The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26
b ■*a *3 1 1 MhM ' bY .0901 .fit, *•# Thai# have been two resolution* teiradwMd in Congress to recognise ilk*Boer* m teUigsreata, but it seem* to no they hav* altoady demonstrated that their belligerency does not re quire any special recognition. Admiral Sampson's claims on the U .&Traasuiy have been turned by Controller of the Treasury Traoewell. I t the latter doe* not exercise More dfsorutioa* he will incur the die* of the cabal of the Navy "V&l meras* * y u n w w i* 1 *varam-nata-******#** ■• r^t-leuf*-'- V ■’ *& '«r' ■ ,pVfc-** ^ ^* 1 -sm&*M*m*9**r’ St* i of toe year «to small hey turn to *y Metwol work. . .. . Bento Clam gave the Kagiito army * ^ | » Beato M k a a braid aavr oe*»* *aaiad*r*ie^W«t>~ Baron Roberta | § P :?Wtim British goveraaieati* trie* it •,-,aBI m i mates iram any scapegoat* aineng ft* oflteer* lit Month Able*. , * If there i* any dsas of men who i , k ■am eatitisdto our sympathy ft f tt i* *v v' sfiftamof too English comic papers. If {be Republican* nominate Me- Matey and Boot, neat year, they wHI probably bespoken of a* rooter*. th e Texas legislature will hold an extra eeeeion to consider the prop** aitkm to tax corporation* in that B to te ^ .,0 ’ >-•'"If'Jl"jWuwinwoyidc-eMr ' * Member* of the House made it sridmft daring the financial debate that the jewel ofoonsiatepey was not a very warm favorite‘among them, I t way be safely assumed that he* far* permitting hi* censtituent* to sleetMw to Congress, the Sultan of Sato wilt-ascertain’the fate, of Mr# Roberts. V; ? • t. « Bahmc, the great French novelist, said a man ire* invariably the victim of a deception when he was happiest. i t that be true, some Men ought to be happy *11the time. t ’ ^ ' * The Robert* case will not be die*' posed o f until next year, as the com* mittee investigating had not com pleted its work when Congress ad* jouroed ontil January ,5. .The Senate Committee an Elections had Some experience ,witii Pbiladel- ; pbtoftwyor* |# the Quay case, which convinced it* member* that a Phita* dolphin lawyer in a very slick chap. Oh, those poor overworked Cou* gsmsmewt After three week* work they have taken two weeks holiday, Rosa -inybodj know of a private busi- aaw that could be run on that.batist if he e w toteks teas* Us wife m w hew* i ft* same eoadftteu- t t t Often when a girl can’t Isaru any* thhsg *lse, *aa stadfw music, + f ■ t A baby cab is food far another purpose. I t is handy to pile every, thing into, for which there * no other ptaw, ■ * ■ f f t 1 ; A theatre party get* lisa idea that it is their busiuew towakeallthe noise *•/<»»• . . . t t f /°If a wan didn't ear* hew b a - mada Ms money, ha could soon be rich. t t t You can tell by the contented way toat a girl site la a buggy whether or not she is married. ; ; , •• , i f t ' V ■ . A barber never ask* yon i f fa# rasorft hurting you, unkss be is Sure that it i | not. - ■ = , ‘ ■ f. -f : f • Half of the ,book agent bore* that come around aw old worn out preach* or*. . , ■> ‘ r , / , (i , * t i t ' I f a girl base beau, she has to be mighty careful ofher;reraarks, or the rest of* the girls will a t once decide that she is trying to get them to tease her. * * - * t ' . • t t t - A church can always depend on a lug crowd at the time of dedication, if a t no other time, 1 1 t ' Even preachers’ kids do not always behave in church. t t t Every barber has to laugh wbett told that hi*shaving is like being on the operating table, but in return you have to hear a good many of their old stories,, ' t f t As long as a {Man can get off jokes about his, funeral, he does not