The Cedarville Herald, Volume 23, Numbers 1-26

ftM Haired Fresbyt#m* «w*r*fA» tie* at AWxW, IttiaoM, Rev. Yktor Kyi#, paster, bm tow* aogsgfd lately in ImUdiag » tmi »«w church, and bop* to aoott bav* it completed? Mr, Fetera, the man who iVreooeil the Firet U, E, and Second U. I*, ehurebte o f tliia city, has been eu* gaged to finish the walls of Ihis new ^•iitiu* .Rev, and M in K v I c , bulb ilum tlvV county, are “citing atoag nio«ly in Alexia --RtpuMicau. ■ J m y * " * * w '5sp*jSF^**7: MePlary tonight. --Teas, Coffee and Cigar* at Gray’# Mr, Vinoe Uakestraw wan here the first of tile week. .—Blackberries, Gooaeherjrie#,Rasp­ berries, Beans a t Gray's, Mr. and Mrs, Will Torrence and wife were in town the (attar part of last week. , , ' I B N E Y —I f your cow is out ofJoomHtion get “KowKure” of Andrew Bros, & Co. , f iY-STEfl f< O f f l e e •;• HAV.S OXX.V; In uirniluno b u r work in illn mnl vieipify wn it: , 'I.ATK w itbati- tM>igkeift guide S , / filling. ['iiinlcs* Extriic- elb nro ordered. Dental Office Vn Ifnililing. XEXTA, OHIO. ■ m e . N C E C O . iv Y o r k . , ual Statement, 1899 . of A sse ts: . being 1st $ Wl,H87.IH 1,774,924.04 1,010,760.00 id ,500.1.0 1,093^6».OO 83,200.00 152.982.00 4. 847,535.00 314.700.00 105.500.00 11 bio on de* 212,350.00 . nd in hnnds 128 , 125.00 rued on 1st 577,198,80 47,914.21 $12,457,028,52 llitles: $3,000,000.00 nd 4,103,223.10 Renner and 649.9ll.8I 4.8*4,793,71 $12^157.928.62 ly holder* ( 7 , 840 , 292.71 ILEM AN S ; tent, - OHIO. irant Dining R ooms \ Limestone street, AKVILLiJ, to., IUSKKRS, p . 00 , O, W, Harder, ttf vicepres. INKOTOBY 1 3 . F . Mcttuii* Foater. SabliMh Uchwl at ,'Eev. W. J.g*R4«f»on, lies a t 11-00 *. m . ffsli* IF. O. ficsi. Mitw. fer« ‘iod V;00 ft. T*. i»*kb»th sdsr .1 time. atf, f j *»** h , i*#»* 8 »«, tn. And 7 : 1 # » , *» ,t 12:00, P a b te lh a te re l AU.1 viait'/r* MtdHslly A.K. Maddox, Faster. m, hflU.atli Avtoei enfe’e ineaUnf »*#:4# • Wednesday strrela* ,Mr. f r.!?w»n, f*»Wt ^reaching aUHceteefc FcBouJ At S iM f b tt. gfctr Wedsesdsy *»$«t at Mi rMZtcM* <MSrrtKA ■S?!»3d*Vr t OTtWiM bo . Everytoirfte fa- , !>«.*«» ia cteei*. there in»«le, tret sin Avenue, « , Toofi, , —MdrshitU can care for more rigs than any other Livery Stable in Xenia. Mr. and Mrs, J , C. Barber enter* tained quite a number of their friends at dinner, Thursday. Ttie world is calling for American manufactures at, the rate of over $ 1 , 000,000 n day^' Mr. and' Mrs. Benton Barber gave * a dinner to a party' of their friends , and relatives, Friday. * —“Until some truer” and greater . p la y of the same c I hsb ia written it will stand as the example of the high* tst type of the American, natural I>r. Washington Gladden, a promi nsnt minister of Columbus, has an­ nounced himself as candidate for council of that city. He says that the affairs are in such a serious condition and that so ninny of the councilman go there for what there is in it that he thinks it is time for the Christian people of the cities and town#, to come to the front in the management of municipal affairs. The intercollegiate oratorical con* test was held in Springfield, Wednes­ day evening. For the first time in her historyvWitteuberg succeeded in taking first place. Mr. Arthur Grin- gel!, its representative, having the highest grade! Mr. David Yule, of Wooster University secured second place. „ . . . The Temperance Committee of the First , M. E. Church, Xenia, have secured Rev, G. R. Stuart, the Tennessee evangelist, to deliver his. celebrated sermon on the “ Arraign* ment of the Liquor Traffic ,"1 in the church on.Wednesday evening, Feb­ ruary 21,, at 8 o'clock. All are in­ vited. —-Sheep dip of ail kinds at l 1. M« Bldgway's. Attend the - lecture at- the opera honse tonight, *- Gray keeps nothing hut Hie beet in hie line of