007 103 ?IIrflj 741 761 ?58j 806 812 821 1833'*--.., 8501067 90S 9 VS..... 936,1130, . . . AMj AM I T|U * 4 »f PJM 3 £ 1 MI* AM «UMl 'V" 'u| <>•»>•w!| ■*■»*! «.-H« fc ! I s II i8«id, x«*H.Q»ytoHi IM i’3b IfA l W J AM AM *735 764 8 20;*85C . . . 85S917 130 856 917 ' 922] .... 949l..,«: 10101025 >10 t*' PM AM 10*10 ... 1110 tiouic ,4511135 SRAM Artan.u iPw AM 10f4S .130 JIM n m [PM I fM, is^ a^ SE S * -*: sewliMfC m S q AN**.a, 3 ,e, owner run through vi»Gmin*> rgh or connect tnrooth lltt* - tlon to And from Baltimore, llftOelphiu und New. York. d S t connect a t Richmond ftir dSt. Bonle: X m >SI M i l ' «.101'Icir Lo*ansport. E ,A .FORp,< sugar, Gtngtl hm |lr IpM USflCrBOtHiFEinf’A. ", _ « , ‘ n,rate*of&Mt through ticket*, i, and further information n». nning of train* apply to any antylranla Bine*. psia swhat you eat. iydigeststfteloodRodRids trengtheningr Rod recon-i i exhausted digestive or. i It in efficiency. I t .in* and permanentlycures ndigestion, Heartburn, our Stomach, Nausea, e,GastralgiAveramps,ana ts tit imperfectdigeation. E.C. DeWltt R C o ^ cS tc a so }by Ridgway A Co, 6 0 YKARtf’ EXRSNtKNOC T mmc M a MR Oasiws OowvmauraAa. & r a t. <H . M&tm*TM. •A,'\*M t -* s K.-* * - i » . n * * J H g R M as v P T v m ii.v M b n fM V PaiaaaasHpaa*^K 4 apsijHMBap TmWfWM k i n lwMra * M t_ ‘M ow « w « hU ia R V IV v life. a-i. kvmwa **, » A | | M A tmmmmmmmmmmin m ’Jl ' Wt ‘X’ MM m f » e i i mfr o f th# eiUrno* o f thi» M r n m m m The tetioo tows i» the peewit eesMlI-pox eeere w«i«wb«4 mm mnsdeMb. WhUe th» authoritie* to«k wr«nr m*m* powtble to jwlwwt ti»» tbs dtiaese, yettbs peeyhi ^wtee>me e»rti ami go into hyaterio* bec«o«e of a caw or two in town. Eminem, pohool ami 'college went on At if noth- ing wag the uwtter and the m u lt w«* the (liaease wag checked and the town /Buffered ty> geriout diwrrangcment. It is alway* the hegfc policy not to be come unduly excited in a cage of thi* kind but to take the IrUhnmn’* advice and “ Be ai*y, and if yon can’t he . nisy be 8 iay as you can. There is always u funny side to everything if we can only find it and it seems that this recent scare had , several .fnony aides. *A. colered fellow drovh* a drummer over from Jamestown, and when he arrived in C'edarville some one told him, as a joke, that there .were thirty- six cases of small-pox in town and that he was in .danger of his life while in town, The result was that, although it was noon, and .hehad in tended to feed his team, .lie never stopped but just turned around and left the town at a 2:40 gait, taking only six breaths a minute until he . was surh that he was/. ouj^“of the in- tested region. One citizen of the quarantined part of the town Seemed very well satisfied with the condition of’ things and the only thiiig that worried him was. that it wouldn’t last long% He didn’t even have to go after his provisions let' alone pay, for them, as the" town authorities' brought his provisions . right to his door.' He liad never been accused of looking out for the future before but .surely this 'accusation can be made now as, when those in charge asked 5 im if he needed anything, he gave the order for six cords,of’wood, He didn’t say' .whether he Wanted it split up ready for use or not. It is needless to say that his request was not granted in full, > -Eifgene Andrei! became-very tired of the restrictions of the quarantine and ope night slipped away from the guards and made w break for liberty" .which was entirely successful. - Before leaving the premises he painted a sign .and hung it above-the small-pox sign. When.’seen' by the guard it. rend, “Offon a furlough—Eugene Andrew’* Hig furlough is still in effect,as uoth- ingitas. been seen of him since. ^ • All sorts of remarks have been made about th e . little building that 1 was constructed for the guards but it served, its purpose.. and the scare ia over and we all ought to be thankful,. ' / ’ ■ *** WfaM a man finds depends iu a great degree on what he is looking for. The man that is really, looking for Work will