The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

W ■■rH, -t*- KHXiWAV * CO., tlw Pruffglsts, Opp. Qtm* Heu#e. ■awatagg I n Y o o r Mr* Jem* Townsley *Nt*rt«in«d « ?fow of her M y friends a t dinner, Stable* jTuesday. ■ Tfcv>imcl '1' f*p--Eg*s *n.i «'iia»ois I Dr. I*. 11, Madden, Briwtico lim* f»ijas fim£mn$si tfsgfciag. flsesi* I to EYE* EAR» N0SB AN© Ugapti iittJe«is*aill a whole array THROAT. OlM- »ACOintlijrAt* ef jrlcct .yen can’t l.cln lot t-e Jju*t*d. AifoliBuUdiug, Xenia, U. S,#!tpteijr.^.OISce Sf«* ?*> X**ia*4M* Ifu. $7- fhe Daily Press of Springfield states that an electric Hue from pair* field pa Yellow Springs, will Jbe in operation by the first of June, —Ladies’wowstyle pocketbooks at C.M.SSflgway’s. # jtow, Horace Ankeny, our repre­ sentative from this county, has intro­ duced a bill in the Ohio legislature authorizing county commissioners to make an expenditure of $500 for the collection of the history concerning this county. I t will not only effect thirt county but all in the state. The bill has already passed the house. The governor of the district of Kobe has issued an official notifica- that the bubonic plague j V now ex­ tinct in that prefecture; The Boers dropped shells into the British camp at the rate of sixteen a minute recently* still there are peo­ ple who would consider it safer to be there ttaau in' Frankfort, —You can always find something new in the stationary line at C. M. Ridgway’s, . , v ‘ , The last number ol the lecture course will .be a lecture by Rev. Thomas McClary, on /the subject, ‘•The Mission off Mirth.” ■He out­ lines his subject as follows: “ Why we laugh. How we laugh. What we laugh at, I hope to to assist' peo­ ple to use the faculties with which the Creator has .endowed them for 'heir own. and.:other’s good.” . •, —‘Marshall can care for more rigs than any other LiVery Stable in .Xenia. ; • ■ The Greene county commissioners were in Cincinnati, Tuesday, in conference with the railroad authori­ ties in regard to the Jamestown and New jasper crossing east of Xenia, Greene county already has ten more than her quota in the Dayton State Hospital- A vessel containing 240 English guineas worth something like $1500 was found in an orchard near Catawba, Clark county. Write E . G. Slggers, Patent Law­ yer, Washington, D. C., and get his book about patents. —Gray keeps nothing but the best in bis line of goods. * •{. • Why is it that people will not hesi­ tate to ask favors of a newspaper when they would scarcely think of asking a lawyer or doctor to give them service gratis? Yet the news­ paper depends ns much on its service for a living as does the doctor or lawyer on theirs. -Builders and General Hardware, at C. M, Crouse’s. Dr. T. BeWitt Talmage says: “A newspaper whose columus overflow with advertisements of business men has more influence in attracting at­ tention to build up a town than any other agency that can be employed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor go where there is an enterprising community. No power on earth is so strong to build up a town as a newspaper well pat­ ronized, and its power should he ap­ preciated.*’ Make your arrangements to attend Uncle Torn*# Cabin a t the opera house, Feb. 15. Should you he across the street and see some stranger beckoning to you and pawing the earth, to get to speak to you, or happen to meet some one who represents himself as being per­ fectly acquainted with you, and faking hold of your hand with a clasp that a son would give you If he had not seen or heard froin yon for twenty years, you can pu t it down that that mart is a candidate for an office, whetherbounty* township or city. Mast, Poos & do,, of Springfield, made a shipment of 1060 lawn mowers te a firm in Boston, Mass., Wednesday. Mrs, Henry Harper, aged 58, of near Gladstone, died last Sabbath of Local and Personal. ' IW** A1 Barr was in