goods, —Builders and General Hardware, ! at M. 1’u.UiA. J . Amin' a Itr-* sold t«> <1, S\\ Mar- tiu, of Richland City, Wisconsin, fit 0 head of Red Polled cattle, they were shipped Monday. • Mr. W, L. Clemans expects to op. en up an office in Jamestown about the first ofMarch. Mr. Homer Wade will take charge of the office. ‘The two literary societies of the college will hold a Washington Birth* .day social in the two society halls next Thursday evening. The annual convention Of the Greene County Sabbath School Asso­ ciation will he held in the Reformed church, Xenia, Thursday, March 1 . The Philadelphian Literary Society will give a Mock Trial in their hall, Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. All are cordially invited, - Admission 10 cents. t fHfSf Facts and Fancies. % dramas.'”—Brooklyn Eagle. U r. j . O. S t e w a r t , Physcian The Xeuiu council has granted the Rapid Transit Hue a right of way over Market Street and the Cedar- ville pike to the corporation limits, for a traction line to this place, work to commenced with in six months and completed in a year. and Surgeon. Specialist in E y e a n d E a r. G la s s e s A c c u r a t e ly A d ­ ju s ted , S.vrisKAC'noy G u a r a n ­ t e e d , McClary .is an Irishman and is full of Irish wit and humor. If you miss him you will mite one. of the best lectures we bave had in town for years. Frauk Coe, of Springfield, who more than a month ’ago shot and killed.his wife and then attempted suicide, was found guilty of man­ slaughter last Saturday, The jury Was out 51 hours. - —“ ‘Shore Acres* is, in style, method and construction, ah distinctly symbolic as any one of Maeterlinck's tragedies. ‘Shore Acres* isa.beauti- fill play. "—Chicago News. —Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Va., soys, “Nothing did me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose relieved me, a few bottles cured me." It digests what you eat and always cures dyspepsia. Ridgway A Co., Druggists, A week (go last night Rev. A. D, Maddox officiated at a marriage at Clifton The contracting parties were Mr. W. 0 , Bedell, of Criders- ville, O., and Mias Rebecca Berg, of Clifton, Immediately after the cere­ mony the happy couple left for their fature home at Crideriville. The latest is an automobile fore- cartiage which enables manufacturers or owners of carriage* to convert their vehicle# into automobiles by detach­ ing the front wheels and substituting aiwo-wheel motor. In reality it is no more than a traction engine with this difference that it Carrie* part of the load. The last number of the lecture course will be a lecture by Rev,' The* McClary, tonight on the subject, -The Mission of Mirth.” He out­ lines hie subject a* follows: “Why we iaugh. How we laugh. What welaugh at, 1 hop* to atdet peo­ ple to nee the faculties with which the Creator has endowed them for their own and other*# good” Meedames Wolford and Crouse Spent a delightful day in Springfield, Thursday* T h e y were entertained by Mrs, Remsburg, eister of Mrs. Wol­ ford. In the afternoon their hostess entertained her literary club. A good program was rendered and de­ licious refreshment* served. In the evening a number of other Indy friend# sailed and the evening wai spent playing earem. A very quiet wedding took plane Monday evening a t the home of Mr. and Mr#- CH*wd Kaye#, the contracting parti## heiag Mr. Boone Hine# and Mi## Mary fasHk the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Jno, Smith, t h e bride hrnked her beet attlm in white Indian BMt and were whiteslippers, t h e greent were the wmvimtlortal Mwifc- OMjyniwr of their most Intbnalt JHen* were present, JUv. Vla#»nt ftreiih J*»< the nuptial l i e t . CnwgpfifiMMH* foUowWI, aft## whtsh MPfi dfe happy lift* The Third Bi-Monthly Meeting of the Greene County Teachers' Asso­ ciation for year 1899-1900 will be held in the Higli School Room, Xenia, February 17b, 1900. .