find it. When a pro- . fessional hobo appears a t your door and asks for something to eat, feed him If you want to, but out' of ry- spent for yourself don’t beleive their .story. What he is hunting" is some thing to eat and Irest assured he is finding it or he will throw up bisjob. ' *** Hits January has been reported by the weather authorities to be the warmest that ws have had for years. The weather this week has - seemed more like spriag weather than Jan- aray. The men stood around on the street Corners, swap-iog stories just as they did In the warn days of last Matuser. However the professional growler says that we wilt pay up for this fine weather before summer comes again. As to whether he k right or not t don’t know, wilt tell yon next June. CUU m * as# always ashing funny quMtta*. buttfai* k the fa«eiv*ne,w* have, yerfti this week, A Utile girl had jigfjMtdu m big dinner when she taken her mother; * ’’Mamma why is my pash like the window rush?” “ Why, I clout know my deer,* re plied her mother, “ Why iejtP* “Because it is nil around the pain," replied the bright girl, * ■*** ■ ' Men tjiink they mny justly do that' for which they have a precedent- So said Cicero, win* wrote before Christ was born, and so it is today. The amount of cussedness thnt is done and justified. under the pretext *that “ others do it," is supply beyond cal culation, Sometimes men will stop trying to justify themselves by whaf others have done and try to, do what is right, us they houestly see 4 it. In this one matter "men have made but littfo progress in the tw<^ thousand year that hnve elapsed since Cicero’s day, apd if does not do to be to im patient. The strife between progress And the established order of things is tin,old one, and . will last as long ns selfishness .is so large a 'factor in human affairs. Burner h it it that a certain church KHmbur of the H ocnhct state, had joined a church in which the using or raising the hog waa fwMddtn. The overseer kindly informed thi* member that he would not be of good standing unless be went direct home and dRngfateced hie herd. The far mer bed a Ipe herd of thorough-bred Poland China hogs, which he slaught ered tut «ommended. Another matt inthie tewtt mm commanded to do the m m , but eonhi not see the idea of butchering them in each * manner, •o he sold them to « nott-beleiver. We bmre been naaUe te learn «e to what endtfm inawry wae expended, :,3t1»wfMafMHht tithe week contained an *M eeatofl$ year eld boy bolding •p a bteyatiei near the d ty of Colum« bill and ihoelhig leiem wfcb • revolver hseanwe .be wnwldn’t dtifverup hk m m tfi ■ A« knee*! In web onaetjA* Iteel Imsm ^ma^llng dlaie worell. { few leghilatem wkb wdnRttnd* ittide thing let- them amhe * hm »eh Bteretnre, There k «tll eemwt ike mWI m M m dm and deanse Dm mm mjm ilMmidKMvIhgi to rend {wdemi hht hedy . - .re th k abamr kmhni Wtfi tduit eatiiw the. ruu ro f both bos^r and soul. OldPtople Tonn^- J . C, Slicnton', the veteran editor of the Vcrmontvilte (Mich.) Echo, himdiscovered the remarkable seeret,- of keeping the dhl people young. For years ho-has avoided Ufervousness. Sleeplessness, ’ Indigestion, Heart trouble, Coiif-tipution and Rheumat ism. by using Electric JBittCrs, atiyl lie writes; “ It can’t be praised top highly I t gently stimulates the kidneys, tones the stomach, aids digestion, and gives a splendid appetite, IVhas worked wonders for my wife,ami me. It’s a- mnrvellous remedy for old peoples’^ complaints," f)nly oOe at Rii'gway & Co.’s drug store, .F ■ ;V.V^.*' !.f- '■ -.V•*/• • '.A -™s a — “*■•*?* •—«■ ■ . Stock Holders Meeting. ' ' '* i k t^ f' The iinniiaI meeting of- the share holders of the'pednrville Building .