think that be is very near the end. V--. I t sounds a good deal more creepy for an old man to joke about his fu neral that} for a young man, t t t People who tell-that they like to associate only with nice folks, often have very fanny-notions of who is nice. - t t t ' No Man wants it known, but se cretly he enjoys looking ^through a women's ralganne, ' t t ‘t N o m a tte r how poor a raagsxine May be i t has its leaves uncut. t t t A girl likes to go to bed early on Monday evening to make folks won* dor what make* her to sleepy. t t t A boy like* to pretend be bis real rakish by having hi* picture taken ,holding a deck of cards. UBwfawth e f aa teak f rm earn ead and raaakif to wfthlu eaa-faurih ot aa inch of the other end. —A late purchase in wen's aud boys' suiteand overcoats, just in flu* a holiday trader -Many special hast gains, iueiudiug the bast $10 ore* coat aver shown. R. H. Kingsbury, Xenia, Ohio. Mite Mary Burn* of Baltinwire wanted to amuse a child and fastened a <2,500 brooch to a toy balloon. The oar window was open and the wind carried the balloon out of the window. Tht Emperor of Germaoy, who lays claim‘to infallibility, has shown his falbfaiiHy by announcing that lMfi will be the first year of a new aeatimry. We never would have ex* puetedWilKatn I I so imprudently to hirite the fate that hr itt store far Mw. MifcirsWu.^aU.TiM:’1'-H'X.'jr Prof, f e w s h o , of the Western University, bee, he says, discovered a receiver far wirelew telegraphy that wiR wake the Marconi apparatus leek Kk« a Chinese copper coin. I t wP|, it is daimed, enable wirelew jw to be sent acroes the At* lantic. dohn O. BoekfeUer'a Uhrietmae gift o f *10,010 to the Tuskage* Nmnaal and Industrial lastltate, was * prae» Baal, sudsrsiaain t of -Booker T. WaaMagton'a”work ta behalf of his mas that ether asUltenrirm might ateo waka wfth sattefaethw to them profit so tbo negroteof the f f t I f UTcmSON 0 (JIBNEV Were fortunate in Meuring sumo good tbiwjjs at the K*re Hele nt (ieveiand, Ohio. : : ’• ' ' —" I was nearly dead with <lys- pepeia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse.., Used Kodol Byspepma Cure. That cured roe." Ik digests what you eat. Cures in* digestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all farm* of dyepepia. Ridgway A Co,, druggists. The powder mills at Got* station were *u rushed with orders that they did uof stop far Christmas, and the men who were on duty that day re* ceived two day's wages for their work on that holiday. Zndit/o U lue W rapper 7 5 0 fa c OnitHff , *J(icZc€t $ • • • • * ** - 5 0 c C h ild ren 's E iderdow n C loak s $ 1 . 5 0 u p lOO&pds. S tlk a lm e ,p e rp d * ................... | jL r t C orn ers* s i l l Wbol...r — — 2 5 c U p ZOO T ap e slrp M a ls ................ ........................ - * * 1 6 c H up s, s i l l Woo .............................. $ 1 . 0 0 t o $ 2 , 5 0 Jn p ra in H ru p p e lls, s i l l Wool* ta rf/e enough f o r room s 5 7 , 67 ,- 7 7 c 11 — C h r is tm a s C o ra l. CBDARVILLIJ, OHIO, , i * ' ACCOUNTS of Merchants ttudlu j * * dividuals solicited. Collections | promptly made and remitted. -Miw Annie E Ctiimiug, Tyre, Mich,, says, “ I suffered a dong tim° from dyspepsia; lost flesh and beeamjb very weak. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure completely cured me.” I t digests what you eat and cures all forms o) Stomach trouble. I t never fails to give immediate relief in the worst __„ __ , . . . . ««=• Hidgwav A Co., druggist.. Tl cheapest and most convenient Way to •Iu th e , life of almost every girl, send money try mail, there are, I am sure, regrets to lie •—- i- fouud in plenty; places in plenty *' * where opportunities for love or help, Rnnn n,“ ,n 1 ”,ft * ‘ or gentleness were .overlooked or neglected. I had many regrets in my life, yet in later years I think I made —as every girl may—stepping stones of these regrets—stepping-stones to better and broader tiring.