-^ , . Roy Hamilton, the hoy horse thief, has been granted another trial. It seems useless to attempt to try to cou- vict a criminal in these days, a man may steal Under the eyes of another and yef he will lie liberated; Public Sale:—On Saturday, Feb. 17, at 1 o'clock I will sell a t public tele at my residence on South Main Street, farm stock und implements, also household furniture. Mrs. W. C. Stanley. Dr. P. R. Madden, Practice lim­ ited to BYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Olnsses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.—Office No, 72, Re»l 4 ence No, 37. *** —“So much has been written about ‘Shore Acres’ since its fint production several reasons ago, that it is difficult to find /fresh words to ret forth its rasnifotd beauties.”—Omaha Bee. The two traction Hues between Xenia and Dayton have reduced the fare to 30 cents for a round trip. The railroad still maintains its old rate of 90 cents for'the round trip. Quite a large crowd attended the Creswell sale, last Wedne day. Sev­ eral from a distance were there and made purchase*. The stock sold remarkably well, Mr. and Mrs. A, M. Tonkinson en­ tertained a number of their friends, yesterday. The older people were entertained for dinner, and their younger friends in the evening. A fox drive at Waynesville one day last week was well attended. About 800 participated which, were, successful In capturing three foxce. For Bale—My dairv business, wagon, cans, etc. Business in a flour ishing condition. Price very reason able. Charles Nagley. Mr. and Mrs. E . A. Atkins, who have been visiting Mr. and Mr#, W«, J . WiMman for reveral week#, have returned to their home in Iowa, George Hannabery'a tele waa fairly well attended Thursday- Stock sold at fair prioee, there seemed to be a de­ mand for cattle. Misses Anna Smiley and Jennie Bratton (pent last Saturday in Char­ leston the gussf of J , O. McMillan and family. The old play, ‘Uncle Tom’a Cabin*, was given to a fair aiaed audience in the opera house, Thursday evening. Miss Mary Templeton spent last Friday In Dayton, the guest of her sister Emma. Disinfectant, everything in that line can be got at U. M. Ridgway’#. Will DuflWW, of Dayton* epant Sabbath with hi*mother. —L# 4 W mw style pocket hooks at C, M. RWgway’i, MsMteimt salt a t C. M, RM* wajfc —I f f « t Wkmt anything «and,gn Mr. Nonl TKoniue, of London,made an nssignment last Friday. Hie loss is caused by his generosity in going .security. Assets $12000 liabilities 810000. Representative McClellan intro­ duced a bill for the purchase by the United Btntes of the Erie Canal and its .enlargement toallowo! navigation by war-ships. The lecture had the usual .charac­ teristics of Mr. McOInry’s style, at one moment deathly solenwi, at the next tearfully pnlhetic.and frequently sublimely rediciilous. — Minneapolis Tribune, • Farmers in nearly every North­ eastern state are planting ■out trees along with their peaches and pears, and are utilizing the hillsides, where nothing else will grow, for nut orchards. ■ Several hundred . Belgian hares have been shipped to Chicago, pre­ sumably tor breeding purposes, These hare's are sold by English poultry dealers ns a substitute for chicken and turkey. Ou Monday of this, week, William Dean sold his farm to Mr. Hauna, of 'IdaviUe, Indiana. Mr. Hanna is to take possession about {he first of March, and will move his family here at that time. The consideration was 88000. I have heard Rev, George It. Stuart’s sermon on Temperance. It is the most terrific arraignment of the liquor traffic and the moBt powerful delineation of the evils of iutem- ance to which I have ever listened.' C iias B G alloway . Judge Thompson, of the Federal