Charleston, Mon­ day. —Medicated salt at C. M, Ridg' • way's, , . Mr Iloutzhan, of the shoe firm of Routzhan & Wright, of Springfield, lias announced himself a candidate for sheriff of Clark County, —I f you want •anything good, go to Gray's. Miss LefFel, of Springfield, is the guest ofher grandmother, Mrs, Mary Gillaugli. Elmer S t . .John, wife and little child, ofDayton, spent Sabuath with his parents here. —Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Vu., says, “Nothing did me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose . relieved me, a few bottles cured me.” I t digests wbat you eat and always cures dyspepsia. Ridgway & Co., Druggists. . Chnrles Gilbert and wife, of Char­ leston,’ spent Sabbath the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gilbert. Mr, H. G. Dean and daughter, Maw, of Jamestown, spent Thursday . with his brother. Will Dean. Mr. Norman Stuckey and wife spent Sabbath the guest of bis brother, Clarence and wife, of near Xenia, —Sheep dip of all kinds at C. M. Ridgway’s. Roy Hamilton, who was arrested and found guilty of horse stealing has not yet recived his sentence or been allowed a new trial, Mrs. Robert Ford and daughter, Mrs. Stuckey, spent Thursday in Springfield the guests of her sister, Mrs. Stewart. D r . J . O. Stewarfc, Physcian and Surgeon.. Specialist in E y e a n d E a r . G la s s e s A c c u r a te ly A d ­ ju s t e d , S atisfaction G uaran ­ teed , . Wiley Hall, Bloomington, Ind,, one of the university buildings, con tainitfg the chemical labratory and other departments, bnrned Wednes day afternoon. Loss $55,000; in­ surance. $30,000, —John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says “ I never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are never without it.” Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throat and lung, troubles. I ts 1use will pre- ’ vent consumption. Pleasant to take. Ridgway A Co., Druggists. - General J . Warren Keifer, of Springfield, has just recently issued a new book entitled “Slavery and Four Years of War.” The book is in two volumes and handsomely illustrated. I t is largely made up of the General’s experiences, and is said to be very interesting and instructive. —When in Xenia take dinner with Grices' in their “New Home, * No. 19 Green Street. Paul Kerr, of Iluahville, Indiana, has been making his eon, E. F . Kerr, a short visit. Mr. Kerr is engaged iu the manufacturing of furniturn at Rushville. Last year the firm with which he is connected did over #210,000 worth of business, aud quit taking orders in October in order that they might fill their contracts. —Disinfectant, everything in that line can lie got at O, M. Ridgway’s. Mr. O. E. Btadfutc, of this place, m o of the state speakers a t the Xenia Farmers’ Institute to lie held Feb, 16 and IT, will address the people on the following subjects: Friday morning, “Tim Agriculture Fair;” afternoon, *The Modern Beef Animal, How Produced;” evening, “Why I am n Fanner;*’ Saturday morning, “An Up-to-date Stock Farm,” These are all very interesting subjects and many will be out each session to hear these m Ejects discussed by one whom we all know perfectly capable of deliver­ ing before an intelligent audience, “ After doctors failed to cure me ofpncamoftia I used tine Minute t ‘*«wgh t'ure and three kittles of it m r« t me, I t is also the liest remedy mt «erth for whooping cough, I t «-*tr*ri my grandchildren of the worst! - Valentine* at Bird’* Mammoth Star*. Some little damage was caused by the high wind last Thursday at the residence of Mr. Joseph McAfee, A high gale came along and blew sever­ al of the shutters shut so hard that it broke the glass in several windows. I t required 14 pains of glass to put the windows back in poper condition, Harry Kildow and family, of An derson, Indiana, are visiting his father, Samuel Kildow. John D, Rockefeller