& Loan Association will take place at the Muyore office, OedarviUe, Ohio, Saturday, February 8 , 1900, ut«7 p.. m.. for the -clection of three Directors, and such Other business as may come before the associntiom Poles open from 7 to j) p, in. Andrew Jackson, Secy. Size doesn’t indicate quality. Be- "ware of counterfeit and worthless salve offered for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, DeWitt’s Is the only original. An infallible cure for piles- and alt skin diseases.'Ridgway & Co., druggists’ Among Our Exchanges “ I t is even rumored that Mr. Wil- iiam Blair, of Morrow, may be a can didate for congressional honors in tins district a t the comiug convention. There will lie plenty of horses in the field, but more‘dark ones than light onea„*’-“-Xeiiiti Republican, I t’s alia mistHite, John. Had Blair intended becoming a candidate he would have * remained in Greene county, the home of Co). Johnson, Bob Kuowles and other aspirants of hk own class, but down here iu old Warren Hon, Alex. Boxwell, the Wheel-horse of the republican parly in the Sixth district resides, and this week be annouces his csndtdacy He’ll carry a very long pole and cone near “ knocking the persimmons.*—* Morrow Tribune; ■ ■ There has been a change in the management of the Morrow electric light pbmt. Since the death of J . %. Dowry the plant has been under the supervision of his brother, E . G. Dowry, but has not been satisfactory either to the corporation or to the company and a receiver was asked for. Last Tuesday the matter came up in the court of Common Pleas in Greene county and Bert Gowdy, a prominent young attorney was ap pointed, He took immediate charge and waa in Morrow Wednesday, set tling all the old bilk of the firm and arranging the plant so there will be no fourth** trouble in furnishing light. He intends next tveek to put down a well that will furnish sufficient water to run the boilers as one of the greet trouble* has been sn insufficient sup ply of Water. Oar eitixemr can mow expect the electric plant to be run in a satisfactory manner.—Morrow T rr hone. ■ ■ B ■ ■* Judge Gox* of Peru, Ind., has adopted a novel plan to protect hk abeep from dogs H« had one hun dred and forty collars made of herb wire which he pnf about the neck* of hk flunk. Thk, it k supposed will- aflbrd jmdeetfeft against tb* reakwa wbptreatid t*'»ttiwk sheep at Ibe ffiUBX j f l 'y* v W;V” " Vf if K j*.l 5 1 m m tm m m m m tern TMR WW 1 RT TAftlg.* OtiaafM In the eiW RuA* *t Mf*c«na Hand taw,** Fomsrly when ta whist lour suit -.•pretax were the invariable rufo all the play of tba second hun d wa* based uure the theory that' the oris- Inal lead ef aay high sard shresed certain other Mxh card* tn the band ar'* hand and that say anudf rerd led was certainly a fourth bast, sbowtax tkti a c«rta*» wspubar ot higher osniR war* out Hcainst tbs leader, Mat thew*. in pis “Advice to the Young Whist Player,” devotes mor* of ill's maxima to second hand play than to gay other subject, and hi* remark*, although made 100 year* ago, are wall iworthy Of our consideration to day, and showed that his ideas agreed very closely with the -beat modern practice. The- principal points he gives are the following; With only three cards In the suit Jed, put an honor, on an honor, but pass if you hold four of tha suit, ex cept that ace should be put on the jack, It will be observed that he does not mention, the exceptional cases in which the four cards contain an im perfect -fourchgtte, tiro Importance of which win be seen from many- hands. With king and one small, good play ers sometimes put-It on second-hand, and sometimes not. If It is a trump It should generally, and' al ways if turned up. The queen or jack should never bo.played from queen and one small or jack and one small except In trumpa, when, a superior card has been turned up on the right. • ‘ With ace, qiieefr1 and others play the small card unions the jack Is, led through you, !tt which case play' the ace Invariably. With queon, king and others play the queen when a small card Is led. With queen, jack and MiG small play the Jack, but with two small cards play the smaller. With ace, queen, ten, MattliewB recom mends the ten, and says nothing about the general weakness, which suggests to the modern player that It would be safer,to go in with the queen. with ace, king und vJwo others