court at Cincinnati instructed the jury to bring in a verdict for the de­ fendant in the case of Jolui Sweeney against the Barney & Smith Car Co., of Dayton, Sweeney was caught by a shaft and whirled around losing both bis legs, several years ago. The suit was for 830,000 und u notice of appeal was given, Representative Horace Ankeny has introduced a bill requiring all street railroads to be of the same standard gunge and the life of a fran­ chise to be only 25 years; fra icliises to be sold to the highest bidder. Where one roiid is not over 500 feet from another or one road crosses another transfers must be given. Transfers to be good only for the one fare, 2hm hi Town. A couple of ministers of the Dowie persuasion held divine (?) service in opera house, Tuesday and Wednes­ day of this week. Their discourses, all the ,way through, bordered on the rediculous. I t seemed to he tlnir desire to amuse and entertain their audience rather than instruct them in the truths of Christianity. Of course the gist of all their teaching was that bodily afflictions can be healed by faith. Right here is the great objec­ tion to the views of this church. In all preaching and talk'they dwell ou the heating of the body, leaving al­ most untouched the great principles of Christianity—the principles for which Christ lived and died. I f the power to work miracle is given to anyone in this world, we believe that it will be given to those who follow the teachings of Christ, more closely. *** Ha#t hamaisa A professor in one of our western universities has )>ecii carrying on a series of experiment# to prove that an ant can hear. Even though it esn- 1 not hear it can givt many people some ‘ .•rihiuhlc I'jiointens.'' j WI mmi fo Bm jk t Hemeto* prire, j My pa and mu havejoined a club, and every week they meet, And then next day pa kicks about the things they had to eAij 1 , , . t Ho says that cakes and salad make j w icn mt yearn of age on a L:i<-t Saturday evening the “ Boy ( Tramp,” arrived in town and spent j the night her?, lie. left California i Mrs. Ola 8 . Frantz teacher ofPiano and Organ him sick, and that's wrong j from the Associated Press for lnutl (Boston.) Motlm'd T ubr I it One o( the largest diamonds ever found is one known ns the “ Star of the South.” It weighs 254 carats and was picked up by a negreas in Brazil. The “Koh-i-neer,” another noted dia. tnond, hn# a history, according to tradition, that goes back for 5,000 years. might just as well hot play Mu’s won three prizes, but pa claims she can't play, just the same; “ It's always them that’s greCn,” he says, “ that’s euro to win the game! It is said that the Baldwin Loco­ motive Works have received an ^order for ten passenger locomotives which must be finished some time during the early summer. They are to be used on French State Railways. This thing of foreign countries giving our locomotive builders their orders be­ cause American workmen construct a better locomotive than the European builders, is getting to be so common that it does not seetu wonderful. Aud it is the same witbVmny of our manu­ factured products. ■ • 3W* Wednesday was valniitine day and the usual number of the Saint’s mis. gives were sent. Some who wished to impress their faults upon their ftiends in an anonymous way sent the cheap comical youths, through whosfe hearts the first darts .of cupid’s arrows hud pierced, sent the soft sickening ones, the kind iu which two hearts are joined in an indissoluble, union, de­ scribed by fitting words of trashy poetry, and then waited nround the post office to see how the recipient looked when she received it. Some sent beautiful tasty valentines to their friends expressing, real friendship and love, . • Why! If I held the cards you bold, I’d just shut my eyes Aud promise every time I played to carry