has severed his official connection with the Stand ard Oil Co. as president, A. M. McGregor, of New York, was elected president and F. B. Squire, of Cleve­ land Vice ‘ President. Mr, Rocke feller’s retirement was owing to ill health. ro-Hj cancer. The funeral was held from her late residence Tuesday, lfov. Frank Gordon conducted the services, burial at Gbarlestoii. ■Mr. Joseph Blade, who resided on the farm of Marion Wildman, of. Helms, died quite suddenly last Mon­ day of paralysis. Mr. Blade ate a hearty breakfast aud was appearntly I as well as usual. He was in bis loth Funeral was from the house cem elecy, Kw»Maddox officiated ’ 7 p i ; year, P ! I i , writ* J«o Berry,. W an ton , >w „ ,„Mi|iy |guriMi at Baptist IV Itkr the only harmless remedy ike tg lv* ImiwHiate result*. <‘ ih *S wegfw, rnMs, etm«p am) throat and fwwg trnwMa*. U ptev^nfo linaswwp- «km GMMtea always like it. Moth wrs MMfowa k. BMgwsy A Co , Drag- Dr. Hpahr, of Clifton, was badly bruised s« th* rmuilt of a runaway esnsed by tho horss soaring at a pool nfwatsr in tbs rsasl. The Haggw iMf Mr, II. A. Barr had the funerals of Mrs. Henry Harper, of Gladstone, and Mr. Joseph Blade, of near Selma, this week. While in consultation with one of the officials of the Rapid Transit Co., last Tuesday, we learn that they already have part of their stock in the C. H. &D, yards, ready to begin on their line to this place. They will open work as soon as the weather permits, - John Smith, the man who stole a horse, wagon and sheep from Messrs. Elder and Wiltlinan, of Selma, re ceived five years for the theft. Mfs. Joe Milburn, of Xenia, spent Monday the guest uf Oclarville friends. Mr. Frank Paine and family liaVe moved to Subina where be will en­ gage in the meat business. Mr Paine aurl Frank Byers, of Xenia, recently purchased the stock of Charles Crouse, Jr., who was located there. . Mrs. Alary Dunlap returned to her home in McKeespoit, Pa., Tuesday, after a weeks visit with Mrs. Andrew Jackson. , . • Oscar Bradfuto left for Chicago, Tuesday‘morning to attend a meeting of the breeders of Pole Angus cattle to arrange for a show of fat cuttle to be held there next -December. The report is out that a daughter of Henry Brown has the small pox and that she attended school while the disease was coming on, is false, The girl was sent home from school from the’fiictlhal she had a breaking out on the forehead, something that she is subject to. The report has been spread abroad that it is small-pox and one would judge from the outside papers that the' whole town was in quarantine. Friends wishing to come and visit here can do so with perfect safety. Parents need not fear about sending their ehildren to school. —-Tf your cow is out of Jcondition get “Kow Kure” of Andrew Bros. & Co. Mr. Robert Watt attended the sale of Jersey Durocfe hogs at Dayton, this week. Mr. Watt is a breeder of this breed, and made a purchase of a sow, being about the highest priced sow sold. Nearly the whole South Africau plateau is covered with along, slender grass, which under the fierce sun is often ns dry as tinder. Nothing can live in a veldt fire, and in its passing it leaves a desert. Under the cover of the smoke tlmt arises the Boers can utilize that strategy for which they are famous. For Sale—My dairv business, wagon, cans, etc, Business in a flour islihig condition. Price very reason able. Charles Nagiev. lu regard to the improvement of the court house, the Xenia Herald has this to say In addition to what the state inspector has ordered to be done: Tho above report is in line with the stand taken riglitalong by the Herald. It has on several occasions urged sun­ dry improvements. By all means the loose boards on the cupalo should tie tacked down and its weather-beaten Bides and front given a coat of white­ wash, This would add both to its beauty and utility, liesides a stitch in time