—“Auto biography of a Girl,” in the January Ladies' Home Journal. As a cure far rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Balm is'g«ining a wide reputation. D. B. Johnston of Rich mond, Ittd., has been troubled with that ailment since 1602. In speaking of it he ssjrs: " I never found any thing that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My toot was swollen aud paiuiug mo very much, but one good application of Pain Balm relieved me. For saleby C. M. Ridgway, druggist. We often crush down our impulses, not realizing that our impulses are apt to be just the quick longings of •u r natures to fulfil their ideals.- January Istdies'Hoiue Journal. input; tlH. XIVtll XWMMV} ’sonnl or Collateral Security. William Wildman, Pres., j Seth W. Smith, Vice.Pres., i W. J . Wildman, Cashier.] ; . ; .......... • ....— I \ 7’OU can always find at tlioj * old reliable Meat Shop ot C. W. Crouse's | Choice Beef, ^ork Sausage, •Bara, Bologna, T^enermist, Bacon,* Hams, Sugar Cured Shoulders, Nobody k as touchy about her age as a woman who k older than her husband, t f t I t doesn't make i t a n y better for a m an to say. When he is swearing, th a t he k quoting what the .other fellow *»• t t t J We wonder what twomen whoboth have dyed whiskers think of each other as they stand talking together. J t f t ' We wonder what two married women without children talk about! AlAlX. MlLtjrjt, Tnuattv T k - xicw to FtoaioA as t > WtsvaaRaceoitii i s ttm S o tn i, Ticket agents of the Pennsylvania Line*will answer Inquiries about low fares tq Florida and winter retorts in the ffantb, Full intormatkm con- esraiag Touriet Tkktte, time table*, etc,, will- be furnished free. Persons contemplating a Houth- •m trip may secure valuaftk infor mation on the eobject by merely in quiring of the nearest reptetontative of the Pennsylvania Janes, or by ad* 'drwskgC. C, Haiitaf, District P*s> •Sager Agent, Dayton# Ohio, Sty Whte* « m whw* you wlrit to «0, how msusy will be in the party, starting point, and you will he promptly 0 lnv»XMT«jl. Victiraa to stomach, liver aud kid ney trouble* as well as women, and all foel the results In loss of appetite, prisons In the blood, backache, ner vousness, headache and tired, listless, tun-down feeling. But there’s no need to feel like that. J . W- Gard ner, of Tdaville, Ind., says; “Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he don’t care whether he. lives or dies. I t gave me newstrength and good appetite, 1 can now eat any thing and have a new lease on life.” Only 50 cents at Ridgway & Co/s drug store, Every bottle guaranteed. ( liv e ti8 ft t r i a l anti l»e con vinced . FRANK II. DEAN. A ttobxev At D aw . 4 1E. Main St., Xenia, O. Adam's Restaurant • ind Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, MfAWZRb ?««»! Bright ssA llcnist per- VV m s (a (rspreseal nt> as Man *%m is this uadi elwahjrmattes. Ssltrir ISMa yearaad asMSSts, Rtra!*ht, twai.lde, m isms ,as less esisrjr. tomusn pet»sa*Bt. Oar referes-es, ssjr rank ta s s r tsva. I t is awintjr «(*«► wwk «saa««tei at asste. RstMaseu, B.. :etowietrsdMIrssssd tim g ti mretefe, Zss Dsawts* Csaraar, Deft. 3, Cfe>. 