of a suit, led Matthews says there ‘lre two ways to play if you are strong In trumps. Either pass the first trick al together,‘or put on the aqe and play the suit ore In hopes of forcing your partner. If you are weak in trumps, put ore the ace, but do not continue the suit. Almost oH tho old masters will be found tp recommend this sys tem of false carding ’ the ace when holding both ace and king second hand, but none of-them call atreVion. to the obvious inference that. w*,en second hand plays the king he can not bold the ace, or he would Caiso- card* It, and tin t when he plays the ace: l\e ■ must .have*, the king o r ;no more,, * * Story With * Moral. .Inhn ran away from st-hoil in «y afternoonc and I avne l nothing except liow to swim, hut Willlnirestudied his lessons assiduously and learned much lehralngA ’Everybody declared tfiht William would become a great ami good man: aH to .Trtlui tuny shook their heads. Ycnrs passed, Now their beloved .country waq (threatened with expansion! IVlUlnm rose to tlie Occasion and wrote pam phlets which hail to he excluded from the malls. And .loimV All .folin, with ids deficient education, could do, wa* enlist In the army, and swim rivers Wlth hls sword in his teeth, which on ly made, matters Worse! -If boys would please not neglect the opportunities ‘of their youth, how nice It would be!—Detroit Journal. —Tens, Coffee and Cigars at Gray’s How’s This? -We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F-. J . CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J . Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hotiorable iu all business transactions and financi ally able to earry out any obligations made by their firm, West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O, Waiding, Rinnan A Marvin, Whole* sale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is takcu in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by atl Druggists. Testimonials free, - Hall’s Family Pills are the best Ores Your StomachMstress Yre? Do you have pains iu the side, nausea, sometimes vomiting, distress after eating, lielching, constipation, loss of appetite, dizziness, flatulence,, moth patches, sluggish brnks, pimples and a repulsive complexion? I f you have any of these symtoms, you have dyspepsia or stomach disorder. These distressing troubles arc promptly re lieved ami then cured by Bailey’s Dyspepsia Tablets. Pleasant to take. They- will bring quick relief to the worst oases, \yritten signature of W. j . Bailey on each package. Price 25 cents, Sample free. Druggists who 'don’t have them will get them for you. Two kinds of tablets in each package. The latest discovery. Sold by all druggists. pemymym T ills *i3»**3 ewiuifo.At. O*. fife w r f -vow*'mmnm p i w e m m ? M A tm * r i H T U IA IfS • a ll 1 m i l l I I 1 HATS, GAPS AND FURNISHINGS ' »• 1 t ( t d - i Price On Every Suit and Overcoat in Our Store Positively Reduced. IE INTEND that this sale shall ht» tho greatest value-giving, opportunity ever offered in th is city . In many instaiices ive w ill make one dollar (lo what two dollars w ill do elsewhere. -You know our store, our reputation, the kind o l Clothing we sell. The hotter you Know us and our. goods the more you w ill appreciate what this sale means to you. Mind you, there w ill not he any ’disappointments* no exaggerations. Every garment is hero lor inspection, Their value tells the real story, Men’s .CHOICE of all our finest Suits in P j A„ frock and single-breasted styles, in finest, blacks, blues and terns—the Steih Bloch, Adler/ and other high- grade makes regular $18, $20, $22 and'$25 val ues, 50 to sell, now in winter clearance sale at.V . double or fancy pat-r SI6.50 C H O IC E of n e a rly one h u n d re d su its t h a t a re f a r an d aw ay th e : b e st va lues a t reg ila r p rices in th is m a rk e t, an d goods th a t we do no t ex p e c t to d u p lic a te a t a n y th in g h e a r th e ir cost—<re g u la r $ 15 . $16 and $ t 8 values, now $13.75 in winter clearance sale at. NEARBY 75 Men's Suits, in all-wool fabrics, plain and all high-grade tailoring, (lot includes about 35 suits from last season’s stock and $16 and $18* • values) nothing less,than $12, in this sale a t . . . . fancy , ABOUT. 