might save a half dozen. Mr. Clarence Flowers, of James town, called on Cedarville friends, Tuesday, I t is said that Cap. Lewis II. Whiteman, editor of the Xenia Herald will be a candidate for the nomination of Food Commissioner on the Democratic: ticket. Charles Grouse, J r., has returned from tfshina, having disposed of his business at that place. He has moved bis family in the Paine prop- ertyon McMillan Street. Charley will be found at the counter of his father’s meat afore. w The remains of General Lawton paesed through here Wednesday, over the Fan Handle, Mr*. Lee Na*h, of near Xenia, v h th* gum of OwfonriUe ftlends A«mfc? fMi «**k. Forty-three per cent, of tho fruit trees in Southern California are orange and 15 per cent lemon. The old frigate Constitution is to be prepared and used as ‘’a naval museum nml flouting umnnmcin to the glory of American sailors,” - Three hundred inpidnries iu New York alone ore out of work because of the failure of the supply of dia­ monds from South Africa. A Caracas dispatch published iu Paris said that anarchy prevailed iu Venezuela. Bank directors, includ­ ing foreigners, have been imprisoned foiv refusing to lend the government money. The French residents asked war-ships to lie sent at once. Home time back some one poisoned ’’Brutus”- the family dog of Beveridge Andrew. A few nights ago Iris fine shepherd, which he keeps on the farm, fell from the hand of some fiend. The dog was a very valuable one, liuviug been valued ns high as forty-five dollnrs. t t Bailey’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin, one of the oldest and best companies on the road with tiiat play Will appear a t the Opera House, Feb, 15. Mrs. Ellen Ross, who for some time has occupied the rooms above Heigler’s grocery has removed end is now living with her daughter, Mrs Henry Walker. Mrs. Ross was taken ill last Friday, and for this reason moved to her daughter. Prof, aud Mrs, AlcCbesney enter- tortnined about twenty-five of their friends last evening. The plat for Rev. Thomas Mcf’lary will be open Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, standard time. All those interested in the welfare of this town are requested to meet at the Mayor's office, Tuesday evening. A project is on foot, which if carried out. will be of immense value to this village. Come everybody. J . H. Wolford, Mayor, The time is not far distant when the people will be called upon to cast their vote for the county, township and town officers. Alrendy loafers and by-standers have directed their attention to politics and placed scien­ tific, religious, and war subjects on the shelf, many of them remaining half finished; they will be placed there for future discussion. The at­ tention of the debaters is now called to politics. The officers for county, township and city that are to tie filled, will cause a great deal of ex­ citement- No doubt, the strife for tho county and city officers will get to a high pitch, as Cedarville seems to be the uncertain town in the county, few ever being able t > tell how she will go. Public Sale:—On Saturday, Feb. 17, at 1 o'clock I will sell at public sale at my residence on South Alain Street, farm ‘stock and implement*, ulso household furniture. Mrs. W. C. Stanley. Miss Bessie Milburn came home from Dayton, Thursday, where she is employed at the State Hospital, She is suffering from a severe burn caused by an inmate throwing hot wafer on her. Our. of mtr couiicilmen, who voted against the present lighting system some time ago, aud would not vote for an appropriation of money for next year, has asked the rhtnrman of the light committee to have a lamp placed oppomte his dwelling, His request was granted. « u « « t AWJ*r, f , * . U lH I" ' and Tomatoes, a t Gray’s, j l AmongOurExchanges1 D. H, Ervin, wife and daughter, Alary, returned home from ■Cincin­ nati Tuesday evening* after a