off a prize I But what’s the difference, anyway, I only play for fun, And wouldn’t give a snap for all the prizes you have won.” “There’s little science in the games , these clubs, play, anyway; I ’ts just hull-beaded luck, that’s all” na said the other day. But late last night, when they got home, I knew right off that pa Had won or something by the way I heard him talk to ilia! “I tell you what,” he said, ns they . rj.cnme stumbling through the ball. “ It’s scientific playing tells nt this game, after a ll! It’s but not the prize 1 care about what I like to show , Is that luck can't knock science out;” and then he stubbed bis toe! I thought the house was falling down, and wa she hollered “Oh!” Aud pn he said a lot of things—--I shan’t repeat them, though! But ybeu we sat at breakfast I asked pa who won the prize; He pointed nt a broken plate aud tears came in his eyes nsli for anything or to purchase any thing. He simply gives bis story, and if the people sec fit to give him any­ thing, he has the right to accept it. He was also to have made 85,000 in bis journey which as be received Was to be- sent in. He already has turned in 84,500. He has from now till August 1st to travel 1900 miles. If he arrives there on time he gets lus 85000 (hat he has turned in, and the $5,000 from the Association. If he is late, he loses all. He relates fnany interesting tilings about his journey. The Association has a route mapped out in which ho is to travel, and another man comes along to see if he ’ lias lived up to the requirements. Every town he goes to he must get papers from the mayor 'or hotel keeper certifying that he has done as ordered. He has two trick dogs that he car­ ries with him in other states—this state forbidding a tramp to carry, a dog—^with which.he gives public ex­ hibitions. He has received a con­ siderable amount iu donations from this fact. “Well,. never mind,” nia said to pa, proved that you can ‘I mu; Rev,. A. D. Maddox tells quite a good story on himself. He says that' once upon a time be attended an old fashioned darkey camp meeting. In due course of time the collection was, taken up. Mr. Mnt'dox says that lie happened to have a five dollar gold piece, and a two cent piece in his pocket, As the plate passed he threw in what lie thought was the two-cent piece. The next day he went to take some money ,out of his pocket, mid instead of the five dollar., coin he ex­ pected to find, there was the copper piece. He began to wouder if he could have put the gold into the col­ lection basket by mistake, and meet­ ing the deacon he asked him if he hnd found n coin of that denomination among the collection, “Yes, Bah,” replied the darkey, *‘I did so and I just ’lowed dere was some mistake about it. I knciwcd dere wasn’t nobody fool enough to put dnt much money in de collection so I just slipped it out, und 1 got it home now, and I’ll give it back ter yer if yer wants it.” "you've play.” know I have,’! pu said to “ they knew that anyway!” And then he took the prize again v and looked at it awhile, Aud .sadly said he,. “ bet it cost a handsome little pile! ” ‘ I guess it did, ina said, and so she showed him where and how, The’d marked it down to thirty cents, and then there was a row*, And I’m afraid the happy home we had is ruined now, 1 —Chicago Times-Horald. Court llous e’Echos, The situation in regard o a new court house, seems to he where it was after the election last Spring, Hon. Andrew Jackson was made hhninnun of the meeting hist Satur­ day afternoon. Many influential citizens from diff­ erent parts of the county attended the meeting. Judge Hawes called the meeting at the request of a number of county gentlemen who called on him in a body. R. Hood spoke in opposition to a new court house, thought the old house was good enough, favored re­ pairs to the amount of from $7,000 to* $ 10 , 000 . HH'.llOttot Tw in Reasonable*, ilMesivtol T e c u m s e h N u r s e r ie * , C kdarvilw :, - - - Onto. XEJ1IAOPERAHOUSE (*, L. McClellan, Mgr. Monday, February 26. James A. Herne’s Beautiful Flay, Shore Acres. Direction of Henry O. Miner, Carrying a car load of special scenery. Order your tickets by mail. The Rakerstraw property ’was bid in by W. J. Tarbox, last Saturday for $540, Prices 25,50,75c and $1.00. Roy Osllins, lias gone to Wyoming, Iowa, to spend the.coming spring and summer. • Geo. A. McClellan, a former citi­ zen of this place, hut now advertising 'manager of the Springfield Fnblifeh- ng Co., is reported, to be very ill. The Columbus and Xenia Traction Co., was incorporated at Columbus with $10,000 capital. John Little, A. Wickersham, A. G, Carpenter, F. E. McGervey and A. 8 . Frazer. ■Mr, iiiid Mrs. G. E< Jobe and wife entertained a party of their friends at their home east of town, Wednesday eve. Partners for 6 upper were found by matching comic valentines. The occiif in celebrated Mr. and Mrs. Jobe’s wedding, anniversary. Albert Blade was found iu a buggy ai; the rear of Bird’s, grocery, yester­ day evening. He was under the in­ fluence of liquor to such an extent that he was entirely helpless. He was removed by an officer and placed where lie could sober up. NOTICE. There will lie a meeting of the residents of Cednrvilie Township at the Mayors office, tonight at 7. o’clock p. in., to select a committee­ man to represent this township and the committee, provided for in the convention held last Saturday in ref­ erence to tho court house question. H. II. Eavey opposed patching up the old building, Thought it better to apply ,the money on a now one. Mr, Walker Williamson thought it no use to spend money on the old building. “Not if it Were My Boy.” Some years ago the h:to Horace Mann, tho eminent c.-lue.itor, delivered an address at, »!mopening of some re­ formatory institution for hoys, during which he remarked that if only one boy was saved from ruin it would pay for nil the cost and care and labor of establishing such an institution as that, . After the exercises had closed, in private conversation, a gentleman rallied Mr. Mann upon his statement, aud said to him: “Did you not color that a little when you said that all that expense and labor would berepnid if it only saved one boy?” “Not if it were my boy,” was tho solemn and convincing reply,” Mr. Oscar Bradfute thought the State Inspection business was a set up job. Stated that ho knew it would be a bitter pill for the, people to take, bnt might as well have it first ns last, and the sooner the “divide” was made among a certain few, tho sooner the question would be dropped. Hon. Horace Ankeney was present and made a speech. He favors re­ pairs, hut is in opposition until the ‘“ people” are heartily in favor of a new building. Mr. Ankeney unloaded some things in the meeting. that ground somewhat in a few of the “auditors’” ears. PaMte 8 ete at Heroes. To be held at McLaughlin’s Livery Stable* JamestoWn, Ohio, Saturday, Feb 24, 1900, at 12 o’clock (sharp), twenty-four head of good horses, con- dating of draft mare#, and geldings, general purpose mares, and gelding#, tom* nice roadster# and a few double team#. Terms: A credit of six areatlw, without interest, Lew Adair A O b . AT , Preaose# Postal Route. A route has been proposed to have a rural mail delivery in this section. Mr, Dinsmoro Collins being the ins­ tigator uf tho project. The route mapped out is about 25 miles in length. Farmers along tho lino heartily endorse this movement and all think it would prove a success both in convenience to tho farmers and financially to the government. The first route started from Xenia has more than paid tho oxptueses, some­ thing that is