0 «fo( The inquiry will not oast iBStek d fe rt- it wtU save w.asidenbte te tte r ia arraagtug dstaite, as they wHI he leaked after gratia. em Mand $w m— Am! we will treat you right, We wish to call your attention to ottr new line of ( Indies, Gig*** and Tobacco, Hot and Gold Lunch at all hours, Meals 25e, boarding Wt OOper week. O u t PrtdHM on peanut* tor Behool Teachers ana Hsbbsth Keh»mJ Teachers tor hoitdsys You will do well to see u* before buying; ae we always have a fiae line m haada assf CHURCH DiaiCTORY B» P. UharoIi--‘fteT. J P * Morten, Paster, strvlcs# #0 11:09 s . in. Ssbfesth SctscKit at 10 s, HI, C'dscosnter €hurdh—Her. W. J . gsneiefaio, f aster. Regular serviess at 11:09 s. in. Ssb- e.shficisoot at 19 a. w. U. P. Cfeuieh -.Rsr, F«O. Ross, ptilor. gar* vtceS 10:30 a. m. astt?:top. ta. Hekfeath School at 9:30 a,ta. standard tirti. A. St. ®. ChBKh**Reit, Mr. Masweli, Pas*, t;,r Prsaohiag at 11:09 a, w. an* 7:19R, ta, Glass every Hahbatk at U:fa, fahbath School at 3:09 p.m. Prieoda aatt visitors cordially Invited. M. K. Gfiarcii' -Rev. A. IKMaddox, Pastor. Preaching Rt tl:99 s» m. Sahhath School at 8:15 a. as. Venn* Peofle’s meeting at M l is. ta. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:39. Baptist Gh«rch--Rev. Mr, Cnleaiatt, yaitor f the Baptist chareb» Preaching Mill tcciscAt and 7:13 f, at. Sahhath Reh&olat itMfttt, Prayer meeting every Wednesday nlgniat 7:19, Iveryene invited, (lathering ofthe friends of at Krrlu A, Wiiliamson's Malt, every S*»«day afternoon, at 2:39 ft’eleefc, standard time. Xveryhodjr It ta* ■ vlted. John V. Payra, I’oadaeter sg *"11*i|iiB*itja?i|aj!i# |S!>i[w|ii(iw|tewjii!BS C h r is tm a s will soon be here. Do not wait, but cotrie now and in^icct our line of O v e rc o a ts We have them in tan shades, blue or black, Covert, Kersey, Friezea or .Meltons, made up in the Nobby D re s s or the long ulster in prices ranging front 2.(H), 2 ( or 3,00, tor the boys, up la I*) , 4,00* ,C0, 6.50, f .50, 6.00, 10.00 and 12,00 tor men, that must be seen to be appreciated. If you are wanting a business or atyliib D re s t S u it We have them in Clay Worsteds or Nobby Stripes, We can please either the gay young man or the staid gen tleman, Full line of Mackintosh Coats, Neckwear of all grades and styles, Initial Handkerchiefs a* low as 5c, better one* if you want them. Gloves and Mitts in all style* tor either drees or working, Come and see us, J. M. KNOTE, 11 East Main Street, Hpringfield* • - - Ohio, hasp fraah roasted >r ** * Brakl Jftrts, Al •vsryilajr. Draagw amt Apetes “ 1 fti I lM a d h O t l i jm b Wstaato *sld at *er piaes. IToBf* ta pits**. far * W t t l t e f m » citoif; in iJtCYdfiu. Under a new schedttl* in effect November 10, wnweuger train* over the IVnnsylvanta JJnes leav* Cedar vide station asfritows; For the east; 6:12a, m,; 4:41 p. m. For the west; 1.0;!J p, m,; 5;5d p, m, F»r particular information on the subject apply to K, K Kaye*, agent, Cedarvilfe, U, to ona* a oat* n swintT. Taksi i a t i f i r t Braun Quinta* TaMste, Alt dmggfsi* rcfaiid fa* ma—f If It fail* t* ear*. E. W. Clrntsfa slguaftwo ft •* mm A tent. IS*. D m t fet»*» W * f t h t l t e Large*! Setoctfon i n t h e C i ty o f 9 €W W ( M l , ! e f i n n f i i i M i t t t f t t o . USM 6U»fitti Wrie*4KKt ■ > (UMdK$a«l€W»# , | ,. | | g u ^ Mu*dWHI J u s t t h e t h i n g f o r a n i c e X m a s P r e s e n t . Engraving done t m nCCimrg*. Rrpsirlngri nUkind* don •, Fred J. H. Schell. STEELE BUILDINO, XENIA, 9HIO. Hear the jingle OF Kriss Kriitkte, Cin i^tiims Day is near; Tis (be gtfldriest Ami tin- mmbtest Day of all the year. Presents given, Joy of living; Weather is sublime KU-igb-bells iii>»inj>rv Angels singing r Happy CbrifltomsTime. Very plcaeaat For a present Is an overcoat; . ff you try'it , . You can buy it ( heap from J , M, Knote. There