week’s stay in the Queen City. Mr, acd Mrs. Ervin came home from Indiana by way of Cincinnati. McClary is an Irishman and is full of Irish wit and liumor, If you miss him you will inm one of the best lectures we have bad in town for years. The Boaad of Health was in session Tuesday •evening, wheu the re-ap­ pointed members were sworn in. Millard Hhroades was elected as clerk, George Winter retiring, and Marlin Denney superceeded Dave McFar­ land as sanitary police. - At the council meeting last Mon­ day evening A1 Cliue and George Shroades were re-appointed ns mem­ bers of the board of health. —The top of the heap is Pratt’s Poultry Food because its the only true and tried regulator for poultry. Hold by Andrew Bros. & Co. Japan’s new gold fields are begin­ ning to attract considerable attention They were only’ recently discovered, so far as a t present defined, and em­ brace a territory of about (550 square miles. The gold is found in the small Streams . and rivers. rising in the mountains, and it is obtained in the most primitive manner by washing the sand. If Grant county bad a few moun­ tains they could certainly lie used to a great advantage. “ Bow” Hadley and hi*. subjects could go up there and hold their meetings without dos­ ing the doors. And then it the “ I nmn aud “Billy” Dunlap, of Gas City, or any of the other regular attendere at these love feasts,' would desire to go out and have a 'good time together they could do it. and no person would know anything about H,-—Daily Leader, Marion, Ind, • During his recent trip south Joe Vanhorn purchased 1700 acres of land near Enterprise, Aliss., Ii00 acres of which is fine timber.—Echo, South Charleston. Charleston lias one man who I think is deserving of praise, He is most unassuming quiet business man I know of and yetis one o f the most successful. I refer to Joseph Van­ horn, the well known hard wood lum­ ber man. 1 knew “Joe” twenty years ago ivhen lie was with a Dayton, firm cutting timber, a few years afterward he was taken as a partner with D- 8. Ervin, <>f Ced irville, ami for several years has been going it alone, aud has made as much money as any biisi-, ness man in Chirk county iu that time. He has big contracts with the Pan­ handle, Big Four mid Ohio Southern roads, besides furnishing large quau tities of lumber to our county com­ missioners and the shops of Dayton and Springfield, Just one little in­ stance this week shows that Air. Van­ horn pays the very ;top price tor tim­ ber whether the seller is'poBted or not. Last Monday a timber buyer for the Standard Oil Company called.mi Air. John Kin kin ami wanted thirty-four oak trees in his pasture near town. He Stated that lie could give more than anybody and wrote a bid of $1451, . It wasn’t long until Air." Van­ horn'dropped in the bank and Air. Kankiu told him to look at the trees and see what they were worth to him, but di l not give the StaudnriL Oil figures. Joe wen.t through them and made bis report, tie would give $225. He. of coarse, got them and only bid what they were actually worth. It’s simply n lesson to our farmeis that home people are the ones to trade with aud that Joe Van­ horn still stands at the top as a buyer of timber. — .Springfield Republic- Times. • Seth Brown is earring his jolly to the limit by introducing a bill iu Congress to give Xenia a $100,000 public building. While the Press wishes Xenia all kinds of good luck, yet we think there is about as much chance of securing the prize as Seth has for a third term.