not generally done in any branch of the po#tat business. The projpored route takre in Clifton and possibly the Clifton offire would be diftbaadad If tho promoter# are sue- oresfttl in gattiag tire postal author­ ities in wtaMieMag this m r t t Judge Dean made a very neat nd dress, lieing docidely. against a new buildiug. That the floors and vaults were in good condition. Tho Judge is certainly in a position to know for ho is constantly about the building and bus never noticed signs of the structure giving away. With tho ex­ ception of a few minor repairs the building is in a condition that would last for years. ■ Have you hoard how much money Xenia city was willing to put in the new court house? K Runaway, On Thursday just at noon a horse hitched to a buggy, belonging to Mr, William Bette, of Paddy’s Grossing, figured in a runaway. I t w «9 tied to the rack in front of Mr, Gray’s grocery, and broke loose and ran down Xenia Avenue; When reached Dr. OglsW# the, buggy eel tided with the hitching .pout, with #ueh force ihat the horse jerked itself clear out of the harness not leaving a strap on it* hack, The top of tim bttggy wt e wwewhat m«*wl m i tire •hafts bidtete it tffttitVIMt, M4IKU HIWNttS. Wheat............. .**♦•(#! (?oni, *30 Gat#...«...».................. Butter..... ...... lilekeas.......... ...... ............... g a .................■•ts u n i ........... . •*#•■*•••••♦• C i n c i n n a t i DIvlElotu u ennsplvaniaLines. ,'i.ia c,t PassengerTratn*C#RtralTlMS. 3T *et ■VIlo. ...... ...... kV,‘s-t Jolli-inon .. '• t.m ilm ....... “u.'Olurlufl'oitv. “ Hoimu “ ('•.tn rv jllf..........•• \Viiburforca___ 303 Z l l S S I 7 ~? AM AM PM 924 ) 93^3M 9 X o r.a u ...........{ JJ; Spring Valley R *xunua Wayiiesyille .. " O regoula......... . “ Fort Ancient .... Morrow,, ........•- South Lebanon. -■* Loveland.,..'....,,... ** Milford.................“ Batavia J c ........“ C ln c liiD H 350 4.10 (422 ,758 (815 lo t ior 10 1010 ,^, _ 10(54 (43/(9:011 ' 8 40 8 55 it '4 43 E a stw a rd . C itic in tin tl iv ItatavlaJo... “ M ilford....... “ Loveland So. Lebanoa — Morrow.__ “ Ft. Ancient “ O regoniu;.... ‘* VVayncavlllo “ Koxanna„.:. Spr'g Valley *‘ X e n ia ... 15 v.' Wilberforce “ Cedarvile..... “ S elm a.......... “ Sbntit CkarlMUa. “ Iflindon........ *• W. Jefferson “ A lto n ..... .. “ C o liim b n s ar. 80 AM (5401 f 604 618 635 654 705 f 714 7 20 . 729 -» 930 '6301045 AM) am . pm AM ♦330 758 (805 812 821 (833 9>15 935 AM “TW I’nreentnse of Capital.’' «. ‘•In :ili gambling games,” said, an old- time sport, “there Is a percentage In favor of the ‘house.’ Anybody, except a bom fool, knows th a t a man eouldn’t afford to equip an establishment, hire help, pay rent anil defray all the hun­ dred nnd one incidental expenses un­ less he derived a profit th a t was based on some fixed principle and not de­ pendent on mere luck or chance. Ju st where the profit comes In, however, is somethin? th a t very few people un d e r stand. M ost'of them imagine it is de- rived from some slight advantage in th e arrangement of the game, such ns the 'zero’ numbers in roulette or the ‘splits’ in faro, hu t they a re very much mistaken. I t really depends on a prin­ ciple th a t applies to nil games alike, and m ight be termed the “percentage of capital.' “Strange a s it may seem, I could take a capital of $1,000 and begin pitching nickels, in which th e chances are per­ fectly even, letting th e players guess either way they wanted to and I would make a steady profit, day In and day out. The secret Is this: ‘The average player has only a limited amount of money, and a slight run of had luck wipes him out. He is obliged to quit, and somebody else takes bis place, v. l !e the house keeps right on through g 1 and had, continually dwelling Its r e .