50 Suits, in all-wool and dependable qualities Stein Bloch and Alfred Benjamin makes, $10 to $18 values, clearance sale p r ice ---- ****....; HERE AR E fifty m o re all-wool Suits, re g u la r $7.50 f i l l Itffe and $10 Values, fancy an d p la in b lack sty les, now v ' T l u v Boys’ andChildren'sSuits 14 TO 2 0 YEARS, • NEARLY 50Suite ire fined styles, " with double end -single-hreuted vests, black*, hides, alio fancy worsted^ valae«$i4,$>6 *11 "TE •nd $18, in this S*l£ . . ) | | , ( Q FORTV all-wool Suit*, splendid style*, reliable make, the $10 and $>3 grades, now in clear- *•» p a ancasaleaj. . . . . . ^ ( ,3|J ALL OUR Boys' $6, $7 and $8 salts,all-wool fabrics and ^ j g new styles, sow. 3 TO 18 YEARS.* ONE HUNDRED of our finest suit*, embracingall the latest novelties 5 " vesiee sail* for the little hoys, as well a*our finest fancy double- breasted suits for the older boys, former prices $6, $7, $8 * j n o and $9, in this sate a t. Jrr ” 3 « ALL SUITS in above «- Its, sirictly all-wool fabrics -ua fresh styles that sold at c4 44 S°« $5 TC and tome ib one^ now NEARLY Fifty Suits, that sold at $ 2 - 50 . * 3 -«* »»d $ 3 * 5 °. f l Ofl reduced in this tale to . ifh aO ALL $1.50 end $2 Salts embracing nobby, neat style*, how * t n i in this clearancesate. . / q Men’s Tronsers. CHOICE of ot>r finest alUWool - Tronsers, in neat Stripes and Cbefiks^tegular'values * i 5fi, $7 and$7.50, how ^|a7U NEAELY .ioo pair* Troasers, many ail woo), and neat worst ed effects, the regular * * 4 54 t»nd ^5 grades, at THREE Hundred and Fiftyf*irt pf neat Casttmer**, Scotch and other wear resistingfabrics, in Dutchessand Newburg makes, the 5z-s5 and $ 3.00 * . grides, now , . , ■ ^ J ,y 5 THE $ 1.75 and’$ 7 ,oo * , * , gradea nbw . . . . Bits, Caysaid' , Furaishiaga! MEN'S Slack Stiff Hate, lit* style*, in the $*.00 and ' grades, in thistale . - $ | a 4 8 ONE LOT of Boys' Cap*, the values, in this tale. |£ c FINE SHIRTS, in fcaty pat- tern*, FovatalnBrand, $1 qual ity, daring lal*. , , . BOO NEARLY IS doestiff boaomfan cy ShlrU, with detached call*, . $ovvalae*, now . . , . 8 f ip HEAVY Random Wool Undar- wear, 40 c qaatity, now. (ffg OUTING Cloth Shirt*, with at- ttached collar*, 40 c raises , J j|o «_ ti c Mat'sOvercoatsSUIstw CHOICE of all our finest Overcoat* in smooth Kersey and the rongh Scotch effect*. About 25 to sell.. $18, fao and fzz grades, min e ft clearance sale priceonly MDisHI NEARLY seventy-five Ovwopate and Ulsters,.including ‘all our fin est wool lined storm protectors, * Values in ulster* to $ 23 , overcoats • to $ao. Clearance Sale *ti a *|P price only. . . . . . w r i t 13 SEVENTY-FIVE Overcoats and Ulster* inf ell the popular shade* and ihapes, $15 and$16 mil r n value* in clearance sale wiliUu FIFTY Overcoat* and Ulster*, the latter ia heavy Fries* and the Overcoats in the newest Coverts, etc, Values$12, $14and a n * jr $15, C le a ra n c e price . . Ww*l 3 THE all-wool Gold Medal Kerseys, standard manufacture and. per fect fitting, $to values a v sy j in clearMce sale. , . wf,tJU GOODheavy warn Overcoats and Ulster*are to $7 in valve, a * rut clearance sale. . . . . P h O Q Btyt’ M i CMMni's O imM it a 1-2 TO f 6 YEAR*. , NEARLY fob finest Overcoats and Reefer* embracing all oar nobby and highest pure garments that were $6, $7, $8and $to * | f r wwwin clearance ml* at | y SEVENTY-FIVE OvmcoaU and4 Reefers, values ap to $4 M l flfi and $s,now. . . . . . f l tW i BOVS'ULSTERS, the $10 and $*» grad**, now$7.$o; the $8 grade* ♦ 49^ a«d the $4and$5 * n M j on** In thi* sale. . . . | £ i ] ) g A b b A D Y E R - T I 8 K D B ED V V T IO H S ABE O E N U IH E . R. S. K I N G S B U R Y O U jtHW O . HAT* ANfo FURNMfBMOffs b a 1 a £ w m u DAY S A lii WILL I I mu € A M OlfldY* 1w, **' - / ?A
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