-—-Jamestown Press. ■ mm Profitable Reading Cedarville Bank Sold. On Alonday of this week the Ce­ darville bank with all its deposits, notes, mortgages, furniture, etc., were sold to the Exchange Bank. Mr, G, W. Harper has been engaged In the banking business here for about fifteen years, and has conducted a safe, reliable institution for banking pur­ poses, The Exchange bank is a compara­ tively new institution, but by its thorough business qualities has al­ ready gained its share of the banking business of the town, and is perfectly capable r f manging all the needs of the village in that line. The furniture from the Cedarville bank will be removed to the room oc­ cupied by the Exchange bank where it will continue to do business. ' Tho sale was negotiated by Mr. A. Bradford. Wanted—Salesman and Collector. A gentleman of good address who can give good reference ar.d furnish (a horse in the business can secure steady employment at good wages by addressing J. G. B rown , 20 West Third fit. * Dayton, O, The furnace people are at work put­ ting in some new pipes in the Opera House. Two more registers will bo put on tho first floor, tho company claiming that the furnaces made more lic-at than the pipes could carry off. There is to bo a mass meeting at the court bouse, Xenia, to-day at 1:80 p, in to discuss the question of building a now court bouse or repair­ ing the old one. Air. Hanna, of Idaville, Ind., is here for tho purchase of a farm. He expects to locate here in order to get the advantage of’ our schools and churches, <5. M. Crouse was iu Columbus, yesterday. Unde Tom's Cabin, Opera House, here, Feb, 15. IS OUR ADVERTISEMENT. Groceries. 17^ lbs Granulated Sugar for $1.00 18* lbs A. Sugar for 1.00 5 fos C)ackers for .25 Gmiin of Wheat per package .15 Grape Nuts, 2 packages for .25 California Honey Drip Syrup per*gal, .25 Potatoes, per bu. .00 Ginger Snaps, 31bs (best made) .25 Cora Evaporated 3 lbs for .25 3 lbs Rolled Oats for .10 Pickles (great big ones) pet doz. .10 Produce. We pay 13c doz, for Eggs. We pay 17c lb for Butter. We pay 7*c lb for Bacon. Ladies $1,00 Wrappers for Ladies $1,20 Wrappers for Ladies $1.50 Wrappers for .75 1.00 1.25 Dry Goods. ks) per yd «jt| Calico (blue) per yd. Gingham (apron cnee Fleeced Wrapper Goods per yd. jr( Outing Glotu 5, 8£ & 10c, pryd Laces & Embroidery-—Our new spring line of these goods ore in -stock. Bargains In Biaukets regular price 50c pair now ■ M \ Blankets regular price $J,00 pair now . . .J,,i Bed Comforts regular price $1 cadi now J Bed Comforts regular price #1.50 each, now 81.201 Overcoats, Men’s $8 50 ones at (5.00] Duck Coat*. Alen’s $2 ones at 1.00; BIRD’ S MAMMOTH STORE P. B .—Premiums given. Ask for tickets. % ASituation.'' j Wheiryoit have sonic intention of * building do you not first seek a deeir- j able location? do you want an old, frame or it rain beaten brick- on the] right h?ud, on (he rear a few low frame dwellings or the Washington t .-pe and a play-house which is a dis­ credit to any ’>town regardless of size.- ou the left a handsome business build­ ing, aud u few two story shed rool buildings on the front, a few two and three story buildings that are not even in harmony with your aid debipidated struetute? Would you wan t toj ex­ pend several thousands dollars and have these surroundings? Take this unto yourself. This is what we think in regard to a new court house. I t is the home of our county officials and the plan will apply one place as 'well as another. I f all the surroundings could he p u r in comparison with a new court house we would heartily endorse the expenditure of u judicious sum of money for u county court bouse, but as i t is we take the ground that a city whose streets are so filled with mire that it is nearly impossible tor the pedestrian te get across, and with a bonded indebtedness large enough to wrap herself up in about twice and the surrounding property that will hardly compare with that o f the oldest villa in the county. We say that such a building aB the p ro ­ posed one would look like one ot New York’s Fifth Avenue mansions placed in the heart of our eastern suburb. O ln o ln n a g f Division, ls^i®alV8niaLines. ’Scheduleo*PasaengerTratns-CentralTlaa. -* 'Westward. a I 'll M{ 7- :t t is» ■ a m ] AM?M^I'M I'MII? ..... IV a r '7 WiSCo"i25 »44Eltf Alton ...... . . -,4 ;C15 45fsft. Wftlt *4 •3tf! j 924, 5031^ ........ . tl 753| 939 3O' 522;lv Ho.. Cburles oii 31519Sat s«a=3 Helimi . . “ 10OS 55 i:t Odurville___ 4> •1013i Wllberforco___ It f „ jifflza dSoii-i? Xonin ......... . ( ar. C4tfia2S 855;io37; 3It 3! 6 6 llna 625^3 Spring Valley .. ■4 1422 ! .. 1050! 83."hS It»xanim . ..... . . 'l0!54! .* VVnyiif-svlllo 1437f9101103, B4«|S Orpgoula .......•/. ■<«. 1153; , . j 11,14' Pori Ancient 4 tiUzz 17in -- Morrow....... , it 00> S3011S5. 435 7 Bonlli l^banon i* 3... ! ‘1143: 7? z K- Loveland__ ti &35lOOl;i2Dl! 4M Milford............ It .4 . J220f (7t5=Z HatavlaJo........ *4 l ' 112134' 'ib t s Ctnclunntl.... lit- 6331045 10S 540 830, S AM!AMj I’M | l‘M mti ? Eastward. C in c in n a ti lv HaijivtaJc... “ Milford ..... “ Loveland.... “ Bo, Lebanon “ Morrow...... “ Ft. Ancient ** Oregouia !• Wnynesvlllti Hosanna-... “ Hpr’g Valley •* Xenia... | Jf; Wilberforce Codarvlle..... “ Holina..,.;....,. " (rath Ckiurbtlttt " London....... “ W. Jefferson “ A lton........... « Coinm bns ar. 31, e i 3 » i ».i>| AMj I'M j Wl J !.'(!„ V AM iS<0j*3o0*1 f604 618 635 654 705 f714 720 72? 741751 1M»420:.*800^| 1 » 1 8 : : - 1007 7581012 «05 .. 812,.. 821 183$■ 8501057 9051 ... 9IS.... 9351130] AM| AM ■ 3 | r (946.1 10 Is am lOlfiniMj Mi20121 S7K12O512S0 | m | PM| AM| r>i| ? Bttwitn SCrlnDHtld, Xtitla, Dayton, RkhmMit. AM WESTWARD. Sprlngflald Telia* S;ring»..“ X en ia .najrtoa, Brookvilla. Eldorado.....*• Richmond....Ar, I» ilOl id EASTWARD ^ --------- Eldorado Brodtrill,..'' Dayton Xonta j?' ?M AM,1*550j t 0 * 10 jl: ........... 1613642715 ...JUIO 715,imil 10 7501 461135 755jS§ASI 81&21? ' 835; AM (AM *739 754! 819 *400 820*05010^45 *30 865 917"“ 43D8E5 917 922. .. 949 530:10101025 amt; an.304aid PMI I'M|PH| I'M A 31 1130 AM m iwo iir $5451073 , p . m !in CHICHESTER'S EMBUSN PENNYROYAL P U I ■Rkniilg&fci PUBLIC SALE. The undersigned will offer for sale' smijssif« at public aUCtton at tbclate residence J ■5ml»j slop, b itrya H ilu lu p n a r g n n a in i «a of Amos W Creswell, deceased, onei %V«p‘ mile east of Cedarville, O , Wcdnes-j aitMj'iigMTasMJliSa 12.00 mid^kt Ula^acea.* * BraH.s,.T,dl ,;)ivlnColmn- through Pius. , , . . . , --------------- — . . omJlnltlmore, chattels of said deceased, consisting in ; Washington, Philadelphia mm How1York, _ Ufa*, ft, *01 M d St connect at Richmond for part ot: ; Indianapolis and 8t. Louis- K m , a t and I r , 1 . - .. ! forChicago: X*. M l for Logansport. Sixteen horses and colts, consisting 1 . r. . , , . . „ f . I i . F. I OBEE, E. A, FORD, of two family driving horses, / work; eMmnhsapr, swniiaMHwipd horses and brood mares, 2 roadsters; 12 - 10 - 9 ^ 1 * P ittsburgh ,P kxs ’ a . and 5 weanling colts; 27 head of cat-! tie, consisting of 13 milch cows, 8; f*;glnA *pp»y to *17 giving milk and 5 fresh soon; 1 year* ] . . .......................... ling red polo lieifer, 0 heifer calves, 1 4 steer calves; 25 sheep, consisting 24 [ breeding owes and 1 buck; 8 hogs, consisting ot 1 brood sow aud 7 shouts; fanning utensils, consisting of 1 Mc­ Cormick binder, 1McCormick mower, 1 Barlow check rower corn planter, 1 wfieat drill, I riding plow, 3 break-; ing plows, 1 bay fork and rope, 1 buggy, Xlight wagon, 2 cultivators, 2 ’pair of bay ladders, 1 hay rake, disc barrow, 2 barrows, 1 corn _______ ____ _______ feheller, 1 feed wagon, 1 road wagon, j 1 f*!dlr 1 l>%'gy pole. I «et of double buggy i , IM . •*. harness, 1 set of single buggy harness, 3 sets of work harness, 1 gravel bed, hog houses, 750 oak pickets; 300 bushel of corn in crib, 40 shocks of corn in field, 8 tons of bay, 250 dotilde shocks of fodder and 4 ricks of straw; household goods, consisting of parlor and dining room furniture, aud other articles too numerous fo mention. Terms of Hale:—All sums of $3 or less, cash; above that Stuff a credit of six mouths, with two approved sure­ ties. J ames II. I rwin * Executor of the estate of Amos W. Creswell, deceased. S, T. linker, Auct, It. F. Kerr, Clerk. W ANtEli f%mal Blight and M«n*stf*r»: wms torvptwntus », Mans*** la tfci« *«* *■'<*> hyr.,naM*s. Salary n ?MrAnd StOilaht, Hoftt S4«,ymwwa.Mil^ CAlAvy. P, l i *nMH«nt . Out n*rW**,l •ay hMiltjk MT t«W«. 