-ve w ith th e cash of the broken players. To simplify the matter, sup­ pose 1 have 100 pennies and you have one and we begin matching. One los# breaks you, bu t I can stand 100 losses before having to quit, Yotl may have n spin t of luck n t the start, b u t in tho long run t am morally certain to wipe you out. T hat principle o f the per­ centage of capital Is a t th e bottom of the profits of every gaming house in the world from Monaco to Long Branch.—K O. Time.*Democrat. 741 75110071012J 8501057 905| 1130AM f 11 14 11(22 11'30-436 ii ir 53510011201 461 544 m VM 1*4201*9 fi iSOt ii f \% 8 SC PM nil! ?fWk s z pi BetWMW Swlm#«M, XlitU.D WESTWARD. 8prlngRe! Ttlltw Spring}..*) Xenia Itnjrton BrookvlHn Eldornde..... EASTWARD MclrawniJIr. *8 50 ., Eldofid# “ “ BrookTiU,..-1 Dayton 46*1 Xinta TiUovSpgi." SprlogSold ir M AM TaOT n AM AM AM ♦735)764 815 M0d 820*850 430 855^917 430 865^917 ....1927;.... » 949| 53010101025 nraosi AH I 0 f 4 i 1130 AH K (813 , 642.. 715 . 715j1t} 750] 755)1 8152 8352 PM AM 'io*ie 11 0 1110 1136j AM hw iw r i ' PH PM «Sandflyitn. bSlop* t* diiWugi iinwgin naind «H •rUnlui. * hfiy. | Kali, ffcitt Iflidfly, j s t s t e s t t f a s t a t s g i w s ^ ^ iPnllman Sleeping Can onHea. 7,M,X4*and SI either nmthroortnaootam­ bus nnd PlttAbarehor connect tfirori#h Pltto- bnrghUnionStation to and from fteltlmors, Wssbiarton, Philadelphia and New Tork, We*. 5, M l aad at connect atRlchtnoad(tor Indianapolis and St. Louis: X« mm I a for Chicago: He. SSI for Logantport- L. F. LOREE, E, A. FORD, Sotnlfciflpr, Saandh—yrltte 13-1099,-I» rmsBuxon.EaxH’A. Fortimecards,rate*offare, throagh i Meow, baggage checks, and further Inform*Uow ra> gardlng the running of trains apply to any agent of thePennsylvaniaUrns. Anticipating the Courts, •*t am mentally Incompetent!" si,,ti­ ed tho old man. I t was In vain th a t they expostulated with him. “Am I no t wealthy, and have I not dilution by two different wives?" he lemanded, with an Impatience 't h a t was almost fierceness. I t seems to bo n faet th a t the sh a t­ tered mind sometimes retains a t least a Sembl ance of the sense of logical se­ quence., Detroit journal. P A T EN TS Caveats, and TradeAdsrktObtained sad all >ntbusiness condnctedfer M a a tsa rc PtKO. o u a o rric c ta oreoaiTC U.«. patcnt Orrta* and we can Wrote patent In time tftaa temote t"xn Washington, , . Send model, drawing or photo,, with dtsOrip loo, We advise, i' patentable, free charge. Onrfee notduetill paten APassnMUr,"Howt 2 cost ol tame In the U,S. sent free. Address, l a n w s o t Ueoeansd. , Obtain retest “ , and foreign i O.A.SNOWdkOO ore. pATtar oveict, washimtm *. a . # , Tho omnibus ■ company of X'aris, on th e occasion of tho Exposition ne::t year, will have 02 lin ts and l.GOo vehi­ cles, performing 25,000 journeys a day, and capable of transporting 1,952,000 passengers. A man <s getting old when he begins to w ait for some one to help him, get Into his overcoat and a woman Is ’get* ting old whet- she doesn't. W ANTED—SovcrSt B right and IIOOMt p ar­ sons to reptesent ns M Mnnagets Hi this and clean by counties. Gaiety $900 a year and expenses. Straight, tumHt&e, fia wicr*,Mites ssfnry. Position peiinAticht, Oar refrrtsw s, any bank in any town. I t 5 s mainly (Mire W*.rk condftotesl a t home. Referent*. 15 , elese se 1 f-ndtlre* 4 ed stamped envelope. T hs Doxtsiox C om S axy , Dept. v1, Chteags. AM# SCe.. . Having sold my farm I will oflfer at Fulilie Hale, mio lialf (4) mile nartii of Ct ilorvillo on tho Cliftott Bike pn Ftitiay. Marfli a, 1900, the foUowiag lit fsoiml idojpertyh - 20 hoatl of high grade Jereeyo, I s{mn of well broke miike. 1Rati of mam. 10 head of Jmg#,. 1 Davis eream refiantter. Farming: atoireUe aad alirer a r t l ^ # Inn nuarermsa to moathwi. Hat* to hsfki prtwaptiy at I f . tea "H'"- 3 7": •' I L’V,:;!:. k;K;; 0- i