is nothing To beat 4>h>thiiigv For him you adore; Alt that is nice is At tow prices Up at Kuote’s Clothing Store. •‘P e a co o n e a r t h a n d good c lo th e s f o r a i l m e n .” P o p u la r* * * * J e w e l e r s DTHmOUDS (Mr • . ' 4 # G r a t e n d i c k $ f i y l e , Umbrellas Recovered and Made to Order. See our $1 00 Line of Covers. . D e tro it S t., * * * * X e n i a , O . Lupttm ft Drake t*n*r*»f*t* ta J smm MrOnnnA W ill S e ll PIANOS mi ORGANS €hfft|* at thrlr New Music Store. Bay now, PhiBo*are steed- fly *dv*u*fag. Steall Mar Genuine HatBargains A fortunate purchase from in New York gives us an op- Youman, Knox* Dunlap an 42.50 hat made. The colors pearl. Our styles and colors describe. I t will pay you to hats before purchasing as we a fine hat. M e i k ’ s t I T i u l e r w e a r . Htn’s natuial vro6l, c*BeVs hair and red oitdieat*# aliirt* (Mi drawatl to match made fromfine Atistraliaa woe), aiecly 8ai»h«dwith aiik hraid h r Ha a Suit, goed value forf 1.50. Alio a fall tine ofJersey ribbed n f t weed lined for CO trait* C‘;fi’l o V C ,lN» Alt the latest shades in dress gtovea, lined and nnlined from 50 cents to*1.59. 3 ? o p k w p f t r . Oar display nfaeckaear is U m . jw C i , tamsMSrfs sad fonr-ta-ftindv, has tso equal vrhen low^rice and nastily is considered. SUltlilVAR, the Hatter, *? X*UdMsten* Stnwt, AWRtNOnEU>,Ot1IO, one of the best, hat manufactures mrtunity to show you fiats in the Miller blocks for #2 equal to any are black, brown, tan, cedar and in toft hats are two numerous to inspect our line of sofa and stiff can save yon from 50c to 11.00 on lew Syatem Dental ftwama to Allen Building. T«hfheasHn.tM, SfifTOM raw tm e m Popdftr Hate 0«M FlHksg o « m sad n*tiws -;}osoaa.o0'ov«e w I m rash w« oedwed, llijBte| InwAsaty, BANK OF CRDARVILI.K. B au ****» j BwfwatMNW ****.**••*. «, W, Wmyw. |ww.i Vloo* M. tUepw, tjiee ftw , i H i fifM i m l i fw i WOTP* Usv# yaw I mmbi tftsra asd raat r i f l U M M ththwO^ (AM 4Vft* MMB I nb I tl« BBWbiraoftitCt but tolutvs b 1SpiBiling f&'iti j Vlaib w n a I IMi ffWCmm :80*faf$0. . guft nottoid be 1RMNiriuki *JI * lot of catarrh B No, t!ie t»ft> m begin until Js 1 takes a hundred \ tmy and we h| l stae o f them so r.'- ■ Now f t the j Year rcsolutio: and ftiake those you c*u keep, I met« young tl fore New Yea twenty resoluti Ms name mgne< to keep them, was one resolv tobacco in eve cigar in bis mj told roe Was 1 second of Januj He had a « «nd I asked bin He answered tif party on New he concluded cigar as he we| ' bad finished, be aud fa wo0 alH be had broken concluded that of hi* resolves to. keep any «i| whole batch aw; be ready for ne: the trouble of w| A certata northern Iowa t ment, so an e i result of« careh Ing occasion to era for a delay he wrote: "W of our readers i this week. Ou time was on ac moralizstion of steering too ing-house windc positor set the aud the pro( > cover the omiss Thera Is one !great need neet that ft a societj cruelty to sniu ' extrame crueltj rdsr our notice, [ tag up ta thes a t a timewitho aame horse has hitched to a ra ’a time. We hesitate done to a man dumb beasts tor him, the sa is giving his h( proper thing bring him to h anything. I f anyone this matter we all the ueecssa AT Bloomingdalc Pepsin Byri Gentlemen: Dr. (Jaldweli trial in my pronounce it i ering from anti dyspepsia all their irai I have foug patton of a yesw, have c physkiaus tl spent hundw fold more *rii l*dy than I I siw. To i ^•cmipfttions i |H and use it, •th# prat! WUIkafciilwi ftfrajflEs Up’ this " iv« r.aved *-Wsri<le»i w*Bte to mma i IP"1® 'Raw;
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