11 T*MAtsI* *•*,[ «Mt a—<a»»4 $t hm** I u O mbm w I atawiaaWaMmiiA mmiiti 1 T hs BawraiMi 0*«r,»r. Rayt.'t, o' a*®***1 * « * •. Atnaya V'liAblaTkluitMk__ ___ 4 'R K M H W e R S la R e l r f « *M metallic bo*«, tttM i with bill# »»**■ «M»•(«**.- K*KbM« »■*«*• mi M mma Imllaiiawh Ttayef.voarCnMrkA or svna 4«. InMann*Sir Partlralar*. T«aM> • l i t SfnstiiHHi r m i L FA* Mentis*|M« T« b C«*t'a Wortliif Er«mttev. If yon are subject to colds, the very host tiling you can do is to keep your system in as open and perfect con­ dition as possible. I f yon do this veil are much Jess liable to take c;>1d. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is A* pleasant to take as pure maple syrup and is the most effective stoaisck remedy to lie had. Trial sizes, H* (10 doses lO cts); large sizes, 50c I I . a t C. M. Ridgway, druggist. mmu 1 MMftis* Wheat........ Corn Butter........ HjtgSa , t nickftia... .. Hog* Cattfo..... .. m »a****^J'*YRfi * 4 *»**»•«>*#* 15 ***»«” tile V m T HiNTtiTing ItttAs «HffM CMMty, mm k $ ttw m u & tw en t y - th ird y It ’s a a r e S u p e r io PHILANTHROPI frMftteB Instructing tlir ] j ^ l b i - t l l e c n of Oifterciiij of the War Probieml I*' 1 ona*e«aa *»»*9 **»^ ............... . , 3 . -).&.,», 4* When the war between tl .•lid the Boers broke out tensely interested. t rel thing I could find, on thJ studied lip the history of tl vaal, learned when it wa*s fi| got the former war dowr point, in fact kept reading j ing until 1 knew all the ' wherefores of the present! knew just which side w| wrong, and which in the rl of which, I was aware the the American people wej ignorant. True, some oj lived as. I did, but the! give tin intelligent rensol ‘•faith’*that was in them! many were on the ivron^ gether. These must be cc the error of their wnys.j must lie instructed. So, I started out upon thankless mission. I kj ought to go upon the p| people wouldn’t kuo’wof 1 and superior wisdom; a| wouldn’t come to liear tore. I concluded that more good to the world aj brethren more by' privs tion. True, I bad writl extensive editorial for leading papers of the the editor was a eonceite thought he knew mor Boer wur than I did,: manuscript back. The first fellow I app r| short, thick, heavy-set bull-dog order. Ju st , from his obstinate appeal the Wrong view of the] I tried ray best to tell state of affairs, bu t be to me. He said that l | Wbat I was talking al bad Bpent months etui problem. I told him l | blankety-blank idiot, was a brazen-Fuced liar| bis remarks with his fi^ eyes. Wheu I came had carried me home was tied up in arnica. A fter this adventuj anything about the tor several days, my * Instructing the Amerj most discouraged mej most constrained tol American people caj noratil numskulls for bu t finally my patrij for my fellow beings started out agaiu. The nex t lei low I aj good friend of mini wouldn’t do n.e bwj listened patiently to s iy and gave assent | mciits. I spent on him and loft him feel public benefactor, however. I came u | where he was fellow. The lYHovzl him what he knouj war, and be replto know anything nbJ be Caught right <>ti came over bis Safe tl over one when he kj h u r t another’s ferj ' the fact that heM Snstructiona of fbt WsS willing to give ■ o f my vftluab.e fimj ho mm io ft hurry H ts wifo had Rent- tNHkpfo of pounds oj h ttnyh em o . S o l p r o pW y ^ tlA ‘ ^ 1 Ignorant: wwly tiicsc tlutigM wellfotf m iM fol o f those I tlmt ats. ahakiog] Mm. Aytaiumy< m 4 1 folt complt W lth ihm s tw a i tk4